Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Rules 1927.doc Pakistan

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1. Short title. 2. De i!itio!". 3. The "t#t$" o the A""i"t#!t Dire%tor #!& P#role O i%er. 4. Co!&itio!#l Rele#"e 5. Po'er" #!& &$tie" o the A""i"t#!t Dire%tor. 6. D$tie" o P#role O i%er". 7. Re(o%#tio! o li%e!"e. 8. )i!#l rele#"e o *ri"o!er o! *#role. 9. Cl#""e" o o e!&er" eli+i,le or %o!&itio!#l rele#"e.


[27th April, 1927] (Notification of the Government of the Punjab, ome !e"artment (#ai$% vi&e No.13273, &ate& 27th '"ri$, 1927 a( correcte& u" to 22n& )a*, 2++8%. ,ith reference to Punjab Government Notification No.1+195 &ate& 3+th )arch, 1927, an& in e-erci(e of the " conferre& b* (ection 5, 6 / 8 of the Goo& 0on&uct Pri(oner(1 Probationa$ 2e$ea(e 'ct, 1926 the Governor in counci$ i( "$ea(e& to ma3e the fo$$o.in4 ru$e( .hich .i$$ come into force on the 1(t )a*, 1927. RULES 1. Short title.. 5he(e ru$e( ma* be ca$$e& the Goo& 0on&uct Pri(oner(, Probtiona$ 2e$ea(e 2u$e( 1927. 2. De i!itio!. 6n the(e ru$e( un$e(( the conte-t other.i(e, re7uire( the fo$$o.in4 e-"re((ion( (ha$$ have the meanin4 hereb* re("ective$* a((i4ne& to them i.e. to (a*89 a% b% c% &% :'ct; mean( the Goo& 0on&uct Pri(oner(1 Probationa$ 2e$ea(e 'ct, 1926. :!irector, :2ec$amation an& Probation; mean( the !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation of the Punjab. :Government; mean( the Government of the Punjab. Paro$e <fficer mean( an officer a""ointe& b* the !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation, to a((i(t the '((i(tant !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation in the &i(char4e of hi( &utie( un&er thi( act. :=u"erinten&ent; mean( the =u"erinten&ent of a "ri(on in .hich an* "ri(oner or "ri(oner( to be re$ea(e& un&er the 'ct, or confine&, or an* other officer, ("ecia$$* authori>e& in thi( beha$f b* the Government an& :'((i(tant !irector; mean( the '((i(tant !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation of a !ivi(ion.



/. The "t#t$" o the A""i"t#!t Dire%tor #!& P#role O i%er .95he :'((i(tant !irector an& :Paro$e <fficer0 (ha$$ be ta3en to be :Government <fficer; .ithin the meanin4 of (ection 2, 7 an& 8 of the 'ct. 1. Co!&itio!#l Rele#"e.. 5he '((i(tant !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation, ma*, at an* time, after con(u$tation .ith the =u"erinten&ent re$ea(e of .e$$ or other.i(e "re"are a $i(t of the "ri(oner(, .ho are .e$$ behave& "er(on. 5heir antece&ent( or con&uct in "ri(on a""ear( to be $i3e$*, if re$ea(e& from "ri(on, to ab(tain from crime an& to $ea& a u(efu$ an& in&u(triou( $ife, an& ma* a $i(t of (uch "ri(oner( to the Government throu4h the !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation, .ith hi( recommen&ation for their re$ea(e un&er the 'ct. 5he Government ma* thereu"on "ermit a$$ or an* of (uch "ri(oner( to be re$ea(e& b* $icen(e un&er (ection 2 of the 'ct. (b% (c% ' $icen(e un&er (ection92 of the 'ct (ha$$ in ?orm :'; (?orm 2.1% here.ith anne-e&, an& (ha$$ contain the con&ition( (tate& therein. No "ri(oner (ha$$ be re$ea(e& from a "ri(on un$e(( the con&ition( of the $icen(e are "er(ona$$* e-"$aine& to him b* 5he =u"erinten&ent an& are acce"te& b* him. 5he fact that the con&ition .ere (o e-"$aine& to the "ri(oner an& .ere acce"te& b* him (ha$$ be certifie& on the $icen(e b* the =u"erinten&ent.

2. Po'er" #!& &$tie" o the A""i"t#!t Dire%tor.. (a% 5he '((i(tant !irector (ha$$ be 4enera$$* re("on(ib$* for the (u"ervi(ion, &irection an& contro$ of a$$ "ri(oner( re$ea(e& un&er the 'ct. (b% =ubject to an* 4enera$ or ("ecia$ or&er( i((ue& b* the !irector 2ec$amation an& Probation, in thi( beha$f the '((i(tant !irector ma* "$ace an* "ri(oner re$ea(e&

un&er the 'ct un&er the authorit* of a Paro$e <fficer an& ma* &e$e4ate to him an* of the &utie( in re("ect of (uch "ri(oner(. 3. D$tie" o P#role O i%er".. (a% Paro$e <fficer (ha$$ .or3 un&er the contro$ of the '((i(tant !irector an& (ha$$ "erform (uch &utie( an& e-erci(e (uch " a( ma* be a((i4ne& to them b* that officer. (b% ,ith the "ermi((ion of the '((i(tant !irector a Paro$e <fficer ma* a$$o. an* "ri(oner "$ace& un&er hi( authorit* to be em"$o*e& b* an* "er(on on rate( of .a4e( a""rove& b* the '((i(tant !irector an& (ha$$ ta3e from the em"$o*er( an a4reement (?orm 3.14% in .ritin4 embo&*in4 the con&ition( of em"$o*ment. 5he Paro$e <fficer (ha$$ be re("on(ib$e in (uch ca(e( for (eein4 that (uitab$e a4reement( are ma&e for the $o&4in4 of the "ri(oner( in (anitar* con&ition( an& for enforcin4 "a*ment of the mo&eration an& other con&ition( of the a4reement(. ' Paro$e <fficer (ha$$ be 4enera$$* re("on(ib$e for the con&uct an& &i(ci"$ine of ever* "ri(oner "$ace& un&er hi( authorit* an& for hi( &ue ob(ervance of the con&ition( of hi( $icen(e. e (ha$$ re"ort an* breach of con&ition( of a $icen(e b* a "ri(oner to the '((i(tant !irector.


Note for the &utie( a((i4ne& to a Paro$e <fficer, (ee e-ecutive or&er( 2, 3, 5, 16, 21934, 4+, 43945, 47 an& 49956 anne-e& .ith the(e 2u$e(. 7. Re(o%#tio! o li%e!"e.. (a%. 6f on the re"ort of a Paro$e <fficer or other.i(e, the '((i(tant !irector fin&( that an* "ri(oner ha( been 4ui$t* of a breach of con&ition( of hi( $icen(e or con(i&er( that he i( unfit to be a$$o.e& to remain at $ar4e un&er the $icen(e, he (ha$$ re"ort the matter throu4h the !irector, 2ec$amation an& Probation an& the Government ma* thereu"on revo3e hi( $icen(e. (b% ,hen the '((i(tant !irector or Paro$e <fficer &eci&e( to recommen& the revocation of the $icen(e of a "ri(oner, he ma* or&er hi( arre(t an& &etention in (uch "$ace an& (ubject to (uch re(triction( a( ma* be "re(cribe& b* the Government in thi( beha$f, "en&in4 the recei"t of the or&er( of Government, an& if the $icen(e i( revo3e&, ma* (en& him from the char4e of a Paro$e <fficer to the =u"erinten&ent of the jai$ mentione& in the revocation or&er, on or before the &ate ("ecifie& therein. 'n or&er of revocation un&er (ection 6 of the 'ct, (ha$$ be in :?orm @; (?orm 2.2%, here.ith anne-e& an& (ha$$ be (erve& u"on the "ri(oner b* the '((i(tant !irector, a Paro$e <fficer or a =u"erinten&ent of jai$. 5he '((i(tant !irector, the Paro$e <fficer, or the =u"erinten&ent of the #ai$, a( the ca(e ma* be (ha$$ e-"$ain the or&er to the "ri(oner an& (ha$$ certif* the fact that the or&er( have been (o e-"$aine&, before the revocation or&er. ' note a( re4ar&( the revocation (ha$$ a$(o be ma&e on the ori4ina$ $icen(e.


4. )i!#l rele#"e o *ri"o!er o! *#role.. on the e-"ir* of the "erio& of a $icen(e, other.i(e than b* revocation, the '((i(tant !irector or an* other Paro$e <fficer authori>e& b* him in thi( beha$f, (ha$$ forth.ith inform the $icen(ee that he i( ab(o$ve& from the ob(ervance of a$$ the con&ition( of $icen(e an& (ha$$ ma3e a note to that effect on the $icen(e. 9. Cl#""e" o o e!&er" eli+i,le or %o!&itio!#l rele#"e.. (1% 5he fo$$o.in4 c$a((e( of offen&er( (ha$$ be e$i4ib$e for con&itiona$ re$ea(e un&er the 'ct89 (a% ?ir(t <ffen&er( .ho have been convicte& of the fo$$o.in4 <ffence( an& (entence& to im"ri(onment e-cee&in4 2 *ear(, if the une-"ire& "erio& of (entence i( not more than 6 month(A i <ffence( un&er 0ha"ter B9', B6 an& B66 an& =ection 2169', 3+3, 311, 328, 364, 386 to 389, 39294+2, 411, 455, 458 to 46+ of the Pa3i(tan Pena$ 0o&eA <ffence( un&er the 0rimina$ Ca. 'men&ment 'ct, 19+8A an& <ffence( un&er the D-"$o(ive =ub(tance( 'ct, 19+8A

ii iii (b%

<ffen&er( .ho have been convicte& of offence( other than tho(e mentione& in c$au(e (a% above an& (entence& to im"ri(onment for a "erio& not e-cee&in4 3 *ear(A


Pri(oner( .ho(e a4e on the &ate of their $ate(t (entence &oe( not e-cee& t.ent* one *ear(.

Provi&e& that in a ca(e of hi( conviction for offence( mentione& in (a% above he (ati(fie( the con&ition( $ai& &o.n therein. (&% offen&er( .ho have been convicte& for offence( other than tho(e mentione& in c$au(e (a% above an& (entence& to im"ri(onment for a "erio& (ho.n be$o. in 0o$umn9' an& have un&er4one im"ri(onment for a "erio& not $e(( than that (ho.n be$o. in 0o$umn9@. 5A6 Ter7 o Se!te!%e 1. D-cee&in4 3 e-cee&in4 7 *ear(. 2. D-cee&in4 7 e-cee&in4 1+ *ear(. *ear( *ear( but but not not 5B6 8i!i7$7 Perio& o i7*ri"o!7e!t #lre#&9 $!&er+o!e. 1. <ne thir& of (ub(tantive (entence e-c$u&in4 remi((ion 2. <ne thir& of (ub(tantive (entence e-c$u&in4 remi((ion 3. 1<ne thir& of the (ub(tantive e-c$u&in4 remi((ion other than e&ucationa$ remi((ion. 4. 25en *ear( of the (ub(tantive e-c$u&in4 remi((ion other than e&ucationa$ remi((ion.

3. D-cee&in4 1+ *ear( but not e-cee&in4 14 *ear( inc$u&in4 $ife im"ri(onment commute& to 14 *ear(. 4. Cife im"ri(onment e-cee&in4 14 *ear(. (2% Note (i% (ii% 2u$e 99' (ha$$ be omitte&.

)ember( of notifie& 0rimina$ 5ribe( are not to be re$ea(e& even if e$i4ib$e un&er ru$e 99 .ithout the ("ecia$ "ermi((ion of the !irector. Po$ice 2u$e 23.35 (3% "rovi&e( that no (urvei$$ance (hou$& be e-erci(e& b* the "o$ice over "aro$e re$ea(e& convict(.

Bi&e amen&ment in the 2u$e( No. =<(2/P%2191E2++7 &ate& 229592++8 Bi&e amen&ment in the 2u$e( No. =<(2/P%2191E2++7 &ate& 229592++8

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