Smart Goal Guide

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Early Childhood Rating & Improvement System

S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Guide

STAR Three Award

Why is Goal Setting Important?

Goals provide a plan. A plan is like a map. When

following a plan, you can always see how much you have
progressed towards your goal and how far you are from
your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for
making good decisions on where to go or what to do

We want to set the goals that

our heart conceives, that our
mind believes and that our
bodies will carry out.

Jim Rohn

Setting goals will make your planning easier. Challenging tasks can appear overwhelming, encouraging
people to give up at the seeming enormity of the job at hand. By setting an overarching objective that
is measurable, the seemingly impossible task can be broken up into manageable chunks.

Some programs have no clear vision or direction in mind. These are the programs that usually close. In
the end, vast resources are consumed and people are left feeling burned out. Your desire to move
your early childhood program towards continuous quality improvement will remain just a wish unless
you set specific objectives and create a plan for achieving those objectives.

What is a S.M.A.R.T Goal?

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym that provides a simple method for producing goals that are realistic and attainable.
S.M.A.R.T goals have been shown to increase performance and motivation. Sticking to goals is challenging,
the S.M.A.R.T formula makes following through on your goals easier.

What Does S.M.A.R.T stand for?

S= Specific (Do you know exactly what you want to accomplish with all the details?)
M= Measureable (Are you able to assess your progress / when you have met your goal?)
A= Accountable (Who will do what?)
R= Resources Needed (What support / resources do you need to complete your goal?)
T= Time-bound (What is the deadline for completing your goal?)

715 11 Street North, Suite 402 Moorhead, MN (218) 299-7237 or (800) 941-7003 ext 7237

Early Childhood Rating & Improvement System

S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Guide
STAR Three Award

Why are Specific Goals So Important?

You want to make your goal as detailed as possible in order to
achieve the specific results that you desire. A specific goal is
one that is clearly defined in such a way that anyone could
come by and understand what you intend to accomplish. Your
goal should contain a detailed description of what you want
to accomplish; when you want to accomplish it by; and the
action(s) you will take to accomplish it.

Vague goals produce vague

- Jack Canfield
Book The Success Principles

Some Examples:
Bad Example
I want to write a book.

I will take some professional

development courses.
I will build my dream home.

Better Example
I will write a book on time management that is at least 200 pages in length by
December 16th. I will write at least 2 pages every workday until I reach
By January 1st, I will register for five Eager-to-Learn on-line courses to
complete over a two year period.
Upon retirement, I will build a 4,000 square foot contemporary home with 4
bedrooms and 3 baths and a view of the mountain on 20 acres of land.

Some Additional Questions to Consider:

Are your goals linked to the mission, vision and strategic direction of your program?
Are your goals broken down into manageable chunks?
Have you communicated the goals often and using a
variety of methods to families in your program? It is
amazing how families will support you, if they are aware
of your goals.
Are your families involved in the goal setting process?
Inviting and encouraging families to participate in
decision-making about program objectives gives them a
genuine stake in the result. The act of participation in joint decision-making builds relationships
based on trust and mutual respect. These alliances you form at the outset will help you ride through
some of the most seemingly impossible obstacles.
If you have staff, are your staff involved in the goal setting process?

715 11 Street North, Suite 402 Moorhead, MN (218) 299-7237 or (800) 941-7003 ext 7237

Early Childhood Rating & Improvement System

S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Guide
STAR Three Award

7 Ways to Keep Your Goals:

1. START WITH LITTLE GOALS AND BUILD UP If you feel a bit funny about trying goals, try little ones first.
2. WRITE THEM DOWN 90% of people dont write down their goals, but if you ask ANY of those who do they will tell you that writing
them down is the key to achieving them.
3. KEEP THEM CLEAR Spend some time getting really clear about what you want. What does it look like, feel like and how would life
be different with it.
4. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, THEN GO FOR THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU DONT WANT Lots of people dont do anything because they are not sure about what they really want. But they usually
know what they dont. So, get clear about what is not working and build your goals from there.
5. TAKE ACTION You do need to take action and be open to opportunities once you set your goals. And that action is likely to
take you outside your comfort zone.
6. STOP SIGNS, DETOURS AND GO SLOWS DONT NECESSARILY MEAN DONT DO IT It you are getting these you may need to re-assess, but it doesnt necessarily mean that you cant do it.
Stay with the big picture and keep on keeping on.

715 11 Street North, Suite 402 Moorhead, MN (218) 299-7237 or (800) 941-7003 ext 7237

Early Childhood Rating & Improvement System

S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Guide
STAR Three Award

SMART Goal Worksheet

Verify that the goal is S.M.A.R.T
Specific: What exactly will you accomplish? Will an outside person be able to understand my goal and know exactly what
I want to accomplish?
Measureable: How will you know when you have reached this goal? How will others be able to tell you have reached
your goal?
Accountable: Who will be responsible for the different parts of this goal? How will the people responsible be held
responsible for completing the goal?
Resources Needed: What support and resources will I need to complete this goal?
Time-bound: When will this goal be achieved?
715 11 Street North, Suite 402 Moorhead, MN (218) 299-7237 or (800) 941-7003 ext 7237

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