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Keyword: corneal abrasion blurry vision

Word count: 405

Corneal abrasion is one of the most common injuries that people often neglect at first. Corneal abrasion may heal alone if the damage does not include deeper parts of the cornea or may need an immediate medical intervention fro complicated case. f it does damage deep corneal portions it may result to scarring in the stoma and may cause corneal abrasion blurry vision. Corneal abrasion can be classified as either traumatic! foreign body related! contact lens related! or spontaneous. Common causes of traumatic corneal abrasions are scratch from fingernails! ma"e up applicators! tree stic"s and leaves and hand tools. #his results to a brea" in the integrity of epithelial surface. $oreign body%related abrasions are usually caused by pieces of rust! wood! glass! plastic! fiberglass! or vegetable material that have become lodged in the cornea. #his results to damage in the corneal epithelium after the removal of or spontaneous dislodgement of foreign body. Contact lens%related abrasions are defects caused by over&worn! ill&fitting! or unhygienic use of contact lens. 'pontaneous corneal abrasions are also "nown as recurrent erosions which is often the disease of people with wea" cornea that gets the damage for no apparent reason. (ne sign that can be present in all these causes of trauma is corneal abrasion blurry vision. f you incur corneal abrasions with any of the above stated reasons! you can try to assess the situation if it can be within your management. #ry to irrigate eyes with sterile eye solution to attempt to dislodge the foreign object and prevent drying of the eyes and injury. #ry to remove object using clean hands and a tissue. t attempts are not successful refer to an ophthalmologist before condition gets worsen and may lead to corneal abrasion blurry vision. Corneal abrasion blurry vision is often due to swelling of the cornea and e)cessive tear production. (nce it occur refrain from doing activities as it may put you to ris". *dema will disappear in time as the cause is removed. +ut if condition does not get better then refer to your doctor to further assess your condition and prevent more injury into your eyes. (ther symptoms of corneal abrasion include! pain! photophobia! a feeling that something is inside the eyes and e)cessive blin"ing. (ther manifestations include epithelial defects! swollen eyelids! and large pupils. ,roper ta"ing care of the eyes should be practiced in order not to harm one of our the most important senses.

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