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Tuesday, April 15, 2014 International maritime news for seafarers

Demand for more vessels up in Middle East

More Middle East shipping companies are placing orders for new uilds this year, an indication that the industry is looming in the region! "nline e#aluation and mapping ser#ice $essels$alue!com said %& #essel orders worth '()5!4 illion are coming from the Middle East, some of which in#ol#ing #essels with more eco*friendly designs that costs as much as '()1+0 million each! "f the said amount for new uild orders, 'nited Ara (hipping ,o accounted for '()2!- illion! The company, according to $essels$alue!com, is more interested in ac.uiring 'ltra /arge ,ontainer $essels! 0lacing second with the largest amount placed for new orders is "man (hipping ,o with '()5&+ million for 11 ships, most of which are medium*range chemical product tan1ers! "ther Middle East firms with nota le orders were Iran2s (hipping /ines, 3atar2s 4a1ilat and )u ai2s Tristar Transport! 5The Middle East is responsi le for '()5!4* illion worth of new uilds! The current new uild order oo1 for the whole of the shipping industry pea1s in 2014, with '()+&!% illion worth of #essels to e deli#ered this year,5 $essels$alue!com chief e6ecuti#e officer 7ichard 7i#il said! 58owe#er, the Middle East can e6pect #essels to e deli#ered consistently o#er the ne6t three years, showing continued growth when compared to larger maritime centres such as 9reece,5 he added! Among the in demand #essels in the Middle East are ul1ers, M7 tan1ers and large 4/9 carries!


MEPC adopts MARPOL amendments

The IM"2s Marine En#ironment 0rotection ,ommittee :ME0,; at its ++th session in /ondon has adopted amendments to regulation 1- of MA70"/ Anne6 $I on 4itrogen "6ides :4"<;, concerning the date for implementing 2Tier III2 standards within emission control areas :E,As;! The amendments pro#ide for the Tier III 4"6 standards to e applied to a marine diesel engine that is installed on a ship constructed on or after =anuary 1, 201+ and which operates in the 4orth American Emission ,ontrol Area or the '( ,ari ean (ea Emission ,ontrol Area that are designated for the control of 4"6 emissions! The Tier III re.uirements do not apply to a marine diesel engine installed on a ship constructed prior to =anuary 1, 2021 of less than 500 gross tonnage, of 24m or o#er in length, which has een specifically designed and is used solely for recreational purposes! The amendments are e6pected to enter into force on (eptem er 1, 2015! 4"< control re.uirements apply to installed marine diesel engines of o#er 1-01> output power, and different le#els :Tiers; of control apply ased on the ship construction date! "utside emission control areas designated for 4"6 control, 2Tier II2 controls, re.uired for marine diesel engines installed on ships constructed on or after =anuary 1, 2011, apply! (ource? IM"

Experts warn Mozambique situation could lead to pirac

A professor at the A.uino de @raganca ,entre for (ocial (tudies in Maputo, MoAam i.ue, has warned that the thri#ing oil and gas industry in the country could attract pirates to the area! 0rofessor =oao 0aulo ,oelho, along with 7ear*Admiral 7o ert 57usty5 8iggs, who spo1e at the recent maritime security seminar in 0retoria, said the region must put up safeguards against pirates who may target MoAam i.ue! They e6plained that the constant influ6 of refugees from (omalia and human traffic1ing from Eastern and ,entral Africa could e#ol#e and ecome a thri#ing situation for pirates to ta1e ad#antage of! ,oelho added that po#erty and food insecurity were also going up, which may e used y pirates to lure people into their illegal acti#ities! They called on the authorities to address the situation and pre#ent it from escalating further!

Mini!sub to dive a"ain after abortin" first #et searc$

A mini*su hunting missing Blight M8-&0 was set to sweep the Indian "cean sea ed again Tuesday after cutting short its first mission, as Malaysia #owed to re#eal any 2 lac1 o62 data found, AB0 reported! The unmanned su marine e.uipped with sonar gear was deployed Monday night from the Australian ship "cean (hield, which has spearheaded the hunt for the @oeing &&& that #anished on March % with 2-C people a oard! @ut the di#e y the @luefin*21 detected nothing of interest efore it automatically a orted the mission after reaching its ma6imum operating depth, the '( 4a#y said in a statement! The Australian agency coordinating the search said the @luefin*21 5e6ceeded its operating depth limit of 4,500 metres :15,000 feet; and its uilt*in safety feature returned it to the surface5! The unmanned Autonomous 'nderwater $ehicle was undamaged and set for a second sonar sweep during the day, weather permitting, officials said! '( 4a#y ,aptain Mar1 Matthews said the #ehicle had e6ceeded programmed operational limits and automatically resurfaced!

%M& warns of new c$arter fraud tactics

The I,, International Maritime @ureau :IM@; has warned of new charter party fraud incidents and is ad#ising that all counterparties e in#estigated efore deals are carried out! The organisation issued the warning following a case where a #oyage charterer recei#ed payment for freight ut failed to pass this on to the ship owner, who su se.uently refused to deli#er the cargo to the discharge port! The incident in#ol#ed a #oyage charter for a high #alue proDect cargo loaded on oard a #essel in the @lac1 (ea ound for a (outh East Asian port, according to the IM@ we site! It reported that freight in full was paid to the charterer, a company allegedly operating from the 4etherlands, ut the charterer failed in turn to pay the ship owner! The IM@ said the charterer and their ro1er can no longer e contacted and the ship owner is refusing to proceed any further until the money for the freight is recei#ed!

The ship owner said the ill of lading was released y the local port agents following an email purportedly from the ship owner! 5The cargo owner now has no realistic chance of ta1ing deli#ery of the shipment,5 the statement said! A chec1 y IM@ re#ealed that there was no trading record of the charterer and that a long chain of ro1ers and intermediaries were in#ol#ed in the transaction! In the meantime, the charterer managed to con#ince the ship owner that the freight money was forthcoming and to egin the #oyage! They did this y sending a document that apparently confirmed the freight had een remitted y the charterer! 8owe#er, no money arri#ed after a few days and the owner contacted the ,ypriot an1 that supposedly issued the documents to chec1 its wherea outs! The owner was told no such remittance had een made and the an1 later confirmed the document was a fa1e!

%cebrea'er concludes C$ina(s )*t$ Antarctic expedition

,hinese research #essel and ice rea1er <uelong :(now )ragon; doc1ed in (hanghai on Tuesday, wrapping up the country2s -0th scientific e6pedition to Antarctica, <inhua reported! The 25& crew mem ers fulfilled -0 scientific assignments and 15 other supply missions during the 1+0*day #oyage, co#ering -2,000 nautical miles in total, according to /iu (hunlin, chief scientist and leader of the team! )uring this e6pedition, the team set up the Taishan (tation as ,hina2s fourth such Antarctic supply and research ase! At an altitude of 2,+00 meters, Taishan is located etween ,hina2s Ehongshan and Funlun stations! The team also chose a site for another new station! >hile conducting its scientific in#estigation, <uelong reached &5!20 degrees south latitude, the furthest south that a ,hinese #essel has e#er een!

INCIDENTS +reenpeace pressures s$ip to s'ip Durban Port

9reenpeace and its supporters ha#e forced a ship to turn ac1! The ship was supposed to enter the (outh African port of )ur an in order to resupply efore heading for =apan! 8owe#er, (outh Africans #oiced their support of 9reenpeace and pressured

the authorities not to allow the entry of the ship, which was carrying 2,000 tons of fin whale meat from Iceland! 5>hale meat * Dust li1e rhino horn * is illegal in (outh Africa,5 said 9reenpeace Africa E6ecuti#e )irector Michael "2@rien "nye1a in e6plaining their action! 5The #essel has left (outh African waters without the possi ility to refuel,5 he added!

PORTS P, town prepares seaport for APEC summit

A town in @ataan, 0hilippines is rushing the construction of a seaport and coast way in time for the Asia*0acific Economic ,ooperation :A0E,; summit set in 2015, 04A reported! @agac Mayor 7amil del 7osario said the seaport and coast way are eing rushed at the /as ,asas Bilipinas de AcuAar where world leaders from 1C countries will con#ene! /as ,asas is a world*class resort with hotel and heritage houses coming from #arious regions in the country! 5The port has to e finished =une this year or stood to e washed out during the rainy season,5 del 7osario said! A portion of the national road from @alanga ,ity to the site of the A0E, also needs widening to ser#e as i1e lanes, the mayor added! @agac is famous for its sandy eaches along the >est 0hilippine (ea!

AWARDS -., film v in" for maritime safet plum

A film produced y F$8 Media 9roup is among the finalists #ying for the 5(afety at (ea5 recognition in this year2s (eatrade Awards! Titled 5The 8uman Element,5 the film focuses on how to encourage seafarers and shore* ased marine staff to enhance their decision*ma1ing s1ills while at sea! Industry analysts say human misDudgement often causes maritime*related mishaps, that is why the film stresses the need to enhance this category in upholding safety standards on oard #essels!

5>e hope this film will encourage e#eryone in the industry, from the engine room to the oardroom, to ta1e a loo1 at how they and their colleagues eha#e and thin1,5 said F$8 maritime training producer ,hris Goung! "ur aim is to encourage etter understanding and teamwor1, regardless of your position in the maritime world! @eing shortlisted for this prestigious award is a testament to those who wor1ed so hard to turn this difficult o Decti#e into such a successful reality,5 he added!

MARITIME INSTITUTIONS Caribbean Maritime %nstitute

The ,ari 1C%0! ean Maritime Institute has gone a long way from when it was first esta lished in Then 1nown as the =amaica Maritime Training Institute, the academy has grown to ecome accredited for its Maritime Education and Training programmes in 4autical and Marine Engineering (tudies! =amaica2s inclusion on the International Maritime "rganisation2s 5>hite /ist5 made this possi le! The ,ari ean Maritime Institute has close ties with the 'ni#ersity of the >est Indies and the 'ni#ersity of Technology, =amaica! The 'ni#ersity ,ouncil of =amaica also recognises the maritime institute as a tertiary institution! The ,ari ean Maritime Institute, which started out with only -0 students when it was esta lished -4 years ago, offers courses in the following? /ogistics and (upply ,hain Management, 0ort Management, International (hipping, ,ruise (hipping and Marine Tourism, (ecurity Administration and Management and Industrial (ystems! In fi#e years since it started, o#er 400 people in terminal and ship agency operations and port security ha#e already een trained in the institute! The courses are compliant with the International Maritime "rganisation2s ,on#ention on (tandards of Training, ,ertification and >atch1eeping for (eafarers 1CC5! Technical and #ocational programmes are certified y the 4ational ,ouncil on Technical and $ocational Education and Training! The 'ni#ersity ,ouncil of =amaica is in charge of accrediting academic programmes at the institute! The 'nited 4ations ,onference on Trade and )e#elopment tapped the institute for the national T7AI4MA7 ,entre way ac1 in 1CC0, one of the school2s 1ey achie#ements!

&AL/%C E0C,A1+E
Market snapshot: (April 11) Dry Index BDI 1002 Capesize Index BCI 17 ! #ana$ax Index B#I 7 2 &'pra$ax Index B&I !27 (andysize Index B(&I %%" -27 -7" -% -! -"

E0C,A1+E RA/E2
)e* +ork (Mon Cls) ,-n C'rren.y in /&D Britain (#o'nd) 10"727 Canada (Dollar) 00!121 China (+'an) 001"0 2'ro 103 23 India (4'pee) 0001"" Indonesia (4'piah) 000000 7 5apan (+en) 0000! 32 )or*ay (6rone) 001"7" #hilippines (#eso) 00022% #oland (7loty) 003307 4'ssia (4'8le) 00027 &in-apore (Dollar) 007! 1 /kraine ((ry9nia) 0007"! /&D in ,-n C'rren.y 00%!7 100!"1 "021!0 007231 "002000 111 %000 10107100 %0!"72 1101"00 300200 3%0! 30 102%2! 13000%0

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