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Individual Laboratory Report


Bernard Jomari B. Razote

LBYPH11 EP2 This experiment aims to examine the two types of energy derived from the conservative forces, namely the spring potential energy and the gravitational potential energy. Also, this laboratory activity aims to show how energy is conserved. To minimize errors while conducting the experiment, students must be alert and focused in recording the information needed by paying keen attention to the activity. Also, the students may perform additional trials to ensure the accuracy and precision of the recorded data.

graph of force is versus distance will yield a line with the slope equal to the spring constant k [4].

The other potential energy to be examined in this activity is the gravitational potential energy (Ugrav). The gravitational potential energy gained by the particle as it moves vertically is given by Ugrav = mgh, where m is the mass of the cart, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the vertical height the particle has achieved. In the context of I. INTRODUCTION the experiment, h could be expressed as h=dsin, By definition, energy is a fundamental entity of where d is the distance the cart has covered along nature that is transferred between parts of a system the incline [4]. in the production of physical change within the Upon the conclusion of the experiment, we must system and usually regarded as the capacity to do work [1]. These energies can be classified into two prove that if the potential energy in the compressed types of energy, namely: kinetic energy and spring will be completely converted into potential energy. In the experiment, we will focus gravitational potential energy, then the energy of only on potential energy, specifically the potential the system is conserved. energies derived from conservative forces, namely II. METHODOLOGY the spring potential energy (Uel) and the gravitational potential energy (Ugrav), in which the First, before starting with the experiment proper, energy is associated with the position rather than one must know first the value of the spring constant the path as well as the motion [2]. k. Using a dynamics cart attached to a string with a hanging mass, our group computed for k using the First is the elastic potential energy, which is also force exerted by the hanging mass (mg) and the known as the spring potential energy (Uel). The displacement of the cart from the equilibrium (x). potential energy of a spring compressed a distance x from the equilibrium is given by PE= kx2 where The first thing to do is to level the track by setting k is the spring constant [3]. According to Hookes the cart on the track to see the way it rolls. Upon Law, the force exerted by the spring is directly doing that, find the mass of the dynamics cart using proportional to the distance the spring is stretched the balance. Then, place the cart with the spring or compressed which is expressed by the equation plunger against the block as shown in Figure 1. F=kx, where k is the proportionality constant. After doing that, attach a string to the cart which the Therefore, the spring constant can be other end is attached to a mass hanger, letting it experimentally determined by applying different pass through the pulley. After recording the carts forces in order to stretch or compress the spring initial position, put additional mass mass to the different distances. After doing that, plotting the mass hanger and record the new position of the cart

[4]. We repeated this process for a total of 5 different masses and tabulated the data.

After conducting the experiment, we have obtained enough data to validate the theory presented at the start of the activity. The first information that we have obtained was the data regarding the spring constant k. As shown Fig. 1 Spring constant set-up [4]. in Table 1, we used different masses in order to Upon finding the value of the spring constant, the record the displacement of the cart from experiment regarding potential energy was equilibrium. In that way, we were able to verify and conducted using the set-up where k was taken. validate the value of the spring constant. To start off with the experiment, start from the set-up where the spring constant k was obtained. Remove the levelling feet as shown in Figure 2, and after that, remove the string from the cart and cock the plunger of the spring to the point where it is fully compressed. Then, place the cart against the end stop, and measure the distance the spring plunger is compressed. Next, elevate the ramp and measure its hypotenuse to determine the angle of elevation. After recording the initial position of the cart, tap the plunger using a stick to release it and repeat it for five trials [4]. Conduct this experiment again this time varying the angle of inclination and mass of the cart, and repeat it for five trials.

Added Mass 0.100 kg 0.150 kg 0.200 kg 0.250 kg 0.300 kg


1.002 m 1.003 m 1.004 m 1.005 m 1.006 m

Displacement from Equilibrium 0.002 m 0.003 m 0.004 m 0.005 m 0.006 m

Force (mg) 0.980 N 1.470 N 1.960 N 2.450 N 2.940 N

GRAPH OF FORCE VERSUS DISPLACEMENT 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 Displacement From Equilibrium

Using these data, we were able to compute the value of the spring constant k by graphing the bestfit line and solving for its slope, which is 490 N/m.
Fig. 2 Potential energy set-up [4].

The next data we gathered was the distance travelled by the cart along the inclined track. After


doing five trials, we considered the trial with the maximum value and computed for the height using the formula h=dsin, as shown in Table 2. There, the value of the angle was also obtained.



Angle 9.59 7.18 7.18 4.78


Angle 9.59 7.18 7.18 4.78

Mass 0.525 kg 0.525 kg 0.800 kg 0.525 kg

Max Height 0.182 m 0.237 m 0.151 m 0.330 m

h=dsin 0.0303 m 0.0296 m 0.0189 m 0.0275 m

0.525 kg 0.525 kg 0.800 kg 0.525 kg

Spring Gravitational % Diff PE PE (mgh) (kx2) 0.206 J 0.156 J 27.6% 0.206 J 0.152 J 30.2% 0.206 J 0.148 J 32.8% 0.206 J 0.141 J 37.5%


Trial 1 0.170 m 0.214 m 0.151 m 0.328 m

Trial 2 0.150 m 0.220 m 0.149 m 0.330 m

Trial 3 0.180 m 0.237 m 0.142 m 0.316 m

Trial 4 0.175 m 0.221 m 0.139 m 0.317 m

Trial 5 0.182 m 0.231 m 0.143 m 0.324 m

After obtaining these results, I can say that we are erroneous in conducting the experiment. Human errors, as well as other systematic errors can be found in the experiment, especially in the amount of percentage difference between the Spring Potential Energy and the Gravitational Potential Energy. This wide difference can also be attributed to the equipment itself like the dynamics cart and the track, which are totally not frictionless.

IV. CONCLUSIONS In addition to these set of data are other vital information such as the distance where the spring is Based on the data obtained from the activity, I compressed (x), as well as the initial position of the can say that not all of the spring potential energy cart. was conserved and was converted to the gravitational potential energy. This lost energy TABLE 2.3 was converted to kinetic energy when the cart ADDITIONAL DATA IN THE EXPERIMENT moved up the inclined plane. Also, the wide margin of difference can be attributed to the systematic Distance spring is compressed 0.029 m errors that we have done in the experiment, Initial Position of the Cart 0.971 m especially to the reaction time and to the Upon obtaining these set of data, we used them misjudgement of the necessary data needed for to solve for the Spring Potential Energy and the computation. Gravitational Potential Energy, as shown in Table 3. Using the formula for Uel=kx2 and Ugrav = mgh, Nevertheless, if one would disregard the errors we computed for the percentage difference in order present in the activity, the said theory would be true, to verify the theory to be proven upon the because the potential energy in the compressed conclusion of the experiment. spring will be completely converted into gravitational potential energy.

To truly prove this theory of conservation of energy, I recommend that one should be keen in observing the experiment. The participants in the activity should be more precise in judging the information needed to avoid further errors. And lastly, the equipment should have lesser friction by making the ramp smoother so that the friction force would be negligible. REFERENCES
[1] Merriam-Webster, Inc. (2014). Merriam-Webster's dictionary of basic English. Massachusetts, USA: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. [2] Young, H. D., Freedman, R. A., Ford, A. L., & Sears, F. W. (2012). Sears and Zemansky's university physics (13th ed., pp. 207-209). Boston: Addison-Wesley. [3] Young, H. D., Freedman, R. A., Ford, A. L., & Sears, F. W. (2012). Sears and Zemansky's university physics (13th ed., pp. 216-218). Boston: Addison-Wesley. [4] Wilson, J.D. (1994). Physics Laboratory Experiments (4th Ed.). pp. 105-111. Heath and Company: Lexington, Massachusetts, USA.

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