Bedok View Secondary School: Common Test II 2013

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Common Test II 2013

21 August 2013 50 minutes

History Secondary One Express

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Answer all questions on foolscap paper. 2. Write in dark blue or black pen. 3. Do not use correction tape or correction fluid. 4. The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part question. 5. Staple the Cover Page on top of your foolscap answers. 6. Hand in your foolscap answers and question paper separately.

Setter: Ms Wong Yin Mei This question paper consists of 4 printed pages, including this cover page. Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so.

2 Section A Source-Based Questions (30 marks) Answer all questions on the foolscap paper.


Study Source A. What can you infer from Source A about the Ancient Indian Civilisation? Explain your answer.



Study Source B. What can you tell from Source B about the Ancient Chinese Civilisation? Explain your answer.



Study Source C. What does Source C say about the lives of the people during the Shang Civilisation? Explain your answer. [5]


Study Source D. What does Source D tell you about the people in the Ancient Southeast Asian Civilisations? Explain your answer. [5]


Study Source E. What can you learn from Source E about Mohenjo-daro? Explain your answer. [5]


Study Source F. What does Source F tell you about the people during Ancient Chinese Civilisation? Explain your answer. [5]

BV 1E HY CT2 2013

3 What were the features of the Ancient Civilisations? Source A: A historians description of Ancient Indian gold coins.

On most ancient Indian coins one side was the representation of the king with his name inscribed. On the reverse is the images of a Hindu deity-Shiva, Vishnu, Durga and others.
Adapted from The Asian Civilisations Museum Guide: Ancient Indian Gold Coins , 2003.

Source B: A ceramic pillow inscribed with a poem produced in Song Dynasty.

Adapted from The Asian Civilisations Museum Guide: Cizhou Pillow , 2003.

Source C: A description of the Shang Civilisation by a modern archaeologist.

Because the Shang believed in the afterlife and ancestor worship, they thought very seriously about burial and what was to accompany the deceased to his or her grave. The vast and elaborate tombs of the Shang royal family are signs of their strong beliefs.
Adapted from The Spice Stanford: The Shang Dynasty,1600 to 1050 BCE, by Stanford University, 2007.

BV 1E HY CT2 2013

4 Source D: A description of bronze Dong Son Drum from North Vietnam, 180-100 BCE.

Boats with people are depicted on the Dong Son drums. Water buffalo motifs are present on the body of the drum. Dong Son culture was highly based on wet rice cultivation. All these motifs are highly consistent with those drums found in north Vietnam. Dong Son drums have been discovered in great quantity in Southeast Asia.
Adapted from The Asian Civilisations Museum Guide: Dong Son Drum, 2003.

Source E: A historians description of Mohenjo-daro.

Streets were wide and straight, running parallel to each other. There was also a citadel which contained a granary, where people met to buy or deliver grain. The Great Bath, could have been used for religious purposes. Drains, which ran under the streets, were connected to the houses. The houses of the rich had their own wells, private baths and toilets while those of the poor were smaller and simpler. Source F: Oracle bone, mid Shang Dynasty, 13th Century BCE.

Section B Structured Essay Questions (12 marks) Answer all questions on the foolscap paper.

Reconstructing the Past 2a) Explain why it is important to use 3Cs Test to evaluate an evidence. Birth of Civilisations 3a) Explain why it is important for the cradle of civilisation to be near rivers.
BV 1E HY CT2 2013



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