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Project Report On Environmental Impacts, Footprints and S staina!ilit" Strate#ies o$ IT Sector



Project Report Group 7


NMIMS University

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Project Report Group 7

Ta!le o$ &ontents

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1 2 3 4 #

Introduction Macro Level Analysis Micro Level Analysis !" !ase "tudy !onclusion Re%erence

3 4 # 1$ 1$

NMIMS University

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Project Report Group 7

Introd ction
&e Indian in%or'ation tec&nolo(y )I * industry &as played a +ey role in puttin( India on t&e (lo,al 'ap- &an+s to t&e success o% t&e I industry. India is no/ a po/er to rec+on /it&Accordin( to t&e annual report 2001210. prepared ,y t&e 3epart'ent o% In%or'ation ec&nolo(y )3I *. t&e I 24PO industry is e5pected to (arner a revenue a((re(ate o% 6"7 83-1 ,illion in 2001210 as co'pared to 6"7 91-4 ,illion in 200$201. (ro/in( at a rate o% over # per cent- &e report predicts t&at t&e Indian I 24PO revenues 'ay reac& 6"7 22# ,illion in 2020"ustaina,ility can ,e de%ined as &as ,een de%ined as 'eetin( t&e needs o% t&e present /it&out co'pro'isin( t&e a,ility o% %uture (enerations to 'eet t&eir needs-

In t&e a,ove dia(ra'. /e can see t&at t&ere are t&ree 'ajor aspects. i-e- :cono'ic. :nviron'ent and "ocial- ;e can also see. t&ere are %our types o% (ro/t& strate(ies- &ey are< :ia!le Gro<t=> &e or(ani=ation ne(lects social di'ension in its (ro/t& strate(ies Beara!le Gro<t=> strate(ies E? ita!le Gro<t=> strate(ies&e or(ani=ation ne(lects econo'ic di'ension in its (ro/t&

&e or(ani=ation ne(lects environ'ental di'ension in its (ro/t&

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S staina!le Gro<t=> &e or(ani=ation (ives e>ual i'portance to all t&e t&ree di'ensions in its (ro/t& strate(ies;&en considerin( t&e potential nature. conservation. i'pacts and opportunities o% t&e in%or'ation tec&nolo(y sector it is pro,a,ly appropriate to reco(ni=e si5 'ain su,divisions< :ner(y "avin( ?reen Procure'ent Policy Paper @ !artrid(e Mana(e'ent ;ater Mana(e'ent ;aste Mana(e'ent !ar,on Aootprint Mana(e'ent

;e &ave done a 'acro level analysis to study /&at t&e industry is doin( to 'aintain sustaina,ility- ;e &ave also done a 'icro level analysis- Aor it. /e &ave selected and studied ata !onsultancy "ervices-

Macro *evel Anal"sis

&e industry is (ivin( e>ual i'portance to all t&e t&ree di'ensions to 'aintain sustaina,ility in t&e (ro/t& strate(iesEconomic Dimension &e o,jective o% t&e econo'ic di'ension is to i'prove s&are&olderBs /ealt& and con%idence- It can ,e ac&ieved as %ollo/s< &e or(ani=ation s&ould loo+ %or ne/ ,usinesses and ot&er sources o% revenue&e or(ani=ation s&ould try to retain t&eir e5istin( custo'ers&e or(ani=ation s&ould try to i'prove its ,otto' line ,y i'provin( operatin( e%%iciency&e or(ani=ation s&ould &ave an e5cellent 'ana(e'ent and (ood corporate (overnance in place-

Environmental Dimension &e o,jective o% t&e environ'ental di'ension is to ensure t&at t&e or(ani=ation is not i'pactin( t&e environ'ent due to its activities- It can ,e ac&ieved as %ollo/s< :%%icient ;aste Mana(e'ent Reduce !ar,on Aootprint
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"/itc& to Rene/a,le :ner(y :%%icient ;ater Mana(e'ent Pro'ote ?reen I Social Dimension &e o,jective o% t&e social di'ension is to ensure t&at t&e or(ani=ation (ives ,ac+ so'et&in( to t&e society /&ere it e5ists- It can ,e ac&ieved as %ollo/s< &e or(ani=ation s&ould identi%y society as one o% t&e i'portant sta+e&olders&e or(ani=ation s&ould encoura(e its e'ployees to ta+e part in various social initiatives&e or(ani=ation s&ould lin+ social contri,ution o% an e'ployee to &is or &er appraisal and add a si(ni%icant i'portance to it-

Micro *evel Anal"sis

Tata &ons ltanc" Services ata !onsultancy "ervices is an I services. ,usiness solutions and outsourcin( or(ani=ation t&at delivers real results to (lo,al ,usinesses. ensurin( a level o% certainty t&at no ot&er %ir' can 'atc&- It /as esta,lis&ed in 119$ and currently it is t&e lar(est so%t/are e5porter o% India- It &as 140 o%%ices in 42 countries- !" is a part o% ata (roup /&ic& is one o% t&e 'ost respected ,rands in India and /&ic& is +no/n %or Mana(e'ent :5cellence and Inte(rity-

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&e a,ove pie c&art s&o/s presence o% !" across various industries- 4an+in( and Ainancial "ervices is in t&e top spot %ollo/ed ,y eleco' and Retail @ 3istri,ution-

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&e a,ove pie c&art s&o/s presence o% !" across various services- Application. 3evelop'ent and Maintenance )A3M* is in t&e top spot %ollo/ed ,y 4usiness Process Outsourcin( )4PO*-

&e a,ove pie c&art s&o/s t&e /or+%orce diversity o% !"- A'on( all its e'ployees. 12-$C are Indians- A'on( Don2Indian e'ployees. :cuadorians are in t&e top spot %ollo/ed ,y !&ileans and A'ericans-

Economic Dimension
&e co'pany is providin( ,ene%its to t&e s&are&olders t&rou(& t&e %ollo/in(< Glo!al Net<or@ Deliver" Model &e ?lo,al Det/or+ 3elivery Model is t&e en(ine t&at allo/s !" to provide relia,le. scala,le and cost2e%%ective delivery o% services and solutions- &is ti'e2tested 'odel &as &elped t&e co'pany ac&ieve a client satis%action ratin( o% $1C %or 'eetin( >uality e5pectations and an avera(e project ,ud(et variation o% just 3C. ,ot& %i(ures ran(in( %ar &i(&er t&an industry standards;it& !"E ?lo,al Det/or+ 3elivery Model. t&e custo'ers can !&oose a sourcin( strate(y ,est suited to t&e 'ost i'portant ,usiness considerations. e-(-. cost opti'i=ation. cultural ali(n'ent. pro5i'ity o% location. lan(ua(e capa,ilities or ris+ 'iti(ation 4e assured o% t&e &i(&est >uality o% service re(ardless o% t&e 'i5 o% services. tec&nolo(ies and locationsNMIMS University Page 8

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Lo/er t&e otal !ost o% O/ners&ip ) !O* o% In%or'ation ec&nolo(y ,y 'ana(in( di%%erent service strea's suc& as consultin(. I services. I in%rastructure services. etc/it& t&e &elp o% a uni%ied delivery %ra'e/or+All t&e processes and in%rastructure &ave ,een developed %ro' t&e (round upFas opposed to ,ein( co,,led to(et&er over ti'e- &e ?lo,al Det/or+ 3elivery Model consists o% t&ree inte(rated co'ponents< ?lo,al ;or+%orce o Gi(&ly e%%ective and scala,le talent 'ana(e'ent< recruitin(. sta%%in(. trainin( and retention Inte(rated Processes o !MMI Level # >uality processes o ;orld2class security procedures o Project Mana(e'ent processes and tools )iHM". etc-* Multi2 iered In%rastructure o Multi2continental and interconnected (lo,al develop'ent center net/or+ )local. re(ional. (lo,al 'odel* to allo/ %or ,etter ris+ 'ana(e'ent and %ollo/2t&e2sun covera(e o "tate o% t&e art teleco''unications net/or+ o ?lo,al colla,oration tools Sol tion Accelerators !" uses its industry e5perience and tec&nolo(y e5pertise to e%%ectively develop products. tools and 'et&odolo(ies t&at &elp ,rin( solutions to t&e %ore 'ore >uic+ly and /it& &i(&er >uality&ese tools. alon( /it& ?lo,al Det/or+ 3elivery Model. &ave &elped t&e' ac&ieve a custo'er satis%action ratin( o% $8CFa %i(ure 'uc& &i(&er t&an t&e industry standardsF%or on2ti'e project deliveryOver t&e years. t&e co'pany &as evolved processes and syste's t&at capture critical client needs. survey t&e set o% e5istin( t&ird2party tools and tec&nolo(ies. and t&en develop solution accelerators t&at &elp clients ac&ieve >uic+er outco'es !" &as over #0 !enters o% :5cellence /&ic& trac+ do'ain and tec&nolo(y trends and address t&e 'ost critical client needs t&rou(& speci%ic %ra'e/or+s or 'et&odolo(ies t&at accelerate t&e i'ple'entation process %or t&ird2party products!" is a pre%erred alliance partner %or 'ost leadin( I product and plat%or' co'panies. includin( Oracle. "AP. Microso%t. I4M and GP. a'on( ot&ers- ;it& inti'ate +no/led(e o% t&eir tec&nolo(ies and products. t&e co'pany ,uilds co'ple'entary solution accelerators t&at &elp clients in speci%ic industries suc& as te5tile 'anu%acturin(. or /it& speci%ic needs )e-(-. an :RP plat%or' up(rade* t&at levera(e t&e true potential o% t&ese tec&nolo(iesPage 9

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All its projects are delivered t&rou(& a uni%ied delivery %ra'e/or+. /&ic& includes a +no/led(e 'ana(e'ent syste' /it& learnin( %ro' past projects- &is learnin( provides an incentive to create +no/led(e assets %ro' ne/ projects t&at /ill ,ene%it clients in t&e %utureGere are so'e e5a'ples o% &o/ !"E "olution Accelerators &elp clients reali=e tan(i,le ,ene%its< !" 4aD!" is a co'pre&ensive port%olio o% solutions %or t&e %inancial services industry t&at provides enterprises /it& (reater operational control. relia,le tec&nolo(y support. continuous process i'prove'ents and en&anced speed to 'ar+et!" "OLAR Ara'e/or+ is a service2oriented %ra'e/or+ t&at &elps t&e co'pany strate(i=e and deliver 4usiness Intelli(ence and Per%or'ance Mana(e'ent solutions)?artner Inc positioned !" in t&e Leaders Huadrant %or t&e IMa(ic Huadrant %or 4usiness Intelli(ence "ervices. Dort& A'erica. 2008I report-* !" !ode ?enerator Ara'e/or+ ) !" Master!ra%t* provides an inte(rated environ'ent alon( /it& a product or application develop'ent li%e cycle- ;it& a si(ni%icant reuse o% codes. it speeds up ne/ application develop'ent. le(acy syste' inte(ration. andJor t&e en&ance'ent process-

&e %ollo/in( (rap&s s&o/ t&e per%or'ance o% !" in various %inancial para'eters and &o/ t&e co'pany is continuously i'provin( its s&are&oldersB /ealt&-

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Environmental Dimension
&e co'pany is providin( ,ene%its to t&e environ'ent t&rou(& t&e %ollo/in(< T&S Environmental 'olic" &e co''it'ent to t&e environ'ent ste's %ro' t&e ata ?roupBs a,idin( concern %or t&e environ'ent and society. /&ic& is e',odied in t&e ata !ode o% !onduct- &e ata ?roup considers cli'ate c&an(e to ,e t&e (reatest t&reat a%%ectin( econo'ic sta,ility. vulnera,le co''unities and t&e society at lar(e- &e ata ?roupBs !li'ate !&an(e Policy 'andates t&at all (roup co'panies assu'e leaders&ip roles in cli'ate c&an(e 'iti(ation in t&e pursuit o% ,usiness aspirations and en&ance'ent o% s&are&older valueNMIMS University Page 13

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&e co'pany is in t&e ,usiness o% providin( I services. ,usiness solutions and outsourcin(- &e environ'ental i'pacts result %ro' its ,usiness operations (lo,ally and t&rou(& t&e services and solutions t&at t&e co'pany provides its custo'ers /it&- rue to t&e ata spirit. !" re(ards cli'ate c&an(e 'iti(ation and environ'ental i'prove'ent as essential %eatures o% its sustaina,le ,usiness p&ilosop&y- &e co'pany is co''itted to continuously ,enc&'ar+in( and en&ancin( its o/n environ'ental per%or'ance t&rou(& t&e reduction o% its car,on and ecolo(ical %ootprints /it& t&e involve'ent o% its ,usiness associates and partners. t&ere,y strivin( to ,e leaders in t&e industry sector- &rou(& t&e services and solutions. t&e co'pany endeavors to &elp custo'ers i'prove t&eir environ'ental per%or'ance to/ard t&eir sustaina,ility o,jectives&e co'pany ai's to %ul%ill t&e environ'ental co''it'ents t&rou(& t&e %ollo/in( ,road2level actions< Inte(rate ener(y and environ'ental considerations in t&e desi(n o% ne/ in%rastructural %acilities I'prove resource e%%iciency in operations. especially %or +ey resources suc& as ener(y and /ater Adopt t&e I32RI )reduce. reuse and recycle* p&ilosop&y %or all types o% /astes to/ard prevention o% pollution and dispose o% Iinevita,leI /astes. especially electronic /aste. in line /it& re(ulatory re>uire'ents or industry ,est practices Pro'ote I(reen procure'entI to t&e 'a5i'u' e5tent possi,le !onsider sta+e&older e5pectations on its environ'ental per%or'ance in t&e desi(n o% in%rastructure. operations. processes and solutions to t&e e5tent %easi,le "et. 'onitor and revie/ o,jectives and tar(ets on an on(oin( ,asis to/ard ac&ievin( continuous i'prove'ent in environ'ental per%or'ance and t&e overall environ'ental 'ana(e'ent syste' Re'ain co''itted to co'plyin( /it& all t&e applica,le environ'ental and related le(al and ot&er re>uire'ents and. /&erever %easi,le. en&ance t&e prescri,ed standards in all t&e countries t&at t&e co'pany operates out o% !ontinue pu,lic reportin( o% its environ'ental per%or'ance and t&e contri,ution to cli'ate c&an(e2related issues t&rou(& relevant national and international %oru's and to ot&er sta+e&olders t&rou(& appropriate co''unication c&annels !o''unicate t&e environ'ental policy to all e'ployees. ,usiness associates and ot&er sta+e&olders and ensure t&at t&e policy is availa,le to t&e pu,lic Revie/ t&e environ'ental policy and allied 'ana(e'ent syste's periodically to ensure t&eir continuin( applica,ility and relevance to its operations and evolvin( sta+e&older e5pectations

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"trive to support various voluntary national and international protocols. conventions and a(ree'ents on environ'ent protection and proactively en(a(e /it& (overn'ental and ot&er a(encies in drivin( %uture environ'ental policy and re(ulation )aste Red ction 'olic" !" is co''itted to reducin( t&e environ'ental i'pact o% its operations t&rou(& appropriate on(oin( 'aterial 'ana(e'ent- &is calls %or a conscious e%%ort across !" in t&e %ollo/in( areas< Red ction o$ <aste at so rce> All delivery centers and o%%ices 'ust 'ana(e operations to reduce t&e >uantity or to5icity o% /aste produced- "uc& 'easures include. ,ut are not li'ited to t&e %ollo/in(< o Printin( reports and docu'ents. /&enever possi,le. on ,ot& sides o% t&e paper o 6pdatin( 'ailin( and distri,ution lists periodically to avoid overrunK use o% e2 'ail /&enever appropriate o ?ivin( pre%erential purc&asin( consideration to products t&at are reusa,le. re%illa,le. repaira,le. 'ore dura,le. less to5ic. recycla,le and /&ic& avoid e5cess pac+a(in( Re se o$ material <=erever possi!le> All products and 'aterials 'ust ,e reused /&erever possi,le Rec"clin#> It is t&e responsi,ility o% every associate to separate identi%ied recycla,le 'aterials and place t&e' in appropriate recyclin( containers- O%%ice paper. corru(ated card,oard and alu'inu' ,evera(e cans 'ust al/ays ,e recycled in t&e appropriately 'ar+ed container- Ot&er 'aterials are to ,e recycled /&enever %easi,le and /&erever containers are provided- Reuse is pre%era,le to recyclin( ' rc=asin# prod cts <it= rec"cled content> All o%%ices across !" 'ust purc&ase and use products 'anu%actured %ro' recycled 'aterials /&enever %easi,le- In particular. recycled paper products 'ust ,e used- It is i'portant t&at all recycled purc&ases ,e reported to t&e Ad'inJPurc&ase 3epart'ent across !" %or record +eepin( and reportin( purposes Implementation &e O%%ice o% ;aste Reduction and Recyclin( /ill /or+ /it& t&e Recyclin( Monitors and t&e delivery center associates to 'a+e recyclin( and /aste reduction as convenient as possi,leActive participation /ill tri' unnecessary /aste disposal costs. 'eet 'andated /aste reduction re>uire'ents and /ill &elp !" 'eet its co''it'ent to reduce t&e ne(ative i'pact o% its operations on t&e environ'ent- &is policy 'ust ,e 'ade availa,le to all associates o% t&e Ad'in and Purc&ase 3epart'entNMIMS University Page 15

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Ener#" Savin# Initiatives !"B ener(y savin( initiatives %ocus on ensurin( strict operational discipline and installation o% ener(y e%%icient e>uip'ents as ,elo/< "/itc&in( on t&e A! &al%2an2&our late every 'ornin( and turnin( it o%% &al%2an2&our earlier in t&e evenin( Re(ulatin( te'perature in a close ,and )24L1o !* Replacin( tu,e2li(&ts /it& !AL lu'inaries MA3 installation Mini'i=in( use o% &alo(en and ot&er ener(y intensive li(&tin( "/itc&in( o%% o% 'onitors /&en not in use t&rou(& central pro(ra''in( Green 'roc rement 'olic" &e co'pany &as t&e %ollo/in( (reen procure'ent policies in place< Procure'ent o% lo/ ener(y consu'ption des+top con%i(uration %ro' :ner(y "tar Partners Purc&ase o% A 'onitors instead o% !R 'onitors /&enever e5istin( !R 'onitors are replaced Procurin( laser printers /it& ?R::D %unctionality Procurin( servers /it& lo/ volta(e !P6s and lo/ /atta(e stora(es and server rac+s /it& e%%icient coolin( syste' "erver rac+s /it& e%%icient coolin( syste'

'aper and &artrid#e Mana#ement 'olic" &e co'pany &as t&e %ollo/in( paper and cartrid(e 'ana(e'ent policies in place< !reatin( a/areness a,out t&e i'portance o% savin( paper !ontrollin( supply o% paper at printers and copier 'ac&ines 3isplayin( posters and sendin( out 'ailers to &i(&li(&t t&e need %or savin( paper Ma+in( so%t copies t&e o%%icial %or' o% co''unication /&erever %easi,le. especially %or 'ost e'ployee sel% service procedures. suc& as applyin( %or leave

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)ater &onservation 'olic" &e co'pany &as t&e %ollo/in( /ater conservation policies in place< 3ual %lus&in( syste' in toilets aps /it& varia,le output and sensors 3rip irri(ation syste' &rottlin( o% valves Re(ular 'aintenance o% /ater pu'ps &e %ollo/in( (rap&s s&o/ t&e per%or'ance o% !" in various environ'ental para'eters and &o/ t&e co'pany is continuously reducin( its i'pacts to/ards environ'ent-

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Social Dimension
&e co'pany is providin( ,ene%its to t&e society t&rou(& t&e %ollo/in(< T&S Maitree> Maitree. t&e association o% e'ployees and %a'ilies. reac&es out t&rou(& active e'ployee participation- Maitree also contri,utes to/ard i'provin( e'ployee &ealt& ,y providin( in2&ouse doctors. or(ani=in( 'edical ca'ps. and initiatin( pro(ra's li+e N"erenityB stress 'ana(e'ent a'on( e'ployees- In addition. t&e Maitree plat%or' includes 'usic. dance. tre++in( and sports /&ic& &elps develop tea' spirit and ,ondin( /it&in t&e or(ani=ation m/ris=i> 'Oris&i. t&e 'o,ile ,ased a(ro advisory syste'. ena,les %ar'ers to access a(riculture ,ased advice in local lan(ua(es- 6sin( (rap&ic and voice %or'ats to purvey in%or'ation. t&e syste' is ,ein( run on a pilot ,asis at t&ree locations in Ma&aras&tra and at one site in 6ttar Prades& ,e%ore t&e co''ercial launc& in 'id 2001 Insi#=T> Insi(& . a 822&our I and so%t s+ills ca'p %or pre2university students. deploys t&e !ase "tudy 'et&odolo(y to provide students e5perience /it& real li%e projects- "ince 2008. Insi(& &as covered over 1#00 students in !&ennai. !oi',atore. Ooc&i. and Mu',ai- Insi(& /as also conducted in Panuary 200$ and 2001 at "ydney in Australia &BF*> &e !o'puter2,ased Aunctional Literacy )!4AL* pro(ra' &as served over 1.20.000 learners in pilot studies all over India. /it& o%%erin(s in nine Indian lan(ua(es and develop'ent o% teac&in( in Ara,ic and "panis& no/ under/ay- !4AL M-2 %acilitates teac&in( one lan(ua(e t&rou(& t&e 'ediu' o% anot&er-

&oncl sion
In conclusion. /e can say t&at t&e co'pany is (ivin( e>ual i'portance to all t&e t&ree di'ensions and in t&e process. it &as ,eco'e a sustaina,le or(ani=ation-

!" !orporate "ustaina,ility Report

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