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PHYSICS (Theory) Class-XII (Science Group)

Total Time: 3 hours General Instruction:Max.Marks: 85

Section A: it consists of 17 multiple choice questions (M.C.Qs.). Attempt all questions. Section B: it consists of 15 Short-Answer Questions. Attempt 10 questions. Section C: it consists of 3 detailed questions. Attempt 2 questions.

Section A
Multiple Choice Questions(M.C.Qs.) (Marks:17) Q.1 (i)Attempt all questions of this section. (ii) Do not copy down the part questions. Write only the answer against the proper number of the question and its part according to the questions paper. (iii) Each question carries 1 mark. Answer Key= 1 mark for Each MCQs. (i) Potential difference is analogous to * force * inertia

* energy


(ii) Minimum work done can be obtained in the process called * Cyclic * isochoric * isothermal * adiabatic (iii)When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, it becomes * polarized * negative * conductive * insulated (iv) Ideal gas follows laws of gas at * high temperature and low pressure * low temperature high pressure * high temperature and high pressure * all temperature and pressure (v) The resistance of a wire is 5 ohm. If the wire is stretched to double its length, its resistance will become____ ohm. *2.5 * 10 *20 *50 (vi) The SI unit of conductivity is * .m * -1.m-1 * .m-1 * -1.m

(vii) Balmer series in Hydrogen atom spectrum consists of lines in * ultraviolet * visible * infra-red *all of the above (viii) Meta stable states have the mean life of the order of * 10-8s * 10-6s * 10-3s * 10 3s

(ix) The Fahrenheit and Celsius scale readings of temperature coincide at * -55o * -40o * -20o * 40o (x) According to the second law of thermodynamics, 100% conversion of heat into mechanical work is * Possible * not possible * possible in ideal conditions * none of these (xi) Two capacitors of 4F are joined in series, the combined capacitances is * 1/2 F * 4F *2F * 8F (xii) Which of the following is a scalar quantity? * magnetic flux * magnetic flux density

* e.m.f

* both (a) and (c)

(xiii) The energy resides in a current carrying conductor in the form of * magnetic field * electrostatic field * thermal vibration * both (a) and (c) (xiv) The motional e.m.f induced in a coil is independent of * change of flux * number of turns * time * resistance (xv) Transformers are used in circuits containing * d.c alone * a.c. alone * both a.c and d.c * non-inductive windings (xvi) Work done in carrying a charge (qo) once round the circle of radius (r) with a charge (q) at the centre is *k

q r

* k

q r2

* k

qo r


q oq r
* 0.001nm to1nm

(xvii) The value of X-ray is in the range * 0.01nm to 0.1nm * 100oA to 1oA

* 0.1oA to 1m

Section B
(Short-Answer Questions) (Marks:40) Q.2 attempt (10) questions from this section and all questions carry equal marks. i. Calculate the shortest wavelength of the light emitted in the lyman series and determine the energy. (RH= 1.09 x 107 m-1) Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. Given moc2= 0.511MeV, find the total energy (E) and the kinetic energy (K) of an electron. Moving with a speed v=0.85c. OR The flux density in a region between the poles of faces of a U-shaped magnet is 0.6T directed vertically upward. Find the e.m.f induced in a straight wire 15cm long perpendicular to B, when it is


moved with a velocity of 100cm/s in a direction at an angle of 60o with the horizontal. Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. iii. Sodium surface is shined with light of wavelength 2x10-7m. if the work function of sodium is 2.64eV, find k.e of the photoelectrons and also the cut off wavelength. (c=3x108m/s, h=6.63 x 10-34J.s). Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. In an isobaric process when 2000J of heat energy is supplied to a gas in a cylinder, the piston of area 2 x 10-2 m2 moves through 0.5m under a pressure of 1.01 x 105 N/m2, calculate increase in internal energy. Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. A Carnot Engine whose low temperature reservoir is 500K has an efficiency of 50%. It is desired to increase this to 75%. By how many degrees must the temperature be increased if low temperature reservoir remains constant? Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. Using the first-law of thermodynamic in two isotherms of an ideal gas at different temperatures, show that Cp-Cv= R. Marks Key= 1 mark for label diagram and 3 marks for derivation. A copper wire has a diameter of 1mm and length 1m. what will be the resistance of the wire?(=1.77 x 10-8.m) Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. An electron exists in a region of 10-10m. Find its momentum uncertainty and the approximate kinetic energy. OR A thin sheet of positive charge attracts a light charged sphere having a charge -5 x 10-6C with a force 1.695N. Calculate the surface density of the charge. (o=8.85 x 10-12 C2/N.m2) Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. How can a galvanometer be converted into voltmeter and ammeter derive its expression. OR is electrical p.d same as electrical p.e.? Marks Key= 2 marks explanation and 2 marks for expression OR 4 marks for the correct scientific reason. Repulsion is the sure test of electrification. OR what is p-n junction? Explain the formation of potential barrier in pn-junction. Marks Key= 4 marks for the correct scientific reason OR 2 marks definition and 2 marks for explanation.









A capacitor of 100pF is charged to a potential difference of 50V. if the plates are then connected in parallel to another capacitor and it is found that the potential difference between its plates falls to 35volts. What is the capacitance of the second capacitor? OR Describe Wheatstone Bridge. Derive the expression for its balanced condition. Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units OR 1 mark for definition and 3 marks for expression. Two small spheres, each having a mass of 0.1gm, are suspended from the same point by silk threads 20cm long. The spheres are given equal charges and they are found to repel each other coming to rest 24cm apart. Find the charge on each. Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. Find the current required to produce a field of induction B=2.512 x10-3 Wb/m2 in a 50.0 cm long solenoid having 4000 turns of wire. Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. A step down transformer at the end of a transmission line reduces the voltages from 2400V to 1200V. The power output is 9.0KW and overall efficiency of the transformer is 95%. The primary windings have 400truns. How many turns has the secondary coil? What is the power input? What is the current in each of the coils? Marks Key= 1 mark for data with proper units, 1 mark for correct formula, 1 mark for calculation and 1 mark for result with proper units. How can an electron at rest be set in motion with a magnet? Marks Key= 4 marks for the correct scientific reason. Section C (Detailed-Answer Question) (Marks: 28)





Note: Attempt two (2) questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.2 (a) Derive a relation for the pressure on an ideal gas in terms of its density and mean square velocity. Answer Key= 1 mark for diagram, 2 marks for total force, 2 marks pressure and 2 marks for final equation. OR by using equation of pressure derive the expression for kinetic energy of gas molecule and deduce Boyle and Charles laws. Answer Key= 3 marks for K.E equation and 2 marks for Boyle and 2marks for Charles law derivation. (b) Describe a method for determining the ratio of charge to mass (e/m) of an electron. Derive the relevant mathematical expression.

Answer Key= 1 mark for diagram, 4 marks for e/m ratio, 2 marks for derivation of velocity. Q.3 (a) State the postulates of Bohrs atomic theory and derive the expression for the radius of nth orbit of a hydrogen atom. Answer Key= 3 mark for postulates diagram, 4 marks for expression. (b) Describe Comptons effect. Derive the formula for the Compton shift. Answer Key= 1 mark for definition, 2 marks for total momentum in x direction and 2 marks for total momentum in y direction and 2 marks for final equation. OR Define Radioactivity. Explain the law of radioactive decay. Write equation showing the change in the parent nuclei by alpha, beta and gamma decay. Answer Key= 1 mark for definition, 2 marks for law, 4 marks for equations. Q.4 (a) State Gausss law. Apply the law and derive the expression for electric field intensity near a thin positive charged sheet. Answer Key= 2 mark for statement, 1 marks for diagram, 4 marks for derivation. (b) What is transformer? Describe construction and its working derive its expression. Answer Key= 1 mark for definition, 2 marks for construction with diagram, 2 marks for diagram and 2 marks for the expression. OR describe construction and working of A.C generator. Derive expression for induced e.m.f in A.C generator. Answer Key= 2 marks for construction with diagram, 2 marks for diagram and 3 marks for the expression.

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