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Monday, April 14, 2014 International maritime news for seafarers

ITF hails proposed MLC measure on crew abandonment

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF has wel!omed the International "a#o$r %r&anisation's (I"% mo'e in enhan!in& a key maritime poli!y with the in!l$sion of new meas$res to address !rew a#andonment( At a )ene'a for$m attended #y *00 maritime representati'es on Monday, seafarers' $nions and shipowners proposed that the iss$e of a#andonment #e in!l$ded in the Maritime "a#o$r +on'ention (M"+ 200,( The proposal &ot -,-.0 'otes( /o one 'oted a&ainst the meas$re #$t there were 14* a#stentions( Another meas$re dis!$ssed was to ens$re that fla& states esta#lish a finan!ial se!$rity system to allow a#andoned seafarers re!ei'e o$tstandin& wa&es, as well as repatriation and other finan!ial assistan!e, $ntil they ret$rn home( 0arti!ipants at the for$m likewise 'oted on other key amendments to the M"+ 200, s$!h as settin& $p a me!hanism to ens$re shipowners' lia#ility on finan!ial se!$rity to #etter address !ontra!t$al !laims( The proposals ha'e already #een adopted and are set to #e presented at the I"%'s ne1t session for appro'al( ITF seafarer's se!tion !hairman 2a'e 3eindel e1pressed deli&ht o'er the for$m's res$lts, sayin& that the proposals dis!$ssed were fa'o$ra#le to resol'in& one of the key iss$es the maritime ind$stry is fa!in& today( Meanwhile, ITF president 0addy +r$mlin, who also attended the for$m, des!ri#ed the de'elopment as a 4t$rnin& point4 for the M"+, notin& that it si&nifies the international !omm$nity's !ommitment in $pholdin& seafarers' welfare( 4A#andonment is a parti!$larly dark stain on the ind$stry and the new amendments are real and !on!rete relief for seafarers fa!in& that dire predi!ament,4 he added(



A ferry stalled on open sea after a system fail$re !a$sed #y a sheared dis!har&e pipe( FACTS A ferry was sailin& thro$&h the ni&ht when the d$ty en&ineer noti!ed an alarm indi!atin& low !ompressed air press$re( 3e went to in'esti&ate and fo$nd that #oth main air !ompressors were r$nnin&, #$t the air re!ei'ers were empty( The dis!har&e pipe from one of the !ompressors had sheared, and #e!a$se of the way the system was desi&ned he !o$ld not isolate the leak( The d$ty en&ineer tried to make a repair, #$t had to stop after *0 min$tes to respond to a hi&h water temperat$re alarm on the main en&ines( The d$ty en&ineer !alled for help and the !hief en&ineer and first en&ineer !ame down immediately( 5nfort$nately, #y this time the air had &one from the !ontrol system and #oth main en&ines stopped( The shaft &enerators !ame off load as the shafts stopped, and there was no air left to start the main &enerators( The emer&en!y &enerator started, #$t didnot r$n for lon& #e!a$se its 'entilation openin&s were left sh$t, !a$sin& it to o'erheat( Fort$nately the ferry was in open sea and in no immediate dan&er( /e'ertheless, the owners !alled a t$& to stand #y while repairs were !arried o$t( 2$rin& the time the en&ineers took to repair the air system, the f$el for the main en&ines had &one !old( +onse6$ently, the passen&ers spent nearly 2 ho$rs in the dark #efore the en&ineers &ot the main &enerators started( The ferry finally &ot $nderway a&ain 7 ho$rs after the d$ty en&ineer first noti!ed the low press$re alarm( LESSONS 8Ask for help promptly( When ma!hinery #reaks down, the first priority m$st #e to pre'ent the sit$ation from &ettin& worse( This !an #e 'ery hard to do if yo$ are on yo$r own, parti!$larly if yo$ then &et in'ol'ed in repairs( 8It is essential to $nderstand how the ma!hinery systems depend on one another and then think ahead to pre'ent dama&e and make re!o'ery easier( In this !ase, loss of startin& air also led to loss of the main en&ine !ontrol system, a hi&h temperat$re alarm and the en&ines sh$ttin& down( This mi&ht ha'e #een a'oided if the link had #een appre!iated early on( 8More ad'an!ed systems may !ost e1tra, #$t a few additional 'al'es to isolate systems or #ypass leaks !an #e worth !onsidera#ly more d$rin& an emer&en!y( 8Take time to !he!k that emer&en!y &enerators and fire p$mps are &oin& to r$n properly( 9o$ ne'er know when yo$ mi&ht need them( :o$r!e; 5< MAI=

"#$C chie%& hippin' tra%%ic to increase this (ear

A#$ 2ha#i 0orts +ompany (A20+ Mohamed >$ma Al :hamisi said that shippin& traffi! will likely &o $p at the end of the year( 3e said ma?or infrastr$!t$re pro?e!ts in the 5A@ will !ontin$e to roll o$t #y year's end, leadin& to hi&her shippin& traffi! in 2014( At <halifa 0ort, the A20+ !hief e1pe!ts !ontainer traffi! to rea!h $p to 1(1 million twenty foot e6$i'alent $nits for the year( The fi&$re is $p 22A !ompared to 201* data( 4It is &oin& to #e a #i& ?$mp #$t all the &i'ens that we ha'e at the moment are pointin& towards it,4 Al :hamisi said( 4We e1pe!t a #i& rise in the last 6$arter of this year in &eneral and pro?e!t !ar&o, #e!a$se most of the 'ital pro?e!ts in the @mirate of A#$ 2ha#i will #e in the mat$rin& sta&e( We e1pe!t from :eptem#er and into ne1t year there will #e a spike(4 <halifa 0ort has #een a wel!ome addition to the !o$ntry as the Bayed 0ort had already rea!hed f$ll !apa!ity( Aside from <halifa 0ort, 2$#ai's >e#el Ali port is also a rapidly &rowin& fa!ility that is e1pe!ted to #oost shippin& traffi! in the !o$ntry(

$) elected *ice+chair o% ILO committee on maritime labour

The 0hilippines has #een ele!ted 'i!eC!hair of the :pe!ial Tripartite +ommittee of the Maritime "a#o$r +on'ention, 200,, in )ene'a( The :pe!ial Tripartite +ommittee, esta#lished #y the )o'ernin& =ody of the International "a#o$r %r&anisation in a!!ordan!e with Arti!le DIII of the Maritime "a#o$r +on'ention, 200, (M"+, 200, , held its first meetin& at the I"% in )ene'a from E to 11 April 2014( 0hilippine %'erseas @mployment Administration +hief 3ans "eo >( +a!da! led the 0hilippine dele&ation to the meetin&( In a report to "a#o$r and @mployment :e!retary Fosalinda 2imapilisC=aldoG, Administrator +a!da! said the :pe!ial Tripartite +ommittee is !omposed of Mem#ers with 4spe!ial !ompeten!e in the area of maritime la#o$r standards4, and its mandate is to keep the workin& of the M"+, 200, $nder !ontin$o$s re'iew( 4This is in a!!ordan!e with Arti!le DIII of the M"+, 200, and is refle!ted in the :tandin& %rders adopted #y the I"% )o'ernin& =ody( The 0hilippines, as 'i!e !hairman, will ser'e for a period of

three years( %$r role as 'i!eC!hair is to attend offi!ers' meetin&s and h$ddles d$rin& the sessions, in order to sort o$t iss$es and !on!erns in the !o$rse of the meetin&s,4 +a!da! said( +anada was ele!ted as +hair and 2enmark as +hair of )o'ernment )ro$p, a!!ordin& to +a!da!( 3e added that the +ommittee has an important role $nder Arti!le DH of the +on'ention with respe!t to !onsideration of amendments to the +ode of the M"+, 200,(

INCIDENTS Robotic submarine deplo(ed in search %or plane

:ear!h !rews sent a ro#oti! s$#marine deep into the Indian %!ean for the first time Monday after failin& to pi!k $p any si&nals from the missin& Malaysian airliner's #la!k #o1es for si1 days, the leader of the sear!h effort said( Meanwhile, offi!ials were in'esti&atin& an oil sli!k not far from the area where the last $nderwater so$nds were dete!ted, said An&$s 3o$ston, the head of a ?oint a&en!y !oordinatin& the sear!h off A$stralia's west !oast, The Asso!iated 0ress reported( +rews ha'e !olle!ted a sample of the oil and are sendin& it #a!k to A$stralia for analysis, a pro!ess that will take se'eral days( The oil does not appear to #e from any of the ships in the area, #$t 3o$ston !a$tioned a&ainst ?$mpin& to !on!l$sions a#o$t its so$r!e( The $nmanned $nderwater 'ehi!le, the =l$efin 21, was la$n!hed Monday e'enin& from the A$stralian na'y ship %!ean :hield, the ?oint a&en!y said( The a$tonomo$s s$# !an !reate a threeCdimensional sonar map of any de#ris on the seafloor( The mo'e !omes after !rews pi!ked $p a series of $nderwater so$nds o'er the past two weeks that were !onsistent with si&nals from an air!raft's #la!k #o1es, whi!h !ontain fli&ht data and !o!kpit 'oi!e re!ordin&s( The de'i!es emit 4pin&s4 so they !an #e more easily fo$nd, #$t their #atteries last only a#o$t a month, and it has #een more than a month sin!e the plane 'anished( 4Today is day *- of the sear!h,4 3o$ston told a news !onferen!e( 4We ha'en't had a sin&le dete!tion in si1 days, so I &$ess it's time to &o $nder water(4

Famil( sa*ed at sea as,s critics to hold -ud'ement

A family lifted from a disa#led sail#oat h$ndreds of miles off the Me1i!an !oast with their si!k oneC yearCold thanked res!$ers and defended their 4maritime life4 in their first p$#li! !omments sin!e ret$rnin& to land, The Asso!iated 0ress reported( @ri! and +harlotte <a$fman said in a #lo& postin& that their !hildren ha'e #een sailin& on #oats for a lon& time and that the 4modern !r$isin& family4 dates #a!k se'eral de!ades(

The <a$fmans were on a ro$ndCtheCworld !r$ise with their threeC and oneCyearCold da$&hters when the 'omitin&, fe'erish yo$n&er &irl for!ed them to !all for help( The !o$ple asked !riti!s to reser'e ?$d&ement and wait for more details( Witho$t ela#oratin&, they said there were many ina!!$ra!ies reported in the news media a#o$t their da$&hter's health, their 'essel's !ondition and the 4o'erall maritime sit$ation(4

DEVELOPMENT .an'ladesh/ IMO a'ree to impro*e ship rec(clin' process

=an&ladesh's shipCre!y!lin& ind$stry is e1pe!ted to &et a #oost with an a&reement si&ned #y lo!al offi!ials with the International Maritime %r&anisation (IM% ( The two sides ha'e si&ned a Memorand$m of 5nderstandin& (M%5 to pa'e the way for !oC operation in impro'in& the safety and en'ironmental standards in the !o$ntry's shipCre!y!lin& operations( Waste mana&ement and #etter e!onomi! and en'ironmental de'elopment are some of the areas to #e !o'ered #y the M%5( Ashad$l Islam, Additional :e!retary of =an&ladesh's @!onomi! Felations 2i'ision at the Ministry of Finan!e, and IM% Te!hni!al +oCoperation 2i'ision 2ire!tor /i!olaos +haralam#o$s si&ned the M%5(

PORTS ea%arers0 Wel%are "wards reco'nises $ort o% "ntwerp

The :eafarers' Welfare Awards has &i'en the 0ort of Antwerp the 40ort of the 9ear4 re!o&nition for the se!ond time( %r&anisers said that the award was &i'en to the port for its daily efforts to !are for the welfare of 'isitin& seafarers( The ?$ry praised the port's ser'i!es like free sh$ttle #$s and freeCport wide wiCfi( Antwerp 0ort A$thority +hief %perations %ffi!er +hristiaan 2e =lo!k a!!epted the award at the International "a#o$r %r&anisation in )ene'a, sayin& that the they will !ontin$e to make the port a 4home port for e'eryone(4

The awards e'ent was or&anised #y the International :eafarers' Welfare and Assistan!e /etwork(

PORT OF THE WEEK $ort o% "l'eciras .a(

+onsidered as amon& the #$siest ports in the world, the 0ort of Al&e!iras =ay is lo!ated in +IdiG in the a$tonomo$s !omm$nity of Andal$sia, :pain( The m$ni!ipalities of :an Fo6$e and "os =arrios alon& with the town of Al&e!iras and "a "inea de la +on!ep!iJn ha'e fa!ilities at the #ay( @ssentially, the 0ort of Al&e!iras =ay ser'es as a !ommer!ial, fishin& and passen&er port( The A$toridad 0ort$aria de la =ahKa de Al&e!iras (A0=A is in !har&e of the fa!ility( Aside from 0ort of Al&e!iras =ay, the A0=A also handles the ports of "a "inea de la +on!ep!iJn and Tarifa,( =$nker f$el handlin&, !r$ise shippin&, rollConLrollCoff and fa!ilities for a fishin& fleet are amon& the operations #ein& handled at the port, whi!h prides itself of ha'in& an e1!eptional &eoCstrate&i! point( The 0ort of Al&e!iras =ay is sit$ated on the !rossroads of the world's main !ar&o shippin& lanes C ?oinin& /orth @$rope, West Afri!a, Ameri!a and Asia #y sea( The port also feat$res a 4h$#4 platform in the West Mediterranean that is #ein& $sed for its !ontainer transhipment operations( The port had a #$sy 201* as shown #y the latest fi&$res( Thro$&hp$t #rea!hed the .0Cmillion tonnes #arrier for the first time, with li6$id #$lks ret$rnin& more than 24 million tonnes and &eneral !ar&o ret$rnin& 7.(* million tonnes( A0=ACmana&ed passen&er terminals also posted si&nifi!ant in!reases the past year, ser'in& 7(1E million passen&ers in 201*, a E(-A in!rease !ompared to the pre'io$s year( A0=A terminals likewise ser'ed 1(1- million 'ehi!les last year, a *(-A in!rease from 2012 fi&$res( =ased on 2012 data, the 0ort of Al&e!iras ranked *4th on the list of the world's #$siest !ontainer ports #ased on twentyCfoot e6$i'alent $nits (T@5s transported with a total of 4(0E million T@5s(

."LTIC !1C)"N2!
Market snapshot: (April 11) Dry Index BDI 1002 Capesize Index BCI 17 ! #ana$ax Index B#I 7 2 &'pra$ax Index B&I !27 (andysize Index B(&I %%" -27 -7" -% -! -"

!1C)"N2! R"T!
)e* +ork (,ri Cls) ,-n C'rren.y in /&D Britain (#o'nd) 10"71% Canada (Dollar) 00!121 China (+'an) 001"10 2'ro 103 7 India (4'pee) 0001"" Indonesia (4'piah) 000000 5apan (+en) 0000! 1" )or*ay (6rone) 001" 3 #hilippines (#eso) 00022% #oland (7loty) 003321 4'ssia (4'8le) 0002 1 &in-apore (Dollar) 00 00 /kraine ((ry9nia) 0007!% /&D in ,-n C'rren.y 00%!72 100!"1 "0211% 007201 "002000 1111%000 1010%700 %0!11 1101100 300100 3%0"1%0 1021 120%711

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