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November 2009 | Heshvan - Kislev 5770

Sunday, November 1, 11 a.m. Mondays, 6 sessions
Author Peter Manseau will discuss his award-winning novel, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; and December 7, 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter.
A group for those who are mourning the death of a loved one.
The son of a Catholic priest and a nun, Manseau is steeped in Yiddish literature,
a novelist who writes in English, speaks Yiddish, and “dreams in Catholic.” This group provides a place to be with others who are grieving, support within
the Jewish community, and an opportunity to talk with specialists about grief.
Bagel Reception ~ No Charge
A professional counselor from Jewish Community Services
Paperback copies are available in the Stulman Center office at a discounted rate. will facilitate the group.
One session will feature a group meeting
with Rabbi Ron Shulman.
communiTY SHABBAT Dinner & Discussion:
The VaLues of Bernie maDoff ’s moneY anD Yours fa s T Tr a c k To a J o B
Friday, November 6 Workshop for those Seeking Employment
Following our Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6 p.m., we will gather for Shabbat Dinner, Wednesday, November 4, 2 - 4 p.m.
enjoying the rituals and warmth of Shabbat celebration. Suzanne Brafman
Dinner will begin at 7 p.m. for those who have made reservations. Career Coach at Career Services, Jewish Community Services
All are invited to join us at 8 p.m. when Rabbi Shulman will lead a discussion How Jewish Community Services can help job seekers and career changers
about Jewish values associated with money and recent headlines to explore finding employment in the current job market.
that challenge us to reconsider their importance. Topics covered will be resumes, interviews, cover letters, references and networking.

carinG for YourseLf WhiLe carinG for oThers

Yo u n G fa m i L i e s o f c h i Z u k
Wednesday, December 2, Noon - 2 p.m.
Pre-Thanksgiving Shabbat Dinner A workshop on self care for those providing care to loved ones.
Friday, November 13, 5:45 p.m. A professional counselor from Jewish Community Services, will facilitate the session.
Join YFC for our second Shabbat dinner of the year! Great food, friends and fun as we celebrate Lunch will be served.
Shabbat and prepare for Thanksgiving. These programs are free and open to the community.
Adults, $12; Children 6 – 12, $6; Children 5 & under FREE ($36 max) Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register
please contact Miriam Foss, 410/486-6400, ext. 281.
Made possible by the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
and Jewish Community Services

f reeDom ’s feasT TraVeLinG The WorLD

Tuesday, November 17, 7 - 8:30 p.m. WiTh The ksDs B ook f air
Please join Chizuk Amuno Congregation, Christ Lutheran Church, and other religious groups
Tuesday, November 10, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
for a joyful, meaningful, and memorable interfaith Thanksgiving celebration. Wednesday, November 11, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday, November 12, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
Take home a free copy of a 10 minute version you can use at your family’s table.
Friday, November 13, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This event is suitable for children 10 and up; home version is good for all ages.
We will be collecting monetary contributions for a local homeless shelter and a food bank. Scholastic books and Jewish books through Sayfair
Dessert will follow. RSVP: 410/486-6400. Large pre-school section

Schedule of Services
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together
8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208
Each Friday evening and Shabbat morning we enjoy celebration, November 21
prayer, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald Shulman, Rabbi Deborah
Synagogue Office 410/486-6400 Wechsler, Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and our synagogue community. We join on Shabbat in the bonds of our synagogue
community. Join us in the Sanctuary, at Family Services, or
Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050 This schedule indicates the weeks when our Chizuk Amuno Choir
Torah for Tots as we share our different Shabbat services and
Synagogue E-mail participates in services, as well as study themes, or other service
features including family and Shabbat Yahad activities. activities as families and friends.
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642
Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 Join with us to express yourself in the presence of God, to nurture your
soul, and to connect your life with the life of our synagogue family. November 20/21 | Kislev 3/4
Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641
Babysitting is available beginning at 9:15 a.m. every Shabbat, except Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
holiday weekends.
President Dr. Anne L. Young,
Daily Services, Hoffberger Chapel Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
First Vice President Richard Manekin,
Unless otherwise noted: Bat Mitzvah of Nicole Snyder
Vice President Michelle Malis
Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Yahad – Shabbat Together
Secretary Dr. Andrew Miller Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon
Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Treasurer Alan Mogol Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
Assistant Treasurer Sandra Moffet Friday Minhah: 5:50 p.m. Family Service 10:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Day: Shaharit 9:15 a.m. Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m.
Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230
Torah for Tots 11:00 a.m.
Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231
Spring Ahead, Fall Back Study Session 4:00 p.m. Be sure to turn your clocks back one hour at Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m.
2 a.m., Sunday, November 1. Havdalah 5:16 p.m.
Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296
Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 November 27/28 | Kislev 10/11
Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243
Candle Lighting Minhah 5:50 p.m. November 6 4:42 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
Ritual Director Emeritus November 13 4:35 p.m.
Rev. Yehuda Dickstein Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
November 20 4:30 p.m.
Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School November 27 4:27 p.m. B’nei Mitzvah of Ryan Friedman and Max Sterling
Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | December 4 4:25 p.m. Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon
Director, Congregational Education No Family Service
Alex Weinberg | x234 |
Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center NOVEMBER 2009 | Heshvan/Kislev Study Session 4:00 p.m.
Michelle Gold | x238 | Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m.
Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning
November 6/7 | Heshvan 19/20 Havdalah 5:13 p.m.
Judy Meltzer | x287 | Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Dinner & Discussion 7:00 p.m. December 4/5 | Kislev 17/18
Miriam Foss | x281 |
Topic: “The Values of Bernie Madoff ’s Money and Yours” Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator
Debby Hellman | x290 | Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Youth Educator
TORAH PORTION: VA-YERA, GENESIS 18:1-22:24 Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Isaac Woloff | x305 |
Bar Mitzvah of Adam Finkelstein TORAH PORTION: VA-YISHLAH, GENESIS, 32:4-36:43
Curator, Goldsmith Museum Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Sopher
Rabbi Shulman’s Torah Study...”Aftermath”
Dr. Susan Vick | x291 |
Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon
Family Service 10:00 a.m. Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
Executive Director Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m. Family Service 10:00 a.m.
Ronald N. Millen | x224 | Torah for Tots 11:00 a.m. Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m.
Torah for Tots 11:00 a.m.
Director of Congregational Advancement
Laurel Freedman | x275 | Study Session 4:00 p.m.
Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m. Study Session 4:00 p.m.
Synagogue Administrator
Havdalah 5:27 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m.
Jenny Baker | x227 |
Havdalah 5:11 p.m.
Controller November 13/14 | Heshvan 26/27
Rick Bernard | x256 |
Minhah 5:50 p.m. Family Service: Join Alex Weinberg each week in the
Information Systems Manager
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m. Hoffberger Chapel for a fun, family-friendly interactive
Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 |
family service. Geared for families with students in
Cemetery Director Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. grades K-4.
Barbara Lichter | x248 | TORAH PORTION: HAYYEI SARAH, GENESIS 23:1-25:18
Assistant Cemetery Director
Simhat Shabbat: Join Abby Kogen and Isaac Woloff for a
B’nei Mitzvah of Jessica Fine and Jonathan Green
Marsha Yoffe | x309 | semi-monthly high energy, interactive service geared
Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon
Communications and Membership Coordinator
towards students in grades 5-7. Parents are invited.
Family Service 10:00 a.m.
Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | Torah For Tots: Join Michelle Gold and Alex Weinberg
Graphic Designer Study Session 4:00 p.m. for a semi-monthly engaging, interactive, fun service.
Rachel Levitan | x282 | Minhah/Ma’ariv 4:30 p.m. Geared for families with children birth-5 years old.
Havdalah 5:20 p.m.

Milestones In Our Births
Gemilut Hasadim Volunteer Programs
We congratulate the following families on the
Synagogue Family Adopt-A-Road Our Daily Bread
birth of their children and grandchildren.
Volunteers Urgently Needed! Chizuk Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve
B’nei Mitzvah Sami Morgan Densky, daughter of Alissa and
Amuno Brotherhood has taken on the meals to hungry men, women, and children
We proudly celebrate with these students who Lee Densky and granddaughter of Ann and
mitzvah of shmirat adamah, protecting the from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on upcoming Sundays,
will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Gil Abramson.
earth, with the adoption of a segment of November 29 and December 27. To sign up,
Mazal tov to their families. Birthdays Greenspring Avenue. Join us on Sunday, please contact Wendy Davis at 410/358-5979,
NOVEMBER 7 We wish Happy Birthday to these members of December 6 rain date December 20) at 9 a.m. or Jenny Baker 410/602-
Adam Ryan Finkelstein our synagogue family who each celebrate a by the front office to clean up the sides of the 9885,
Shaul Ranan birthday milestone this month. road. Gloves, reflective vests, and trash bags are
Chizuk Amuno
son of Cathi and Scott Joanne Kraus provided. To volunteer please call Irwin Golob at
Finkelstein Races for the Cure
Dr. Errol Rushovich 410/560-7422.
Thanks to all who participated in Chizuk
Laura Stein Chicken Soup for Our Sick Amuno’s third (annual) team joining the
NOVEMBER 14 Thanks to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, we
Louise Weinberg Susan B. Komen Maryland Race for the Cure. A
now have a supply of homemade chicken special addition this year was an aliyah during
Anniversaries soup for members who are ill or who have just services on the Shabbat before the race to
Mazal tov to the following members of our returned from the hospital. To receive some honor and support breast cancer survivors and
synagogue family who will be celebrating their delicious “liquid penicillin,” please call Miriam race participants. Special appreciation to Rena
wedding anniversaries in the coming weeks. Golob at 410/560-7422 and it will be delivered Lapidus, chairperson, and Kelly Blavatt,
Jessica Rachel Fine
70th: Janice and Samuel Layton to your home. advisor and to all those who took part in the
Malka Rachel
daughter of Susan and Scott Fine 40th: Lynne and Harry Lipsitz race and donated to this important cause.
Hakhnasat Orhim —
35th: Ilene and Stephen Mackler Welcoming Guests Names of all runners and walkers will be listed
Jonathan Eric Green in December.
Yonatan Elan If you live within walking distance of the
son of Sheri and Jeffrey Green synagogue, and are able to host visitors for Ronald McDonald House
We congratulate these couples and their
Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Join the dedicated corps of congregants who
NOVEMBER 21 families as we wish them much happiness. provide dinners at Ronald McDonald House for
Nicole Heather Snyder Dr. Joshua Gordon, son of Ellen and Dr. Mark
families with seriously ill children. Volunteers
Chava Gordon and grandson of Harriet Feinglass, Jared Scott Levy
are needed to cook and/or serve. The families
daughter of Denise and to Kristen Pollock. Memorial Garden look forward to home cooked meals to ease
Howard Snyder Lauren Kanter, daughter of Harriet and Alan We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts the strain and pressure that come with seeking
Kanter, to Adam Weiss. to help tend the garden. Young volunteers, medical treatment for serious conditions
Josef Lyle Neschis families, and adults are welcome. Double far from home. Our upcoming dates are:
Sara Madoff, daughter of Saundra and
Yosef community service hours are available through Wednesdays, November 11, and December
Dr. David Madoff, to Max Shapiro.
son of Kim and Dr. David the GH office. To sign up for fall watering and 9, January 13, and February 17.
Neschis In Loving Memory weeding on a flexible schedule, please call Todah rabbah to the dedicated volunteers
With deep regret we mourn the passing of: Miriam Foss. who cooked and served in October: Abdul
NOVEMBER 28 Jerome Gottesman Todah rabbah to master gardener, Allen Abdullah, Jarred Belman, Lisa Belman,
May his memory bring comfort and blessing to Brown, for planning, planting,and mulching Andrea Bookoff, Nancy Bookoff, Harriet
and to Adam Cohen, Karen Cohen, Rachel Brown, Adam Cohen, Karen Cohen, Rachel
his loved ones.
Cohen, Ginny Kass, Megan Kass, Joan Cohen, Hillary Crystal, Garth Gerstenblith,
Our Sympathy To: Vardi, and Shawn Vardi for watering and Carol Gratz, Jessica Grosman, Drew
We offer our sincere condolences to these Himmelrich, Eileen Himmelrich, Janice
Ryan Lee Friedman families. May God comfort them along with all Perlman, Shari Rosen, Mollie Smulyan,
David who mourn. Chizuk Amuno Supports Susan Straus, and Frada Wall.
son of Donna and Dr. Gary Friedman Sharon Cole, on the loss of her father, Habitat for Humanity Transportation Service on
Dr. Solomon Love. of the Chesapeake Shabbat and Holiday Mornings
Max Michael Sterling
Rava Moshe “Building on Faith” Need a ride to shul on Shabbat morning or on
Ann Harris, on the loss of her sister,
son of Drs. Charlee and Robert Sterling Volunteers are needed to build homes on holidays? Rides for members who no longer
Florine Bretholz.
Sundays, November 15 and drive can be arranged on a week-by-week basis.
DECEMBER 5 Irvin Klein, on the loss of his brother, December 6. Volunteers are always welcome
Hannah Brooke Sopher Just call Miriam Foss by Monday or Tuesday of
Jacob Klein. midweek on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or
Yosefa Sarah the week you want to attend services.
Rochelle Mendelsohn, on the loss of her Thursdays. Volunteer slots must be filled
daughter of Jane and Keith For questions or to participate in any
grandmother, Hilda Buchman. by the Wednesday before the build date.
Sopher Gemilut Hasadim programs, contact Miriam
Joyce Miller, on the loss of her mother, Participants must be 16 and over to be involved
Foss at 410/486-6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@
Naomi Prostic. in construction. For more information or to sign Please refer to www.
up, please contact Bobbi Schulman, 410/561-
Florence Yaffe, on the loss of her brother, for more information on all of
5967 or
David J. Kessler. these programs.
Todah rabbah to those who participated in
the Habitat for Humanity “Building on Faith” We express special gratitude for funding from
Weekend in October. Helping in packing up the the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut
warehouse for the move to Linthicum were: Hasadim Endowment Fund of the Chizuk
Jennifer Arndt Robinson and David Sall. Amuno Foundation, Inc.

Interview Outfits Unlimited sisTerhooD JuDaica shoP

(I.O.U.) Drive Currently Featuring

Give the gift of a professional look ... Our Huge Selection of Hanukkah Items
Menorahs • Candles • Dreidels
Please drop off cleaned, gently worn Lots of Popular Gift Items for the Youngsters and Young-At-Heart on your List
professional clothing on hangers and Books • Toys • Kitchenware Collections (aprons, cookbooks, serving pieces)
accessories for men and women. Plus! The Woman of Valor collection has arrived!
This popular ceramic grouping never stays long on shelves
Sunday, December 6, 2009 so take advantage of its availability now.

9 a.m. - noon Also! Our CD Special for November: Hazzan Perlman’s Face to Face, $10
Volunteers will be on hand in the Shop Hours:
Sunday: 9:15-11:30 a.m.
Louis A. Cohen Family Chapel Lobby
Monday: 10 a.m.-noon, 2-7 p.m.
to accept donations and help unload cars. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10 a.m.-noon, 2-6 p.m.
Receipts will be available. Friday: 10 a.m.-noon

Volunteers are needed to transport items. Donations take place on weekdays and Sundays.
If you drive a SUV, van, or truck and would like to do a mitzvah,
please contact Miriam Foss.

A Service Initiative made possible by the

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim Endowment Fund
Questions? Call Miriam Foss, or 410/486-6400, ext. 281.

Join The chiZuk amuno Te a m fo r Sisterhood Choir

Our choir has begun rehearsing for
CHAI’s Weatherization Day Sisterhood Shabbat, May 15.
Sunday, November 15 2009 rehearsal dates are Thursdays,
November 12, December 3 and December 17, 7:30 p.m.
Volunteer to help seniors in our community to prepare their homes for the winter. Please e-mail Charlee Sterling to join the choir
or for more information,
Yard work and raking • Minor home repairs • Check smoke detectors • Install plastic on windows
Registration deadline: November 9.
To register, please call Neil Leikach,

heLP us rec YcLe

ROSH HODESH LearninG: Lunch anD Learn Help the Environment
MITZVAH of The monTh Wednesday, November 18, Noon
Raise funds for our congregation
Wednesday, November 18, 8:30 a.m. If you live or work in the Towson area, and schools.
Following minyan and breakfast join Rabbi Wechsler for lunch Thank you to all the congregants who contribute
and some learning. to our ABITIBI paper recycling program.
We encourage you to continue to bring your paper for recycling
Join Rabbi Shulman each month to study and The discussion will address
to the green and yellow bin
discuss a mitzvah appropriate “Blessing the Good and Bad in our Lives.”
on the North side (the preschool side) of the building.
for personal practice and conducive
to personal growth. RSVP to Judy Simkin, 410/486-6400, ext. 232. Paper - Yes
Location to be announced.
 Cardboard - No  Trash - No

FamIlY P IZZa PartY
P arentIng d IscussIon causY o ne d aY S haBBatON
Wednesday, November 4, 6 p.m. Friday, November 6, Noon – 8 p.m.

Join us for a pizza dinner. Wii • Cooking • Games • Singing

Following dinner parents will have a discussion with Rabbi Shulman about Jewish parenting. Kabbalat Shabbat Services • Shabbat Dinner
Students will join Alex Weinberg for games and activities.
Students in 9th – 12th grades
$20 per family.
$15 for CAUSY members, $25 for non-members

r osenBloom r elIgIous s chool

K rIeger s chechter m Iddle s chool
M EhiNa a LEPh , M EhiNa B Et , and K Indergarten Parents
Presents You are invited to a
m edIa l IteracY and Your K Ids c oFFee h ouse and d IscussIon
Sunday, November 8, 7 p.m. November 8, 9:15 a.m. • Free
Join us for this program from Jewish Community Services,
Join Rabbi Shulman for a bagel, cup of coffee,
designed to raise parents’ awareness of the messages in media and advertisements
and a great discussion about topical Jewish issues.
to which their children are exposed.
Parents will garner tools to help their children be better able to process those messages
and make healthy choices.

t Ies that B Ind

P re -B ar and B at M itzvah P rogram s Isterhood P resents :
Sunday, November 22, 9:15-11 a.m.
m emBers -o nlY s Pa d aY
For 6th Grade Chizuk Amuno Families Sunday, November 22
Join us for this interactive morning of parent-child dialogue About Faces, Kenilworth Bazaar
when we will use your family history to explore how becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah
Choose from a variety of services
makes you the next link in the chain of Jewish continuity.
Price based on your service selections
Come ready to eat, celebrate and learn!
A portion of proceeds to be donated to our Sisterhood by About Faces
For more information, contact Miriam Golob, 410/560-7422,

B rotherhood
muscleJeWs, WImPs, and the s oldIers In BetWeen a merIcan r ed c ross B lood d rIve
A Lecture by Professor Mark Epstein
Wednesday, December 9, 1 – 7 p.m.
Director of Jewish Studies, Vassar College
To make an appointment to donate blood or to volunteer your services,
Sunday, December 6, 3 p.m. please contact Jack Kiner, 410/833-0374.
Co-sponsored by the Goldsmith Museum and the Stulman Center for Adult Learning
From King David to the IDF and soldiers in the American Armed Forces,
Jews have had an ambivalent relationship with the waging of war.
What is a just war, who is an ethical soldier?
And what kind of job is soldiering for a nice Jewish girl or boy?

Terumot HaKodesh– Inscribed Etz Hayim Humash Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund
Sacred Tribute Gifts In Memory of In Memory of
Arthur Bronfein on the occasion of his 80th birthday by Ina Bernard Manekin by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner
We are so grateful for the generous and thoughtful
contributions to Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one of our Jared Scott Levy Memorial Ramah
Bernard Manekin by Harriet and Lowell Glazer
schools in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends, to wish Scholarship Fund
a speedy recovery, or to express appreciation. Prayer Book Fund In Honor of
In our sacred community each contribution is understood as In Honor of Linda and Mark Levy on the birth of their grandson, Asher Cay,
terumat hakodesh—a sacred tribute gift. These different offerings Gil Abramson on being honored as Hatan Maftir on Simhat Torah by Dorothy Yankellow and family
sustain and enrich the life of our community, and are a meaningful by Nora Romanoff and Dr. Eli Abramson Beverly and Donald Levy on the birth of their great-grandson,
way to acknowledge occasions and milestones. Ann and Gil Abramson on the birth of their granddaughter, Asher Cay, by Dorothy Yankellow and family
Sacred Tribute Gifts and contributions to Chizuk Amuno Sami Morgan Densky, by Nora Romanoff and Dr. Eli Abramson
Judge Albert L. Sklar KSDS
Congregation can be made by contacting our synagogue office, Sheila Sandbank on her retirement by Lily and Dr. Warren Scholarship Fund
410/486-6400. Massouda Sylvia and Dr. Ralph Dolgoff on the birth of their grandson,
If you are interested in establishing a named endowment fund In Memory of Isaac, by Susan and Steven Sklar
to commemorate an individual or occasion, please contact Laurel Bernard Manekin by Susie and Sylvan Feldman; Wendi and
Freedman, Director of Congregational Advancement, ext. 275. Barry Isaac; Honey and Jeffrey Litman
Discretionary Fund
Contributions Refu’ah Shelemah to Tzedakah contributions to our clergy Discretionary Fund, as
In Honor of Harry Ravitz by Pamela and Joel Fradin
well as gifts received in honor, memory, or appreciation of life
Bettye and Jerome Leibowitz on Alicia’s marriage by Carole cycle occasions support charitable, cultural, and educational
Tuition Assistance Fund
and Billy Glick
In Honor of causes.
Sheila Sandbank on her retirement by Lisa, Richard, and Jonah Helene Harris, in appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for officiating
Sharon Caplan on becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Wendy and
Gerber; Gloria and Ira Luchinsky at the funeral of Molly Hartman
Dr. Ronald Branoff; Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum; Jay Caplan;
Muriel Simon on the engagement of her granddaughter, Jenny, Richard Caplan; Ellen and Sidney Cohen; Sondra and Stanley Laurence Eisenstein and family, in appreciation of Rabbi
by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Crain; Dr. and Mrs. Audley Diamond; Beverly and Dr. Arnold Shulman for officiating at the funeral of Morton Eisenstein
Sandra and Steven Simon on the engagement of their Feldman; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Friedman; Constance Getzov; Esther Love, Sharon Cole, and Penny Love, for officiating at
daughter, Jenny, by Sheila and Howard Sandbank Florene and Dr. Ronald Goldner; Laurie and Matthew Haas; the funeral of Solomon Love
In Memory of Esther and Marshall Layton; Marsha and Richard Manekin; Laurence Eisenstein and family, in appreciation of Hazzan
Shirley Butan by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Galina Ragimzade; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reifler; Marilyn and Perlman for officiating at the funeral of Morton Eisenstein
Alfred Rosenstein; Ruth and Dr. Jerome Ross; Lois and Dr. Fred
Ethel Chase by Seema Reznick Rebecca and Ron Raich, with many thanks and best wishes for
Scholnick; Phyllis and Harvey Shankman; David Vulikh;
Morton Eisenstein by Ann and Alan Betten a L’Shanah Tovah to our clergy and Ron Millen
Jessie Wendorf; Judy and Marty Woolfson
Leah Katz by Sylvia Cummins Alexandra Piltch, in memory of Bernard Manekin
Martin Kleinman by Marilyn and Sonny Posner David M. Bloomberg Memorial Alexandra Piltch, in memory of Gary Platt
KSDS Scholarship Fund Henne and Harvey Rapkin, in appreciation of being called to
Bernard Manekin by Shelly and Jeff Hettleman;
Gail and Jerry Kurman; Harriett and Mende Lerner; In Honor of the Torah on Rosh HaShanah, honoring the birth of their twin
Rhona and Dr. Martin Levin; Jill and David Paulson and family; Estelle Bloomberg on her 80th birthday by Shirley Gambel; grandchildren, Spencer Grant and Ava Sydney Rapkin
Dr. Anne and David Young Ferle Garland; Sydell Gould; Bea Herling; Bluma Jed;
Betty and Marvin Keyser; Pauline Luntz; Sheila and
Ralph and Cecily Meyerstein by Rabbi Michael Meyerstein We are grateful for the generous contribution
Howard Sandbank; Myrna Spevak; Lois and Larry Wolf;
Gary Platt by Judy, Rick, Laura, and Rachel Morrison of a lovely new Havdalah set for the refurbished
Margot and Dr. Norman Zipper
Daniel Pollack by Bonnie and Joseph Parnes Hoffberger Chapel. This is a gift from the many “minyanaires”
Eric Scherr on his engagement by Estelle Bloomberg who share prayer and friendship on a regular basis,
Richard Semsker and Menachem Raich by Rebecca and
Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum and who wanted to express their appreciation for
Ron Raich
Dr. Moshe Shualy’s care and support.
Dr. Israel Weiner by Florene and Dr. Ron Goldner Endowment Fund
Refu’ah Shelemah to We thank the more than 40 individuals
Refu’ah Shelemah to
Marcia Buxbaum by Marsha and Richard Manekin and Vivian whose thoughtfulness is demonstrated
Shirley Talles by Sylvia Cummins
and Robert Manekin by this lovely gesture.
Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Fund
Minnie Garber and Rose Greenberg
In Honor of KSDS Scholarship Fund
Evelyn Ezrine on her special birthday by Lenora Talles Todah rabbah to Abby, Rob, Daniel, and David Hoffman
In Honor of
Barbara and Howard Siegel by Susan Miller and Jim Williams Jayne Greenberg on receiving her EMT certification by Sondra for their generous contribution made in memory of
In Memory of and Martin Greenberg Dr. Arnold Schussheim and in honor of Dr. Moshe Shualy
Harold Chernin by the Pinson family Allan Greenberg with wishes for a happy new year by Sondra and the morning minyan.
Jacob Kilstein by Dr. Randi, Darrell, Maddie, and Sam Braman and Martin Greenberg

Traveling to a Winter Home? It’s Time to Schedule Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah
Will you be at an alternate address for an extended period of time? If you are a member of Chizuk Amuno Congregation whose child
Please be sure to notify our bookkeeping department of your departure and will turn 13 in 2012 and does not attend Rosenbloom Religious School
return dates so your mail will reach you in a timely manner. or Krieger Schechter Day School, please notify Paulette Pollack
in the Synagogue office at 410/486-6400, ext. 223.
Dates for 2012 B’nei Mitzvah are currently being scheduled.
Terumot HaKodesh - Sacred Gifts
By now we hope you have had an opportunity to review our 2008-2009, 5769 report on philanthropy. We apologize for any omissions, and ask that you please note the
following corrections:

r Day
Lea dership Affiliate es
entativ rt Brown
ees Repres Dr. Robe
Committ lios
rtfo Chair
Trustees and Po d
Brotherhoo ich
Board of eil oskowitz
Michael Fr Samuel M
d Finance
Young Budget an in Vice Chair
Dr. Anne
L. Sapperste Club Hati
Louis E. er rams M essage fro
President Selma Blak Rachael Ab l m the
Cemetery rae Annual Ap
anekin Richard Az peal Chai
Richard M dent Alan J. M
ogol Sisterhood M ich ele Br ill r $25,000

Presi artz and abov
First Vice Judy Schw Tamar Fo
lus e
onal Life he commitm Lowell and Ha Dr. Karen Ga
Malis Congregati s Janine Frier lber ent of our rriet Glazer rber and
Michelle Nancy Hu
de USY Ge me mb
Andrew Sandle
nt n . Al lan ers to Chizuk Am
Vice Preside un cil Ka te Zi egelstei Dr
i Ge rst en blith un o Jill and Louis Sap
in Presi dents Co ee Ted Av and to our An $10,000
to perstein
Sapper ste Pa st
Roffman lie s Comm itt i Halloc k
ha s nual Appeal $2 4,999 Erika and Dr.
Louis E. Dr. D av id S.
Youn g Fa mi Fr itz
de mo nstrated an un Dr. Patricia and Lew Schon
Vice Preside
ation Shari Kapl
an Sandra H z Mordecai dedication to wavering Gary Attman Drs. Roberta
uno Congreg Mindy M s
int our congregati Goldsmith Fam and Steven Sch
Walsh Dav
id Chizuk Am mmittee enabled us to on. It has ily Foundation Sarah and Da ulman
Maureen ucation Co pe al Da vid Nevin ma int Bonnie and vid Shapiro
Ap bin synagogue bu ain our vibran Pacy Oletsk
Secretary Sandra M
offet Dr. Avi Ru ilt t Michelle and
y Kathy and San
ford Shapiro
Com m itt ee Sh ap iro up on the pillar Ira Ma
Sarah of finding me lis
aning, strength s
ogol Ruth and Da
Alan J. M Advancem
Malis Chair Jane Soph
er Marlene and vid Simon
anekin al Appeal es White faith, and bu ening David J. Sch
Treasurer Richard M uno Annu Dr. Charl ilding comm waber Dr. Anne and
c. Chizuk Am un
David Young
offet da tio n, In
Joel W oh l en tir e membership ity . Ou r
Sandra M surer uno Foun benefits from $5,000 to
ea Chizuk Am er
Jane Soph ter Day School Dr . Ari Zaim
gen ero the $9,999
Assis tan t Tr
Pacy Olets
ky hech sit y of our donors. Nancy R. Co $1 ,00 0 to $2,49
Krieger Sc al Chair hen Anonymous 9
rt Brown pe Ex-Officio
Dr. Robe y School Ch
air asadim Annual Ap During these Suzanne F. Co (4)
hechter Da Gemilut H J. Miller Tamie Fla and
x challenging tim hen Deborah and
Krieger Sc Dr. An dr ew Ga rte n elf ou r synagogue es, Fri edm an Charitabl Eri c Ab el
Religious Sc
hool Harriet H has been a sou e Ann and Gil
son hood Rosenbloom al Chair Millen support and rce of Foundation,
Gil Abram um Early Child Ronald N. et Inc. Abramson
ba Goldsmith nter Committee Annual Ap
pe off comfort for all Phyllis and Lou Naomi and
Julie Apple an* uc ati on Ce Sandra M y members. Tr of our is Friedman
Gary L. At tm Ed ekin ichael No ve
an ha ue to our tra Mi riam Friedman Dr. Lawrence
er Vivia n M an
Lorinda Be lzb erg M
nald J. Sh ulm ve continued dit ion s, we Amsterdam
Selma Blak att nter Rabbi Ro rah Wechsler to provide qu Isador and Fan
nie Havelock Gail and Jack
Jason A. Bl xbaum* Alan N. Ka ekin Rabbi De
bo congregation ality Foundation Baylin
Bu House in ha M an L. Yo un g al an d sch oo Mindee and
Dr. Jer ry
Arnold W
allen ste M ars
lman Dr. Anne Thanks to the l programs. Helaine and Bru ce Block
Karen De
sser Bobbi Schu generosity of Louis E. Gitom
er Beth and Alb
eilich Past Preside
nt Schneider donors we we our Betty and Leo ert Blumberg
Michael Fr Immediate Dr. Paul re able to exp nard Golombek Phyllis Brill-W
Gi lle tte At tm an ad ma ste r ab ilit y to provide an d ou r Dr. Maria and Ma ing rat
Ellen Gary L. He
financial aid rshall Haine Amy and Bru
Lowell Gl
azer* hool Board chmond families, indivi to ce Chapper
ter Day Sc Howard Ri ager
Lee M. Hendl
Florene Go
ldner* Kr ieger Schech an that all who
duals, and stu
dents so Ric hard Lowitz
er and Debbie and Lou
is Cohen
Goldner Business M wish to parti
Dr. Ronald Chair
rt Brown life of our co cipate in the Ann Kahan Lois and Sco
tt Cohen
atz Dr. Robe
Richard Gr and mmunity we
Harriet H dler*
elf Da y School Board so co mf re ab le to do Ronnie Kleima Edna and Ma
ce Cry
hech ter ortably. n stal
Lee M. H
en Krieger Sc Elke and Arn Maureen Wa
lsh Da
Shelly Hett s
leman Vice Chair kowitz In addition to old Neuburge
r Dr. Steven Da vid and
l M os the 1,200 do Ale vid
Nancy Hu
de Samue nors who
na and David
participated M. Schwaber Laurel and Ma
Barry Isaac er*
in this year’s tthew Freedm
nt Legal I would like campaign, Ilene and Da
Alan N. Ka d Sc hreiber to als o exp $2 ,50
vid Freishtat
Sa nf or
gratitude to all res s my 0 to 4,999 Susan and He
Neil Katz of the memb Julie and Dr. rbe rt Garten
Mark Lern er* Medical erantz Annual Appe ers of the Gary Applebau
m Alice Matsas
n M. Pom al Committee . ard Garten and
r bu andetEdw
rn Mildreddg
Mende Le Dr. Stephe Board of Trust and the Morris Garten
Dr. David
B. Mallot
ees who helpe th e sc op e of ou Phy
d us to ies beyond creation ofLeonard Attman
llis and Jane and Sam
anekin Membersh
ip accomplish all
Vivian M J. Miller eet priorit s, and the Lorinda and Dr. All
Jason A. Bl
avatt itments that wes we
urce to remable to ment fund
d Comm
Ms. Jean Sud
Dr. Andrew kowitz during this al
stsoyear. ns to our endow
an Belzberg
anci pare
a and Mr. Kim
Samuel M *
D e signate nt rib ut e fin di tio Arlynne and
Dr. Flo ren
Pacy Olets Piltch Museum donors co Th yoem ents, ad Ro bert Brown e and Dr. Ronald Go
ted Gifts es. and Forrest Fos
r anprkov ldner
ld Goldne l im u for making mMi iliriam
for capitaAmunsio d school fa Janine and
Anna and Ric
J. Dr. Rona
rce s ug h th es e Designa rib ut io ns o n.
Chizuk be rs an s hard Gordon
Thro ion and vi philanthropic r mem
Po lla ck Re sou cont Robert Frier Joan and Dr.
Dr. Irvin erantz / Human encompass oriesty.of ou
ll our miss priliv Michael Gottli
en M. Pom n Personnel ish
These gifts ts that fulfi Sincer en,hance the Jew
Toba and Wi eb
Dr. Steph so Gil Abram
son lliam Grant Joyce and Me
ndt Robin s or projec which ely
lvin Greenwald
Jennifer Ar Roffman* pr og ra m in g gi fts Harriet and Ala San
Dr. David ler
tual fo r th e follow n Kan ter dy and Lester Gutho
Ri eful Lee
most grat
nd elfand Knable Fritzi K. and
Andrew Sa eiber Harriet H nineg are
Robert J. Ha
Sanford Sc z
hr LearW Dixie and Ne Lois H. Halpe
r for Adult 09 Shelly Malis il Leikach
Judy Schw
an Stu lman Cente
ed by Ju ne 30, 20 Ruth and Jay
nald Sh
Rabbi Ro enstein
Barry Isa
ac Receiv Annual Appe
al ow n. Ed.D Lenrow An n and Richar
d Ha
Chair Frona Br Mrs. Donalnc d e Prog
ram ntg an
Arnold W
all own Silverman -in-Reside Levinson
Drs. Melanie
Howard Br Brown and Ronald -Brown AuthorAn and
Above y an drea and Neil Raymond Ha
Ronald N. rector
Millen 00 and Drs. Penn ent of the Silverm Lewis roun
$100,0 Estab lis hm Dr s. Mi riam Blitzer and Tam my and Freder
Di an nd
Executive Dr. Irw in Be rm
ily Char ita bl e Fu
KSDS opic Fu nd David Mallot Flo
ic Heyman
an Fa m Ga te at Ph ila nt hr an d t ren ce Ho
dent LM Berm ic Fund t Cemetery alis
and Ira M Auditorium renov
ationBer ffberger
*Past Presi ilanthrop rrison Fores Michelle nard Manekin Leroy E. Ho
Berman Ph e dedication of Ga Kr ieg er z”l ffbe rge r
Gift for th Gift toward cts Trust Fund Marsha and
Richard Manek Drs. Karen and
2 oje
Special Pr Ellen and Ala in Fred Jacobs
n Mogol Joy and Dr. Eug
ene Katz
Sheila and Dr. Bonnie and Ne
man Lawrence Pak
Fred Hitt rships ula il Katz
Estate of pport KSDS schola Lorraine and
Earl Raffel Isobel and Syd
9 Gift to su ney Kemper
0- $9 9,99 da tio n Tu iti on Anne and Ste
$25, 00 rger Fo un apel an d King
les Hoffbe the Hoffberger Ch
and Char
Sacred Gifts Florence pport renovation of
Gift to su
Fund and Ellio
t Fi sh m an
d Trust Fu
nd 11
Assistance Gottlieb Playgroun
Drs. Lori
is available 0 to $2
4, 99 9 Gift to th
e Fishman
d Robe rt Fr ier
cts Tr us t Fu nd
$10,00 Janine an ecial Proje
to view online at
rt rger Chap e KSDS Sp
own Albe the Hoffbe Gift to th
Louise Br pport renovation of dation nd
n oss Foun dation Fu
Gift to su un da tio nt er for s H . Gr os s Fo un
Fo Ce Lo ui . Gr
d Attman d Leonard Attman e Louis H
d Leonar Gift to th
Phyllis an ablish the Phyllis an rge r Chapel
Gift to est ltural Arts Fund the Hoffbe
usic and Cu the Enric
hment Lebovitz pport renovation of ovation
Jewish M Fund for ho ol Gift to su orium ren
& Hilda
Bl au ste in ligiou s Sc ieger Audit
The Jacob Education bloom Re venson z”l support Kr
am pr oje ct at Rosen Sidney Le Gift Residuum to
of Jewish
pport The
Teen Te Charitable
Grant to su undation Trust Fund mily Foun rships
Booke Fo cts Pechter Fa pport KSDS schola
Frances B. ecial Proje n
Louis and Congregational Sp Gift to su Foundatio apel
Gift to th
un da tio n nd th er Ro senbloom the Hoffberger Ch
Cogan Fo ial Projects Trust Fu Es
Ben and pport renovation of
and Belle Spec su
Benjamin ati on al Gi ft to
e Congreg
Gift to th ce Fund DS
hen Scien Science Fund at KS
on M. Co n
The Maim Maimon M. Cohe Sugarman
Gift to th e d Howard h Scholarship Fund
Susan an p Rama
Gi ft to Cam
- $9,999 Young
$5,000 for schola
rships and David grades
designated Dr. Anne pport technology up
l J. Baum is Classic Gift to su
The Samue DS Golf and Tenn Sis ter ho od
Gift to KS uno
ooks Chizuk Am ort of Netivon ship Fund
d Leon Br undation Gift in su
pp h Scholar
Gloria an Amuno Fo mp Rama ips
Gift to th
e Chizuk ou n sch ola rships Gi ft to the Ca of KSDS scholarsh
d Ra ym ond H ar
ic de sig nated for
Gi ft in support DS tri ps
nie an is Cl ass pport of KS CEC trips
Drs. Mela DS Golf and Tenn Gi ft in su
Gift to KS and Elke pport of GE
uburger e Arnold Gift in su ort of RRS trips
Arnold Ne d gift to th pp Scholarsh
ip Fund
Elke and program an Gift in su
ec ial Needs nald Small Small KSDS
RR S Sp en and Do ra, and Benjamin
Support for r Scholarship Fund Drs. Laur , Sa
e Adam
Neuburge Gift to th
Morton B. o Congregation
Estate of izuk Amun
Gi ft to Ch n t Fu nd
Foundatio dation Endowmen
er Family un
The Sindl Family Fo
e Sindler
Gift to th

Bimah Flowers

Friday and Saturday, November 6 and 7 | 19-20 Heshvan Friday and Saturday, November 20 and 21 | 3-4 Kislev
In Honor Of: In Honor Of:
The Bar Mitzvah of Adam Ryan Finkelstein, by his parents, Cathi and Scott Finkelstein, and his grandparents, The Bar Mitzvah of Josef Lyle Neschis, by his parents, Kim and Dr. David Neschis, and his grandparents,
Roberta and Jim Fox and Goody and Buddy Finkelstein. Renee and Sid Neschis and Ellen and Alan Tiedrich.
The Bat Mitzvah of Nicole Heather Snyder, by her parents, Denise and Howard Snyder, and her grandparents,
In Memory Of:
Irene and George Siegel, Este Heyman, Marie Naple and Irv Meyer.
Ellen Finkelstein, grandmother of Adam Ryan Finkelstein, on the occasion of Adam’s Bar Mitzvah.
Jacob Shapiro, father, by Bernice Levinson. In Memory Of:
Elaine Copeland, mother, by Marsha and Richard Manekin and family. Marvin Heyman and Arnold Snyder, grandfathers of Nicole Heather Snyder, on the occasion of
Nicole’s Bat Mitzvah.
Nelson G. Freed by his parents.
Jene Eisenberg, mother, by Doris and Jay Bernhardt and family.
Dr. Bernard W. Sollod by his family.
Sylvia Reznick Wolf by her daughter Seema Reznick.
Barry Leibowitz by his family.
Kenneth Marc Blumenthal by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family.
Blanche Kanter, mother, by Harriet and Alan N. Kanter and family.
Vivian Lipsitt by her family.
Albert Gamerman by his wife, Sylvia, Sarah and Dr. Marc Gamerman and Nancy Gamerman.
Rita Meshulam, mother, by Barbara and Dr. Richard Meshulam and Jenny and Dr. Joel Meshulam.
Albert Gamerman, father, by Marsha and Jay Gamerman and family.
Magda Koves, mother, by Judy and Jayson Folus and family.
Alice Plaut, mother, by Doris Fox and family.
Annie Malkin by Audrey Levine and family.
Albert Esterson, father-in-law, by Sallye Esterson and family.
Rebecca Glick by Dr. B. Ralph Hoffman and family.
Theresa Harris, grandmother, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family.
Robert Turek, father, by Susan and Edward Frieman and family.
Bessie Auslander, mother, by her family.
Irvin Galoon, husband, by his wife Dorothy, children and grandchildren.
Gabriel Goldman, by his children and grandchildren.
Theodore Dzija by Sandra Dzija Miller and family.
Bert Mark Dashoff, father and grandfather, by Ilene and Arnold Dashoff, Susan and
Dr. Michael Propper and families. Dr. Marvin Rimerman, father, by Marshall Rimerman and family.
Irving Siegel by his children, grandchildren and great-granddaughters. Helen Cohen by Barbara and Howard Cohen.
David Levin, father, by Sandy Brenner. Norman Steinberg, father, by Ilene and David Freishtat and family.
Fred Harrison by Lee Harrison and family. Marcia Ann Spector, sister, by Judy and Marvin Spector and family.
Dr. Benjamin Manchester, father and grandfather, by Drs. Gail and Robert Liss, and David and Hillary Liss. Rose Freedman, mother and grandmother, by Alice and Allen Alperstein and Mimi and Jack Freedman
and family.
Dr. Alan S. Exler, brother, by Dr. Karen Jacobs and family.
Bernard Whitman, father and grandfather, by Edee Schnitzer and family.
Nathan L. Cohen, on his birthday, by his wife, Suzanne F. Cohen and family.
Harry Blumberg, father, by Dr. Albert Blumberg and family.
Dr. Saul Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family

Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14 | 26-27 Heshvan

In Honor Of: Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28 | 10-11 Kislev
The Bat Mitzvah of Jessica Rachel Fine, by her parents, Susan and Scott Fine, and her grandparents,
Elaine Goodfriend and Harold Fine. In Honor Of:
The Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Eric Green, by his parents, Sheri and Jeffrey Green, and his grandfather, The Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Lee Friedman, by his parents, Donna and Dr. Gary Friedman, and his grandparents,
Howard Sandbank. Joyce and Herbert Friedman and Ansela Greenberg.
The Bar Mitzvah of Max Michael Sterling, by his parents, Drs. Charlee and Robert Sterling, and
In Memory Of: his grandparents, Rhoda and Eugene Sterling, Ellarose and Harvey Steinberg and Jo-Ann and
Richard Goodfriend and Elaine Fine, grandparents of Jessica Rachel Fine, on the occasion of Stephan Leimberg.
Jessica’s Bat Mitzvah.
Debra Sandbank and Charlotte and William Green, grandparents of Jonathan Eric Green, on the occasion In Memory Of:
of Jonathan’s Bar Mitzvah. Harvey Greenberg, grandfather of Ryan Lee Friedman, on the occasion of Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah.
Philip Feinglass by Harriet Feinglass, children and grandchildren. Louis Millen by Hannah Rita, Ron and Alita Millen and family.
Harold Miller by his wife Bette and family. Arthur Levine by Audrey Levine and family.
Anna Glassgold by Jackie Glassgold and family. Anna Perlmutter, mother, by Helen Kleinman.
Reba Raffel by Lorraine and Earl Raffel. Laurel Dolly Keen, mother and grandmother, by Rena and Jack Shenk and family.
Lena Cummins, mother, by her family. Mark Eigenberg, father, by Judi and Marc Komins and family.
Frank Fisher by Saul Leibowitz, grandchildren and great-grandchild. Max Moskovitz, father, by Maxine and Paul Moskovitz and family.
Jonathan S. Baker, son, by Elaine Baker. Bessie Caplan, mother, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan and family.
Rosalie Jerome by Harvey Jerome and family. Florence Gordon, mother, by Darlene and Gerald Gordon and family.
Kurt Weiler, father, by Linda and Jeffrey Cole and family. Esther Glassman, mother, by Phyllis and Leonard Glassman and family.
Martin Beerman, father, by Carole and Dr. Morton Ellin and family. Jack Weber, father, by Helaine and Kenneth Weber and family.
Morris Shor by Shirley Shor and family.
Isadore Isaac Wolfson by Edna and Mace Crystal.
Sadie Grossman, sister, by Rose Frank.
Paul Flax, father, by Stephanie and Ronald Attman and family. Thank You Ace Uniforms
Sam B. Conn, father, by Allan Conn.
Chizuk Amuno Congregation and the housekeeping and maintenance staff
Benjamin Yoffe, father, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family.
are grateful to the Finkelstein family and Ace Uniform Company
Joseph Massuda, father, by Cindy and Gabriel Massuda and family.
for generously donating and caring for the staff uniforms.
Lillyan Tushman, mother, by Marsha and Sherwin Yoffe and family.
The Finkelsteins have been affiliated with Chizuk Amuno for four generations.
Phil Satloff, on his birthday, by Susan and Michael Adess.
Supplying our staff with proper uniforms, free of charge, has been a family project for
many years. We thank them for their thoughtful and generous spirit.

Perpetual * Harry Ressin * Leo Lamm * Benjamin Yoffe * Rabbi Maurice D. Simckes Ruth Caplan
* Samuel Silberstein Solomon Leboff 4 Kislev | Nov. 21 * Murray Snyder * Bette J. Feldman-Deitsch
Memorials 24 Heshvan | Nov. 11 * Lena Merowitz * Sarah Dagurt * Harry Sollins * Germaine Rosenthal
We observe the yahrzeits of Edward Azrael * Esther Reinstein Jene Eisenberg 10 Kislev | Nov. 27 Miller
Arthur Leon Berg * Irving Schuster * Israel Fine * Harry Blumberg * Anna Rachel Perlmutter
these loved ones this month.
* Seal N. Brown * Rose Schuster Frank Gambel Baila Cooper * Bessie Polansky
May their memories bring * Felice E. Levine Harold K. Goldman * Birdie S. Friedenwald
* Dorothy Semless * Paul Rosen
blessing and goodness to * Jessie Rosenberg * Max Shapiro * Bertha S. Hecht * Morris Kirsch * Anna Rosenberg
those who remember them. * Ida G. Saul Lena Silverstein * Ada Levitt * Steven A. Kirsner * Sylvan J. Surosky
* Abraham Summer 29 Heshvan | Nov. 16 * Solomon Mendes * Benjamin Benes Klaff 15 Kislev | Dec. 2
20 Heshvan | Nov. 7 * Ida Rachel Waranch Rose K. Bernstein Anne B. Sirasky * Jeffrey Ross Klaff * Minna Abrams
* Charles Abramson 25 Heshvan | Nov. 12 * Genevieve V. Brown Sylvia Reznick Wolf * Morris Lazarus * Annie Bernstein
* Myrtle Applestein * Alfred B. Cohen * Yetta Canter 5 Kislev | Nov. 22 * Fannie H. Lebow * Mark Eigenberg
* Anna K. Berman * Sarah Forshlager * Jennie Jeffrey Leonard Benesh * Esther Levin * David Harrison
* Richard Aaron Cherney * Irving Gelkin * Henry I. Lebovitz * Kenneth M. Blumenthal * Anna Mankowitz * Philip Hertzberg
* Isaac M. Cohen * Benjamin Getlan Kitty Helen Levine * Ray Brenner * Simon A. Neuhausen * Lee Hurwitz
* Rhona K. Ephraim * Fred N. Harrison * Julius Madoff William Brenner * Leopoldo Packer * Samuel Jacoby
* Dr. Jonas Friedenwald Kay Marks * Edith Silverman * Irene Polan Cohen * Leon Paul Pauline Katz
Albert Goldner * Nathan Podolsky Sarah Wolfe * Ida S. Cohen Cohn Marcia Ann Spector * Henry Kramer
* Louis Greenberg * Irving Siegel 30 Heshvan | Nov. 17 * Mary Cooper * Norman J. Steinberg * Rebecca Levin
* Benjamin Levin * Benjamin David Baruch Ellis Edlow Sarah Danoff * Bernard Whitman * Louis Levy
* Jacob Shapiro Suss * Sanford Gibberman * Abby S. Gibberman 11 Kislev | Nov. 28 * Benjamin J. Pugatch
21 Heshvan | Nov. 8 26 Heshvan | Nov. 13 * H. Harry Rosenberg * Jacob Goldstein * Stuart Attman * Celia Stein
Herman A. Cohen * Steven Hunter Drue * Anne Siegel * Martha B. Kayne * Roy S. Brenner Dorothy B. Sudranski
Nelson Glen Freed * Scott B. Geffen * Aaron Sussman * Hyman Kravitz * Bertha Hoffberger * Morris W. Zeskind
* Dr. Moses Gellman * Elmer Greenwald * Kurt Weiler * Morris Kruger David Kahan 16 Kislev | Dec. 3
* Gertrude Holtzman * Bernard H. Jacobson 1 Kislev | Nov. 18 * Sonia Lease * Max Lazarus * Bessie Caplan
* Else Jaffe Sara Ann Wolfson Katz Fred Andorsky * Vivian J. Lipsitt Benjamin H. Levin * Pearl S. Freed
* Barry M. Leibowitz Sally I. Kemper * Martin Beerman * Morris Macht Louis Millen Florence Gordon
Dr. Milton Levin * Gertrude Mazer * Sol Dinitz * Samuel A. Mirmelstein * Sarah Mazer * Michael Greenberg
* Ernest Moritz * Katie Rosenberg Louis Gershen 6 Kislev | Nov. 23 * Dorothy H. Needle * Betty Glick Hoffman
* Rabbi Harry Nelson * Harry M. Weinberg * Paul Louis Miller Samuel K. Berger Dr. Paul W. Roman Harold Jacobs
Marian Saye 27 Heshvan | Nov. 14 Harry Seltzer * Philip Canter Abby Jo Selsky * Selwyn Lazarus
* Dr. Bernard W. Sollod * Dr. Arthur Bereston Rose Slatkin Joseph Cohen 12 Kislev | Nov. 29 * Julius Levy
* Irvin I. Trupp * Florence M. Berlin * Irvin Talles Magda Koves * Max Arub * Samuel H. Levy
22 Heshvan | Nov. 9 Samuel Brodsky Isadore Wolfson 7 Kislev | Nov. 24 * Paul Engelman Dr. Louis R. Maser
Peggy Bereson * Philip Feinglass 2 Kislev | Nov. 19 * Sarah P. Cornblatt * Norman P. Gitomer * Daniel Weber
* Albert Esterson * Anna Glassgold * Lois Edelstein * Ben Engelman * Samuel Glass 17 Kislev | Dec. 4
* Rose E. Jandorf * Isaac Goodman * Max J. Feldman * Rebecca Glick * Mildred Koppel * Irwin Ralph Berman
* Blanche Kanter * Harold Miller * Paul Flax * Lillian Golombek Bernard J. Posner * Richard S. Berman
* Charles Matz * Bertie Orman * Anne Helzner * Bernice S. Janney * Aaron C. Snyder * Helen Brenner
* Hannah Neuberger Reba Raffel * Irene B. Kermisch * Florence Seidel Schwaber 13 Kislev | Nov. 30 * Bernard I. Cohen
* Hannah Quint * Mollie Roman * Fannie Levenson 8 Kislev | Nov. 25 * Joseph Beck * Isaac W. Davidson
* Dr. Joseph Sandler * Hyman Shanok * Rosalie O. Silesky * Theodore Dzija * Irene M. Blumberg * Bruce Ezrine
* Jean Waranch * Lillian Tilles 3 Kislev | Nov. 20 Irvin Galoon * Herman Drukman * Fannie Floam
23 Heshvan | Nov. 10 Lenore K. Voloshen * Isaac Blibaum * Harold Liss * Katharine R. Freeman * Esther Glassman
* Dr. Judith Shenker 28 Heshvan | Nov. 15 * Morris Bloom Robert Maurice Turek * Alberta Cluster Hyman * Joseph Grossman
Amsterdam Jonathan Baker Sam B. Conn 9 Kislev | Nov. 26 * Leonard Jed Ilse Katz
* Lily Baral * Etta S. Bloom * Sara M. Holen * Harry Attman Jack Kipper * Lawrence Posner
* Bert Mark Dashoff Albert Conn * Bernard H. Feustman, Jr. Lillian Balk * Arthur Levine * Jerrie Samuels
* Samuel Elkan * Lena Cummins * Philip Katz * Stanley P. Golob * Sara C. Lipsitt * Morris Silverman
* Gabriel Goldman * Mayme Levenson Davison * Rose Knable * Rebecca Hamburger * Maurice G. Morgan * Jacob Simon
* Theresa Harris Jack Dubin * Rena Lippman * Bessie Diamond Peckelis * M. Jacob Round
* Jack Lewbart * Frank Fisher * Jennie Seidel * Morton Meyer Robinson * Milton Shapiro *Memorial light
* Sara Mutchnick Madoff * Miriam (Mimi) Glick * Esther K. Silverman * Harry Rosenbloom 14 Kislev | Dec. 1
* Aaron Plotnick * Yetta Hammer Lillyan B. Tushman * Sonia Schwartzberg * Sydney B. Albert

We regret the following omission in our current Wings of Memory booklet, in the listing of congregants we have lost this past year:
Samuel Kahan.
May his memory serve as a blessing for all Israel.

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h a h oDesh ~
This Month at
Chizuk Amuno

For details on all our events, please visit our website w w
N OVE M B E R 2009 • H E S HVA N - K I S L EV 5770
sisTerhooD’s anTiQue roaD shoW
1 13
Wednesday, November 11, 7 p.m. Sunday Friday
One Shul, One Title, YFC Pre-Thanksgiving Shabbat
Bring your treasures to Sisterhood’s paid-up membership event. One Month • p. 1 Dinner • p. 1

Rabbi Menachem Youlus will identify markings

and symbols on antique Judaica items.
When You’ve Lost a Loved One • p. 1 Shabbat
(Nov. 9, 16, 23, 30; and Dec. 7) Shabbat Yahad • p. 2

If you are bringing an item, please contact
Judy Schwartz, 410/484-2033 or, Wednesday
to assure that enough time is allotted for evaluating all items. Fast Track to a Job • p. 1

Family Pizza Party and Parenting Sunday
Dessert reception to follow. Discussion • p. 5 CHAI’S Weatherization Day • p. 4

No charge to paid-up members, guests are welcome for $10 fee. Friday Club Hatikvah • p. 10
Watch the mail for your invitation. Community Shabbat Dinner
and Discussion • p. 1

CAUSY One Day Shabbaton • p. 5

cLuB HATIKVAH Goldsmith Sunday
Freedom’s Feast • p. 1
Sunday, November 15
Presenting Eileen Chaffe, “The Singer.”
Early Childhood RRS Coffee House and
Discussion • p. 5
KSMS presents Media Literacy
If you like Barbra, Liza and Judy, and Your Kids • p. 5 Wednesday
you’ll love Eileen. She has been performing Rosh Hodesh Learning • p. 4
quality impersonations of these entertainers Tuesday Lunch and Learn • p. 4
Open House KSDS Book Fair,
for over 20 years.

Wednesday, November 11, 10 a.m. through Friday • p. 1
RSVP for an evening of fine dining

and exciting entertainment by Ties that Bind • p. 5
Wednesday Sisterhood Members-Only
Thursday, November 5, GECEC Open House • p. 10
Norma Surosky, 410/653-0484 Spa Day • p. 5

Sisterhood’s Antique
Road Show • p. 10 Sunday
To become a member, call Leonard Fox, For more information, please call Michelle Gold, Ronald McDonald House • p. 3 Our Daily Bread • p. 3
410/484-6260. 410/486-8642.


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