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IBM 190-824 Building Portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6

Q&A v 5.12
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1. After working with a builder for several days, it is decided that John must consume some data from a Lotus Domino database. How can he most easily enhance his project to include data from Domino? A. Use the Notes ODBC driver to consume Domino data B. Add the Lotus Collaboration Integration Extension to his project C. Export the Domino data to Excel, then add an Excel Integration Extension to the project D. Integrate Domino with a relational database using Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS), then consume the data using a native JDBC driver Answer: B

2. Will has used Eclipse for several RCP and plug-in projects and is beginning his first WebSphere Portlet Factory WebApp. In order to provide a clean environment for the complexities of his WebApp, what action should he take with Eclipse before creating the new WebApp Project? A. Open a new perspective B. Define and use a new workspace C. Start Eclipse with the "-clean" option D. Clear the warnings from the Problems view, and add a Servers view for running the project Answer: B

3. Jerry returns from a vacation to his shared development machine, and when launching Eclipse discovers a Profiling Monitor where his project's navigation used to be. What does he need to do to return to his WebSphere Portlet Factory project, assuming that he selected the correct workspace? A. Run a search for the base entry of his WebApp Tree B. Change the perspective to the WebSphere Portlet Factory perspective C. Use the File - Open File menu to return to one of his models D. Use the Run menu choice to change to his old run configuration Answer: B

4. Angie has created several builder calls in a model and wishes to see the model's raw form for educational purposes. Where can she do this? A. In the generated code pane B. In the Model XML model view C. In the WebApp Tree model view


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CertInside D. By navigating to the initial Comment in the Navigator pane Answer: B


5. Which builder can Ellen use to add a form to her WebApp for the collection of data? A. Form Builder B. Data Page Builder C. HTML Page Builder D. Data Class Builder Answer: B

6. To get a better understanding of a data service provider, Gene would like his provider model to automatically create some documentation. In which builder call can he generate documentation, and how? A. SQL Call builder, by selecting "Include Documentation" B. Comment builder, by adding appropriate comments to the model C. Service Definition builder, by selecting "Generate Main" and "Include Documentation" D. SQL DataSource, by defining data that has embedded comments as one of the columns to return Answer: C

7. Jerald is working with detail input pages (forms) and wishes to give them similar colors and fonts as the summary pages developed by another programmer. The styles can easily be modified by doing which of the following? A. Use the "!important" tag in the summary page CSS definition B. Modify the style manually in the HTML generated by the page automation builder call C. Include a CSS file as part of the project, referencing it in the detail page's builder call D. Use a modifier builder call to change the tag associated with the element that needs a new style Answer: C

8. Francois is familiar with the generation of WSDL in a data provider model using the Service Definition builder. However, for his current project, he has created several service consumer models and is performing complex operations on the result sets. It is these operations, not necessarily the raw data, which he would like to expose as web services. How can he define a new WSDL without involving the provider model? A. Use the WSDL Generator builder at the end of any model B. Append Action!ViewWSDL to the URL of any model as it runs


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C. Use the Web Service Enable builder to expose one or more methods D. Use a Web Service builder as a modifier after using a View & Form builder Answer: C

9. Leanna intends to share certain values (variables) across different models in a particular user session for later use in event processing. Which of the following types of inter-portlet communication describes what she needs to do? A. Generate Property Brokers B. Add Click-to-Action builders C. Add Portlet Factory events with shared inputs D. Add Shared Variables for coupling with an event mechanism Answer: D

10. Using the Data Page builder, Lance can map data to named HTML tags on a page. The data can be rendered in form fields, as read-only fields, or in some combination of both. How does he generate form fields for data input and modification? A. By referencing an HTML file in the Input Control Settings B. By reading a schema file with form definition elements and field validation C. By generating sample HTML and modifying it in-line with the built-in editor D. By first choosing the Page Type as data entry, then choosing a Page or Imported Page builder call that has already been defined Answer: D

11. For faster iterative development and testing, Johan would like to test his models without continually republishing them to a portal server, logging into the portal server and loading the correct page. Which of the following steps should he take to accomplish this? A. Create a configuration to run the model stand-alone B. No actions are necessary as models run in the Eclipse or RAD IDE by default C. Create a run configuration to run to run the models on an embedded test server D. Open the model files in a browser after associating the extension .model with the browser Answer: A

12. Elise has been working on a model and realizes that a new builder call is required in the middle of two others. How


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A. Move the builder calls using drag and drop in the Navigator pane B. Select the builder call before the position desired, then click on the new builder call icon C. Create the builder call using the new builder call icon, but use "Save As..." to position it D. Either use the right-click menu to insert the builder call or add it to the end, then drag it to the correct position Answer: D

13. John is developing a multi-portlet application and will be using Events to handle inter-portlet communications and actions. He wants to make sure certain information is supplied to the Event Handler of "target" portlets when they communicate. How is this accomplished? A. Use arguments as an input B. Define the events as locally fired events C. Use indirect references to a method call that returns the information D. Encode both the event name and declaration data in the event handler's inputs Answer: A

14. In order to make a SQL Call return data, Pauline is defining a Service Operation. Which action should she call in the Service Operations properties? A. Fetch B. Invoke C. Execute D. Activate Answer: C

15. Denise is adding Page Automation to her service consumer, and has a need to treat certain data in the detail data set as read-only, even if she is in edit mode. How is this accomplished? A. Use a Data Column Modifier B. Use a Data Hierarchy modifier C. Use a Data Field Modifier builder D. Use the hide-when input on the Page Automation builder Answer: C


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16. The Navigator pane provides Heather with navigation among the source files in a project. How can she navigate the components of her web application such as its Data Services, Linked Java Objects, Methods and Pages? A. Load the model's XML schema B. Use the Outline for each model C. Use the WebApp Tree for each model D. Add a view in Eclipse or RAD to specifically navigate these elements Answer: C

17. Sam wants to exploit the Data Page builder's ability to generate the bulk of the HTML code for his portlet, but not lose control over the individual page elements. What should he do to accomplish this goal? A. Use an HTML Template for page formatting B. Hard code HTML tags, tying your code to the underlying data C. Create a base page and stylesheet, used in conjunction with Data Modifier builders D. Import HTML forms, then use Data Field Modifiers to automate and tie the forms to the Data Page builder calls Answer: A

18. Gwen has successfully implemented a default Edit display for users of her portlet. However now she would like to add disclaimer text to the default Edit page as users see it, warning them of the ramifications of their changes. What approach should she use? A. Modify the Portlet Adapter to include a text Variable B. Hand-edit the generated HTML produced by the Portlet Adapter builder C. Use the Imported Page builder call to replace the Edit page at runtime D. Create an HTML page including entry_prompt, entry_value, and submitbutton attributes, and refer to its path in the Portlet Adapter Answer: D

19. Jorge has exposed back-end data using an SQL DataSource, SQL Calls and a Service Definition with WSDL being generated. Now for another model to use this data, which builder must be used to define the provider model? A. SQL Consumer B. Service Client C. Service Consumer D. Web Service Call


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20. Alexis wishes to display one "read-only" field on a form. This field is a date field, and while the rest of the application uses one format, for this specific form it should use another format (the form is for a business unit located in another region that uses a unique date format). How can she accommodate this requirement, assuming the defaults are being used everywhere else in the application? A. Use JavaScript to reformat the field prior to displaying it B. Profile the field, choosing the DateTime Profile Handler to set the format C. Use a Data Field Modifier Builder to control the format of the specific date D. Use a global Method Call builder to provide translation information to the Data Field Modifier Builder call Answer: C

21. Sally has created a simple "Hello World" model and wishes to edit one of the builders. How does she begin editing? A. Right-click the builder and choose "Edit" B. Copy the builder and edit from the copy, then re-import the builder into the model C. Double-click the builder or right-click and Open, then edit in the Builder Call Editor D. Locate the builder call in the Navigator, then use "Open With..." to edit in a text editor Answer: C

22. Bill is developing a user interface for a result set of data using View & Form. He wishes to present the user with 20 rows of results at a time. What does he need to enable? A. Paged Data Display B. Navigation controls C. A More button control D. Back and Next button controls Answer: A

23. Allison has accessed a data source, and added builders that make several SQL calls to the data source. She has also added service operation calls to transform data. Now to make the result sets available to a service consumer, what builder call must she add? A. SQL Publisher B. Service Publisher


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CertInside C. Service Definition D. Service Externalization Answer: C


24. Daniel has created and deployed a portlet, then realized it needed a different name for presentation in WebSphere Portal. Which builder and field needs to be modified? A. The first Page builder, Name field B. The Action List builder, Name field C. The Portlet Adapter builder, Name field D. The Portlet Adapter builder, Portlet Title field Answer: D

25. Alex wishes to expose profile values for customization when his model is used as a portlet. Which builder should he use to accomplish this? A. Action List B. Portlet Adapter C. Profile Adapter D. Attribute Setter Answer: B

26. While preparing to import an HTML page into a model, Vern is reviewing the HTML for compliance with best practices and the highest level of compatibility with WebSphere Portlet Factory. Which of the following is a recommended step during his review? A. Use nested form tags for embedding form calls, for instance to a search form B. Avoid the use of a <head> tag, as it is stripped out of the HTML during import C. Place all attribute values in double quotes ("), such as <form name - "ExamForm"> D. Use implied closing tags whenever possible (e.g. <span /> instead of <span>content</span>), as Page builders do this as well Answer: C

27. Jeremy is trying to decide between importing an existing HTML page and modifying it with builder calls, or creating the page by hand with the Page builder call. Which of the following are criteria that will help him with the decision?


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A. The names of the HTML pages, specifically the use of spaces B. The amount of JavaScript on the pages, assuming it is correct C. The number of tables on the HTML pages and the number and kind of <span> tags on those pages D. The HTML pages' compliance with W3C XHTML recommendations, the level of variability by user required, and the need to consume data on the pages Answer: D

28. Troy is designing an application that will have multiple builder calls performing several different tasks, with several modifiers to his views, pages, and HTML tags. In what way can he separate the builder calls to make them more readable and give them a clean, orderly presentation? A. Add expand/collapse sections to the model's outline section B. Insert blank builder calls to provide separation between the sections C. Insert Comment builder calls above each major section, documenting the builder calls that follow D. Develop a separate model for each section, tying them together with new builder calls at the top of each model Answer: C

29. Melissa has been tasked with branding portlets according to corporate standards. In order to override a CSS class definition used as part of the default Page Automation style, Melissa should: A. Remove the <link> tag from the default HTML template file B. Modify the default_layouts_and_stylesheets model definition C. Use WebSphere Portal skins to override classes wherever possible, using the "!important" syntax D. Copy or rename the default HTML template file, then remove the JavaScript and use the new HTML template file Answer: D

30. Troy is creating a new Factory WebApp Project. Which of the following is a valid project name? A. MyNewProject B. My New Project C. My.New.Project. D. eclipse\MyNewProject\ Answer: A

31. Davis does not have local or mapped network access to his portal server. How can he deploy a WebSphere Portlet


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B. Create a deployment builder call as the last builder call in the project and remove the "main" method C. Generate a WAR file using the project's right-click menu, and deploy it as a remote portlet from his local test server D. Generate a WAR file using the project's right-click menu, and deploy it to the portal server using the administration screens Answer: D

32. Cady is getting started on her first WebApp. What common server configurations are available to her? A. Local, WSRP, and Remote servers B. Local, Remote and Test Environment servers C. Remote, Test Environment, and Virtual servers D. Local, WAR Runtime, and Test Environment servers Answer: B

33. Bill would like to distribute a new feature set to his remote development team's WebSphere Portlet Factory installations. How can he distribute a feature set? A. He must configure each desktop remotely with the new feature set from scratch B. He must distribute a single 'pkg' file that is placed in the Packages folder of the WebShere Portlet Factory installation directory C. For each new feature, he must document the files it uses and their location, and each developer must place multiple files in the proper directories D. Feature sets are automatically configured using the standard Eclipse or RAD 'Software Updates' functionality, so he must place the feature files on an update server Answer: B

34. Victoria would like to allow end users of a portlet to specify a profile to apply to the portlet (assuming they have the proper portal role security). Which of the following settings will accomplish this in the Profile Sets section of the Portlet Adapter builder? A. Show profile names in Edit B. Show profile names in Configure C. Show individual profile values in Edit


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CertInside D. Show individual profile values in Configure Answer: A


35. Jackson wants to create hierarchical profiles for the three kinds of end user roles that will be using his portlet. How are hierarchical profiles created? A. In the profiles model view, profiles can be moved under other profiles using drag and drop B. Profiles can be added to the WebApp Tree directly, so the tree should be used with the hierarchy in mind C. Using Profile builders and modifiers, hierarchical profiles are built by placing them in the proper order in the builder call list D. During profile set creation, or ad-hoc when profiling an input in a builder, new profiles and their entries can be created in the user interface Answer: D

36. Skip is creating a new hierarchical profile and wishes to create a relationship with an entity returned by a profile handler so he can read the list of LDAP groups returned by that handler. Which of the following describes this relationship? A. Creating a parent profile B. Associating an available segment C. Creating a dynamic entity relationship D. Customizing execution time personalization Answer: B

37. Melissa has implemented profiling for several inputs in her WebApp, and now needs to match a request with a categorization (segment) and return the profile associated with the segment. If her ultimate goal is to differentiate between running the application in standalone mode and running it inside a portal, which selection handler should she choose? A. Explicit Handler B. J2EE Role Handler C. WebApp Runtime Handler D. WPS Execution Mode Handler Answer: D


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38. Tim is experimenting with the various ways to create a new profile set. Which of the following are the ways he can create? A. Use the Profile Input dialog or the New Profile Set wizard B. Use the Manage Profiles editor or the Profile Input dialog C. Use the Applied Profiles View inside the New Profile Set wizard D. Handcraft the XML file representing the Profile Set, then rename it in the Navigator Answer: A

39. Pierre, a new developer, has encountered his first "table" in a builder call, and is wondering how to provide the inputs to the table. What's his first step? A. Profile the table - this will give him the ability to choose the inputs B. Generate a list of input values in a text editor, and prepare to paste them into the table C. Click on a row in the table to give it focus, then either type an input, profile it, or use the "..." button D. Add an Indirect Reference to the name of the table in order to provide it with default values, then modify those values directly Answer: C

40. Teresa has developed a new model in her project and wishes to test it with an existing profile. There are two ways to do this - what are they? A. Use the Applied Profiles view or append the profile to the URL B. Modify the URL or set up a run configuration specifying the profile set to use C. Copy the profile to the model using the Navigator or use the Applied Profiles view D. Open the profile, and select the models to apply it to, or copy the profile to the model using the Navigator Answer: A

41. William decides during creation of a builder call that he needs to associate a builder call input with a profile entry that has not been created yet. What is the easiest way to add new entries from this location in the product? A. Click the profile icon for the builder call input and add the entry directly to correct Profile Set B. Right click the model, or click New->Factory Profile Set, create a new set and entries C. Close the builder call, open the original profile set, modify it and return to the builder call D. Enter the profile for the input, create a new profile (or profile set), add entries, and save the new choice Answer: A


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42. While building a new portlet using WebSphere Portlet Factory, Viktor determines that leaving configuration of several portlet attributes or characteristics up to the end user / administrator of the portlet would make it much more useful, flexible, and less likely to require programming changes. Using which concept can he accomplish this? A. Profiling B. Security roles C. Set and Entry point processing D. Configuration portlet builder calls Answer: A

43. Shara has configured a new profile set and a profile. Which of the following represents the last entity she needs to create in order to profile inputs in her builder calls? A. Profile inputs B. Profile entries C. Profile selections D. Profile attributes Answer: B

44. Titus is preparing to deploy a portlet WAR for use in WebSphere Portal 5.1 and also to a new WebSphere Portal 6 environment. What is a critical consideration for the WebSphere Portal 5.1 environment? A. He must ensure that the JVM used in development is 1.1.8. B. He must edit the file to provide dual deployment paths. C. He must set the class-loading order so third-party JAR files are loaded before others. D. He must ensure that artifacts of the WebSphere Portal custom theme are referenced properly in his code, and commented out for WebSphere Portal 6. Answer: C

45. Harry has modified his WebApp Project to include a new model with a new Portlet Adapter. After testing it in a standalone environment, he would like to deploy it to WebSphere Portal. Assuming he has set up the WebApp Project for automatic deployment, what is the easiest way to make the new portlet available? A. Remove the Web Module from WebSphere Portal and re-import the project WAR file B. Restart WebSphere Portal, as the changes made to the project are automatically deployed C. Build a new WAR file for each change, so new concrete portlets can be installed and updated


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D. Rebuild the Project's Portlet WAR file, as this will update the Web Module in WebSphere Portal, making the portlet available Answer: D

46. Will is setting up debug tracing for his model. He has located and opened the file in an editor and set the log4j.category.bowstreet.system.debugTracing property as discussed in the product documentation. What else does he need to do to make his settings take effect? A. Add a Debug Handler builder call to the model B. Set the Portlet Adapter debug input option to "INFO" C. Re-run the model, the changes will take effect immediately D. Shut down the server, save property changes, rebuild the project, deploy the project, and restart the server Answer: D

47. Emma is not satisfied with her co-developer Jakob's description of system tracing events and times, and wishes to check the system logs herself. Where can she find and view them? A. Log files are created in the base WEB-INF directory B. Log files are stored in the WEB-INF/logs directory in the project WAR file C. WebSphere Portlet Factory logs are intertwined with WebSphere Portal logging; users must open log files on the server to view them. D. The location of log files is variable depending on selections made in the Run configuration; users must inspect the Run configuration to discover the path to the log files. Answer: B

48. Sean wishes to trace the value of a variable as a model is being run, in order to help track down a problem somewhere in a computation later in the model. How can he trace the value of the variable? A. Use the "enable Debug Tracing" input on the Variable builder B. Add an entry to the file, indicating the model and action to trace C. Inspect the file for variable values, as all changes will be reflected in this file at run time D. Add a Debug Tracing builder to the model, specifying whether to trace all actions or naming a specific action to trace Answer: D

49. Anna has been testing a model and is concerned about the time certain actions "seem to be taking". Her development


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environment is a very high-end system, and other portlets she has developed have not exhibited the kind of response time "lag" she and her testers perceive. She suspects one of the data services builders is experiencing network latency but is unsure where the real problem lies. What action(s) can she take to help isolate the performance issue? A. Add counters to the builder calls that are suspect B. Consult the performance log, which is created by default with each model Run C. Enable system tracing to store the execution time for each action (page or method) D. Dedicate a larger Java HEAP_SIZE to the main method associated with the model that is suspect Answer: C

50. Jeffrey is reviewing the following section of a debugTracing.txt log. *-- TIME: [2007-03-12 05:45:32,273] --* Category: Bowstreet.system.debugTracing Priority: INFO Thread: htto-8080-Processor25 Msg: Debug Tracing Model: SampleApp_Debug Stack Trace: 0 46 Method: main ${Variables/varSampleApp} = null 46 96 .Page: appMainPage ${Variables/varSampleApp} = Chicago What can he infer from this part of the log? A. The main method took no time to execute B. The appMainPage took 46 milliseconds to load C. The variable varSampleApp changed during or after the appMainPage loaded D. The variable varSampleApp changed prior to the loading of the appMainPage Answer: C

51. Rico needs to provide a method in his Linked Java Object with access to the current webAppAccess object. How can he accomplish this task? A. Rename the methods to method_webAppAccess B. Profile the LJO builder call's source input


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C. Create a Method Call builder call to reference the webAppAccess object D. Declare that the desired methods take one argument of the type WebAppAccess Answer: D

52. Maurice needs access to the remote interface of an Enterprise Java Bean that was developed for another application and is deployed. Which builder call can he use to accomplish this task? A. EJB Call builder B. Method Call builder C. Bean MasterDetail builder D. Data Page builder (Bean Settings) Answer: A

53. Tabitha is creating her first WebSphere Portlet Factory project. After creating the Factory WebApp Project and her first model, how does she add new code to the model? A. Start adding builder calls to the model using the Outline pane B. Drag and drop code snippets from the pallet using the WebApp Diagram C. Use the WebApp Tree, as it has an interface for adding Java code to methods D. Define Linked Java Objects for use in the project, and import them using standard Java import syntax Answer: A

54. Jorge is working on an XML structure that has been retrieved from an existing XML file, and he now has the XML structure available for processing. What are the three things he can modify using IXml methods? A. Element name, text value, and attribute(s) B. Element name, node hierarchy, and text value C. Element name, binary value, and attribute(s) D. Element text value, node hierarchy, and attribute(s) Answer: A

55. Will has used Eclipse for several RCP and plug-in projects and is beginning his first WebSphere Portlet Factory WebApp. In order to provide a clean environment for the complexities of his WebApp, what action should he take with Eclipse before creating the new WebApp Project? A. Open a new perspective


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D. Clear the warnings from the Problems view, and add a Servers view for running the project Answer: B

56. Jerry returns from a vacation to his shared development machine, and when launching Eclipse discovers a Profiling Monitor where his project's navigation used to be. What does he need to do to return to his WebSphere Portlet Factory project, assuming that he selected the correct workspace? A. Run a search for the base entry of his WebApp Tree B. Change the perspective to the WebSphere Portlet Factory perspective C. Use the File - Open File menu to return to one of his models D. Use the Run menu choice to change to his old run configuration Answer: B

57. After working with a builder for several days, it is decided that John must consume some data from a Lotus Domino database. How can he most easily enhance his project to include data from Domino? A. Use the Notes ODBC driver to consume Domino data B. Add the Lotus Collaboration Integration Extension to his project C. Export the Domino data to Excel, then add an Excel Integration Extension to the project D. Integrate Domino with a relational database using Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS), then consume the data using a native JDBC driver Answer: B

58. Alexis wishes to display one "read-only" field on a form. This field is a date field, and while the rest of the application uses one format, for this specific form it should use another format (the form is for a business unit located in another region that uses a unique date format). How can she accommodate this requirement, assuming the defaults are being used everywhere else in the application? A. Use JavaScript to reformat the field prior to displaying it B. Profile the field, choosing the DateTime Profile Handler to set the format C. Use a Data Field Modifier Builder to control the format of the specific date D. Use a global Method Call builder to provide translation information to the Data Field Modifier Builder call Answer: C


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59. Elise has been working on a model and realizes that a new builder call is required in the middle of two others. How can she add the builder call in the right place? A. Move the builder calls using drag and drop in the Navigator pane B. Select the builder call before the position desired, then click on the new builder call icon C. Create the builder call using the new builder call icon, but use "Save As..." to position it D. Either use the right-click menu to insert the builder call or add it to the end, then drag it to the correct position Answer: D

60. Jonathan would like to document all of his service provider models at once. How can he approach this? A. Add a Comment builder before each SQL Call B. Use the Service Definition builders in each one, generating comments for each C. Use the WebApp Documentation builder, specifying Services as the report parameter D. Use the Service Documentation Builder, specifying all service models and the report type Answer: D

61. Jorge has exposed back-end data using an SQL DataSource, SQL Calls and a Service Definition with WSDL being generated. Now for another model to use this data, which builder must be used to define the provider model? A. SQL Consumer B. Service Client C. Service Consumer D. Web Service Call Answer: D

62. Sally has created a simple "Hello World" model and wishes to edit one of the builders. How does she begin editing? A. Right-click the builder and choose "Edit" B. Copy the builder and edit from the copy, then re-import the builder into the model C. Double-click the builder or right-click and Open, then edit in the Builder Call Editor D. Locate the builder call in the Navigator, then use "Open With..." to edit in a text editor Answer: C

63. For faster iterative development and testing, Johan would like to test his models without continually republishing them to a portal server, logging into the portal server and loading the correct page. Which of the following steps should


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B. No actions are necessary as models run in the Eclipse or RAD IDE by default C. Create a run configuration to run to run the models on an embedded test server D. Open the model files in a browser after associating the extension .model with the browser Answer: A

64. Which of the following builders should Gia use to rename a portlet for production? A. Portlet Name builder B. Portlet Adapter builder C. Portlet Information builder D. Portlet Configuration builder Answer: B

65. Jeremy is about to implement configuration for his portlet, allowing the portal administrator to set parameters for the portlet. In which builder call will he set the behavior for the profile set that contains the profile inputs for this purpose? A. Portlet Adapter B. Profile Adapter C. Portal Configuration D. Profiled Service Call Answer: A

66. Francois is familiar with the generation of WSDL in a data provider model using the Service Definition builder. However, for his current project, he has created several service consumer models and is performing complex operations on the result sets. It is these operations, not necessarily the raw data, which he would like to expose as web services. How can he define a new WSDL without involving the provider model? A. Use the WSDL Generator builder at the end of any model B. Append Action!ViewWSDL to the URL of any model as it runs C. Use the Web Service Enable builder to expose one or more methods D. Use a Web Service builder as a modifier after using a View & Form builder Answer: C


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67. Bill is developing a user interface for a result set of data using View & Form. He wishes to present the user with 20 rows of results at a time. What does he need to enable? A. Paged Data Display B. Navigation controls C. A More button control D. Back and Next button controls Answer: A

68. Allison has accessed a data source, and added builders that make several SQL calls to the data source. She has also added service operation calls to transform data. Now to make the result sets available to a service consumer, what builder call must she add? A. SQL Publisher B. Service Publisher C. Service Definition D. Service Externalization Answer: C

69. Tariq is building a complex page using the Imported Page builder and needs to locate several control builder calls on that page to perform more actions. What are the three techniques for locating the control builder calls? A. Inside Top, Inside Bottom, and Wrapper B. On Named Tag, On Span Tag, and Relative C. On Named Tag, Relative to Named Tag, and Advanced D. On Span Tag, Relative to Span Tag, and Profiled Location Input Answer: C

70. Otto needs to pass several arguments from one portlet to another when firing an event. Which of the following Event types can he use? A. Factory Portlet Event B. WPS Default Portlet Message C. Factory Multimodal Portlet Message D. WPS Default Portlet Message with Event Name Answer: A


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71. Troy is designing an application that will have multiple builder calls performing several different tasks, with several modifiers to his views, pages, and HTML tags. In what way can he separate the builder calls to make them more readable and give them a clean, orderly presentation? A. Add expand/collapse sections to the model's outline section B. Insert blank builder calls to provide separation between the sections C. Insert Comment builder calls above each major section, documenting the builder calls that follow D. Develop a separate model for each section, tying them together with new builder calls at the top of each model Answer: C

72. Jalen has noticed that when three portlets are on the same page and the order of the portlets is changed, their appearance changes drastically. This undesirable behavior can most likely be attributed to which of the following? A. CSS Class definitions for the portlets are not consistent across the portlets B. CSS Class names have come in conflict with WebSphere Portal theme class names C. The use of the "!important" CSS construct has not been applied consistently D. The HTML template files have been modified to remove links to custom CSS files Answer: A

73. Alex wishes to expose profile values for customization when his model is used as a portlet. Which builder should he use to accomplish this? A. Action List B. Portlet Adapter C. Profile Adapter D. Attribute Setter Answer: B

74. Jerald is working with detail input pages (forms) and wishes to give them similar colors and fonts as the summary pages developed by another programmer. The styles can easily be modified by doing which of the following? A. Use the "!important" tag in the summary page CSS definition B. Modify the style manually in the HTML generated by the page automation builder call C. Include a CSS file as part of the project, referencing it in the detail page's builder call D. Use a modifier builder call to change the tag associated with the element that needs a new style Answer: C


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75. Phyllis wants to quickly locate the JSP code for a field on a page she developed using the View & Form builder call. What is the fastest way to find this piece of code? A. Use the search facility to locate the field name in the project B. Use the WebApp Tree to locate the page and its fields, click on the field C. Use the "View Generated Code" link on the builder call to show the JSP code in a separate model view D. Locate the generated HTML page in the Navigator, double-click it to show its contents in a text editor Answer: B

76. Using the Data Page builder, Lance can map data to named HTML tags on a page. The data can be rendered in form fields, as read-only fields, or in some combination of both. How does he generate form fields for data input and modification? A. By referencing an HTML file in the Input Control Settings B. By reading a schema file with form definition elements and field validation C. By generating sample HTML and modifying it in-line with the built-in editor D. By first choosing the Page Type as data entry, then choosing a Page or Imported Page builder call that has already been defined Answer: D

77. In order to make a SQL Call return data, Pauline is defining a Service Operation. Which action should she call in the Service Operations properties? A. Fetch B. Invoke C. Execute D. Activate Answer: C

78. Page Automation is a set of builders that operate on data received from a provider model to make it easier for the developer to complete presentation. What are the three basic steps of Page Automation? A. Receive data in a Data Page builder, examine the data, enrich the data B. Receive data in a Data page builder, modify the schema, apply modifiers C. Receive data in a Data Page builder, modify the data, generate a presentation for the data D. Examine received data in the context of a View & Form builder, build a presentation for the data, document the


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79. While preparing to import an HTML page into a model, Vern is reviewing the HTML for compliance with best practices and the highest level of compatibility with WebSphere Portlet Factory. Which of the following is a recommended step during his review? A. Use nested form tags for embedding form calls, for instance to a search form B. Avoid the use of a <head> tag, as it is stripped out of the HTML during import C. Place all attribute values in double quotes ("), such as <form name - "ExamForm"> D. Use implied closing tags whenever possible (e.g. <span /> instead of <span>content</span>), as Page builders do this as well Answer: C

80. Brian has created a form for capturing customer data into a CRM system. As the application will be later integrated with the company's primary databases, it is critical that certain fields are validated by the server as the forms are being submitted. Which of the following accurately describes the process for enabling field validation in his form? A. Use profiling to specify the appropriate profile handler for field validation B. Add a Field Validation builder call from the Data category, and define the field, expression, translation and validation inputs C. Use the Generate HTML button to create HTML, add JavaScript validation to the HTML, import it into an Imported Page, then set the form to infer its HTML from the Imported Page D. Create a formatter class that has methods and expressions that will be used to perform the desired transformations, then add a Data Field Modifier builder call with the appropriate Validate Expression Answer: D

81. Mary is developing an application that requires multiple, complex argument types for inter-portlet communications. Which of the four event mechanisms can she use? A. Click-to-Action B. Property Broker Link C. Property Broker Action D. Portlet Factory Events Answer: D


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82. Heinrich has 35 builder calls in a model. If he wishes to see the XML relevant to one specific builder call in the model, how should he find it? A. Right click the builder call and select "View XML" B. Open the Model XML model view, then search for the builder call by its ID name C. Open the Builder Call Editor model view, and click "Generate XML" at the bottom D. Open the Model XML model view, then click on the builder call in the builder call list Answer: D

83. Susan has been using modifier builder calls to change the display of her table data in a service consumer model. However, now she has been asked to provide headers and footers, some graphics, and disclaimer text for printing purposes. Which approach is the best way for her to accomplish this? A. Include images in the project that produce the desired images and text B. Copy and modify an HTML template for the service consumer model's page(s) C. Continue with text modifiers and include formulas for dynamic calculations D. Generate a call to an XSL style sheet to process the new data presentation requirements Answer: B

84. Timothy is building a standard mode (JSR 168) portlet and wishes to broadcast an event to other portlets by its event name. Which inter-portlet event can he use to accomplish this? A. Click-to-Action B. Property Broker Link C. Property Broker Action D. Portlet Factory Events Answer: D

85. After importing a model, Padme discovers that she does not have all the feature sets required to continue work on the model. Assuming she received the model from someone who does have the feature set, for what does she need to ask? A. A feature set model B. The package files for the missing Feature(s) Sets C. Jar files that include the new features D. Instructions for developing the new features Answer: B


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86. Davis does not have local or mapped network access to his portal server. How can he deploy a WebSphere Portlet Factory project to the server? A. Define a deployment configuration xmlaccess script B. Create a deployment builder call as the last builder call in the project and remove the "main" method C. Generate a WAR file using the project's right-click menu, and deploy it as a remote portlet from his local test server D. Generate a WAR file using the project's right-click menu, and deploy it to the portal server using the administration screens Answer: D

87. Emily is building a new Factory WebApp Project. based on her last project (not a WebSphere Portlet Factory project), the default on her Windows system for the location of the project will be "c:\Documents and Settings\Emily\Portal Work\Project Xavier\workspace\portal-integration\". What must she consider before proceeding with this project location? A. She should remove spaces from the path to comply with 8.3 naming conventions B. She should ensure that this project is part of the context of Project Xavier C. She should change to a shorter path to avoid conflicts with Windows path restrictions D. She should reverse the direction of the slashes to be UNC compliant with other platforms Answer: C

88. Assuming Roland is working with WebSphere Portal 5.1, what file is critical to know the location of during project setup? A. Portal log file B. wpsconfig.bat file C. PB Portlet JAR file D. file Answer: C

89. Jackson wants to create hierarchical profiles for the three kinds of end user roles that will be using his portlet. How are hierarchical profiles created? A. In the profiles model view, profiles can be moved under other profiles using drag and drop B. Profiles can be added to the WebApp Tree directly, so the tree should be used with the hierarchy in mind C. Using Profile builders and modifiers, hierarchical profiles are built by placing them in the proper order in the builder


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D. During profile set creation, or ad-hoc when profiling an input in a builder, new profiles and their entries can be created in the user interface Answer: D

90. William decides during creation of a builder call that he needs to associate a builder call input with a profile entry that has not been created yet. What is the easiest way to add new entries from this location in the product? A. Click the profile icon for the builder call input and add the entry directly to correct Profile Set B. Right click the model, or click New->Factory Profile Set, create a new set and entries C. Close the builder call, open the original profile set, modify it and return to the builder call D. Enter the profile for the input, create a new profile (or profile set), add entries, and save the new choice Answer: A

91. Shara has configured a new profile set and a profile. Which of the following represents the last entity she needs to create in order to profile inputs in her builder calls? A. Profile inputs B. Profile entries C. Profile selections D. Profile attributes Answer: B

92. Inez has associated seven profile sets with the portlet model in her WebApp. When exposing these profile sets, how can she limit it so only five of the profile sets are visible in her portlet? A. Use "Do not expose in portal tools" in the Portlet Adapter builder B. In the Profile Set, select "Handler Automation" as the method for display C. Use a Method Call builder to rename the profile set's corresponding LJO Class Name D. In the Portlet Customizer builder, override the HTML <span /> tag for each profile set to be hidden Answer: A

93. Paul is using the Manage Profiles editor of the Profile Manager to review his list of profiles, and realizes that there is one missing from the design. Where does he need to navigate in order to add the new profile? A. He must navigate to the appropriate profile set.


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C. He must navigate to the Entries tab of the Profile Manager before adding a profile. D. He must navigate to a model, choose an input from the appropriate builder editor, and add the profile from the Profile Input dialog. Answer: B

94. Eliza needs to reference the value returned by a method as an input to her builder call. How can she do this? A. Add a Method builder call B. Add a modifier builder call to reference the method C. Use an indirect reference with the syntax ${MethodCall/methodName} D. Use an indirect reference with the syntax @{MethodCall/methodName} Answer: C

95. Jack has applied profiles to some of his portlet's portlet adapter builder call inputs. How can he easily determine which inputs have been profiled? A. The profile icon has a different color B. A list of profiled inputs is inlcuded as static variables in the source code C. The WebApp Tree shows profiled inputs in the Variables section of its navigation D. A list of profiled inputs builds at the bottom of the portlet adapter builder call window Answer: A

96. Tim is experimenting with the various ways to create a new profile set. Which of the following are the ways he can create? A. Use the Profile Input dialog or the New Profile Set wizard B. Use the Manage Profiles editor or the Profile Input dialog C. Use the Applied Profiles View inside the New Profile Set wizard D. Handcraft the XML file representing the Profile Set, then rename it in the Navigator Answer: A

97. Teresa has developed a new model in her project and wishes to test it with an existing profile. There are two ways to do this - what are they? A. Use the Applied Profiles view or append the profile to the URL


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B. Modify the URL or set up a run configuration specifying the profile set to use C. Copy the profile to the model using the Navigator or use the Applied Profiles view D. Open the profile, and select the models to apply it to, or copy the profile to the model using the Navigator Answer: A

98. Gloria has developed a simple WebApp using WebSphere Portlet Factory. As her company has not completed its deployment of WebSphere Portal how can she deploy the application? A. She can deploy the application on any HTTP server with Factory core runtimes B. She can run the application in an embedded test environment but not deploy it to end users C. She can deploy the application as a standalone application on a WebSphere Application Server D. She can deploy the application as a WSRP application and consume it from another, non-Portal environment Answer: C

99. Titus is preparing to deploy a portlet WAR for use in WebSphere Portal 5.1 and also to a new WebSphere Portal 6 environment. What is a critical consideration for the WebSphere Portal 5.1 environment? A. He must ensure that the JVM used in development is 1.1.8. B. He must edit the file to provide dual deployment paths. C. He must set the class-loading order so third-party JAR files are loaded before others. D. He must ensure that artifacts of the WebSphere Portal custom theme are referenced properly in his code, and commented out for WebSphere Portal 6. Answer: C

100. Emma is not satisfied with her co-developer Jakob's description of system tracing events and times, and wishes to check the system logs herself. Where can she find and view them? A. Log files are created in the base WEB-INF directory B. Log files are stored in the WEB-INF/logs directory in the project WAR file C. WebSphere Portlet Factory logs are intertwined with WebSphere Portal logging; users must open log files on the server to view them. D. The location of log files is variable depending on selections made in the Run configuration; users must inspect the Run configuration to discover the path to the log files. Answer: B


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101. Will is setting up debug tracing for his model. He has located and opened the file in an editor and set the log4j.category.bowstreet.system.debugTracing property as discussed in the product documentation. What else does he need to do to make his settings take effect? A. Add a Debug Handler builder call to the model B. Set the Portlet Adapter debug input option to "INFO" C. Re-run the model, the changes will take effect immediately D. Shut down the server, save property changes, rebuild the project, deploy the project, and restart the server Answer: D

102. Jakob wishes to enable system tracing in order to track down a performance problem in a services consumer model. How is system tracing enabled? A. Add a Tracing builder call to the end of the model B. Add a Tracing builder call to the beginning of the model C. Enable system tracing in the Run configuration being used for the model D. Enable the System Tracing input when stubbing out a main method for testing the model Answer: C

103. Jeffrey is reviewing the following section of a debugTracing.txt log. *-- TIME: [2007-03-12 05:45:32,273] --* Category: Bowstreet.system.debugTracing Priority: INFO Thread: htto-8080-Processor25 Msg: Debug Tracing Model: SampleApp_Debug Stack Trace: 0 46 Method: main ${Variables/varSampleApp} = null 46 96 .Page: appMainPage ${Variables/varSampleApp} = Chicago What can he infer from this part of the log? A. The main method took no time to execute B. The appMainPage took 46 milliseconds to load


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C. The variable varSampleApp changed during or after the appMainPage loaded D. The variable varSampleApp changed prior to the loading of the appMainPage Answer: C

104. Sean wishes to trace the value of a variable as a model is being run, in order to help track down a problem somewhere in a computation later in the model. How can he trace the value of the variable? A. Use the "enable Debug Tracing" input on the Variable builder B. Add an entry to the file, indicating the model and action to trace C. Inspect the file for variable values, as all changes will be reflected in this file at run time D. Add a Debug Tracing builder to the model, specifying whether to trace all actions or naming a specific action to trace Answer: D

105. Yolanda needs to add an element to an XML structure that is interacting with an object in WebSphere Portlet Factory. Assuming the XML structure already exists, what would be the method she should call to add a new string-based child element? A. setName("ElementName") B. parseChild("ElementName") C. setAttribute("ElementName") D. addChildElement("ElementName") Answer: D

106. Maurice needs access to the remote interface of an Enterprise Java Bean that was developed for another application and is deployed. Which builder call can he use to accomplish this task? A. EJB Call builder B. Method Call builder C. Bean MasterDetail builder D. Data Page builder (Bean Settings) Answer: A

107. Jeanne needs to add some public methods of a Java class to her web application. Which builder should she use to accomplish this? A. JSP Tag builder


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108. Tabitha is creating her first WebSphere Portlet Factory project. After creating the Factory WebApp Project and her first model, how does she add new code to the model? A. Start adding builder calls to the model using the Outline pane B. Drag and drop code snippets from the pallet using the WebApp Diagram C. Use the WebApp Tree, as it has an interface for adding Java code to methods D. Define Linked Java Objects for use in the project, and import them using standard Java import syntax Answer: A


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