Construct Assessment Instruments Performance Indicator (A) Investigative Science Performance Indicator (B) Non Investigative Science Score

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Construct Assessment Instruments Perform nce In!"c tor #A$ In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence Perform nce In!"c tor #'$ Non In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence Score

Planning Investigation or Experiment Part 1

Practical Report Project

PI 1 To state the inference corresponding to the situation or observation. PI 2 To state the corresponding hypothesis in which its validity can be tested. PI 3 To state the aim of the experiment or investigation that can verify the ypothesis stated. PI 4 To state the manipulative variable! the responsive variable and the constant variable completely.

Score 3 "ble to achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance. Score 2 "ble to achieve at least # PIs correctly. Score 1 "ble to achieve at least 1 PI correctly.

Part #

PI 1 To state the full list of apparatus and materials used to obtain at least one set of $% and R% data. PI 2 To describe the setting up of the apparatus or the labeled diagram for the arrangement of the apparatus that function able. PI 3 To state the procedure of the experiment completely including the method of controlling $% in the appropriate range and to measure the corresponding R% PI 4 To show the tabulation of data containing columns and rows for variables with the corresponding units or the right observation.

PI 1 To state the full list of apparatus! materials and&or other needs used to obtain data! information and& or observation from the experiments or activities. PI 2 To describe the setting up of the apparatus or the relevant labeled diagram that is functional. PI 3 To state the full procedure of the experiment or the steps of the activities. PI 4 To state how data! information and& or observation that is recorded 'if applicable(

Score 3 "ble to achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance. Score 2 "ble to achieve at least # PIs correctly. Score 1 "ble to achieve at least 1 PI correctly. * Note: )tudent who does not gives any response or unable to achieve any PI will be mar*ed +,-.


Construct Assessment .arry out experiment or investigation Instruments Report 'during experiment( Perform nce In!"c tor #A$ In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence PI 1 "ble to set up the apparatus! materials that can be function according to procedures PI 2 "ble to operate the apparatus and materials with the right method& procedures PI 3 "ble to obtain reading using the right method and techni/ue Perform nce In!"c tor #'$ Non In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence PI 1 "ble to set up the apparatus! materials that can be function according to procedures PI 2 "ble to operate the apparatus and materials with the right method& procedures PI3 "ble to obtain reading with the right method &techni/ue& able to draw&s*etch the observation Score Score ) "ble to achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance Score * "ble to achieve at least # PIs correctly Score 1 "ble to achieve at least 1 PI correctly Note: )tudent who does not gives any response or unable to achieve any PI will be mar*ed +,-.


Construct Assessment .ollect and record investigative data or experimental data Instruments Practical report Project Perform nce In!"c tor #A$ In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence PI 1 To construct a table with the correct physical /uantities and units PI 2 To record all readings for manipulated variable with appropriate decimal places and consistent PI 3 To record all readings for responding variable with appropriate decimal places and consistent PI 4 To record all the calculated secondary data with appropriate decimal places! consistent and in correct unit 'if applicable( Perform nce In!"c tor #'$ Non In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence PI 1 To record measurements or draw&s*etch observations from experiment or activity PI 2 To record measurements or draw&s*etch observations from experiment or activity correctly and accurately. PI 3 To record calculated values with the correct unit or fully label the diagrams drawn & s*etched. To record repeated observations in different situations. 'if applicable( Score Score 3 "ble to achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance Score 2 "ble to achieve at least # PIs correctly. Score 1 To achieve at least 1 PI correctly. Note: )tudent who does not gives any response or unable to achieve any PI will be mar*ed +,-.

PI 4

Scr + ,ooPI 1 To exhibit information related to the assignment PI 2 To exhibit various information sufficiently PI 3 To classify information in meaningful se/uence PI 4 Present brief descriptions


Construct Assessment 0ata definition and ma*ing conclusion Instruments Practical report Project PI 1 Perform nce In!"c tor #A$ In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence To state the title of the graph and to draw the graph axes with correct unit !where the manipulated variable on the x1axis and the responded variable on the y1 axis. 2se uniform scale! odd scale is not accepted with at least four points correctly transferred. 3est and smooth line! with the line formation corresponding with the experiment. The graph should cover at least 456 of the graph paper si7e. To show method to find gradient of the graph by drawing triangle and to state the value of the gradient 'if applicable( PI 1 Perform nce In!"c tor #'$ Non In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence To state the title of the graph and to draw the graph axes with correct unit! where the manipulated variable on the x1 axis and the responded variable on the y1 axis. Score Score 3 "ble to achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance Score 2 "ble to achieve at least # PIs correctly. Score 1 "ble to achieve at least 1 PI correctly. Note: )tudent who does not gives any response or unable to achieve any PI will be mar*ed +,-.

PI 2

PI 3

PI 2 2se uniform scale! odd scale is not accepted with at least four points correctly transferred. PI 3 3est suited and smooth line with the line formation corresponding with the experiment. The graph should cover at least 456 of the graph paper si7e. To show method to find gradient of the graph by drawing triangle and to state the value of the gradient 'if applicable(

PI 4

PI 4

PI 5 To determine values from graph through extrapolation or interpolation 'if applicable( PI 6 To state the corresponding conclusion. PI 7 To state measures to ensure accuracy in data collection.

PI 5 To determine values from graph through extrapolation or interpolation 'if applicable( PI 6 To state the corresponding conclusions. PI 7 To state measures to ensure accuracy in data collection.

Or # C /cu/ t"on$
PI 1 To calculate correctly for the information needed. PI 2 To state answer with correct unit and number of decimal places PI 3 To ma*e conclusion correctly PI 4 To state measures to ensure accuracy in obtaining data. 'if applicable(

Or #ot0ers$
PI 1 To give clear explanation for the information collected for example diagram drawn clearly from diagram drawn or s*etched. PI 2 To state conclusion of the experiment correctly. PI 3 To state steps on improving the results of the experiment or the activity carried out.


Construct Assessment Interest and curiosity Instruments 8olio! scrap boo*! experimental report! student activity! project Experimental report! portfolio! project. 8olio! student activity! project. Portfolio! student activity! scrap boo*! project. Perform nce In!"c tor #A$ In%est"& t"%e Sc"ence PP 1 %arieties! plenty and relevant! li*e to as* for extra information more than the scope taught in class. PP 2 9eat and in proper order PP 3 "lways willing to help. "ble to accept others suggestions PP 4 To practice safety measure and cleanliness! carry out tas* in the allocated time. Score Score 3 To achieve all PIs accurately and completely without assistance Score 2 To achieve at least # PIs correctly Score 1 "ble to achieve at least 1 PI correctly Note: )tudent who does not gives any response or unable to achieve any PI will be mar*ed +,-.

)ystematic .o1operative Responsible

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