Yr 2

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MARCH 29, 2005

English 100 B. Gilbert

Tu-Th 12:30-1:45

The new product is YR2. This would be a collection of high quality and colorful
backpacks, messenger bags, duffle bags and possibly other related items at reasonable
prices for young people. The design would be based on athletic apparel and footwear.
The slogan recommended is ARE YOU READY.
The new line is geared for active consumers ten to twenty-five years of age and
looking for different expressions created by peer pressure. Although the actual product
does not have actual age limitations, it will primarily be considered a youthful look. The
consumer in general, is either a high school/college student or is just entering the work
force with a limited income and wants a good value on what they spend their money on.
The bags are intended to be utilized for school, camp, or visiting friends and family,
holiday or adventure travel. These consumers are brand conscious, trendy and aware of
the influence of sports in apparel. They are heavily influenced by their peers and are
quite decisive in their own purchases of clothing, footwear, and accessories.
The market is presently being dominated in backpacks by mainly one or two
companies. The upcoming season will see travel ware emphasis on new collections
based on Adventure Travel. This presents the perfect opportunity to enter the market
with a strong alternative for retailers and consumers. One suggested strategy is to offer
an unconditional lifetime guarantee on the product based on regular use. The clause

regular use is meant to protect the company against the dishonest clientele. The
warrantee is meant to gain the publics trust and establish quality as a standard of
excellence. Since each school has their own colors and distinction, a competitive aspect
in having ownership of more than one bag could evolve. By using proper research, a
color theme would be applicable to each city and school in the area. A variation of
design change and color disbursements will be an on going development. Generically a
proper assortment would be available and interchangeable. There should be propriety of
colors for specific accounts, in order to have distinctive separation in the different
channels of distribution. Besides design originality there will be point of purchase (POP)
material available along with designated fixture programs in place. The display of the
product becomes part of the advertising campaign, gaining an image for the new product.
Also, there will be differentiated design elements and price points for the mass merchants
and national chain stores. This all must be carefully synchronized in order to make the
product successful. One of the most valuable assets of a new product is to recognize the
multitude of things that a company, or a brand, represents.
Another strategy uses color as a weapon of appeal to the buying public. This can be
accomplished by distinguishing the design of colors in a carefully constructed
arrangement. With the design team, a new innovation will need to be conceptually
introduced, therefore setting up the foundation for a patent to be issued. Once the
trademarks and patents are in place, there will be restrictions for competitors.
This will create a signature of what YR2 represents, and consequently cannot be

Advertising objectives will target the integrity of the YR2 brand in an everchanging economy. The goal will be to create new eye-catching consumer advertising
that implicates the theme ARE YOU READY as a market tool. This can be achieved
through a combination of inspirational lifestyle photography accented by this strikingly
new product. There should be to an aggressive advertising campaign in order to
establish a predetermined demand for the product. The technique of exposing product
recognition prior to distribution is an easy way of preempting the buyers that there is a
demand. This would be implemented by advertising in selected sports, fashion, and
travel magazines, which targets the selected audience. Once the channels of distribution
have been established a direct mailer is encouraged, with the vendors involved, in a preapproved cooperative advertising agreement. Though radio and television advertising is
highly suggested, it might be too costly in the initial stages. All this clever advertising
can be achieved and will enact the reinforcement necessary for a new brand name.
Dealer-developed advertising materials, regardless of the media, must be pre-approved
and conform to YR2 brand company guidelines. YR2 needs to maintain a rigid
control over product disbursements and the dealers.
Public relations will be a vital component in reinforcing the image of YR2. With
strong publicity there will be editorials mentioning YR2, which strengthens the highprofile the brand represents. The editorials are intended to create excitement about the
new products and then direct consumers to the stores. Also, placements on television
shows or movies that characterize the colors of YR2 will drive the youthful, public
buyers. The possibilities of associating YR2 with celebrities and other highly
recognized brands such as Nike is also invaluable. Also, attaining a high rating in a

consumer guide for quality and durability will enhance sales. Communications between
the dealer and the company must be at a high standard in order to bring the best possible
advantages to the consumer.
The stages of success are measured by a pyramid according to John Wooden. But
the foundation of success for a new product depends on the quality, the demand, the
exposure, the competitive price, and the niche it fills. Extreme dedication, trust, and
loyalty will advert to a new product on the marketplace. ARE YOU READY?

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