Citizens Right To Grievance Redress Bill 2011

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Citizens Right to Grievance Redress Bill 2011

The Citizens Right to grievance Redress Bill 2011 marks the next milestone in the UPA governments mission to enact a series of rights based legislations. Drawing on the framework of the Right to Information Act, the objective of this Bill is to ensure that the common man receives quick and efficient delivery of the goods and services to which he is entitled and which may have been delayed for any reason whatsoever. The other objective of this Bill is to ensure that a person who is denied a public good or service to which he is entitled is able to take action against the person who is denying that service on a mala fide ground (such as a demand for a bribe in exchange for the service). To this end the Bill directs all public authorities to draft and publish a Citizens Charter. This document contains a list of functions and obligations that the public authority can be reasonably expected to fulfil. In addition to this the name and addresses of individuals responsible for the delivery of goods or the rendering of services is to be provided as well. An illustrative list of contents for the Citizens Charter is provide in the Bill itself. This Charter is to be updated annually. The Bill establishes new authorities at the level of the Block, District, State and the Centre. A person can file a complaint with the Grievance Redress Officer at the level of the concerned department itself. Within fifteen days of the filing of this complaint the aggrieved individual is to receive the public good or service he was denied. If his complaint is not addressed within fifteen days the same is automatically escalated to the level of the Head of Department along with an Action Taken Report detailing the reason for the lack of action on the complaint. The Head of Department has to resolve the complaint within thirty days of receipt. Appellate bodies to hear appeals from the Head of Department have been constituted at the level of the State and the Center. If an official is found to have denied a service unfairly or in a mala fide manner then penalties can be imposed against him. In addition to this a new body called the Information and Facilitation Center shall be established within each public authority to provide aid to any individual who wishes to file a complaint. This body along with the Grievance Redress Officer shall provide all necessary education and assistance to an aggrieved person. Where it appears to the Head of the Department of the Public Authority that the grievance complained of its indicative or representative of a corrupt act on the part of the individual officer then it shall record the evidence in support of such conclusion and shall initiate criminal proceedings against the official. The existing mechanisms have proven to be inadequate when it comes to redressing the grievances of citizens. Most of them are housed within the public authority complained against, thereby leading to an ostensible conflict of interest. The Bill significantly strengthens the ability of the common man to demand delivery of public goods and services. It further promises to ensure greater transparency and accountability in the system by eliminating avenues for bureaucratic delays.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Role of Governors in Tribal Areas
TRIBAL AFFAIRS Scheduled Tribe community constitute more than 8 per cent of our national population and are still waiting to receive the benefits of freedom even after a lapse of more than sixty years since we achieved independence. The tribal populations are placed at the lowest rungs of the society in terms of various developmental indicators. The lowest literacy rates, high drop-out rates, widespread poverty, high infant and maternal mortality rates, an alarmingly high incidents of malnutrition, the absence of basic facilities and scarce livelihood means have deprived them the opportunity to a dignified livelihood among the fellow citizens of our country. It is not merely a matter of coincidence that Left-Wing Extremism is prevalent in the Schedule V areas while the insurgent movements have confined themselves to Schedule VI areas. It is necessary for us to introspect and get to the bottom of the reasons and causes which has led us to this place and situation. Despite the various efforts that have been made a large gap still remains to be bridged. The alienation of the tribal population has been growing rapidly mainly because they are being dispossessed of all their livelihood resources. The diversion of forests and common property resources for the use of non-forest purposes has resulted in the displacement of tribals from their homeland. The general apathy of official machinery, the escalating assaults related to their existing rights, the growing clout of market forces, the threat of mining and of course, the meager advancement through planned development efforts have been responsible for the growing unrest amongst this most oppressed and depressed class of people. Towards Empowering STs The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has the responsibility of reducing these glaring gaps by supplementing the efforts of the nodal Ministries in the Government and of the State Governments through need-based interventions. It has taken up a series of programmes and schemes to empower the tribals socially, politically and economically. However, in this context, it is pertinent to mention that Governors have a vital role to play. The Governors have been endowed with certain special powers with regard the Fifth Scheduled Areas. The judicious use of the provisions enshrined in the Fifth Schedule of our Constitution will certainly make a very positive impact on the tribals living in these regions. Under the powers conferred by the Fifth Schedule, the Governors can not only direct that any particular law or part thereof may not apply to a Scheduled Area that can also make regulation for good governance and peace in these areas. The Governors can intervene in areas relating to-Prohibition or Restriction of the transfer of land by or among Scheduled Tribe members; regulation of allotment of land in such areas; and the regulation of moneylending activities. The Governor has basically been given the legislative power to make

regulations for the peace and good government of any area which is a scheduled area. The peace and good government are words of very wide import and give wide discretion to the Governor to make laws for such purpose. One can recall the observations made by the President at the Governors Conference held on 16th and 17th of September, 2008 regarding the need for an authoritative legal opinion with respect to powers of Governors under the Fifth Schedule. The matter has since been examined in consultation with Ministry of Law and Justice and Attorney General of India has opined that in performance of the functions and exercise of the powers under the Fifth Schedule, the Governor is not bound by the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers of the State. The provisions of Articles 244(1) and 244 (2) which provide for the administration of the Scheduled Areas within a State in accordance with a Fifth & Sixth Schedule respectively emerge from the Excluded and Partially- Excluded Areas as envisaged under the Government of India Act, 1935. Implementation of PESA The focus of the the Panchayat Extension Scheduled Areas Act, 1996 (PESA) is to recognize the Gram Sabha as a key unit of governance in the Scheduled V areas as this would in turn give the people a control over their own resources. The Gram Sabhas under PESA are meant to be competent to safe-guard and preserve the traditions of their people, community resources and customary mode of dispute resolution. The Gram Sabhas are to approve plans, select beneficiaries and give utilization certificates to the Gram Panchayat. The Gram Panchayats further have - right to mandatory consultation in matters of land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation; right to recommend prospecting licenses/mining leases for minor minerals; power to prevent alienation of land and restore alienated land; power to regulate and restrict sale/consumption of liquor; power to manage village markets, control money lending to STs; ownership of minor forest produce; control over institutions and functionaries in all social sectors; control over local plans and resources for such plans including TSP, etc and planning and management of minor water bodies. The purpose of implementing PESA in the Scheduled V Areas is to promote selfgovernance in order to address the problem of exploitation. But unfortunately, the implementation of PESA has not been satisfactory despite the guidelines that have been issued in this regard to State Governments by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. Key Issues under PESA A process of notifying villages as PESA and constituting Gram Sabhas accordingly needs to be undertaken at the earliest. Applications may be invited from the community and inquired into by an official designated by the State Government in terms of whether or not the villages proposed are as envisaged in PESA. Villages proposed as per PESA may be so notified and a Gram Sabha constituted for each village. Recently, Ministry of Panchayati Raj has commissioned studies on laws and rules in each State, pointing out the gaps and possible new formulations. These have already been shared with the State Governments of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Studies of remaining States will also be shared. These studies can be used for making necessary amendments. Ministry of Panchayati Raj has framed model rules which can be used as a reference point for making rules under the relevant State Acts so that the procedures to be followed by Government functionaries are clear. The National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) has recently prepared a training module on PESA and shared it with the States. States may adapt this training module as per their needs and intensify their efforts in capacity building. Gram Sabha and FRA

The Gram Sabha is a congregation of the entire body of a village and cultivating this basic unit will give an opportunity to all citizens including those who have not been elected to any post to participate in the process of development and governance. It should be our earnest endeavor to ensure that the people who have been neglected for several years are made to feel that they are also a part of our democratic process. Forest Rights Act for Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers is a land mark legislation which gave a new hope to millions of tribals who have been living in forests for generations. For the first time ever, this Act seeks to recognize and regularize the pre-existing rights of tribals living in the Scheduled Areas. The Governors of the Fifth Scheduled States may ensure the speedy implementation of the Forest Rights Act through their respective State Governments as this would reduce a lot of tension arising out of land related issues in these areas. Under the provisions of para-3 of the Fifth Schedule wherein the Governors of Scheduled Areas States are expected to make an assessment of the administration of the Scheduled Areas and send an annual report to the President of India. The said reports should also deal with the observations made by the Tribal Advisory Council of the State and indicate steps taken with respect to the recommendation of the TAC. As per the records available with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, the Governors Report of the administration of the Scheduled Areas for the year 2009-10 is yet to come from some States. It is urged that the Governors to send this annual report in a timely manner as this would help the Ministry to evaluate the progress that has taken place in the Scheduled Areas of the States. The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution among other things provides for the administration of tribal areas through District/Regional Councils in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura in exercise of powers given under the Constitution, the Governors of the Sixth Scheduled Areas may hold consultations with State Governments and Councils to emphasise need for having the democratic and decentralized governance at the village level. Some of the provisions that could be considered may include (i) creation of elected Village Councils where they do not exist; (ii) making Village Councils answerable to Gram Sabha; (iii) recognize Gram Sabha under the law and specify their powers and functions; (iv) mandatory and regular election for the Village Council through the State Election Commission and (v) vesting of more powers to Village Councils and Gram Sabha. These measures will help in strengthening the democratic process and the empowerment of women which would consequently result in improved health services, education and nutrition programmes. This would also increase transparency in the process of planning, implementation and monitoring the developmental programmes. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is actively pursuing the matter relating to the constitution of a Cell in the Governors Office with the State Governments in order to handle the constitutional responsibilities of the Governor relating to the rights of Scheduled Tribes in the Scheduled Areas. It is hoped that these Cells are constituted by each State by the end of current financial year. It is high time that the Governors should personally intervene when necessary to deliver to the tribal population the dreams of our Founding Fathers. You might also like:
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Posted by APPSC PORTAL at 5:31 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: POLITY

Major Heavy Metal Contaminated Sites in India Factsheet

Chromium Ranipet, Tamil Nadu Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Lead Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh Bandalamottu Mines, Andhra Pradesh Vadodara, Gujarat Korba, Chattisgarh Mercury Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu Ganjam, Orissa Arsenic Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu West Bengal Copper Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu Singbhum Mines, Jharkhand Malanjkahnd, Madhya Pradesh

Vadodara, Gujarat Talcher, Orissa

Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh

Ballia and other districts, UP*

Data of CPCB show that Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh contribute to 80% of hazardous waste (including heavy metals) in India. You might also like:
UPSC PRELIMINARY EXAM GEOGRAPHY - 2010 KEY Model Question Paper for General Studies Paper - I of the ... FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF THE NATIONAL SCHEDULE CASTE ... The Industrial Sources of Heavy Metals

Posted by APPSC PORTAL at 5:30 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: GEOGRAPHY

The Industrial Sources of Heavy Metals

Metal Industry Mining, industrial coolants, chromium salts manufacturing, leather tanning lead acid batteries, paints, E-waste, Smelting operations, coal- based thermal power plants, ceramics, bangle industry Chlor-alkali plants, thermal power plants, fluorescent lamps, hospital waste (damaged thermometers, barometers, sphygmomanometers), electrical appliances etc. Geogenic/natural processes, smelting operations, thermal power plants, fuel burning

Copper (Cu) Mining, electroplating, smelting operations Vanadium (Va) Spent catalyst, sulphuric acid plant Nickel (Ni) Smelting operations, thermal power plants, battery industry Zinc smelting, waste batteries, e-waste, paint sludge, incinerations & fuel combustion Molybdenum (Mo) Spent catalyst Zinc (ZN) Smelting, electroplating You might also like:
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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Acid precipitation (Acid Rainfall): is now regarded as a serious problem in some European and Asian countries, the main cause and source of which is emissions of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides from thermal power plants and burning of fossil fuels. These oxides dissolve in atmospheric water vapour and fall back on earth as acid rainfall. Acid rainfall can cause destruction of crops and trees; destruction of fish; and damage to buildings. Agronomy: Soil management and production of field crops is known as Agronomy. Aleurone layer: is that part of the grain in cereals where much of the protein lies. Alluvial soil: is the richest and most fertile soil of India spread over large areas in northern plains of India. Arakan Yoma: is the extension of the Himalayas located in Myanmar. Asthamudi Lake: is located in Kerala State. Bailadila: in Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh, is known for its wealth of Manganese. Barhara (Tribes): The Barhara tribes mentioned in the Mahabharata who had settled in the north-western regions of India, are associated with(1) Ambashthas (a mixed Mongolian Aryan race); (2) Gandharas (Afghans); (3) Pavas. Bhabhar region: in south of the Shivaliks, is an example of Piedmont situation i.e., belonging to or related to the foot of a mountain. Bushmen (Tribes): They live in the Kalahari desert. They are probably the descendants of the earliest inhabitants of Africa. They rank among the most uncivilized and backward peoples in the world. Their food consists almost entirely of meat, often raw or decomposed, and in times of scarcity they will eat insects, snakes etc. Cardamom: Karnataka is the largest producer of cardamom. India is the largest exporter of cardamom in the world. Chinook: Warm, dry wind experienced along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains in

Canada and the U.S.A. Climograph: is a graphical representation of the differentiation between various types of climate. It reveals the type of climate at a glancea climograph showing wet bulb temperatures and relative humidities which are high, for instance, depicts a constantly hot damp climate. Coastline of India, Length of: The length of Indias coastline is 7,516 km and its territory includes 1,256 islands. Tamil Nadu has the longest coastline in India. Cosmic year: One cosmic year is equal to the time taken by the sun to complete one orbit around the galactic centre. Cotopaxi: is the highest volcano in the world. It is situated in Ecuador. Date Line, International: International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180 meridian. It divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when travelling westwards. Detroit of India: Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh, where a large number of automobile industries have been set up, is called the Detroit of India. Doldrums Belt: is a zone of the tropics where the calm lasting for some weeks prevails, broken at times by erratic squalls and baffling winds. It is an area of low pressure. The wind system in the Equatorial areas is known as doldrums. Dust Devil: is a dusty whirlwind normally a few feet in diameter and about 100 feet tall, sometimes also wider and higher. Earth mass: The mass of the earth is about 81 times that of the moon. Earths core: is mainly composed of iron and nickel. Lithosphere is the innermost layer of the earth. El Nino: is the weather phenomenon brewing in the tropical Pacific Ocean. It is the largest climate event of the 20th century setting off more global disasters than ever before. El Nino is warming of the waters off Equatorial South America which causes climate abnormalities around the world. The impact can be flooding drought in California, Brazil, Africa and Australia, severe storms in the Central Pacific and a decline in hurricanes hitting the southeastern United States. Exfoliation: This type of weathering is common both in the cold as well as in the hot climate regions. Fertilizer plant, First: The first fertilizer plant in India was set up at Sindri (Bihar). Garo (Tribes): Garos are the tribe of Garo Hills in Meghalaya. Glacial lakeexample in India: Dal Lake in Srinagar. Great Circle: A circle on the earths surface whose plane passes through its centre, and bisects it into two hemispheres. Two opposing meridians together form a Great Circle. The shortest distance between any two points on the earths surface is the arc of the Great Circle which passes through them. 0 latitude forms a Great Circle. (The latitude or longitude 75W should be combined with 75E to obtain the Great Circle). Horse Latitudes: Sub-tropical belts of high atmospheric pressure over the oceans situated in both hemispheres. These are called Belts of Calm between regions of the Trade Winds and Westerlies of higher latitudes. Hydroponics: means cultivation of the plants without use of soil. Hyetology: is the study of rainfall. Indira Point: in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the southern-most tip of India. Irrigated area, Indian State having largest: The Indian State with the largest irrigated area is Uttar Pradesh. Jhum: It is a slash and burn method of shifting cultivation (called jhum) practised on rainfall-bed slopes of forest hills and dales in Arunachal Pradesh. Kandla: is a sea port situated at the head of the Gulf of Kuch in Gujarat State. It was the first

port to be developed after independence. It has a free trade zone. Khonds (Tribes): were primitive tribes living in Orissa. Kikuyu (Tribes) : are a race of Bantu negroes who live to the north of Mount Kenya. These people combine agriculture with pastoralism. Kirghiz (Tribes): of Central Asia are an example of people adapted to a grassland environment. The Kirghiz are pastoral nomads who move from pasture to pasture with the flocks and herds of horses, camels, oxen, sheep and goats. Meat forms only a small portion of their food. The Kirghiz are fearless horsemen, and even their children are expert riders Lambadies (Tribes): are concentrated in Karnataka. Lapse Rate: is the rate of change in temperature with increase of altitude. Laterite soils: Laterite soils are formed by the weathering of laterite rocks. These can be distinguished from other soils by their acidity. Laterite soils are generally poor on the higher levels and cannot retain moisture. In the plains, however, they consist of heavy loams and clay and can retain moisture. Laterite soils occur in Madhya Pradesh, Assam and along the eastern and western Ghats. Tea plantation require acidity which is there in the laterite soil. It is, therefore, common in these areas. Loams (loamy soil): Amixture of sand, clay and silt is known as loamy soil. Loams are formed where the soils have equal proportion of sand, silt and clay. Local winds and their areas: KhamsinEgypt; ZondaArgentina; Santa AnaCalifornia; SimoonIran. Lushais (Tribes): are tribes of Mizoram. Mansarover Lake: is in Tibet. Near it, the rivers having their source are the Brahamputra, the Sutlej and the Indus. Maoris (Tribes): are the original inhabitants of New Zealand. Masai (Tribes): of the East African plateau are the example of pastoral peoples. They are a tall, strong, warlike race, partly negroid in type. They treat their cattle with great respect and affection and do not kill them for food or for sale as meat. Monsoon in India: is related to differential heating and cooling of the huge landmass of Asia and the Indian Ocean and the origin of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. The term Monsoon was introduced by the Arabs. Munda (Tribes): are mostly located in Madhya Pradesh. Negritos (Tribes): are the ancient tribes of Andamans. Nutrification: is the process of conversion by action of bacteria, of nitrates in the soil. Onges: are tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Oraon (Tribes): are aboriginal people of the Chhota Nagpur region in the State of Bihar. They call themselves Kurukh and speak a Dravidian language. Pangong Tso: is one of the worlds highest and brackish lakes in Jammu & Kashmir. Pressure zones on earth: are created due to differential heating of the earths surface by the sun. Proxima Centauri: is a star nearest to the earth. Rare earths (Or Lignite and Monazite) : are found on the beaches of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Monazite is an ore of thorium. Roaring Forties: are westerly winds. Saddle peak: is the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar islands, located in Great Nicobar. Savannas: are found between latitudes 5 and 20 North and South of Equator. These are tropical grasslands bordering the equatorial forests in each hemisphere. The Llanos and Pampas of South America are chief examples of Savannas but extensive Savannas are in Africa. Savanna grasslands are also found in Australia. The three-tier growth of vegetation is found in these regions. The natural vegetation of Savannas consists of tall grass. Selvas: The rain forest of Amazon basin is called Selvas. These are rainy tropical forests..

Semangs (Tribes): are tribal people living in Malaysia. Spring Tides: are caused when the sun and the moon are in a straight line. The tide on its maximum height is known as Spring Tide. Taiga Belt: lies between the Tibet-type climate and the Tundras. Telegu Ganga Project: in Tamil Nadu envisages optimal use of surplus water of the Krishna river. It is a joint venture of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Time Zone: A zone on the terrestrial globe that is 15 longitude wide and extends from pole to pole and within which a uniform clock time is used. Time zones are the functional basis of standard time. The world is divided into 24 time zones. Tsunamis: are huge sea waves caused by earthquakes. Willy Willy: is a tropical cyclone of the north-west Australia. You might also like: CURRENT AFFAIRS OCTOBER 2010 India's Foreign Relations GEOGRAPHY TERMS INDIAN HISTORY - FREEDOM STRUGGLE

Posted by APPSC PORTAL at 10:40 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: GEOGRAPHY

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Central Himalaya are the crown of Uttar Pradesh and stand guard to the Upper Ganga plain. The mighty Himalayas standing on the northern frontier of UP are highly rugged and have difficult and precipitous slopes, horned peaks, serrated crests of high ridges, cirques and glaciers, snow clad slopes, hanging valleys, cascades of sparkling water supplied by melting ice, torrential rapids, deep canyons, roaring streamlets, huge boulders and glistening lakes. When one happens to be in these environs, a deeply hidden longing becomes very pronounced upon gazing at the Himalayan peaks of Uttar Pradesh... the longing to reach up to those awe-inspiring, wonder-filled and dizzy heights that exude a joy on their own. These cloud-kissing, skyscraping peaks tower serenely above all else creating a picture as only the most adept of all artists: Mother Nature could paint. The scenic beauty and the grandeur of the Central -Himalayan ranges and the remote location of the religious temples like Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri have excited the interest of people since very early times. In the Pauranik literature, this part of the Himalayas bears the name of Uttara-Khand or Kedar-Khand. Ved Vyasa being attracted to the scenic beauty and religious importance of this region wrote an Upa-Purana about it. The region and especially the peaks are abundantly referred to in historical literature, indicating that great saints, travellers and kings frequently visited this part of the Himalayas. In fact every peak, rock and rivulet is dedicated to some deity or saint and has an appropriate legend attached to it.

HIMALAYAN PEAKS OF UP HILLS The lofty Himalayan peaks rising to dizzy heights have a complex physiography falling into three regions. The topography of rugged land and dangerous slopes have often beckoned the spirit of the adventurers. No wonder, many of the peaks have been successfully scaled by mountaineers from the world, over the years. U.P. Himalaya includes the Himalayan basins of the Yamuna, the Ganga, the Ramganga and the Kali or Sarda. The tangential as well as vertical movements of the terrain have given rise to complex physiography of the region. Thus, the topography consists of highly rugged land with precipitous slopes which, in accordance with its structure and relief, is further subdivided into 3 major physiographic regions. 1. Himadri (Greater Himalaya) i) Himadri Ranges ii) ii)Himadri Valleys 2. Himanchal (Lower Himalaya) i) Himanchal ranges and hills. ii) ii)Himanchal valleys and lake basins. 3. Shivaliks (Sub-Himalayan tract) i) Duns ii)Shivalik ranges HIMADRI Himadri, the great Himalayan zone forms the northern boundary of the region stretching in North West South East direction, the average width of the Himadri is about 50 kms. The average altitude of the zone varies from 4,800mts. to 6,000 mts. The important peaks of this region are: Nanda Devi, Kamet, Bander Punchh, Kedarnath, Chaukhamba, Dunagiri, Trishul and Nandakot. Almost all these peaks are glacier-garlanded and are separated by transverse gorges of the Alaknanda, the Bhagirathi and the Dhauli Ganga. The important glaciers of the Kumaon Himadri are: Gangotri, Chaturangi, Bhagirathi, Kharak, Satopanth, Kamet, Milam and Pindari. HIMANCHAL The central zone of the Himalaya located between the Himadri and the Shivaliks in the north and south respectively, is known as the Himanchal. With an approximate width of 75 kms, the Himanchal is a massive mountainous tract, separated in the south by the 'main boundary fault.' The whole zone is mainly composed of metamorphic rocks varying in age. The average height of the ranges in this zone varies from 1,500 mts. to 2,700 mts. and of the valley bottoms between 500 mts. and 1,200 mts. Most of the valleys of the important rivers form a wide course. The rivers cut through barriers to drain out lakes, such as the ones in the vicinity of Baijnath in the Garur valley, Agastmuni (Mandakini valley) and around the basins of the

Bhim Tal and the Naukuchiya Tal in Nainital District. SHIVALIKS A long chain of narrow and low hills, from 300 mts. to 600 mts. in elevation, lie almost parallel to the main ranges of the Himanchal. The hill slopes are steeper on the southern side while on the northern side the slope is gentler and merged to flat floored structural valleys called 'duns'. The important duns are Dehra, Kohtri, Chaukham, Patti and Kota. The dun of Dehra (Dehradun) is the biggest with a length of 35 kms. And width of 25 kms. SOME IMPORTANT PEAKS Lord C. Schuster said of mountains "Always alluding, though they flout you, always dear, though they slay you, they give you strength & friends & happiness; & to have known them is indeed a liberal education. " NANDA DEVI Altitude: 7,817 mts. Nanda Devi, the highest of the Garhwal peaks, which literally means 'Blessed Goddess'. It is considered the pearl of the Himalayas because of its loveliness. The graceful symmetry of its double peaks, the main and the east, thrusting themselves up to the sky, is indeed a visual treat-a rare example of perfect twin peaks. It would perhaps be strange if a mountain of such beauty were not an object of worship. In fact, since ancient times, inhabitants of the region have revered this mountain as a dwelling place of the Gods. The names for mountains and passes in the area often have religious meanings. Like Kamet, Nanda Devi refused for years to yield to the many climbers who tried to overcome her. It is extremely difficult even to approach her foothills, the entrance to which is guarded by long, deep gorges. After several failures, one party finally succeeded in crossing these gorges and in 1934, entered the south foothills of the mountain. BANDAR PUNCHH WEST (White Peak) Altitude: 6,316 mts. This peak lies to the South West of Kalanag. In June 1950 JTM Gibson with Tensing Norgay (of Everest fame) attempted it from the south. They were defeated by vertical walls of ice gullies. Once climbed after avoiding the crevasses and on finally reaching the corniced top one can get a view of the steep drop to the southern valley, adjoining ridge of Bander Punchh and distant Swargarohinl peaks. DEVTOLI Altitude: 6,788 mts. The peak lies to the southern most point on the inner wall of the Nanda Devi Sanctuary. It is on the South West ring of peaks in line with Maikroli & Mrigthuni (6,803 & 6855 mts. respectively). It is at the Junction where the ridge from the Devistan joins in the south, the ridge between Maikroli & Mrigthuni. So it stands overlooking the sanctuary in the east, Trishul Nala in the west & Sunderdhunga - Tharkot directly below to the south. Panchchuli Peaks

Altitude : 6,904 mts It is believed that this is the place Five chulis' cooking hearths) where the Pandavas cooked their last meal on the way to heaven They are majestic and form a famous barrier between Darma and Gori valleys. H. Ruttledge recceed it in 1929. Graaff and Snelson (1950), the Scots (1950) made an attempt from this side. H. Harrer (1952) tried from the west. Finally it was left to two massive expeditions by the Indo-Tibet Border Police to open the route (1972) from the west (Gori valley) and make the first ascent in 1973. On the same divide, a number of fine peaks merit attention, like Nagling, 6,041 mts. KAGBHUSAND Altitude : 5,830 mts. The historic triangulated peak of Kagbnhusand seems to be guarding the entrance of Devban plateau. It has graceful shoulders supporting a delicately soaring peak. The top has a shape of Garud or eagle who is also referred to as Kagbhusand. This peak is seen from a little above Gamsali, from Gupt Khal and even from the Girthi gorge. TRIMUKHI PARBAT Altitude: 6,422 mts. Trimukhi Parbat stands tall proudly to the southwest. The word literally means mountain of three faces, a colloquial name for Lord Shiva. It has sharp ice-pinnacle-like in shape. The possible approach can be via its eastern col which has to be reached via a long detour from the Trimukhi Glacier's southern bifurcation. Both the duration of the approach and the technical difficulties of the final sections often rule out attempts. TRIMUKHI PARBAT EAST Altitude: 6,280 mts. To the east of the Trimukhi Parbat is a good shapely separate peak of Trimukhi Parbat East. KAMET Altitude: 7,756mts. Kamet taken from the word Kangrie which literally means 'lower snows' in Tibetan attracted the first mountaineers. Kamet Peak is the second highest in the Garhwal and was tried ten times before it fell. The eleventh and victorious climb was headed by FS. Smythe of Britain. One of his companions to the top, R.L. Holdsworth, wore skis up to the col, 7,025 mts. high. In 1848 Richard Strachy determined its height, followed by the Schlagintweits. In 1855 they went over the Mana pass and attempted it from the north reaching 6745 mts. on Abi Gamin. In 1874-77 the Survey of India under E.C. Ryall and LS. Pocock set up a plane-table at 22,040 ft on the slopes of East Abi Gamin these are now identified on modern maps as Mukut Parbat, Kamet and Abi Gamin respectively. In fact in 1931, it was while returning from their successful Kamet expedition that Frank Smith and Holdsworth stumbled into the Valley of Flowers. NEELKANTH Altitude: 6,597 mts. Nilkanth is a pyramidal snowy peak towering above Badrinath. It is popularly known as 'Garhwal Queen' because of it's dramatic sight. No history of Central Garhwal would be complete without a detailed mention of this majestic peak. It is a name of Lord Shiva,

presiding over Badrinath and worshipped by millions of pilgrims. It is a tough and challenging proposition for mountaineers. NANDAKOT Altitude: 6,861 mts. This 'Fort of Nanda' is an imposing peak dividing the Gori and Pindari valleys. It was recceed by Dr. Longstaff in 1905 and in 1936 the Japanese made the first ascent. An Indian team in 1959 climbed it again. In 1986 the Indo-Japanese made another ascent to celebrate the fifty years of its first ascent. SUDARSHAN PARVAT Altitude: 6507 mts. Sudarshan Parvat has beauty as well as challenge. It is a sight for the Gods. Situated above the Gangotri temple it has been seen by millions of pilgrims and mountaineers through the ages. The view from the top is grand. All the Gangotri peaks and valley, a little of Tibet and all the neighbouring peaks can be seen. CHATURBHUJ Altitude: 6,655 mts. Sudarshan has two elderly neighbours. Both the peaks are hidden from view and hence perhaps not known. Otherwise they are both as challenging. Chaturbhuj, situated north of Sudarshan Parvat, literally means 'one with four hands.' This is the name for Lord Vishnu who has four hands and holds the Sudarshan Chakra. This peak has four distinct ridges falling in four directions, thus both mythologically as well as topographically this name is appropriate. The summit of Chaturbhuj is a conical pyramid, very steep, 15 mts. long and 2 mts. high. YOGESHWAR Altitude: 6,678 mts. Situated north-east of Sudarshan Parbat lies Yogeshwar. It takes its name from Lord Krishna, in a serene mood and thus can be aptly applied to this high snowy peak. SAIFE Altitude: 6161 mts. South-south-east of Sudarshan Parbat lies a gentle yet deceptive peak. Saife in local language means 'sword' or the weapon carried by Lord Ram, who is also known as the God with the white complexion Swetvarn. This peak lies near Koteshwar 'God of the Edges'. Thus with sword edge-like ridge, the name is appropriate. CHANDRASHILA Altitude: 3,679 mts. Chandrashila is most accessible peak of the U.P. Himalayas, especially since most of the peaks are difficult to scale. A climb to this mini peak in Chamoli district is arranged by Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam (GMVN). This combines scaling, skiing and trekking through a route of rich flora and fauna, lies, meadows full of fresh snow in the winter months. The Chandrashila peak itself provides a rare panoramic view of innumerable snow clad peaks. SOME IDEAL PLACES TO VIEW THE MAGNIFICENT PEAKS: BADRINATH : Guarded on either side by the two mountain ranges known as Nar and

Narayan with the towering Neelkanth peak providing a splendid backdrop. Badrinath is one of the 'four dhams' of the country and is situated at an elevation of 3,133 mts. above sea level. KEDARNATH: A scenic spot, situated against the backdrop of the majestic Kedarnath range, the Kedarnath shrine is one of the twelve 'jyotirlingas' of Lord Shiva. YAMUNOTRI :In the shadow of the high Bandar Punchh mountain lies the source of the sacred river Yamunotri. At an elevation of 3,235 mts above sea level, this shrine is of paramount religious importance for Hindus and an essential pilgrimage. VASUKITAL : Offering an excellent view of Chaukhamba peak, the Vasukital lake is surrounded by high mountains and is situated at a height of 4,150 mts. above sea level. GANGOTRI: Surrounded by the mountain peaks of Shivling, Satopanth and Bhagirathi sisters, this sacred shrine situated at an altitude of 3,200 mts. is the source of the River Bhagirathi. KEDARTAL : The mighty Thalsagar (Spatikling) peak forms the spectacular backdrop to the Kedartal Lake which is negotiable through a rough mountain trail. NANDANVAN : From here tf1e views of Shivling, Bhagirathi, Sudarshan, Thalu peaks and Kedar Dome are fabulous. VALLEY OF BHILANGANA : The Khatling Glacier is a lateral glacier at the source of the River Bhilangana. Shastratal and Masartal are on the west and east of it. The Valley of Bhilangana offers panoramic views of the snow capped peaks and hanging glaciers, such as Jogin Group, Kirti Stambh and Meru Parbat which are sublime and magnificient. GUPTKASHI: From here one can get a magnificient view of Chaukhamba peak. MADMAHESHWAR: Engulfed by Chaukhamba, Kedarnath and Neelkanth peaks, the trek from Kalimath to Madmaheshwar is distinguished by wild unparalleled scenic beauty. RUDRANATH : The temple situated at an elevation of 2,286 mts. above sea level, provides magnificient views of Hathi Parvat, Nandadevi, Nanda Ghunti, and Trishuli peaks among others. The face of Lord Shiva is worshipped here. HEMKUND SAHIB : Situated at a height of 4,329 mts near the Valley of Flowers is the holy lake of Hemkund, associated with Guru Gobind Singh. Encircled by seven snow-clad peaks and their associated glaciers, the crystal clear serene waters of the lake reflect the enchanting surroundings. AULI : The cable car from Joshimath to Gorson via Auli, offers a picturesque view of the Himalayan ranges. 15 kms from Joshimath at an elevation of about 2,500 mts-3,050 mts. Auli is an ideal venue for winter sports. PAURI : Situated at an elevation of 1,814 mts above sea level on the northern slopes of Kandoliya Hills, it provides a panoramic view of the snow clad Himalayan peaks of Bandarpanch, Swarga-Rohini, Jonli, Gangotri Group, Jogin Group, Thalaiya-Sagar, Barte Kanta, Kedarnath, Kharcha Kund, Sumeru, Satopanth, Chaukhamba, Nilkanth, Gauri Parbat,

Haathi Parbat, Dronagiri, Nanda devi and Trishul. GWALDAM Gwaldam is a sylvan Himalayan quaint town surrounded by fruit orchards. One can have a magnificant view ofNandaghunti, Trishul and Nanda Devi Peaks. CHAUKORI The charming and picturesque town of Chaukori is situated at an elevation of 20 I 0 mts. in the heart of Pithoragarh district, close to the famed Jim Corbett Park. Chaukori is famous not only for the magnificent view it offers of Panchchuli, but also for its breathtakingly beautiful sunsets. PITHORAGARH : The easternmost hill district of Uttar Pradesh, Pithoragarh is often referred to as "Miniature Kashmir". It is situated at an altitude of 1650 mts. above sea level. From the Chandak hill located at around 2000 mts., one gets a Himalayan scenery comes alive. The view of the snow covered Trishul and Nanda Devi is so clear that one gets a feeling of the snow being within touching distance. MUNSIYARI : The centre as well as the Gateway of Johar region, situated at an elevation of 2289 mts. Munsyari offers Panoramic view of the snow capped peaks of Panchchuli. KAUSANI : Nestling among thick, dense pine forests atop a narrow ridge and separated from the towering mountains of the Nanda Devi range by low, medium mountains; at Kausani the grandeur of the Himalayan scenery comes alive. The view of the snow covered Trishul and Nanda Devi is so clear that one gets a feeling of the snow being within touching distance. BINSAR : Binsar is one of the most scenic spots in the Kumaon Himalayas and an acclaimed hill resort. The main attraction of Binsar is the majestic view of the Himalayas. A 300 kms. stretch of fa11)ous peaks which includes Kedarnath, Chaukhamba, Trishul, NandaDevi, Nanda Kot and Panchchuli. \NAINITAL Nainital, at a height of 1,938 mts., is situated around a blue lake which is shaped like an eye or crescent. Surrounded by thick forests of pines and deciduous trees, the Naini Lake resembles a silvery disc held in cupped hands. Peaks surrounding Naini Lake include Tiffin Top (2,611 mts.), Laria Kanta (2,481 mts.) and Snow View (2,270 mts.). RANIKHET : A cantonment of immense charm, Ranikhet was selected as a hill station for British troops and accordingly the cantonment was established in 1869. Ranikhet provides magnificant view of the Chaukhal11ba, Kedarnath, Kamet, Hathi Parvat and Panchchuli Peaks. ALMORA : Perched atop a 5 kills. long saddle shaped ridge of the 16 shaya Hill, Almora at an altitude of 1,646 mts" is a charming mountain resort il1 the Himalayas providing magnificant view of snow capped Chaukhamba, Neelkanth and Kamet Peaks. CHAMPAWAT : Situated 1,615 mts. above sealevel, Champawat was originally the capital

of Chand Rajas of Kumaon and is now the district headquarter. Champawat is famous not only from historical, sculptural and archaeological point of view but also for its abundant scenic beauty. From here the view of Panchhuli ranges is unique. SITALAKHET Sitalakhet is a scenic spot commanding a view of the majestic Himalayas. One can get a panormaic and magnificient view of Chaukhamba, Kamet, Hathi Parvat, Trishul, Nanda Devi and Nandakot Peaks. You might also like:
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UN ranked India at 134 out of 187 Countries in terms of Human Development Index

A UN study ranked India at 134 out of 187 countries in terms of Human Development Index. The study however observed that life expectancy at birth in India has increased by 10.1 per cent a year over the last two decades. In the 2010 Human Development Report, prepared by UNDP, India had been ranked at 119 out of 169 countries. However, according to the new report for 2011, it is misleading to compare values and rankings with those of previously published reports as the underlying

data and methods have changed, as well as the number of countries included in the Human Development Index. India's Human Development Index (HDI) The report highlighted India's Human Development Index (HDI) value for 2011 was 0.547 positioning the country in the medium human development category. Between 1980 and 2011, India's HDI value increased from 0.344 to 0.547, an increase of 59 per cent or an average annual increase of about 1.5 per cent. The report pointed out that the India's HDI of 0.547 was below the average of 0.630 for countries in the medium human development group and below the average of 0.548 for countries in South Asia. The report mentioned that mean year of schooling for the country increased by 3.9 years between 1980 and 2011 and expected years of schooling increased by 3.9 years. Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh admitted that the biggest block in the human development indices for India is in the field of sanitation where 58 per cent of open defecation in the world takes place in India. The UN report also mentioned that between 1980 and 2011, India's life expectancy at birth increased by 10.1 years. Gender Inquality Index In terms of gender inquality index, the report highlighted that in India, 10.7 per cent of Parliamentary seats are held by women and 26.6 per cent of adult women have reached a secondary or higher level of education compared to 50.4 per cent of their male counterparts. For every 100000 live births, 230 women die from pregnancy-related causes and the adolescent fertility rate is 86.3 births per 1000 live births. Female participation in the labour market is 32.8 per cent compared to 81.1 per men, the report says. The gender inequality index reflects gender-based inequalities in three dimensions reproductive health, empowerment and economic activity. Human Development Index (HDI) The HDI is a measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development such as a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. The five countries who topped the Human Development Index study are as follows (The countries'sequence follow their respective ranks): Norway, Australia, Netherlands, US, New Zealand Neighbouring countries Pakistan was ranked at 145 (0.504) and Bangladesh at 146 (0.500) respectively in terms of HDI as per the UN study.

E-Governance in Andhra Pradesh

E-Governance :

Delivery of Government services through digital and electronic means Reduce controls/regulations Increase Efficiency

A Good Governance which proactively and continuously leads to where Citizen needs Least Assistance from Government and has Least Interface with Government. E-Governance is the process of administration using information technology for free movement of information to overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper and physical based systems. EGovernance, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government to create transformed government, where interaction with government to citizens, business other governments departments in a comfortable, transparent and effective at interaction low cost. E-governance is the latest trend in the governance process all over the world. Good governance can be enabled by e-governance if appropriately implemented. Good governance will be SMART (Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent) governance which is so essential today in countries all over the world. E-governance in the developing world in action E-Governance is a powerful tool for bringing about change to government processes in the developing world. E-governance operates at the cross roads between Information and Communication Technology and government processes, and can be divided into three overlapping domains: e-administration, e-services and e-society. In order to be successful, egovernance must be firmly embedded in the existing government processes, must be supported, both politically and technically, by the governments, and must provide users with reasons to use these on-line domains. In order to maximize the impact, process change needs to be considered part and parcel of e-governance. (Electronic Governance or Digital Governance) is the effective use of Information Technology (IT) to improve the system of governance that is in place, and thus provide better services to the Citizens. Introduction of E-governance is considered as a high priority, as it is considered to be the only means of taking IT to the Common Public and bridging the digital divide in the developing countries like India. The State of Andhra Pradesh has undertaken various e-Government initiatives to provide better, more efficient, transparent and responsive services to the citizens and to promote greater efficiency within the Government. Andhra Pradesh state pioneered eGovernance in the country. One of the principal objectives of the IT policy of Andhra Pradesh is the extensive use of IT within the process of governance for providing better citizen services and for enhancing efficiency, transparency, accountability of Government departments, and agencies. Initially the State govt has adopted the eGovernance applications developed by the National Informatics Center. Subsequently, the IT&C Dept, GoAP have launched a few enterprise wide coverage eGovernance projects such as eSeva, eProcurement, Social Welfare Benefits Management System (SBMS), Human Resource Management System (HRMS) under Public Private Partnership model. Some of the departments themselves have embarked on

egovernance by developing computer applications to improve the internal efficiency with in house resources or through the resources provided by Institute for Electronic Governance (IEG) or through vendors. The Center for Good Governance (CGG) has also contributed to some extent in developing and implementing Management Information System (MIS) based applications for the state government. The eGovernance applications developed by the NIC for various govt departments are listed in the Report on ICT services by NIC, AP state center prepared in December 2006. The eGovernance initiatives of CGG, IEG are listed in the booklets furnished by them. The delivery models of e-Governance are:

Government to citizens (G2C) Government to business enterprises (G2B) and Government to governments departments (G2G)

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is pioneer in providing eGovernance services aimed to benefit the common touching the cross sections of the society and to the last mile of the State. The e-Governance projects of State Government, such as eSeva, eProcurement, Computer Aided Registration of Documents (CARD), Citizen Friendly Services of Transport (CFST) are widely known across the globe and are well acknowledged. E-Governance Projects in various Departments Year 1997-99 1998-02 Projects name Budget online CARD Computer-aided Administration of Registration Department 1998-99 Citizen Database 1998-99 APSWAN 1998-99 AP Video Conference 1998-99 Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Campus Area Network (APSCAN) 1999-2000 IT&C Department Simple File Tracking System 1999-2000 IT&C Department APNET-SAPNET-Distance education-Training Programs 2001-02 IT&C Department AP-online 2002-03 Transport Department Citizen Friendly Services of Transport Department (CFST) 2002-03 IT&C Department Rural Service Delivery Points (RSDP) 2003-04 Home department eCops 2004-05 Finance department Integrated Financial Management System 2004-05 MA&UD Department eSuvidha 2005-06 Health Department Aarogyasri 2006-07 Commercial Tax Department Value Added Tax Information System (VATIS) 2006-07 Rural Development NREGA , Smartcard 2008-09 Social Welfare Department Online Post Matric Scholarship 2008-09 IT&C Department GOIR & Gazette 2008-09 IT&C Department AP portal 2008-09 IT&C Department Citizen to Government (C2G) Petition Name of the Department Finance The Registration & Stamps Department Revenue IT&C Department IT&C Department IT&C Department

2009-10 2009-10

School Education Department Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commissions

monitoring system SSC Examination and Portal Services APPSC online application submission

E-procurement Strengthen the E-procurement to World Bank Procurement, Project management, Rate contracts a Standardization of (Common) Bid document and market price monitoring It automates the procurement and purchase procedures of AP Govt. starting from demand aggregation to procurement and fulfillment of contract. Andhra Pradesh is the first state in the country to initiate e-Procurement. The basic objective of this project is to use the tools of IT to introduce best practices in electronic procurement across Govt. departments. State Portal & State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) To create an integrated information infrastructure to enhance the utility and reach of the services provided by the Government by utilizing the network of Common Service Centers (CSCs) as a Service Delivery Channel for all the Government to Citizen (G2C) and Government to Business (G2B) services of the State and its Departments. Electronic workflow for file processing in the offices (KM-ATOM in Depts.) Government requires a workflow management system for movement & processing of files. The workflow system shall bring Transparency at all levels by File tracking. The following is the goals are set:

Implement electronic workflow systems to bring Transparency at all levels by File tracking in all departments in next 5years. Maintenance of Electronic Personal Register (PR) Electronic Generation of File disposal reports & MIS Introduce Internet based file / grievance tracking by citizens Implementing workflow systems for online note file and current file in all departments in next 10years.

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) The main objective of the project is creation of database of all government employees, automating the HR, administration and service procedure of AP government and providing a unified view of deployment of human resource. Main modules will be Pay Roll, Service matters, Leave Account, Transfers & Postings and Retirement benefits. Interface to APPSC, for recruitment, Interface to Employment & Training Department. Call Centre extended as RTI call centre The existing call center will be strengthened and integrated with all departments. The status updating in departments will be mirrored with the Government Portal for handling all citizen related queries. The same call centre will be extended as single point of Grievance

management system, RTI Call centre to register all RTI calls, updating the status and generation of the periodic report generation. m-Government (Mobile Government): The Government of Andhra Pradesh will launch a special initiative to cater to mobile communications for delivery of e- government applications. To begin with, the existing applications being offered as part of e- Seva will be progressively made available for mobile access. Government will establish a common Mobile services platform for GOAP managed by IT&C Dept for all Govt. Dept services in the lines of call centre being maintained. Automatic updating the Website with GO, soon after their issue: The Government has launched a Web Site for availability of G.O. to general Public soon after their issue. The website name is Citizens can visit the website to view or take a print copy of GO. 1. The website shows GOs is up and all GOs are available from 01.07.2008 onwards. The field for indicating the amount released in the GO is made operational from 10th October 2009 2. Publication of Gazette on Internet: Project has been successfully implemented for Commissioner, Printing Hyderabad. Service is available at C2G (Citizen to Government) Petition monitoring system: C2G website was hosted with Improved the Functionality of the application and the application is provided with SMS and call center interface for knowing status. Service is available at The C2G application is extended for drought and floods. CARD: Computer aided Administration of Registration Department

Covers all 387 Sub-Registrar offices within Andhra Pradesh Transaction time for getting encumbrance certificates, market value assistance, deeds registered etc significantly lower All the above services shortly being made available without any geographical boundaries for citizen convenience

CFST (Citizen Friendly Services of Transport Department) SMARTGOV The State Government plays a crucial role in the governance of the State. It is a repository of a wealth of information and knowledge. Public interest lies in the efficient management of this information and knowledge. Decision-making and policy formulation processes within the Secretariat involve receipt and dispatch of a large number of communications apart from holding, maintaining and processing large volumes of data. Effective use of Information Technology can bring about a significant improvement in these processes. A study taken up by the IT & C department on the functioning of the Secretariat and the existing efforts at computerization within the Secretariat, has led to the design of a comprehensive Secretariat Knowledge & Information Managements System (SKIMS) (later renamed as Smartgov).

The salient features of SKIMS are given below:

SKIMS seeks to achieve a set of 10 clear objectives like increasing employee productivity, efficient management of data, information and knowledge within the secretariat, exploitation of the power of the network and advancement towards a paperless and knowledge-led governance. It is based on a two-tier architecture consisting of the Central Information System (CIS) and the Departmental Information Systems (DIS). The creation, numbering and closure of files is proposed to be handled centrally for the entire Secretariat. Certain aspects of security, access permissions etc., are also proposed to be managed centrally. Common applications useful to all the departments are proposed to be developed and implemented as part of the CIS. Examples are pay rolls, leave, audit, monitoring of plan schemes, etc. The business in the Secretariat is proposed to be classified into various subjects and each assigned with a code and a weight age in terms of its importance. The system is designed to regulate the file movement in such a manner that work is attended to on a priority basis in order to ensure that the important work gents precedence over routine work. Concepts like knowledge bank, workflow automation and electronic files are incorporated. The flow of information between field departments and the Secretariat is proposed to be handled electronically. The project design and implementation incorporates suitable security features.

E-Seva e-Seva is a major G2C initiative in Andhra Pradesh built on public private partnership model. It provides the citizens with a clean, transparent, efficient, effective and hassle- free administrative system through state-of-art electronic technology. It is a one-stop-shop for a range of citizen-friendly services and provides through a chain of computerized eSeva centers, Internet i.e., ATMs & Bank Branches. It is established in August 2001 on the success of pilot project called TWINS. Objectives:

Provide a pleasant customer user experience across all contact points, Enhance government accountability and democracy, Improve service quality and innovation Provide cost effective services Increase operational efficiency Enhance accessibility of information to citizens Provide an integrated approach to customer relationships & finally Provide a single long running dialogue across all business functions and customer access points for service delivery at one point.

APonline AP Online is a digital gateway for the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) to offer multiple services, through a single window, to its citizens. It is a best-of-breed portal,

developed by GoAP in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services, Indias largest IT company. APOnline Ltd was formed as a Joint Venture Company by Government of Andhra Pradesh in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services to develop, design, maintain and operate the citizen services portal. APOnline provides various Government to citizen services through multiple delivery channels like Citizen online-service and kiosks. At present APOnline has more than 1500 franchisee network across the state to provide the citizen services APOnline is easily accessible through multiple delivery channels, homes and offices, anytime, anywhere . to deliver services at citizens homes. Range of Services Information Services: Provide up-to-date information on a wide range of subjects pertaining to different GoAP departments, including Functions & Services, Forms & Procedures, Key Contacts, Organizational Performance, Government Orders, Acts, Rules, Budget Documents, Prices of Essential Commodities, Memos, Advertisements, Tenders and important events. Interactive Services: Facilitate online submission of forms including applications and requests for registrations, certificates and representations to different government departments. Complaints and grievances can also be filed. Payment Services: Offers Online Payment facility to the citizens of AP to pay their Utility bills like Electricity, Water, telephone, mobile, purchase recharges of all mobile operators, payment of property taxes, insurance payments, Challan payments etc. G2G Services: APOnline develops internal applications for various Government Departments viz. Online Teacher Transfer Requisitions (Where teachers can apply online for transfers), Online Counseling of Teacher Transfers etc

- One stop, Non stop services - Access GoAP organisations from anywhere, anytime - Plug and Play model to enable upcoming citizen services - Query facility on Request Status by citizens - Advanced Search Facility - Secured e-payments - Links to other GoAP web sites - Integration with wireless devices

- Extension services of GoAP - Cost-saving model for government & citizen - A Business Vehicle for all Government Services - Online helpdesk for franchisees APOnline Offerings APOnline offers services to the citizen through various channels: 1. Internet (Online) A citizen who has access to Internet can avail the host of services, which are offered through the portal. For payment of utility and various other bills, the citizen needs to have a credit card/ debit card (debit card option yet to be enabled). 2. Kiosks (Manned Kiosks) A Kiosk is a small shop, which will be located in a residential locality of a town/village. Citizens can walk-in to the Kiosk and can avail the services. An operator would be assisting the citizens. The main idea behind having Kiosks is help citizens in availing the services in a hassle free manner. There are two categories of Kiosks: Service Delivery Points (SDPs): The Kiosks, which are located in urban areas, are called SDPs. At present we have 440 SDPs in twin cities and another 250+ in district head quarters. 1. Rural Service Delivery Points (RSDPs): The Kiosks which are located in the rural areas and which will cater to the rural citizens. The RSDPs will have more services customized to the rural people. At present we have more than 790+ RSDPs across the state. The transaction cycle works as shown below: Citizen approaches his nearest APOnline franchisee to make payments of his utility bills; he gives his utility bill and cash to the franchisee operator. Operator does the transaction in APOnline site, his balance in the system depletes that much amount, and updates the payment details in client database and APOnline database and the receipt is printed and given it to citizen. On the next working day, APOnline sends the standing instruction to Bank to make the payment to respective department based on the previous day collections. Benefits to Citizen - Intensive information regarding the Govt. of AP for the citizens - Single window of access for services

- Offers Services through Multiple delivery channels for increasing the Convenience to the citizen - Faster delivery of services: Through Internet and 1500 kiosks throughout the state, and takes less than a minute to make a payment. - 24/7 access to government services - Access to government officials contacts - More accountability and transparency in delivering the services - Receive Khasra, Pahani (Land Records) without visiting the government office, which results in saving time and elimination of corruption - Pay utility bills from kiosks located in nearby kirana shops - Flexibility to make multiple services payments at a single click through citizen portal - Reminders (for payment dues) for registered services - Multiple payment mode option for online users - View results and examination hall tickets - Provides employment to more than 2000 people through its operating franchisees - Secured e-payments

APOnline Statistics:
Transactions No of Amount Collected (in No of Transactions Rs.) Services 11659 6505132 6951202 7173823 8123686 10949117 6429392 5201423.71 1898093077 1878905123 2086384793 3449308757 4731649366 2691809260 5 9 21 25 38 48 55 No of Centres Added during the year 527 129 157 73 182 316 165 Total No of Centres 527 656 813 886 1068 1384 1549

Financial Year 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 (upto aug-10)

Citizen Services: 1. Electricity Department Services Payment of electricity bills 2. Water Works department Payment of water bills 1. Telephone Bill Payments

Payment of Tata Indicom (land line and mobile) Payment of All Private Post Paid Cell phone bills BSNL Land Line Bill Payment Airtel Broadband Bill Payments All DTH Recharges (ALL OPERATORS) Reliance Mobile Post Paid Payments CellOne Post Paid Mobile Payments Idea (Mobile) Vodafone (Mobile)

1. Municipal Services

GHMC Property Tax Payments GHMC Trade Licence Payments GVMC Property Tax Payments GVMC Trade Licence Payments GVMC Vacant Land Payments GVMC Water Tax Payments

1. Civil Supplies Department Services

Request for New LPG Connections Ration Card Mutation Services Request for Name Corrections in Ration Card (Issuing of Digitally Signed Ration Card after approval) Ration Card Mutation Services Request for Date of Birth Corrections in Ration Card (Issuing of Digitally Signed Ration Card after approval) Ration Card Mutation Services Request for Address Change in Ration Card (Issuing of Digitally Signed Ration Card after approval) Ration Card Mutation Services Request for Duplicate Ration Card (Issuing of Digitally Signed Ration Card after approval)

1. Easy Recharge

All Mobile Easy Recharges (ALL OPERATORS) All DTH Recharges (ALL OPERATORS)

1. Insurance Premium Payments

ICICI Prudential Insurance Premium Payments LIC Insurance Premium Payments TATA-AIG Insurance Premium Collections SBI Life Insurance Premium Payments

1. Secunderabad Cantonment Board Services

Water Bill Payment Water Connection Application Water Tanker Booking Regularization of Un Authorized Water Connection Sanction of Building Plan Property Tax Bill Payment Trade Licence Collection Still Birth Certificate request Non Availability Certificate request (Birth & Death) Death Certificate request Birth Certificate request Septic Tanker Requisition Community Hall Booking

1. Hosting of Examination Hall tickets and Results All government examination e Hall tickets and results (ex. SSC, Intermediate, EAMCET, DSC, LP CET etc,) are hosted in APOnline. 10. IRCTC Railway Reservation tickets 11. Revenue Services for Rural Areas

Applying for Nakhals Mutation AD Survey Demarcation of Patta Lands by Surveyor in MRO Office Citizen Charter Services (12)

At present the above 4 services are available only Ranga Reddy district.

Caste Certificate requisitions Income Certificate requisition Nativity Certificate requisition Integrated Certificate

At present the above 4 services are available only in Chittoor District 12. Educational Services (Online Application Submissions for various entrance examinations


IIIT Admissions

13. Government Recruitment Payments (Seasonal)

APTRANSCO Recruitment Payments APCPDCL Recruitment Payments APSWREI (AP Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society) Recruitment Fee Payments APSRTC Recruitment Payments (launching shortly)

14. Government Challan Payments

Hyderabad Police Challan Payments Cyberabad Police Challan Payments APPSC Challan Payments Vijayawada Traffic eChallan Payments (Vijayawada Police)

15. Services to be launched soon

RTA Services MakeMyTrip Services (Flight, Bus & Tour Package Booking) APSRTC Services

Websites Hosted with APOnline: Sl.No Name of the Department 1 IT&C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 Andhra Pradesh Beverages corporation limited Andhra Pradesh Water Sector Improvement Project (APWSIP) Department of School Education Secunderabad Cantonment Board NREGA Small Savings Andhra Pradesh Council of Science & Technology (APCOST) Irrigation Department Website URL

NREGA Wage disbursement Portal for Postal Department AP Mineral Development Corporation Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh Commissioner & Directorate of Municipal Administration WWW.CDMA.GOV.IN (Designed by APOnline)


Software for Assessment of Disabled for Access Rehabilitation and Empowerment (SADAREM)

AP Initiatives in EServices

Citizen data base- Caste Certificates Registration of documents CARD Scholarship -SBMS Property Tax payment Birth and Death Certificates C2G Interface eOffice Transparency Driving License Vehicle Tax Payment eProcurement Tax Administration VAT, CDSC Government Orders on Internet Portal Transparency and Information services Registration Certificates Payment of taxes Automated System for Learner License Driving license by appointment Registration by appointment eSEVA One Stop Citizen Service 249 Centres spread over all municipal towns

-Utility Bill payments -Certificates -Renewals -Application filling -Passport application submission -Sale of Exam Applications like EAMCET -Prime Minister Award for 2006-07 for -Excellence in Administration ESeva Objectives of eSeva

One-stop-shop for citizen services Integration of G2C services through single window

Cost optimization for citizens & government agencies in the delivery of services Transparency in delivery of services Real time performance monitoring

eSeva salient features

23 Service centres with 200 counters in Hyderabad Implemented using the PPP model 35 G2C services Payment of electricity, water, telephone bills Payment of taxes Ticket Reservations Filing of Passport applications & IT Returns Registration of birth/death Payment by cash/cheque/credit card 3.7 million transactions since launch in August 2001 Peak transaction level has crossed 40,000 a day

Visit for more details APOnline The scope of AP Portal

Gateway to several web-sites Integrated view of the Government from the consumers view point Information Services Interactive services Citizen to Government Business to Government Government to Government e-Payment Services

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CURRENT AFFAIRS OCTOBER 2010 TOURISM IN INDIA India's Foreign Relations Rural Employment Schemes & Development

Posted by APPSC PORTAL at 10:48 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: APPSC GROUP-I

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to handle Indian Economy for Group-I Mains / Civils

Of all the components of Civil Services Mains General Studies syllabus, Indian Economy is the scariest and the most interesting. It is scary because there are too many interconnecting topics, and interesting; because it impinges on our everyday life. Adding to the challenge is the fact that apart from Macro Economics and Micro Economics there is UPSC Economics for which there is no clear guidance - in terms of material or the empirical and analytical content or the perspective. The next few paragraphs will try to sort out such problems and difficulties. Let's first see what is available. We have a clear cut syllabus as to what economics consists of and number of textbooks in economics written by Dutt & Sundaram, Mishra & Puri, Uma Kapila, I.C. Dhingra and also NCERT books to name a few. We need to start from the structure of underdeveloped economies and progress through Socio- economic Planning including the current 11th five year plan; go through agriculture, traditional macro economic topics like taxation, fiscal policy, banking, international trade, welfare economics etc. We should have compulsory reading of the Economic Survey though in parts. Understanding these topics is not always difficult. For example National Income and various methods to measure it, poverty, and unemployment and so on, leave us with a sense of familiarity even though such familiarity is very superficial and hardly more serious than gossip. These are serious concepts and the treatment required is in-depth and much thorough. Conceptual clarity and fundamentals carry the highest premium in Economics. A strong note of dynamism should drive aspirants' intellectual pursuit. What is presently unfolding in the Indian Economy is of utmost importance. If the right material is procured and sincere effort is made the concepts are within reach. Generally in the Mains, about 100 marks in Paper - II are from Indian Economy, Global Economics and Economic Theory. However, Mains 2009 GS Papers showed some changes. Now both paper I as well as Paper II have questions related to Indian or Global economy. For example in 2009 in Paper I question on Integrated Energy Policy, impact of global meltdown reflected in the Economic Survey 2008-09, and National Family Health Survey have economic touch. Similarly in Paper II questions like role of foreign investments in Indias economic growth, Indias financial liberalization policy in the context of global financial crisis, Indias stand on WTO Doha Round of negotiations and Indo-US Knowledge Initiative in Agriculture are pure economy. In the same way in 2008 in Paper - II there was a question on WTO "Discuss India's stand on agricultural issues in WTO's Ministerial Conferences since Doha Round (250 words)". Similarly in the year 2007, "What is Dumping? Evaluate the remedial measures taken by the Government of India, vis--vis, WTO provisions regarding dumping (250 words)". In the year 2006 there was a question about Globalization "Examine the effects of globalization on poverty removal in India (150 words)".

Economics questions extend the conventional into the current developments. For clear understanding, have a look at the following question about `planning is superior to markets in capital formation'. It takes a conventional textbook topic like capital formation and contextualizes it in the current debate of State Vs Market. Similarly the developmental Economics concerning poverty, unemployment etc. is seemingly conventional but the most recent perspectives are necessary to analyze this phenomenon. A thorough reading of the 11th five year plan document, Economic Survey and the annual reports of Union Ministry of Finance, among others for a clear perspective and clarity on the relevant themes is recommended. There are 15 questions in Economics section where candidates' capacity for precision and brevity is tested as each question carries two marks and relates to a host of current and text book themes ranging from what is NIFTY to Lorenz Curve to Green GDP to Minimum Alternative Tax to Indicative Planning to Twin Deficits etc. The range is vast and there lies the challenge. The aspirants are advised to take down notes from all important sources The Hindu, Economic Times and the various text books and websites. We recommend that only authentic sources be depended upon. You might also like: TOURISM IN INDIA CURRENT AFFAIRS OCTOBER 2010 General Overview of India - U.S. Relations List of Important Bills

Posted by APPSC PORTAL at 11:13 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: APPSC GROUP-I, PREPARATION STRATAGY

Group - I Mains / Civils Science & Technology Preparation

In the Past few years' Science and Technology has emerged as most important and crucial section of General Studies in Civil Services Main examination. It is wrongly perceived that it has certain degree of technical aspects and concepts that are difficult for large count of students particularly for those who are from non-science background. After analyzing the syllabus and trend of questions, many implicit aspects come to the light. The main aim of UPSC is to test candidates' awareness of the development in the field of Science and technology. It is not expected that one should present answers like an expert of Science or like a scientist. UPSC just seeks a general view on the concerned matter. In 2009 Mains Science & Technology questions constituted about 100 marks of Paper II. There were 3 questions of 15 marks, 4 questions of 10 marks and 5 questions of 3 marks.

However, Analysis of past year's questions revealed that candidates should give special emphasis on the following areas: Biotechnology: This is the most important heading under Science and Technology. One can find questions from this section every year. Questions are conceptual and carrying current developments/issues to be analyzed by the student. For example: nanotechnology, bioinformatics, use of biotechnology in health and medical science, use of biotech in agriculture and industry etc. Space Technology: In this area, questions are generally related to recent developments. This questioning pattern shows that it includes two major parts, one is India's space programme and related development and the other is important topics like different Organisations, recent advancements, INSAT Series, IRS Series, Launch Vehicle Technology (ASLV, PSLV, GSLV), Indian in space market etc. Defence Technology: Indian Missile Programme: IGMDP, Different Missiles - Akash, Trishul, Agni, Nag, Prithvi, New missile programme etc. Information Technology and Electronics: Computers: Artificial Intelligence, Fiber optics, Data networks, Liquid crystal display, Video conferencing, Internet, IPTV, WiMax etc. Health: National plans and policies, AIDS, Swine Flu, Medical research, Family welfare etc.

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