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Students name: __________________________ Date: ________________________

Teacher: Marina Nikolova Time: 35 minutes Group A

WRITTEN REVISION 4 Messages 3 I. Outdoor activities. Look at the pictures and circle the correct answer a or b

a canoein! " #ishin!

a skiin! " snow"oardin!

a canoein! " #ishin!

a tennis " !ol#

a skate"oardin! " clim"in!

a sur#in! " skiin!

a sur#in! " "un!ee $umpin!

a runnin! " swimmin!


II. 'omplete the sentences with the words #or outdoor activities bungee u!ping s"i!!ing sno"boarding scuba#diving running

( M) dad !oes $is%ing ever) Sunda) Last week he came home with a #ish #or the #irst time* + , hated __________________ at school "ecause , dont like "ein! in the water - ,# )ou like the sea. )oull love ____________________ /ou see a whole new world under the water 3 To !o ___________________ )ou onl) need com#orta"le clothes and ver) stron! le!s 0 , love all winter sports. "ut , think _____________________ is more di##icult than skiin! 5 ,d hate to !o _______________________ 1h) do people want to $ump o## "rid!es2 %5 III. 'omplete the ta"le with the missin! ver" parts base $or!. past si!p&e or past particip&e base $or! drink have read ate %4 IV. (resent (er$ect )a$$ir!ative and negative* 'omplete the sentences with the ver" in "rackets ( , %aven+t been 5not "e6 here lon!. onl) ten minutes + 7h. no* , dont "elieve it* , ___________________ 5lose6 m) ke)s a!ain thats the third time this month - 8en ____________________ 5not tid)6 his room #or more than si9 months its reall) dis!ustin!* 3 , _____________________ 5"u)6 some reall) !reat presents #or m) mum Shell "e ver) surprised* 0 The) _____________________ 5not know6 each other #or a lon! time. onl) 0 months 5 Stela ____________________ 5!o6 to "ed ,ts nearl) midni!ht % +( past si!p&e dran' was3were past particip&e drun'

V. (resent (er$ect )interrogative*. 'omplete the :uestions and the short answers ( + 3 0 ,ave )ou eaten 5eat6 all the chocolates2 ________ Stela ____________ 5do6 her homework2 ________ )ou ____________ 5make6 Tessas "irthda) cake2 ________ Tomm) _____________ 5cut6 his hair2 ________ the students ____________ 5learn6 all the past participles2 ; No. I %aven+t ; /es. ______________ ; No. _______________ ; /es. ______________ ; No. _______________ %4 VI (resent (er$ect - ust.ever.never <ut the words in the ri!ht order and make sentences ( #ood 3 Sall) 3 ever 3 has 3 ,ndian 3 tried 3 ,as Sa&&/ ever tried Indian $ood0 + the 3 =olland 3 1orld 3 never 3 has 3 won 3 'up ___________________________________________________________________ - =arr) 3 seen 3 a 3 has 3 snake 3 $ust ___________________________________________________________________ 3 a 3 )ou 3 #amous 3 ever 3 met 3 person2 3 have ___________________________________________________________________ %3 VII. >ead the te9t Then circle the correct answer: a. b or c ONE O1 T,E 2IGGEST (RO23EMS ON (3ANET EART, TO4A5 IS T,E ENVIRONMENT The climate has chan!ed and the planet is !ettin! warmer 1e have destro)ed lar!e parts o# the rain#orests and dama!ed the oceans <ollution in "i! cities has !ot worse The num"er o# endan!ered species has increased too 1hen )ou turn on the television or open a newspaper. )ou can o#ten #ind stories a"out the environment and its destruction Most people think that there is nothin! the) can do. "ut its not true 1e can all do somethin! to help our local environment ,n man) towns. places have opened where )ou can rec)cle !lass. paper. cans and plastic. and. in some places. the) will collect paper and !lass #rom )our house /ou can walk or take the "us when )ou !o to school or to the local supermarket. instead o# travellin! ") car <u"lic transport is "etter #or the environment /ou can turn o## the li!hts when )ou !o out o# a room and )ou can turn o## the television or computer when )ou have #inished /ou can save water too Turn the water o## when )ou clean )our teeth and dont stand under the shower #or ten minutes* These are small thin!s "ut i# ever)one does them. then the world will chan!e There are ?!reen@ or!aniAations all over the world ,# theres a local !roup in )our area. wh) dont )ou $oin it2 Bnd i# there isnt a local !roup. wh) dont )ou start one2

+ T%e p&anet is a6 hotter now than it was "6 cooler now than it was c6 too hot - T%ere are 66666.. stories about t%e environ!ent in t%e ne"spapers. a6 a #ew "6 sometimes c6 a lot o# 3 We !ust re!e!ber t%at !ost peop&e a6 can do somethin! "6 can do nothin! c6 cant chan!e an)thin! 0 T%e artic&e sa/s "e s%ou&d a6 walk ever)where "6 use "uses i# we can c6 never use cars 5 5ou can save "ater i$ /ou a6 dont clean )our teeth "6 have a cold shower c6 have a :uick shower %5 T7TBL GOO4 3789::: % 0C

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