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How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

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#ec 7et 5ibrarExc an$e Exc an$e &erver 200* 2perations Mana$in$ "ecipients Movin$ Mailboxes How to Move a Mailbox 8it in a &in$le Forest How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests How to Mer$e Mailboxes

How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests

20 out of 25 rated t is elpful ! "ate t is topic Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 Topic Last Modified: 2008-05-15 # is topic explains ow to use t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell to %ove a %ailbox across different forests' Note: (ou cannot use t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent Console to %ove %ailboxes across forests' (ou %ust use t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell' (ou can use t is procedure to %ove %ailboxes in t e followin$ scenarios)

Movin$ fro% an Exc an$e 200* server in one forest to an Exc an$e 200* server in anot er forest' Movin$ fro% a server runnin$ Exc an$e &erver 200+ in one forest to an Exc an$e 200* server in anot er forest' Movin$ fro% an Exc an$e 200* server in one forest to an Exc an$e 200+ server in anot er forest' Movin$ fro% an Exc an$e 2000 server in one forest to an Exc an$e 200* server in anot er forest' ,n t e case w ere -ou want to %ove %ailboxes fro% one forest to anot er wit out interruptin$ t e user.s access to t e %ailbox/ -ou s ould use t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet wit t e AllowMerge para%eter' For %ore infor%ation/ see How to Mer$e Mailboxes'

0efore (ou 0e$in

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How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

#o perfor% t e followin$ procedures/ t e account -ou use for t e source forest %ust be dele$ated t e followin$)

Exc an$e "ecipient Ad%inistrator role for t e source Exc an$e or$ani9ation Exc an$e &erver Ad%inistrator role and local Ad%inistrators $roup for t e source server Note: (ou %ust specif- t is account b- usin$ t e -SourceForest re!ent"al para%eter # e account -ou use for t e tar$et forest %ust be dele$ated t e followin$)

Exc an$e "ecipient Ad%inistrator role for t e tar$et Exc an$e or$ani9ation Exc an$e &erver Ad%inistrator role and local Ad%inistrators $roup for t e tar$et server Note: (ou %ust specif- t is account b- usin$ t e -#argetForest re!ent"al para%eter All %ultiple forest topolo$ies containin$ Exc an$e 200* re:uire director- servers in eac forest runnin$ 8indows &erver 200+ wit &ervice Pac; 3 or later' # e account -ou use to run t e co%%and %ust be dele$ated t e Exc an$e &erver Ad%inistrator role on t e server w ere -ou run t e co%%and' For %ore infor%ation about per%issions/ dele$atin$ roles/ and t e ri$ ts t at are re:uired to ad%inister Microsoft Exc an$e &erver 200*/ see Per%ission Considerations' Also/ before -ou perfor% t is procedure/ be aware of t e followin$)

# is procedure %oves onl- t e %ailbox to t e tar$et forest' ,t does not %ove t e user account' ,f -ou want to %ove bot t e user account and t e correspondin$ %ailbox to t e tar$et forest/ -ou %ust first use a tool suc as t e Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool version +'0 (A<M# v+) to %ove t e user account to t e tar$et forest/ and t en %ove t e %ailbox to t e tar$et account' For %ore infor%ation about A<M# v+/ see Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool v+'0' ,f -ou %ove a %ailbox across forests/ ite%s in t e du%pster will not be %oved unless -ou are %er$in$ %ailboxes b- usin$ t e AllowMerge para%eter' ,te%s in t e Deleted Items folder will be %oved' For %ore infor%ation about confi$urin$ deleted ite% retention/ see Confi$urin$ <eleted Mailbox and <eleted ,te% "etention' #o %ove contacts or distribution $roups fro% one forest to anot er/ -ou %ust use a tool suc as t e Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool version +'0 (A<M# v+)' For %ore infor%ation about t e A<M# v+/ see Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool v+'0' ,f -ou ave a forest wit a previous version of Exc an$e t at contains onl- 8indows 2000 &erver do%ain controllers (not 8indows &erver 200+ do%ain controllers)/ -ou cannot use t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet to %ove %ailboxes to an Exc an$e 200* server in anot er forest' # e Move-Mailbox c%dlet can co%%unicate onl- wit do%ain controllers runnin$ 8indows &erver 200+ wit &ervice Pac; 3 or later' #o %ove %ailboxes/ -ou %ust ave at least one do%ain controller in bot t e source and t e destination forests runnin$ 8indows &erver 200+ wit &ervice Pac; 3 or later' #o enable cross forest %oves/ -ou %ust open t e followin$ ports)



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How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

5+ (#CP) == (#CP) 3+5 (#CP) +=? (#CP) @@5 (#CP) +2A= (#CP) B302@ (#CP)

<o%ain 7a%e &ervice (<7&) >erberos Microsoft "e%ote Procedural Call (M&!"PC) 5i$ t 8ei$ t <irector- Access Protocol (5<AP) Microsoft!<& &ervice 5<AP ,f t e Exc an$e store is staticall- confi$ured/ -ou %ust also open at least one port $reater t an 302@'

Procedure Exc an$e &erver 200* &ervice Pac; 3 (&P3)

# is section contains t e &P3!specific Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell procedure'

#o use t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell to %ove a %ailbox across different forests
3' Move t e user account to t e tar$et forest b- usin$ A<M# v+' For %ore infor%ation about t e A<M# v+/ see Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool v+'0' 2' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server w ere -ou will run t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e followin$ co%%and to create a credential obCect)

$SourceCredential = Get-Credential

(ou will be pro%pted for credentials' &pecif- an account t at as per%issions to %ove t e %ailboxes in t e source forest' +' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server w ere -ou will run t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e followin$ co%%and to create a credential obCect)

$TargetCredential = Get-Credential

(ou will be pro%pted for credentials' &pecif- an account t at as per%issions to %ove t e %ailboxes

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How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

in t e tar$et forest' @' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e Move-Mailbox co%%and to %ove t e %ailbox' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" -Id

7ote t e followin$) ,n t is exa%ple/ t e contoso do%ain is in t e source forest and t e fabri;a% do%ain is in t e tar$et forest' ,n t is exa%ple/ t e co%%and is run on a Mailbox server in t e tar$et forest' ,f an- para%eter values contain a space/ -ou %ust enclose t e value in :uotation %ar;s' # e $lo%al atalog and SourceForest$lo%al atalog para%eters are used to locate t e %ailbox in t e tar$et and source forests' ,f -ou do not specif- a source forest $lobal catalo$ or a tar$et forest $lobal catalo$/ t e forest for t e local co%puter on w ic -ou are runnin$ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and will be used to deter%ine a $lobal catalo$ server to use' For %ailbox %oves across different forests/ -ou %ust specif- at least one of t ese two para%eters' # e &o'a"n ontroller para%eter is used to identif- a specific do%ain controller in t e tar$et forest for t e %ailbox %ove' # e do%ain controller will be used durin$ t e %i$ration for Active <irector- write operations' ,f -ou do not specif- a tar$et forest do%ain controller/ t e local forest on w ic -ou are runnin$ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and will be used to deter%ine a do%ain controller to use' # e (#Account)* para%eter is used to specif- t e or$ani9ational unit in t e tar$et forest w ere t e user account for t e %ailbox will be created/ if it does not exist/ or w ere t e user account is located/ if it alread- exists' Note: (ou cannot use t e (#Account)* para%eter if -ou use t e AllowMerge para%eter' # e AllowMerge para%eter specifies t at -ou want to %er$e t e %ailbox wit a %ailbox t at alread- exists in t e tar$et forest' ,f -ou want to specif- t e ti%e!out li%it for %ovin$ a %ailbox/ use t e +etr,#"'eout para%eter' ,f a %ailbox %ove ta;es lon$er t an t e specified ti%e/ t e %ove will fail' (ou can also specift e interval for displa-in$ %ailbox status infor%ation b- usin$ t e +etr,-nterval para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

,f -ou do not want to ;eep recipient policies on t e %ailbox after it is %oved/ use t e -gnorePol"c,Match para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

,f -ou want to filter t e %essa$es t at are %oved to t e tar$et %ailbox/ -ou can use an- of t e followin$ filter para%eters) Attach'entF"lena'es/ Exclu!eFol!ers/ -nclu!eFol!ers/ ontent.e,wor!s/ Su%/ect.e,wor!s/ +ec"0"ent.e,wor!s/ or Sen!er.e,wor!s' For exa%ple)

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How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

0- default/ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and does not delete t e source %ailbox or t e source user account' ,f -ou are %ovin$ a user.s %ailbox to a new forest/ and -ou ave alread- %oved t e user account to t e new forest usin$ t e A<M#/ and -ou want to delete bot t e source %ailbox and t e source user account after t e %ailbox is %oved/ -ou can use t e &eleteSource(#Account option of t e SourceMa"l%ox leanu0)0t"ons para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

5' C ec; t e co%%and.s output to verif- t at t e %ove co%pleted successfull-' A' ,f t e user w ose %ailbox was %oved uses Microsoft 2ffice 2utloo; 200+ or a previous version of 2utloo;/ -ou %ust %odif- t e 2utloo; profile of t at user so t at it accesses e!%ail %essa$es fro% t e tar$et Exc an$e server' *' 4erif- t at t e user can access e!%ail %essa$es fro% an e!%ail client co%puter'

For detailed s-ntax and para%eter infor%ation/ see t e Move!Mailbox reference topic'

Exc an$e &erver 200* "#M

# is section contains t e release to %anufacturin$ ("#M)!specific Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell procedure'

#o use t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell to %ove a %ailbox across different forests
3' Move t e user account to t e tar$et forest b- usin$ A<M# v+' For %ore infor%ation about A<M# v+/ see Active <irector- Mi$ration #ool v+'0' 2' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server w ere -ou will run t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e followin$ co%%and to create a credential obCect)

$SourceCredential = Get-Credential

(ou will be pro%pted for credentials' &pecif- an account t at as per%issions to %ove t e %ailboxes in t e source forest' +' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server w ere -ou will run t e Move-Mailbox c%dlet/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e followin$ co%%and to create a credential obCect)

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$$/0+/20$% %:&, -M

How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

$TargetCredential = Get-Credential

(ou will be pro%pted for credentials' &pecif- an account t at as per%issions to %ove t e %ailboxes in t e tar$et forest' @' 2n t e Exc an$e 200* server/ in t e Exc an$e Mana$e%ent & ell/ run t e Move-Mailbox co%%and to %ove t e %ailbox' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" -Id

7ote t e followin$) ,n t is exa%ple/ t e contoso do%ain is in t e source forest and t e fabri;a% do%ain is in t e tar$et forest' ,n t is exa%ple/ t e co%%and is run on a Mailbox server in t e tar$et forest' ,f an- para%eter values contain a space/ -ou %ust enclose t e value in :uotation %ar;s' # e $lo%al atalog and SourceForest$lo%al atalog para%eters are used to locate t e %ailbox in t e tar$et and source forests' ,f -ou do not specif- a source forest $lobal catalo$ or a tar$et forest $lobal catalo$/ t e forest for t e local co%puter on w ic -ou are runnin$ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and will be used to deter%ine a $lobal catalo$ server to use' For %ailbox %oves across different forests/ -ou %ust specif- at least one of t ese two para%eters' # e &o'a"n ontroller para%eter is used to identif- a specific do%ain controller in t e tar$et forest for t e %ailbox %ove' # e do%ain controller will be used durin$ t e %i$ration for Active <irector- write operations' ,f -ou do not specif- a tar$et forest do%ain controller/ t e local forest on w ic -ou are runnin$ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and will be used to deter%ine a do%ain controller to use' # e (#Account)* para%eter is used to specif- t e or$ani9ational unit in t e tar$et forest w ere t e user account for t e %ailbox will be created/ if it does not exist/ or w ere t e user account is located/ if it alread- exists' Note: (ou cannot use t e (#Account)* para%eter if -ou use t e AllowMerge para%eter' # e AllowMerge para%eter specifies t at -ou want to %er$e t e %ailbox wit a %ailbox t at alread- exists in t e tar$et forest' ,f -ou want to specif- t e ti%e!out li%it for %ovin$ a %ailbox/ use t e +etr,#"'eout para%eter' ,f a %ailbox %ove ta;es lon$er t an t e specified ti%e/ t e %ove will fail' (ou can also specift e interval for displa-in$ %ailbox status infor%ation b- usin$ t e +etr,-nterval para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

,f -ou do not want to ;eep recipient policies on t e %ailbox after it is %oved/ use t e -gnorePol"c,Match para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

. of 7

$$/0+/20$% %:&, -M

How to Move a Mailbox Across Forests: Exchange 2007 Help !s/librar"/aa##7$%&'()printer*v...

,f -ou want to filter t e %essa$es t at are %oved to t e tar$et %ailbox/ -ou can use an- of t e followin$ filter para%eters) Attach'entF"lena'es/ Exclu!eFol!ers/ -nclu!eFol!ers/ ontent.e,wor!s/ or Su%/ect.e,wor!s' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

0- default/ t e Move-Mailbox co%%and does not delete t e source %ailbox or t e source user account' ,f -ou are %ovin$ a user.s %ailbox to a new forest/ and -ou ave alread- %oved t e user account to t e new forest usin$ t e A<M#/ and -ou want to delete bot t e source %ailbox and t e source user account after t e %ailbox is %oved/ -ou can use t e &eleteSource(#Account option of t e SourceMa"l%ox leanu0)0t"ons para%eter' For exa%ple)

Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Target Server\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database"

5' C ec; t e co%%and.s output to verif- t at t e %ove co%pleted successfull-' A' ,f t e user w ose %ailbox was %oved uses Microsoft 2ffice 2utloo; 200+ or a previous version of 2utloo;/ -ou %ust %odif- t e 2utloo; profile of t at user so t at it accesses e!%ail %essa$es fro% t e tar$et Exc an$e server' *' 4erif- t at t e user can access e!%ail %essa$es fro% an e!%ail client co%puter'

For detailed s-ntax and para%eter infor%ation/ see t e Move!Mailbox ("#M) reference topic'

#o ensure t at -ou are readin$ t e %ost up!to!date infor%ation and to find additional Exc an$e &erver 200* docu%entation/ visit t e Exc an$e &erver #ec Center'

<id -ou find t is elpfulD



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