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Prepared By:

Anderson & Walker LLC, 135 Staff Dr. Fort Walton Beac Fl. Anderson & Walker LLC, 135 Staff Dr. Fort Walton Beac Fl.

!et"rn to:

Property Appra#ser Parcel $D %o: 32827-528-000

Fol#o %"&'ers(s) !*+,*31!-!

Quit Claim Deed

-ade t #s S#.t day of /"ne, 0**1, 'y 23%4 253-PS3%, non married man, 6 ose post off#ce postal &a#l locat#on #s: 01 St#ll Water !d, Freeport C#ty, Flor#da state, 7#p e.e&pt ere#nafter called t e 8rantor, to MALCOLM M. WALEKR III Trust 09/0 /!9"", 6 ose non do&est#c &a#l locat#on #s: 9 near !#$ %ta&& Dr., 'ort Walton (ea)*, 'lorida state, +i, e-em,t ere#nafter called t e 8rantee: Witnesset*, t at t e 8rantor, for and #n cons#derat#on of t e s"& of :2W;%24 3%; S$L<;! D3LLA!S =%$2;D S2A2;S A%D %3>1** D3LLA!S (:01.**) and ot er ?al"a'le cons#derat#ons, rece#pt 6 ereof #s ere'y ackno6led8ed, does ere'y re&#se, release, and @"#t cla#& "nto t e 8rantee fore?er, all t e r#8 t, t#tle, #nterest, cla#& and de&and 6 #c t e sa#d 8rantor as #n and to, all t at certa#n land s#t"ate #n Bay Co"nty, Flor#da, ?#7:

Condo&#n#"& =n#t %o. 01, of SA%D CAS2L;S W;S2 $, a Condo&#n#"&, all as set fort #n t e Declarat#on of Condo&#n#"& and t e ;. #'#ts anne.ed t ereto and for&#n8 a part t ereof, recorded #n 3ff#c#al !ecords of Book A1*, Pa8e 15BC and a&end&ents recorded #n 3ff#c#al !ecords Book 1*305, pa8e 1+11, 3ff#c#al !ecords Book 101*, Pa8e 13++, 3ff#c#al !ecords Book 131C, Pa8e +AAD 3ff#c#al !ecords Book 13B+, Pa8e 33* and 3ff#c#al !ecords Book 1A1A, Pa8e 1B0*, of t e P"'l#c !ecords of Bay Co"nty, Flor#da. 2 e a'o?e descr#pt#on #ncl"des, '"t #s not l#&#ted to, all app"rtenances to t e condo&#n#"& "n#t a'o?e descr#'ed, #ncl"d#n8 t e "nd#?#ded #nterest #n t e co&&on ele&ents of sa#d condo&#n#"&. Parcel $D %"&'er: #./."0$./0000 1rantors 6arrant t at t e s"'Eect property #s not t e#r o&estead property as def#ned 'y t e Const#t"t#on of t e State of Flor#da. To2et*er 6#t all t e tene&ents, ered#ta&ents and app"rtenances t ereto 'elon8#n8 or #n any6#se apperta#n#n8.
To 3a4e and to 3old, t e sa&e to8et er 6#t all and s#n8"lar t e app"rtenances t ere"nto 'elon8#n8 or #n any6#se apperta#n#n8, and all t e estate, r#8 t, t#tle, #nterest, l#en, e@"#ty and cla#& 6 atsoe?er of t e sa#d 8rantor, e#t er #n la6 or e@"#ty, to t e only proper "se, 'enef#t and 'e oof of t e sa#d 8rantee fore?er. In Witness W*ereo&, t e sa#d 8rantor as s#8ned and sealed t ese presents t e day and year f#rst a'o?e 6r#tten. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence:


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF( Seal) By 2ony 2 o&pson Grantor a8ent for 23%4 253-PS3% ens le8#s Address: 01 St#ll Water !d, Freeport C#ty, Flor#da state, 7#p e.e&pt

H"#t Cla#& Deed F#le: *5*1*12-



FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF( Seal) By S#r. -alcol&,&art#n $$$: fa&#ly 6alker a8ent for -ALC3L- -. WALI;! $$$J Address: 135 Staff Dr., Fort Walton Beac , Flor#da state, 7#p e.e&pt

As e?#denced and attested to 'y t e attac &ent of &y s#8nat"re "nder Seal of &y 3ff#ce 'elo6, t e a'o?e end "ser 6 o #s $dent#f#ed to &e and kno6n as to &e, d#d a"to8rap , aff#r&, attest and"te t #s doc"&ent 'ased "pon #s> er o6n f#rst and kno6led8e. 2 e Grantor f"rt er attests and aff#r&s t at t #s doc"&ent #s not &eant to &#slead, dece#?e, or &#s#nfor& and does ere'y"te t #s doc"&ent. Done and dated t e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF day of t e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF &ont #n t e 4ear of 4a s "a t e C r#st t6o t o"sand FFFFFFFFFFFF A.D., at near Ft. La"derdale, Flor#da state, #n &y presence. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF S#8nat"re of %otary P"'l#c "nder Seal FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Pr#nt %a&e>Co&&#ss#on e.p#res

H"#t Cla#& Deed F#le: *5*1*12-

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