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LESSON PLAN ENGLISH (SK) YEAR 2 BERLIAN Subject Class Date/ Day Time Students Level Focused Skills

Integrated Skills Theme Topic Curriculum Specifications : English : Year 2 : 07th April 2014 : 30 minutes : Intermediate : Reading & Writing : Listening & Speaking : World of Self, Family and Friends : My Favourite Thing(s) to Do : Learning Standard 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.

Content Standard 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and nonlinear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2.2 3.1.1

Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) simple sentences

Able to write simple sentences with guidance.

Lesson Objectives

: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(a) Answer two out of five comprehension questions correctly. (b) Fill in the blanks with three correct answers out of six blanks. (c) Write a short paragraph with simple sentences by the guidance of stimulus.

Previous Knowledge Educational Emphases Vocabulary

: Pupils can understand instructions well. : CCTS, Multiple Intelligence, Moral Values use time wisely : violin, piano, violinist, musical instruments, jigsaw puzzles and etc

Teaching Aids

: Picture Flashcards, Activity Book

STEP Set Induction Pictures of:


TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Teacher display pictures of musicals instruments and type of jigsaw puzzles on the board. 2. Teacher telling the pupils about what others might do during their free time.

RATIONALE / REMARKS 1. To gain pupils interests by using visual learning technique through picture flashcards. 2. Integrating with visuals and colours so that the pupils will be able to grasp some of the idea about the topic.

(2 minutes)

- musical instruments - piano - violin - guitar - jigsaw puzzles E.g of teacher questions / instructions : a) Do you know what all these things name are?

Pre-Listening (3 minutes)

Cartoon figure as the character in the text.

1. Teacher asks the pupils what do the character might be doing for his free time. 2. Teacher calls the pupils who raise their hand to justify the reason. 3. Teacher helps to clarify any justification.

1. To activate their prior knowledge about the subject. 2. To encourage pupils participation in class. 3. To let the pupils use their thinking skills.


CONTENT 1. Text in the activity book Playing the Violin and Doing Jigsaw Puzzle. 2. Fill in the blanks activity.

TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Teacher instruct the pupils to read the

RATIONAL / REMAKS 1. To alert the pupils and activate their listening skills. 2. To encourage participation and cooperation with the teacher through completing the exercises.

While-Listening (15 minutes)

text from their activity book. 2. The whole class read the texts together. 3. The first text require the pupils to tick the correct answer while reading. The pupils do this exercise in 5 minutes. 4. Next, the text has six empty blanks and each pupil is require to fill in some words into the blanks given while reading. They do this within 5 to 7 minutes. 5. As the teacher reads the text, teacher move around and monitor the participation of the class. 6. The teacher does the correction together with the class.

Post-listening (7 minutes)

Activity book pg 44. Example of teachers instruction (s). (a) You need to change / convert the pictures into words. For example, the first picture show that he is drawing.

1. Teacher brief the pupils on how to complete the exercise. 2. Teacher give them some time to complete their work. They may work together with their friends. 3. The pupils pass up their book.

1. To activate pupils thinking skills. 2. To inculcate working together in the pupils.

Presenting pupils thinking skills through Closure/ Remedial (2 minutes) short reflection on what new vocabulary and moral value(s) they had learnt in the lesson. 1. Teacher discuss with the pupils. 2. Teacher pick up pupils randomly to present their thought. 3. Teacher emphasize on the moral value they have learnt in the lesson.

4. Reinforce the moral value(s) in the pupils. use time wisely. 5. Develops creativity and fun in classroom.

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