Overall Tenses

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PAST - Past Simple Tense **Auxiliary Verb: did P: S + V2 + O Ex: I did my homework. N: S + didnt + V1 + O Ex: I didnt do my homework.

k. Q: Did + S + V1 + O? Ex: Did you do your homework?

PRESENT - Present Simple Tense **Auxiliary Verb: do / does P: I/you/we/they + V1 + O He/she/it + V(s) + O Ex: I watch TV every day. Ex: He watches TV every day. N: I/you/we/they + dont + V1 + O He/she/it + doesnt + V1 + O Ex: They dont watch TV. Q: Do + I/you/we/they + V1 + O? Does + he/she/it + V1 + O? Ex: Does she watch TV every day? -Present Continuous Tense **Auxiliary Verb: am / is / are P: I + am + Ving + O You/we/they + are + Ving + O He/she/it + is + Ving + O Ex: He is looking his friend. N: I + am not + Ving + O You/we/they + arent + Ving + O He/she/it + isnt + Ving + O Ex: I am not reading the book. Q: Am + I + Ving + O? Are + you/we/they + Ving + O? Is + he/she/it + Ving + O? Ex: Are you brushing your teeth? -Present Perfect Tense **Auxiliary Verb: have / has P: I/you/we/they + have + V3 + O He/she/it + has + V3 + O Ex: He has finished his work. N: I/you/we/they + havent + V3 + O He/she/it + hasnt + V3 + O Ex: I havent finished my work. Q: Have + I/you/we/they + V3 + O? Has + he/she/it + V3 + O? Ex: Have you finished your work?

FUTURE - Future with going to **Auxiliary Verb: am / is / are going to P: I + am going to + V1 + O You/we/they + are going to + V1 + O He/she/it + is going to + V1 + O Ex: I am going to go to Antalya. N: I + am not going to + V1 + O You/we/they + arent going to + V1 + O He/she/it + isnt going to + V1 + O Ex: You are not going to go to Antalya. Q: Am + I + going to + V1 + O? Are + you/we/they + going to + V1 + O? Is + he/she/it + going to + V1 + O? Ex: Is he going to go to Antalya? -Future with will and shall **Auxiliary Verb: will / shall P: S + will + V1 + O Ex: I will do my job. N: S + wont + V1 + O Ex: I wont be there. Q: Will + S + V1 + O? Shall + I/we + V1 + O? Ex: Will you be there? Ex: Shall I make you a sandwich?

-Past Continuous Tense **Auxiliary Verb: was / were P: You/we/they + were + Ving + O I/he/she/it + was + Ving + O Ex: I was playing a game. Ex: You were playing a game. N: You/we/they + werent + Ving + O I/he/she/it + wasnt + Ving + O Ex: I wasnt playing a game. Ex: You werent playing a game. Q: Were + I/you/we/they + Ving + O? Was + he/she/it + Ving + O? Ex: Was he playing a game? Ex: Were they playing a game?

-Past Perfect Tense **Auxiliary Verb: had P: S + had + V3 + O Ex: He had been in Scotland. N: S + hadnt + V3 + O Ex: He hadnt been in Scotland. Q: Had + S + V3 + O? Ex: Had he been in Scotland?

Abbreviations / Ksaltmalar P = Positive / Pozitif N = Negative / Negatif Q = Question / Soru Ex = Example / rnek S = Subject / zne V = Verb / Yklem O = Object / Nesne **Auxiliary Verb = Yardmc Fiil

M. Sayid zcan

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