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Unit Plan: Place & Regions

Lesson Plan for Thursday Grade: 2nd Social Studies Strand: Geography

Submitted By: Rebecca Call

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2014 Instructor: Karen Powell

Lesson Plan for Thursday

Strand: Geography

submitted by: Rebecca Call

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This social studies lesson is designed for 2nd grade students to learn about where different artifacts are from in the world and how they can be used. This lesson uses Strategy 1: Teaching, Observation, Questioning, and Inference from the textbook Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies (p. 3-9). C. Basic Information: Grade Level: 2nd grade Time to Complete this Lesson: 50 minutes Groupings: group discussion, partners for activity, & independent for assessment

D. Materials: pencils/pens colored pencils/crayons enough objects for every 2 students -multicultural textiles --bundled sage -glass fishing float -incense cone -packet of spice -wood carving -foreign coin/currency -odd cooking utensil data sheets

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

Lesson Plan for Thursday

E. Objectives: o

Strand: Geography

submitted by: Rebecca Call

NV State Social Studies Standards G6.2.5 - Provide examples of geographical uses of machines, tools and technologies, i.e., surveying tools, map navigation programs. I can show and tell about tools from different parts of the world and predict how they would be used.

Student-Friendly Standards

F. Vocabulary geographic belonging to a particular region tool something used in doing ones job

G. Procedure: 1. Refer to the textbook Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies page 5 Procedures (1st paragraph) before beginning lesson. o o o o Share an artifact/object with the students and start a discussion of where the object could be from and what it was used for. Introduce ideas of ways people could use the chosen artifact/object and where it could possibly come from. Tell students this activity is to help students brainstorm and think, not to get the right answer of what the object is and where it actually comes from. Introduce vocabulary terms geographic & tool

2. The teacher will then instruct students to pair up with their shoulder partner. The teacher will provide each student pair with one of the objects listed above in the materials section, and two data sheets. 3. Encourage the student pairs to explore together and discuss their thoughts with their partner on where they believe the artifact/object could possibly come from and what its use is. 4. Using the data sheet provided each student will record their discoveries. 5. To help students analysis the teacher can ask the following questions: o o o o What does the object remind you of? Does it look like a tool you would cook or eat with? Why or why not? If you had to guess two places it could be from, what places would they be? What are some ways you would use this object?

6. The students will then have time at the end of the activity to circulate among groups and explore the other artifacts their peers were given to investigate. H. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding?
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

Lesson Plan for Thursday

Strand: Geography

submitted by: Rebecca Call

Data Sheets pg. 8: How do you think your object might have been used? Where do you think your object came from? What other conclusions can you draw about your object? Write down your ideas about your object, then share with a partner about their ideas and yours as well. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. Students will write their observations on the data sheets provided to them. Writing the inferences they made and ideas of where their object could be from geographically will show if they can Provide examples of geographical uses of machines, tools and technologies, i.e., surveying tools, map navigation programs. Closure: A whole class teacher led discussion on what the class discovered about the different artifacts.


Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? I think the easiest part for me to teach will be for students to write down their own ideas on their individual data sheets because most kids like to do something that is their own. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? The most challenging part for myself to teach will be for students to realize it is just an activity to make inferences and ideas, not to get the write answer. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? To extend the lesson I would have my students investigate their object online and be able to share to the class where it actually came from geographically and its use in that place. 4. What can you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? For students who do not grasp the concepts I would have them draw their ideas down rather than write them down. 5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? As of right now I do not think any part of the lesson needs to be changed. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The most difficult part for me when writing this lesson plan was to make sure the activity fit a second graders geography strand.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2014

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 4

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