Reading Y3 Week 1

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LISTENING AND SPEAKING YEAR 3 Date Subject Class Day "i#e Enr l#ent Atten!

ance Le'el ( )r (iciency "he#e*C nte+t " pic 2 cuse! S3ill 5ntegrate! s3ill6s7 Language C ntent )re'i us 3n .le!ge : 7th April 2014 : English Language :3 : M n!ay : 7$30 a$# % &$30 a$# : 21 pupils : 21 pupils : A'erage : , rl! ( -n .le!ge : /nit 0: )et1s , rl! : 4ea!ing : Listening an! Spea3ing : Si#ple an! C #p un! Sentences : )upils 3n . na#es ( a (e. ani#als$

C ntent Stan!ar!

: 2$2

8y the en! ( the 09year pri#ary sch

ling: pupils .ill be able t !e# nstrate un!erstan!ing a 'ariety (

linear an! n n9linear te+ts in the ( r# ( print an! n n9print #aterials using a range ( strategies t c nstruct #eaning$ 2$3 8y the en! ( the 09year pri#ary sch ling: pupils .ill be able t rea! in!epen!ently ( r in( r#ati n an! enj y#ent$ Learning Stan!ar! : 2$2$3 2$2$4 2$2$; Able t rea! an! un!erstan! si#ple an! c #p un! sentences$ Able t rea! an! un!erstan! a paragraph .ith si#ple an! c #p un! sentences$ Able t apply !icti nary s3ills t l cate . r!s: 6a7 Entry p ints 6b7 E+it p ints 2$3$1 Able t rea! ( r in( r#ati n an! enj y#ent .ith gui!ance: 6a7 n n9(icti n <bjecti'es : 8y the en! ( the less n: pupils .ill be able t : 17 4ea! .ith c rrect pr nunciati n$ 27 Se=uence sentence strips acc r!ing t c rrect r!er$ M ral >alues "eaching Ai!s : L 'e ( r ani#als$ :

Stage*"i#e Set in!ucti n 6 ; #inutes7

C ntent ,h le class acti'ity Sentences : 1$ Lu=#an li3es t play ( tball$ 2$ 5??ati plays ba!#int n e'ery # rning$ Letters: 1$ 2 2$ 8 3$ M 4$ )

"eaching*Learning acti'ity 1$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t cl se their eyes$ 2$ "eacher .rites 2 sentences n the b ar!$ 3$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t eyes$ 4$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t rea! the sentences n the b ar!$ ;$ "eacher plays a ga#e$ 0$ "eacher sh .s letter car!s$ 7$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t search ( r . r!s that start .ith a letter$ &$ "eacher!s stu!ents .h #anage t (in! the . r!s #enti ne!$ 1$ "eacher intr !uces . r!s t the stu!ents$ 2$ "eacher intr !uces s #e . r!s t the stu!ents$ 3$ "eacher gi'es . r3sheet t stu!ents$ 4$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t l cate its #eaning in the !icti nary an! .rite pen their

4ati nale " ar use pupils@ attenti n an! pr #pt the# .ith the c ntent ( the less n$

4e#ar3s 2 cusse! S3ill: 4ea!ing 5ntegrate! S3ill: Listening an! Spea3ing Ele#ent Acr ss Curriculu#: Multiple 5ntelligence "eaching Ai!s: Letter car!s$ Ch c late ball

)re9rea!ing 613 #inutes7

Ar up acti'ity , r!s: 1$ c st 2$ !eci!e 3$ get 4$ (lu((y ;$ (ur

1. " prepare pupils ( r rea!ing acti'ity$ 2. " buil! pupils1 sche#ata be( re the ne+t stage$ 3. " enc urage pupils t rea! # re =uic3ly an!

2 cuse! S3ill: 4ea!ing Ele#ent Acr ss Curriculu#: -n .le!ge Ac=uisiti n "eaching Ai!s: Ch c late ball

0$ 3itten

it n the . r3sheet$ ;$ "eacher c n!ucts the ga#e ( .h get t (in! the #eaning (irst .ill .in$ 0$ "eacher!s gr up that can l cate all the #eaning ( the . r!s (irst$ 7$ "eacher !iscusses the #eaning ( the . r!s$ 1$ "eacher intr !uces passage title! B"he )et Sh pC$ 2$ "eacher !istributes the passage t the stu!ents$ 3$ "eacher rea!s the passage an! as3s stu!ents t ( ll .$ 4$ "eacher c rrects stu!ents1 pr nunciati n i( .r ng$ ;$ "eacher rea!s the (irst sentence an! as3s the (irst r . t ( ll .$ "hen teacher c ntinues the sec n! sentences n the ne+t r .$ 0$ "eacher tal3s ab ut the passage$

n t t st p at un3n .n . r!s$

, r3sheet 1 M ral >alue: L 'e ( r ani#als

,hile9rea!ing 6 17 #inutes7

,h le class acti'ity: B"he )et Sh pC

1$ " i#pr 'e stu!ents1 pr nunciati n s3ills$

2 cuse! S3ill: 4ea!ing Ele#ent Acr ss Curriculu#: Multiple 5ntelligence "eaching Ai!s: )assage ab ut B"he )et Sh pC 5ntegrate! S3ill: Listening an! Spea3ing

)r !ucti n 6 20 #inutes7

5n!i'i!ual acti'ity

1$ "eacher !istributes . r3sheet 2 t the stu!ents$ 2$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t rearrange the sentence strips$ 3$ "eacher !iscusses the .ith the stu!ents$

1$ Chec3 the stu!ents1 c #prehensi n a(ter they ha'e rea! the passage$

2 cuse! S3ill: 4ea!ing Ele#ent Acr ss Curriculu#: Multiple 5ntelligence "eaching Ai!s:

Enrich#ent 1$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t the =uesti ns by (illing in the blan3s$ 6, r3sheet 37 4e#e!ial 1$ "eacher as3s stu!ents t #atch the sentences t the c rrect picture$ Cl sure 6; #inutes7 ,h le class acti'ity 6, r3sheet 47 1$ "eacher recaps the less n an! highlights the # ral 'alue$ " ensure pupils1 un!erstan!ings an! instil # ral 'alues$

, r3sheet 2 , r3sheet 3 , r3sheet 4 M ral >alue: L 'e ( r ani#als

"eaching Ai!s:

M ral >alue: L 'e ( r ani#als

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