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! "re#i$in%ries - Always start with physical relaxation. Allow approximately 5 minutes of relaxation in a quiet area if possible. Rhythmic breathing will signal your consciousness to go into a trance. Contract every major muscle/bo y part for a few secon s an then relax while seeing all tension release from your bo y an min . &! 'o%# st%te$ent - !our goal is "-fol # A. $o release yourself from the %atchtower &ociety/'ehovah(s

%itness framewor)* so that you can fully exist an evelop into an autonomous in ivi ual* free from the constraints of any external influence. +. $o harmoni,e an balance your inner reality with the outer reality. C. -urify an heal yourself of any an all mental* emotional* spiritual* an physical garbage an attachments having to o with the %atchtower &ociety Corporation/'ehovah(s %itnesses. %rite this goal on a piece of paper/journal an spea) your goal out with conviction " times before beginning. (! White Li)ht Cir*+#%tion - %ith each inbreath visuali,e %hite .ight flowing into your bo y# while ho ing the breath visuali,e the light quic)ly circulating throughout the bo y# while breathing out see the light quic)ly being excrete carrying out impurities# an while breathing out the light quic)ly being excrete carrying out impurities# while momentarily hol ing out the breath /01% that you have energi,e an cleanse the inner energy bo y as well as the outer physical bo y. ,! "s-*hi* Shie#. - Returning to a normal breathing pattern* continue visuali,ing the energi,ing white light flowing in an aroun your bo y* turn your imagination outwar an visuali,e an absolutely clear fiel surroun ing you in an egg shape reaching just beyon the istance measure by your outstretche arms. $his fiel is as transparent as the clearest glass. /now that the outer surface of this fiel is a psychic shiel protecting you from external influences while containing the me itation program. !ou can form this shiel at any time you feel the ne for protection against psychic influences* emotional energies irecte against you* an to protect you from your own unwante responses to a vertising* sales pitches* political or religious proselyti,ing* frau ulent charities* an unethical/sham requests. Ste/ 0 - I$%)e 1o*+s - 2ocus on the $ower car below. 3f you have your own tarot car ec)* you can choose to use the tower car within it. A.ternatively* you can choose your own image representing free om an release from the %atchtower &ociety(s prison/min set. &tare at the mi le of the car without blin)ing until your eyes water an then quic)ly close them while chanting the following affirmations " times in a row# I see clearly through the smoke and mirrors I am worthy, I am loved. I can be who I will to be. Watchtower Society influence Be Gone! Jehovah s Witnesses influence Be Gone! 42eel free to ma)e your own affirmations to a to this. &hort an consise is )ey5

Absorb the image into your consciousness. !ou can repeat this as much as you want* chanting your affirmation in sets of " repetitions. 46 set 7 " affirmation repetitions5. 2eel the vibrations of the wor s

throughout your entire s)ull an bo y as you slowly chant the wor s. 2eel the energy resonate an ripple out from your bo y throughout the entire universe. +ecome one with the eye of clarity ra iating light in the car . 2eel the peace* stability* tranquility an balance of the ove with it(s olive branch throughout this transition.

Ste/ 23 Tr%t%4 - St%rin) %t the i$%)e +nti# e-es 5%ter to %6sor6e it! &tare at the white circle in the mi le of the winge globe until your eyes water an quic)ly close them* absorbing the image while chanting the following each at least " times# I WI!! to be free of any and all e"ternal influences I WI!! # I$%&$' to see clearly (ast all illusions of s(ace and time I )* Who I WI!! %o Be

2eel the uncon itional love an nurture of the universe as you see yourself expan ing in all irections* rising above your life until the earth becomes a tiny blue ot beneath your feet. 2eel an experience the empowerment ra iating * own to the tiniest atoms of your bo y.

2eel the vibrations of each wor resonate throughout your entire s)ull an bo y an ripple out into the entire universe. 7NOW th%t -o+ %re #ove. +n*on.ition%##- an that you have all the support of the entire cosmos to fully evelop an exist to your highest potential right here an now8 St%- in the $o$ent %n. noti*e the e8hi#ir%tion o1 /+re9 :ivine #i)ht *o+rsin) thro+)h -o+r entire 6ein) %n. 6e-on..

!ou can o this step as many times as you want.

Ste/ 3 A1ter the %1teri$%)e h%s tot%##- 1%.e. 9 re*re%te it 5ith -o+r i$%)in%tion an hol it between your two physical eyes while continuing the me itation for a few minutes. $his can be continue for up to 9: minutes. Afterwar s ta)e your time an return to normal consciousness. After a wee) or two * you shoul be able to visuali,e the white winge globe afterimage behin your forehea easily. $his will enable you to effectively recall the image an it(s associate powers of free om an safety wherever an whenver you nee it. O/tion%#; 'ournaling an )eeping a recor of your experiences with the <0-'ehovah(s %itness Ritual can be a great ai in gaining eeper insight into yourself an avoi ing %$+& contamination. $his ritual may have to performe repetitively for a few wee)s/months until it becomes a part of you an begins to ta)e on a life of it(s own.

"#e%se note; Changing your structures of )nowing* such as what the %atchtower &ociety Corporation implants into people can affect other areas of your life 4relationships* finances* wor)* physical health* emotional stability* etc5 $herefore* 3 highly recommen that you see) the services of a caring an

qualifie mental health professional to eal with any represse emotions an memories that may surface as a result of this exercise. -lease note that this is not meant to replace any me ical/ mental health care. +y ownloa ing this you agree to accept any all responsibility for using this information. +eferences and ,reditsBoundaries # +elationshi(s. .nowing, /rotecting and &n0oying %he Self. by ,harles !. Whitfield, *.'. ,lairvoyance 1or /sychic &m(owerment. %he )rt # Science of 2,lear Seeing2 /ast %he Illusions 3f S(ace # %ime # Self4'ec(etion. by ,arl !lewellyn Weschke, Joe 5. Slate /h.'. *odern *agick. %welve !essons In %he 5igh *agickal )rts. by 'onald *ichael .raig %he %arot 5andbook. /ractical )((lications 3f )ncient 6isual Symbols. by ). )rrien Brain *agick. &"ercises In *eta4*agick )nd Invocation. by /hili( 1arber

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