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Consulting Case Bank Appendix A List of Fit and Experiential Questions

We wanted to arm you with the list of all 57 fit/experiential questions separately. Use it as a tool to practice on your own or with a partner.

Resume 1. 2. 3.
Take a few minutes and run me through the key things I should know from your resume. If you could only share one experience from your resume, what would it be? I see you had internship experience XYZ. Did you receive a return offer?

Education and School 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Explain a concept or topic you learned in one of your classes in 60 seconds. Tell me about your favorite college class and share a few things that you learned. I see you have a liberal arts background in school. Why are you interested in management consulting? I see you were an engineering undergraduate (or graduate student) with a lot of technical experience. Why are you interested in management consulting and what have you done to prepare for it? Why did you major in [DEGREE]? You attended [UNIVERSITY OR MBA]. Explain to me your thought process in deciding to attend [UNIVERSITY OR MBA].

MBA-specific Education and School 10. Which functions (such as organization, operations) are particularly
interesting to you and why? 11. Which industries are interesting to you and why? 12. Why did you choose to go to business school? 13. Why did you pick [SCHOOL] for your MBA?

Post-consulting and Your Future 14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15. What do you plan to do after management consulting? Personality and Curve-ball 16. Imagine that tomorrow, you pick up the New York Times and see a front 17. 18. 19. 20.
page article about you. What would the title say? What would your friends say about you? (Variants include: What 3 words would your friends use to describe you? What would your friends say is your greatest flaw? Tell me about your hobbies/personal interests. What was your greatest failure and what lessons did you learn from it? If you didnt do consulting, what else would you do?

Strengths and Weaknesses 21. Whats your greatest strength? 22. Whats your greatest weakness? 23. What constructive feedback have you received from prior employers or

Teamwork, Leadership, and People Management 24. Tell me about a time when you were leading a team that faced a
significant challenge, and how you led your team to overcome that challenge.

25. Tell me about your most challenging leadership experience. 26. Tell me about a time when you were not in a designated leadership role 27. 28. 29. 30.
but demonstrated leadership where you recognized an opportunity and stepped up to lead the team. Tell me about your leadership style. How would you deal with a difficult boss? How would you deal with difficult coworkers/colleagues/teammates? Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.

Industry/Firm Interest and Knowledge 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Why are you interested in management consulting? What do you think makes a good management consultant? What have you done to prepare yourself for the job? Why are you interested in [INSERT FIRM NAME HERE]? Any there areas of management consulting that you find really interesting (for instance, a particular industry or particular function such as operations)? 36. Why do you want to work at a global management consulting firm? 37. Why do you want to work at a boutique consulting firm? 38. Why are you interested in [INSERT PRACTICE/DEPARTMENT HERE] practice?

International Offices and Overseas Applicants 39. I see much of your educational and work background is from [XYZ
country]. Why did you choose to apply to a U.S. office? 40. What preparation work have you undertaken to learn more about the [INSERT COUNTRY OF APPLICATION] management consulting industry and its business culture? 41. What are some differences between the [INSERT COUNTRY] business culture and the culture of your home country? How do you plan to address these?

Experienced Hires and Career Changers 42. What motivated you to change now? 43. Youve been promoted several times in your current job and are making
far more than you would as a 1st year consultant. Why switch? 44. What skills did you develop in your previous jobs that would make you a strong consultant? 45. I see youre currently a doctor/lawyer/PhD student. What interests you about consulting and what have you done to learn more about it? 46. Given your engineering/technical background, why are you interested in general management consulting and not IT or technology consulting?

General Business and Current Events 47. Spend a minute and tell me what you think is the most interesting 48. 49. 50. 51.
business issue in the news today. Which company do you think is having a tough time right now, and what would you recommend they do to improve their current situation? Tell me about a company you admire and why. What book/periodical do you read that has taught you the most about business? Why? How do you think the recent economic crisis is going to affect the consulting business? or class that youve taken.

52. Give me an example of a tough quantitative/analytical work assignment

Recruiting and Process-related 53. What other firms are you applying to? 54. Can you tell me where you are in the process with [INSERT FIRM NAME
HERE]? 55. Are you only interested in consulting? Are you applying for finance as well?

Ethics and Integrity 56. Tell me about a situation where you faced an ethical challenge and
explain what you chose to do. 57. Have you ever known someone who cheated? How did you react in this situation?

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