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Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1


T"AC#I$% F R T#" PR C"SS A$& C $T"$T

F SCI"$C" 1

Synopsis This unit is di'ided into three to(ics) *ou +ill ,e introduced to the ,asic science (rocess s-ills that consist o! o,ser'ing. classi!/ing. 0easuring and using nu0,ers. in!erring. (redicting. co00unicating and using s(ace1ti0e relationshi(s in to(ic one) In the to(ic t+o. /ou +ill ,e learning a,out integrated science (rocess s-ills such as inter(reting data. controlling 'aria,les. de!ining o(erationall/. !or0ulating h/(otheses. and e2(eri0enting) In the last to(ic /ou +ill ,e introduced to the 0ani(ulati'e s-ills that +ill hel( /ou together +ith the science (rocess s-ills /ou ac3uired in enhancing /our co0(etenc/ to hel( children understand science conce(ts) Learning Outcomes U(on co0(letion o! this unit. /ou +ill ,e a,le to: 1) de!ine each o! the se'en ,asic science (rocess s-ills and !i'e integrated science (rocess s-ills through e2ercises 2) de!ine each o! the !i'e 0ani(ulati'e s-ills through e2ercises Topic 1: Basic Science Process Skills The ,asic science (rocess s-ills are +hat (eo(le do +hen the/ do science) *ou use all /our senses to o,ser'e o,jects and e'ents and loo- !or (atterns in those o,ser'ations) I! /ou +ant to o,tain 0ore (recise in!or0ation a,out /our o,ser'ations. /ou could then 0easure the0 +ith the right instru0ent) *ou classi!/ to !or0 ne+ conce(ts ,/ searching !or si0ilarities and di!!erences) *ou co00unicate +ith others to share ideas orall/ and in +riting) *ou in!er e2(lanations and +illingl/ change /our in!erences as ne+ in!or0ation ,eco0es a'aila,le) *ou (redict so0ething using /our o,ser'ations and in!erences) 1.1 Obser ing A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 state the (ro(erties o! an o,jects 5e'ents ,/ using colour. te2ture. s0ell. sha(e. si6e and sound . ,4 construct a list o! 3ualitati'e and 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations in an/ gi'en o,jects5e'ents c4 construct a list o! 3ualitati'e and 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations that descri,e o,ser'a,le changes in (ro(erties o! an o,ject) Fro0 ,irth +e learn a,out the !antastic +orld around us ,/ o,ser'ing) 7e o,ser'e o,jects and natural (heno0ena through our !i'e senses: sight. s0ell. touch. taste. and hearing)

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

7hen +e o,ser'e an o,ject or su,stance it 0eans +e care!ull/ e2(lore all o! its (h/sical (ro(erties) ,jects 0a/ ha'e such (ro(erties as colour. te2ture. odour. sha(e. +eight. 'olu0e. or te0(erature) The/ 0a/ e'en 0a-e sounds either on their o+n or +hen 0ani(ulated) #o+ can +e di!!erentiate di!!erent o,jects8 &i!!erent o,jects or su,stances ha'e di!!erent (ro(erties) That9s +hat 0a-es the0 di!!erent !ro0 all other o,jects or su,stances: Through the use o! our senses +e are a,le to (ercei'e an o,ject9s (ro(erties ,/ seeing. hearing. touching. tasting. or s0elling the0) ,ser'ing in'ol'es identi!/ing and descri,ing an o,ject9s (ro(erties) 7hen +e use our senses to descri,e the 3ualit/ o! the o,ject9s (ro(erties then +e are 0a-ing 3ualitati'e o,ser'ations) ;ut +hat i! +e +ant 0ore (recise in!or0ation than our senses alone can gi'e us8 7e include a re!erence to so0e standard unit o! 0easure) ,ser'ations that in'ol'e nu0,er or 3uantit/ are 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations) <uantitati'e o,ser'ations hel( us co00unicate s(eci!ics to others and (ro'ide a ,asis !or co0(arisons) 7e use instru0ents such as rulers. 0eter stic-s. ,alances. and graduated c/linders or ,ea-ers to 0a-e 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations

This +ould gi'e us s(eci!ic and (recise in!or0ation) So0eti0es instead o! 0easuring +ith an instru0ent +e just a((ro2i0ated the si6e o! the o,jects) Although a((ro2i0ations and co0(arisons are not as (recise. the/ are also 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations) 7e o!ten o,ser'e o,jects or (heno0ena that undergo (h/sical or che0ical changes) The o,ser'ations +e 0ade +ould ,e either 3ualitati'e. in +hich +e onl/ use our senses to o,tain in!or0ation. or 3uantitati'e. in +hich +e 0ade a re!erence to so0e standard unit o! 0easure) 7hen as-ed to descri,e a change. it is i0(ortant to include state0ents o! o,ser'ation 0ade ,e!ore. during. and a!ter the change occurs)

I! /ou are gi'en a ,ottle o! li3uid. +hat o,ser'ations can /ou 0a-e to !ind out +hat the li3uid is8


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

1.2 !lassi"ying
A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 state the (ro(erties o! an o,jects5e'ents ,/ using colour. te2ture. s0ell. sha(e. si6e and sound . It is necessar/ to i0(ose so0e -ind o! order so +e could co0(rehend the o'er+hel0ing nu0,er o! o,jects. e'ents. and li'ing things in the +orld around us) 7e i0(ose order ,/ o,ser'ing si0ilarities. di!!erences. and interrelationshi(s and ,/ grou(ing o,jects accordingl/ to suit so0e (ur(ose) The ,asic re3uire0ent o! an/ s/ste0 o! grou(ing is that it 0ust ,e use!ul) Thin- o! the nu0,er o! classi!ication sche0es o! +hich /ou are a 0e0,er) Scientists classi!/ /ou =hu0an4 !or the (ur(ose o! stud/> the tele(hone co0(an/ classi!ies /ou so that /ou can recei'e (hone calls> /our e0(lo/er classi!ies /ou according to the +or- /ou do) As a teacher. /ou 0a/ ran- students according to ho+ 0uch the/ -no+) Can /ou thin- o! an/ other (ur(oses that /ou could ran- /our students8

ne +a/ to classi!/ o,jects is ,/ using a ,inar/ classi!ication s/ste0 +here,/ the set o! o,jects is di'ided into t+o su,sets on the ,asis o! +hether each o,ject has or does not ha'e a (articular (ro(ert/) To construct a ,inar/ classi!ication s/ste0 /ou 0ust !irst identi!/ a co00on (ro(ert/ that onl/ so0e o! the o,jects not dis(la/ing that (ro(ert/ in another set) For e2a0(le. ,iologists classi!/ li'ing things into t+o grou(s: ani0als and (lants =(lants ,eing the grou( not dis(la/ing ani0al (ro(erties4) Scientists !urther classi!/ ani0als into t+o grou(s: those +ith ,ac-,ones and those +ithout ,ac-,ones) 7hen constructing a ,inar/ classi!ication s/ste0 ,e certain that all the o,jects in the original set +ill !it into one and onl/ one o! the t+o su,sets) Lets9 see ho+ +e can classi!/ o,jects using the ,inar/ classi!ication s/ste0) Loo- at the set o! creatures in Figure 1 and o,ser'e their si0ilarities and di!!erence)

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( 2?)

#igure 1: Set o! Creatures


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

The ,inar/ classi!ication s/ste0 could loo- as in the !ollo+ing ta,le:

1 2 A C @ B Obser able Properties S(ec-led ,od/ Round ,od/ ;od/ +ith scallo(ed 0argin Stri(e ,od/ ;od/ +ith circles D o! tail coiled $es 1.@.B 1.C B 2 A C No 2.A.C 2.A.@.B 1.2.A.C.@ 1.A.C.@.B 1.2.C.@.B 1.2.A.@.B

$otice. as in the e2a0(le. that !or each (ro(ert/ the su,sets acco00odate all the o,jects in the original set) "'er/ o,ject can ,e assigned to one o! the su,sets) *ou could also use ,inar/ classi!ication +hen /ou +ish to grou( o,jects that ha'e 0ore than one (ro(ert/ in co00on) The !ollo+ing chart as sho+n in Figure 2 is an e2a0(le +hen /ou classi!/ the set o! creatures)
riginal Set o! Creatures 1%2%&%'%(%)

All creatures that ha'e s(ec-led ,od/ and scallo(ed 0argin )

All creatures that do not ha'e s(ec-led ,od/ and scallo(ed 0argin 1%2%&%'%(

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( AA) #igure 2: ;inar/ Classi!ication S/ste0 7hen o,jects are classi!ied in a ,inar/ +a/ again and again. a hierarch/ o! sets and su,sets is created. called 0ulti1stage classi!ication) As in a si0(le ,inar/ sche0e. su,sets are deter0ined ,/ sorting o,jects that ha'e a (articular (ro(ert/ !ro0 those that do not ha'e that (ro(ert/) Plants. !or e2a0(le. are classi!ied as either ha'ing !lo+ers or not ha'ing !lo+ers) Those ha'ing !lo+ers can ,e !urther classi!ied as either ha'ing s0all lea'es or not ha'ing s0all lea'es) ;ecause /ou are alread/ !a0iliar +ith the creatures in (re'ious discussion. +e +ill use the0 to illustrate ho+ a 0ulti1stage classi!ication s/ste0 is constructed)


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

$otice that the sche0e identi!ies the o,ser'a,le (ro(erties ,/ +hich the ite0s are sorted and that each ite0 associated +ith the (ro(erties is identi!ied) The chart could loo- so0ething li-e Figure A)
riginal Set 1% 2% &% '% (% )

S(ec-led ;od/ 1% (% )

;od/ $ot S(ec-led 2% &% '

;od/ $ot Round (% )

Round ;od/ 1

Stri(ed ;od/ 2

Stri(ed ;od/ &% '

;od/ 7ith Scallo(ed Margin )

;od/ 7ithout Scallo(ed Margin (


n ;od/ &

$o Circles n ;od/ '

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( AA)

#igure &: Multi1stage ;inar/ Classi!ication S/ste0 Can +e use ,inar/ s/ste0 to order o,jects according to the e2tent to +hich the/ dis(la/ a (articular (ro(ert/8 For e2a0(le. /ou ha'e the sa0e -ind o! ,ags in 'arious si6es) #o+ +ould /ou order the08 7ell /ou could order the0 or arrange the0 in serial order) &e(ending u(on the (ur(ose o! the classi!ication. o,jects 0a/ ,e ordered on the ,asis o! si6e. sha(e. colour. or a 'ariet/ o! other (ro(erties) In a hard+are store. ha00ers are ordered on the ,asis o! si6e) Paints can ,e arranged according to si6e o! can or colour) Lets sa/ /ou +ant to serial order students in /our class according to height) The serial ordering 0ight loo- li-e Figure C) The arro+ la,elled is to indicate an increase or decrease in the e2tent to +hich ite0s dis(la/ a certain (ro(ert/) Shortest ;o, Ali %o(al Chan &oll/ "lias Francis Tallest

-eig.t #igure ': #eight o! students in /our class

$o+. /ou +ant to serial order ,o2es o! 0il- (o+der according to the content o! saturated !ats) Construct the serial order) 1.& *easuring +n, Using Numbers

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 na0e the a((ro(riate unit o! 0easure !or length. 0ass. te0(erature. !orce and 'olu0e) ,4 state the suita,le unit o! 0easure !or an o,ject ,eing 0easured) #o+ 0uch8 #o+ !ar8 7hat si6e8 #o+ long8 #o+ 0an/8 #o+ !ast8 These are so0e 3uestions +ith +hich +e deal e'er/ da/ and +e need to ,e a,le to handle the0 +ith ease) 7ell1de'elo(ed s-ills in 0easuring are essential in 0a-ing 3uantitati'e o,ser'ations. co0(aring and classi!/ing things around us. and co00unicating e!!ecti'el/ to others) The di0ensions that /ou could ,e 0easuring are as !ollo+s: Measuring 0etric lengths

The ,asic unit !or 0easuring length in the 0etric s/ste0 is the meter) The s/0,ol m is used to !or 0eter) &istances longer than a !e+ 0eters can ,e 0easured using a 0etric ta(e or +heel cali,rated in 0eters. centi0eters. and 0illi0eters) The -ilo0eter is a 0easure o! length e3ual to 1EEE 0eters) Its s/0,ol is km) Measuring 0etric 0asses

There is a 'er/ de!inite di!!erence ,et+een 0ass and +eight) 7eight re!ers to ho+ hea'/ an o,ject is. +hile 0ass re!ers to ho+ 0uch stu!!. or 0atter the o,ject is 0ade o!) 7e o!ten tal- a,out +eight +hen +e reall/ 0ean 0ass and 'ice1'ersa) Conse3uentl/. in the e'er/da/ i0(le0entation o! the 0etric s/ste0. 0ass and +eight are ,eing treated as i! the/ +ere the sa0e> that is. the/ ,oth use the gra0 as their ,ase unit) 7here it is not necessar/ !or /ou to 0a-e the distinction ,et+een 0ass and +eight. the !ollo+ing discussion a,out 0ass 0a/ also a((l/ to +eight) The 0etric ,ase unit o! 0ass =+eight4 is the gra0) #o+ 0uch is a gra08 The 0ass o! the +ater that could hold in 1 c0A is 1 gra0) #old a coin in /our hand and tr/ to get a !eel !or its 0ass) It is a,out @ gra0.

7e use prefixes +ith the ,asic unit to descri,e 0asses larger or s0aller than the gra0) The -ilogra0 is the unit used in 0easuring large 0asses) ne -ilogra0 is e3ual to 1EEE gra0s and is the 0ass o! one liter o! +ater) Fer/ large 0asses are 0easured in 0etric ton) ne 0etric ton is the 0ass o! 1EEE -ilogra0s) Masses s0aller than the gra0 are 0easured in 0illigra0s) To get an idea o! ho+ s0all one 0illigra0 is. (ic- u( a (ostage sta0( and thin- a,out the !act that its 0asses a,out 2E0illigra0s)


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

To !ind the 0ass o! o,jects. +e could use the e3ual1ar0 ,alance. li-e the one (ictured ,elo+) 7e (laced the o,ject o! un-no+n 0ass on one side and ,alanced it +ith o,jects o! -no+n 0ass on the other side)

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( @C)

Measuring 0etric 'olu0es

The liter is the unit that is used +ith the 0etric s/ste0 to 0easure ho+ 0uch li3uid so0ething can hold) The s/0,ol L stands !or liter) Again. (re!i2es are used to sho+ 'er/ large or 'er/ s0all 3uantities) ;ecause 0ost o! the su,stances that /ou +ill ,e 0easuring are relati'el/ s0all. /ou +ill need to learn a,out 0illiliters) Picture to the right is a centicu,e) A centicu,e 0easures 1 centi0eter ,/ 1 centi0eter ,/ 1 centi0eter. so its 'olu0e is one cu,ic centi0eter) I! +e !illed this centicu,e +ith li3uid. +e +ould ha'e one 0illiliter o! li3uid) Milliliter is s/0,oli6ed mL) An/ container that is graduated in 0illiliters can ,e used to 0easure s0all a0ounts o! li3uid) Measuring 0etric te0(erature

Te0(erature in the 0etric is 0easured +ith a Celsius ther0o0eter) "2a0ine the Celsius ther0o0eter (ictured here) ,ser'e the three standard te0(eratures 0ar-ed on the scale: the te0(erature at +hich +ater ,oils =1EEE4. the te0(erature +ater !ree6es =EE4. and nor0al ,od/ te0(erature =AGE4

The s/0,ol E 0eans degree) The te0(erature 2EE C. !or e2a0(le. should ,e read as t+ent/ degrees Celsius)

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

Measuring !orces

7hene'er /ou 0easure a (us or (ull. /ou are 0easuring !orce) The unit o! !orce in the 0etric s/ste0 is the $e+ton =$4) $e+tons are 0easure o! ho+ 0uch !orce is ,eing e2erted on an o,ject) Instru0ent li-e the s(ring scale sho+n on the le!t and the (ersonal ,athroo0 scale are used to 0easure !orce) The s(ring scale 0a/ ,e hung. held. or laid on a !lat sur!ace) The greater the !orce ,eing 0easured the !arther the s(ring is stretched)

&o the e2ercises !irst ,e!ore chec-ing the ans+ers:

In the s(ace (ro'ided. +rite the 0ost a((ro(riate 0etric unit in +hich each o! the !ollo+ing should ,e 0easured: a4 The length o! a !oot,all !ield should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,4 The te0(erature o! +ater should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c4 The 'olu0e o! an orange should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH d4 The dia0eter o! a (encil should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH e4 The 0ass o! a re!rigerator should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH !4 The +idth o! a FCR should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH

g4 The a0ount o! +ater used in a ,a-ing reci(e should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH h4 The a0ount o! gas an auto0o,ile gas tan- can hold should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH i4 j4 The 0ass o! a (ac-age o! che+ing gu0 should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH The 0ass o! a (ostage sta0( should ,e 0easured in HHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

1.' In"erring A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to> a4 Construct a set o! in!erences !ro0 /our o,ser'ations a,out the o,jects or e'ent +hen gi'en an o,ject or e'ent ,4 Identi!/ the in!erences that should ,e acce(ted. 0odi!/ or rejected gi'en additional o,ser'ations a,out the o,ject or e'ent) 7e a((reciate our en'iron0ent ,etter +hen +e are a,le to inter(ret and e2(lain things ha((ening around us) 7e learn to recogni6e (atterns and e2(ect these (atterns to reoccur under sa0e conditions) Much o! our ,eha'iour is ,ased on the in!erences +e 0a-e a,out e'ents) Scientists !or0ulate h/(otheses ,ased on the in!erences the/ 0a-e regarding in'estigations) As teachers +e o!ten 0a-e in!erences a,out +h/ our students ,eha'e as the/ do) Learning itsel! is an in!erence 0ade !ro0 o,ser'ed changes in learned ,eha'iour)

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( B?)

7hile an o,ser'ation is an e2(erience (ercei'ed through one or 0ore o! the senses. an in!erence is an e2(lanation or inter(retation o! the o,ser'ation) This (rocess is o!ten conditioned ,/ our (ast e2(eriences) $e+ e2(eriences onl/ 0a-e sense to us +hen +e are a,le to lin- the0 to understandings +e alread/ ha'e) To in!er 0eans to construct a lin- ,et+een +hat is o,ser'ed directl/ and +hat is alread/ -no+n !ro0 (ast e2(erience)


7hat is alread/ -no+n ,/ (ast e2(eriences8

7hat is directl/ o,ser'ed through the senses8


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

For e2a0(le. it is raining and /ou see a ,right light !lash outside the +indo+) Al0ost i00ediatel/ a!ter the !lash. /ou hear a loud crashing noise) *ou then sa/ that lighting has struc- so0ething not 'er/ !ar a+a/) This is /our in!erence to the o,ser'ations o! the !lash o! light and the loud noise) It is ,ased on (ast e2(erience +ith lighting and thunder and includes the -no+ledge that ti0e inter'al ,et+een the !lash and the sound is a 0easure o! ho+ !ar a+a/ the lightning struc-) An in!erence is $ T a guess since a guess is an o(inion !or0ed !ro0 little or no e'idence) 7hen in!erring. it is hel(!ul to !ollo+ these ste(s: Ma-e as 0an/ o,ser'ations a,out the o,ject or e'ent as (ossi,le) Recall !ro0 /our e2(eriences as 0uch rele'ant in!or0ation a,out the o,ject or e'ent as /ou can and integrate that in!or0ation +ith +hat /ou o,ser'ed) State each in!erence in such a +a/ that clearl/ distinguishes it !ro0 other -inds o! state0ents) JFro0 +hat I o,ser'ed I in!er that KKK J JThe e'idence suggests that KK) 0a/ ha'e ha((enedL JA (ossi,le e2(lanation !or +hat I see is that K J JFro0 +hat I o,ser'ed I conclude that KL !ten. a!ter ha'ing dra+n in!erences !ro0 a set o! o,ser'ations. ne+ in!or0ation ,eco0es a'aila,le that 0a/ cause /ou to rethin- /our original in!erences) The/ 0a/ so0eti0es rein!orce /our in!erences) At other ti0es. ho+e'er. additional in!or0ation 0a/ cause /ou to 0odi!/ or e'en reject in!erences that /ou once thought to ,e use!ul) $e+ o,ser'ations lead to adjusting (atterns o! e2(erience to acco00odate the ne+ in!or0ation) The !ollo+ing are so0e o,ser'ations and in!erences state0ents that so0eone else 0ade a,out the coin =Ta,le 14)
Obser ations This coin is the colour o! co((er This coin has the date 1??C 0ar-ed on it This coin has raised letters on it and the/ are clear and uni!or0 in si6e 7hen I dro( the coin on the ta,le it 0a-es a Jclin-ingL sound The coin has a green su,stance on one side The coin has one long dee( scratch on one side In"erences I in!er it is 0ade o! co((er The coin (ro,a,l/ +as 0ade in 1??C I in!er the coin +as 0ade ,/ 0achine I in!er the coin is solid rather than hollo+ Perha(s the coin sat in +ater and ,eco0e corroded Ma/,e so0eone deli,eratel/ gouged the coin +ith a shar( instru0ent

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( GA)

Table 1:

,ser'ations and In!erences State0ents A,out A Coin


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

*ou can also 0a-e in!erences a,out e'ents) "'er/ in!erence 0ust ,e ,ased on an o,ser'ation. so /ou +ill !irst ,e 0a-ing care!ul o,ser'ations and then inter(reting or e2(laining those o,ser'ations) These inter(retations o! o,ser'ations are in!erences)

&o the e2ercises !irst ,e!ore chec-ing the ans+ers: 14 ,ser'e these trac-s in the sno+ in Figure @) ;ased on the o,ser'ations /ou ha'e 0ade. +rite do+n /our in!erences) =To hel( /ou thin- 0ore logicall/ a,out the (icture. it has ,een di'ided into three !ra0es)4

Courtes/ o! I$F"STI%ATI$% T#" "ART#. Fourth "dition ,/ A0erican %eological Institute) Co(/right 1?IC ,/ #oughton Mi!!lin Co0(an/) Re(rinted ,/ (er0ission o! #oughton Mi!!lin Co0(an/) All rights reser'ed) #igure (: Trac-s in The Sno+ 24 ;elo+ are so0e e2a0(les o! o,ser'ation state0ents and in!erences state0ents) Underline in!erence state0ents +ith a red (en) a4 The ,rass -no, on that door is not ,right and shin/) ,4 I in!er that the o!!ice is not used o!ten c4 So0eone 0a/ ha'e s(illed a to2ic su,stance there d4 There is a s(ot in 0/ !ront /ard +here grass does not gro+) e4 I see that iodine turns (ur(le +hen I (ut it on a (otato chi() !4 It can ,e in!erred that the chi( has starch in it)

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

g4 Ma/,e either the ,oo- is old or that the (a(er +as d/ed /ello+ to gi'e it an old a((earance) h4 The (ages in this ,oo- are /ello+ i4 j4 l4 Through the +indo+ I see the !lag +a'ing It 0ust ,e +ind/ out Perha(s no one !ed the !ish

-4 The !ish are !loating on to( o! the tan-) 04 Ma/,e it has ,eco0e conta0inated n4 M/ drin-ing +ater s0ells li-e rotten eggs) o4 The ca,,ages that +ere gro+ing in 0/ garden are gone and there are dro((ings on the ground) (4 That is e'idence that ra,,its ha'e ,een there)

7h/ don9t /ou ta-e a ,rea- here: 7e +ill continue later +ith the ne2t s-ill +hich is closel/ related to o,ser'ing and in!erring)

1.( Pre,icting A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 Construct (redictions ,ased on o,ser'ed (atterns o! e'idence ,4 &istinguish a0ong o,ser'ation. in!erence. and (rediction c4 Use ne+ o,ser'ations to re'ise (redictions and in!erences 7e ha'e discussed earlier the di!!erence ,et+een o,ser'ations and in!erences) 7hich s-ill co0es !irst8 *ou o,ser'ed !irst and then /ou in!er or tr/ to e2(lain /our o,ser'ation) A (rediction is a !orecast o! +hat a !uture o,ser'ation 0ight ,e) Predicting is closel/ related to o,ser'ing. in!erring. and classi!/ing) Prediction is ,ased on care!ul o,ser'ation and in!erences 0ade a,out relationshi(s ,et+een o,ser'ed e'ents) Re0e0,er that in!erences are e2(lanations or inter(retations o! o,ser'ations and that in!erences are su((orted ,/ o,ser'ations) Classi!ication is e0(lo/ed +hen +e identi!ied si0ilarities or di!!erences to i0(art order to o,jects and e'ents) rder in our en'iron0ent (er0its us to recogni6e (atterns and to (redict the (atterns +hat !uture o,ser'ations +ill ,e) 7e 0a-e sense o! the +orld around us ,/ o,ser'ing things ha((en and then inter(reting and e2(laining the0) 7e o!ten detect (atterns in +hat +e o,ser'e) 7hen +e thin- +e can e2(lain +h/ things +or- the +a/ the/ do) !ten +e use these to (redict occurrences that 0ight ha((en in the !uture) #ere are so0e e2a0(les o! (redictions:

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

I see it is raining and the sun is co0ing out) There could ,e a rain,o+) I! I release ,oth ,alls at the sa0e ti0e. the/ +ill hit the ground at the sa0e ti0e)

$otice that each o! the sa0(le (redictions is +ritten in !uture tense) "ach (rediction state0ent is ,ased on o,ser'ations and (atterns that ha'e de'elo(ed !ro0 (ast o,ser'ations) #o+ +e e2(lain and ho+ +e inter(ret +hat +e o,ser'e a!!ect ho+ +e (redict) Testing our (redictions leads to 0a-ing 0ore o,ser'ations that either su((ort or do not su((ort original (redictions) 7hen ne+ o,ser'ations are consistent +ith our (redicted (attern o! o,ser'ations. +e ha'e e'en greater con!idence in our (rediction) #o+e'er. +hen ne+ o,ser'ations do not su((ort our original (rediction. +e 0a/ reject it and re1 e2a0ine our o,ser'ations) $e+ o,ser'ations lead to ne+ in!erences and ne+ (redictions) There!ore. our 0a( o! the (rocess s-ill o! (redicting loo-s 0ore li-e this: PR"&ICTI$%



As ne+ data =o,ser'ations4 are collected. theories =in!erences4 are (ro(osed to e2(lain +hat has ,een o,ser'ed and to (redict +hat has not /et ,een o,ser'ed) In !act. !or a theor/ to ,e acce(ted in science. it 0ust 0eet a three!old test: can e2(lain +hat has alread/ ,een o,ser'ed can (redict +hat has not /et ,een o,ser'ed can ,e tested ,/ !urther o,ser'ation and 0odi!ied as re3uired ,/ ne+ data ,ser'ing. in!erring. and (redicting are interconnected thin-ing s-ills) 7e use these s-ills to 0a-e sense o! our +orld) ur ideas o! ho+ things +or- should ,e under constant re'ie+ and su,ject to re'ision) Science should al+a/s ,e 'ie+ed as tentati'e. al+a/s su,ject to change as ne+ o,ser'ations result !ro0 testing our (redictions =Re6,a et al. 1??@4)

&o the e2ercises !irst ,e!ore chec-ing the ans+ers:

14 #arith has dro((ed a ,all !ro0 t+o di!!erent heights. and 0easured ho+ high it ,ounced each ti0e) #e recorded his results in a colu0n gra(h)
;ounce #eight =c0)
GE BE @E CE AE 2E 1E 0

211A @E 1EE

&ro( height =c04

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

a4 Predict ho+ high the ,all +ill ,ounce i! he dro(s it !ro0 G@ c0 onto the sa0e sur!ace8 ,4 Predict the ,ounce height !or a dro( height o! 2EE c0) 24 7hich o! these state0ents is an o,ser'ation. an in!erence or a (rediction8 a4 JI can !eel the earth ru0,ling)L JThe ru0,ling is caused ,/ the 'olcano)L JIt9s going to eru(t:L ,4 JThe t+o girls are +earing ro,es and 0ortar,oard)L JThe/ ha'e just attended their graduation da/)L JThe/ are going to get jo, +ith good (a/)L c4 JThe le!t1hand end o! the seesa+ is lo+er than the right1hand end)L JI! the (erson on the le!t1hand end gets o!!. the right1hand end +ill !all)L J ne (erson is hea'ier than the other)L 1.) !ommunicating A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 &escri,e an o,ject or e'ent so that another (erson can identi!/ it) ,4 State so0e o! the tools +e use to (resent our idea) Are /ou good at e2(ressing /our ideas to others8 Can /ou read a 0a( and arri'e at /our destination easil/ or end u( so0e+here else8 Can /ou descri,e an o,ject accuratel/ enough so that it can ,e distinguished !ro0 a grou( o! si0ilar o,jects8 ur a,ilit/ to co00unicate +ith others is ,asic to e'er/thing +e do) %ra(hs. charts. 0a(s. s/0,ols. diagra0s. 0athe0atical e3uations. and 'isual de0onstrations. as +ell as the +ritten or s(o-en +ord. are all 0ethods o! co00unication used !re3uentl/ in science) "!!ecti'e co00unication is clear. (recise. and una0,iguous and uses s-ills that need to ,e de'elo(ed and (racticed) "!!ecti'e co00unication is !unda0ental to all scienti!ic +or-) As teachers +e atte0(t to in!luence ,eha'iour through the +ritten or s(o-en +ord) 7e all ha'e a need to e2(ress our ideas. !eelings. and needs to others and +e ,egin to learn earl/ in li!e that co00unication is ,asic to (ro,le0 sol'ing) 7hen /ou descri,e an o,ject to so0eone. /our (ur(ose +ill ,e ,etter ser'ed i! /our co00unication is an e!!ecti'e one) *ou can co00unicate e!!ecti'el/ i! /ou: &escri,e onl/ +hat /ou o,ser'e =see. s0ell. hear. and taste4 rather than +hat /ou in!er a,out the o,ject or e'ent Ma-e /our descri(tion ,rie! ,/ using (recise language)

Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

Co00unicate in!or0ation accuratel/ using as 0an/ 3ualitati'e o,ser'ations as the situation 0a/ call !or) Consider the (oint o! 'ie+ and (ast e2(erience o! the (erson +ith +ho0 /ou are co00unicating) Pro'ide a 0eans !or getting !eed,ac- !ro0 the (erson +ith /ou are co00unicating in order to deter0ine the e!!ecti'eness o! /our co00unication) Construct an alternati'e descri(tion i! necessar/) In order to de'elo( good co00unication s-ills. e'er/one needs a0(le o((ortunit/ to (ractice the0) Children +ho do little tal-ing in school. +ho s(ent hours (la/ing co0(uter ga0es at ho0e. and +ho ha'e little contact ti0e +ith adults ha'e !e+ o((ortunities to de'elo( good co00unication s-ills) 7hile tal-ing a,out +hat the/ are learning. children disco'er ne+ +a/s to construct their thin-ing) Tal-ing +hile the/ are doing science acti'ities. 0a-ing entries in journals. recording and organi6ing data. co0(aring results. and sharing !indings are all acti'ities that hel( children de'elo( a!!ecti'e +a/s to co00unicate) Learning to use the tools o! co00unicating hel(s children to ,e a,le to 0a-e good decisions a,out ho+ to co00unicate o,ser'ations and ideas) #ere are so0e tools /ou can use to share +hat /ou -no+: S/0,ols Ma(s ral &escri(tions !ommunicating Charts &ra+ings Music &ata Ta,les ;od/ Language $u0,ers S/0,ols

%ra(hs Models Conce(t Ma(s

Figure B is an e2a0(le o! a 0a( that /ou could ,e using +hen telling others a,out the (laces that /ou had 'isited) *ou could re!er the location o! the (laces ,/ na0ing the a((ro(riate letter and nu0,er on the 0a() For e2a0(le (inea((le !ields is at C1C. &1C> 0onu0ent at Pearl #ar,or is at %1@> ,each o! Ma-aha at "12 and 7ai-i-i ;each at #1B)


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

Courtes/ o! Learning and Assessing Science Process S-ills. 1??@. ( 2E)

#igure ): A Ma( o!


&o the e2ercises !irst ,e!ore chec-ing the ans+ers:

14 Fi!t/ students +ere as-ed: 7hat is /our !a'ourite !la'our o! (otato chi(s8 The results +ere recorded in a (ie chart as sho+n) Con'ert the (ie chart to a ta,le. sho+ing ho+ 0an/ students (re!er each !la'our8

S0o-/ ,acon 2EN

salt M 'inegar CN

Plain salted 2BN

cheese M onion @EN

24 *ou 0a-e a stud/ o! the relationshi( ,et+een the ,anana (lant and the organis0s associated +ith it) 7hat are so0e +a/s 5tools /ou can use to (resent /our !indings8


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

1./ Using Space0time 1elations.ips A!ter co0(leting this to(ic. /ou should ,e a,le to: a4 deter0ine the s/00etr/ o! a gi'en sha(es ,4 relate the dis(lace0ent and direction o! an o,ject to ti0e) This s-ill in'ol'es the a,ilit/ to discern and descri,e directions. s(atial arrange0ents. 0otion and s(eed. s/00etr/ and rate o! change) It is i0(ortant to 0aster the s-ill ,ecause it 0a-e us reali6ed that changes occur in relation to ti0e) Also it hel(s us to arrange e'ents in its chronological se3uence) ne as(ect o! the (ro(ert/ +e call s/00etr/ is the re(etition in si6e and sha(e o! one (art o! an o,ject on the o((osite side o! a line or (lane) *ou need to ,e con'ersant +ith si0(le t+o1 and three1 di0ensional sha(es. +ith shado+s o! three1di0ensional o,jects. +ith the notion o! s/00etr/. and +ith cross1 sections or cuts through o,jects) *ou +ill also need to ,e a,le to dra+ three1di0ensional o,jects realisticall/) The conce(ts o! direction and location in s(ace relate to three1di0ensional re(resentation) #e addition o! +hat is so0eti0es called the !ourth di0ension. ti0e. leads to the 0ore so(histicated as(ects o! s(ace5ti0e relationshi(s na0el/. changes in (osition and rate o! change o! (osition =s(eed4. +hich 0a/ then ,e cou(led +ith the direction o! change to gi'e 'elocit/. ,oth linear and angular)

&o the e2ercises !irst ,e!ore chec-ing the ans+ers:

14 Consider a set o! !i'e (a(er sha(es: a s3uare. a rectangle. an ecli(se. and an e3uilateral triangle) a4 7hich sha(e has t+o lines o! s/00etr/8 ,4 7hich has three8 c4 7hich ha'e !our8 24 7hich o! the !ollo+ing three1di0ensional o,jects ha'e s/00etr/ +ith res(ect to a (lane8 a ,ric-. an a((le. a co!!ee cu(. an auto0o,ile


Module 1: KPLI SR Science Major

Unit 2: Teaching For The Process And Content

! Science 1

D i s t a n c e

C A ;

Ti0e The gra(h a,o'e sho+s the 0otion o! an o,ject !ro0 its resting (osition and 0o'ing in the sa0e direction) i4 7hat t/(e o! 0otion at stage: a4 A ,4 A; c4 ;C

ii4 At +hich stage acceleration is highest8


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