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A proposal for a web series

Fiona Ware-Heine

An interplanetary parliament gathers to introduce changes to the laws governing Artificial Intelligence in their system. Different planets within the alliance react to the changes in the law both theoretically and practically and attempt to solve the problems it causes.

Seven part series Episodes 2-6 (The five planets) could be seen as short stories tied together by the overarching narrative of episodes 1 and 7 These stories are in chronological order. Science Fiction

Episode 1: An interplanetary council gather to hear the proposed changes to the AI Laws. Each of the five planets, through their representative, is introduced. Episode 3: An action filled story about large scale morality and responsibility. Includes consideration of terrorism and extremist action when viewed against large scale moral decisions and cold logic. Episode 5: A legal drama style story about a robot facing the concept of its own death through disassembly. The story follows its fight to stay alive/prove its innocence and the emotions it feels during this time. Episode 7: Gives a political overview of how successfully the new laws were implemented and the consequences on some of the planets. This shows what happened after the episodes and rounds off the context.

Episode 2: A tragic story about a family robot and the child that considers it a friend. Examines the notion of what Alive means and how that would apply to this planets slavery laws. Episode 4: A horror story regarding data collection and invasion of privacy. Scientists think they are examining the computers coding, but it was the computer who gave it to them. How do you check a machine that doesnt want to be checked?

Episode 6: A story of self discovery as a culture that relies on its species multiple genders asks How can we accept robots who are genderless? The story follows how a decision is reached and how its sold to the masses.

Each episode would be 30-60 minutes long! I propose we make a 30 second to 1 minute animated trailer for this series. This would allow a lot of creativity in style and design so we can show many different planets and robots etc. Short clips from different episodes allowing for easy division of labour.

Honoured Representatives. We have come together to discuss the proposed changes to the Artificial Intelligence Laws, as introduced by the Interplanetary Federation Parliament 163 standard cycles past, and the proposed phased implementation across all Federation Member Planets. The summary of the proposed plan reads as follows: One - All Artificial Intelligence Systems shall henceforth be reclassified as Alive and shall be recognised as such in the eyes of the law. Two All newly designed Artificially Intelligent Systems shall be required by law to carry an Emotions circuit. Three All Artificial Intelligence Systems will be understood to be without gender (Genderless) in the eyes of the law. Four Large and International Scale Autonomy (LISA) Artificial Intelligence Systems will be capped to Intermediary Morality Levels correlating to governing responsibility. Five Tighter security measures and monitoring of staff overseeing Artificially Intelligent Systems and System checks and maintenance to be introduced. Now shall I open up the discussion to the floor?

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