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TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO TRANSACTION..........................................................5 Logical Unit of Wor !LUW"######################################################################################################$ %ynpro concept#############################################################################################################################& SCREEN PAINTER..........................................................................................................7 U'ing Screen painter####################################################################################################################( Creating a ne) Screen##################################################################################################################( %e'igning of Screen######################################################################################################################* Selecting Screen field'##################################################################################################################+ Attri,-te' of Screen Ele.ent'#####################################################################################################+ Field Li't######################################################################################################################################/0 Screen Flo) Logic#######################################################################################################################/0 MODULE POOL PROGRAMMING...............................................................................12 Creation of 1od-le Pool Progra.############################################################################################/2 Co..-nication ,et)een %ynpro and 1od-le Progra.########################################################/2 CREATION OF A COMPLETE TRANSACTION...........................................................12 Step' in3ol3ed to create a co.plete tran'action######################################################################/2 4andling F-nction Code############################################################################################################/5 THE FIELD CHECKS.....................................................................................................14 A-to.atic Field C6ec '#############################################################################################################/$ A,o-t at E7it 8 Co..and#########################################################################################################/$ In .od-le pool progra.###################################################################################################/$ Flo) Logic 9alidation'###############################################################################################################/&
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1od-le a''ign#############################################################################################################################/& 1od-le Pool Progra. 9alidation'############################################################################################/( DYNAMICALLY CALLING THE SCREENS..................................................................19 A,o-t %i'playing Ne7t Screen###################################################################################################/+ Set Screen####################################################################################################################################20 Call Screen##################################################################################################################################20 Lea3e to 'creen ###########################################################################################################################2/ SUBSCREENS...............................................................................................................22 TABLE CONTROLS .....................................................................................................23 Feat-re' of Ta,le Control'########################################################################################################25 %eclaring of Ta,le Control in t6e 1od-le Pool Progra.######################################################2: %e'igning Ta,le Control on Screen##########################################################################################2: Pa''ing data to ta,le Control#####################################################################################################2: STEP LOOPS.................................................................................................................27 Type' of Step Loop'####################################################################################################################2( S)itc6ing To Li't 1ode ############################################################################################################2+ Ret-rning ,ac fro. LIST .ode#############################################################################################2+ Proce'' on 4ELP;RE<UEST e3ent##########################################################################################50 9al-e Re=-e't#############################################################################################################################5/ THE SCREEN DISPLAYED IS POP-UP SCREEN AND CODE FOR THE FLOW LOGIC AND MODULE IS WRITTEN BELOW .............................................................34 Need To C6ange Screen#############################################################################################################5& 1odifying t6e 'creen #################################################################################################################5& Field Na.e Lengt6 %e'cription#############################################################################################5& MODULE MODIFY!SCREEN........................................................................................37 LOOP AT SCREEN......................................................................................................37

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ENDMODULE.................................................................................................................37 WORKING WITH MATCHCODE OB"ECTS.................................................................3# Creating 1atc6code o,>ect########################################################################################################5* Creating 1atc6code id'#############################################################################################################5+ U'ing 1atc6code #######################################################################################################################:0 Creating Loc O,>ect'###############################################################################################################:/ Acti3ation of Loc O,>ect##########################################################################################################:2 ####################################################################################################################################################:2

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Transa tion, in !"3 s#stem is an operation t$at lets t$e user ma%e ne essar# $anges to t$e data&ase' T$e entire !"3 s#stem is not$ing &ut set of &usiness transa tion' T$e data transfer from old s#stem to (AP !"3 data&ase, or modif#ing data, or deleting data, )$i $ is not re*uired, is done t$roug$ transa tion' +or (AP s#stem, Transa tion is not$ing &ut se*uen e of steps alled as dialog steps and for user it is se*uen e of s reens t$at appears one after t$e ot$er depending upon t$e option $e sele ts' T$e spe ial transa tion monitor alled t$e (AP dispat $er $andles t$e se*uen e of steps t$at ta%es pla e in an# transa tion' T$e main tas% of transa tion is to update data&ase ta&le' T$e data&ase ta&le is not updated until a transa tion is ompleted' All $anges an &e rolled &a % if t$e transa tion $as not finis$ed' T$e transa tion ontains t)o steps )$i $ are as follo)ing, Interacti3e p6a'e, In t$is step, user enters t$e data, )$i $ needs to &e inserted or deleted or modified on to t$e s reen' T$ere an &e single s reen or multiple s reens depending upon t$e transa tion' (o t$is step an onsist of single step or multiple steps' In t$is p$ase #ou prepare data&ase re ord' Update p6a'e, T$is p$ase pro esses t$e data&ase re ord and updates t$e data&ase ta&le' A tual updating of data&ase ta&le ta%es pla e in t$is p$ase'

All t$e transa tions are asso iated )it$ transa tion ode' And all t$ese odes are stored in a ta&le TSTC'

Logical Unit of Wor !LUW" T$e !"3 s#stem is multi user s#stem and man# users a ess t$e same information at t$e same time, )$i $ is mainl# -ATA' Consider t$e ase )$ere one user is modif#ing a re ord, and
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se ond user is tr#ing to delete t$e same re ord' If t$e se ond user is su essful in deleting t$e re ord t$en t$e first user )ill fa e pro&lem for modif#ing t$e re ord t$at is alread# deleted' T$e avoid su $ situation, !"3 s#stem $as provided Logi al Unit of /or%, )$i $ is defined as a lo %ing me $anism to prote t transa tion integrit#' 0f ourse, t$ere are ot$er measures, )$i $ ensures data integrit# li%e $e % ta&le i'e' foreign %e# relations$ip' /it$in (AP s#stem t$ere are t$ree t#pes of transa tion and ma# &e distinguis$ed as, -ata&ase transa tion %no)n as LU/' It an &e defined as a period in )$i $ operation re*uested must &e performed as a unit, i'e' all or not$ing operation' At t$e end of LU/, eit$er of t$e data&ase $anges are ommitted or rolled &a %' Update transa tion or (AP LU/' 0ne (AP LU/ an $ave several data&ases LU/' (o a set of a data&ase is eit$er ommitted or rolled &a %' T$e spe ial A1AP"4 ommand C022IT /0!3, mar%s t$e end of a (AP LU/' A1AP"4 transa tion' Is made up of a set of related tas% om&ined under one transa tion ode' A1AP"4 transa tions are for programming environment, in )$i $ A1AP"4 transa tion fun tions li%e one omplete o&4e t ontaining s reens, menus and transa tion odes'

!"3 s#stem $as provided in &uilt lo %ing me $anism, )$i $ defines t$e Logi al Unit of /or%' Also user an set $is o)n lo %ing me $anism' T$e LU/ starts )$en a lo % entr# in t$e s#stem ta&le is reated, and it ends )$en t$e lo % is released' To provide t$e user t$e fa ilit# to ommuni ate )it$ t$e ta&le in order to modif# or delete or insert data, !"3 $as provided tool alled (C!556 PAI6T5!' T$is tool allo)s #ou to design s reen, pro ess s reen t$roug$ program and update t$e data&ase ta&le' (AP $as provided one and onl# one )a# to update t$e data&ase ta&le, i'e' transa tion' T$oug$ #ou an update data&ase ta&le &# using open (7L statement t$roug$ program, (AP usuall# doesn8t re ommend t$is %ind of updating' 2an# standard transa tions are availa&le to update standard ta&le &ut if t$e need arises, t$e developer s$ould &e a&le to develop ne) transa tion, )$i $ allo)s t$e updating of data&ase ta&les' T$is an &e a $ieved &# using various omponents of s reen painter' +ollo)ing are t$e fe) on epts and steps for reating entire ne) transa tion' %@NPRO concept A d#npro refers to t$e s reen 9 flo) logi ' /it$ s reen painter #ou an develop s reen and flo) logi ' T$e relations$ip &et)een s reen, flo) logi , and program an &e s$o)n as follo)s,

+lo) logi

( reen 100

+lo) logi
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200 +lo) logi ( reen 300

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-#npro, as figure indi ates onsist of s reen and flo) logi and pla es e;a tl# one all to module pool program' A transa tion onsists of man# s reens and for ea $ s reen flo) logi is atta $ed' /$en t$e transa tion is e;e uted, t$e s reen pla es a all to flo) logi and flo) logi in turn pla es a all to module pool program' A module program is usual A1AP"4 program t$at onsist of modules and data de laration' A1AP"4 is an event driven language' In module pool program too, events get triggered and t$ese events are $andled in flo) logi ' +lo) logi editor is su&set of A1AP"4 editor' T$e s#stem automati all# displa#s t$e t)o important events for t$e flo) logi ' ( reen is t$e important omponent of d#npro and an &e reated, designed &# s reen painter'

Screen Painter A s reen painter an &e started &# -evelopment )or%&en $ ( reen Painter 0r SE$/ transa tion ode' U'ing Screen Painter T$e pro ess of reating a d#npro in ludes t$e reation and definition of all t$e needed s reen omponents' T$e steps involved in reating t$e d#npro are as follo)s, Create s reen and attri&utes &# using s reen attri&ute s reen' (ele t and pla e t$e needed fields )it$in t$e s reen &# using di t"program fields' 5sta&lis$ t$e field attri&utes to )$i $ t$e s reen &elongs &# using field list' -efine t$e flo) logi respe t to t$e transa tion to )$i $ it &elongs &# using flo) logi '

Creating a ne) Screen (teps involved are as follo)s, 5nter t$e name of program and num&er of t$e s reen Cli % on Create 0n <s reen attri&ute= s reen enter s$ort des ription 5nter s reen t#pe' 6ormall#, #ou sele t 60!2AL option for usual !"3 s reen' 0t$er options availa&le are (U1(C!556 > 20-AL -IAL0? 10@' 2odal dialog &o; is used to esta&lis$ independent and intera tive dialog &o; )$ile su&s reen is s reen )it$in s reen' 6e;t attri&ute to &e passed is 65@T (C!556' Aere #ou need to spe if# t$e ne;t s reen num&er, )$i $ must &e pro essed after t$e urrent one'

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%e'igning of Screen ( reen an &e designed &# using +ULL (C!556 5-IT0!' Cou an go to full s reen editor' +rom s reen attri&ute s reen 1# pressing full s reen editor pus$&utton 0r +rom initial s reen of s reen painter' T$ere are t)o modes availa&le )it$ full s reen editor' ?rap$i al mode' T$e grap$i al mode )or%s similarl# to t#pi al )indo) appli ation' Alp$anumeri mode Drarel# usedE'

Ele.ent' of 'creen
Te;t F (tandard te;t or field la&els' 5ntr# - displa# field' !adio&utton F All radio&utton must &e asso iated )it$ one group' C$e %&o; F 6ormall# used for C5("60 operations' Pus$&utton F Used for a tivating parti ular fun tion' 1o;es F grouping toget$er man# s reen elements' (u&s reens F T$is is a s reen area in )$i $ #ou an displa# anot$er s reen' Ta&le ontrols F T$is area of s reen is similar to ta&le &ut s$ould &e treated as a loop' (tatus - -ispla# output fields ontaining i on'

All t$ese elements are on t$e ontrol &ar of full s reen editor and an &e pla ed on t$e s reen )or% area &# li %ing and pla ing t$em )$erever needed'

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Selecting Screen Field' ( reen field an &e eit$er di tionar# o&4e ts or program fields' (teps involved in t$e pla ing of fields on t$e s reen are as follo)s, Cli % t$e pus$&utton -i t"program fields on t$e full s reen editor 0r ?oto di t"prog fields' 5nter ta&le name' Cli % ?et from di tionar#' (ele t fields' Cli % op# pus$&utton' Position t$e ursor )$ere #ou )ant t$ose fields to &e pla ed'

To ad4ust various s reen elements, #ou an use drag and drop fa ilit# for s reen elements' Attri,-te' of Screen Ele.ent' T$e entire element of a s reen $as some attri&utes, )$i $ determines t$eir &e$avior' ?eneral F T$ese attri&utes are dire tl# managed &# t$e s reen painter li%e name of t$e element, or te;t of element or olumn )idt$ and various t$ings asso iated )it$ t$e s reen' -i tionar# F T$ese attri&utes are appli a&le to fields, )$i $ are from di tionar#' Harious omponents of di tionar# an &e atta $ed to t$is element li%e sear $ $elp, foreign %e#' Program' -ispla# F 1e$avior of t$e element )it$ respe t to t$eir displa# feature'

Attri&ute dialog &o; an &e displa#ed &# Cli %ing on t$e ATT!I1UT5 pus$ &utton on t$e appli ation tool &ar' -ou&le li %ing on t$e element'

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Field Li't T$is list displa#s a list of all s reen elements toget$er )it$ t$eir s reen attri&utes' 0ne important element of +ield list is 03C0-5' An# pus$&utton is asso iated )it$ fun tion ode as in menu item in menu painter' /$en t$e user li %s t$e pus$&utton t$is ode is stored in 03C0-5' T$is 03C0-5 is reated &# s#stem )it$out a name and is not visi&le on t$e s reen' In A1AP"4 t$is field is )or% field and is not$ing &ut an area )$erein s#stem stores t$e varia&le and is t$e last field of t$e field list and is invisi&le, $en e user needs to give t$e name 03C0-5' It is not mandator# to give t$e name 03C0-5J developer an give an# name to t$is field' Screen Flo) Logic Cou an go to t$is s reen eit$er &# Initial s reen of ( reen painter +lo) logi 0r +rom ( reen attri&ute s reen +lo) logi /$en transa tion is e;e uted, t$e s reen is displa#ed, user enters fe) fields, sele ts fe) fun tions' Later t$e s reen is pro essed and pro essing of s reen is done &# flo) logi ' T$e events t$at are asso iated )it$ s reen are as follo)s, Proce'' ,efore O-tp-t !PBO" Proce'' after inp-t !PAI" Proce'' on 3al-e re=-e't !PO9" Proce'' on 6elp re=-e't !PO4"

T$e s#stem automati all# displa#s t)o ver# important events or modules in flo) logi i'e' PAI and P10

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PBO e3ent T$is event is triggered &efore t$e s reen is displa#ed' T$e pro essing of s reen &efore t$e displa# of s reen is done in t$is event' +or e;ample, filling in default values in t$e s reen fields' PAI e3ent T$is event is responsi&le for pro essing of s reen after t$e user enters t$e data and li %s t$e pus$&utton' T$e pro essing of s reen an in lude displa#ing anot$er s reen, or 4ust displa#ing list or *uitting t$e transa tion itself and man# more t$ings' Usuall# it is displa#ing anot$er s reen' T$ese operations an &e arried out in t$e PAI event' 03C0-5 pla#s an important role in t$is operation' PO9 e3ent Pro ess on value re*uest is triggered )$en t$e user li %s +4 %e#' Cou an $andle t$is event )$en t$e user presses +4 %e# &# )riting ode for t$e same in module pool program' 6ormall# )$en t$e user presses +4, list of possi&le values is displa#ed' T$e standard list produ ed &# s#stem is ade*uate for appli ations #ou develop #ourself' Ao)ever, #ou an also $ave t$e option of setting up #our o)n do umentation and lists of possi&le values t$at are more detailed' PO4 e3ent 6ormall# )$en t$e user pla es t$e ursor on t$e field and presses +1 fun tion %e#, t$e s#stem displa#s its o)n Aelp for t$at parti ular field' Cou an add #our o)n fun tionalit# to t$e Aelp &utton &# )riting ode for t$e same in t$e P0A event'

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1od-le Pool T$is omponent t$oug$ is not atta $ed to t$e s reen painter, pla#s important role in transa tion' 6ormall#, for reports, on line e;e uta&le programs are )ritten &ut for transa tion, 2odule Pool Programs are )ritten' T$e module pool program ontains onl# modules to $andle various events asso iated )it$ s reen and data de laration statements' (#stem divides t$e module pool program into several in lude program' T$ese are glo&al field, P10 modules, and PAI modules' It is entirel# user8s de ision )$et$er to use t$ese modules or )rite dire tl# into main program' Creation of 1od-le Pool Progra. Cou an reate module pool program eit$er t$roug$ 0&4e t &ro)ser (#stem automati all# reates t$e module pool program and for t$ese program )$i $ are reated t$roug$ o&4e t &ro)ser, s#stem reates t$e in lude modules' 0r A1AP"4 editor It is similar to normal program reation' T#pe of program s$ould &e given K28 and is not reated &# s#stem' Co..-nication ,et)een %ynpro and 1od-le Progra. +or ea $ s reen, t$e s#stem e;e utes t$e flo) logi , )$i $ ontains orresponding events' T$e ontrol is passed to 2odule Pool Program' 2odule Pool Program $andles t$e ode for t$ese events and again passes &a % ontrol to t$e flo) logi and finall# to s reen' Unli%e on line program, in t$is ase, t$e ontrol remains )it$ flo) logi ' T$e s)it $ing of ontrol &et)een flo) logi and module pool program and &a % is ommon pro ess )$en user e;e utes transa tion' Creation of a Co.plete Tran'action Step' in3ol3ed to create a co.plete tran'action Create module pool program' +rom s reen painter reate s reens' /rite flo) logi for ea $ s reen' /rite ode for all t$e events in module pool program' C$e % for an# error in s reen and flo) logi ' ?enerate ea $ and ever# omponent of s reen i'e' flo) logi and s reen'
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(ingle s reen an &e tested using ( reen Painter' Create transa tion ode t$roug$ o&4e t &ro)ser' ?enerate t$e transa tion ode' User an e;e ute t$e transa tion &# entering t$e transa tion ode in t$e ommand field'

4andling F-nction Code T$e fun tion ode or 03C0-5 is t$e last field of +ield list' +un tion ode an &e $andled as follo)s, -uring t$e -esigning of t$e s reen, a fun tion ode is assigned to pus$&utton' In field list, developer needs to spe if# 03C0-5 as last field' In module program it is a glo&al field and an &e evaluated in t$e PAI event' A fun tion ode is treated in t$e same )a#, regardless it omes from pus$&utton, menu item or an# ot$er ?UI element'

A omplete e;ample for transa tion is s$o)n &elo), If #ou $ave a s reen li%e t$e one &elo),

/$en t$e user li %s on t$e -ispla# &utton, #ou )ant to displa# details of sflig$t, )it$ orresponding arrid and onnid D)$i $ is entered &# t$e userE' 2odule pool program to $andle t$is parti ular s reen is as follo)s, Program CHT5(TB' TA1L5(, (+LI?AT' -ATA, 03C0-5 D4E' 20-UL5 I6PUT1 I6PUT,
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CA(5 03C0-5' /A56 K-I(P8' (5L5CT L +!02 (+LI?AT /A5!5 CA!!I- M (+LI?AT F CA!!I- A6C066I- M (+LI?AT F C066I-' 56-(5L5CT' L5AH5 T0 (C!556 200' /A56 K5@IT8' L5AH5 T0 (C!556 0' 56-CA(5' 56-20-UL5' <I6PUT1 I6PUT 20-UL5 U(5!NC022A6-N0200 I6PUT' CA(5 03C0-5' /A56 K1AC38' L5AH5 T0 (C!556 100' 56-CA(5' 56-20-UL5' <U(5!NC022A6-N0200 I6PUT /$en t$e user li %s on displa#, ontrol is transferred to s reen no' 200 on )$i $ #ou displa# sflig$t details > on t$e same s reen, )$en user li %s on 1AC3 &utton, $e omes &a % to main s reen' +lo) logi for s reen 100 is as follo)s, P!0C5(( A+T5! I6PUT' 20-UL5 I6PUT' Flo) logic for 'creen 200 P!0C5(( A+T5! I6PUT' U(5!NC022A6-N0200' 20-UL5(, 2odules are $andled in module pool program' Cou need to )rite flo) logi for s reen 200 and design s reen 200' In ase of transa tion transfer of data from program to s reen is automati i'e' #ou need not transfer t$e data from program to s reen e;pli itl#' T$e fields, )$i $ #ou define in t$e s reen re eives t$e data from program and displa#s t$e same' T6e Field C6ec ' As alread# mentioned Transa tion is t$e onl# met$od, )$i $ (AP re ommends to update t$e data&ase ta&les' -ata entered in t$e data&ase ta&le s$ould &e valid and orre t' -ata entered is validated at ea $ and ever# point' A1AP"4 offers various met$ods to validate data and t$ose are as follo)s, Automati field $e %s C$e %s performed in t$e flo) logi C$e %s performed in t$e A1AP"4 module pool program

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A-to.atic Field C6ec ' T$ese $e %s are &ased on t$e field information stored in t$e di tionar#' T$ese $e %s are performed &# t$e s#stem automati all# )$en t$e user enters t$e data for t$e s reen field' (#stem performs t$ese $e %s &efore PAI event is triggered' T#pes of field $e %s performed &# s#stem are as follo)s, !e*uired input /$ile designing t$e s reen, for parti ular s reen field if #ou li % t$e !e*' 5ntr# $e %&o;, t$e field &e omes mandator#' /$en t$e transa tion is e;e uted if user leaves t$is parti ular field &lan%, t$e s#stem displa#s error message' User annot pro eed until t$e user enters some data' Proper -ata +ormat 5a $ field $as its o)n data format )$et$er it is ta&le field or s reen field' /$enever data is entered, s#stem $e %s for t$e proper format of t$e data' +or e;ample date' 5a $ user $as its o)n format for date, )$i $ is defined in t$e user master re ord' If t$e date defined in t$e user master re ord is in t$e format --"22"CCCC, if t$e user enters t$e date, sa#, in CC"--"22, t$e user displa#s t$e error message' (#stem also $e %s for t$e value of mont$ or da#s' +or e;ample if mont$ entered is greater t$an t)elve t$en t$e error message is displa#ed' Halid Halue for t$e +ield In data di tionar# t)o ta&les are related &# Primar# %e#-+oreign %e# relations$ip' /$enever t$e user enters t$e data, t$e s#stem $e %s for t$e $e % ta&le values' Also in -omain, if #ou $ave fi;ed values, t$en t$e s#stem $e %s for t$ese values' A-to.atic field c6ec ' are repeated eac6 ti.e t6e -'er enter' t6e data# A,o-t at E7it 8 Co..and Automati field $e %s an &e avoided &# AT 5@IT-C022A6-, )$i $ )or%s e;a tl# t$e same )a# as Can el )or%s on appli ation tools &ar' In t$e !"3 s reen, if #ou )ant to *uit t$e pro essing of t$at parti ular s reen )it$out entering t$e mandator# fields, user an li % t$e Can el &utton' (ame fun tionalit# an &e in orporated in t$e user-defined transa tion &# using AT 5@IT-C022A6-' T$is module an &e alled &efore t$e s#stem e;e utes t$e automati field $e %s and it goes )it$out sa#ing t$at &efore PAI event' Code for AT 5@IT-C022A6in flo) logi and in module pool program an &e )ritten as follo)s, In Flo) Logic Pro ess After Input' 2odule e;it AT 5@IT-C022A6-' In .od-le pool progra.# 2odule e;it' Case o% ode' /$en K5;it8' Leave to s reen 0'

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To a $ieve t$is %ind of fun tionalit# a pus$&utton or menu item s$ould &e assigned a fun tion t#pe K58' It tells t$e s#stem to pro ess t$is parti ular module &efore arr#ing out an# field $e %s' Flo) Logic 9alidation' Consider t$e ase )$ere #ou )ant user to enter onl# KLA8 and K(78 for sflig$t- arrid' In t$is ase, #ou are restri ting value of a s reen field' T$is annot &e a $ieved &# automati field $e %' Aen e t$ere is a need of additional validation' It an &e done in flo) logi &# using follo)ing statement, Field ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 9al-e' Synta7 PAI' +ield sflig$t- arrid values DKLA8E' +or multiple values PAI' +ield sflig$t- arrid values DKLA8 K(78E' +ield sflig$t-pri e values D&et)een 1000 and 2000E' In t$is ase )$en t$e user enters t$e value, PAI is triggered and field is $e %ed for t$at parti ular value' If t$e value entered $appens to &e )rong, t$at field is ena&led for user to enter' If #ou $ave multiple +ield statements in #our flo) logi , it is se*uential e;e ution' Consider t$e follo)ing ase, PAI' 1od-le a''ign# +ield sflig$t- arrid values DKLA8 K(78E' In A1AP"4 2odule assign' -ata, arrid1 li%e sflig$t- arrid' Carrid1 M sflig$t- arrid' 5ndmodule' In t$is ase, (flig$t- arrid is used in t$e flo) logi &efore t$e field statement' T$e s#stem )ill give invalid value or some previous value as t$e field sflig$t- arrid is used in module &efore it is $e %ed i'e', field statement is after t$e module in )$i $ sflig$t- arrid is &eing used' T6e field Page 1: of 44

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i' not a3aila,le to t6e 'y'te. -nle'' it e7ec-te' t6e field 'tate.ent ' +ield statement transfers t$e values to t$e program and is done onl# on e' If #ou don8t $ave +ield statement in #our flo) logi , transfer of values ta%es pla e in PAI event' Consider one more ase )$ere #ou $ave multiple field statement' PAI' +ield (flig$t- arrid values DKLA8E' +ield (flig$t- onnid values DK04008 K0.008E'

In t$is ase if t$e user enters onl# arrid )rong, t$en t$is parti ular field is ena&led and rest of t$e fields are disa&led for user to input' 2an# times if t$e user enters )rong value for one field, t$en #ou mig$t )ant to give option to user to enter all t$e fields, )$i $ is not possi&le &# using +ield statement onl#' T$is fun tionalit# an &e a $ieved &# CAAI6 F 56-CAAI6' Synta7 C$ain' +ield sflig$t- arrid value DKLA8E' +ield sflig$t- onnid values D&et)een K2008 and K.008E' 5nd $ain' +ield sflig$t-pri e values DK1008 K10008E' In t$is ase, if t$e user enters )rong value onl# for arrid, &ot$ t$e fields i'e' arrid and onnid are ena&led as t$e# are grouped toget$er in t$e C$ain statement' T$e field pri e )ill &e disa&led for input' Usuall#, logi all# related fields are grouped toget$er )it$ C$ain-5nd $ain statement' 1od-le Pool Progra. 9alidation' C$e %ing fields A1AP"4 program in ludes Synta7 PAI' +ield sflig$t- arrid module OnameP' T$is module an &e $andled in t$e main program i'e' module pool program' In A1AP"4 program +ield statement in flo) logi ' 2odule statement in A1AP"4 module pool Program'

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2odule C$e %' (ele t single L from sflig$t )$ere arrid M sflig$t- arrid' If s#-su&r ne 0' 2essage e001' 5ndif' In t$is ase, field sflig$t- arrid is $e %ed in t$e ta&le for its e;isten e'

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%yna.ically Calling t6e Screen' A,o-t %i'playing Ne7t Screen Transa tion is a se*uen e of s reens, )$i $ are displa#ed one after t$e ot$er' T$e ne;t s reen displa#ed depends upon t$e attri&utes of first s reen' In attri&utes #ou need to give 6e;t ( reen num&er i'e' if ne;t s reen displa#ed s$ould &e 200 s reen, t$en t$is num&er s$ould &e given in ne;t ( reen attri&utes' T$ese are stati attri&utes of t$e s reen' 1# default, if not$ing is spe ified in t$e program, t$e s#stem &ran $es out to t$e s reen num&er, )$i $ is spe ified in t$e attri&ute s reen' 1ut t$is doesn8t $appen al)a#s' If #ou $ave man# pus$&uttons on t$e s reen li%e t$e one in t$e follo)ing ase,

In t$is ase, if user sele ts 2A!A pus$&utton, t$en fields from 2ara ta&le are displa#ed' /$en t$e user li %s on t$e 2A!-, t$en t$e fields from 2A!- ta&le are displa#ed' -epending upon users sele tion, t$e s reen is &ran $ed out and t$is $as to &e done during runtime' T$is fun tionalit# an &e a $ieved &# d#nami all# alling t$e s reen in module pool program' T$e s reen an &ran $ out to ne) s reen depending upon user sele tion' +ollo)ing ommand in module pool program an do t$is, Page 1I of 44

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(5T (C!552 CALL (C!556 L5AH5 T0 (C!556 O6U215!P

All t$ese ommands override t$e spe ifi ations given in t$e attri&utes' T$is overriding is temporar#' T$e values stored in t$e attri&ute are not $anged' Set Screen Synta7 (et s reen Onum&erP' In module pool program Case o% ode' /$en K-I(P8' (et s reen 200' /$en KLI(T8' (et s reen 300' 5nd ase' In t$is ase, t$e entire pro essing of urrent s reen ta%es pla e and t$en t$e s#stem &ran $es out to ne;t s reen' If #ou )ant to &ran $ out to t$e ne;t s reen )it$out pro essing t$e urrent s reen, L5AH5 (C!556 s$ould &e used along )it$ t$e (5T (C!556' +or 5;ample, Case o% ode'' /$en K-I(P8' (et s reen 200' Leave ( reen' /$en KLI(T8' (et s reen 300' Leave ( reen' 5nd ase' /$en (5T (C!556 is used, ontrol annot &e transferred to t$e main s reen or previous s reen, unless #ou )rite ode for t$e same' Call Screen Usuall# used for pop up s reens' 2an# times, t$ere is a need for user to enter additional information or se ondar# information on anot$er s reen or pop up s reen' 0n e t$e user enters
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t$e data, $e s$ould &e a&le to go &a % to main s reen or to t$e s reen )$ere $e started' T$is is not possi&le &# using (5T (C!556' CALL (C!556 a $ieves t$is fun tionalit#' Synta7 Call ( reen 200' /ill simpl# all a s reen num&er 200 from a main s reen' 0n e t$e s reen is displa#ed t$e user an enter all t$e data and return to t$e main s reen &# li %ing 1AC3 &utton' To all s reen as pop up s reen t$e s#nta; is Call s reen starting at O ol'no'P Oline noP 5nding at O ol noP Oline noP' In t$is ase )indo) )ill &e popped as )indo) and user an lose it &# using 1AC3 &utton' Lea3e to 'creen To (5T a ne) s reen )it$out pro essing urrent s reen, #ou need to use t$e follo)ing t)o statements toget$er, (5T (C!556 200' L5AH5 (C!556' 0r a (ingle statement L5AH5 T0 (C!556 200'

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S-,'creen' A su&s reen is a s reen )it$in s reen' Consider t$e follo)ing ase'

If user li %s on +I!(T pus$&utton, #ou )ant to displa# details of 2A!A ta&le and if user li %s on t$e (5C06- pus$&utton, #ou )ant to displa# details of 2A!- ta&le' Cou an do t$is &# alling t)o different s reens' 1ut t$e information )ill &e displa#ed on t$e ne;t s reen' -ispla#ing data on t$e same s reen is possi&le &# using (U1(C!556(' (tep to reate a su&s reen are as follo)s, Create a su&s reen area on 2AI6 s reen and name it' Create a separate s reen of su&s reen t#pe' Arrange t$e fields on t$is s reen so t$at t$e# fit in su&s reen area e;a tl#' 0nl# )$en it is larger, t$e part of t$e s reen t$at fits in t$e main area )ill &e visi&le' /rite ode for alling su&s reen in flo) logi '

To all su&s reen, from #our flo) logi , #ou need to in lude t$e statement &ot$ in PAI and P10'

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Synta7 P10' Call su&s reen OareaP in luding Oprg nameP O8s reen no8P' PAI' Call su&s reen OareaP' Area - is t$e name of t$e area on main s reen' Prg' 6ame - is t$e name of t$e module pool program' ( reen num&er - is su&s reen s reen num&er' (ome of t$e don8ts )it$ su&s reen are, ?UI status annot &e set to t$e su&s reen 03C0-5 is not appli a&le to t$e su&s reen' (u&s reen annot all anot$er s reen' It annot ontain AT 5@IT-C022A6-' Cou an all multiple su&s reen in t$e same area Dat an# given point of time, onl# one su&s reen an &e alled in t$e su&s reen areaE and is done d#nami all# during runtime &# using varia&le s reen num&er'

Ta,le Control'

A ta&le an &e reated in transa tion' T$ese ta&les )$en designed on t$e s reen are alled as (C!556 TA1L5(' T$ese s reen ta&les are of t)o t#pes viQ' Ta&le ontrols (tep loops T$oug$ t$ese are ta&les )$en ode is )ritten to $andle t$em, t$e ta&les are treated as loops' Feat-re' of Ta,le Control' -ata is displa#ed in t$e form of ta&le )$en man# re ords mat $ t$e riteria' Ta&le ontrol gives user t$e feeling of an a tual ta&le' Cou an s roll t$roug$ t$e ta&le verti all# and $oriQontall#' Cou an sele t ro)s and olumns !esiQe t$e )idt$ of a olumn Cou an $ave separator lines in &et)een ro)s and olumns Automati resiQing of t$e ta&le )$en t$e user resiQes t$e )indo)'

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In general ta&le ontrol in ludes all t$e features of an a tual ta&le and user gets t$e feeling t$at $e is a tuall# )or%ing )it$ ta&le' Cou an update information in ta&le ontrol and it an &e updated in t$e data&ase ta&le &# )riting ode for it' (teps asso iated for reating omplete s reen ta&le are as follo)s, -e laration of ta&le ontrol in module pool program' -esigning of ta&le ontrol on t$e s reen' Passing data to ta&le in flo) logi '

%eclaring of Ta,le Control in t6e 1od-le Pool Progra. Synta7 Controls TCI t#pe Ta&levie) using s reen Os reen no'P /$en #ou use ta&le ontrol in a s reen #ou must de lare t$e stru ture in module pool program' Important fields of ta&levie) are as follo)s, Lines F num&er of displa#a&le ro)s in a ta&le' TopNline F t$e ro) of ta&le )$ere t$e s reen displa#s start' CurrentNline F T$e ro) urrentl# &eing pro essed inside a loop'

/$en #ou pro ess t$e ta&le ontrol in flo) logi depending upon )$ere #ou )ant to start displa# of ro)s, #ou need to use t$ese varia&les' %e'igning Ta,le Control on Screen To design ta&le ontrol on t$e s reen, #ou need to li % on Ta&le in ontrol &ar and pla e it on t$e s reen' Cou an ad4ust t$e lengt$ and )idt$ of ta&le ontrol' 6ame t$e ta&le ontrol' DAere #ou need to use same name )$i $ #ou $ave used for de laration of ta&le ontrol in module pool programE +rom di tionar# o&4e t, sele t ta&le fields and pla e t$em in t$e ta&le ontrol' Pa''ing data to Ta,le Control As alread# mentioned, ta&le ontrols are ta&les &ut are treated li%e loops' Usuall# transfer of data from program to s reen is automati ' 1ut in ase of ta&le ontrol, transfer of data is not automati ' Cou need to e;pli itl# transfer t$e data to ta&le ontrol' A1AP"4 provides loop statement, )$i $ is asso iated )it$ flo) logi to transfer t$e data' 1e ause ta&le ontrol is treated li%e a loop, data from )$ere it is transferred s$ould &e a loop' Cou annot transfer t$e data &# onl# sele t statementJ #ou need to put t$e data into internal ta&le' A1AP"4 provides t$e L00P statement, )$i $ is asso iated )it$ t$e flo) logi and allo)s #ou to loop t$roug$ t$e

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ta&le ontrol and internal ta&les' In &et)een L00P-56-L00P, #ou an use most of t$e flo) logi %e#)ords li%e field values' 2odule et ' Cou need to ode a L00P statement in &ot$ P10 and PAI event of t$e s reen' /it$ L00P statement, #ou an transfer t$e data from program to ta&le ontrol and vi e versa' T$at is, if user updates t$e value in t$e ta&le ontrol, #ou an update data&ase ta&le )it$ its value' And t$is an &e done in PAI event' (o even if #ou are not updating data&ase ta&le t$roug$ t$e ta&le ontrol, #ou need to put t$e L00P statement in t$e PAI event also' Synta7 P10' L00P AT Ointernal ta&leP )it$ ontrol Ota&le ontrol nameP ursor Os roll varia&leP PAI' Loop at ita&' Proper usage of Ta&le Control is as follo)s, In flo) logic# P10' L00P AT ITA1 /ITA C06T!0L TC1 CU!(0! TC1-T0PNLI65' 20-UL5 A((I?6' 56-L00P' PAI' L00P AT ITA1' 56-L00P' Considering, )e $ave follo)ing fields in ta&le ontrol and t$e s reen loo%s li%e t$is,

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In module pool program C06T!0L TC1 T#pe ta&levie) using s reen 200' 2odule assign' (flig$t F arrid M ita& F arrid' (flig$t - onnidM ita& - onnid' (flig$t - fldateM ita& F fldate' 5ndmodule'

T$e transfer of t$e data from program to ta&le ontrol ta%es pla e in steps and t$ese steps are as follo)s, /it$ L00P AT statement t$e first ro) is pi %ed up and pla ed in t$e $eader of t$e internal ta&le' /$atever statements #ou $ave in &et)een L00P-56-L00P are e;e uted' In t$is ase, #ou $ave 2odule statement' In 2odule statement, value of internal ta&le is assigned to ta&le ontrol field' T$e ro) in internal ta&le is transferred to t$e first line of t$e ta&le ontrol as stated in t$e L00P AT statement' T$e s#stem en ounters t$e 56-L00P statement and Control is passed to t$e ne;t line of t$e internal ta&le' In t$e same )a#, all t$e re ords of t$e internal ta&le are passed to t$e ta&le ontrol'
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(tep Loops are t#pe of s reen ta&le as alread# mentioned' (tep loops are repeated &lo %s of field in a s reen' 5a $ &lo % ontains one or more fields and t$ese &lo %s are repeated' (tep loops aren8t li%e a tual ta&le' Cou an s roll verti all# &ut not $oriQontall#' T$ree steps are asso iated )it$ reation of step loops, Creation of step loops on s reen, )$i $ in ludes de laring fields on t$e s reen and t$en defining t$e step, loops for t$ese fields' Passing data to t$e step loop is e;a tl# similar to t$e passing of data to ta&le ontrols' In step loop, #ou don8t need to define t$e step loop as su $ in t$e module pool program &ut t$e ursor needs to &e defined in t$e program'

Type' of Step Loop' (tati F (tati (tep Loop D((LE $ave fi;ed siQe t$at annot &e $anged during t$e runtime' If user resiQes t$e )indo), t$e siQe of t$e stati step loop is not $anged' -#nami F -#nami (tep Loop D-(LE is varia&le in siQe' /$en t$e user resiQes t$e )indo), t$e s#stem in reases or de reases t$e num&er of t$e step loop &lo %s' step loop and an $ave as man# stati loops in #our

Cou an $ave onl# one d#nami transa tion'

Programming )it$ t$e (tati and d#nami step loop is e;a tl# same' +or t$e s#stem or for t$e user it doesn8t ma%e an# differen e )$et$er it is stati or d#nami step loop' 0nl# attri&ute, )$i $ #ou fi; during designing of t$e step loop, is t#pe attri&ute for step loop + for fi;ed i'e stati and H for varia&le i'e' d#nami ' /riting ode for (tep Loop in t$e flo) logi ' P10' Loop at ita& ursor l' 2odule set' 5ndloop' PAI' Loop at ita&' 5ndloop' L 5mpt# loop is must for &ot$ ta&le ontrol and step loop L00P AT statement for step loops and Ta&le ontrols is similar' Loop At statement transfers t$e data to s reen ta&le' Cou need to $ave t$e 2odule to assign t$e values for t$e s reen ta&le' In module pool program #ou need to define t$e ursor' -ate, CL TCP5 i' L Cursor parameter tells )$i $ line of step loop displa# s$ould start'

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<2odule (et= in module pool program assigns t$e values to step loop fields, )$i $ is similar to ta&le ontrols'

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Branc6ing to Li't Proce''ing S)itc6ing To Li't 1ode Cou an displa# a list )it$in a transa tion' Cou an produ e a list from module pool program &# using t$e ommand Leave to List-Pro essing' T$is statement s)it $es t$e s#stem from dialog mode to list mode' And from t$is point on)ards until #ou return to dialog mode, #ou an use all t$e normal report statement li%e )rite, sele t or an# ot$er event' Ret-rning ,ac fro. LIST .ode Cou an return &a % to dialog mode &# li %ing t$e 1AC3 &utton' Cou an $ave #our ?UI status and )rite ode for t$e same' Cou an in lude t$e ommand L5AH5 LI(T-P!0C5((I6?' /$en t$e s#stem rea $es t$is ommand, it leaves t$e list mode and returns to t$e dialog mode'

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4elp & 9al-e Re=-e't In an# transa tion, /$en t$e user presses +1 or R on a field, (#stem provides t$e $elp fa ilit# for t$at parti ular field' In dialog program, )$en +1 is pressed, $elp provided &# !3 s#stem is sour ed from data element do umentation' If t$is do umentation is not present for t$at parti ular field or if user needs to displa# additional information for t$at parti ular field, t$en user defined $elp an &e provided t$roug$ P!0C5(( 06 A5LP !57U5(T' In A1HP"4 $elp an &e provided to t$e user &#, -ata element do umentation, T$e +1 $elp an &e en$an ed, &# adding an additional te;t for t$e data element in A1AP"4 di tionar#' It an &e done )it$ t$e $elp of follo)ing steps, Pla e ursor on t$e s reen field, ?0T0 -0CU256TATI06 -ATA 5L5256T -0CU256T Cou an no) e;tend t$e e;isting $elp' U(I6? TA5 P!0C5(( 06 A5LP-!57U5(T' If #ou don8t $ave t$is event in a program, t$en t$e do umentation of t$e field in t$e A1AP"4 di tionar# is ta%en into onsideration' If t$is event e;its in t$e program t$en it is e;e uted' Proce'' on 4ELP;RE<UEST e3ent T$is event is triggered )$en user presses +1 on a s reen field' Cou need to $andle t$is event in flo)-logi &# spe if#ing t$e fields and atta $ing t$e module to it' Synta7 P!0C5(( 06 A5LP F!57U5(T' +I5L- (+LI?AT-CA!!I- 20-UL5 A5LP-+0!-CA!!I-' In module pool program 20-UL5 A5LP' /rite , ST$is is field is from sflig$t ta&le8 /rite , " KIt is of four C$ara ter8' 56-20-UL5' /$en t$e user presses +1 on t$is parti ular field, t$en t$is message )ill &e displa#ed on t$e s reen'

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9al-e Re=-e't /$enever t$e user presses +4 on t$e s reen field list of possi&le values, parti ular fields are displa#ed' If t$e standard value-$elp is inade*uate or if #ou )ant to displa# additional fields or )it$ different om&ination of fields, developer an program t$is in P!0C5(( 06 HALU5!57U5(T event in t$e flo)-logi and su&se*uent module in t$e module pool program' /$en t$e user presses +4, list of possi&le values are displa#ed eit$er from mat $ ode o&4e ts or $e % ta&le or $elp vie) or domain' 5a $ one of t$em is e;plained &riefl#' 1atc6code o,>ect'A Are aggregated di tionar# o&4e ts and detailed pro edure to reate t$ese o&4e ts is e;plained in t$e later part of t$e material' C$e % Ta&le, If a $e % ta&le is assigned to t$e ta&le field and if t$e user presses +4 for t$at parti ular field, t$en all t$e %e# fields are displa#ed' -omain Halues, T$e values defined in t$e domain are displa#ed' T$ese values are set in domain )$en t$e domain is reated in t$e di tionar#' Aelp vie)s, In ases )$ere t$e $e % ta&le is not suffi ient, #ou an reate a $elp vie) )it$ t$is $e % ta&le, )$i $ gives additional information li%e e;planator# te;t for t$e fields of t$e $e % ta&le' P!0C5(( 06 HALU5N!57U5(T' 5a $ time t$e user presses +4 on t$e s reen field, follo)ing algorit$m is alled internall#'

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TRANSACTIONS -oes t$is field $ave its o)n +4 module in t$e ( reen PainterR
Intelligroup Asia Private Limited



5;e ute t$e module

2at $ ode o&4e t in t$e ( reen



5;e ute $elp

mat $ ode

C$e % ta&leR



Aelp vie) for t$e $e % ta&leR

-omain valuesR


no #es
-ispla# domain values

2essage SS6o displa# of possi&le entries $ere=

-ispla# $elp vie)

-ispla# $e %

/$en t$e user presses +4 on flig$t num&er, t$e follo)ing s reen is displa#ed'
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T6e 'creen di'played i' pop;-p 'creen and code for t6e flo) logic and .od-le i' )ritten ,elo)A



P!0C5(( 06 HALU5-!57U5(T' +I5L- (+LI?AT-C066I- 20-UL5 A5LP-+0!-C066I-' Code for module pool program' 20-UL5 A5LP-+0!-C066I-I6PUT' -ATA, 15?I6 0+ ITA1 0CCU!( 0, C066I-D.0E, 56- 0+ ITA1' !5+!5(A ITA1' ITA1-C066I-IM P0((I1L5 HALU5( +0! C0665CTI06 I-8' APP56- ITA1' (5L5CT C066I- +!02 (+LI?AT I6T0 TA1L5 ITA1' CALL +U6CTI06 KP0PUPN/ITANTA1L5N-I(PLAC8 5@P0!TI6? 56-P0(NC0L M 4.
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56-P0(N!0/ (TA!TP0(NC0L (TA!TP0(N!0/ TITL5T5@T I2P0!TI6? CA0I(5 TA1L5( HALU5TA1 5@C5PTI06( 1!5A3N0++ M1 0TA5!( M2' 56-20-UL5'


2. 10 1 KT5@T8 (ome Integer Haria&le ITA1

<A5LP-+0!-C066I- I6PUT

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C6anging T6e Screen %-ring R-nti.e T$e attri&utes are assigned to t$e s reen field )$en t$e s reen is designed in full s reen editor' (u $ %ind of assignment is stati , )$i $ means t$at t$ese attri&utes are fi;ed' 1ut man# times t$e need to $ange t$e attri&utes of t$e s reen arises' And t$is $as to &e done during runtime' Need To C6ange Screen T$ere an &e a re*uirement in t$e transa tion t$at, ertain fields on t$e s reen Appear onl# in ertain onditions' Are in C$ange"displa# mode a ording to user inputs 1e ome mandator# su&4e t to spe ifi inputs' C$anges its format depending upon ertain onditions' 1odifying t6e 'creen At t$e runtime, attri&utes for ea $ s reen field is stored in s#stem defined internal ta&le, )it$ $eader line, alled as (C!556 TA1L5' It ontains name of field and its attri&utes' T$is ta& le an &e modified during t$e runtime i'e' t$roug$ module pool program' ( reen ta&le $as follo)ing fields, Field Na.e 6A25 ?!0UP1 ?!0UP2 ?!0UP3 ?!0UP4 ACTIH5 !57UI!5I6PUT 1 0UTPUT I6T56(I+I5I6HI(I1L5 L56?TA -I(PLAC 3HALU5NA5LP Lengt6 30 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 %e'cription 6ame of s reen field +ield &elongs to field group1 ?roup 2 ?roup 3 ?roup 4 Aide"($o) +ield input is mandator# 5na&le"-isa&le +ield for displa# onl# +ield is $ig$lig$ted' +ield is suppressed' +ield output lengt$ is redu ed +ield is displa#ed )it$ 3-- +rame +ield is displa#ed )it$ Halue $elp

5'g', (C!556-ACTIH5 M 0 $as t$e same effe t as t$e follo)ing statements' (C!556- I6PUT M 0' (C!556-0UTPUT M 0' (C!556-I6HI(I1L5 M 1' T$e fields (C!556-6A25 and (C!556-?!0UP 1 t$roug$ (C!556-?!0UP4 tell #ou )$i $ field and " or field group $as t$e attri&utes'
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Cou an assign up to 4 groups to a field' Cou need to program s reen modifi ations in module, )$i $ is pro essed during t$e event P!0C5(( 15+0!5 0UTPUT' S(C!5568 is an internal ta&le and, in order to $ange t$e field values, L00P statement $as to &e used so t$at t$e $eader-line an &e populated )it$ t$e ne) values, $anging t$e earlier values, t$e (C!556 ta&le onsisted for t$e spe ifi s reen' +inall# t$e $anged re ord in t$e $eader-line is 60T APP56-5-, &ut is 20-I+I5- to t$e (C!556 ta&le' T$at is, )e first use SL00P AT (C!5568 and t$en assign t$e values' And finall# P!I0! T0 56-L0PP give S20-I+C (C!5568' P!0C5(( 15+0!5 0UTPUT' 20-UL5 20-I+CN(C!556 0UTPUT'
20-UL5 20-I+CN(C!556' L00P AT (C!556'

I+ (C!556-6A25 M K(+LI?AT-CA!!I-8' (C!556-I6PUT M 1' 20-I+C (C!556' 56-I+' 56-L00P'


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Wor ing )it6 1atc6code O,>ect' A 2at $ ode is an aggregated o&4e t and it gives list of possi&le values for t$e user' A mat $ ode is a olle tion of sear $ terms on )$i $ #ou retrieve a data from t$e data&ase ta&le' All mat $ ode are asso iated )it$ eit$er sele tion riteria or parameters' /$en an input field $as a little triangle in t$e rig$t-$and orner, it indi ates t$at it $as an asso iated mat $ ode' /$en #ou li % on drop-do)n arro) or press +4 &utton, it gives a list of all possi&le values' +or e;ample 2atnr field i'e' material num&er from 2A!A ta&le, user mig$t not %no) all t$e material num&er, &ut t$e# mig$t %no) ot$er details li%e material des ription, t#pe or an# ot$er details' Cou an reate mat $ ode, )$i $ $as all t$ese sear $ terms i'e' #ou an reate mat $ ode )it$ des ription as sear $ term or mat $ ode )it$ t#pe as sear $ term' !"3 s#stem in ludes man# predefined mat $ ode &ut developers an reate ne) mat $ ode as is reated in follo)ing ase' Usuall#, s#stem displa#s list of possi&le values for all t$e primar# %e#s )it$ parti ular sear $ term' Usuall# #ou reate mat $ ode in follo)ing ases, /$en #ou use non-primar# %e# of input' Cou need different sear $ term for t$e primar# %e#' Creating 1atc6code o,>ect 5ntire 2at $ ode o&4e t is reated in t)o steps, -efining of 2at $ ode o&4e t' -efining one or more sear $ ids for t$e o&4e t' %efining 1atc6code o,>ect It in ludes all t$e ta&les and fields, )$i $ ma%e up t$e 2at $ ode, )$i $ are used for 2at $ ode Ids' (teps for defining 2at $ ode o&4e t are as follo)s, +rom di tionar#, enter name Dfour $ara terE' (ele t 2at $ ode radio&utton and li % on C!5AT5' -efine attri&utes for t$e o&4e t i'e' des ription' (ele t primar# ta&le' (ele t t$e fields for t$e ta&le &# li %ing on t$e fields' A tivate t$e o&4e t' If at all #ou are sele ting se ondar# ta&le t$en it is done after sele ting primar# ta&le' And steps are as follo)s,

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Ta&les C$oose se ondar# ta&le' A dialog &o; appears, )$i $ displa#s list of possi&le se ondar# tales' (ele t t$e ta&le &# C$oose op#' To a tivate t$e o&4e t, 2at $ ode o&4e t - Creating 1atc6code id'# 0n e t$e o&4e t is reated, #ou need to define sear $ term for t$e o&4e t and steps are as follo)s, Cli % on t$e 2at $ ode I- from maintenan e s reen' 5nter attri&utes for t$e 2at $ ode Id' ($ort te;t' Update t#pe - -efault is 1 for logi al updating' It means t$at at t$e moment )$en #ou a ess t$e 2at $ ode o&4e t, t$e ta&le is reated li%e vie)' Unli%e logi al updating, p$#si al updates are, A,(,P' (#stem 2at $ ode, If #ou li % t$is parti ular field, it indi ates a s#stem mat $ ode, )$i $ is used &# (AP soft)are and annot &e $anged &# t$e end user' Aut$o' $e %s, If it is $e %ed, t$e s#stem performs aut$oriQation $e %s for t$is mat $ ode Id' Selecting 'econdary ta,le' Position t$e ursor on t$e &ase ta&le of t$e I-' 5dit C$oose se ondar# ta&les A dialog &o; appears listing t$e ta&les lin%ed to t$e ta&le &# foreign %e#s (ele t ta&le' (ave' a tivate

Selecting field' for 1atc6code Id

(ele t fields' C$oose fields' 0n e all t$e fields are sele ted, li % on op# fields' +ields are transferred to t$e mat $ ode Id'

Acti3ation of Id A orresponding data&ase vie) is reated in t$e data&ase during a tivation for t$e Ids of update t#pe I' -uring a tivation, a $e % is made to see )$et$er t$e orresponding inde; to support vie) sele tion e;ists in t$e data&ase' If it doesn8t, a )arning is displa#ed' Te'ting t6e 1atc6code Id# To test t$e mat $ ode Id,
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2aintain mat $ ode o&4e t' Utilities displa# mat $ ode data' U'ing 1atc6code /$en t$e user do not %no) )$i $ mat $ odes are availa&le for a field, user an find t$e mat $ ode &#, Positioning t$e ursor on a field and li %ing on drop arro) or pressing t$e +4 %e#' A dialog &o; appears )it$ a list of availa&le mat $ ode User an sele t anot$er mat $ ode &# li %ing on t$e 65/ sele tion &utton' -ou&le li % on a mat $ ode to use it' If #ou )ant to use t$is as default mat $ ode, li % on standard &utton' If user does t$is on e, t$e sele ted mat $ ode is proposed automati all# t$e ne;t time' Cou an enter t$e sear $ term and press 56T5!' If sear $ term is not spe ified, t$e s#stem displa#s all t$e re ords for t$e spe ifi mat $ ode'

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Loc O,>ect' In a s#stem )$ere man# users an a ess t$e same data, it &e omes ne essar# to ontrol t$e a ess to t$e data' In !"3 s#stem t$is a ess ontrol is &uilt-in on data&ase ta&les' -evelopers an also lo % o&4e ts over ta&le re ords' To lo % an o&4e t #ou need to all standard fun tions, )$i $ are automati all# generated )$ile defining t$e lo % o&4e t in A1AP"4 di tionar#' T$is lo %ing s#stem is independent of t$e lo %ing me $anism used &# t$e !"3 s#stem' T$is me $anism also defines LU/ i'e' Logi al Unit of /or%' /$enever an o&4e t is lo %ed, eit$er &# in &uilt lo %ing me $anism or &# fun tion modules, it reates orresponding entr# in glo&al s#stem ta&le i'e' ta&le is lo %ed' T$e s#stem automati all# releases t$e lo % at t$e end of transa tion' T$e LU/ starts )$en a lo % entr# is reated in t$e s#stem ta&le and ends )$en t$e lo % is released'

Creating Loc O,>ect' Lo % o&4e t is an aggregated di tionar# o&4e t and an &e defined &# using t$e follo)ing steps, o +rom initial data di tionar# s reen, enter t$e name for t$e o&4e t, Cli % Lo % o&4e t radio&utton and t$en li % on Create' T$e s#stem displa#s a dialog &o; for 2aintain Lo % 0&4e ts s reen o 5nter s$ort te;t as usual and t$e name for primar# ta&le' o (ave o (ele t Ta&les option +rom t$is s reen #ou an, (ele t se ondar# ta&les, if an#, lin%ed &# foreign %e# relations$ip' +ields for t$e lo % o&4e ts' T$is option allo)s #ou to sele t fields for o&4e ts D!"3 s#stem allo)s lo %ing up to re ord levelE' Lo % o&4e t argument are not sele ted &# user &ut are imposed &# t$e s#stem and in ludes all t$e primar# %e#s for t$e ta&le'

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Type' of loc ' Cou an lo % t$e ta&le or re ord &# using follo)ing t#pes of lo %ing,

5; lusive D5E t$e lo %ed data an onl# &e displa#ed or modified &# single user i'e t$e o)ner of t$e o&4e t' A ess to ot$er users is denied' ($ared D(E several users an a ess t$e same re ord simultaneousl#, &ut onl# in displa# mode and e; ept t$e first one, )$o $as as%ed for t$e data in update mode' 5; lusive not umulating D@E it is similar to e; lusive lo %' It allo)s onl# a single user a ess' 5 an &e alled several times from t$e same transa tion' In ontrast, a lo % t#pe @ an &e alled onl# on e during t$e transa tion' An# ot$er all for t$is lo % is re4e ted'

Acti3ation of Loc O,>ect

/$en #ou a tivate t$e lo % o&4e t, t$e fun tions are automati all# generated' And t$ese are 567U5U5-5T6 and -57U5U5-5T6' 5T6 is name of t$e lo % o&4e t' /$ile 567U5U5 is used in program to set t$e ode over t$e sele ted data depending upon t$e lo % o&4e t arguments' -57U5U5 is used to release t$e lo %'

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1' Create a mat $ ode for 2A!A-2AT6! )it$ one mat $ ode I-' T$e fields in t$e Is$ould &e 2A!AN2AT6!', 2A!--/5!3(' 2A!--L?0!T' 2A3T-2A3T@' 2' Create a ?UI status of t#pe list )it$ t$e follo)ing features and atta $ it to a report' DCreate a simple report )it$ /rite statementE' Use t$e statement (U12IT !5P0!T A6- !5TU!6 T0 CALL A !5P0!T' 2enu !5P0!T( 2aterials Hendors 5;it (C(T52 A5LP

Appli ation tool &ar, 3 pus$ &utton - 2aterial, vendors, e;it'

/$en material pus$ &utton or menu option is $osen to displa# a list a materials )it$ t$e follo)ing fields, 2A!A-2AT6!, 2A!--/5!3(,2A!--L?0!T,2A3T-(P!A(' /$en vendor pus$&utton or menu option is $osen, displa# a list of vendors )it$ t$e follo)ing fields' L+A1-LI+6!, L+A1-6A251, L+A1-0!T01' 5;it to *uit t$e program' 3' Create a transa tion )it$ t$ree s reens ( reen 1, !adio&utton , 2 !1,!2' Pus$&utton ,2-6e;t, 5;it, /$en 65@T &utton is pressed, displa# s reen 2 or s reen 3 on t$e radio &utton sele ted' i'e', if !1 is sele ted displa# s reen 2 or if !2 is sele ted displa# s reen3' ( reen 2, 5ntr# fields , (P+LI-CA!!I-, (P+LI-C066I-,(P+LI-CITC+!02, (P+LI-CITCT0' Pus$&utton , +irst s reen, 5;it'

( reen 3'
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5ntr# fields , (+LI?AT-CA!!I-' (+LI?AT-C066I-'(+LI?AT-+L-AT5'(+LI?AT(5AT(2A@,(+LI?AT-(5AT(0CC' Pus$&uttons, +irst s reen, 5;it' S+irsts reen8 pus$&utton is to displa# s reen 1 and e;it is to *uit t$e transa tion' LLLLLLLLLLLU(5 (5L5CT-(I6?L5LLLLLLLLLLLLL 4' Create a transa tion )it$ on s reen' ( reen one 5ntr# fields, 2A!--2A6T6!,2A!--/5!3(,2A!--L?0!T Pus$&uttons, +irstre ord 6e;t !e ord, Previous re ord, Last !e ord, 5;it' (ele t t$e data from 2A!- into an internal ta&le and )$enever a &utton is pressed displa# t$e orresponding re ord Di'e' +irst, 6e;t, Previous, or LastE using t$e internal ta&le inde;' 5;it to *uit t$e transa tion' .' Cop# a&ove transa tion and en$an e it )it$ t$ese features' Pla e anot$er pus$&utton KList8' /$en t$is &utton is pressed, -ispla# a list )it$ t$e follo)ing fields' 2A!-2AT6!,2A!--/5!3(,2A!--L?0!T' LLLLLLLLLLUse L5AH5 FT0-LI(T-P!0C5((I6?LLLLLLLLLLL :' Create a transa tion )it$ t)o normal s reens and t)o su&s reens'

( reen1 , 6ormal s reen' 5ntr# fields , 2A!A-2AT6! !adio&uttons, Plant, -es ription Pus$-&utton ,-ispla#, 5;it' ( reen2, 6ormal s reen' -ispla# fields, 2A!A-2AT6!' Pus$&uttons,1a %,5;it' ( reen3, (u&s reen' -ispla# fields, 2A!--/5!3(,2A!--L?0!T' ( reen4, (u&s reen -ispla# fields,2A3T-(P!A(,2A3T-2A3T@' /$en t$e displa# pus$&utton is li %ed, displa# ( reen2 )it$ proper su&s reen atta $ed to it &ased on t$e sele tion of radio &utton'' i'e' ( reen 3 - if plant is sele ted and ( reen 4 - if des ription is sele ted'

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