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Appendix I: Study and Evaluation Scheme


S.N. Course Code Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Sessional Theory 1. CS/IT 11 Foundation o! Co"#uter %. CS/IT 1% Science Co"#uter (r)ani*ation and $. .. CS/IT 1$ CS/IT 1. Architecture (S and +,MS +ata /et0or1 otal $ $ ! " - $& "ar1 are 1e#t !or tutorial 2 a i)n"ent 2 3ui**e and lab 1 1 # % % # %& %& $&$&'& '& "$$ 1&& 1&& #$$ 1'& 1'& %$$ $ 1 %& $& '& 1&& 1'& L $ T 1 Lab CT %& TA $& Total '& ESE Total 1&& 1'& Subject otal

UPTU M. Tech. 4 CS/IT

S.N. Course Code Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Sessional Theory 1. %. $. .. CS/IT %7y -CS/IT %7y -CS/IT %7y -CS/IT %7y -otal ! " # "$$ #$$ %$$ Electi8e 4 1 Electi8e 4 % Electi8e - $ Electi8e - . L $ $ $ $ T 1 1 1 1 Lab 5-6 %& %& %& %& $&$&$&$&1&& 1&& 1&& 1&& 1'& 1'& 1'& 1'& CT TA Total ESE Total Subject otal

- $& "ar1 are 1e#t !or tutorial 2 a i)n"ent 2 3ui**e and lab -- Re!er the li t o! trea" and their re #ecti8e cour e !or the 8alue o! 7 and y 5-6 The e7i tence o! % #eriod o! lab !or electi8e 0ill be decided a #er the nature o! the electi8e

UPTU M. Tech. 4 CS/IT



Course Code



Evaluation Scheme Sessional ESE Total 1&& 1&& -

Subject otal

Theory 1. %. $. CS/IT $7y -CS/IT $7y -CS/IT $1 Electi8e 4 ' Electi8e 4 9 Pro!e ional A #ect in So!t0are .. &. CS/IT $% CS/IT $$ En)ineerin) Se"inar +i ertation otal

L $ $ %

T 1 1 -

Lab 5-6

CT %& %&

TA $&$&-

Total '& '& '&

1'& 1'& '&




'& 1&& ($$


'& 1&& &$$

- $& "ar1 are 1e#t !or tutorial 2 a i)n"ent 2 3ui**e and lab -- Re!er the li t o! trea" and their re #ecti8e cour e !or the 8alue o! 7 and y 5-6 The e7i tence o! % #eriod o! lab !or electi8e/di ertation 0ill be decided a #er the nature o! the electi8e/di ertation



Course Code



Evaluation Scheme Sessional ESE Total %&& "$$

Subject otal

Theory 1. CS/IT .1 +i ertation otal

L -

T -

Lab 5-6

CT -

TA -

Total 1&& !$$

$&& ($$

5-6 The e7i tence and duration o! lab 0ill be decided a #er the nature o! the di ertation



)alue o* x y * o r s u b j e c t c o d e

Prere+uisite Elective Subject

Distributed Systems

+i tributed Co"#utin) Mobile Co"#utin) Analy i ; +e i)n o! RealTi"e Sy te" +edicated Sy te" +e i)n :LSI +e i)n En)ineerin) and Te tin) Structured Sy te" (b<ect-(riented Pro)ra""in) En)ineerin) (b<ect (riented Sy te" Multi"edia Sy te" Internet Pro)ra""in) and =eb Ser8ice En)ineerin) Conce#tual Modelin) Re3uire"ent En)ineerin) Method En)ineerin) Proce En)ineerin) Si"ulation and Modelin) +i tributed +,MS +ata =arehou in) Multi"edia +ataba e AI +ata Minin) >no0led)e ,a ed Sy te" /atural Lan)ua)e Proce in) Parallel Al)orith" Rando"i*ed Al)orith" A##ro7i"ation Al)orith" Co"#le7ity Theory Co"#utational ?eo"etry Cry#to)ra#hy /et0or1 and Sy te" Security +i)ital Foren ic

11 1% 1$ 1. 1' %1 %% %$ %. %' $1 $% $$ $. $' .1 .% .$ '1 '% '$ '. 91 9% 9$ 9. 9' @1 @% @$ Cry#to)ra#hy Cry#to)ra#hy AI AI AI ((P

Software Engineering

Information Systems


Data Management


Theoretical CS



N, E:

The tudent are re3uired to elect cour e !ro" at lea t three trea" . CS tudent ha8e to elect at lea t one cour e each !ro" Theoretical CS and !ro" +i tributed Sy te" . IT tudent ha8e to elect at lea t one cour e each !ro" So!t0are En)ineerin)2 In!or"ation Sy te" and +ata Mana)e"ent.

CS-I !! .,/N0A I,NS ,. C,1P/ E2 SCIENCE SEC I,N A: 0iscrete 1athematical Structure !& 3ours Al4ebraic Structures: Se"i)rou# 2 Monoid 2 ?rou# 2 Sub tructure and Mor#hi " 2 Rin) 2 Field 2 Lattice 2 di tributi8e2 "odular and co"#le"ented lattice2 ,oolean Al)ebra . .ormal 5o4ic: Pro#o itional lo)icA Predicate lo)ic2 li"itation o! #redicate lo)ic2 uni8er al and e7i tential 3uanti!icationB "odu #onen and "odu tollen . Proo! techni3ueA /otion o! I"#lication2 con8er e2 in8er e2 contra #o iti8e2 ne)ation and contradiction Introduction to Countin4 ,a ic countin) techni3ue 2 #rinci#le o! inclu ion and e7clu ion2 #er"utation 2 co"bination 2 u""ation 2 #robability2 Recurrence Relation 2 ?eneratin) Function . Introduction to 6raphs: ?ra#h and their ba ic #ro#ertie 2 Eulerian and Ca"iltonian 0al12 )ra#h colourin)2 #lanar )ra#h2 enu"eration2 8ector )ra#h 2e*erences 1. >enneth Ro en2 +i crete Mathe"atic and it a##lication2 TMC %. C.L. Liu 2 Ele"ent o! +i crete "athe"atic 2TMC $. +.,. =e t 2Introduction to ?ra#h Theory 2PCI .. D.P.Trebley and R.Manohar 2 +i crete Mathe"atical Structure 0ith A##lication to co"#uter cience2 TMC SEC I,N 7: 0ata Structures and Al4orithm !& 3ours Al)orith" and Co"#le7ity2 /otation o! co"#le7ity. Sortin) and +i8ide and Con3uer Strate)yA Mer)e-Sort2 Euic1 Sort 0ith a8era)e ca e analy i . Cea# and hea# ort. Lo0er bound on co"#ari on 4ba ed ortin) Ad8anced earch Structure A Re#re entation2 In ertion and +eletion o#eration on Red-,lac1 tree 2 ,-Tree 2 Ca hin) +yna"ic #ro)ra""in) 2 "atri7 "ulti#lication 2 lon)e t co""on ub e3uence2 ?reedy "ethod2 >na# ac1 Proble"2 F 3ueen Proble" 2 ,ac1trac1in)2 branch and bound 2 Fibonacci Cea# ?ra#h Al)orith" ?ra#h and their re#re entation. ,FS2 +FS2 Mini"u" #annin) tree 2 horte t #ath >ru 1al and Pri"G al)orith" 2 connected co"#onent . 2e*erences 1.Core"an 2Lei er on and Ri8e t2 Al)orith" 2 MIT Pre %.E. Coro0ith* and S. Sahni 2 Funda"ental o! Co"#uter Al)orith"2 ?al)ottia $.+onald >nuth22 The Art o! Co"#utin) Pro)ra""in) 48ol-1 and $ 2Pear on

..:.Aho2 D.E.Co#cro!t and Ull"an2 +e i)n and Analy i o! Co"#uter Al)orith" 2Addi on =e ley '.>. Melhorrn2 +ata tructure and Al)orith" 2 :ol II S#rin)er :erla) SEC I,N C: heory o* Computation !& 3ours 2e4ular 5an4ua4es Al#habet Lan)au)e and )ra""ar 2 Re)ular )ra""ar 2 re)ular e7#re ion and !inite auoto"ata2 deter"ini tic and non-deter"ini tic. Clo ure and deci ion #ro#ertie o! re)ular et . Pu"#in) le""a o! re)ular et . Mini"i*ation o! !inite auto"ata. Context *ree 5an4ua4e Conte7t !ree )ra""ar and #u hdo0n auto"ata. Cho" 1y and ?riebach nor"al !or" . Coo12 youn)er and >a a"i Al)orith"2 A"bi)uity and #ro#ertie o! conte7t !ree lan)ua)e #u"#in) le""a. +eter"ini tic #u hdo0n auto"ata. Clo ure #ro#ertie o! deter"ini tic conte7t !ree lan)ua)e . urin4 1achine Turin) "achine and 8ariation o! turin) "achine "odel2 Caltin) #roble"2 Uni8er al turin) "achine2 Ty#e & Lan)ua)e . Linear bounded auto"ata and conte7t en iti8e lan)ua)e . Turin) Co"#utable !unction 2 Church Turin) hy#othe i . Recur i8e and recur i8ely enu"erable et 2 Uni8er al Turin) "achine and undecidable #roble" 2 RiceG Theore" !or RE et 2 Undecidability o! Po t corre #ondence #roble". :alid and in8alid co"#utation o! Turin) "achine 2 undecidable #ro#ertie o! conte7t !ree lan)ua)e #roble" 2 ,a ic o! Recur i8e !unction theory. 2e*erences 1. C. Pa#adi"itrou and C.L. Le0i Ele"ent o! Theory o! Co"#utation2PCI %. D.E. Co#cro!t and D.+. Ull"an2 Introduction to Auto"ata Theory2Lan)ua)e o! Co"#utation 2 Addi on-=e ley

CS-I !" C,1P/ E2 ,26ANI8A I,N 9 A2C3I EC /2E

Computer ,r4ani:ation
/nit I !$ 3ours

7asic Computer ,r4ani:ation and desi4n: In truction et Princi#le A Cla i!yin) In truction et Architecture 2 Me"ory Addre in) 2 Ty#e and Si*e o! o#erand 2 (#eration in the in truction etB In truction Code 2 Co"#uter Re)i ter2 Re)i ter 2 Re)i ter Tran !er Lan)ua)e2 ti"e and Control 2 In truction Cycle2 Me"ory re!erence in truction 2 In#ut (ut#ut and Interru#t2 +e i)n o! ,a ic Co"#uter and Arith"etic and Lo)ic Unit. 1icro pro4rammed Control: Control Me"ory2 addre Se3uencin)2 +e i)n o! Control unit

Central Processin4 /nit: ?eneral Re)i ter (r)ani*ation; Stac1 (r)ani*ation2 In truction !or"at2 +ata Tran !er and "ani#ulation #ro)ra" control. /nit " ' 3ours

Computer Arithmetic: Addition2 Subtraction2 Multi#lication and +i8i ion Al)orith" . Floatin) #oint arith"etic o#eration2 IEEE-@'.2 +eci"al arith"etic unit and +eci"al Arith"etic o#eration . /nit ( Input< ,utput ,r4ani:ation: Peri#heral +e8ice 2 In#ut4(ut#ut Inter!ace2 A ynchronou data tran !er2 Mode ; Tran !er2 Priority interru#t2 +irect Me"ory acce 2 I/( Per!or"ance Mea ure 2 ,ench"ar1 o! Stora)e Per!or"ance and A8ailability. 1emory ,r4ani:ation: Me"ory Cierarchy2 Main Me"ory2 Au7iliary Me"ory2 A ociati8e Me"ory2 Shared Cache "e"ory Cache Me"ory and it #er!or"ance2 Reducin) Cache Mi Penalty2 Reducin) Mi Rate2 Reducin) cache Mi Penalty or Mi Rate 8ia Paralleli "2 Reducin) Cit Ti"e2 :irtual Me"ory

Computer Architecture
/nit # Principle o* Scalable Per*ormance: Per!or"ance "etric and "ea ure 2 #eedu# #er!or"ance la0 2 calability analy i and a##roache . Parallel #roce in) and a##lication Advanced Processor CISC2 RISC echnolo4y: +e i)n #ace o! #roce or 2 In truction et architecture 2

Pipelinin4: Linear and /on-Linear #i#eline #roce or 2 In truction #i#eline de i)n2 arith"etic #i#eline de i)n2 u#er calar and u#er #i#eline de i)n2 Su#er calar and :ector #roce or . /nit & Multi#roce or y te" Interconnect 2 Cache coherence and ynchroni*ation and "echani " 2 "e a)e #a in) "echani " System Interconnect Architecture: net0or1 #ro#erty and routin)2 tatic connection net0or1 and dyna"ic connection net0or1. 2E.E2ENCES 1. Mano MA co"#uter Sy te" Architecture 4PCI $rd Edition %. Cene y D L2 Patter on + AA Co"#uter ArchitectureA A Euantitati8e a##roach 4 $rd 5El e8ier6 $. >ai C0an)A Ad8anced Co"#uter Architecture TMC .. Ca"acher : C2 et alA Co"#uter (r)ani*ation 4 . Edition 5Mc?ra0 Cill6


CS-I !( ,PE2A IN6 S=S E1 AN0 0A A7ASE 1ANA6E1EN S=S E1

/nit I !$ 3ours (#eratin) Sy te"A Structure2 Co"#onent and Ser8ice 2 Ti"e Sharin) and RealTi"e Sy te"2 #roce Mana)e"ent2 Concurrency Critical Section2 Se"a#hore 2 InterProce Co""unication2 Proce chedulin) #roducer/ con u"er and reader 0riter #roble"2 Conce#t o! +i tributed and Real-Ti"e o#eratin) y te".
/nit II ' 3ours CP/ Schedulin4: Conce#t and Schedulin) al)orith"2 "ulti#roce or chedulin)2 deadloc1 #re8ention2 a8oidance and detection2 reco8ery !ro" deadloc1. 1emory 1ana4ement: Multi#ro)ra""in) 0ith !i7ed #artition2 "ulti#ro)ra""in) 0ith 8ariable #artition2 e)"entation 8irtual "e"ory and de"and #a)in). Pa)e Re#lace"ent Policie Thra hin) and #re-#a)in) /nit III !$ 3ours I-, 1ana4ement; .ile System: File or)ani*ation and acce "echani "2 !ile harin) and !ile directorie 2 Ca e Study o! Linu7 >ernel- File Mana)e"ent2 Me"ory Mana)e"ent and Proce Mana)e"ent /nit I) !$ 3ours (8er8ie0 o! +ataba e Mana)e"ent Sy te"2 +ata Model- Relational Al)ebra2 Relational Calculu 4Tu#le Relation Calculu and +o"ain Relation Calculu 2 /or"al For" SEL2 ++L2 +CL +ML2 PL/SEL /nit ) > 3ours 0eadloc? 4 Pre8ention and a8oidance2 Tran action and +ata Reco8ery Method. Introduction o! (b<ect (riented +,MS2 (b<ect Relational +,MS2 +i tributed +,MS and +ata "inin) ; +ata 0arehou in) 2e*erences: 1. A.S. Tanenbau"A IModern (#eratin) Sy te"J 2 Prentice Call %. =illia" Stallin)A I(#eratin) Sy te"J Ma70ell McMellon $. D. Peter on 2A. Silber chat* and P. ?al8inA (#eratin) Sy te" Conce#t 2 Addi on =e ley 2$rd edition .. Milen1o8ic A(#eratin) Sy te" Conce#t 2TMC '. >orth and Silber chat* A+ataba e Sy te" Conce#tB Second Edition2 Tata Mc)ra0Cill21HH1 9. R. El"a ri and /./a8athe A,en<a"in Cu""in)2 Funda"ental o! +ataba e Sy te" 2 %nd 1HH. @. ,o8eti et alAUnder tandin) the Linu7 >ernel $rd (GReilly F.C.D. +ate +ataba e "ana)e"ent Sy te" .


PCS-I !# 0A A NE @,2A /nit<I ,vervieB o* @ired and @ireless 0ataNetBor?s ' 3ours

Re8ie0 o! Layered /et0or1 Architecture 2IS(-(SI and TCP/IP /et0or1 Model +ata)ra" /et0or1 and :irtual Circuit /et0or1 2 Point to Point and Point to Multi#oint /et0or1 Layer % S0itche . IEEE F&%.$U5Fa t Ethernet6 and IEEE F&%.$K5?i)abit Ethernet6 :irtual LA/ =irele LA/A IEEE F&%.112 ,luetooth ,roadband =irele LA/ A F&%.192 =IMAL /nit<II InternetBor?in4 !$ 3ours

Re8ie0 o! IP Addre in) and Routin) Internet Architecture ALayer $ S0itch2 Ed)e Router and Core Router (8er8ie0 o! Control Plane2 +ata Plane 2Mana)e"ent Plane Internet 2outin4 Protocols: (SPF2 ,?P 7roadcast and 1ulticast 2outin4: Floodin)2 Re8er e Path For0ardin)2 Prunin)2 Core ba ed tree 2 PIM 1obility Issues and 1obile IP Adhoc 2outin4: +yna"ic Source Routin)2 +e tination Se3uenced +i tance :ector Routin)2 Cierarchial Routin) Si)nallin) AIntroduction 2ICMP2L+P and MPLS Architecture /nit III ransport 5ayer Protocols > 3ours

Proce to Proce +eli8ery Re8ie0 o! U+P2 TCP SC P Protocol: Ser8ice 2 Feature 2 Pac1et For"at2 A ociation2 Error Control =irele and RTP2 RTCP 2eal ime Application: :oice and :ideo o8er IP /nit<I) ra**ic Control and Cuality o* Service !" 3ours


.loB Control: Flo0 Model2 (#en Loo#A Rate Control2 L,AP2 Clo ed Loo#A =indo0 che"e2 TCP and SCTP Flo0 Control Con4estion Control: Con)e tion Control in #ac1et net0or1 2 EC/ and RE+ Al)orith"2 TCP and SCTP Con)e tion Control Cuality o* Service: IP Tra!!ic Model 2 Cla e and Subcla e 2 Schedulin)A ?PS2 =RR2 +RR2 =FE2 P?PS2 :C Al)orith"B Inte)rated Ser8ice Architecture2 +i!!erentiated Ser8ice Architecture2 RS:P and RS:P- TE ra**ic 1ana4ement .rameBor?: Schedulin)2 Rene)otiation2 Si)nalin)2 Ad"i ion Control2 Ca#acity Plannin)


/nit<) Security I ue 2 Sy""etric Encry#tionA +ES 2 Tri#le+ES 2Mode 2 AES Public >ey Encry#tionA RSA 2 +i!!ie Cell"an2 Elli#tic Cur8e Ca hin) AM+S 2 SCA-1 2 +SA Protocol A >erbero 2SSL/TLS2 IPSec

' 3ours

2e*erence 1. Srini8a an >e ha8J An En)ineerin) A##roach To Co"#uter /et0or1in) I2Pear on %. =. Richard Ste8en ITCP/IP ILLu trated I-:ol1 Pear on $. +. ,ert e1a 2 R ?alla)ar 2J+ata /et0or1 and Internet J PCI .. =. Stallin) ICi)h S#eed /et0or1 and Internet J2 Pear on '. =. Stallin) 2 I =irele Co""unication and /et0or1 J Pear on 9. =. Stallin) 2J Cry#to)ra#hy and /et0or1 SecurityJ2Pear on @. A. Tanenenbau"2 I Co"#uter /et0or1J2PCI


Appendix II: Streams and their Courses !. 0istributed Stream 0istributed Computin4
7asic Concepts Characteri*ation2 Re ource Sharin)2 Internet I"#le"entation 2 /a"e Re olution2 +/S Co"#utationA Full A ynchroni " and Full Synchroni "2 Co"#utation on Anony"ou Sy te" 2 E8ent 2 (rder 2 ?lobal State 2 Co"#le7ity 0istributed Synchroni:ation Proce e and Thread 2 IEEE P(SIL.1c Mutual E7clu ionA Cla i!ication2 Al)orith" 2 Mutual E7clu ion in Shared Me"oryB Cloc1 Synchroni*ation2 /TP +i tributed +eadloc1A +etection Method 2 Pre8ention Method 2 A8oidance Method 7S0 Soc?ets ' 3ours ' 3ours % 3ours

TCP/IP Model2 ,S+ Soc1et (8er8ie02 TCP Soc1et and Client/Ser8er2 U+P Soc1et and Client/Ser8er2 (ut o! ,and +ata2 Ra0 Soc1et 2 PI/? ; TRACER(UTE Pro)ra" 2 Routin)2 Multica tin) u in) U+P Soc1et 0istributed ,S Co""unication bet0een di tributed ob<ect 2 RPC Model and I"#le"entation I ue 2 Sun RPC2 E8ent and /oti!ication 2 Da8a RMI and it A##lication C(R,A ArchitectureA Introduction and A##lication +i tributed File Sy te" +e i)n and Ca e Studie A /FS2 Coda2 ?oo)le FS 0istributed 0atabases ' 3ours !$ 3ours

Introduction2 Structure2 +ata Model 2 Euery Proce in)2 Tran action 2 /e ted Tran action 2 Ato"ic Co""it Protocol 2 Tran action Reco8ery2 Tran action 0ith re#licated data2 Concurrency Control Method 2 +i tributed +eadloc1 References: 1. Tanenbau"2 I+i tributed Sy te" J2 Pear on % = Richard Ste8en 2 IU/IL /et0or1 Pro)ra""in) :ol 1 ; %J2 Pear on $. Sinha2 J+i tributed (#eratin) Sy te" J2 Prentice Call o! India/ IEEE Pre .. ,arbo a2 I+i tributed Al)orith" J2 MIT Pre '. Ceri2 Pal)atti2J+i tributed +ataba e J2 Mc?ra0-Cill


1obile Computin4
Introduction ' 3ours

,a ic Conce#t 2 Princi#le o! Cellular Co""unication2 (8er8ie0 o! 1?2 %?2 %.'?2 $? and .? technolo)ie 2 ?SM and C+MA Architecture2 Mobility Mana)e"ent2 Mobile +e8ice A P+A2 Mobile (SA Pal" (S2 Mobile Linu7 Initiati8e2 Sy"bian. Process 1i4ration >ernel Su##ort !or Mi)rationA Mobility Enhance"ent in "odern U/IL Sy te" 2 Tran #arent Proce +e i)n Alternati8e 2 Re"o8in) Proce Mi)ration ,ottlenec1 2 Ta 1 Mi)ration I ue U er S#ace u##ort !or Mi)rationA Chec1#ointin)2 Proce 0ata Issues Mi)ration ' 3ours ' 3ours Mi)ration

=or1load ,alancin) Strate)ie in "i)ration2 Proce li!eti"e di tribution !or dyna"ic load balancin)2 +i connected (#eration in Coda File Sy te"2 =ea1 Connecti8ity !or Mobile File Acce 2 =ea1ly Connected Re#licated Stora)e Sy te". 1obile 0ata NetBor?in4 ' 3ours

Mobile IP8. and Mobile IP892 Mobile Internet0or1in) Architecture2 Internet Mobility I ue 2 Route (#ti"i*ation2 Per!or"ance o! =irele TCP2 ?PRS Ser8ice 2 IP o8er C+MA 1obile A4ents ' 3ours

,a ic Conce#t 2 (S u##ort !or Mobile A)ent 2 Da8a A)let API2 A?E/T TCL2 /et0or1 A0are Mobile Pro)ra" 2 Mobile (b<ect and A)ent 2 (M? MASIF Fra"e0or12 Mobile A)ent Security I ue References: 1. %. $. Richard =heeler2 JMobilityA Proce e 2 Co"#uter and A)ent J Charle Per1in IPA +e i)n Princi#le and Practice J2 Pear on To"a * I"ielin 1i2 IMobile Co"#utin)J2 S#rin)er :erla)


Analysis and 0esi4n o* 2eal< ime Systems

7asic Concepts % 3ours

IEEE +e!inition o! Real-Ti"e Sy te" 2 Characteri*ation o! Real-Ti"e Sy te" 2 Proce 2 IEEE P(SIL.1c Thread 2 Ta 1 and Prioritie 2 Pre-e"#ti8e and /on-Pree"#ti8e Ta 1 2 So!t and Card Real-Ti"e Sy te" Schedulin4 Schedulin) Paradi)" A Priority +ri8en2 Ti"e +ri8en2 and Share +ri8en Priority +ri8en Schedulin) o! Periodic2 A#eriodic and S#oradic ta 1 Static Priority Schedulin)A Rate Monotonic Schedulin) Al)orith" and it e7act analy i u in) Re #on e Ti"e Te t +yna"ic Priority Schedulin)A Analy i o! E+F and LLF Al)orith" and their o#en i ue Speci*ication and )eri*ication !$ 3ours !$ 3ours

Modelin) Real-Ti"e Sy te"2 Re3uire"ent S#eci!ication2 A u"#tion 2 +e i)n2 ,a ic +uration Calculu 2 S#eci!ication o! Schedulin) Policie 2 Probabili tic +uration Calculu 2 A##lication o! +uration Calculu 2 ,S ' 3ours

Introduction2 Re3uire"ent o! Real-Ti"e ?uarantee in indu trial a##lication 2 So!t and Card RT(S2 Co""ercial RT(S E7a"#le IEEE P(SIL.1bA Priority Schedulin)2 Real-Ti"e Si)nal 2 Ti"er 2 ,inary Se"a#hore 2 Countin) Se"a#hore 2 MUTEL o#eration and u a)e2 Me a)e Pa in)2 Me a)e Eueue o#eration and u a)e2 Shared Me"ory2 Synchronou and A ynchronou I/(2 Me"ory Loc1in) RT(S Ser8ice 2 Ca e Studie o! Real Ti"e Ca#abilitie o! Linu7 >ernel %.92 RTLinu7 and :7=or1 Applications % 3ours

Real-Ti"e A##lication +e i)n2 Real-Ti"e A##lication Inter!ace 5RTAI62 Real-Ti"e Da8a2 Real-Ti"e Co""unication and /et0or1in) References: 1. D=S Liu2 IReal-Ti"e Sy te" J2 Pear on %. Mathai Do e#h2 JReal-Ti"e Sy te" A S#eci!ication2 :eri!ication and Synthe i J2 Prentice-Call $. Ein) Li2 IReal-Ti"e Conce#t !or E"bedded Sy te" J2 CMP ,oo1 .. >ri hna2 Shin2 IReal-Ti"e Sy te" J2 TMC '. ,urn 2 =ellin) 2 IReal-Ti"e Sy te" and Pro)ra""in) Lan)ua)e J2 Pear on


0edicated System 0esi4n

2evieB o* 0i4ital Computer 9 0i4ital Arithmetic ' 3ours

Al)orith" and Al)orith"ic /otation2 Ti"in)2 Synchroni*ation and Me"ory2 Fi7ed and Floatin) #oint Arith"etic o#eration 2 Arith"etic #ri"iti8e 2 Se3uential and +i tributed Arith"etic. 3ardBare Elements and 3ardBare 0esi4n usin4 )305 ' 3ours

?ate 2 Fli#-Flo# 2 Re)i ter 2 Synchroni*ation Si)nal 2 Po0er Con u"#tion and related de i)n rule 2 Pul e )eneration and Inter!acin)2 Chi# Technolo)yA Se"iconductor Me"orie 2 Proce or and Con!i)urable Lo)ic2 Chi# Le8el and ,oard Le8el +e i)n Con ideration Card0are +e i)n Lan)ua)e 2 Si"ulation o! Card0are Ele"ent u in) :C+L2 Ti"in) ,eha8ior and Si"ulation2 Te t ,enche 2 Synthetic A #ect Se+uential Control Circuits and Processors ' 3ours

Mealy and Moore Auto"aton2 +e i)nin) the Control Auto"aton2 I"#le"entin) Control Flo0 and Synchroni*ation +e i)nin) !or ALU e!!iciency2 Me"ory Sub y te" 2 Si"#le Pro)ra""able Proce or +e i)n2 Interru#t Proce in) and Conte7t S0itchin)2 Inter!acin) Techni3ue 2 Standard Proce or Architecture System 5evel 0esi4n !$ 3ours

A #ect o! Sy te" +e i)n2 Scalable Sy te" Architecture2 Re)ular Proce or 2 /et0or1 Architecture2 Inte)rated Proce or /et0or1 2 Static A##lication Ma##in) and +yna"ic Re ource Allocation2 Re ource Allocation on Cro bar /et0or1 and FP?A Chi# 2 Co""unication +ata and Control In!or"ation2 5Pi6-net Lan)ua)e !or Cetero)eneou Pro)ra""able Sy te" 0i4ital Si4nal Processors ' 3ours

+SP Ele"ent and Al)orith" 2 Inte)rated +SP Chi# 2 Floatin) Point Proce or 2 +SP on FP?A2 Ty#ical A##lication References: 1. Mayer2 Lindenber)2 J+edicated +i)ital Proce or J2 =iley %. R ?u#ta2 ICo-Synthe i o! Card0are and So!t0are !or E"bedded Sy te" J2 >lu0er $. I+i)ital Si)nal Proce in)J2 IEEE Pre


)5SI 0esi4n 9 estin4

1anipulation o* 7oolean expressions !$ 3ours

T0o le8el reali*ation 0ith /A/+ or /(R )ate 2 Standard !or" o! ,oolean !unction 2 Minter" ; "a7ter" de i)nation o! !unction 2 i"#li!ication o! !unction on >arnau)h Ma# 2 Ma# "ini"i*ation o! #roduct-o!- u" e7#re ion2 inco"#letely #eci!ied !unction 2 lo)ic Ca*ard 2 Eli"ination o! Ca*ard . Al)orith" !or o#ti"i*ation o! co"binational lo)ic2 i"#act o! lo)ic ynthe i 2 cubical re#re entation o! ,oolean !unction 2 deter"ination o! #ri"e i"#licant election o! o#ti"u" et o! #ri"e i"#licate 2 "ulti#le out#ut circuit2 #ro)ra""ed lo)ic array2 "ini"i*ation o! "ulti#le out#ut !unction2 Tabular deter"ination o! #ri"e i"#licat 2 !ield #ro)ra""able lo)ic array . )5SI 2eali:ations o* Combinational 5o4ic !$ 3ours

Introduction2 #a tran i tor net0or1 reali*ation2 Steerin) o! &212L ; L to the out#ut2 tree net0or1 2 ne)ati8e )ate reali*ation2 lo)ic de i)n 0ith CM(S tandard cell 2 #re char)ed cloc1in) o! CM(S PLA. Multile8el lo)ic u in) co"#le7 5MSI6 #ort ; cell A- The #lace !or co"#le7 #art ; cell 2 decoder 2 R(M a a lo)ic ele"ent2 binary adder2 de i)n 0ith "ulti#le7er 2 "ore than t0o le8el reali*ation 0ith ba ic #ri"iti8e 2 co"binational MSI #art ; cell 2 "ultile8el lo)ic "ani#ulation ; o#ti"i*ation . Se+uential circuits ' 3ours

Se3uential acti8ity2 "e"ory ele"ent 2 )eneral "odel !or Se3uential circuit 2 cloc1 "ode Se3uential circuit .2 Synthe i o! cloc1 "ode Se3uential circuit A Analy i o! a e3uential circuit2 de i)n #rocedure2 ynthe i o! tate dia)ra" 2 e3ui8alent tate ; circuit 2 i"#li!ication by i"#lication table 2 tate a i)n"ent ; "e"ory ele"ent in#ut e3uation . )5SI 2eali:ation o* 0i4ital Systems ' 3ours

Alternati8e Structural de cri#tion 2 le8el o! de cri#tion 2 Standard cell CM(S layout ; delay "odel2 Ti"in) analy i ; i"ulation2 E8ent dri8en )ate le8el i"ulation 2 S0itch le8el i"ulation2 PL+ ; #ro)ra""able )ate array est 6eneration *or )5SI !$ 3ours

Fault detection ; dia)no i 2 Stuc1 at !ault "odel2 te t )eneration trate)y2 te t )eneration by e8aluation ; earch2 "odelin) CM(S2 Stuc1-o#en !ault 2 !ault i"ulation in e3uential y te" 2 boundary can2 built-in- el! te t. Fault Tolerant +e i)nA Card0are redundancy2 In!or"ation redundancy2 ti"e redundancy2 o!t0are redundancy2 y te" le8el Fault Tolerance. Sel!-chec1in) e3uential circuit +e i)nA Fault in tate "achine 2 el! chec1in) tate "achine de i)n Techni3ue 2 Synthe i o! redundant !ault-!ree tate "achine . References: 1. %. $. Para) >. Lala 2 IFault-Tolerant ; Fault Te table Card0areJ 2 ,-S-Publication Cyderabad Para) >. Lala 2ISel! chec1in) ; Fault-Tolerant +i)ital +e i)nJ2 Mor)an >au!"an Publi her Frederic1 D. Cill and ?erald R. Peter on2 ICo"#uter Aided Lo)ical +e i)n 0ith E"#ha i on :LSIJ2 Dohn =iley ; Son Inc.


". So*tBare En4ineerin4 Stream En4ineerin4 and estin4 Structured Systems

!$ hours Sco#e o! So!t0are En)ineerin)2 The So!t0are Cri i 2 The !unctional a##roach. Structurin) a #roble". /otion o! analy i . +e i)n a ynthe i . The Mourdon "ethodA need !or E8ent Partitionin)2 Conte7t +ia)ra"2 E8ent ty#olo)y2 con8ertin) !ro" e8ent to o!t0are y te" !unction !# hours +ata Flo0 dia)ra" 2 Con traint 2 +ata +ictionary2 Proce #eci!ication techni3ue .

Con truction +e i)nA Cou#lin) and Cohe ion. A!!erent and E!!erent "odule 2 +e i)n Ceuri tic !or Module +e i)n !" 3ours Maturity le8el o! te tin)2 Unit2 Module2 Sub-Sy te" and Sy te" Te tin) Interaction.2 To# do0n and botto" u# te tin)2 Con tructin) Stub and +ri8er . /otion o! a te t ca e2 te t de i)n a##roach to o!t0are de i)n =hite bo7 te tin)A Te tin) Cy#othe e 2 State"ent te tin)2 branch te tin)2 branch and tate"ent te tin)2 Path2 #redicate #ath2 #ath inter#retation2 Cyclo"atic co"#le7ity2 condition te tin)2 loo# te tin). & 3ours ,lac1 bo7 te tin)A Cau e-e!!ect techni3ue I"#lication o! o!t0are y te" on underlyin) IT in!ra tructure References: 1. Mourdon2 IModern Structured Analy i J2 Pear on %. ,ei*er2 ISo!t0are Te tin)J2 :an /o trand Reinhold C(. $. Pre "an2 ISo!t0are en)ineerin)J2 Mc?ra0-Cill .. So""er8ille2 ISo!t0are En)ineerin)J2 Pear on


,bject ,riented Pro4rammin4

!$ 3ours The (( "ani!e to !or Pro)ra""in) Lan)ua)e . +e!inition o! (b<ect2 re#re entin) an ob<ect2 (b<ect cla e A con tructor2 de tructor2 co#y con tructor and their de!ault 2 #ublic and #ri8ate #rotection. !& 3ours Co"#le7 (b<ect and co"#le7 cla e 2 their con tructor and de tructor and #olicie !or the e. Pri8acy !or co"#le7 ob<ect . InheritanceA i"#le2 "ulti#le2 re#eated. Re ol8in) inheritance con!lict . Rule !or con tructor 2 de tructor . Protection #olicie !or Inheritance. !$ 3ours /otion o! Late ,indin). Poly"or#hi " and it !or" . Ab tract cla e and their u e2 Meta-cla e and te"#late . & 3ours S#ecial lan)ua)e !eature li1e !riend !unction 2 ty#e ca tin) etc. Se#aration o! #eci!ication !ro" i"#le"entation. (b<ect-orientation !or reu e and "aintenance. All the abo8e to be introduced throu)h CNN. References: 1. ,<arne Strou tra#2 IThe CNN Pro)ra""in) Lan)ua)eJ2 Pear on %. Pari"ala /. I(b<ect orientation Throu)h CNNJ2 MacMilla" $. Li##"an2 La<oie2 and Moo2 ICNN Pri"erJ2 Addi on =e ley .. Robert La!ore2 I(b<ect (rientation in CNNJ2 ?al)otia


En4ineerin4 ,, Systems
& 3ours (( "ani!e to !or (( Analy i . (b<ect "odelin) and di!!erence 0ith data-oriented2 #roce -oriented and beha8iour "odelin). !& 3ours (b<ect "odelin)A cla e 2 co"#le7 ob<ect cla e 2 inheritance. Sub y te" and y te" in (( "odelin). State tran ition dia)ra" . !$ 3ours +yna"ic Modelin)A Modelin) an e8ent. E8ent ty#olo)y2 e8ent a tri))er !$ 3ours Functional Modelin)A Re8ie0 o! Structured techni3ue 2 Cro i"#le"entation2 UML notation References: 1. Ru"bau)h et al2 I(b<ect (riented Modelin) and +e i)nJ2 Prentice Call %. (dell and Martin2 I(b<ect (riented Analy i and +e i)nJ2 Prentice Call "odel con traint and lin1a)e . Con8er ion to ((


1ultimedia Systems
!& 3ours Co"#onent o! "ulti"edia2 "ulti"edia and hy#er"edia2 Multi"edia authorin)A "eta#hor2 #roduction2 #re entation2 auto"atic authorin)2 :RML2 !$ 3ours ?ra#hic and I"a)e data re#re entation2 Colour in I"a)e and :ideo- colour cience2 colour "odel in i"a)e and 8ideo2 Funda"ental o! 8ideoA ty#e o! 8ideo i)nal 2 analo) and di)ital 8ideo2 !$ 3ours ,a ic o! +i)ital AudioA di)iti*ation2 3uanti*ation2 MI+I2 "ulti"edia data co"#re ionA lo y co"#re ion B I"a)e co"#re ion tandard 2 ba ic 8ideo co"#re ion techni3ue 2 MPE? 8ideo codin)2 MPE? audio co"#re ion2 & 3ours Multi"edia co""unicationA 3uality o! "ulti"edia tran "i ion2 "ulti"edia o8er IP2 8ideo delay in ATM2 "ulti"edia2 acro +SL References: 1. Ke-nian and +re02 IFunda"ental o! Multi"ediaJ2 Prentice Call %. Rao2 >.R. et al.2 IMulti"edia Co""unication Sy te" . Techni3ue 2 Standard 2 and /et0or1 J2 Pear on $. M. Ra"e h2 IMulti"edia Sy te" Conce#t Standard and Practice2 >lu0er


Internet Pro4rammin4 and @eb Service En4ineerin4

!$ 3ours /otion o! "ar1 u#. CTML and LCTML. Style heet 2 Ca cadin) tyle heet . Da8a cri#t2 +yna"ic CTML. !& 3ours S?ML. LML2 +T+2 LML che"a. ASP./et2 Perl/C?I and Python !& 3ours /otion o! a 0eb er8ice. Ser8ice (riented Architecture2 S(AP2 U++I2 =S+L2 =SEM. I ue in #ro8idin) EoS. Ele"ent o! Ser8ice oriented o!t0are en)ineerin). References: 1. +eitel2 +eitel and ?oldber)2 IInternet ; =orld =ide =eb Co0 to Pro)ra"J2 Pear on %. =$ S(AP Standard $. U++I Standard .. =S+L tandard


(. In*ormation Systems Stream Conceptual 1odelin4

!" 3ours =hy conce#tual "odelin)2 A/SI/SPARC !ra"e0or12 1&& O #rinci#le2 conce#tuali*ation #rinci#le !" 3ours +ata-oriented Model A ER2 SCM2 SCMN. % 3ours Tran lation o! into relational che"ata !$ 3ours ,eha8iour-oriented Model A =hy the e "odel P Inter#retation o! an E8ent2 Re"ora "odel ,ene!it o! Conce#tual Modelin) References: 1. ,atini2 Ceri2 /a8athe2J Conce#tual +ataba e +e i)nA An Entity-Relation hi# A##roachJ2 The ,en<a"inCu""in) Pub %. Louco#oulo and Kicari2J Conce#tual Modelin)2 +ataba e 2 and Ca eA An Inte)rated :ie0 o! In!or"ation Sy te" +e8elo#"entJ2 Dohn =iley ; Son


2e+uirements En4ineerin4
!$ 3ours =hy re3uire"ent en)ineerin)P +i!!erence bet0een Conce#tual Modelin) and RE. Conte7t +ia)ra" and RE. (r)ani*ational 8er u Technical re3uire"ent 2 Pre#arin) IEEE SRS docu"ent > 3ours Sta1eholder and their identi!ication. +e i)nin) and conductin) inter8ie0 2 3ue tionnaire 2 brain tor"in) e ion > 3ours RE in !unctional y te" A Ty#e o! )oal 2 )oal ati !action and ati !icin)2 ?oal "odelin) and deco"#o ition2 ?oal o#erationali*in). > 3ours Scenario "odelin). Scenario cla i!ication. ?oal- cenario cou#lin). Candlin) RE #roble" li1e con!lict D 3ours RE in deci ional y te" A the chan)ed role o! RE. notion o! )oal 2 deci ion 2 and in!or"ation. In!or"ational cenario . References: 1. Cull2 Dac1 on2 and +ic12 ERe3uire"ent En)ineerin)F2 S#rin)er %. MacaulayA Re3uire"ent En)ineerin)2 S#rin)er $. Dac1 on M.2 ISo!t0are re3uire"ent ; #eci!ication A a le7icon o! #ractice2 #rinci#le and #re<udice J2 ACM Pre /Addi on-=e ley


1ethod En4ineerin4
> 3ours /otion o! a "ethod. Method "odel 2 "eta-"odel 2 and )eneric "odel . CAME2 CASE2 "eta CASE and their di!!erence . ' 3ours Product oriented "eta-"odel A The (PRR "odel2 the ?(PRR "odel2 Product-Proce "odel "eta-"odel A The !ra)"ent ' 3ours Inte)rated "eta-"odel A The conte7tual a##roach2 the deci ional a##roach % 3ours The )eneric "ethod "odelA En)ineerin) "ethod !or di8er e do"ain !$ 3ours Situational "ethod en)ineerin). S+LC !or "ethod en)ineerin). Intentional a##roach to "ethod en)ineerin). Method en)ineerin) #roce e . (#en I ue References: 1. ,rin11e"#er et al2 IMethod En)ineerin)J2 Cha#"an and Call2 1HH9 %. Dolita al2 IMethod En)ineerin)J2 Cha#"an and Call2 %&&@


Process En4ineerin4
!$ 3ours S+LC in S/= and IS en)ineerin)2 Relation hi# o! S+LC to #roce "odel 2 Cla ical #roce =ater!all2 Prototy#e2 S#iral2 :2 Fountain. Iterati8e and Incre"ental #roce "odel "odel A Code and Fi72 !" 3ours Proce "eta-"odel A Acti8ity ba ed "odel 2 I,IS2 Conte7tual "odel2 and Ma# "odel2 Tracin)2 ,ac1trac1in)2 and ?uidance !$ 3ours The #er onal #roce and tea" #roce 2 CMM and it 8ariant 2 ITIL2 Si7 Si)"a2 IS(H&&& ' 3ours =or1!lo0 Modelin) References: 1. Pre "an2 ISo!t0are En)ineerin)J2 Mc)ra0-Cill %. So""er8ille2 ISo!t0are En)ineerin)J2 Pear on $. P!lee)ar2 ISo!t0are En)ineerin) Theory and PracticeJ2 Pear on


Simulation and 1odelin4

!$ 3ours ,a ic Si"ulation Modelin)A The /ature o! i"ulation y te"2 "odel and i"ulation2 di crete-e8ent i"ulation2 i"ulation o! a in)le- er8er 3ueuin)2 alternati8e a##roache to "odelin) and codin) i"ulation 2 net0or1 i"ulation2 #arallel and di tributed i"ulation2 i"ulation acro the internet and 0eb ba ed i"ulation2 te# in a ound i"ulation tudy2 other ty#e o! i"ulationA continuou i"ulation2 co"bined di crete-continuou i"ulation2 Monte Carlo i"ulation2 ad8anta)e 2 di ad8anta)e and #it!all o! i"ulation. > 3ours Modelin) Co"#le7 Sy te" A Introduction2 li t #roce in) in i"ulation2 a##roache to terin) li t in a co"#uter lin1ed tora)e allocation Si"ulation e7a"#le u in) any i"ulation lan)ua)eA Sin)le- er8er Eueuin) i"ulation 0ith ti"e- hared co"#uter "odel2 <ob- ho# "odel2 and e8ent-li t "ani#ulation. > 3ours +i crete Sy te" Modelin)A Cla i!ication o! i"ulation "odel the i"ulation #roce 2 y te" in8e ti)ation 8alidation and tran lation2 i"ulation o! co"#le7 di crete-e8ent y te" 0ith a##lication in indu trial and er8ice or)ani*ation tactical #lannin) and "ana)e"ent a #ect 2 Rando" 8ariable )eneration and analy i . ' 3ours Si"ulation So!t0areA Co"#ari on o! i"ulation #ac1a)e 0ith #ro)ra""in) lan)ua)e cla i!ication o! i"ulation o!t0are2 )eneral-#ur#o e i"ulation #ac1a)e 2 ob<ect-oriented i"ulation2 buildin) 8alid2 credible and a##ro#riately detailed i"ulation "odel 2 e7#eri"ental de i)n2 en iti8ity analy i and o#ti"i*ation i"ulation o! "anu!acturin) y te" . D 3ours E"bedded Sy te" Modelin)A E"bedded y te" and y te" le8el de i)n2 "odel o! co"#utation2 #eci!ication lan)ua)e 2 hard0are/ o!t0are code de i)n2 y te" #artitionin)2 a##lication #eci!ic #roce or and "e"ory2 lo0 #o0er de i)n. Real-Ti"e y te" "odelin)2 Fi7ed Priority chedulin)2 +yna"ic Priority Schedulin) +ata Co""unication /et0or1 "odelin)2 IP net0or1 intrado"ain 5e.). (SPF2 RIP6 routin) i"ulation. References: 1. La0 >elton2JSi"ulation Modelin) and Analy i J2 Mc?ra0-Cill %. ?eo!!rey ?ordon2JSy te" Si"ulationJ2 PCI


#. 0ata 1ana4ement Stream 0istributed 071S

% 3ours Re8ie0 o! co"#uter net0or1 and centrali*ed +,MS2 =hy di tributed databa e 2 ba ic #rinci#le o! ++,MS2 di tribution2 hetero)eneity2 autono"y2 % 3ours ++, architectureA client- er8er2 #eer-to-#eer2 !ederated2 "ultidataba e2 !& 3ours ++, de i)n and i"#le"entationA !ra)"entation2 re#lication and allocation techni3ue 2 % 3ours +i tributed 3uery #roce in) and o#ti"i*ation2 > 3ours +i tributed tran action "ana)e"ent2 concurrency control and reliability2 ++, intero#erability References: 1. Ceri and Pela)atti2 I+i tributed +ata ,a e Sy te" J2 Addi on %. (* u2:aldurie*2 I+i tributed +ata ,a e Sy te" J2 Pear on


0ata @arehousin4
!# 3ours The or)ani*ational #er #ecti8e2 the technical #er #ecti8e2 +i"en ional Modelin)A !act 2 di"en ion 2 lo0ly and ra#idly chan)in) di"en ion 2 +ata =arehou e o#eration ' 3ours A))re)ation2 hi torical in!or"ation2 Euery !acility2 (LAP !unction and Tool 2 +ata Minin) inter!ace 2 ' 3ours Relational re#re entation2 Multidi"en ional re#re entation2 Meta-data and C=M2 += #roce and architecture. !$ 3ours S+LC o! a =arehou e #ro<ectA bu ine a##roache . #roce dri8en2 In!or"ation y te" #roduct dri8en and )oal dri8en

+e i)n a##roache A data dri8en de i)n2 u er dri8en de i)n. In!or"ation Pac1a)e2 +ia)ra" dri8en de i)n. Phy ical de i)nA clu terin)2 #artitionin) etc. References: 1. Ponnaih2 I+ata =arehou e Funda"ental J2 =iley %. In"on2 I,uildin) the +ata =arehou eJ2 =iley $. >i"ball and Ro 2 IThe +ata =arehou e Tool1itJ =iley .. Murray2 I+ata =arehou in) in the Real =orldJ2 =iley '. I"ho!! C.2 IMa terin) +ata =arehou e +e i)nJ =iley


1ulti<media 0atabases
' 3ours Relational 8er u "ulti"edia databa e 2 Candlin) ob<ect data2 Multidi"en ional tructure A in ertion2 deletion2 earch in %-d tree 2 #oint 3uadtree 2 ML-3uadtree 2 and R-tree % 3ours I"a)e databa e A Ra0 and co"#re ed i"a)e 2 +i crete Fourier tran !or" and +i crete Co ine tran !or"2 e)"entation2 i"ilarity ba ed and #atial layout retrie8al2 i"a)e re#re entation in relation and R-tree # 3ours +ocu"ent databa e A #reci ion and recall2 Latent e"antic inde7in)2 o#eratin) on T: tree 2 in8erted indice and e3uential !ile . ' 3ours :ideo databa e A or)ani*ation o! 8ideo content2 3ueryin) content o! 8ideo librarie 2 8ideo e)"entation2 8ideo tandard # 3ours Audio databa e A )eneral "odel2 "etadata2 i)nal ba ed audio content2 di crete tran !or"ation !or audio content2 inde7in) techni3ue % 3ours Multi"edia databa e A Princi#le o! Uni!or"ity2 "edia ab traction 2 3uery lan)ua)e 2 inde7in)2 3uery rela7ation/e7#an ion # 3ours Phy ical tora)e and retrie8alA retrie8in) !or" di 12 C+-R(M2 Ta#e A recordin) and #lace"ent "ethod 2 retrie8al techni3ue . (#en i ue A ecurity2 co"#re ion !or #ecial data ba e e.). in "edicine. References: 1. Subrah"ania" :S2 IPrinci#le o! Multi"edia Sy te" J2 Mor)an >au!"an %. A#er et al2 IMulti"edia +ataba e in Per #ecti8e2 S#rin)er $. +unc1ley2 IMulti"edia +ataba e A An (b<ect Relational A##roachJ2 Colborn


&. AI S 2EA1 Arti*icial Intelli4ence

' 3ours >no0led)eA Introduction2 de!inition and i"#ortance2 1no0led)e ba e y te"2 re#re entation o! 1no0led)e2 or)ani*ation o! 1no0led)e2 1no0led)e "ani#ulation2 1no0led)e ac3ui ition2 introduction to PR(L(?. ' 3ours For"ali*ed y"bolic Lo)ic 2 Synta7 and Se"antic !or F(PL2 In!erence rule 2 The re olution #rinci#le2 /o deducti8e in!erence "ethod 2 ,aye ian #robabili tic in!or"er2 +i"# ter-Sha!er theory2 Ceuri tic Rea onin) Method . ' 3ours Search and Control trate)ie A introduction2 conce#t 2 uni!or"ed or blind earch2 in!or"al earch2 earchin) and-or )ra#h 2 Matchin) techni3ue 2 tructure u ed in retrie8al techni3ue 2 inte)ratin) 1no0led)e in "e"ory2 "e"ory or)ani*ation y te". ' 3ours Fu**y Lo)icA ,a ic conce#t 2 Fu**y et 2 Me"ber hi# Function2 Ty#e o! "e"ber hi# Function2 ,a ic o#eration in Fu**y et 2 Inter ection ; Union-Co"#le"entary2 Sub ethood2 Pro#ertie o! Fu**y et . ' 3ours E7#ert Sy te" architecture A Rule-,a ed y te" architecture 2 /on #roduction y te" architecture2 dealin) 0ith uncertainty2 1no0led)e or)ani*ation and 8alidation. References: 1. +an = Patter on2 IIntroduction to Arti!icial Intelli)ence and E7#ert Sy te"J. PCI %. Peter Dac1 on2 IIntroduction to E7#ert Sy te"J2 Pear on $. A ?on*alb* and +.+an1el2 IThe En)ineerin) >no0led)e ,a e Sy te"J2 PCI .. Stuart Ru ell and Peter ner8in)2 IArti!icial Intelli)enceA A Modern a##roachJ2 PCI '. Dohn Men ; Re*a Lan)ari 2 IFu**yA Intelli)ence2 Control and In!or"ationJ 2 Pear on


5earnin4 Systems
' 3ours IntroductionA +e!inition2 Cu"an ,rain2 Model o! /euran2 Feed bac12 /et0or1 Architecture 2 >no0led)e Re#re entation2 AI ; /eural /et0or1 . Learnin) Proce e A Introduction2 Error-correction Me"ory-,a ed Learnin)2 Cebbian Learnin)2 Co"#etiti8e Learnin)2 ,olt*"ann Learnin)2 Learnin) 0ith a teacher2 Learnin) 0ithout a teacher2 Me"ory Ada#tation. ' 3ours Sin)le Layer Perce#tron A Conce#t 2 Ada#ti8e Filterin)2 Uncon trained o#ti"i*ation2 Stee#e t +e cent Method2 /e0tonG Method2 Perce#tron2 Perce#tron Con8er)ence Theore". Multilayer Perce#tron A Preli"inarie 2 ,ac1-#ro#a)ation al)orith"2 acti8ation !unction2 Rate o! learnin). ' 3ours /eurodyna"ic A Introduction A ociati8e Me"ory2 Linear A ociater2 +yna"ical Sy te" 2 Stability o! E3uilibriu" State 2 Attractro 2 Co#!ied "odel 2 ,rain- tate-in-a-bo7 "odel. ' 3ours ?enetic Al)orith" A ,a ic o! )enetic al)orith" 2 binary ?A i"#le"entation2 Real coded ?A2 +e i)n i ue in ?A2 Choice o! encodin)2 election #robability2 "utation and cro o8er #robabiltity2 !itne e8aluation !unction. References: 1. Si"on Cay1in2 I/eural /et0or1 J2 Pear on %. Moha"ad C. Ca oun2 IFunda"ental o! Arti!icial /eural /et0or1 J2 PCI $. Da"e A. Ander on 2 IAn Introduction to /eural /et0or1 J2 PCI .. Melanie Mitchall2 IAn Introduction to ?enetic Al)orith"J2 PCI


0ata 1inin4
' 3ours (8er8ie02 ty#e o! "inin)2 Minin) o#eration 2 introduction o! tati tical +ata Minin)2 Ceuri tic Minin)2 Introduction o! "inin) in data 0arehou in) 2 Sta)e o! +M #roce . +eci ion-Tree ba ed cla i!ier A in!o"ation )ain2 deci ion tree learnin). > 3ours +ata Minin) Techni3ue A A ociation- Rule "inin) "ethode 2 u#er8i ed neural net0or12 #erce#tron2 bac1 #ro#a)ation2 baye ian "ethod 2 cro -8alidation2 Ti"e e3uence di co8ery. > 3ours Clu terin)A Si"ilarity and di tance "ea ure 2 hierarchical al)orith" 2 #artitional al)orith" 2 clu terin) lar)e databa e 2 clu terin) 0ith cate)orical attribute . > - "ean . !$ 3ours Introduction to in!or"ation retrie8al2 Euery o#ti"i*ation2 Un tructured and e"i- tructured te7t2 Te7t encodin)2 To1eni*ation2 Stea"in)2 Le""ati*ation2 Inde7 Co"#re ion2 Le7icon Co"#re ion2 ?a# encodin)2 )a""a code 2 Inde7 con truction 2 +yna"ic inde7in)2 Po itional inde7e 2 n-)ra" inde7e 2 real-0orld i ue 2 :ector-S#ace Scorin)2 /eare t nei)hbor techni3ue . !$ 3ours Introduction to in!or"ation retrie8al 2 In8erted indice and ,oolean 3uerie 2 Euery o#ti"i*ation2 Uncon trained and e"i con trained te7t2 Te7t encodin)2 To1eni*ation2 Ste""in)2 Le""ati*ation2 Tolerant retrie8alA S#ellin) correction and ynony"e 2 #er"uter" indice 2 n-)ra" indice 2 Edit di tance2 Inde7 co"#re ion2 Le7icon co"#re ion2 ?a# encodin)2 ?a""a code 2 =eb tructure2the u er2 earch en)ine2 o#ti"i*ation/ #a"20eb characteri tic2 0eb i*e "ea ure"ent2 near du#licate detection2 cra0lin) and 0eb inde7e 2 lin1 analy i . References: 1. M.C. +unha"2 I+ata "inin)A Introductory and Ad8anced To#ic J2 Pear on %. D. Can and M. >a"ber2 I+ata Minin)A Conce#t and Techni3ue J2 Mor)an >au!"an $. Mallach2 Q+ata =arehou in) Sy te"J2 Mc?ra0-Cill .. Rechard D. Roi)er and "ichal =. ?reat*2 I+ata Minin)A A Tutorial ba ed #ri"erJ2 Pear on '. To" Mitchell2 IMachine Learnin)J2 Mc?ra0-Cill


Natural 5an4ua4e Processin4

!$ 3ours Conte7t Free )ra""ar 2 Le7ical analy i 2 Introduction to #ar in)2 Conte7t Sen iti8e )ra""ar !$ 3ours Lin)ui tic o! En)li hA Re8ie0 o! En)li h ?ra""ar2 Mor#holo)y2 ynta72 e"antic 2 tructure o! di cour e. =ord and the le7iconA 0ord cla e . !" 3ours Se"antic ?ra""ar 2 T/2 AT/2 Ca e )ra""ar 2 Paninian ?ra""ar 2 Par er o! /L tate"ent 2 +eter"iner and 3uanti!ier 2 /oun-noun "odi!ication2 #ronoun re olution2 relati8e clau e ' 3ours +ee# tructure2 hallo0 tructure2 +i!!erence bet0een En)li h and Cindi A##lication 5a6 MT 5b6 ASR 5c6 IR 5d6 E;A References: 1.Mannin)2C.+2 Schut*e C2 IFoundation o! tati tical natural lan)ua)e #roce in)J2 MIT #re %.Dura! by +. Martin D.C2 IS#eech and lan)ua)e #roce in)J 2 PCI $.Allen 2 D.2 I/atural lan)ua)e under tandin).J2 ,en<a"in/ Cu""in Publi hin) .. =all L. et =2 JPro)ra""in) PERLJ2 (GReilly


%. SEC/2I = S 2EA1 Crypto4raphy

Number heory !$ 3ours

Pri"e nu"ber 2 EulerG Totient !unction2 Fer"atG and Euler Theore"2 Pri"ality Te tin)2 Chine e Re"ainder Theore"2 +i crete Lo)arith" 2 ?rou#2 Rin) 2 Field 2 Modular Arith"etic2 Euclidean Al)orith"2 Finite Field o! the !or" ?F5#62 Polyno"ial Arith"etic2 Field o! the !or" ?F5% n62 Rando" /u"ber ?eneration and Te tin) Public Aey Encryption !$ 3ours

RSA Sy te"2 I"#le"entin) RSA2 Attac1 on RSA2 Rabin Cry#to Sy te"2 Factorin) al)orith" . The 5#-16 "ethod2 +i7onG al)orith" and Euadratic ie8e Elli#tic Cur8e Cry#to)ra#hyA Elli#tic cur8e o8er ?F5#62 Elli#tic cur8e o8er ?F5% "62 Elli#tic cur8e cry#to)ra#hy2 !actorin) 0ith ECC2 >ey Mana)e"ent and +i!!ie Cell"an >ey E7chan)e2 Symmetric Encryption ' 3ours

,loc1 Ci#her and +ES2 The tren)th o! +ES2 +i!!erential and Linear Cry#tanaly i o! +ES2 Ad8anced Encry#tion Standard2 Strea" Ci#her and RC.2 3ash .unctions ' 3ours

Ca h Function 2 Security o! ha h !unction 2 M+'2 Secure Ca h Al)orith"2 =hirl#ool2 CMAC2 CMAC2 The birthday attac1 #roble". +i)ital Si)nature 2 Re3uire"ent2 Authentication #rotocol 2 +i)ital Si)nature Standard2 EC+SA .inite Automata and Ciphers % 3ours

Finite Auto"ata and Ci#her 2 Structure o! Ci#her 2 Selection o! the Ma2 h and ) !unction 2 Ci#her +e i)n u in) Auto"ata References: 1. +ou)la R Stin on2 ICry#to)ra#hy Theory and #racticeJ2 CRC Pre %. =illia" Stallin) 2 ICry#to)ra#hy and /et0or1 Security .eJ2 Pear on $. Si"on D She#herd2 ICry#to)ra#hyA +i!!u in) the Con!u ionJ2 Re earch #re



NetBor? and System Security

NetBor? Security % 3ours

AC and ESP Protocol 2 Security a ociation 2 >ey "ana)e"ent2 =eb ecurity Con ideration 2 ecure oc1et layer and Tran #ort layer ecurity. PAI In*rastructure Conce#t o! an in!ra tructure2 a##lication enable and L'&&. ' 3ours ecure in)le i)n-on2 co"#rehen i8e ecurity2 de!inin) P>I2 L+AP

Core P I Ser!ices: Authentication2 Inte)rity and con!identiality2 Mechani " re3uired to create P>I enabled er8ice L-'&H certi!icate. ' 3ours System Security: Intru ion +etection2 Pa 0ord Mana)e"ent2 ,a e Rate Fallacy. Malicious Software: :iru and related threat 2 8iru counter"ea ure 2 +i tributed +enial o! Ser8ice attac1 . "irewalls: +e i)n #rinci#le 2 Tru ted Sy te" co""on criterion !or IT ecurity e8aluation ,S and 0atabase Security Structure o! an (S and a##lication2 a##lication and (S Authentication Module 2 Acce Control Li t 2 SELinu7. ecurity2 !$ 3ours ecurity in Uni7 and Linu7 Plu))able

Database Security:+ataba e Security E8olution2 Role-ba ed an ob<ect-oriented enca# ulation #rocedural e7ten ion to SEL2 Security throu)h Re tricti8e Clau e . Secure Applications ' 3ours

P?P and SMIME2 >erbero 8er ion I: and :2 Security in Cellular Co""unication Sy te"2 Secure Electronic Tran action. References: 1. =illia" Stallin)2 ICry#to)ra#hy and /et0or1 Security .eJ2 PCI %. C Ada" 2 Ste8e Lloyd2 IUnder tandin) P>IJ2 Addi on =e ley $. Day Ra" Chandran2 J+e i)nin) Security ArchitectureJ2 =iley Co"#uter Publi hin) .. C >au!"an2 Radia Perl"an and Mi1e2 I/et0or1 Security %eJ2 Pear on.


0i4ital .orensic
' 3ours Tran !or" Method A Fourier Tran !or"ation2 Fa t Fourier Tran !or"ation2 +i crete Co ine Tran !or"ation2 MellinFourier Tran !or"ation2 =a8elet 2 S#lit I"a)e in Perce#tual ,and 2 A##lication o! Tran !or"ation in Ste)ano)ra#hy. ' 3ours ,io"etric A (8er8ie0 o! ,io"etric 2 ,io"etric Identi!ication2 ,io"etric :eri!ication2 ,io"etric Enroll"ent2 ,io"etric Sy te" Security. Authentication and ,io"etric A Secure Authentication Protocol 2 Acce Control Security Ser8ice 2 Authentication Method 2 Authentication Protocol 2 Matchin) ,io"etric Sa"#le 2 :eri!ication by hu"an . Co""on bio"etric A Fin)er Print Reco)nition2 Face Reco)nition2 S#ea1er Reco)nition2 Iri Reco)nition2 Cand ?eo"etry2 Si)nature :eri!ication2 Po iti8e and /e)ati8e o! ,io"etric . Matchin)A T0o 1ind o! error 2 Score di tribution2 E ti"atin) Error !ro" +ata2 Error Rate o! Match En)ine 2 +e!inition o! FAR and FRR ' 3ours Introduction to In!or"ation Cidin)A Technical Ste)ano)ra#hy2 Lin)ui tic Ste)ano)ra#hy2 Co#y Ri)ht En!orce"ent2 =i do" !ro" Cry#to)ra#hy Princi#le o! Ste)ano)ra#hyA Fra"e0or1 !or Secret Co""unication2 Security o! Ste)ano)ra#hy Sy te"2 In!or"ation Cidin) in /oi y +ata 2 Ada#ti8e 8er u non-Ada#ti8e Al)orith" 2 Acti8e and Maliciou Attac1er 2 In!or"ation hidin) in =ritten Te7t. ' 3ours Sur8ey o! Ste)ano)ra#hic Techni3ue A Sub titution y te" and ,it Plane Tool 2 Tran !or" +o"ain Techni3ue A S#read S#ectru" and In!or"ation hidin)2 Stati tical Ste)ano)ra#hy2 +i tortion Techni3ue 2 Co8er ?eneration Techni3ue . Ste)analy i A Loo1in) !or Si)nature A - E7tractin) hidden In!or"ation2 +i ablin) Cidden In!or"ation. !$ 3ours @atermar?in4 and Copyri4ht Protection: ,a ic =ater"ar1in)2 =ater"ar1in) A##lication 2 Re3uire"ent and Al)orith"ic +e i)n I ue 2 E8aluation and ,ench"ar1in) o! =ater"ar1in) y te". References: 1. %. $. >at*endbi er2 Petitcola 2 I In!or"ation Cidin) Techni3ue !or Ste)ano)ra#hy and +i)ital =ater"ar1in)J2 Artech Cou e. Peter =ayner2 I+i a##earin) Cry#to)ra#hyA In!or"ation Cidin)2 Ste)ano)ra#hy and =ater"ar1in) %/eJ2 El e8ier ,olle2 Connell et. al.2 I?uide to ,io"etric J2 S#rin)er


>. 3E,2E ICA5 CS S 2EA1 Parallel Al4orithms

' 3ours Se3uential "odel2 need o! alternati8e "odel 2 #arallel co"#utational "odel uch a PRAM 2 LMCC 2 Cy#ercube 2 Cube Connected Cycle 2 ,utter!ly 2 Per!ect Shu!!le Co"#uter 2 Tree "odel 2 Pyra"id "odel 2 Fully Connected "odel 2 PRAM-CRE= 2 ERE= "odel 2 i"ulation o! one "odel !ro" another one. ' 3ours Per!or"ance Mea ure o! Parallel Al)orith" 2 #eed-u# and e!!iciency o! PA 2 Co t-o#ti"ality 2 An e7a"#le o! illu trate Co t-o#ti"al al)orith" - uch a u""ation 2 Min/Ma7 on 8ariou "odel . ' 3ours Parallel Sortin) /et0or1 2 Parallel Mer)in) Al)orith" on CRE=/ERE=/MCC/ 2 Parallel Sortin) /et0or1 on CRE=/ERE=/MCC/2 linear array ' 3ours Parallel Searchin) Al)orith" 2 >th ele"ent 2 >th ele"ent in LNM on PRAM 2 Parallel Matri7 Tran #ortation and Multi#lication Al)orith" on PRAM 2 MCC 2 :ector-Matri7 Multi#lication 2 Solution o! Linear E3uation 2 Root !indin). ' 3ours ?ra#h Al)orith" - Connected ?ra#h Co"bination 2 +erran)e"ent . References: 1. M.D. Euinn2 I+e i)nin) E!!icient Al)orith" !or Parallel Co"#uterJ by Mc ?ra0 Cill. %. S.?. A1l2 I+e i)n and Analy i o! Parallel Al)orith" J $. S.?. A1l2 JParallel Sortin) Al)orith"J by Acade"ic Pre 2 earch and tra8er al 2 Co"binatorial Al)orith" - Per"utation 2


2andomi:ed Al4orithms
' 3ours IntroductionA ,a ic Probability Theory2 Probability S#ace B ,aye R RuleB Inde#endenceB E7#ectationB Mo"ent B Co""on +i tribution 2 Rando"i*ed Al)orith"A ?eneral conce#t and de!inition 2 Euic1 ort 2 Min-Cut2 Rando" Partition 2 Probabili tic recurrence 2 Rando"i*ed Co"#le7ity Cla e A RP2 PP2 BPP ?a"e Theoretic Techni3ue and Lo0er ,ound A ?a"e theory conce#t B A##lication to lo0er bound 2 E7a"#le A Sortin) and ?a"e tree e8aluation ' 3ours Mo"ent and +e8iation A Rando" a"#lin)/buc1etin)2 Tail bound : Mar1o8 and Cheby he8 ine3ualitie 2 Ci)h con!idence election2 Pair0i e inde#endence2 A##lication A The table "arria)e #roble" Tail Ine3ualitie A Cherno!! bound B A##lication A /et0or1 routin) and )ate-array 0irin) > 3ours Mar1o8 Chain and Rando" =al1 A A %-SAT E7a"#le2 Mar1o8 Chain 2 Rando" =al1 on ?ra#h 2 ?ra#h Connecti8ity2 E7#ander 2 Probability A"#li!ication by Rando" =al1 on E7#ander Al)ebraic "ethod A Fin)er#rintin) and Frei8aldR techni3ue2 :eri!yin) #olyno"ial identitie 2 Rando"i*ed #attern "atchin) % 3ours +ata Structure A Rando" trea# B S1i# li t Rando"i*ed ?ra#h Al)orith"A Shorte t #ath B Mini"u" #annin) tree > 3ours Parallel and +i tributed Al)orith" A The PRAM Model2 Sortin) on a PRAM2 Ma7i"al Inde#endent Set 2 Per!ect Matchin) 2 /u"ber Theory and Al)ebraA Ele"entary nu"ber theory2 Euadratic re idue 2 Pri"ality te tin)2 RSA cry#to y te"

References: 1. R. Mot0ani and P. Ra)ha8an2 IRandomized AlgorithmsJ2 Ca"brid)e Uni8er ity Pre %. Michael Mit*en"acher2 Eli U#!al 2 IProbability and Co"#utin)J2 Ca"brid)e Uni8er ity Pre


Approximation Al4orithms
> 3ours Introduction, (8er8ie0 o! Co"#le7ity TheoryA Cla /P2 /P-Co"#letene 2 reduction 2 Rando"i*ed Co"#le7ity Cla e 2 ,a ic o! Probability Theory2 E7#ectation and "o"ent 2 ba ic di tribution > 3ours :erte7/ et co8er2 ?reedy al)orith"2 Cardne layerin) al)orith"2 horte t u#er trin)2 Steiner tree2 Metric Steiner "ini"u" 0ei)ht 1-cut 2 1-center tree2 o! a##ro7i"atin) Tra8elin) Sale "an Proble" 5TSP62 Set co8er2 Metric TSPB Mini"u" 0ei)ht "ulti0ay cut ' 3ours >na# ac1 #roble"2 P eudo #olyno"ial ti"e al)orith" PTAS2 Fully #olyno"ial ti"e a##ro7i"ation che"e FPTAS2 Stron) /P-hardne 2 ,in #ac1in)2 A y"#totic PTAS2 Euclidean TSP2 Proo! o! correctne % 3ours LP +uality2 LP +uality Theore"2 +ual-!ittin) -ba ed analy i !or the )reedy et co8er al)orith" Roundin) Al)orith"A et co8er2 rando"i*ed roundin) > 3ours Cal!-inte)rality o! 8erte7 co8erB Pri"al-dual Sche"aA et co8er Schedulin) on Unrelated Parallel Machine 2 Pri"al-+ual al)orith" 2 Facility Location and the 1-Median Proble"2 Steiner /et0or1 +e i)n References: 1. :i<ay :.:a*irani2 IA##ro7i"ation Al)orith"J2 S#rin)er %. +. S. Cochbau"2 IA##ro7i"ation Al)orith" !or /P-Card Proble" J2 P=S 1HH@


Complexity heory
' 3ours Model o! Co"#utation2 re ource 5ti"e and #ace62 al)orith" 2 co"#utability2 co"#le7ityB ' 3ours Co"#le7ity cla e 2 P//P/PSPACE2 reduction 2 hardne 2 co"#letene 2 hierarchy2 relation hi# bet0een co"#le7ity cla e ' 3ours Rando"i*ed co"#utation and co"#le7ityB Lo)ical characteri*ation 2 inco"#letene B A##ro7i"ability ' 3ours Circuit co"#le7ity2 lo0er bound B Parallel co"#utation and co"#le7ityB Countin) #roble" B Interacti8e #roo! B ' 3ours Probabili tically chec1able #roo! B Co""unication co"#le7ityB Euantu" co"#utation. References: 1. Chri to C. Pa#adi"itriou2 ICo"binatorial (#ti"i*ationA Al)orith" and Co"#le7ityJ %. San<ee8 Arora and ,oa* ,ara1 2 ICo"#le7ity TheoryA A Modern A##roachJ $. Ste8en Co"er2 Alan L. Sel"an2 Co"#utability and Co"#le7ity Theory 2 S#rin)er


Computational 6eometry
' 3ours Con8e7 hull A con truction in %d and $d2 lo0er bound B Trian)ulation A #oly)on trian)ulation 2 re#re entation 2 #oint- et trian)ulation 2 #lanar )ra#h B ' 3ours :oronoi dia)ra" A con truction and a##lication 2 8ariant B +elayney trian)ulation A di8ide-and-con3uer2 !li# and incre"ental al)orith" 2 duality o! :oronoi dia)ra" 2 "in"a7 an)le #ro#ertie . ' 3ours ?eo"etric earchin)A #oint-location2 !ractional ca cadin)2 linear #ro)ra""in) 0ith #rune and earch2 !in)er tree 2 concatenable 3ueue 2 e)"ent tree 2 inter8al tree B :i ibilityA al)orith" !or 0ea1 and tron) 8i ibility2 8i ibility 0ith re!lection 2 art-)allery #roble" B ' 3ours Arran)e"ent o! line A arran)e"ent o! hy#er #lane 2 *one theore" 2 "any-!ace co"#le7ity and al)orith" B Co"binatorial )eo"etryA Ca"- and0ich cut ' 3ours S0ee# techni3ue A #lane 0ee# !or e)"ent inter ection 2 FortuneR 0ee# !or :oronoi dia)ra" 2 to#olo)ical 0ee# !or line arran)e"ent B Rando"i*ation in co"#utational )eo"etryA al)orith" 2 techni3ue !or countin)B Robu t )eo"etric co"#utin)B A##lication o! co"#utational )eo"etry

References: 1. Franco P. Pre#arata2 Michael Ian Sha"o 2 Computational eometry: An Introduction! S#rin)er:erla). %. Mar1 ,er)2 Marc 8an >re8eld2 Mar1 (8er"ar 2 and (t!ried Sch0ar*1o#!2 Computational eometry, Algorithms and Applications!. S#rin)er.


C,1P/5S,2= C,/2SE .,2 SE1 III Pro*essional Aspects in So*tBare En4ineerin4 G!-" /nitH

Intellectual Property ri4hts

& 3ours

Con!idential In!or"ation2 Co#yri)ht2 In!rin)e"ent o! Co#yri)ht2 Act #er"itted in Relation to Co#yri)ht =or1 2 Licen in) and A i)n"ent o! Co#yri)ht2 Moral Ri)ht 2 +e i)n 2 Trade"ar1 2 The tort o! #a in) o!!2 +o"ain /a"e 2 Patent . So*tBare 5icenses & 3ours

Co#yri)ht2 Contract2 Patent2 Free So!t0are and (#en Source So!t0are2 MIT Licen e2 ,S+ Licen e2 ?/U ?eneral Public Licen e2 ?/U Le er ?eneral Public Licen e2 E Public Licen e2 Pro#rietary Licen e2 Sun Co""unity Licen e2 So*tBare Contracts: & 3ours

,a ic o! So!t0are Contract 2 E7tent o! liability2 Contract !or the u##ly o! cu to"-built o!t0are at a !i7ed #rice2 other ty#e o! o!t0are er8ice Contract2 Liability !or de!ecti8e o!t0are. So*tBare Crime Prevention & 3ours

Co"#utin) and cri"inal Acti8ity2 Re!or" o! Cri"inal La02 Cate)orie o! Mi u e2 Co"#uter Fraud2 (btainin) Unauthori*ed Acce to Co"#uter2 Unauthori*ed Alteration or +e truction o! In!or"ation2 +enyin) Acce to an Authori*ed u er2 Unauthori*ed Re"o8al o! In!or"ation Stored in a Co"#uter. 0ata Protection 2e4ulations & 3ours

+ata Protection and Pri8acy2 The i"#act o! the Internet2 Factor In!luencin) the Re)ulation o! +ata Proce in)2 Con8er)ence o! +ata Protection Practice2 +e!a"ation and the #rotection o! Re#utation. References: 1. Andre0 M. St. Laurent2 I(#en Source and Free So!t0are Licen in)J2 (GReilly Publication %. Fran1 ,ott2 et. al2 IPro!e ional I ue in So!t0are En)ineerin)J2 Taylor ; Franci


Appendix III The i Re3uire"ent !or M.Tech. Cour e in Co"#uter Science and In!or"ation Technolo)y The 0or1 re#orted in the the i hall be an e7ten ion o! the tate o! the art to de"on trate the ca#ability o! the tudent to do creati8e 0or12 de8elo# the idea2 #ro8e it e!!icacy2 re#ort it in a con8incin) "anner and !inally2 de!end it. The 0or1 "u t ha8e cienti!ic and/ or indu trial rele8ance. The the i hall be done in t0o #art . +urin) the third e"e ter2 the tudent hall carry out literature ur8ey and de8elo# the nece ary bac1)round 5!a"iliarity 0ith tool 2 techni3ue 6 !or the 0or1 to be carried out in the !ourth e"e ter. At the end o! the third e"e ter2 the tudent hall ub"it a yno# i clearly tatin) the #roble" to be addre ed2 re#ort on the bac1)round de8elo#ed2 and layout a concrete #ro<ect #lan !or the !ourth e"e ter. A Pre-the i e7a"ination con i tin) o! a #re entation and 8i8a hall be conducted a!ter the yno# i ha been ub"itted. Pa in) the Pre-the i e7a"ination i a #re-re3ui ite !or continuin) 0ith the the i in the !ourth e"e ter. The the i hall be ub"itted !ollo0in) the !or"at o! UPTU. It hall be e7a"ined by an e7ternal e7#ert decided by UPTU. A!ter a 0ritten re#ort i recei8ed e7#re in) ati !action 0ith the the i 2 a 8i8a 8oce e7a"ination hall be conducted in the #re ence o! the e7ternal e7#ert. The the i re3uire"ent hall be !ul!illed u#on the tudent #a in) the 8i8a e7a"ination.


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