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Becoming instant celebrity, youtube is easier than TV

Name : Ainu Safira Corni Student card : KM0 0!0! " #oom : $0" %ay & Time : Saturday & !"'00(!)'00 Teacher : Mr' *ri+ Sahusila,ane Term -V .0!0

*ssay /riting 0ro1ect 2igh(-ntermediate 3

Outline: -ntroduction
4outube is a 5ideo(sharing ,ebsite on ,hich users can u6load, share, and 5ie, 5ideos' 4outube also gets more than . bilion 5ie,s e5eryday' -f ,e com6are TV and 4outube as the media to become instant celebrity, youtube is more sim6le than TV' 7or teenagers, becoming instant celebrity by youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media because of $ reasons8 youtube is easy to access, youtube is o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, ,atch and do,nload freely, and youtube is more efficient than TV'

Body 0aragra6hs
A' To6ic sentence
7or teenagers, becoming instant celebrity by youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media because youtube is easier to access' !' 4outube can be accessed by 6eo6le in the ,orld .' 4outube can be accessed by 6eo6le all age $' 4outube is free ,eb

B' To6ic sentence

7or teenagers, becoming instant celebrity by youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media because youtube is o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, ,atch and do,nload freely'

!' Video on youtube can be controlled by us .' Video on youtube can be do,nloaded freely $' Video on youtube can be accessed all the time

C' To6ic sentence

7or teenagers, becoming instant celebrity by youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media because youtube is more efficient than t5' !' 9n t5, 6eo6le need to 1oin and ,in the audition .' 9n t5, 6eo6le need to s6end money $' 9n t5, 6eo6le need to try and +ee6 their 6o6ularity

*asier to access, o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, ,atch and do,nload freely and be more efficient are some reasons ,hy teenagers 6refer youtube than t5 as the media to become instant celebrity'

Becoming instant celebrity, youtube is easier than TV

4outube is a 5ideo(sharing ,ebsite on ,hich users can u6load, share, and 5ie, 5ideos' -t ,as created by three former 0ay0al em6loyees in 7ebruary .00"' 9n youtube, there are more than one milion 5ideos ,hich enable 6eo6le to ,atch and do,nload them' #egistered users on youtube are 6ermitted to u6load an unlimited number of 5ideos and unregistered users can ,atch and do,nload the 5ideos' That:s the reason ,hy youtube is also 6o6ularity +no,n as the largest ,ord,ide 5ideo(sharing site' 4outube has some facilities such as users comment, li+e and disli+e icons, share and embed icons too' Besides those, there is also a descri6tion bo; ,hich enable the u6loader of the 5ideo to ,rite some informations and describe the 5ideo, so the 5ie,ers of the 5ideo can read and +no, the information about the 5ideo that they ,atch to' 9ne 5ideo on youtube has a ma;imum length of an u6loaded 5ideo' -t ,as !0 minutes, but 4outube recently increased the official limit to !" minutes' 4outube is ,ell(+no,n site' 4outube also gets more than . bilion 5ie,s e5eryday' 4outube is the $rd most 5isited ,ebsite in the /orld' That is because e5eryone can o6en, share, 5ie, and do,nload the 5ideo on 4outube freely, ,ithout money' Most of users on 4outube

are teenagers' Most of them lo5e to ,atch some interesting and fantastic 5ideos' #egistered users u6load their good 5ideos and 6eo6le ,ill ,atch them' Some users u6load their 5ideos to sho, their s6ecial talent' -f their talented 5ideo is ,atched by a lot of 5ie,ers, the user ,ill ha5e a high 6o6ularity on youtube' The 5ie,ers of the 5ideo ,ill increase e5eryday' The high 6o6ularity of user on youtube can ma+e the user becomes an instant celebrity' 7or e;am6le, if one of the 5ie,ers is a searcher of talented 6erson, and interested on the user:s 5ideo, it can ma+e the user becomes an instant celebrity' 7or e;am6le, <ustin bieber' <ustin bieber is an instant(famous celebrity from 4outube' 2e u6loaded a lot of #=B songs ,hich ,ere made by him and >eorge ?o6e@, a searcher of talented 6erson found him and ,anted <ustin bieber to become a celebrity' -f ,e com6are TV and 4outube as the media to become instant celebrity, youtube is more sim6le than TV' 7or teenagers, becoming instant celebrity by youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media because of $ reasons8 youtube is easy to access, youtube is o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, ,atch and do,nload freely, and youtube is more efficient than TV' 7irst, the reason ,hy youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media to become instant celebrity is because youtube is easy to access' 4outube has a address 6age, htt6:&&,,,'youtube'com&' 4outube can be accessed by 6eo6le around the ,orld' *5eryone ,ho ha5e a connection of -nternet can access 4outube' <ust go to that site by ,riting the youtube:s address 6age on the address bar of the bro,ser and they automatically ta+e us to 4outube' Then they can search the 5ideo by ,riting some +ey,ords on the search bo; of 4outube' 7or

e;am6le, ,e ,ill search the 5ideo of <ustin bieber:s song tittled baby, ,e 1ust need to ,rite A<ustin bieber BabyB and 6ress enter or clic+ Csearch:, and ,e ,ill find the 5ideo of baby by <ustin Bieber fastly' 4outube can be accessed by 6eo6le all age' No matter old and young, e5eryone can access youtube easily' They 1ust need to o6en the internet bro,ser and ty6e the youtube:s address 6age' Children, teenagers, adult and old age 6eo6le can access, ,atch and do,nload 5ideo on youtube freely' -t ha66ened to >eorge ?o6e@' 9neday, >eorge ?o6e@ accessed and ,atched 5ideo on 4outube and he found the talented boy:s 5ideo, <ustin Bieber' 4outube is a free ,eb' *5eryone is able to access youtube ,ithout s6ending money, because they 1ust need the connection of -nternet' Those are the reasons ,hy 4outube is easy to be accessed by e5eryone' Second, the reason ,hy youtube is easier com6ared ,ith t5 as the media to become instant celebrity is because youtube is o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, search, ,atch and do,nload freely' /e can control youtube such as u6loading, 6ausing, and re6eating' #egistered users on 4outube can u6load an unlimited number of 5ideos' Based on the chart of the im6ro5ement of 5ideo on youtube in March .0!0, there are more than .3 hours of 5ideo u6loaded on 4outube e5ery minute' But in 9ctober .0!0, it has increased the amount of 5ideo u6loaded to 4outube to $" hours e5ery minute' That brea+s out to .'!00 hours u6loaded e5ery hour or "0'300 hours u6loaded to 4outube e5eryday' Based on the chart, the number of u6loads to 4ouTube also ha5e more than doubled in the last t,o years' There are a lot of 5ideo on youtube, so most of 6eo6le can search and find the 5ideo that they ,ant to ,atch' /e can also re6eat the 5ideo freely and

uncountable' Besides u6loading and re6eating, ,e can also do,nload the 5ideo on 4outube' There are . ,ays to do,nload 5ideo on youtube, ,ith soft,are or ,eb' There are some recomended soft,ares to do,nload 5ideo on youtube such as youtube do,nloader, orbit, internet do,nload manager, etc' /e can do,nload those soft,ares on each soft,are:s ,eb' There are also some ,ebs that enable us to do,nload the 5ideo ,ithout do,nloading the soft,are such as

htt6:&&,,,'+ee65id'com&, htt6:&&,,,'do,nloadyoutube5ideos'com&, etc' /ith do,nloading the 5ideo, ,e can ,atch the 5ideo ,ithout o6ening 4outube' 4outube can also be accessed all the time' There is no s6esific hour to access 4outube, 1ust go to the site and ,atch the 5ideos' Third, 4outube is more efficient than TV' Becoming celebrity on TV, 6eo6le need to 1oin and ,in the audition' As ,e +no,, the audition on TV may s6end money, so ,e can ,in the audition, such as sending message to su66ort the ,inner' Some auditions on TV are -ndonesian -dol and -dola cili+ on #CT-, A7on -ndosiar, etc' 0eo6le also need to try and +ee6 their 6o6ularity' -t must be harder because they must to +ee6 their 6o6ularity so their 6o6ularity isn:t dro,ning because of the ne, artists' 7or short, easier to access, o6en ,eb that 6eo6le can u6load, ,atch and do,nload and be more efficient are the reasons ,hy teenagers 6refer youtube than TV as the media to become instant celebrity' Becoming celebrity isn:t easy, but if ,e hold on to the reasons ,hy ,e ,ant to become instant celebrity, +ee6 on trying, ne5er gi5e u6 and +ee6 on 6raying to >od, ,e ,ill surely get it'

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