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Term Test OCT. 2010

DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada CIV ENG 4Y04 BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS TERM TEST (Day Class) Duration of Examination: 2 Hours Instructor: Dr.K.S.Sivakumaran 28 October 2010

This examination paper includes 2 pages and 3 questions. You are responsible for ensuring that your copy of the paper is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your invigilator. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ONLY McMaster Standard Calculator (Casio fx-991) will be permitted. Answer all THREE questions. All answers should be in a logical sequence with clear explanations, equations, and sketches where appropriate. [Marks will be deducted for illogical sequence, and or lack of explanations] Assume reasonable value for any parameter, if you consider that the corresponding value is not given herein. You may use UNMARKED copy of 9th Edition, Handbook of Steel Construction, CISC-2006. UNMARKED copy of 3rd edition, Concrete Design Handbook, CPCA-2006. No other books, notes, and loose sheets are permitted. References and Clause numbers should be clearly indicated, if used.

Problem No: 1 (10 Marks) [Detailed Calculations Needed] The slab-on-girder type bridge transverse bridge deck associated with an interior panel experiences a factored moment of 120 kN.m / m.width (see the figure). Using fc = 35 MPa and #15M reinforcing bars fy = 400 MPa, and considering the A23.3 Clause: 10.1 General principles, determine the necessary spacing s for these reinforcements. [Do not use memorized equations; no marks will be given for such equations]

Slab at mid-span between girders

220 mm s 1000 mm

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Term Test OCT. 2010

Problem No: 2 (20 Marks) [Detailed Calculations Needed] According to S16-01 clause: 17.9.4, composite action shall not be assumed if the steel concrete interconnection is less than 40%. Turn to Page 5-42 of Handbook of Steel Construction. Note the last composite section listed in the table, W410x46. Note the first line, when b1=3000 mm, Mrc (kN.m) for 40% shear connection is given as 463 kN.m. Through detailed calculations, show that the resistance given (463 kN.m) is in fact correct.

Problem No: 3 (20 Marks) [Detailed Calculations Needed Tables may be used for steel section properties only] The figure shows the repetitive pattern of a proposed floor girder for a bus station, which consists of 200 mm thick concrete slab (strength fc=36.5 MPa) 100% shear connected to a steel box beam. The steel box beams are proposed to be fabricated by welding together 350 W grade steel plates. The span length of the floor beam is 8 m. [a] Determine the factored moment resistance of the floor girder. [b] Determine the factored shear resistance of the floor girder.

2000 mm

200 mm thick Concrete slab

Box beam Outer Depth = 800 mm Outer Width = 400 mm Wall thickness = 10 mm

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