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In grammar, a part of speech (also a word class, a lex cal class, or a lex cal categor!" s a l ng# st c categor! of words (or more prec sel! lex cal tems", wh ch s generall! def ned $! the s!ntact c or morpholog cal $eha% o#r of the lex cal tem n &#est on' Common l ng# st c categor es ncl#de no#n and %er$, among others' There are open word classes, wh ch constantl! ac&# re new mem$ers, and closed word classes, wh ch ac&# re new mem$ers nfre&#entl! f at all' Engl sh words ha%e $een trad t onall! class f ed nto e ght lex cal categor es, or parts of speech ( Noun )o#ns are a part of speech t!p call! denot ng a person, place, th ng, an mal or dea' ex(*Plato was an nfl#ent al ph losopher n anc ent +reece''* Pronoun prono#n s a word or form that s#$st t#tes for a no#n or no#n phrase' It s a part c#lar case of a pro,form' ex(-That poor man loo.s as f he needs a new coatAdjective In grammar, an ad/ect %e s a 0descr $ ng0 word1 the ma n s!ntact c role of wh ch s to &#al f! a no#n or no#n phrase, g % ng more nformat on a$o#t the o$/ect s gn f ed ex(-the tall professorVerb A %er$, from the 2at n %er$#m mean ng word, s a word (part of speech" that n s!ntax con%e!s an act on ($r ng, read, wal., r#n, learn", an occ#rrence (happen, $ecome", or a state of $e ng ($e, ex st, stand"' In the #s#al descr pt on of Engl sh, the $as c form, w th or w tho#t the part cle to, s the nf n t %e' In man! lang#ages, %er$s are nflected (mod f ed n form" to encode tense, aspect, mood, and %o ce' ex(-The st#dents passed all the r co#rses''Adverb An ad%er$ s a word that changes or &#al f es the mean ng of a %er$, ad/ect %e, other ad%er$, cla#se, sentence or an! other word or phrase, except that t does not ncl#de the ad/ect %es and determ ners that d rectl! mod f! no#ns ex(-He dro%e slowl!'-

Preposition A prepos t on l n.s no#ns, prono#ns and phrases to other words n a sentence' The word or phrase that the prepos t on ntrod#ces s called the o$/ect of the prepos t on' ex(- He can stand $es de the des. '* Conjunction con/#nct on (a$$re% ated con/ or cn/" s a part of speech that connects words, sentences, phrases or cla#ses ex(*the tr#th of nat#re, and the power of g % ng nterestInterjection Inter/ect ons are words or phrases #sed to excla m or protest or command' The! somet mes stand $! themsel%es, $#t the! are often conta ned w th n larger str#ct#res' ex(*3ow4 I won the lotter!4'* Subject The s#$/ect of a sentence s the person, place, th ng, or dea that s do ng or $e ng someth ng' 5o# can f nd the s#$/ect of a sentence f !o# can f nd the %er$' ex(-6efore assem$l ng the sw ngset, !o# read these nstr#ct ons caref#ll!'

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