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10 Bodypart Training Series: How To Pack On Slabs Of Muscle To Your Chest!


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A 10 part muscle building super series. Part 8 focuses on building the chest, and includes chest anatomy, exercises and workouts for every need.
Editor's note: Find all 10 articles in this series on the 10 Body Part Training Series Main Page (/articles/series/10-bodypart-training-series-main-page.html). The chest (/exercises/chest.html). It is, in many ways, what defines a man. A big barrel-like chest complete with muscularity, mass and balance exudes power, control and mastery over oneself. Most of us growing up as little boys looked up to our dads - they were bigger, stronger and taller than us. We were always impressed with their abilities to lift, pull, carry and push. Did we not look up to them with awe and inspiration? Did we not want to one day be like them? The pectoral muscles are visually the hallmark of strength on the human body. They signify power and dominance in ones own personal space and beyond. Most men have at one point or another pursued a stronger and more massive chest (/exercises/chest.html) in his lifetime whether they were the recreational lifter or competitive bodybuilder (/natural). Although many trainers spend countless hours on the bench press and pec deck machine, fewer and fewer actually build impressive muscularity in that area - instead they build monumental egos. They spend entire training sessions, sometimes lasting hours, and performing set after set of every movement known to man with little or nothing to show for it. Sure, they may become a little stronger and may gain a little muscle tissue along the way, but wouldnt it be nice to work with a program that is both efficient and effective and produces respectable gains? Hopefully this article will shed a little light on the infamously elusive greater pectoral development. This is not necessarily a strength program (although you will reap strength gains), but is a pectoral development program designed to increase muscle mass, development and balance from top to bottom, inside and out. To have a strong, well-rounded chest (/exercises/chest.html) can put the finishing touches on a physique whether it is for the beach or the stage.


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Quick Anatomy Lesson

The musculature of the chest (/exercises/chest.html) is comprised of three two muscle groups. Lets take a look at each and there functions.

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Pectoralis Major
Located on the front of the ribcage, this fanlike muscle originates on the breastbone on the center of the chest and attaches to the humerus near the shoulder joint. The Pectoralis Majors main function is to bring the humerus across the chest.

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Pectoralis Minor
Located underneath the Pectoralis Major, this muscle originates on the middle ribs and attaches to the caracoid process of the scapula. The Pectoralis Minors main function is to shrug the shoulder area forward. Although the chest (/exercises/chest.html) area is comprised of these two muscle groups, many exercises will influence different areas of the Pectoralis Major. Incline, flat and decline presses and fly movements will all affect this area in certain ways that can dictate development in one area over another. Additionally, the Pectoralis Minor, sometimes activated through stabilization purposes, can also be targeted for specific development.

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Chest Slab Action!

Now that you know a little about anatomy and function, lets delve into what makes an outstanding chest (/exercises/chest.html). The movements and routines presented are designed to get the most out of each trip to the gym. Remember to always use good form and not to use too much weight to compromise your safety. Flat bench press (/exercises/barbell-bench-press.html), incline and decline bench barbell (/exercises/declinebench-press.html), dumbbell and Smith machine presses (/exercises/smith-machine-bench-press.html): These groups of movements normally make up the majority of trainers programs. The flat bench movements emphasize the middle and lower portions of the pectoralis major, the incline working mainly the upper and to a lesser extent the middle portion and the decline angle developing the lower pec area. These can all be performed with a barbell, dumbbell or Smith machine each having their own advantages. Barbells (/exercises/equip/barbell.html) are normally utilized for maximum loads and overall mass and development. They are good to use at the beginning of a routine so that the trainer can lift heavy amounts of weight early on in their program. Dumbbells have the advantage of being used in a unilateral manner to which the trainer can not only even out imbalances from one side to the other, but also allows the pecs to work interdependently so that a trainer can bring the dumbbells together at the top of the movement for a strong contraction. A Smith machine is best utilized near the middle or end of a routine when the joints have been fatigued and proper balance and form become an issue. For barbell work, simply grasp the bar a few inches outside of your shoulder width (the best placement is a grip that positions the forearms perpendicular to the floor when the bar is lowered to the chest). Lower the bar to the upper chest for the incline version, mid to lower pec for the flat version and the lower pec line for the decline position. Without bouncing the bar, press the weight straight back up without locking the elbows. For dumbbell work, execute the movement the same way but lower the dumbbells (/exercises/equip/dumbbells.html) to the sides of your chest and then simultaneously press them back up and slightly toward the center without clanging the weights together. Be sure not to lock the elbows to keep constant tension on the muscles. Quick hit: An often forgotten and seldom used pec-builder is the reverse grip bench press (/exercises/reverse-grip-bench-press.html). Mainly utilized on the flat bench, the reverse grip press can also be performed on a Smith machine (recommended). Grasp the bar with a reverse grip either at shoulder
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width or a little wider and have your training partner assist you with un-racking the weight. Lower the bar to your lower pec area and press back up in a controlled manner. Note: The reverse grip bench press is a great upper pec builder. Flat bench flyes (/exercises/dumbbell-flys.html), incline and decline dumbbell and cable flyes (/exercises/flatbench-cable-flys.html): These movements will carve detail and fill out key areas of the pectoralis major such as the inside (with cables) and outside (with dumbbells) of the muscle. Simply lie on a flat (for middle pecs), incline (for upper) or decline (for lower) with the dumbbells or cable D handles in your hands and your palms facing each other. For the cable version you will be using the universal cable machine and the pulleys in the lowest position. Expand out your hands as if you were about to give someone a giant hug. Your elbows should be slightly bent to relieve tension from your joints. Lower the dumbbells or D rings to about chest level (or a comfortable position) and then reverse the movement in the same hugging motion. Quick hit: This is where the two pieces of equipment differ. While using dumbbells, do not touch the weight together at the top. Bring them together until they are about six to eight inches apart this will keep tension on the pecs. For the cable flyes, bring the handles together for an intense contraction and squeeze. Hammer Strength bench press (/exercises/hammer-strength-bench-press.html) and machine presses (/exercises/smith-machine-bench-press.html) (flat, incline and decline): Most gyms have some version of the machine press. Just be sure to adhere to the guidelines as with presses described above no lockout, slow on the way down and squeeze on the way up. Machine pec deck (/exercises/pec-dec.html): Another favorite of gym goers is the pec deck machine. These are usually found with the pads for the forearms or with the long straight-arm handles (Icarian version for example). The most important point to remember when performing these movements (which is similar to the flye motions discussed above) is to keep your shoulders back and expand the chest out at all times. This will ensure the pecs take more of the stress while protecting the shoulders. Be sure to squeeze for a second or two to increase muscle involvement and contraction. Cable crossovers (/exercises/cable-crossovers.html) (high, mid and low): To get that deep inner chest development and an overall complete look to the chest, nothing beats cable crossovers. These can be performed in a variety of ways dependent upon what the goal is. For the traditional high pulley cable crossover grasp two D handles from cables that are set above your head and stand between the two cable towers. You will start with a slight bend at the elbow to relieve pressure from the joint. Step forward a foot or two and begin with your arms wide open. Bring your arms forward and down in a huge arc as if hugging someone with your hands coming together at about beltline level. Slowly return to the starting position by raising your arms in the same arc motion. This particular motion works mainly the lower and inner pec area. Cable crossovers performed with the cables (/exercises/equip/cables.html) set at or around shoulder level will develop mainly the middle and inner pec area. Execute the motion the same way as described above; however, you will bring the handles directly in front of your chest instead. Squeeze and then stretch straight back. With the pulleys set to the lowest position (closest to the floor), the low pulley cable crossover will help develop the upper and inner pec region. Again, start wide and this time low with the handles and arc them up until they are in line with your upper pecs or even your chin for an intense upper pec contraction. Incline, floor and decline push-ups (/exercises/push-up.html): Not just for boot camp anymore, this old favorite has made a comeback lately, especially amongst functional and group trainers. The push-up for most trainers seeking a better pec landscape can normally be reserved for the end of a chest routine to push just a little more blood into that area. Variation include: incline for lower pecs (hands on a raise bench and feet on the floor), decline for upper pecs (hands on the ground and feet on a raised bench) and floor push-ups for overall pec torture! Quick hit: For even greater chest annihilation try performing a set or two of 3-way push-ups as your last exercise. Start with decline, then move to flat and finally incline with no rest between sets that is one set! Parallel dips (/exercises/chest-dip.html) for chest (/exercises/chest.html): Also used for triceps mass, the dip can easily be turned into a major chest builder. Step inside a dip apparatus and grasp the parallel bars about shoulder width apart. As you lower your body, lean forward and let your elbows flare out. You should feel a stretch in your pecs on the decent. While staying leaned forward, press back up focusing on the chest contracting. Weight can be added in the form of a dumbbell placed between your ankles by a training partner or by a weight belt with a chain to hold plates. Note: before adding weight, master the form first with just your bodyweight.

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Dumbbell and barbell pullovers (/exercises/barbell-pullover.html): Another great chest expander focusing on the pectoralis minor and overall depth is the pullover. Although many trainers utilize this movement for isolating the back, it is also extremely effective for finishing off the entire pec region. For dumbbell pullovers lay perpendicularly across a flat bench grasping the inside face of a dumbbell of moderate weight. Start with the weight directly overhead and keep a slight bend in the elbows. Lower the weight back over your head in an arc toward the floor in a very controlled manner. As you lower the weight, take in a deep breath and stretch the chest. Stretch only where you are comfortable and then reverse the motion while blowing out. Remember: deep breaths will help contract the pecs. For the barbell version lie back length-wise on a flat bench and grasp a barbell slightly wider than shoulder width with a reverse grip. With the barbell on your chest (much like the bottom portion of a reverse-grip bench press) keep a 90 degree angle at the elbows. Rotate the weight up and over your head in an arc toward the floor. Feel a deep stretch and then reverse the motion to rotate the barbell back toward your torso. Remember to keep the correct angle at the elbows and breath in deeply on the decent.

Chest Slab Schedules

Note: Perform 2 sets of 10-15 on the first movement for a warm-up with light to moderate weight.

Overall Pec Builder

Incline bench barbell press (/exercises/incline-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-10 Flat bench dumbbell press (/exercises/dumbbell-bench-press.html) 3 x 8-12 Decline bench dumbbell flye (/exercises/decline-dumbbell-flys.html) 3 x 8-12 Mid-level cable crossover (/exercises/cable-crossovers-%28mid-chest%29.html) 3 x 10-15

Upper Chest Emphasis

Incline bench dumbbell press (/exercises/incline-dumbbell-bench-press.html) 3 x 8-12 Incline Hammer Strength (/exercises/hammer-strength-bench-press.html) or machine press 3 x 8-12 Flat bench dumbbell press (/exercises/dumbbell-bench-press.html) 3 x 8-12 Low-level cable crossover (/exercises/cable-crossovers-bent-over.html) 3 x 10-15

Lower Chest Emphasis

Decline bench barbell press (/exercises/decline-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-10 Hammer Strength (/exercises/hammer-strength-bench-press.html) or machine bench press (/exercises/smith-machine-bench-press.html) 3 x 8-12 High-level cable crossover (/exercises/cable-crossovers-%28upper-chest%29.html) 3 x 10-15 Parallel dip (/exercises/chest-dip.html) 3 x 10-15 or muscular failure

Big Wide Pecs Width Emphasis

Flat bench barbell press (/exercises/barbell-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-10 Incline bench barbell press (/exercises/incline-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-10 Flat bench dumbbell flyes (/exercises/dumbbell-flys.html) 3 x 8-12 Dumbbell or barbell pullover (/exercises/barbell-pullover.html) 3 x 10-15

Chest Pre-exhaustion
Flat bench dumbbell flye (/exercises/dumbbell-flys.html) 3 x 10-15 Incline bench barbell press (/exercises/incline-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-10 High-level cable crossover (/exercises/cable-crossovers-%28upper-chest%29.html) 3 x 10-15 Flat bench barbell (/exercises/barbell-bench-press.html) or machine press (/exercises/smith-machinebench-press.html) 3 x 8-12

Superset Blitz!
Superset: Incline bench dumbbell flye (/exercises/incline-dumbbell-flys.html) and incline bench barbell press (/exercises/incline-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-15 Superset: Flat bench cable flye (/exercises/flat-bench-cable-flys.html) or pec deck (/exercises/pecdec.html) and flat bench dumbbell press (/exercises/dumbbell-bench-press.html) 3 x 6-15 Tri-set: 2-3 sets of 3-way push-ups (/exercises/push-up.html) to muscular failure You are now well-done!

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Brad Borland (/authors/brad-borland.html) Brad is a lifetime natural bodybuilder who has been competing for 11 years, has a Masters Degrees in Kinesiology, and a cancer survivor! View all by Brad Borland (/authors/brad-borland.html)

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Comments (33)
Posted Mon, 01/17/2011 - 11:03

Add a comment

Let me know your feedback, thanks! -Brad

(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 7 totopack- packononslabs- slabsofofThorax musclemusclePosted Wed, 03/02/2011 - 01:52 totoyour- just your-added pullovers to my chest day. Fantastic exercise. Have chest.html? chest.html? rate=93UpCSPttB7s6otI1FmoWXbN74h1jw eAK4(/articles/how 9 rate=zbYUIQjXcJYRvcOagAWzbcH0vVAsuVb49iDKhV4kvd4) (/articles/how 9 qw to- R- tovaCo) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Wed, 03/02/2011 - 10:32 totoyouryourThorax, chest.html? chest.html? rate=UhqiB3qAyf8EvrrkAkImgJ15OMiCy4iifUkj9hX8Gos) rate=klmIvxz4sH7hhV6X2i4Great! Let me know how they benefit you GyyAEa4nPuLNvzt3RRI07I)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5130)

Thanks for that.

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in the long run.


(/articles/how 6 (/articles/how 7 toto-

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5136)

Ed Marriott
Posted Thu, 03/03/2011 - 09:44

Brad Do you think listing routines with names such as 'upper pec emphasis' is useful for a typical reader who likely weights 150lbs and needs to put on mass all over his body? Also, the specific body part exercises- again not optimal for a novice lifter- are useless in the context of a general routine..... Ed Marriott.
(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 9 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Fri, 03/04/2011 - 11:15 totoyourHiyourEd, chest.html? chest.html? rate=bi33zvaVGX2qrk0ho5lrmU92r48w rate=rcHb9EcJNdyt92kGA8VyMvv0Rcjum2J4Xuw zSnhnEXOYaBb4n4) mTaM_Alw )

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5137)

Try the "Overall Pec Builder" for pec mass and let me know how you do. -Brad

(/articles/how 6 (/articles/how 8 totopack- packononslabs- slabsofofScott musclemusclePosted Fri, 03/04/2011 - 05:04 totoHi. your- yourchest.html? chest.html? Im really wanting to improve the size of my chest. rate=w rate=LItT1oSu7xmR0SOccnNTA7EbBzYorWIpRvkEpd89SB0) X8K52yBSa5znegbkcO03EKDNRG49QpdzBUMad6ZBpM)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5134)

Am i to do this chest slab workout in 1 session in the gym? There are a number of exercises so i wasn't too sure? Thanks
(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 7 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Fri, 03/25/2011 - 11:41 totoyourHiyourScott, chest.html? chest.html? rate=n1Ky0iymEpU6OlVqPd1NTTU_zz5Y15Vrate=H2mxYT7_5QR9lvhZW5c3zJ0ik884DPnHyf7SpSbnOjw ) Simply pick one of the workout programs that fits zszNrEN7knw )

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5135)

your needs and perform them twice per

week. -Brad (
(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 5 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5138) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofMarc musclemusclePosted Thu, 04/07/2011 - 09:59 totoyour- yourHi Brad, ive chest.html? been chest.html? following your overall pac mass buiding programm for the last 4 weeks and it really rate=6rVYoTXrate=DWYUQ2dxc3KcA3j_J2nKgZhNu7qtgYGf1fA1Gworks !!! my chest really improved since i started out with inclines. imQLN9FeXZlXL_bw qIKBU) XMdVnlPWd137horAWNU)

but now i got a question. how many sets should i do to failure. ive been doing always the last or the last two set of each exercise to failure and increased the weight the sets before. so for example: icline press: 2x warm up -135x10 (not to failure) -155x10 (to failure) -175x6 (to failure)

is this a good aproach or should i do every set to failure. until now i only did the last or the last two to failure. what do you think ? thanks in advance :)
(/articles/how 5 (/articles/how 6 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Fri, 04/08/2011 - 13:22 totoyourHiyourMarc, chest.html? chest.html? rate=2vTy71W7FW7xYSL103ee7Nc1PeSEcCor6_OO1nm9gpo) rate=8EguJ0LE0zEn9Fjr6MURlWLN6GMYThat is an excellent question. I would go with what L_PthbWTa7Km3o)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5131)

has been working. Performing the last two sets to failure is something that I also do, especially if I am about to lift some serious weight! Wise move. -Brad

(/articles/how 9 (/articles/how 4 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5132) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofMarc musclemusclePosted Sat, 04/09/2011 - 04:25 totoyour- yourHi Brad, chest.html? chest.html? thanks a lot for the answer. and let me thank you for your articles. i really apreciate it, rate=SATEETE5_w rate=taGX8lfzMKyeOnWDW02z8A3VdORzOiSG9IXaGBFPHJw GaVxvqrGatHZ0VE6elq6fgRSPoRAMfpZQ) )

thumbs up !!

just got one more question: what do you think is the ideal number of sets to go to failure for a natural athlete ? normally im doing 4-6 total failure sets for bigger muscle groups and 3-4 for smaller ones. and im training each muscle group once per week. do you thnik this is a good aproach ? thank you again in advance and sorry for so much asking
(/articles/how 9 (/articles/how 7 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Mon, 04/11/2011 - 12:24 totoyouryourMarc, chest.html? chest.html? rate=w rate=bfYUC2StYcci3fiF4a2w xW3FMCKDJHillu91cRricaCyI8gpok9_S54RGoAqtE) taGyhVq0EiY2zQIgRPmfQIs)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5143)

No problem at all, I am here to help!

That is a good approach as long as it is working for you. I am a natural, drug-free for life athlete also, so I know how you could have some specific questions. I usually take the last two sets of a movement to failure. I must also point out that I am a big advocate of training more frequently. Bodypart training twice per week or 3 times every two weeks. I will be writing an in depth article soon on my stance on frequency training. Thanks! Brad
(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 8 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Marc ofmusclemusclePosted Tue, 04/12/2011 - 05:58 totoyouryour- you very much. i really appreciate your thank chest.html? chest.html? rate=4nrate=atake care t9jMJBJvyVoR1nQa39E82hg2n24eQVgWQ2lw zeJMz5w hAEmnyLyjBCcIY6vb6BEf_FnH4UIr6eMNU) EMarc w 8) (/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 9 totopack- packonon-

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5142)

helpfuness and your great articles.

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5144)

Posted Tue, 04/12/2011 - 10:34

Thank you Marc!

(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 8 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5139) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofMBA musclemusclePosted Wed, 06/01/2011 - 14:44 totoyour- yourHi Brad! chest.html? chest.html? In your upper chest program here, i was wondering if its okay to replace the flat bench with a rate=ZjTrsQZpiEUVjrate=dFZj752Im9GGtCFc00ipsR0veCt4ZIvCQGGZ6SyQsxc) decline execise? I know flat bench is one of the best massbuilders, but Ive got a big Fm1fUVDd4PbnPyuQtJuxZq_vSii5A)

midchest, so would like to focus more on the upper an a bit on the lower section. I see you recommending hitting every muscle twice per week, but nearly everyone else on this site says ones per week... Would really like to here your thoughts on this subject! I understand youre about to write an article on it...? Im still very confused when it comes down to this!!!! Im a natural all the way my self, been working out for years- the first couple of years i trained every muscle twice per week (chest/shoulders/tri and back/biceps/legs), thereafter i switched to once per week (shoulders/tri, back/leg and chest/bi). I know biceps, triceps and shoulders in this manner is hit secondary on chest and back days to... Both worked for me, just not shore what was the best way (for me), cause about the same time i switched over, i made a lot of changes when it comes to eating and protein intake. Thanks for your help and some great articles.
(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 9 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5141) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Wed, 06/01/2011 - 15:57 totoyouryourThanks! chest.html? chest.html? rate=jzFQ1jY76ar4nUNIB0Rz_KElY2R7Hzzml9yxsfYixgo) rate=HdU94Sure, decline is a great substitute for flat. Just be sure it is not too declined as this can IoXWtjVV2A8grLayE3Pb9mUZZplace too much stress on the triceps and takes away from the targeted chest area. kePkPFw qxtg)

I am a big advocate of more frequent training (more opportunity for growth). Also, stimulating protein synthesis in a specific area more frequently can lead to more metabolism stimulus thus, burning more fat. As long as your nutrition is spot on and you are carefully regulating CNS stress and work volume, more frequent training will get you where you want to be faster. -Brad
(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 7 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5140) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofShubham musclemusclePosted Sat, 11/26/2011 - 13:28 totoyour- yourHi, I would like to know why I have got back pain. I don't do Dead Lifts. The back pain occurs chest.html? chest.html? when I do seated dumbbell press, or any other shoulder related exercise. Could you please rate=QWJlFrate=2IpXb5bCO0YzCC0FhiZ6a5KA9M6_v94y_vEHzFHhelpaSD8OHKVvd9G9pWLtggmOeQ1pQrlN3tOiSyVs) me out and tell me what I need to do to eliminate that pain. 0GA) (/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 5 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Wed, 12/07/2011 - 15:22 totoyourHiyourShubham, chest.html? chest.html? rate=0cQWHMY7LAzL11eu14sCZVRtsLhRkoxE4xHP4drate=r83R_9D4g5TQab7JCpL_ErA42Ygkz34QXGC_V4vllLY) It could be from compressing your spine and/or from FR5s)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/5146)

arching your back too much on

those lifts. If the pain persists be sure to consult your physician.

-Brad (

(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 5 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/5145) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofMIKE musclemusclePosted Sat, 03/03/2012 - 16:42 totoyourthis is wellyourand good. but something that is never covered, is the amount of rest between chest.html? sets. whatchest.html? is advised here ? 2mins between sets or ??? rate=5BsIMJPYgHWkD2I_2yQB4TdnZCAeBo2URCrPXO0c7FY) rate=nDYrANw OKBIEcYlf0PIs_BxI75PPLpXFbOO7slyQw Q) (/articles/how 4 (/articles/how 4 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/34421) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:23 totoyourHiyourMike, chest.html? chest.html? Yes, rest times can vary. The standard is 2 minutes, but experiment with shorter rests as rate=xmj_3R2HVow rate=bcY_rrXIQ1a5AAy4l0oHjPSTr4OmrR4w h5rbsGFJFQrpV9NPYE2MEU1Quy9iq4lw yI0w dIqdiRs) )

well such as 1 minute and even 30 seconds. Best,

Brad (

(/articles/how 10 (/articles/how 8totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/34418) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- R ofJoshua muscle- musclePosted Sat, 03/03/2012 - 21:17 totoyouryourwhats good sets and reps for this to get good workout and, whats another good muscle chest.html? chest.html? group to focus on for this days workout, should i do this like 3 days a week? rate=rQjCOMrate=b0NzUF_6sPjWQCXq0EZlLXA8UcS4Fl3ACiu_rthEYTE) Tfhr(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 8 OMdM1dj1JAG1nVkQkdByruYH2zcdCNQ) totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/34420) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:20 totoyourHiyourJoshua, chest.html? chest.html? I like to pair chest with either back or shoulders rate=Qupjzh_ITtZpqBKd0P8znEtcBX4XIW90J29a65kCh9E) rate=7iyNZXeAxMENSBZjeIJoWT0zymT_7GXy7R0GnkMKXE)

and triceps twice per week.


Brad (

(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 8 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/34417) pack- packononslabs- slabsofMo ofmusclemusclePosted Sun, 03/04/2012 - 00:33 totoyour- yourHI Brad chest.html? chest.html? I'm training each muscle group twice per week now I'll follow your prog since I'm not getting rate=be7gtCZPAs3pNT7nis3g6WmSiM3oYdyKdfsmnAYLUSk) rate=YPFOmYRAHqsIbFckX0Nya2VGP2kZZukihHbrr7jLcJY)

much help at the gym any way my question is how i should follow your prog what shall i start with overall pec ,upper or lower chest or all of them the say day lol and for weights I'm doing 70x12 90x10 100x10 I'm not sure if it's good but after spending 7 month at the gym i'm still not so strong to left more i dunno why i've been following food plan start taking the protein shakes but yet nothing so if you could help me please appreciated
(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 5 totopack- packonon-

reply (/comment/reply/1208/34422)

Posted Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:16

Hi Mo, I would start with hte overall program first for around 4-6 weeks. Then assess your weakness(es) and add in one more program every other workout. I would rotate 2 to 3 routines into your training. Best, Brad (
(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 6 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Mo ofmusclemusclePosted Sun, 03/11/2012 - 00:46 totoyourHiyourBrad, chest.html? chest.html? with add you mean i should keep doing the rate=DSPWfkkuksrate=qQBest fcJYJOgQAcCeIWx7ZUxriRw zjUQMoDU6ialQ_oCGySluvY_w FOFC8lmHw qcWat8a5pYPoz0g) )

reply (/comment/reply/1208/34416)

overall but add upper or lower ?

(/articles/how 8 (/articles/how 5 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/34612) pack- packononslabs- slabsofWayne ofmusclemusclePosted Sun, 03/04/2012 - 10:03 totoyouryourHey Brad, I have a few questions. My chest is the biggest thing I'm having a problem with chest.html? chest.html? getting into shape. The biggest part is the under or lower part of chest muscle, for some rate=gEGsYdV2ECKG8MvHXyK9YyAXFElPGulZyiioJhG5UCQ) rate=qfreason I can't mkBjQ48J2kbDdSdT6E8njvXYDTgHSL5OyJuYXI8s) get that to form up. What do you suggest to help with that? My second

question is when I bench press doing a wide grip or normal grip which is best on which bench? My last is I have looked for your overall pec builder workout and can't find it, is it the workout above or is it somewhere else on M&S? Thanks.
(/articles/how 7 (/articles/how 6 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- Brad ofmusclemusclePosted Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:14 totoyourHiyourWayne, chest.html? chest.html? First, there is a lower pec builder program in the article: rate=- rate=QBLZuIr9Z03Tfg5vJSDs1dM17GXSRneM8Fz4Va7ias4) prT6aN5w enu41QRy0OclJLower Chest Emphasis 7aKsQpGhY4GVVsaHg84w )

reply (/comment/reply/1208/34419)

Decline bench barbell press 3 x 6-10 Hammer Strength or machine bench press 3 x 8-12 High-level cable crossover 3 x 10-15 Parallel dip 3 x 10-15 or muscular failure Second, I like the normal to slightly narrow grip for most benching. I used to do a wider grip, but my shoulders took the brunt of the stress. Third, the overall pec builder is below: Overall Pec Builder Incline bench barbell press 3 x 6-10 Flat bench dumbbell press 3 x 8-12 Decline bench dumbbell flye 3 x 8-12 Mid-level cable crossover 3 x 10-15 Best, Brad (
(/articles/how 6 (/articles/how 4 totopack- packononslabs- slabsofofTrey musclemuscle-

reply (/comment/reply/1208/34415)

Posted Tue, 07/24/2012 - 17:56

Hi Brad, I was reading through the article as I feel like I'm one of those guys who's not a novice in the gym but at the same time I'm not getting the gains that I'd like no matter how hard I hit it. You commented on some trainers devoting entire training sessions to chest development with exorbitant sets of every movement known to man, however I'm not sure if your article actually gave an sufficient response to this issue. It seems to only reiterate "every movement known to man". So I have some questions if you've got the time: 1) What were those trainers actually doing wrong? (Is your article implying that they lacked variety in their routine?) 2) How many times a week should one work the chest? 3) How do you know if a weight isn't heavy enough? 4) How long should a rest period be between different exercises? (should I be fatigued at the start of new exercise?) 5) What do you think about drop sets? 6) hammer press versus bench press? Which one is better? (Id really like to know this one) 7) Hammer press: should the seat be adjusted so the feet touch the floor or should it be adjusted for the sake of the position of the hand grips? I never know if the handgrips are in the maximal position. Regards, -Trey
(/articles/how 10 (/articles/how 6totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/41540) pack- packononslabs- slabsofof- w Bradley muscle- musclePosted Tue, 12/04/2012 - 12:00 totoyourHi bradyourthis chest workout is going good , big respect :) can u let me know a full day to day chest.html? chest.html? routine ? Many thanks if so rate=g1FWrate=8kH7PZ_IVb6FKbZkd41z9XIMO3Ig56uUG_Q7LfU8Mvs) 6EuGNV0e81m4VbDuE4NI3(/articles/how 6 (/articles/how 5 609LahEksD40mYRE) totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/77172) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofK musclemusclePosted Wed, 03/06/2013 - 00:59 totoyouryourHi Brad, chest.html? ichest.html? am new to body building and have been seeing decent muscle growth in all parts. However i rate=HBp2fEpLnRvctBSUL9HpAD0butBuDo5bL9Pjmw rate=nzREIFXUJjU0VkV0XiRxt_pDSVH4w 39KAbR6TTdHjjE) Jv9LU)

cannot feel any muscle contraction while working on my chest. I think there is something wrong with my form. If only you could advise on the correct manner of doing the chest exercises Regards, K

(/articles/how 3 (/articles/how 1 totoreply (/comment/reply/1208/190266) pack- packononslabs- slabsof- mnsjason ofmusclemusclePosted Fri, 03/08/2013 - 17:38 totoyouryourFeel free to check out the videos of chest exercises that are available on the site: chest.html? chest.html? rate=8H4qLCrate=1FmpWv_Bb0X8( hFko_Kw eCsQJseycvC6W34O7ZtS21bg8bLlD2Hi3w 3t5WtDm7zqk) tGIZ21I_ynjM)

There are tips as well for each movement. Also, if you're able, record your workout routine. You can go over the tape afterward and closely examine your form.
(/articles/how 3 (/articles/how 3 totopack- packononslabs- slabsof- B ofJason musclemusclePosted Tue, 03/12/2013 - 12:21 toto-

reply (/comment/reply/1208/193358)

Brad, I hit a plateau about 2 months ago and have not been able to up my bench. I tried taking a week off to let myself recover because I experienced gains in the past with this method, however it did not work this time. Any idea what the issue could be? I also have an excess of fat stored around my chest and under my arms ever since I was young. I am in the process of cutting weight, but I also want to build the muscle to target this particular area. I am going to start the overall pec builder and probably try to do a lower emphasis for my second chest workout each week. Do you think that is best? Thanks for the great info!
(/articles/how 3 (/articles/how 2 totopack- packononslabs- slabsofoftye musclemusclePosted Sat, 04/20/2013 - 17:44 totoyouryourim a little confused. is this supposed to be done in one day? chest.html? chest.html? increase consistent throughout the set? rate=VFZU_Bk5GWxiZJPrate=ysvEjzXpdavXtoFS8YiGii_oxcO_Bkw J0DIEVCPNuul0OPQg) 1(/articles/how 1 (/articles/how 1 5w l8kcqdNjHlQpnF42Q) totopack- packononslabs- slabsofoftye musclemusclePosted Sat, 04/20/2013 - 17:49 totoyour- how youralso much rest should be taken in between each set? chest.html? chest.html? rate=WV9Zrate=joOs8NQBEmi1tXHiELo7kF7AS7e7RlTy1xSbPAHp2As) (/articles/how 1 (/articles/how 1 KKDztq84w toto- EyZkxy6PXJcqnKm8jw w LWxTOlZaw k) pack- packononslabs- slabsofofmusclemuscletotoyour- yourchest.html? chest.html? rate=PYm26WTpuygZVBw rate=5qSeoMjB9oGU9OcnFpMGBslq0mJlvyYunqJoKrZuKkYmiEA86M) o2lEsWudpPLf8x24Xqs)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/197656)

also should i keep weight

reply (/comment/reply/1208/250245)

reply (/comment/reply/1208/250252)

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