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QUESTION 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group Use spe!ifi! reasons and e"amples to support your answer From past until present, all group of people usually have members and leaders in their family, society and some sort of groups in some areas such as school, and workplace. These two positions contain many differences which make many people discuss and consider which one is better. According to my opinion, I disagree that it is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. If a person has an ability to lead a group he or she may optto become group leader rather than group member. I would prefer to be aleader than a member because the leader stands out among the crowd, receiving more money and privileges than a simple member, more chances to develop his personal skill and a position as the leader can give more opportunities for future career and education.. First of all, the leader stands out among the crowd. He is attended for his talent and skill. He is more important than anyone else. If there were no leaders, a team could not develop because each member has their own ideas include both good ones and bad ones. If there were nobody to gather these ideas and choose the best one, the team would face many difficulties. Secondly, the leader receives more money and privileges than a simple member. He has more chances to go abroad to improve his knowledge. For e ample, as my uncle is a leader, he is very rich. He has a big house, drives to work everyday and goes on holiday !uite often. "hen he reali#es some new pro$ect for developing the company, he receives a reward and everyone was admires him. Thirdly, the leader has more chances to develop his personal skill. He attends meetings and holds conversations with staffattends, makes a speech and states his ideas to everyone in the company. He can benefit from his position by gaining more knowledge and practicing the skills. To be a leader, he needs to carry many responsibilities to control the group such as managing the group, leading the group to achieve the goal, and encourage the group to carry on their procession. He becomes more responsible for the company%s activities. For e ample, if something goes wrong, he will fi it.

Finally, a position as the leader can give more opportunities for future career and education. &ecause some people have built their leadership, they are considered by a society as a capable person. Thus, when they challenge for something, they have a priority to be considered among other candidates. Another e ample is that if students have e perience as a leader, they will be able to get more chances to study in famous universities, get scholarships, and the like because the authorities tend to choose e perienced leaders rather than those who are not. In conclusions, the leader plays an important role in a group which means it is better to be a leader than to be a member because because the leader stands out among the crowd, receiving more money and privileges than a simple member, more chances to develop his personal skill and a position as the leader can give more opportunities for future career and education. 'eople can fulfill their dreams on a mere condition that they have e perienced and learnt to be a leader.

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