Ayurveda: Aromatherpy

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6 weeks commencing 14th March 2014, running 14, 21, 28 March, 11 & 17 April, 2 May 2014.Times 9 30-4 30pm. This course will be running again in semester one of 2015 (dates to be confirmed).

Investment: $280
This course looks at how essential oils have been used throughout the ages, how they work, production, influences and chemistry are discovered. Thirty one essential oils are learnt in-depth, where they are grown and environmental influences, their actions on a physical and emotional level, botanical and common names, chemistry and blending factors.

Starting Thursday 1st May 2014, 6.30pm- 8.30pm

Investment: $145
Explore how the ancient science of Ayurveda can give you the tools for you and your family to create health and happiness in this six week short course.

Learn About Your Own Body Type (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) Daily Routines from an Ayurvedic perspective and why they are so important Kitchen Spices to Improve Digestion How to Manage Metabolism Food and Water as Therapy Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques for Quality Sleep

This course would suit anyone interested in learning the basicprinciples of Ayurveda and how to incorporate these principles and make simplechanges to achieve wellness both mentally and physically. This is also a great taster for those interested in studying Ayurveda in the future.

Sunday 16th March 2014, and weekend 5/6th April 2014.Times: 9 30 4 30pm Investment: $170 Using precise hand and finger techniques, a reflexologist induces relaxation and enables homeostasis. This encourages activations the persons own healing systems to be activated to maintain wellbeing.

Students study and practice treating points and areas in the feet and hands that relate to corresponding parts of the body.

Gain a deeper understanding of the practices and foundations of yoga. For anyone thinking about taking up yoga studies to become a yoga instructor/therapist or to gain tools for a current profession or simply you are interested for your own wellbeing. Experience a taster and a deeper awareness of yoga and how it can help you to become healthier and happier on both a physical, mental and emotional level. Yoga is not just about poses (Asanas) but a practice to integrate into daily life, bringing you more peace, contentment and fulfillment. At an investment of $145, our 6 week Integrated Yoga Course at Wellpark College introduces the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga. After the 6 weeks you will feel confident and knowledgeable about how to incorporate yoga into your life in a number of ways. And for those thinking about further study this will be a great stepping stone to assist you before taking up the journey! Dr Sridhar Maddela

Investment: $145
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Begins: March 10th Monday 6.30-7.45pm

Relax Practice the Asanas (poses) Breathe correctly Meditate Understand the history and philosophy behind this widely accepted ancient practice

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