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(Street anaylsis of the walled city )

Streets of the walled city are quiet narrow as we go through all streets in the walled city such a narrow capalliries like streets are seens in through out the plan of walled city (andheroon sher).within the complex network of streets main markets like naulakha ,shahalmi market ,rang mahal ,akbari mandi and lohari market exists. Narrow streets are basically for the pupose of interaction within the living inhabitants of the walled city as people are use to live a life with a joy of company of their friends who commonly use to sit at the corner of the streets on (tharras) raised platform. This creates the feelings of love with their neighbourhood.and streets remain cool or the temperature of the streets remain low in summers as well because of the sunlight doesnt reach at the ground level dats why we feel moderate temperature while entering in these narrow streets. Where as to reduce the criminal activity srteets are kept narrow and quiet long enough to avoid such activity.people are use to roam around in the streets interacting with others.which is due to the closeness of the houses as if we see in porch areas house to house distance is ling that is the reason that neighbours didnt know about their surroudings.if someone wants to build or rebuild his house in walled city then he has to face many problems like transportation of building materials from the source like heavy vehicles cant go inside the streets so people use donkey carts to transport building material or goods from on place to the other this is just because of the narrowness of the streets as PAPPERMANDI ,RANGMAHAL are in the center of the walled city and their shops are facing small shade like structure on which merchants sale their products and goods and most of the time people stand in the streets for purchasing which hinders the running traffic and traffic jamming issues arises.utilities like electrification around the city and within the city in not so good as it is dangerous because no poles are fixed for feeders wires and brackets are fixed onto the walls of the houses due to which short circuit can cause anytime due to overload of electric consumption and this may lead to fatal results.water supply pipes are naked on the ground lying aside but when ever any vehicles passes this may cause leakage of the water inhabitants of the city mostly use to park their vehicles in the streets so due to narrow streets people face many problems in flow from on street to the other. Sewage system in the streets are open in few years back bt some are still like as before so it creates smell and many other bacterial diseases soo as there are advantages of narrowness but on the other hand disadvantages are too.

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