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CN tower compared to

Burj Dubai

Tier Tan
8 17
January 28, 2008
7 Wonders of the Modern World
There are many sites in the world that we really admire. These places might
be the park, the beach or maybe the comfort of our backyard. But the American
Society of Civil Engineer has put together the most visited, most talked about, or
maybe most Google searched sites in the world. The results were narrowed down
into the top seven and were called The Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Channel Tunnel
Want to travel underwater but still remain dry?
There’s a simple solution to that. The Channel Tunnel is
a 50km tunnel and 37.9km of it being underwater. It
provides a passenger train that let people travel across
the Strait of Dover from France to UK (or vise versa) in
about thirty minutes. It is considered as the second
largest rail tunnel in the world with the Seikan Tunnel in
Japan being longer. But the 37.9km underwater tunnel
makes it the longest undersea tunnel in the world. Opening of Channel Tunnel

CN Tower compared to CN Tower

Burj Dubai Located in downtown Toronto, this structure makes it to
the list by 1,815 ft. The CN tower was the tallest free standing
structure in the world from 1976- 2007. The tower’s height was
successfully passed by the Burj Dubai, a hotel in India that’s
still under construction. The building is equipped with six
elevators located outside of the tower meaning you can look
out the elevator window and see Toronto in full view. The Tower
also features a revolving restaurant called The 360. The
restaurant brings a beautiful view of the towers surrounding
areas with the enjoyment of the food. The tower also offers an
observation deck located 100m above the main deck. The
deck features a view of downtown Toronto.

Empire State Building

Standing in 1472 ft, this skyscraper held the record of the tallest building in
New York City for 40 years until the World Trade Center was built. It regained its spot
after the 2001 destruction of the WTC. It’s also named as the number one Americas
favorite Architecture according to the AIA. During the construction that started in St.
Patrick’s Day of 1930, five workers died. Governor Smith’s
grandchildren cut the ribbon in March 1st, 1931. Containing 102 floors, it Empire State Building during
has been home to suicides. One suicide was Elvita Adams; she jumped
off from 86th floor only to be blown back to the 85 th floor. The structure
was originally a dirigible terminal. The plan was changed due to the
impractical and dangerous situations when attempts were
accomplished. A large broadcasting antenna was added on top in 1952.
Tier Tan
8 17
A sign posted on the January 28, 2008
bridge about suicide help Golden Gate Bridge
Cutting through the Golden Gate, this suspension bridge
stretches 8981 ft. The Golden Gate is the entrance to the
San Francisco bay which connects it to the Pacific Ocean.
Even with the red look of the bridge, the color painted on
the bridge is International Orange. The bridge ranks
number eight in the Worlds Longest Suspension Bridge.
1200 people were counted in committing suicide until
count was ended in 2005.

Itaipu Dam
This Hydroelectric dam is located in the border of Brazil
and Paraguay. This 7235m dam produces at least 9 billion
watts per hour in which 80% of that is consumed by Paraguay
and 20% is consumed by Brazil. It is 196m high which is equal
to a 65 story building. The construction started in 1970 and by
the time construction ended, they used enough iron and steel
that can make 380 Eiffel Towers. Forty thousand people
worked on the construction. Itaipu Dam at night
Some of the structures in
Delta Works Delta Works
This structure is a number of constructions that were
built in 1950 – 1997 to protect a large land area from the
sea. It is located south west of the Netherlands. The
structure contains dams, sluices, locks, dikes, and storm
surge barriers. The assembly was finished in 1997 and was
called as the world’s largest flood protection project. It is also
one of the most expensive engineering projects in the world
due to all the dikes and the three hundred buildings.

Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is a man made river that A bucket dredge widening the
Panama Canal
supports ship and carries them to the other side of the
body of land. The canal cuts through Panama,
stretching 9500 km from the Pacific Ocean to the
Atlantic Ocean. It was built because of difficulties in
traveling from The Pacific to the Atlantic. Before it was
built, ships had to journey around South America.
Fourteen thousand ships pass through the canal each
year. The construction started in 1880 and was finished
in 1914.

There you have it, the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Seven Wonders
of the Modern World. If you don’t have anything important on your agenda, it would
be worth spending few bucks visiting these wonderful sites.

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