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1. 1he conLesL shall be open from 28
March 2014 8 p.m Lo 3
Aprll 2014
- 6 p.m. arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe conLesL lmplles accepLance of all Lhe Lerms
and condlLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe conLesL. Sun8lsers Pyderabad
reserves Lhe rlghL Lo amend Lhe compeLlLlon end daLe aL any Llme. 1he
Wlnners would be announced on 3
Aprll 2014.

2. 1he CompeLlLlon ls a game of sklll and Lhere would be one wlnner. 1he
compeLlLlon follows all appllcable rules ln lndla.

3. 1he rlze lncludes Lhe followlng:

! 2 8eLurn LlckeLs from Lhe Wlnner's home clLy ln lndla Lo uubal and
! 2 MaLch 1lckeLs for Sun8lsers Pyderabad's flrsL maLch ln lL 2014
scheduled for 18
Aprll 2014 ln Abu uhabl
! Cne PoLel 8oom for sLay lncluslve of Laxes.

! 1he rlze does noL lnclude
" vlsa Lxpenses
" CosL of lood and LransporL
" Any oLher lncldenLal expenses
! 1he wlnner would be enLlLled Lo nomlnaLe one person Lo
accompany hlm/her. All Lhe Lerms and condlLlons are appllcable Lo
boLh Lhe people.

4. 1o enLer a compeLlLlon you musL be: (a) lndlan resldenL, and (b) 18
years old or over aL Lhe Llme of enLry (c) Should have a valld passporL
(d) Should fulflll all crlLerla Lo geL a LourlsL vlsa Lo Lhe uAL (e) should
be a person compeLenL Lo enLer lnLo a valld agreemenL as per lndlan

3. 1he compeLlLlon ls noL open Lo employees (or members of Lhelr
lmmedlaLe famllles) of Sun Croup.

6. lf you wanL Lo enLer a compeLlLlon you may enLer vla followlng
[sunrlsers on LwlLLer and posL wlLh Lhe hashLag #S8PlnuAL

7. lf you wln a compeLlLlon, we wlll noLlfy you by emall or soclal medla
wlLhln 48 worklng hours of Lhe closlng daLe. lf you do noL respond
wlLhln 48 hours of belng noLlfled, you wlll forfelL your prlze and Lhe
organlzers reserves Lhe rlghL Lo choose anoLher wlnner. 1he [udges'
declslon wlll be flnal, and no correspondence wlll be enLered lnLo.

8. 8y enLerlng Lhe compeLlLlon Lhe wlnner agrees Lo parLlclpaLe ln such
promoLlonal acLlvlLy and maLerlal as Sun8lsers Pyderabad may requlre.

9. 1he prlze wlll noL be Lransferable Lo anoLher person.

10. 1he prlze ls non-exchangeable, non-Lransferable, and ls noL redeemable
for cash or oLher prlzes.

11. 1he conLesLanL agrees LhaL Lhe enLrles submlLLed by hlm/her could be
used for promoLlonal purposes by Sun8lsers Pyderabad.

12. 1he Wlnner agrees Lo procure a vlSA for uAL for Lhe prlze.

13. Sun8lsers Pyderabad reserves Lhe rlghL Lo ban/dlsquallfy any user who
promoLes obscene, ob[ecLlonable, defamaLory or unrelaLed conLenL.

14. 1he declslon of Sun8lsers Pyderabad shall be flnal and blndlng on Lhe

13. 1hls promoLlon ls ln no way sponsored, endorsed or admlnlsLered by, or
assoclaLed wlLh, LwlLLer. ?ou are provldlng your lnformaLlon Lo
Sun8lsers Pyderabad and noL Lo 1wlLLer. 8y parLlclpaLlng you hereby
release and hold harmless LwlLLer from any and all llablllLy assoclaLed
wlLh Lhls promoLlon.

16. Sun8lsers Pyderabad reserves all Lhe rlghLs Lo re-share user ConLenL on
Lhls fan page, whenever requlred. All enLrles wlll be LreaLed as Lhe
properLy of Sun8lsers Pyderabad and can be used by Sun8lsers
Pyderabad for any promoLlonal and / or commerclal acLlvlLy and Lhe
parLlclpanLs/wlnners walve all rlghLs of whaLsoever naLure ln Lhe sald
enLrles ln favour of Sun8lsers Pyderabad by parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe

17. Sun8lsers Pyderabad shall noL be responslble for any malfuncLlon/
server error/ Lechnlcal faulL of any klnd elLher aL Lhe parLlclpanL's end
or Lhe webslLe, whlch prevenLs Lhe parLlclpanL from parLlclpaLlng ln
Lhe conLesL/ promoLlon.

18. ln case of any dlspuLe or dlfference ln respecL of Lhe prlze/ selecLlon of
wlnners, Lhe declslon of Sun8lsers Pyderabad shall be flnal and blndlng
on all concerned.

19. 1he LlckeLs and oLher prlze shall be glven Lo Lhe wlnner only on
producLlon of valld passporL, vlSA, phoLo, lu proof and such oLher
documenLs requlred by Sun8lsers.

20. Sun8lsers Pyderabad reserves Lhe rlghL Lo amend Lhe Lerms and
condlLlons aL lLs dlscreLlon wlLhouL prlor noLlce. Sun8lsers Pyderabad
reserves lLs rlghL Lo modlfy, alLer, exLend or wlLhdraw Lhe conLesL, aL
any Llme, wlLhouL any prlor noLlce.

21. 1he conLesLanL agrees LhaL he shall LweeL hls experlence wlLh Lhe
Sun8lsers Leam as per Lhe requlremenLs speclfled by Sun8lsers

22. 1he conLesLanL agrees Lo obey Lhe laws of lndla and uAL and Lhe
organlzer shall noL be responslble or held llable for any lllegal acLlvlLy
Lhe conLesLanL may engage ln uAL or ln lndla.

23. 1he Wlnner and Lhe Wlnner's nomlnee shall slgn all necessary as
lnsLrucLed by Sunrlsers Pyderabad lncludlng an lndemnlLy.

24. Sun8lsers shall noL be held responslble for

(a) Any vlsa re[ecLlon
(b) Any lorce Ma[eure scenarlo, or
(c) for any oLher reasons.

23. 1he compeLlLlon ls governed by lndlan law and shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe
excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of courLs ln Chennal clLy only.

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