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Environmental implications on the Matanza Riachuelo Basin in Argentina.

The Matanza Riachuelo located on the east coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina is one of the most polluted places in the world, this is due to the effluents from textile mills, leather, plastics, etc. located in the area (Greenpeace, 2009). Respect to effluent, industry is located in the lower part of the basin, where factories are distributed along the Riachuelo. The company that tops the list of the most polluting enterprises Stream is Sadesa. The study indicates that water sheds 3,549 kilograms of waste per day. Meanwhile the second most polluting industry is the Coto Refrigerator 1,683 kilograms of waste per day (FUNAM, 2001). The poor environmental performance of industries, along with municipal waste caused a focus of concern by various NGOs and environmental groups, causing protests and the government as a measure to control effluent ACUMAR was created (Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority) organization responsible of environmental control in the place the industries (Acumar, 2008). This paper aims to answer the following question: Is the environmental management that arises in Coto Refrigerator on Matanza Riachuelo is beneficial to currently? Coto Refrigerator is one of the companies that has relevance in the country and that distributes food to the different sectors, Alfredo Coto refrigerators owner also features a tannery business in the same sector, for this reason it was decided to make an example for the development of this essay. According the EPA, 2006 industries generate waste any category, with production reaching 7600 million tonnes at present. Of more than 3,500,000 people living in the basin, 2,000,000 are at risk. The 60% are with unsatisfied basic needs (Acumar, 2008). Being at risk, people who survive near the basin can appreciate the social damage and integrity of human beings, you can tell that they take away your rights. It is important to remember that in 1867 favored Stream pollution cholera epidemic that left 6,000 dead (FUNAM, 2001).

The waste dumped in the Matanza-Riachuelo, are highly toxic and carcinogenic substances like chromium, DDT, mercury, lead, copper and zinc, among others. (FUNAM, 2001). It must be remembered that chromium is used for tanning the hides of cattle Coto companies obtained as a secondary activity, pending the effluents were tossed directly into the Riachuelo (FUNAM, 2001). In the affected area there are 5 million people, of which 35% of the population does not have potable water. Basin through the City of Buenos Aires. Currently, more than 20,000 are estimated industries and services established in the territory of the Basin (Greenpeace, 2013). Water is essential for the development of people, for their subsistence element, which is necessary for basic needs including: drinking water, cooking food and grooming, plus recreational activities to which we all have the right to access and clearly the consequences of poor management of waste from the companies involved are observed. There is something called waste management, is based on a rigid conception of waste and this industry has large economic gains of up to 50,000 million per year (Leonard & Conrad, 2010). According to the newspaper "La Nacin" Picolotti the firm responsible for waste management in the Riachuelo executed in your area in 2011 only 40% of the budget and has spent more than $ 70,000 in travel expenses. It's apparent corruption, allegedly thinking green and people frequently abuse and take advantage of environmental issues, just to profit, to earn money to satisfy personal greed, cheating and misusing the financial support allocated to sanitation. Currently, it has forced the industries directly discarded waste to Stream, the adaptation of a process waste management, as is the example of Coto Refrigerator, this in order to comply with the current regulations in force regarding dumping, the company has a treatment plant for industrial waste water which allows for removal percentages of organic load expressed as BOD, COD that meet the parameters required by the regulations (ACUMAR, 2008).

These parameters are the key point to monitor compliance with environmental management applied by the factories, also affected the surrounding can be assured that the situation is being taken in the best way. There are many ways to manage waste, whether urban or industrial, among these the classification of waste, first with organic waste make composting and other recycling, called incinerators, only worsen the situation and increase pollution, and it off does nothing to landfills. (Leonard & Conrad, 2010). However, although measures for discharges and solid waste management Matanza Riachuelo was applied had an irreversible impact is in deplorable condition, coming to ask the question is this can be called "river"? You can tell that wastes whether solid or liquid are harmful to all people belong and even more, not belonging to the concerned factory, some of them are not aware that it is cheaper to manage these wastes rather than paying for serious environmental damage .

CONCLUSIONS It can be concluded that the factory Coto Refrigerator applied improved environmental management of their waste, but right would have been to apply from the beginning, well this management is beneficial because it minimizes environmental damage in general and the effect on the health of persons, provided that continuous improvements are made. The rights of human beings are violated when another human being over the limit of a healthy environment in which to live. The water treatment plants are a good choice to start managing industrial liquid waste, as well as being good indicators. Despite improved environmental management and pollution levels are applied irreversible chemical level remains quite high and is still affecting people. References: -Greenpeace. -Greenpeace. Basura Cero: La incineracin no soluciona la crisis de los residuos. Zero Waste Incineration does not solve the waste crisis. Buenos aires.2013. Buenos aires.2013. -Leonard, Annie & Conrad, Ariane. -Leonard, Annie & Conrad, Ariane. The story of stuff. The story of stuff. New York.2010. New York.2010.

-ACUMAR. -ACUMAR. Proyecto de Desarrollo Sustentable de la cuenca Matanza Riachuelo.2008 Sustainable Development Project of Slaughter Riachuelo.2008 basin -Diario la -Gazette Nacin (En lnea) Capturado el 11022014 line) Captured on 11022014 -Informe: Hacia la Produccin Limpia. -Report: "Towards Cleaner Production". Beverley Thorpe Greenpeace. Beverley Thorpe Greenpeace. 2009. 2009. -FUNAM. -FUNAM. Foco de la Semana (Buenos Aires).2001 Focus of the Week (Buenos Aires) .2001

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