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Marketing Plan
Submitted to: Ms. Sadia Haque Course ID- MKT201 Section-04 Grou : !cean "#ue.

"rie$ Contents:

Group Members
1. %e&'ana "inte (a)ir* ID-1120124
+Current Mar,et situation* Mar,et Descri tion* -roduct'* Com etiti.e'* /o0istic'* Distribution Strate01* Mar,etin0 Communications Strate01* Mar,et %esearc)2

2. Saima 3tau# Tandra* ID-1120415

+!b& and Issues* 3ction -ro0rams2

6. Sadia 3$rin* ID-1120672

+ Introduction* Mission* 8ission* Com an1 -ro$i#e* 8a#ues and rinci #es2

4. 3re$in %iasa Ka)an* ID-1120416

+ Mar,etin0 Strate01* -ositionin0* -roduct strate01* -ricin0 Strate01* Distribution Strate01* Mar,etin0 Communications Strate01* Mar,et %esearc)2



S:;3%< is one o$ t)e #eadin0 brand names in "an0#ades). S:;3%< is not &ust a brand name in "an0#ades). It is an icon in business. Since its be0innin0* it )as crossed a #on0 'a1. Square is no' a 0rou o$ )armaceutica#s* toi#etries* 0arments* te=ti#e* in$ormation tec)no#o01* )ea#t) roducts* $ood roducts* and )os ita# -- 'it) an a.era0e annua# o$ more t)an T, 4*000 crore and a 'or,$orce o$ around 66*000 eo #e.+ )tt :>>'''.t)>ne'Desi0n>ne's-detai#s. ) ?nid@217125A * access*11>11>122 3mon0 t)em* t)e $ocus o$ our re ort is on Square toi#etries #td. Square Toi#etries /td. is t)e #eadin0 Toi#etries B Cosmetics Manu$acturin0 Com an1 in "an0#ades)A ro.idin0 .a#ue added roducts and ser.ices to brin0 qua#it1 in #i$e. +)tt :>>'''.cor orateban0#ades).net>inde=. ) >square-0rou -o$-com anies A access*11>11>122 ST/ in t)e im ortance o$ uniqueness bot) at indi.idua# and nationa# #e.e#. "ein0 a art o$ t)e most admired #oca# con0#omerate o$ "an0#ades) - Square Grou * t)e1 )a.e 0ained t)e e= ertise and u )e#d somber ea0erness in $u#$i##in0 1our e= ectations 'it) our qua#it1 roduct ran0es t)rou0) utmost sincerit1. ST/ is a .er1 di$$erent com an1 t)an a## t)e ot)er com anies in "an0#ades). It )as a#'a1s encoura0ed inno.ation. 3mon0 its em #o1ees in.ention and creati.it1 0ets t)e to riorit1. T)atCs t)e ,e1 reason t)at ST/ is continuous#1 co in0 'it) t)e c)an0in0 mar,et in "an0#ades) and brin0in0 ne'er and ne'er roduct to t)e societ1. (ui Hair Conditioner is one o$ t)e resu#ts o$ t)is e$$ort. "esides* t)e consumers o$ (ui s)am oo )a.e constant#1 su00ested brin0in0 out a conditioner a#on0 'it) t)e s)am oo. In .arious $airs and sur.e1s er$ormed b1 t)e com an1 )as enab#ed it to reco0niDe t)e mar,et demand o$ a conditioner a#on0side (ui s)am oo. "1 brin0in0 t)is roduct in t)e mar,et a#on0side 'it) t)e a#read1 )u0e#1 o u#ar &ui s)am oo in t)e rura# areas ST/ is o enin0 u a ne' )oriDon to t)eir &ourne1.

Ee attem t to understand t)e unique needs o$ t)e consumer and trans#ate t)at needs into roducts ')ic) satis$ies t)em in t)e $orm o$ qua#it1 roducts* )i0) #e.e# o$ customer and a$$ordab#e rice ran0e in a unique 'a1.


!ur mission is to ma=imiDe o$ roduction o$ qua#it1 roducts and ser.ices at minimum costs to t)e societ1 ensurin0 o timum bene$its to t)e consumers b1 strict#1 maintainin0 uncom romisin0 stance 'it) qua#it1. It ro.ides qua#it1 and inno.ati.e )ea#t)care re#ie$ $or eo #e* maintain strin0ent#1 et)ica# standard in business o eration.



Ee## bein0 o$ consumer* em #o1ee and societ1 are t)e t)ree $oundation i##ars o$ t)e .a#ues and rinci #es o$ Square Toi#etries /td. Square Toi#etries /td. t)at it is t)eir ob#i0ation to 'or, $or t)e 'e#$are o$ societ1. Eit) continuous %BD and inno.ation* 'e stri.e to ma,e our roducts com #1in0 'it) internationa# qua#it1 standards Stri.e to continuous#1 u 0rade manu$acturin0 tec)no#o01 and to maintain o timum #e.e# o$ qua#it1 measures in con$ormit1 'it) t)e internationa# standard F IS! 5001: 200G. It dedicated to ma,e e.er1 e$$ort to understand consumer needs to ro.ide ma=imum satis$action and to ac)ie.e mar,et #eaders)i .+ )tt :>>'''>.a#ueH rinci #es. ) A access*11>11>122

Company prof !":

S:;3%< )as min0#ed 'it) t)e da1-to-da1 #i$e o$ our )ouse)o#ds in suc) a 'a1 t)at it )as a s ecia# #ace in t)e $ami#1 bud0et o$ e.er1 $ami#1 in "an0#ades). S:;3%< toda1 s1mbo#iDes a name F a state o$ mind. Ho'* its &ourne1 to t)e 0ro't) and ros erit1 )as been no bed o$ roses. Irom t)e ince tion in 159G* it )as toda1 bur0eoned into one o$ t)e to #ine con0#omerates in "an0#ades).+)tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) A access*11>11>122. T)e com an1 met its do'n$a## in more t)an one occasion. "ut because o$ t)e 0reat #eaders)i s,i## o$ Mr. Samson H C)o'd)ur1* t)e com an1 o.ercame a## its )indrance and $ina##1 became ')at it is toda1. E)at started as a sma## )armaceutica# com an1 e= anded its branc)es and became a )u0e 0rou o$ com an1. In 159G* Samson H C)o'd)ur1 and t)ree o$ )is $riends started S:;3%< -)arma as a -artners)i Iirm. T)e1 named it JS:;3%<C because o$ )a.in0 $our $ounders and to s1mbo#iDe t)eir equa# contribution. 3$ter 10 1ears o$ )ards)i * t)e1 $ina##1 trans$ormed into a -ri.ate /imited Com an1. +)tt :>>'''.cor orateban0#ades).net>inde=. ) >square-0rou -o$-com anie A access*11>11>122. Square -)armaceutica#s /td.* t)e $#a0s)i com an1* is )o#din0 t)e stron0 #eaders)i osition in t)e )armaceutica# industr1 o$ "an0#ades) since 15G9 and is no' on its 'a1 to becomin0 a )i0) er$ormance 0#oba# #a1er. In a career s annin0 across $our and )a#$ decades it )as ioneered t)e de.e#o ment o$ t)e #oca# business in $ie#ds as di.erse as -)armaceutica#s* Toi#etries* Garments* Te=ti#e* In$ormation Tec)no#o01* Hea#t) -roducts* Iood -roducts* Hos ita#* etc. Eit) an a.era0e 3nnua# o$ ;SK 200 mi##ion and a 'or,$orce o$ about 6900 t)e S:;3%< Grou is a true icon o$ t)e "an0#ades) business sector.+ )tt :>>'''.e-)>aboutHsquare. ) A access*11>11>122. Square Grou consists o$ Square -)armaceutica#s /td* Square Te=ti#es /td* Square S innin0 /td* Square Toi#etries /td* Square Consumer -roducts /td* Square In$ormati= /td* Square Hea#t) -roducts /td*Square Knit $abrics /td* Square Ias)ion /td* Square 30ro De.e#o ment and -rocessin0 /td* Square Hos ita#s /td* Square Herba# B Lutraceutica#s /td. +)tt :>>en.'i,i edia.or0>'i,i>SquareHM2Gcon0#omerateM25 A access*11>11>122

Square Toi#etries /td. started its &ourne1 in 15GG 'it) a sin0#e roduct as a se arate di.ision o$ Square -)armaceutica#s. In 1554* Square Toi#etries /td. became a -ri.ate /td. Com an1. 3t resentA ST/ is t)e countr1Ns #eadin0 manu$acturer o$ internationa# qua#it1 cosmetics and toi#etries 'it) 20 brands and more t)an 99 roducts co.erin0 a 'ide ran0e o$ cate0ories #i,e s,in care* )air care* ora# care* bab1 care* $abric care* scourers* ma#e 0roomin0 and !TC. +)tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) A access*11>11>122 Square Toi#etries /td. s1mbo#iDes inno.ation. ST/ is t)e ioneer $or brin0in0 in ne' roducts and ac,a0in0 conce ts in "an0#ades). Current#1* ST/ is carr1in0 out its roduction in its t'o $u##1 automated #ants at %u s)i and -abna. +)tt :>>'''>manu$acturin0Hunit. ) A access*11>11>122 S:;3%< toda1 is more t)an &ust an or0aniDation* it is an institute. Eit) our state-o$-t)e-art roduction $aci#ities* most ad.anced equi ment* and )i0) qua#it1 ra' materia#s* 'e ensure t)e abso#ute best $or our customers. De endin0 on t)e nature o$ roducts* $ormu#ation* and ac,a0in0* ST/ )as roduct s eci$ic mac)iner1. 3 0rou o$ 'e##-trained eo #e a#'a1s ensures t)e smoot) o erations o$ a## mac)iner1. Im orted $rom .arious $orei0n su #iers* t)e best qua#it1 ra' materia#s are used $or a## ST/ roducts. <ac) )ase o$ t)e roduction rocess under0oes ri0orous testin0 to meet internationa# standards* $o##o'in0 t)e GM- +Good $anufactur n% Pract c"& of product on' +)tt :>>'''>manu$acturin0Hunit. ) A access*

"esides core business $unctions ST/ )as #on0 been ta,in0 acti.e art in di$$erent )i#ant)ro ic acti.ities #i,e em #o1ment 0eneration ro0ram $or .u#nerab#e communit1* $inancia# aid to disad.anta0ed and natura# disaster a$$ected eo #e* )e# in0 acid .ictims* tree #antation* creatin0 mass a'areness on )ea#t) and )10iene issues* su ortin0 in education and .arious #oca# communit1 ro0rams and man1 more.+ )tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) A

Com an1 /o0o:

Square Toi#etries /td current#1 )o#ds 20 di$$erent brands and around 46 roducts are roduced under t)ese 20 brands. 3## t)e 20 brands are de.e#o ed b1 %BD de artment o$ Square Toi#etries /td. 'it) t)e so#e $ocus to satis$1 t)e needs o$ its customer.

Square Hair Care Products:

1. (ui Coconut !i# 2. (ui Hair Care !i# 6. Se#ect -#us s)am oo

Executive Summary

Current Market Situation:


OS:;3%<P- toda1 t)e 'ord )as created ima0es o$ uniqueness* best qua#it1* trust* a$$ordabi#it1 and sincerit1 in our mind. T)e &ourne1 'as started in 159G but its 0ro't) and ros erit1 )as been no bed o$ roses. +)tt :>>'''.e-)>aboutHsquare. ) * 3ccess: 14t) Lo.emberC20122 Square Toi#etries /td. is t)e #eadin0 Toi#etries B Cosmetics Manu$acturin0 Com an1 in "an0#ades). +)tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) * 3ccess: 14t) Lo.enberC20122 T)e1 are t)e ioneer o$ e.er1 creation in toi#etries industr1 and no' t)e1 are about to enter t)e maturin0 Conditioner mar,et. Conditioners )a.e become a dai#1 requirement beside S)am oo. Gro'in0 interest $or )ea#t)1 )air encoura0es t)e com an1 to tar0et es ecia##1 $ema#es bet'een t)e a0e 0rou 19-40 in to'ns and cities. 3nnua# 0ro't) o$ t)is com an1 is 19.06 M+ 2010-20112. T)ere$ore* Com etition is more intense because brands #i,e Sunsi#,* Do.e* -antene* Head and S)ou#der and /C!rea# are )o#din0 most o$ t)e 0#oba# mar,et s)ares. Tou0) Square Toi#etries /td is ne' in t)is business t)e1 )a.e to be .er1 care$u# about tar0et s eci$ic se0ments* $eatures and romotions.

Mar,et Descri tion:

15GG: Debut o$ S:;3%< Toi#etries /td as a se arate di.ision o$ S:;3%< -)arma. +)tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) * 3ccess: 17t) Lo.emberC20122 1544: S:;3%< Toi#etries /td becomes a -ri.ate /imited Com an1. +)tt :>>'''>)erita0e. ) * 3ccess: 17t) Lo.emberC20122 T)e customer and users o$ S:;3%< Toi#etries /td re$er c)an0es. T)e1 'ant best qua#it1 roducts 'it) a$$ordab#e rice. +)tt :>>'''>manu$acturin0Hunit. ) * 3ccess: 17t) Lo.enberC20122 Simi#ar trust'ort)1 roducts o$ t)eir com an1 re#e.ant to )air so#ution mar,et are: (ui Coconut !i#* (ui )air Care oi#* Meri# bab1 s)am oo* Se#ect #us S)am oo. T)eir roducts are t)e best so#ution $or e.er1 ,ind o$ rob#ems. T)e1 use roduct and mar,etin0 conce t $or mar,etin0* it $aci#itated t)em to ro.ide best qua#it1 roducts and t)e desired satis$actions better t)an t)e com etitors do. T)e1 tr1 to identi$1 t)e needs and 'ant

o$ our eo #e and ser.e t)em accordin0#1. 3$ter conductin0 an e$$ecti.e researc) 'e cou#d see (ui Hair Conditioner is one o$ t)e 'ant o$ our customers ')ic) 'i## be $u#$i##ed. T)e tar0et customers o$ t)e com an1 are rice conscious. T)e1 'i## re$er 0ood qua#it1 roduct 'it) a$$ordab#e rice. T)is is )o'A t)eir roduct 'i## )a.e rominent in$#uence in t)e current mar,et. It can )o#d 0ood mar,et s)are amon0 t)e #oca# com anies as 'e## as it 'i## )a.e otentia# to com ete 'it) t)e 'or#d'ide brands. !t)er com etitors a#so c#aim $or t)e best qua#it1 but a$$ordab#e rice t)e main concern $or a##. +)tt :>>'''>.isionHmission. ) * 3ccess: 17t) Lo.emberC20122


(;I Hair Conditioner is a su erior conditioner b1 S:;3%< Toi#etries /td ')ic) )as )i0) otentia#it1 in conditioner mar,et.

(;I Hair Conditioner is best $or )air $a## so#ution. It 'i## be in 9m#+Mini ac,2* 190m#+ #astic tube2* 690m#+ #astic bott#e2.

T)eir ac, siDe 'i## be com arati.e#1 bi00er t)an an1 ot)er com an1 o$$ers. Good source o$ ra' materia#s $rom t)e 'or#d reno'ed su 3ccess: 17t) Lo.ember2 #iers #i,e Dra0oco* Iirmeuic)

')ic) ensures t)e best qua#it1 roducts. +)tt :>>'''.e-)>sisterHconcerns. ) *

It 'i## be a nouris)in0 conditioner and it 'i## contain so1a rotein ')ic) intense#1 nouris)es and conditions our )air* ')i#e t)orou0)#1 rein$orcin0 t)e )air $rom root to ti .

It ta,es about 1 minute $or reaction. He# s in ma,in0 )air detan0#e .er1 easi#1. It is $ormu#ation $or .isib#1 #ess )air$a##. Ma,es )air more smoot)er. It a#so trim do'n )air brea,a0e.

Idea# $or a## )air t1 e. Hair 0ro's stron0er. %estructures )air $ibre.

Com etiti.e':

T)e emer0ence o$ com etitors #i,e Sunsi#,* Do.e* -antene* Head and S)ou#der and /C!rea# boost u t)eir se## in t)e mar,et a00ressi.e#1. T)eir stri,in0 romotion mi= is .er1 a00ressi.e to con.ert our brand #o1a# in di#emma.

Tab#e.1.1 Com arisions o$ rices.

(ui )air Conditioner

T,2+9m#2 T, G0+190m#2 T, 190+690m#2

SunSi#,+Hair$a## so#ution conditioner2

T,. 2+4m#2 T, 270+1G0m#2 T,470+6G0m#2

-antene conditioner

T, 4G0.+ 6G0m#2 T, 174 +170m#2

SunSilk(Hairfall solution conditioner):

%i0)t no' Sunsi#, is t)e main com etitor in t)e mar,et. -un. !/ pro0 d". 1a rcar" .o!ut on. n *, countr ". around t1" %!o2"' So itCs a .er1 o#d and e= ert com an1. +)tt :>>'''>brands> ersona#carebrands>sunsi#,.as =3acc"..23>11>122. T)e most con.enient conditioner $or t)e consumers o$ our tar0et mar,et is Sunsi#,. !ne o$ t)e reason is it )as mar,eted mini ac, conditioners. T)is is .er1 con.enient $or t)e eo #e ')o )a.e

#imited income. $or t)e eo #e* ')o donCt norma##1 use conditioners a$ter s)am oo* can tr1 t)is an1time and i$ $or once t)e1 tr1 it* t)e1 'i## start be#ie.in0 in t)is roduct.

Pantene conditioner:
Le=t u is antene conditioner. -antene is one o$ t)e most trusted brands in "an0#ades). Eit) its mind b#o'in0 ad.ertisements $eaturin0 to ce#ebrities* antene )as made its 'a1 a## t)e 'a1 to t)e second in mar,et. It is a .er1 tou0) com etitor indeed. -antene is a .er1 o#d and trusted brand t)atCs ')1 it is not 0oin0 to be eas1 to beat antene in t)e mar,et.

Dove Conditioner:
Do.e )as a#'a1s been ,no'n as t)e one and on#1 trusted brand $or moisturiDation to man1 eo #e. T)e ')o#e Do.e com an1 s ecia#iDes on moisturiDation. It can be 1our $ace* bod1 or 1our recious )air* ') 1ou need mosturiDation t)e $irst name comes out o$ 1our mout) is Do.e. It is no' t)e 'or#dNs no.1 c#eansin0 brand and no.6 in t)e 3n0#o-Dutc) com an1Ns ort$o#io be)ind Knorr and i!ton. +)tt :>>'''>us>do.eHus.)tmAacc"..23>11>122. "esides* Do.eCs Orea# 'omen* %ea# beaut1P a0enda )as attracted man1 consumers ')o #oo, $or inte0rit1 in a brand name not 0#amour. So itCs 0oin0 to be rett1 tou0) com etitor to brea,.

"#real Conditioner:
In "an0#ades) t)ere is a )u0e $an $o##o'er 0rou o$ 3is)'aria rai. E)en s)e raises a roduct eo #e in it. "ut sti##* t)is com an1 is ot o u#ar in t)e ')o#e ban0#ades). !n#1 t)e urban eo #e and $e' rura# eo #e are interested in t)is conditioner. "ut it is a .er1 0ood roduct. T)e1 sa1* O3t /C!rea# * 'e )a.e made cosmetics t)e $ocus o$ a## our ener01 and ,no')o' $or near#1 a centur1. Ee are $u##1 committed to uttin0 a## our e= erties and researc) resources to 'or, $or t)e 'e##-bein0 o$ men and 'om'n* in a## t)eir di.ersit1* around t)e 'or#dP. 41ttp:55666'!or"a!'com57"n576651tm!5our8company56"!com"'a.p9 3acc".. 23>11>122.So i$ an1one )as once tried it t)at erson is not 0oin0 to c)an0e it an1time soon. T)e strean0t) o$ /Corea# is its qua#it1

#t$er conditioners:
t)e abo.e are our main com etitors in t)e mar,et. "ut t)ere are sti## m1riad brands o$ conditioners in t)e mar,et. T)e1 a#so a si0ni$icant amount o$ mar,et s)are in our tar0eted

mar,et. Garnier is one o$ t)em. T)ou0) t)ese brands does not )a.e as bi0 e$$ect as t)e ot)er brands stated abo.e but t)e1 sure#1 o'n a certain ortion o$ t)e mar,et. So a## t)ese brands )a.e di$$erent stren0t) and strate01 to sta1 a#i.e in t)e mar,et. (ui )as to com ete a## o$ t)em in t)e mar,et to estab#is) its ne' roduct.

(ui Hair ConditionerCs #astic bott#es* tubes and mini- ac,s 'i## be distributed t)rou0) a net'or, o$ retai#ers in t)e to and o u#ar mar,ets.

T)e1 'i## $o##o': Manu$acture Eare)ouse Distributor %etai#ers* -ar#ours Customer

3mon0 t)e most si0ni$icant c)anne# artners bein0 contracted are: Cosmetic retail stores:

T)e retai# s)o 'i## se## t)e roduct. It 'i## be at a## t)e 0roceries s)o s* me0a s)o s and de artmenta# stores #i,e 3#mas* 30ora. Meena "aDaar* Landan* S)a no. -o u#ar mar,ets are suc) as "as)und)ara cit1* Ga'sia mar,et and man1 ot)ers too. Tar0et customers $rom e.er1 c#ass can bu1 our roduct easi#1 $rom t)e nearb1 stores ') t)e1 need it. S)o ,ee er 'i## be instructed to in$orm t)e re about t)e reactions o$ t)e customer. T)e1 'i## be 0i.en $or t)is. (ui Hair Conditioner is com arati.e#1 c)ea er t)an t)e ot)er re#ated roducts and .er1 e$$ecti.e. So* it 'i## be so#d a## It is bene$icia# $or customer. So* t)e customer .a#ue o$ t)is conditioner 'i## be )i0).

Online retailers:

Mu, 'i## carr1 (ui Hair Conditioner. Customer can ,no' di$$erent as ects o$ t)e roduct in t)e 'ebsite. T)e1 can easi#1 order t)e roduct on#ine. T)is 'ebsite 'i## rominent#1 em )asiDe our roduct in t)eir )ome a0e. !n#ine is one o$ t)e best sources

$or mar,etin0. Customer 'i## be ob#i0ed to 0et a## t)e in$ormation about t)e com an1* roduction* roduction costs* and $rom t)e res ecti.e on#ine.

Sales representative:

3round 90-40 re 'i## ersuade t)e s)o ,ee ers in ')o#e D)a,a cit1 to su00est our roduct to t)e otentia# customers $or t)e $irst si= mont). /ater a$ter si= mont)* t)e com an1 'i## increase t)eir number o$ re $or co.erin0 ')o#e C)itta0on0* "aris)a# and ot)er bi0 to'ns. T)e1 'i## 0o to e.er1 ossib#e s)o $or ersuasion. %e 'i## create 0ood re#ation 'it) t)e s)o ,ee er. "1 t)is* t)e1 can 0et direct and actua# idea about t)e customerCs reactions.


<m #o1ees in t)e ar#ors and beauticians 'i## use our roduct in t)eir -ar#ours 'i## be suc) as -ersona* EomenCs Eor#d* <.es* IarDana S)a,i#s and ot)er e= ensi.e ar#ours $or attractin0 ; er Midd#ec#ass and Midd#ec#ass customers in D)a,a. ;sua##1* Midd#ec#ass and #o'er Midd#ec#ass customer donCt 0o to t)e e= ensi.e ar#ours $requent#1. T)ere$ore* $or t)eir con.enient 'e 'i## be ro.idin0 it to t)e sma##* a$$ordab#e -ar#ours #i,e /* Sici#1* "eaut1 -#us etc. /ater* t)e com an1 'i## ma,e a0reements 'it) t)e ot)er ar#ours in C)itta0on0* "aris)a#* S1#)et. T)e1 'i## co.e1 t)e bene$its o$ our roduct to t)eir res ecti.e customers. T)e1 'i## se## our roductA 'i## 0i.e rominent #acement in t)eir ar#our. T)e o'ner o$ t)e ar#ours 'i## earn commission in return $or se##in0 our roduct.

Door-to-door sell:


3 ro=imate#1 100 ma#e and $ema#e 'i## be di.ided accordin0 to t)e areas $or se##in0 t)e roduct. T)is 'i## be continued in t)e roduct de.e#o ment and introduction sta0es. T)e1 'i## earn sa#ar1 in commission basis. It 'i## )e# us to reac) our tar0et customers ersona##1. T)e1 can con.ince t)eir otentia# customers e$$ecti.e#1. T)rou0) t)is* t)e1 can 0et idea about t)eir customers* t)eir 'ants and com #ains more ersona##1. T)e1 can e$$icient#1 re ort to t)e o$$ice* t)e1 can recti$1 t)e rob#ems and 'it) t)e ositi.e $eedbac, com an1 'i## be con$ident about t)eir roduct.

Stren%t$s& 'eakness& #!!ortunity and ($reats ( S'#() )nalysis:


Leit)er our o'n nor our ma&or com etitors ob& are sim #e or ob.ious. T)ere are man1 c)oices bet'een s)ort term and #on0-term ro$it* bet'een 0ro't) and cas) $#o'* bet'een 0ro't) and assets and 0ro't) in earnin0* bet'een ro ortion o$ earnin0 aid to s)are)o#der as di.idends or rein.ested. It is reasonab#e to assume t)at t)ese di$$erent ob& o$ di$$erent com etitors redetermine some o$ t)eir strate0ies and tactica# be)a.ior. T)e ma&or ob& are12 3ssess t)e conce t o$ roduct acce tabi#it1* credibi#it1 and ercei.ed bene$its. 22 <=amine consumerCs assessment o$ t)e roduct* in terms o$ roduct er$ormance and re#ated bene$its. 62 <= #ore consumerCs reaction to'ards ac,a0in0. 42 ;nderstandin0 consumerCs erce tion o$ qua#it1 ad.ertisement in term o$ its im act.

In re#ation to t)e roduct #aunc)* our main issue is t)e abi#it1 to estab#is) a 'e##-re0arded brand name #in,ed to a meanin0$u# ositionin0. Ee 'i## in.est )ea.i#1 in mar,etin0 to create a reno'ned and distincti.e brand ima0e ro&ectin0 inno.ation* qua#it1 and .a#ue. 'e 0i.e im ortance on romotiona# acti.ities to raise a'areness amon0 customer. Ee a#so must measure a'areness and res onse so 'e can ad&ust our mar,etin0 e$$orts as necessar1. Marketin% Strate%y:(ui Hair ConditionerCs mar,etin0 strate0ies 'i## be based on t)e $our unique qua#ities and )o' it is di$$erent $rom ot)er roducts #i,e Do.e* Sunsi#, * -antene * /C!rea# etc. 3ccordin0 to t)e mar,et researc) 'e )a.e $ound t)at* t)e ot)er roducts roducin0 conditioners are based on t)e di$$erent t1 es o$ )air t)at 'omen mi0)t )a.e. !ne o$ t)eir roducts 'i## on#1 be suitab#e $or a articu#ar t1 e o$ )air. Eomen a## t)e "an0#ades) are re0u#ar#1 usin0 conditioner a$ter 'as)in0 t)eir )air 'it) S)am oo. !ur tar0et consumer are t)e 'omen ')o 'ants #on0er* stron0er* t)ic,er and si#,1 )air as our roduct 'i## be s ecia#iDed to 0i.e a## t)e $our qua#it1. T)is se0ment can be described demo0ra )ica##1 b1 a0e +12-492. !ur second tar0et consumer 'i## be t)e 'omen $rom t)e #o'er income $ami#1 ')o 'ant to use t)e conditioner but t)e1 cannot use &ust because t)e1 cannot a$$ord it. So 'e are #aunc)in0 t)e mini- ac, conditioner ')ic) is s ecia##1 desi0ned $or t)em. t)is mini- ac, conditioner 'i## be muc) c)ea er t)an an1 ot)er roduct in t)e mar,et. Eomen a## t)e countr1 'ant a better qua#it1 'it) a #o'er rice so our main aim 'i## be to 0i.e consumer t)e best qua#it1 roduct 'it) t)e c)ea est rice.

T)e1 'i## $o##o': Manu$acture Eare)ouse Distributor %etai#ers* -ar#ours Customer

Positionin%:Ee 'i## bui#d u an ima0e o$ our roduct 'i## .ar1 $rom ot)er roduct in t)e mar,et. !ur roduct 'i## be di$$erent $rom t)e ot)er com etitors because 'e 'i## be o$$erin0 conditioners ')ic) 'i## be ab#e to ser.e a## t1 es o$ )air* t)is is not ro.ided b1 our com etitors. !ur roduct 'i## 0i.e 'omen #on0er* stron0er* t)ic,er and si#,ier t)an be$ore. T)is 'i## be our core ad.anta0e $rom our com etitors. In t)is 'a1 our mar,etin0 strate0ies 'i## ma,e a .er1 0ood erce tion amon0 t)e consumers. Product Strate%y:To sta1 in t)e mar,et and com ete 'it) t)e com etitors* ro.in0 roducts in t)e c)ea est rice is not 0oin0 to 'or,. Ee 'i## se## our roducts in a com etiti.e rice and 'it) t)e best qua#it1. In $uture 'e are 0oin0 to come u 'it) #ot more ne' roduct 'it) di$$erent qua#ities. T)e main tar0et o$ our roduct strate01 'i## be creatin0 a ositi.e erce tion in t)e consumers mind. T)e #o0o o$ our roduct 'i## do t)e 'or, o$ it. Pricin% Strate%y:3s 'e are ne' in t)e mar,et 'e 'i## use t)e mar,et enetration ricin0 strate01. !ur mar,etin0 strate01 'i## be based on t)e c)ea er rice 'it) t)e best qua#it1. So 'e 'i## 0i.e t)e conditioner at t)e c)ea er rice com ared to t)e com etitors. !ur Consumer rice $or 9m#* 190m# and 690m# ac, 'i## be 2t,* G0t,* and190t, res ecti.e#1 ')ic) is muc) #o'er t)an an1 ot)er roduct in t)e mar,et. Ee 'i## 0i.e our roduct to t)e ')o#esa#er and retai#er at #o'er rice t)an t)e consumer rice more 'e 'i## 0i.e t)em a ne' s,im o$ ro$it s)arin0. In t)is s,im 'e 'i## s)are 90M o$ ro$it 'it) our ')o#esa#er and retai#er consumer. T)is s,im 'i## 0i.e us t'o bene$its 1. E)o#esa#er and retai#er 'i## be ea0er to se## as t)e1 can. 2. T)e1 'i## romote our brand to consumer so t)at t)e1 can earn ma=imum ro$it $rom our com an1.

.ame 0ml

Price of /ui 1tk

Price of conditioner com!etitors 1tk (2ml)


304ml 704ml

54tk 304tk

164tk 864tk

Distri*ution Strate%y:!ur distribution strate01 'i## be to distribute our roduct to a## 0roceries s)o s* Me0a s)o s* De artmenta# Stores a## t)e "an0#ades) no matter ')et)er t)e s)o is bi0 or sma## as our aim is reac) e.er1 sin0#e $ami#1 o$ "an0#ades). 3not)er strate01 is to distribute t)e roduct to a## "eaut1 -ar#ors in D)a,a and #ater rest o$ t)e countr1 'it) s ecia# rice o$$er so t)ose o'ners o$ t)e ar#ors 'i## romote our roduct to t)eir consumers. 'e introduce some door to door se##er $or t)e $irst one so t)at t)e1 can .isit t)e sin0#e )ome o$ countr1 and introduce our roduct to t)e tar0et consumer as 'e tota##1 ne' in t)e mar,et. T)e1 'i## $o##o': Manu$acture Eare)ouse Distributor %etai#ers* -ar#ours Customer

Marketin% Communication Strate%y: Mar,etin0 communication strate01 o$ t)e com an1 'i## be based on man1 tec)niques. Iirst o$ a## t)e1 'i## decorate t)e areas around Le' Mar,et +')ere most o$ t)e 'omen .isit $or s)o in02 #i,e D)anmondi* ')o#e Mir ur road* $u## ;ni.ersit1 area 'it) oster bi## board containin0 our brand name and #o0o. T)is 'i## )e# t)em to create a'areness amon0 t)e consumer about our roduct. T)eir second tec)nique 'i## to inte0rate a## messa0e in a## media suc) as Le's a ers+ Dai#1 Star* -rot)om3#o* "an0#ades) -ratidin2* T8 c)anne#s+ C)anne# I*LT8* %T8*3TL Le's and 3TLban0#a2* %adio+G5.4$m*GG.0$m2* t)e1 'i## rein$orce t)e brand name and t)e main oint o$ roduct di$$erentiation. 3ccordin0#1* researc) $rom :uantum and 3ddcom about media consum tion attern 'i## )e# t)eir ad.ertisin0 a0enc1 to obtain a ro riate decision on media and timin0 durin0 roduct introduction. 3s it is said ear#ier* t)e1 'i## a#so introduce some door to door se##er $or t)e $irst one so t)at t)e1 can .isit t)e sin0#e )ome o$ countr1 and introduce our roduct to t)e tar0et consumer as 'e tota##1 ne' in t)e mar,et. To create buDD t)e1 'i## )ost a

'omen beaut1 c)an0e com etition. T)e1 'i## tr1 to s onsor a## t)e dai#1 T8 Soa as most o$ our countr1Cs 'omen 'atc) T8 Soa re0u#ar#1 at a$ternoon and #ate e.enin0. Commercia#s 'i## be 0i.en in bet'een ne's* coo,er1 s)o's* 0ame s)o's and dramas. 3## abo.e tec)niques 'i## be ab#e to bui#d er$ect communication net'or, 'it) t)e consumers. Marketin% 9esearc$:"1 researc) t)e1 'i## tr1 to ,no' our consumer 'ant and demand. Ee 'i## tr1 to ,no' ')at bene$it t)e1 'ant $rom us. "1 0ettin0 t)is ne's t)e1 'i## modi$1 t)eir roduct e.er1 1ear to sur.i.e in t)e mar,et. Mar,etin0 a0encies #i,e :uantum 'i## do researc) $or otentia# customers and t)e1 'i## a#so ana#1De consumer attitude to'ard t)e com etin0 brands #i,e Do.e* Sunsi#, and etc.

)ction Pro%ram
!ur (ui )air conditioner 'i## be introduced in Iebruar1. Io##o'in0 are summaries o$ t)e action ro0rams 'e 'i## use durin0 t)e $irst 4 mont)s o$ t)e $o##o'in0 1earo$ 2012 to ac)ie.e our stated ob& In January* 'e 'i## #aunc) our trade sa#es romotion cam ai0n and e=)ibit at t)e ma&or industr1 trade s)o's to educate dea#ers and 0enerate c)anne# su ort $or t)e roduct #aunc) in Iebruar1. 3#so* 'e 'i## create buDD b1 ro.idin0 sam #es to se#ected roduct'ers* o inion #eaders* 'e )ired some e= ert $or' o$ our roduct 'e 'i## be #aunc) our roduct success$u##1. !ur o inion #eader is Sadia Haque. In$#uentia# b#o00ers and ce#ebrities 'i## be KaniD 3#mas and Mous)umi. !ur trainin0 sta$$ 'i## 'or, 'it) retai# sa#es ersonne# at ma&or c)ains to e= #ain t)e (ui )air conditionerCs $eatures* bene$its and ad.anta0es. In February, 'e 'i## start an inte0rated rint>radio>T8>Internet cam ai0n to raise a'areness amon0 our tar0et customers. Ior our media artner 'e use socia# net'or,in0 side t'itter $aceboo,. Ee a#so C)anne# +I2* LT8* %T8 B radio artner G5.4 $m* GG.0$m. T)e cam ai0n 'i## s)o' t)e bene$it o$ usin0 t)is )air conditioner and its $eatures. T)is mu#timedia cam ai0n 'i## be su orted b1 oint-o$-sa#e si0na0e as 'e## as on#ine on#1 ads and .ideo tours. In March* as t)e mu#timedia ad.ertisin0 cam ai0n continues* 'e 'i## add consumer sa#es romotions suc) as a contest in ')ic) consumers ost .ideos to our Eeb site* s)o'in0 )o' t)e1 use t)is )air conditioner and describe t)e ad.anta0es o$ usin0 t)is )air conditioner. Ee 'i## a#so distribute ne' oint o$ urc)ase dis #a1s to su ort our retai#ers. In pril, 'e 'i## )o#d a trade sa#es contest o$$erin0 riDes $or t)e sa#es erson and retai# or0aniDation t)at se##s t)e most (ui )air conditioner durin0 4-'ee, eriod. In May, 'e #an to ro## out a ne' nationa# ad.ertisin0 cam ai0n t)is mont). T)e st1#iDed rint #i,e Ma0aDines* Le's -a er and on#ine ads 'i## $eature a.atars o$ t)ese ce#ebrities )o#din0 t)eir )air conditioner. Ce#ebrities are suc) as Mou* Mous)umi* Tis)a* S)o,)* Sari,a.

In June, our T8 cam ai0n 'i## add a ne' ta0 #ine romotin0 t)e (ui )air conditioner as a 0raduation 0i$t. Ee 'i## a#so e=)ibit at t)e semiannua# e#ectronics trade s)o' and ro.ide c)anne# artners 'it) ne' com etiti.e com arison )andout as a sa#es aid. In addition* 'e 'i## ta##1 and ana#1De t)e resu#t o$ customer satis$action sur.e1s $or use in $uture romotions and to ro.ide $eedbac, $or roduct and mar,etin0 acti.ities.



Strict monitorin0 and measurin0 is mandator1 ')en t)e #an is in rocess o$ im #ementation. T)is 'i## )e# t)e com an1 to measure er$ormance and identi$1 an1 rob#ems t)at ma1 require recti$ication in t)e mar,etin0 strate0ies. T)e rob#ems ma1 arise 'it) qua#it1* distribution or cost o$ roduction. ;<) ,(=: T)e $irst and $oremost dut1 o$ t)e com an1 s)ou#d be ta,in0 care o$ t)e qua#it1 o$ t)e roduct. "ecause it does not matter )o' muc) a com an1 ad.ertises its roducts or )o' 'e## it mana0es its em #o1ees* i$ t)e roduct is o$ oor qua#it1 t)en a## ot)er e$$orts are $uti#e. "esides i$ t)e com an1 cannot ')at it romises in its roducts t)en it cannot 0o a #on0 'a1. 3nd o$ course t)ere is a ossibi#it1 i$ t)e roduct is o$ oor qua#it1 t)en "STI 'i## not a ro.e t)e roduct and it 'i## not be ossib#e to mar,et t)e roduct. D,S(9,:<(,#.: Le=t u is t)e distribution rocess. 3n im eccab#e distribution rocess automatica##1 rise to t)e sa#e o$ an1 roduct. I$ eo #e do not 0et t)e roduct in t)eir #oca#it1* t)e1 'i## not 0o to ot)er #oca#it1 to $ind it. T)e1 'i## sim #1 s'itc) to ot)er brand. So constant monitorin0 on t)e distribution rocess is .er1 im ortant. <$$icient em #o1ees s)ou#d be a ointed in t)e distribution rocess. Ee## trans ort $aci#it1 s)ou#d be ro.ided to t)e distribution o$$icers. Cost of !roduction: <$$icient cost mana0ement is t)e ,e1 to ma,in0 ro$it in an1 business. So it is .er1 im ortant t)at t)e cost remains at a reasonab#e #e.e#. T)e com an1 )as to constant#1 #oo, $or t)e c)ea est 1et best 'a1 to 0et its 'or, done. /oo, $or t)e best 'or,er in t)e best 'a0es and bu1 t)e best ra' materia#s at a best rice. 3n1 un'anted cost s)ou#d be cut o$$. Monitorin0 is needed to see i$ t)e em #o1ees are usin0 t)e com an1 resources 'e## or not. 3## o$ t)e abo.e oints s)ou#d be ,e t in mind ')i#e monitorin0. "esides t)ose stated abo.e t)e com an1 s)ou#d ta,e care o$ and contro# eac) and e.er1 acti.it1 o$ t)e com an1.

-rinci #es o$ Mar,etin0* 16t) edition* -)i#i Kot#er* Gar1 3rmstron0* -ta$u##a Q. 30ni)otri* <)san u# Haque.* a0e-914.

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