OptiX OSN 8800 Slot Description

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OptiX OSN 8800 Slot Description The OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack provide 93 slots.

Slots of the OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack are show i !i"ure #. Figure 1 Slots of the OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack$ %ou ca co&pare with OSN 6800

houses service boards a d supports service cross'co

ectio s.

( a "e eral OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack$ ()*3 a d ()84 are reserved for future use$ a d ()*+ a d ()83 are used to house ,)X boards. ( a e ha ced OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack$ ()*+ a d ()83 are used to house the active ,)X boards$ a d ()*3 a d ()84 are used to house the sta db% ,)X boards. NOTE: O l% the TN-+,)X board supports #.# backup.

IU77 is reserved for future use IU! "nd IU#$ "re reserved for t%e cross&connect 'o"rd / ha ced OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack0 TN1+)X2T or TN14X2T. 3e eral OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack0 TN14X2T or TN1+X2T. IU10 "nd IU## "re reserved for t%e cross&connect 'o"rd / ha ced OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack0 TN1+)SX4$ TN14SX4 or TN14SX5. 3e eral OptiX OSN 8800 T64 subrack0 TN14SX4$ TN1+SX4$ TN14SX5 or TN1+SX5.

("ir slots refer to " p"ir of slots )%ose resident 'o"rds* over%e"d c"n 'e processed '+ t%e 'uses on t%e '"c,pl"nes T%e follo)ing t"'le provides t%e slots for %ousing "ctive "nd st"nd'+ 'o"rds of t%e su'r"c, Board Slots for Active and Standby Boards


General OptiX 8800 T64 IU6! " IU#8$ IU#0 " IU#!$ IU80 " IU88$ and IU8% " IU8! &n'anced OptiX 8800 T64 IU6! " IU8!$ IU#0 " IU88$ IU#8 " IU8%$ and IU#! " IU80


IU#4 " IU8) IU#) " IU86 IU%0 " IU44

IU! " IU4&n'anced OptiX 8800 T64 IU#/ " IU#-$ IU8- " IU84

-ore rel"ted: T4/ 6/7(/8S O! 4),8/( OSN -00 4),8/( O9T(X OSN 3-00 (NT/::(3/NT O9T(2,: T6,NS5(SS(ON S;ST/5

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