Organisations For Ten Rounds Rapid

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Organisations For Ten Rounds Rapid.

1.0 Introduction. This covers most of the major armies used in World War II, plus the Korean War combatants, since they are very similar to World War Two armies. Some of the data has had to be invented, due to lack of information. Althou h they have been written for Ten Rounds Rapid, they can be used with any set of rules for !" mm fi ures, and are suitable for use with #$ mm ones as well. The armies are or anised alphabetically, with aircraft at the end in a combined table. Supply vehicles have been omitted, with the e%ception of those for artillery units, and some of the recovery vehicles are uesses. &ou can omit them if you wish, or distribute them to lower sub ' units. ()i ures in brackets are the number of vehicles they represent*. 2. American Organisations. 2. A American Infantry Regimental HQ 19 2 ! ". #en $a%e &'R HQ (ompany ) # +,, - ,fficers, #- .en with S/0, # .an with 1a2ooka, # .an with 0adio, # #$cwt, # 3eep. Regimental A*T (ompany # ,fficer, - .en with # jeep, - #$cwt(-* towin -4 mm .-A#(5*, or # $4 mm .#(5* (from #65- *. Regimental +un (ompany # ,fficer, - men with # 3eep, ! T#6 7.+(.- #8! Track with #"$ mm* (-*or ! .- #"$ mm 7owit2ers(-* towed by ! #8! tonne lorries. 2 , Infantry ,attalions 19 2! " -" per regimental HQ. . #en $a%e &'R. HQ &ection # +,, # ,fficer, ! .en, # 3eep. # .an 1a2ooka, # .an with 0adio. " Infantry (ompanies 6 .en S/0, # .an /.9. 1 &upport (ompany HQ # ,fficer, ! .en S/0, ! .en 1a2ooka. # #$cwt. 1 /latoon 5 .en operatin ! ..9, - .en operatin ".$: 7.9. 1 /latoon # ),,, ! ;# mm mortars(-*. 1 ,attalion A*T /latoon # ,fficer, - .en, # -4 mm .-A#(-*, # #$ cwt. #ay motorise 0it$ # #$cwt for 7<, # 3eep, # ! #8! Tonne /orry per Infantry +ompany, # ! #8! Tonne lorry for the .9 platoon, # 3eep, ! #$cwt for the .ortar =lt. 2 ( Tan1 Regimental HQ &ection 19 2! " HQ &ection # .5 A# Sherman(-*, # .5A# Sherman (-* or # .- /ee(-*, # .- /ee(-* 2 2 #edium or 't Tan1 ,attalion 19 2 ! ". HQ &ection # . ! or .- #8! Track(#* carryin +, > and ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio. ! .- A- ,r .$ /t tanks(-*, or ! .5A# Sherman (-* or ! .- /ee (-* # .-#(-* or #" tonne Wrecker(-* > +, may be in a tank instead. " Tan1 (ompanies - .- A- or .$ /t Tanks ($* or - .5A# Shermans ($*, or - .- /ee($* 1 (om3at &upport (ompany # .! or .- #8! Track(!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an ba2ooka, # .an S/0. 1 Recce /latoon # 3eep87.9 ($*. 1 Ho0it4er /latoon # T-" 7.+ (-*, or # .; 7.+( -* (from #65- onwards.* 1 #ortar /latoon # .5 ..+(-*. ?ote All tanks in a battalion are of the same type. .- A- and /ees may not be used with .; 7.+.

2 5 Armoured Infantry ,attalion 19 2 ! 19 ". HQ &ection # .! #8! Track(!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers. # .an with 0adio, # .! #8! Track carryin # .an 1a2ooka, # .an with 0adio, - .en # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* " Armoured Infantry (ompanies # .! #8! Track($* carryin # .an 1a2ooka, # .an /.9, ; .en S/0 # .! #8! Track(5* towin -4 mm .-A#(5*, with - crew, ! men operatin ..9, ! .en operatin @" mm .ortar. 1 (om3at &upport (ompany # .! #8! Track(!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, 5 .en. 1 Recce /latoon # 3eep8 7.9 ($*. 1 #+ /latoon # .! #8! Track(-* carryin @ men ,peratin - ..9. 1 #ortar /latoon # .5 ..+ (-*. 2 F Tan1 2estroyer (ompany 19 2 ! " - " (ompanies 6 Recce (ompany ma1e up a 3attalion.. # .- Scout +ar(!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, 5 .en - .@ 9.+(5* (#$cwt carryin -4 mm .-A#* or - .- 9.+ (5* (.- #8! Track with 4$ mm /-"* or - .#" 9.+ (5* (,nly from #65-.* may add # =latoon # .#$(5*. ?1 A .- and .@ platoons may be mi%ed in the same company, .#"Bs may not be used with either of the other types. 2 + Tan1 2estroyer Recce (ompany 19 2 ! 19 ". HQ # .- Scout +ar(!* carryin 1 /latoon - 3eeps87.9(@* 1 /latoon # .- Scout +ar(!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, 5 .en # .an 1a2ooka, $ .en.

2 H (a%alry Troop 19 2 ! " - " troops 6 1 't Tan1 company ma1e up a s7uadron. HQ # .- Scout +ar(!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, 5 .en # .- Scout +ar(!* carryin # .an 1a2ooka, $ .en. " /latoons # 3eep87.9(@* 2 I Artillery ,attalions . -t$is applies t$roug$out t$e 0ar8 and for 9orea. . HQ # #$cwt(#* or .- #8! Track(".-:*(#* carryin +, C # ,fficer and # .an with 0adio, - .en. # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* - ),, Teams # 3eep carryin ),,, # .an, or # .!"(#* carryin ),,, # .an, or .$ /t tank(#*, or .5A- Sherman(#*,(,nly for Armoured* or # 9rasshopper /t Aircraft. (,nly for 7eavy* " ,atteries Towed # .! #"$ mm(5* or # .#5 #$$ mm (5* towed by ! #8! Tonne lorries. # ! #8! Tonne /orry(!* with Trailer. Armoured ! T#6(5* or .4 =riests(5*, # .- #8! Track(".-:* with Trailer(!*. =riests from #65-, T#6 until #65-, they may not be mi%ed. 7eavy # .# #$$ mm(5*, or # .#! #$$ mm S= or # .# or .! !"- mm. Towed uns are towed by $ tonne lorries or 7.S.TBs. # $ tonne /orry(!* with trailer. ?ote for Korea, towed batteries have ! models of stren th -, +hemical 1atteries may also be used, these are or anised as a Towed battery, with 5.!: mortars, and are towed by #$ cwts rather than ! #8! Tonne lorries. 2 : American Armoured (om3at (ommand HQ 5urope 19 *; (may command up to - 1attalions C supports* HQ ) # .5A- Sherman(-*, # .$ Stuart(-*, # .- #8! Track(!* carryin # ,fficer, # ?+,, # .an with 0adio, $ .en S/0, ! .en with 1a2ooka.

2 9 American #edium Tan1 ,attalion. 19 " ! 19 ; HQ # .5A- Sherman(-*, # .-# (-* or .-!(-* 0ecovery Dehicle. 1 't Tan1 (ompany - .$ Stuart($*, or .!5 +haffee($* " #edium Tan1 (ompanies - .5A- Shermans ($* 1 Assault +un /latoon # .; 7.+(-* or # .5(#"$ mm* (-* 1 #ortar /latoon # .5 or .!# ..+(5* 1 Recce /latoon # 3eep87.9 ($* )rom 3uly #655 .5Bs may be up raded to .5A- (4@*. The followin numbers may be up raded A To Eecember #655 ' # vehicle per company, or # +ompany. To .arch #655 ' ! vehicles per company )rom .arch #655 any or all vehicles. )rom 3uly #655 .; 7.+Bs may not be used. If any 4@ mm are used an additional platoon these must be added, and this may be added from 3uly #655. .!5Bs may be used from Eecember #655. )rom Eecember #655 # =latoon of # .!@($* may be added. It is either part of 7< or part of a .edium company. 2 ' American Armoured Infantry ,attalion. 19 " ! 19 ; HQ # 3eep with 7.9(-* carryin # ,fficer, # ?+, with 0adio " Armoured Infantry (ompanies # .- #8! Track(".-:*(-* carryin 6 0iflemen, # .an with 1a2ooka. (1ut assume it has an /.9* 1 A*T /latoon # .- #8! Track(".$:*(-* towin $4 mm A8T9 (-* with 5 crew. 1 't #ortar platoon # .- #8! Track(".-:*(-* carryin $ men, ! .en with @" mm .tr, # .an with 1a2ooka. 1 #+ /latoon # .- #8! Track(".$:*(-* carryin # ".$: 7.9 operated by - men, ! ".-: ..9 operated by ! men each, ! men with 1a2ooka. 1 Assault +un /latoon # .4 7.+(-*. 1 #ortar /latoon # .5 or .!# ..+(5* 1 Recce /latoon # 3eep87.9 ($* 2 # American Infantry Regimental HQ 19 " ! ;. #en $a%e &'R HQ (ompany ) # +,, - ,fficers, #- .en with S/0, # .an with 1a2ooka, # .an with 0adio, # #$cwt, # 3eep. Regimental A*T (ompany # ,fficer, - .en with # jeep, " /latoons # #$cwt towin # $4 mm .#(5* (from #65- onwards*. regimental +un (ompany # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio ! men with # 3eep, ! .- #"$ mm 7owit2ers(-* towed by ! #8! tonne lorries, # ! #8! Tonne lorry towin Trailer. 2 < American Infantry ,attalions 19 "! HQ &ection " Infantry (ompanies 1 &upport (ompany HQ 1 /latoon 1 /latoon 1 ,attalion A*T /latoon #ay motorise 0it$ ; -" per regimental HQ. . #en $a%e &'R. # +,, # ,fficer, ! .en, # 3eep. # .an 1a2ooka, # .an with 0adio. # ,fficer, ; .en S/0, # .an /.9. # ,fficer, ! .en S/0, ! .en 1a2ooka. # #$cwt. 5 .en operatin ! ..9, - .en operatin ".$: 7.9. # ,fficer, ! ;# mm mortars(-*. # ,fficer, - .en, # $4 mm .#(-*, # #$ cwt. # #$cwt for 7<, # 3eep, # ! #8! Tonne /orry per Infantry +ompany, # ! #8! Tonne lorry for the .9 platoon, # 3eep, ! #$cwt for the .ortar =lt.

2 O American &/ Tan1 2estroyer (ompany 19 ! ; # .!" (!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, - .#"(5*, or - .#;(5*, or - .-@(5* (from ,ctober #655* 1 /latoon # .; Armoured +ar(!*, # 3eep 7.9($*.

2 / American To0ed Tan1 2estroyer (ompany 19 ! ; # .!" (!* carryin # ,fficer, # .an 1a2ooka, - . - #8! Tracks(5*, towin -: A8T 9uns, $ +rew. 2 Q American (a%alry Troop8 19 " ! 19;". -<ote for 9orea may only use #2 =s and #> H#( are not a%aila3le. HQ # .; A8+ar(-*, # 3eep87.9(-* # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* " /latoons # .; A8+ar(-*, # 3eep87.9(@* #ay Add # .$($* or # .!5 ($* ()or dates on .!5 see Tank 1attalion* #ay Add # .; 7.+(-* 2 R American AA /latoons 19 2 ! 19;" or or # .#-(5* or .#$(5*, or .#@(5* or .#6(5* (.#- to #65- only, .#6 in Korea only*. # .$# Fuad ".$:(5* towed by ! #8! tonne /orry (5* # -4 mm .# or 5" mm .# towed by ! #8! tonne /orry(5*

2 & American Infantry Regimental HQ 9orea 19;0 to 19;". -#ay command up to " ,attalions 6 supports.. HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with radio, 5 .en 2 T American Infantry ,attalion 9orea 19;0 to 19;". HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with radio, 5 .en, # .an with 1a2ooka or =an2ershreck. " Infantry (ompanies 6 .en with S/0, # .an /.9, 1 &upport (ompany HQ # ,fficer, # .an with radio, # .an with 1a2ooka or =an2ershreck. 1 /latoon " 3eeps(-* with 4$ mm 0+/. 2 /latoons 5 .en operatin ! ".-: ..9, - .en operatin # ".$: 7.9. 1 /latoon 6 .en operatin - @" mm .ortars(-* 1 /latoon # ),,, # .an with radio, @ men openin ;# mm .ortar(@* ?ote A the =an2ershreck represents the -.$: 0ocket /aunchers. This is also used to represent the South Korean army in which case only 1a2ooka may be used. 2 ? American Tan1 ,attalion 9orea 19;0 to 19;" Gse the #65- to 5$ Tank battalion, with no combat support company, Assault 9un platoons may be used. Tanks may be .5A- H;, .!5, .!@, or .5@. If attached to an infantry battalion only one company can be fielded. There are 5 companies in this unit, all with the same tank type. In .!5 units there are no assault uns, in .!@ and .5@ units the .5 #"$Bs are replaced by .!@8#"$ (possibly desi nated .!4*. .5 #"$Bs may replace the co' a%ial .9 with a flamethrower.

" ,ritis$ Organisations. These or anisations have had some divisional assets added to bri ades and battalions to reflect the normal practices. They are noted as Attac$ed and may be removed, and re'concentrated. Infantry are deliberately under stren th. 46th Armoured Eivision may be used by the Americans. " A ,ritis$ Infantry ,rigade HQ8 19"9 to 19;". HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios, # .an with /.9, # .an with AT0 or =IAT or 1a2ooka (AT0 to #65-, =IAT to #65$, 1a2ooka in Korea*. 1 A*T ,attery -<ot in 9orea. - Tractors(5* towin ! pdr(5* (to #65-*or @ pdr(5*(from #65!* or #4 pdr(5* (See below for S= batteries* (from #65-*, ! and @ pdr may be =ortee, In #655 @ pdr may be towed by carriers, and #4 pdr by .$ #8! Tracks, or +rusader 9un Towers. 1 'AA ,attery -<ot in 9orea. 5 Tractors(5* towin 5" mm 1ofors(5* AA " , ,ritis$ Infantry ,attalion 19"9 to 19 2 HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio, ! .en, # .an with AT0, # .an with !: .ortar. (ompanies 4 .en with 0ifle, # .an with /.9. 1 (arrier /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # AT0, # !: .ortar, and - /.9. 1 #ortar /latoon # #$ cwt carryin - men and # -: .ortar(!*. 1 A*T /latoon # #$ cwt(5* carryin )rench !$ mm(5* with 5 +rew (5*.(,nly on )rance* 1 /ioneer /latoon 5 men, # with )lame'thrower, 1 ##+ /latoon # #$cwt(!* carryin @ men with ! Dickers ..9. ( Attac$ed* " ( ,ritis$ Infantry ,attalion 19 " to 19 ; HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio, ! .en, # .an with =IAT, # .an with !: .ortar. Rifle (ompanies 4 .en with 0ifle, # .an with /.9. 1 (arrier /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # =IAT, # !: .ortar, and - /.9. 1 #ortar /latoon ! Gniversal +arriers each carryin - men and # -: .ortar(-*. 1 A*T /latoon # Gniversal +arrier (5* towin @ pdr A8Tk un(5* with 5 +rew (5*. 1 /ioneer /latoon # Gniversal +arrier (!* with 5 men, # with )lame'thrower, 1 ##+ /latoon -Attac$ed. ! Gniversal +arriers (!* each carryin - men with # Dickers ..9. #ay Add ; Kan aroos, # for 7< I # for each 0ifle +ompany, in Hurope from 48#655 ?ote for Italy in #655 and #65$ many battalions had only - 0ifle +ompanies. " 2 ,ritis$ Infantry ,attalion 9orea 19;0 to 19;". -(arrier /latoon may operate dismounted. HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio, @ .en, # .an with 1a2ooka, # .an with !: .ortar. (ompanies 4 .en with 0ifle, # .an with /.9. 1 (arrier /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # =IAT, # !: .ortar, and - /.9. 1 #ortar /latoon @ .en and ! -: .ortar(-*. 1 /ioneer /latoon 5 men, # with )lame'thrower, 1 ##+ /latoon @ men with ! Dickers ..9. ?ote A )or a Hurope reduce 7< by 5 men, add a #!" mm 0+/(5*, 3eep(5*, 5 +rew. " 5 ,ritis$ #ac$ine +un ,attalion 19"9 to 19 ; -<ote t$is unit is incorporated as #+ platoons in t$e 3attalions.. HQ # +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio, ! .en. " (ompanies - #$ cwt(5* each carryin ! Dickers ..9 with ! +rew or -5urope from 19 ". @ Gniversal +arriers(!* carryin # Dickers ..9 with ! +rew # #$ cwt(5* towin 5.!: .ortar(5* with $ +rew. # Wasp )lame Thrower(@* J?W Hurope only from late #655* ?ote in the )ar Hast from #65- onwards #$ cwt could be replaced by .ules. " F ,ritis$ Armoured ,rigade HQ France 19"9 ! 19 0. HQ # #$ cwt carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios. 1 Troop # A6(-* or # A#"(-*, or A#- .k I(-*, or A#- .k II(-* " + ,ritis$ Armoured ,rigade HQ <ort$ Africa and 5urope 19 0 to 19 ;.

HQ 1 Troop

# Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # A6(5* to #65#, or # A#"(5* to #65#, or A#- .k II (to #65#* or # +rusader I(5* to #65!, or +rusader II( 5* or Sherman I8II8D(5* from ,ctober #65! .

" H ,ritis$ (ruiser Regiment France and <ort$ Africa 19"9 to :uly 19 1. HQ # #$ cwt carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* 1 Troop-(O. # A6(-* or # A#"(-* or # A#- .k I(-*, or # A#- .k II(-* 1 Troop " A6 +S(-*. 1 or 2 &7uadrons 5 A6(-*, or 5 A#"(-*, or 5 A#- .k I(-*, or 5 A#- .k II(-* 1 or 2 &7uadrons 5 Dickers /t .k DI1(-* or Dickers /t .k DI +. @p to 1 &7uadron 5 .#-85"(-* JThis may only be used with ! /t SFuadrons* 1 #otor (ompany -Attac$ed. # #$cwt (5*carryin # .an /.9, # .an AT0, @ .en with 0ifle. # #$ cwt (5*carryin # -: .ortar(!*, - +rew, ! .en with # Dickers ..9 1 /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # AT0, # !: .ortar, and - /.9. Only " &7uadrons may 3e used per regiment. " + ,ritis$ (ruiser Regiment <ort$ Africa :uly 19 1 to #ay 19 2. HQ # Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* 1 Troop-(O. # A#- .k II(5*, or +rusader .k I(5*, or +rusader .k II(5* or # Stuart(5* 1 Troop 2 A#- .k II +S(-*, or +rusader .k I +S(-* or +rusader .k II +S(!*, or ! Stuart (-*. " &7uadrons 5 A#- .k II(-* or 5 +rusader .k I(-* or +rusader .k II(-* or 5 Stuart(-*. 1 #otor (ompany -Attac$ed. # #$cwt (5*carryin # .an /.9, # .an AT0, @ .en with 0ifle. # #$ cwt (5*carryin # -: .ortar(!*, - +rew, ! .en with # Dickers ..9 1 /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # AT0, # !: .ortar, and - /.9. ?ote only A#- and +rusader I may be mi%ed, A#- may not be used after Eecember #65#. " H ,ritis$ (ruiser Regiment <ort$ Africa :une 19 2 to Octo3er 19 2. HQ # Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # #" tonne Wrecker(-* 1 Troop-(O. # +rusader .k II(5* or # Stuart(5*, or 9rant(-* 1 Troop 2 +rusader .k II +S(!*, or ! Stuart (-*. 1 or 2 &7uadrons 5 +rusader .k II(-* or 5 Stuart(-*. 1 or 2 &7uadrons 5 9rant(5* or /ee(5* 1 #otor (ompany -Attac$ed. # #$cwt (5*carryin # .an /.9, # .an AT0, @ .en with 0ifle. # #$ cwt (5*carryin # -: .ortar(!*, - +rew, # Gniversal +arrier(5* carryin ! .en with # Dickers ..9 1 /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # AT0, # !: .ortar, and - /.9 <ote ) 0e iments have either ! +rusader SFuadrons, and # 9rant SFuadrons, or # Stuart and ! 9rant SFuadrons. If ! 9rant SFuadrons are used delete the +S troop.

" I ,ritis$ (ruiser Regiment <ort$ Africa A Tunisia Octo3er 19 2 to #ay 19 ". -&ee notes for Organisation. HQ # Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # #" tonne wrecker(-*. 1 Troop -(O. 2 +rusader II(-* or +rusader III(-*, # +rusader II +S(5* or 1 Troop ! Sherman I or II(5*, or ! Stuart(5* 1 AA Troop # Dickers /t AA(5* 1 or 2 &7uadrons 5 +rusader II(-*, may replace up to ! +rusaders with +rusader III(-* 1 or 2 &7uadrons $ Sherman I or II (-* @p to 1 &7uadron 5 9rant(-* or /ee(-* or " &7uadrons 5 Stuart(-* or " &7uadrons ! +rusader III(-*, ! Dalentine DII(-* 1 #otor (ompany -Attac$ed. # #$cwt (5*carryin # .an /.9, # .an AT0, @ .en with 0ifle. # #$ cwt (5*carryin # -: .ortar(!*, - +rew, # Gniversal +arrier(5* carryin ! .en with # Dickers ..9 1 /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # AT0, # !: .ortar, and - /.9 <ote ) )or Hi ht Army the re iment may use +rusader II or Sherman 7<, with # or ! +rusader SFuadrons, and # or ! Sherman SFuadrons, or # each of +rusader, Sherman and 9rant. Stuarts represent 5th (/t* Armoured 1ri ade. )or #st Army Gse the +rusader III 7< with the mi%ed +rusader8Dalentine SFuadrons. " : ,ritis$ #edium Armoured Regiment 5urope 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # Sherman or +romwell A0D(-* (Gse same type as r tBs tanks* 1 Troop-(O. ! Sherman I or II(5* or # +romwell ID(5*, ! +romwell DII(5* or # +omet (5*, ! +romwell DII(5* J!6th Armd 1ri from -85$K 2 Troops 5 Eaimler Ein o(-* 1 Troop ! +rusader II AA(5*, or ! +entaur AA(5*, J?orth West Hurope @855 to ;855K. " &7uadrons 5 Sherman III or D(-* or - +romwell ID(-*, # Sherman )irefly(5* J!!nd Armd 1ri ?W Hurope K or 5 +omet(5* J?orth West Hurope @855 to ;855K. 1 &7uadron - Stuart D(-* @pgrades <ort$ Best 5urope ) To 4855 # Sherman per SFuadron must be )irefly, from 4855 two may be, from #85$ all may Italy) from $855 # Sherman per SFuadron may be 4@ mm, from -85$ ! may be. " 9 ,ritis$ Armoured Recce Regiment <. B. 5urope 19 to 19 ;. HQ # Armoured +ommand Dehicle carryin ! ,fficer, ! .en with radios. # +romwell A0D(-* 1 Troop-(O. # +romwell DIIw(5*, ! +romwell DII(5* " &7uadrons 5 +romwell DIIw(-*, # Stuart D(-* From 10* replace # +romwell with +hallen er(-* " ' ,ritis$ Tan1 &7uadron 9orea 19;0 $ +hurchill DII(-*

" ' ,ritis$ Armoured Regiment 9orea 19;1 to 19;" HQ # +enturion III or D(-* " &7uadrons $ +enturion III or D(-* or $ .5A-H;(-*J .5Bs are +anadian* 1 &7uadron - +romwell DIIw(-* (#6$# only, not with .5*

" # ,ritis$ #otor ,attalion 5urope 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # White Scout +ar(!* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an =IAT, ! .en with !: .ortar, ! .en 0ifle. " (ompanies # .$ #8! Track carryin # .an /.9, 4 .en 0ifle. 1 /latoon - Gniversal carriers with 6 men operatin # =IAT, # !: .ortar, and - /.9 1 /latoon ! Gniversal +arriers(-* towin @ pdr(-* with 5 +rew. 2 /latoons # Gniversal +arrier(5* carryin # Dickers ..9 with ! +rew. " < ,ritis$ Infantry Tan1 Regiment 19"9 ! 19 0 France. HQ # .atilda .k II(-*J+,K, # .atilda .k II(-*, # Dickers /t .kDI1($* " &7uadrons ! .atilda .k II(-*, - .atilda .k I(-* ?ote SFuadrons may be attached to Infantry 1attalions. " O ,ritis$ Infantry Tan1 Regiment <ort$ Africa 19 0 to 19 ". HQ # .atilda .k II (-* J+,K, # .atilda .k II(!*, ! .atilda .k II +S(-*, # #" tonne wrecker. or # Dalentine .k II (-* J+,K, # .atidla .k II(!*, ! .atilda .k II +S(-* or # +hurchill III(5*J+,K, # +hurchill III(-*, ! +hurchill D(-* " &7uadrons 5 .atilda(-*, or 5 Dalentine II(-* or +hurchill III(-* <otes .atildas may only be used to 685!, from ##85! two Dalentines may be up raded to Dalentine IL or L, +hurchills may only be used in Tunisia. SFuadrons may be attached to Infantry 1attalions " / ,ritis$ Infantry Tan1 Regiment Italy 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # +hurchill ID8?A4$ or DI(5*J+,K, # +hurchill ID8?A4$ or DI(-*, ! +hurchill D(-*. # Sherman or +hurchill A0D(-* " &7uadrons ! +hurchill ID8?A4$, or DI(-*, ! Sherman III(-* <otes SFuadrons may be attached to Infantry battalions. " Q ,ritis$ Infantry Tan1 Regiment <ort$ Best 5urope 19 ! ;. HQ # +hurchill DI or DII(5*J+,K, # +hurchill DI or DII(-*, ! +hurchill D or DII(-*. # +hurchill A0D(-* " &7uadrons 5 +hurchill DI or DII(-*. <otes ) SFuadrons may be attached to Infantry 1attalions. +hurchills may also be .k IL/T. " ? ,ritis$ Field Artillery Regiment 19"9 to 19;2. -" in an Infantry 2i%ision8 2 in an Armoured 2i%ision. HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. # #" Tonne Wrecker(-*. " ,atteries ! Tractors(5* towin )ield 9un(5*, and /imber, # Tractor(5* towin ! /imbers. 2 FOO Teams # +arrier(#* or Scout +ar(#* carryin ),,, # .an radio. 9uns are A To #65" #; pdr or #;8!$ pdr. To #65! 5.$: 7owit2er. #65! to #65- 1ishop (?. Africa and Scilly* #65! to #655 .4 =riest. (#65$ M in Italy* #655 onwards Se%ton (not in Korea* ,therwise !$ pdr. " B ,ritis$ #edium Artillery Regiment 19"9 to 19 ; -T$ese 0ere not used in 9orea.. HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios.# #" Tonne Wrecker(-*. 2 ,atteries # $ Tonne /orry towin 9un, # $ Tonne /orry. 1 FOO Team # +arrier(#* or Scout +ar(#* carryin ),,, # .an radio. 9uns are A #6-6 to #65# @" pdr or @: .k I. #65# onwards $.$: 7owit2ers. At +orp level 5.$: 9uns for counter battery.

" C ,ritis$ Hea%y Regiment 19"9 to 19 ; -t$ese 0ere not used in <ort$ Africa or 9orea. . HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios.# #" Tonne Wrecker(-*. ,atteries # #" tonne /orry or Tractor Towin 9un, # - tonne /orry. 9uns are #6-6 to #65" )rance ;: 7owit2er. #6-6 to #65- 4.!: .k I to .k ID #65! onwards 4.!: .k DI, GS .# #$$ mm, or ;: .#. " D ,ritis$ &/ Anti!Tan1 ,attery 19 " to 19 ;. # +rusader A,=(-*, - .#"(5* or - ." Achilles(5*JAchilles from ;855 in ?W HuropeK or # Dalentine LII (-*, - Archer(5* J#"855 ?W Hurope onlyK .ay be attached to any Infantry 1attalion or Armoured 0e iment. A 0e iment has - 1atteries, # or ! S=, and # Towed as the Infantry 1ri ade 7<. " B ,ritis$ Armoured (ar Regiment 19"9 to 19 0 France. HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. # .orris A8+ar(-* " &7uadrons $ .orris A8+ar(-* " E ,ritis$ Armoured (ar Regiment <ort$ Africa 19"9 to 2ecem3er 19 2. HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. # #" tonne Wrecker(-* # .orris A8+ar(-* or 7umber .k II A8+ar(-* or # .armon 7errin ton A8+ar(-* &7uadrons ! .orris(5*, ! 0olls 0oyce or )ordson(5* or $ 7umber .k II(-* or # .armon 7errin ton8!"mm(5*, - .arnon 7errin ton A8+ar(-* ?ote .orris and 0olls80oyce )ordson may only be used to 3une #65#. " AA ,ritis$ Armoured (ar Regiment <ort$ Africa :anuary to #ay 19 ". HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. ! 7umber .k III A8+ar(-* ! Eaimler Ein oes(-* # #" Tonne Wrecker. &7uadrons 1 Eaimler A8+ar($*, ! 7umber .k III A8+ar($*, # AH+ .k II A8+ar(!* " A, ,ritis$ Armoured (ar Regiment Italy 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # White Scout +ar (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. $ Sta hound I A8+ar(5*, 5 Eaimler Ein o(-*, # #" tonne wrecker(-* &7uadrons - Sta hound A8+ar(-*, - Eaimler Ein o(-*, # .- 9.+(-*, # .- #8! Track(-* carryin # .an =IAT, # .an /.9, - .en 0ifles. " A( ,ritis$ Armoured (ar Regiment <ort$ Best 5urope 19 !19 ;. HQ # White Scout +ar (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. # Sta hound A8+ar(5*, 5 Eaimler Ein o(5*, # 7umber AA A8+ar(5* # #" tonne wrecker(-* &7uadrons # Sta hound A8+ar(5*, ! Eaimler A8+ar($* ! Eaimler Ein o(!*, # AH+ .kIII (!* # White Scout +ar(-* carryin # .an =IAT, # .an /.9, - .en 0ifles. " A2 ,ritis$ Infantry 2i%ision (a%alry Regiment France 19"9 to 19 1. HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios, # Dickers /t .k DI1(5*. " &7uadrons ! Dickers /t .k DI1(5*, 5 +arriers(-* each carryin # .an /.9, ! .en 0ifles. " A5 ,ritis$ Infantry 2i%isional (a%alry Regiment Africa 19 0 to Octo3er 19 2 HQ # #$cwt (!* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. " &7uadrons 5 Gniversal +arriers($* each carryin # .an /.9, ! .en 0ifle, # Gniversal +arrier(5* carryin - .en with -: .ortar(5*.

" AF ,ritis$ Infantry 2i%isional Recce Regiment 5urope 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # 7umber Scout +ar(5* J+,K " &7uadrons - 7umber /t 0ecce(5*, - Gniversal +arriers(-* each carryin # .an /.9, ! .en 0ifle. # Gniversal +arrier(5* towin @pdr A8T(5*, with 5 +rew. # Gniversal +arrier(!* carryin -: .ortar(!* with - +rew. " A+ 5lements of ,ritis$ F9t$ Armoured 2i%ision <.B 5urope 19 ! ;. These must be attached to other units. ?o more than # +ompanies worth of such elements may be attached to one unit. #ine (learing # ' - Sherman +rab(5* Flame T$ro0ers # ' $ +hurchill +rocodile(-* AR?5 Troops # ' 5 +hurchill AD0H(-* ?ote A A=+ re iments are covered under the Infantry 1attalion, Kan eroos can be replaced by 1uffaloes for amphibious operations. ,elgium. 5urope This is army is estimated. The artillery is mostly 9erman W. W. I weapons converted. As data on these is hard to find I have instead substituted )rench eFuivalents, the correct desi nations are iven afterwards for those who wish to know. Armour was very limited, with one company of #! vehicles per Infantry division. This has been allowed. )rom #65" onwards the 1el iumBs or anised an Infantry 1ri ade alon 1ritish lines. Infantry have no A8T 9renades in this list. A ,elgium Infantry Regiment HQ 19"9 to 19 0. -#ay command " ,attalions. HQ +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with radio, 5 .en. 1 A*T1 (ompany ! Tractors(-* each towin )rench 54 mm /8$"(-*, with - +rew. 1 #ortar (ompany - Tractors(-* each carryin # ;# mm .ortar(-* with 5 +rew. , ,elgium Infantry ,attalion 19"9 to 19 0 HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an " (ompanies # .an /.9, ; .en with 0ifles. 1 (ompany - @" mm .ortars(@* with 5 +rew, ! ..9 with - +rew. ( ,elgium 2i%isional Tan1 (ompany 19"9 to 19 0. 5 T#- .k I(-* or 5 T#- .k II(-*, or 5 T#- .k III(-* 2ata T#- .k I I II T#- .k III Eefence #, )ast, with )rench 54 mm /-5. As above, with c% .9.

2 ,elgium Field Artillery ,attalion 19"9 to 19 0. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an " ,atteries # Tractor(5* towin )rench .#;64 4$ mm(5*, # ! tonne /orry(!* 1 O/ team # ),,, # .an with radio. 9uns are actually +anon de 4$ 9=#, or 9=##, or 9=###. 5 ,elgium (orp Artillery ,attalion 19"9 to 19 0. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an 2 ,atteries # Tractor(5* towin Schnider #$$ mm .#4 howit2ers , or +okerill #!" mm .-;, or Schnider #"$ mm .#-. ! - tonne /orries (!*.

; ($inese and <ort$ 9orean8 9orea 19;0 to 19;". This is an estimated army. Strictly speakin the tanks are ?orth Korean only, but can be used by either. It has no aircraft, since they had very few if any tactical support aircraft. ; A ($inese or 9orean Regimental HQ 19;0 to 19;". -#ay command " or ,attalions.. HQ +,, ! ,fficers, # .an 0adio. 1 #ortar (ompany - ;! mm .ortars(-* with - +rew, or - #!" mm .ortars (-* with 5 +rew. 1 5ngineer (ompany # .an with /.9, # .an with )lame Thrower, 5 .en with S.9 1 +un ,attery ! SG 4@m(-* ; , ($inese or 9orean Infantry ,attalion 19;0 to 19;" HQ +,, - .en with S.9, # .an 0adio, ! $4 mm 0+/(-* with ! +rew. " (ompanies # .an /.9, ; .en with rifles or S.9 (the options are e%clusive* 1 (ompany - ..9 with ! +rew. 1 ,attery ! @" mm .ortars(-* with ! crew. ; ( ($inese or 9orean Tan1 Regiment 19;0 to 19;". HQ # T-58;$ (!*, # T-5 A0D(#*, or SG@" Tractor(#* 2 ,attalions HQ # T-58;$ (5* 2 (ompanies - T-58;$(-* G ($ec4 19"> to 19"9. This is obviously a hypothetical list which represents the army at the time of .unich. At this time only the Infantry e%isted, the armour was ordered but not delivered. The or anisation has been amended somewhat to fit the rules. Some weapons have been substituted, with correct ones listed afterwards. Infantry have no AT 9renades. G A ($ec4 Regimental HQ 19"> to 19"9. -#ay command 2 Armoured or 2 #otorised or " Infantry ,attalions. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, ! .en. )or Armour I .otorised Add # #$cwt. )or Infantry .ay be on horseback. +avalry must be on 7orseback. 1 A*T (ompany 5 #$ cwt(5* towin -4 mm .-4(5* or 54 mm .-@(5* G , ($ec4 Infantry ,attalion. 19"> to 19"9. HQ +,, # .an with radio, ! .en " (ompanies # .an with /.9, 6 .en with 0ifles. 1 (ompany ! ..9 with - crew. )or Armoured add # #$ cwt or =ra a =A 5 A=+ per +ompany and at 7< )or .otorised add # #$ cwt per company and at 7<. =ra a =A 5 is Wheeled A)D, Eefence #, with ! pivot .9Bs G ( ($ec4 Tan1 ,attalion 19"> to 19"9. HQ # =n2 -$(t*(#* or # =n2 -;(t* (#* or Turan #(#*, # #" Tonne Wrecker(-* " (ompanies 5 =n2 -$(t* (5* or 5 =n2 -;(t* (5* or Turan #(-* ?ote A Tank desi nations are the most common for those vehicles. They have been used to avoid confusion.

G 2 ($ec4 'ig$t Artillery ,attalion 19"> to 19"9. HQ +,, # .an with radio, ! .en in #$ cwt or on 7orseback. " ,atteries # Tractor or 7orse team(5* towin Skoda ;-.$ mm .odel #;(5*, # ! Tonne lorry(!* or wa on(!* or # Tractor or 7orse team(5* towin Skoda #"" mm .odel #58#6(5* # ! Tonne lorry(!* or wa on(!* 1 FOO Team # #$ cwt(#* carryin # ),,, # .an with radio, or on 7orseback. G 5 ($ec4 Hea%y Artillery 3attalion 19"> to 19"9. HQ +,, # .an with radio, ! .en in #$ cwt 2 ,atteries # Tractor(5* towin Skoda #"$ mm .odel -$(5* or Skoda #56 mm .odel !$, ! ! tonne /orries. G F ($ec4 (a%alry Regiment 19"> to 19"9. -" in a ,rigade.. HQ +,, ! ,fficers, # .an with 0adio, ! .en all on horseback. 2 +roups +,, # ,fficers, # .an with radio, ! .en on horseback. 2 &7uadrons # .an with /.9, @ .en with 0ifles, on 7orseback. 1 &7uadron ! ..9 with - +rew on 7orseback. 1 (yclist ,attalion HQ +,, # .an with radio, ! .en on 1icycles (ompanies # .an with /.9, 6 .en with 0ifles, on 1icycles. 1 Armd (ar &7uadron 5 Tatra =A.5 (5*. F Finnis$ Army 19"9 to19 . A small army, which mana ed to hold the 0ussians for some ei ht or nine months in the winter of #6-6 to #65", and then joined 9ermany in their invasion of 0ussia in #65#. The army had little in the way of heavy weapons, most of its armour came from captured 0ussian sources, or later supplied by the 9ermans. )rom #655 the )inns chan ed sides, and fou ht with the 0ussians. F A Finnis$ Regimental HQ 19"9 to 19 ;. -#ay (ommand 2 Infantry ,attalions and 1 (yclist ,attalion. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, ! .en. F , Finnis$ Infantry ,attalion 19"9 to 19 ;. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, ! .en. " (ompanies # .an with /.9, 6 men with 0ifles. 1 (ompany - /ahati ..9 with - +rew. 1 /latoon # 7orse team towin -4 mm =ak -@ A8T un(!* with - crew. 1 /latoon # 7orse carried ;# mm .ortar(-* with - crew. 1 /latoon # -4 mm .le #6#@ T0=(!* with ! crew. (#6-6 ' 5" only* ?otes A 3a er, +yclist and /i ht 1attalions had 1icycles in summer, and skis in snow. )rom #65# the -4mm A8T may be replaced by 0ussian 5$ mm or =ak -; $"mm )rom #65- the A8T 9uns may be =ak 5" 4$ mm. F ( Finnis$ Tan1 (ompany 19"9 to 19 0 -only one 0as used8 Renault FT1F*"F=s 0ere dug in as defences.. - T!@ 1! (either captured or converted Dickers @ tonne. *

F 2 Finnis$ (a%alry ,rigade 19"9 to 19 ;. -Only one of t$ese eHisted.. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, ! .en mounted on 7orses. 2 Regiments HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, ! .en mounted on 7orses. " &7uadrons # .an with /.9, 6 men with 0ifles mounted on horses. 1 &7uadron - /ahati ..9 with - +rew mounted on horses 1 :ager ,attalion HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, ! .en, on bicycles or skis. " (ompanies # .an with /.9, 6 men with 0ifles, on bicycles or skis. 1 (ompany - /ahati ..9 with - +rew, on bicycles or skis 1 /latoon # 7orse team towin -4 mm =ak -@ A8T un(!* with - crew. 1 /latoon # 7orse carried ;# mm .ortar(-* with - crew. ?otes A ?otes on A8T uns for the infantry battalion apply. F 5 Finnis$ Tan1 Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # #$ cwt carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, ! .en. ! T-58;$(-* J#655 onlyK. 2 ,attalions HQ # T !@ 1!(5* or # KD # 1(!*, # 0ecovery Dehicle(-* " (ompanies - T!@ 1!($* or ! T-584@(-* I # T!;+($* or - =n2 ID 3($* ?otes A ,nly one company of T-58T!; and one +ompany of =n2 ID may be used, =n2 ID may only be used from #655. F F Assault +un ,attalion 19 1 to 19 ;. HQ # 1T'5!(!* or Stu III 984$(!*Jfrom #65-K # 0ecovery Dehicle(-* " (ompanies - 1T'5!($* or Stu III 984$($*Jfrom #65-K ?otes A )rom #65- only # company of 1T'5! may be used, it is independent. The 1T'5! is a 1T $ or 4 with 1ritish 5.$: howit2er. Eefence !, D. )ast, F + Finnis$ Artillery ,attalion. HQ 2 'ig$t ,atteries 1 FOO Team 1 Hea%y ,attery +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, ! .en. # 7orse team(5* or - Tonne lorry(5* towin 4$ mm field un(5*, # - tonne /orry(5* # ),,, # .an with radio, on horse back, or in /t car(#*. # 7orse team(5* or $ Tonne lorry(5* towin #"$mm(5* or #!!mm(5* or #$" mm(5* 7owit2er. # - Tonne lorry(!* or wa on(!*. 1 FOO Team # ),,, # .an with radio, on horse back, or in /t car(#*. ?otes A The weapons used are hi hly variable. 4$ mm came from Sweden, the GS, and ?orway. 0ussian 4@ mm were captured and used in lar e numbers, as were the #!! mm. #"$Bs came from )rance and Sweden, #$" mm (also #$!Bs and #$$Bs* came from )rance, Sweden, and 0ussia.

F H Independent Finnis$ @nits. T$ese may 3e attac$ed to any Regimental HQ. Armoured (ar /latoon # 1A'#"($* or # 1A'!"($* or 1A'-!($*, or T-4 /t Tank($* AA /latoon # Tractor(!* towin 5" mm 1ofors(!* or !" mm AA(!* Jmany models usedK

> Frenc$ 19"9 to 19 1. This or anisation was used for the campai ns in Hurope, and also in Syria and ?orth West Africa. )or )ree )rench until #65- use the 1ritish or anisations, form then on use the GS ones. The .ountain +orp in Italy appears to have used its own or anisation, of which I have no details. There were also cavalry divisions (E/+* but a ain I have no details. As an appro%imation use the Era oon =ortees battalion replacin the motor transport with horses, but retainin the GHBs. The followin tables are by division, startin with E/., then E+0 and finally Infantry. In Syria 7-$ tank battalions and Infantry units may be used. In Tunisia Infantry and S-$ or 7-6 tanks can be used. )rench Infantry have no A8T 9renades, or A8T 0ifles, but the 1ritish supplied $"" 1oyes A8T rifles to the )rench. It is doubtful that any were issued. > A Frenc$ 2'# Tan1 Rgt HQ. 19"9 to 19 0. -(ommands 1 &"; and 1 H";*"9 ,attalion. HQ # Souma S-$(-*J+,K, # ! Tonne /orry carryin ! ,fficers, ! .en. # 0ecovery Dehicle(5*. > , Frenc$ 2'# Tan1 ,attalion 19"9 to 19 2. HQ # Souma S-$(-* or 7-$ (-* or 7-6(-* 2 (ompanies $ Souma S-$($* or 7-$ (-* or 7-6($* > ( Frenc$ 2'# 2ragoon /ortees Regiment HQ 19"9 to 19 1. -(ontrols " 2ragoon /oortes ,attalions. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin ! @" mm .ortars(-*, with - +rew. 2 Rifle &7uadrons # ! Tonne /orry carryin # .an with /.9, 6 .en. 1 #otorcycle &7uadron # .an with /.9, 6 .en, mounted on motorcycles. 1 (a%alry &7uadron - A.0 -- (-* or A.0 -$(-* or A.+ -$854(-*, or A.+ -$8!$(-*, or A++ -;8-4 or A++ -;8!$(-* 1 &upport &7uadron # )ield +ar(#* carryin # ),,, # .an 0adio, ! ! Tonne /orries(!* carryin ! ..9 with ! crew. # ! Tonne /orries(!* carryin ;# mm .ortar(5* with 5 +rew. ! 0enault GH(!* towin !$ mm A8T 9uns(!* with ! crew. ?ote A It is possible that this unit had 1oyes A8T rifles, if this is allowed add# fi ure with the weapon at 7<. > 2 Frenc$ 2'# Recce +roupe 19"9 to 19 0 HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an 1 #otorcycle &7uadron # .an with /.9, 6 .en, mounted on motorcycles. 1 Armd (ar &7dn 5 =anhard #4; A8+ar ($* . ?ote A ! of these C # 7< of # =anhard A8+ar(!* make up 0ecce 1ri ade of a E/. > 5 Frenc$ 2'# 2i%isional A*T1 +roupe 19"9 to 19 1. HQ # 0enault GH(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an 2 (ompanies - 0enault GH(5* towin !$ mm A8Tk uns(5* with ! crew. 1 (ompany - 0enault GH(5* towin 54 mm A8Tk uns(5* with - crew. ?ote A .ay be detached to other battalions as companies or individual models. > F Frenc$ 2'# 2i%isional Artillery +roupe 19"9 to 19 1. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. 2 't ,attalions - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* towin .#;64 4$mm(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* 1 #edium ,attalion - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* towin .#6-@ #"$ mm(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* ?ote A Individual battalions may be fielded. 4$mm may be used in an A8Tk role.

> + Frenc$ 2(R #edium Tan1 Regiment 19"9 to 19 2. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. # 0ecovery Dehicle(!* 2 ,attalions HQ ! 0-$(-* or 7-6(-* or +har E#1(-* " (ompanies 5 0-$(-*, or 7-6(-* or +har E#1(-*. > H Frenc$ 2(R Hea%y Tan1 Regiment 19"9 to 19 0. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. # 0ecovery Dehicle(!* 2 ,attalions HQ ! +har 1#bis(-* " (ompanies - +har 1#bis (-* > I Frenc$ 2(R ($asser ,attalion 19"9 to 19 0 -2i%ision only $ad one of t$ese. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* or /orraine +arrier(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. # #$ cwt truck(5* carryin ;# mm .ortar(5* with 5 crew. ! #$ cwt trucks(-*, or /orraine +arriers(-* carryin @" mm .ortar(-* with ! crew. " Infantry (ompanies # ! Tonne /orry(5* or /orraine +arrier(5* carryin # .an with /.9, 6 .en 1 A*T (ompany - 0enault GH(5* towin !$ mm A8Tk 9uns(5* with ! +rew. 1 Recce (ompany # =anhard #4;($*, # .an /.9, - .en, mounted on .otorcycles. ?ote A It is possible that these units had a 1oyes A8T 0ifle, add # fi ure at 7< with this weapon if opponents or competition or anisers a ree. > : Frenc$ 2(R 2i%isional A*T1 (ompany 19"9 to 19 0. -2i%ision only $as one of t$ese. - 0enault GH(5* towin 54 mm A8Tk uns(5* with - crew. ?ote A .ay be detached to other battalions as individual models. > 9 Frenc$ 2(R Artillery +roupe 19"9 to 19 1. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. 2 #edium ,attalions - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* towin .#6-@ #"$ mm(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* ?ote A Individual battalions may be fielded. > ' Frenc$ Infantry 2i%ision Infantry Regimental HQ 19"9 to 19 2. -@se for #otorised infantry as 0ell8 $as " ,tns. HQ # )ield +ar(!* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an radio. # ! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ;# mm .ortar(!* with - +rew. # .an /.9, - .en mounted on .otorcycles. Regimental A*T (oy ! 0enault GH(-* towin !$ mm A8Tk 9uns(-* with ! crew. 2i%isional 5ngineer (oy #" .en with rifles and Hn ineer eFuipment. # #$ cwt(5* in .otorised Eivision. ?ote A The A8T company is only in #st /ine Eivisions, and a few +at A divisions. > # Frenc$ Infantry ,attalion 19"9 to 19 " HQ # )ield +ar(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. # 0enault GH(!* towin !$ mm A8Tk un(!* with ! +rew. # ! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ;# mm .ortar(!* with - +rew. " Infantry (ompanies # .an /.9, 6 .en. 1 #+ (ompany 5 ..9 with ! +rew. ?ote )or a motorised unit add # #$cwt(5* for each Infantry and .9 company, and could have had an A8T rifle, see the > I for information on this .

> < Frenc$ Infantry 2i%ision Recce ,attalion 19"9 to 19 2 HQ # )ield +ar(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. # 0enault GH(!* towin !$ mm A8Tk un(!* with ! +rew. # ! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ;# mm .ortar(!* with - +rew. 1 #otorcycle (ompany # .an with /.9, 6 .en, mounted on motorcycles. 1 #ounted (ompany # .an with /.9, 6 .en, on horseback. 1 #+ (ompany ! ..9 with ! +rew, on horseback. > O Frenc$ #otorised 2i%ision Recce Regiment 19"9 to 19 2. HQ # )ield +ar(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. 1 ,attalion HQ # )ield +ar(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. # =anhard #4; A8+ar(#* 1 A*(ar (oy - =anhard #4; A8+ar(5* 1 #*( (oy # .an with /.9, 6 .en, mounted on motorcycles. 1 ,attalion HQ # )ield +ar(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. # A.0 -$(#* # 0enault GH(!* towin !$ mm A8Tk un(!* with ! +rew. # ! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ;# mm .ortar(!* with - +rew. 1 #*( (oy # .an with /.9, 6 .en, mounted on motorcycles. 1 A#R (oy 5 A.0-$($* 1 #+ (oy # #$cwt(!* carryin ! ..9 with ! +rew. ?ote A.0 -$ could be replaced with A.0 --, A.+ -$, or A++ -;. > / Frenc$ Infantry or #otorised 2i%ision 'ig$t Artillery +roup 19"9 to 19 2. -2i%ision $as 1 of t$ese. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. " 't ,attalions - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* or 7orse Teams towin .#;64 4$mm(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* or 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5*. ?ote .otorised divisions have tractors, infantry divisions horse tows. > Q Frenc$ Infantry or #otorised 2i%ision 'ig$t Artillery +roup 19"9 to 19 2. -2i%ision $as 1 of t$ese. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. 2 #edium ,attalions - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* or 7orse Teams towin .le #6-5 #"$ mm 7owit2er(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* or 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5*. 1 Hea%y ,attalion - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* or 7orse Teams towin .le #6#4 #$$ mm(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* or 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5*. ?ote .otorised divisions have tractors, infantry divisions horse tows. > R Frenc$ (orp Artillery +roupe 19"9 ! 19 0. HQ # ! Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, # .an. 2 ,attalions - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio, - Tractors(5* or 7orse Teams towin #$$ mm 9=)(5* - ! Tonne /orries(5* or 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5*. ?ote .otorised +orps have tractors, infantry divisions horse tows.

9 +erman Formations. The 9erman army fielded over -"" infantry divisions, which provided the bulk of their forces. There was a continual shorta e of eFuipment, so units shown here are almost certainly over stren th. Infantry had A8T renades from #65#, and any artillery had 7HAT rounds from then onwards. 9erman cavalry has been i nored, some ! ' - divisions appeared and disappeared durin the war. 9 A +erman Infantry Regiment 19"> to 19 " -may command up to " 3attalions. HQ # Wa on(!* carryin radio, .ounted +,, .ounted ,fficer, # .an /.9, - .en. Regimental +un (oy # .ounted ),, with radio, ! horse towed(-* 4.$ cm leI9(-*, # 7orse towed #$ cm sI9--(!*. Regimental A*T (oy - =rot2 Trucks(5* towin -.4 cm =ak -$8@ with ! crew. Regimental Recce /lt # .an /.9, - .en on horseback. Regimental /ioneer /lt 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 9 , +erman Infantry Regiment 19 " to 19 ; -may command up to 2 3attalions. HQ # - Tonne /orry((!* carryin radio, +,, # .an /.9, - .en. Regimental +un (oy # .ounted ),, with radio, ! horse towed(-* 4.$ cm leI9(-*, # 7orse towed #$ cm sI9--(!*. Or # 7orse Towed(5* #!" mm .ortar(5* with 5 crew replacin 4.$ and #$ cm uns. Regimental A*T /lt # - Tonne /orry(-* towin $ cm =ak -;(!* or 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with - crew. Regimental Recce /lt # .an /.9, - .en on horseback. Regimental /ioneer /lt 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 9 ( +erman Infantry ,attalion 19"> to 19 ". HQ # Wa on(#* carryin 0adio(#*, +,, # ,fficer, # .an AT0, # .an $" mm .tr, " (ompanies # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifle. 1 (ompany 5 Tripod .9-5 or 5! with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # )oo, # .an with radio, ! Wa ons(-* carryin ; cm .ortars(-* with - +rew. 9 2 +erman Infantry ,attalion 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # Wa on(#* carryin 0adio(#*, +,, # ,fficer, # .an =an2ershreck, # .an /.9. " (ompanies # .an /.9, @ .en with 0ifle. 7as an issue of =an2erfausten. 1 (ompany 5 Tripod .9-5 or 5! with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # )oo, # .an with radio, ! Wa ons(-* carryin ; cm .ortars(-* with - +rew. 1 /latoon # 7orse Towed(5* #!" mm .ortar(5* with 5 crew. 9 5 +erman #otorised Regiment HQ 19"> to 19 ". -(ommands 2 or " ,attalions 6 #*( ,attalion. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio, # DW(#* carryin # .an /.9, ! .en. 1 Recce /latoon 1 .8+ +ombination (-* with pivot .9 carryin ! .en (may dismount /.9* 1 Regimental +un (oy # DW(#* carryin # ),,, # .an 0adio, ! Sdkf2 ##(-* towin si9-- #$ cm(-* or ! si9 -- auf =n2 #(-* or ! si9 -- auf =n2 -;(t*. 9 F +erman #otorised ,attalion 19"> to 19 ". I5urope and RussiaJ HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. Sdkf2 ## 0ecovery(-* # DW(#* carryin # .an with AT0, ! .en with $" mm .ortar. " (ompanies # # #8! Tonne /orry(5* carryin ! .en with /.9, @ .en. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with ! +rew. or $ cm =ak -;(-* with - +rew. J)rom #65!K. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - +rew. ?ote A ,ne company may be mounted in an Sdkf2 !$#8#, up to #65!. 9 + +erman #otorised ,attalion 19 1 to 19 ". IAfricaJ HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 ## 0ecovery(-* # DW(#* carryin # .an with AT0, ! .en with $" mm .ortar. # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ! .9 -5 on Tripods, with - +rew. " (ompanies # # #8! Tonne /orry(5* carryin ! .en with /.9, @ .en.

1 /latoon 1 /latoon ?ote A 1 /latoon

# # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with ! +rew. or $ cm =ak -;(-* with - +rew. J)rom #65!K. # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - +rew. In #65# one company may be mounted in an Sdkf2 !$#8#, if this is done add the followin . # Sdkf2 !$#8!(!*

9 H +erman Armoured +renadier ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ; IIn Russia8 Tunisia 8 and 5uropeJ HQ # Sdkf2 !$#8#"(5* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 ## 0ecovery(-* # Sdkf2 !$#8#(5* carryin # .an with =an2ershreck, # .an. ! .9 -5 on Tripods, with - +rew. " (ompanies # Sdkf2 !$#8# caryin ! .en with /.9, @ .en, with issue of =an2erfaust. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#86(-*, # Sdkf2 !$#86(-*. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#8!(-*, # Sdkf2 !$#8!(-*. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#84 carryin 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#8-(-* towin $ cm =ak -;(-* or 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with - +rew. JEeleted in #655K 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#8- (!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - crew. Or # Sdkf2 !$#8-(5* towin #!" mm .ortar(5* with 5 crew. J)orm #65-K 9 I +erman #otorised +renadier ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ; IAll t$eatresJ. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 ##(-* 0ecovery # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ! .9 -5 on Tripods, with - +rew. " (ompanies # # #8! Tonne /orry(5* carryin ! .en with /.9, # .an with =an2erscherk, @ .en. 1 ,attery ! # #8! Tonne /orries(-* carryin ; cm 9W5! .ortars(-* with - +rew. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(#* carryin 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin $ cm =ak -;(-* or 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with - +rew. JEeleted in #655K 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry (!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - crew. Or # # #8! Tonne /orry(5* towin #!" mm .ortar(5* with 5 crew. J)orm #65-K 9 : +erman #otorcycle ,attalion 19"9 to 19 ". IAll T$eatresJ -One of t$ese per /an4er 2i%ision. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 ##(-* 0ecovery # DW(!* carryin $" mm .ortar, # .an AT0. # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ! .9 -5 on Tripods, with - +rew. " (ompanies - .8+ +ombinations with pivot .9(-* carryin 6 men, may dismount .9Bs. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - +rew. 9 9 +erman /an4er Rgt HQ 19"> to 19 2. HQ # # #8! tonne /orry(#"* carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios. ! Sdkf2 6 tractors(5* .ay replace /orry and passen ers with # 1e=n2III E(-* in #65!, in 0ussia. 1 /latoon # =an2er I($* or =an2er II ($* =an2er I many only be used to #65", model of =n2 II chan es from A to 3 between #6-6 and #65!. 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 48! (5* added in #65#.

9 ' +erman /an4er Rgt HQ 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # 1e=n2 ID 987(-* or 1e=anther(-*, # =n2 ID 983($* or # =anther (5*. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5*, ! 1er =an2er III(5* or 1er panther(5*. 1 /latoon # # #8! /orry(-* or Sdkf2 !$#8-(-* carryin $ .en with en ineer eFuipment. 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 48! (5* or ! )lak=n2 -;(t*(5*, ! .obelwa en(5* or ! Wirblewind(5* .obelwa en and Wirblewind form #655 onwards. 9 # +erman /an4er ,attalion 19"> to 19 1. I5urope and RussiaJ HQ # 1e=n2 I(-*, or 1e=n2IIIE(-*, # =an2er I($* or =an2er II A'H($* 2 (ompanies - =n2 III E(5* or - =n2 -;(t*($* or - =n2 -$(t*($*, # =n2 I($* or =n2 II A'H($* 1 (ompany ! =n2 IDE($*, # =n2 II A'H( $*, may add # =n2 IDE(5* ?ote .ay not mi% =an2er III with =an2er -;(t* or =an2er -$(t*. )or 0ussia in #65# delete the =n2 I, =n2 III may be up rded to H, ), 9, or 7. =n2 ID may by H or )#. 9 < +erman /an4er ,attalion Africa #arc$ 19 1 to <o%em3er19 2. HQ # 1e=n2 III E(-*, # =n2 II 3($*, ! =n2 III 9(-*, # =n2 ID H(!* 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 #"85(5*. " (ompanies - =n2 III 9(5* or =n2 III 7(5*, may up arde ! =n2 III to =n2 III 3(5*, # =n2 II 3($* 1 (ompany - =n2 ID E(5* or =n2 ID H8)#(5*, may up rade ! =n2 ID to =n2 ID )!, # =n2 II 3($*. ?ote Gp rades to =n2 III 3 and =n2 ID )! apply from 3une83uly #65!. 9 O +erman /an4er ,attalion Russia 19 2. HQ # 1e=n2 III E(-*, ! =n2 III 3(-*, # =n2 ID )!(!*, # =n2 II 3($* 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 #"85(5*. " (omopanies # =n2 III 7(5*, ! =n2 III 3(5*, or - =n2 III /(5* or replace =n2 III 7 with =n2 III ?(5*, # =n2 II 3($* 1 (ompany - =n2 ID )!(5*, # =n2 II 3($*. ?ote A Any =n2 III in the companies may be $ instead of 5. 9 / +erman /an4er ,attalion Russia and Tunisia 19 ". HQ # Sdkf2 !$#8-(!* carryin ! ,fficers, ! .en with radios. - =n2 ID 987(5* or =n2 III /8.(5* 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 #"85(5*. (ompanies - =n2 ID 987(5* or - =n2 III /8.(5*. 9 Q +erman /an4er ,attalion 5urope and Russia 19 to 19 ;. HQ # =n2 ID 783(-* or =anther(-* +,, ! =n2 ID(-* or =anther(-*, # =n2 ID 783($* or =anther($*. # Sdkf2 !$#84(-* carryin 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 48!(-* or .obelwa en8-4(-* or ,stwind(-*. " (ompanies 5 =n2 ID 783($*, or - =anther(5* ?ote A .ay add # +ompany of =an2er ID, or =anther, =anthers may up raded to $, and an additional vehicle may be added. The or anisation iven is what was normally achieved, the options allow for the official or anisation, it was very rare. 9 R +erman Hea%y Tan1 ,attalion 19 2 and 19 ". HQ # Ti er I(!* +,, # =n2 III?(!*. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5* " (ompanies ! Ti er I(5*, ! =n2 III?($*. .ay add # Ti er. ?ote =n2 III may be omitted. This unit normally operates by independent companies.

9 & +erman Hea%y Tan1 ,attalion 19 to 19 ;. HQ # Ti er I(!* +,, or # Ti er II(!* +,, ! Ti er I(-*, or ! Ti er II(-*. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5*, or 1er =anther(5* " (ompanies - Ti er I(5*, or - Ti er II(5*. ?ote This unit normally operates by independent companies. 9 T +erman 2i%isional A*T ,attalion 19"> to 19 2. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, # .8+ +ombination carryin ! .en. " (ompanies 5 =rot2(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with - +rew. # may be replaced by $." cn =ak -;. ?ote A The option to up rade # platoon applies to =an2er Eivisions in #65", and Infantry divisions in #65!. 1 (ompany 5 =rot2(-* towin !" mm AA(-* with - +rew. JInfantry Eivisions onlyK. 9 ? +erman Infantry 2i%ision A*T ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ;. I@se t$is for Africa as 0ell8 see <otesJ HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, # .8+ +ombination carryin ! .en. 1 (ompany - .arder(5* or 7et2er(5* J)rom #655 onlyK 1 (ompany 5 # #8! Tonne /orries(-* or 0aupenschlper ,st(-* or Sdkf2 #"(-* towin $." cm =ak -;(-* or 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with 5 crew. 1 (ompany - Sdkf2 #"85(5* ?ote =ak -; and =ak 5" may be mi%ed. .ay also use 4.@ cm =ak -@(r*. 9 B +erman /an4er A /an4er +renadier 2i%ision A*T ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with radio, - =an2er3a er(-*, # Sdkf26 Tractor(-* 2 (ompanies - =an2er3a er(5* 1 (ompany - # #8! Tonne /orries(5* or Sdkf2 #"(5* towin 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with 5 crew. ?ote =an2er3a er may be A #65! ' 55 Any .arder. #65- ' 5$ Stu III )87 #655 ' 5$ 3a d=n2 ID, or 3a d=n2 ID84" (but rare* 7eavy =an2er 3a er 1attalions used this basic or anisation, without the towed company, and - S= companies. It will have ?ashorn #65- ' 5$, Hlefant #65-' 558$, and 3a d =anther #655 '5$. These units usually operated by company or even by platoon. Towed 7eavy 1attalions had =ak 5-(5* or =ak 5-85#(5* towed by Sdkf2 4(5* 9 C +erman Infantry 2i%ision Recce ,attalion 19"> to 19 2*". IFrom 19 "* replace 0it$ Infantry ,tn 0it$ one company on ,icyclesJ HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # DW(#* carryin # .an with AT0, ! .en with $" mm .ortar. 1 (ompany # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifle, mounted on 7orses. 1 (ompany # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifle, mounted on 1icycles. 1 (ompany # Sdkf2 !!#(!*, # # #8! /orry(!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 (!* with ! +rew, # # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with ! +rew.

9 D +erman /an4er*#otorised 2i%ision Recce ,attalion 19"> to 19 ". HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # DW(#* carryin # .an with AT0, ! .en with $" mm .ortar. # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ! .9 -5 on Tripods, with - +rew. 2 (ompanies ! Sdkf2 !-#8@rad(-* or ! Sdkf2 !-#8;rad(-*, @ Sdkf2 !!!(-*. 1 (ompany - .8+ +ombinations with pivot .9(-* carryin 6 men, may dismount .9Bs. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(-* towin -.4 cm =ak -@(-* with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin 4.$ cm leI9 with - +rew. ?ote Sdkf2 !-#8@rad may only be used to #65#. 9 E +erman /an4er 2i%ision Recce ,attalion 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # Sdkf2 !$#8-(-* carryin +,, ! ,fficers, - .en with 0adios.# Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5*. HQ (ompany # Sdkf2 !-58!(-*, # Sdkf2 !-58-(-*, @ Sdkf2 !-58#(-* 1 Armoured (ar (oy ! Sdkf2 !$"8#(5* carryin # ,fficer, and # .an, ! Sdkf2 !$"86(5*. 1 Armoured Recce (oy # Sdkf2 !$"8#"(-* carryin # ,fficer, ! .en, - Sdkf2 !$"8#($* carryin # .an /.9, 5 .en. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#8#(-* towin 4.$ cm leI9 or #!" mm .ortar.(.otars from #655* 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#8#(-* towin 4.$ cm =ak 5" with - crew, or # Sdkf2 !-585(-* JDery rareK 1 /latoon ! Sdkf2 !$#86(-*. 1 /latoon # Sdkf2 !$#84 carryin # .an /.9, # .an )lame Thrower, ! .en with en ineer eFuipment. ?ote .ay replace Armoured +ar +oy with another 0ecce +oy. +ould also replace Sdkf2 !$" with Sdkf2 !$#, or DW. In #65- it could still be a .otorcycle +oy. The 7< company may be reduced by up to - Sdkf2 !-58#, and the Sdkf2 !-58! may only be used from #655. 9 AA +erman /an4er +renadier Recce ,attalion 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # DW(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5*. # # #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin ! .9 5! on Tripods, with - +rew. 1 Armoured (ar (oy # Sdkf2 !-58!(!*, @ Sdkf2 !!!(-* " (ompanies - DW with pivot .9(5* carryin # .an /.9, - .en. J.ay dismount /.9K 1 /latoon # # #8! /orry(-* towin 4.$ cm leI9(-* with - +rew. 1 /latoon # .aultier(-* towin 4.$ cm =ak 5" with - +rew. 1 /latoon # DW(-* carryin # .an /.9, ! .en )lame Throwers. ?ote DWBs can be replaced by .8+ combinations, Kettenrad, or /orries. 9 A, +erman Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"9 to 19 2*". HQ # # #8! /orry (#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. 5 DW(#* carryin # ),,, and # .an 0adio . " 't ,attalions - 7orse Teams (5* towin #".$ cm le)7#;(5* # 7orse'drawn Wa on (5* 1 H%y ,attalion - 7orse Teams(5* towin #$ cm s)7#;(5*, ! 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5* ?ote 1attalions may be fielded individually.

9 A( +erman Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19 2*" to 19 ;. HQ # # #8! /orry (#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. 5 DW(#* carryin # ),,, and # .an 0adio . " 't ,attalions - 7orse Teams (5* or ! #8! Tonne /orry(5* towin #".$ cm le)7#;(5* # 7orse'drawn Wa on (5*, or # ! #8! /orry(5* 1 H%y ,attalion - 7orse Teams(-* or $ Tonne #8! Track towin #$ cm s)7#;(-*, ! 7orse'drawn Wa ons(5*, or ! #8! Tonne /ories(5* ?ote 1attalions may be fielded individually. ,fficially /t battalions had # =ak 5" replacin one of their howit2ers. To do this reduce one un to (-* and add # =ak 5"(#*. In some Eivisions 0ussian #!! mm 7owit2ers were used, similarly !$dpr and GS or )rench #"$ mm or )rench 4$mm can be substituted. 9 A2 +erman /an4er or #otorised 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 "* . HQ # # #8! /orry (#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5* 5 DW(#* carryin # ),,, and # .an 0adio . 2 't ,attalions - Sdkf2 ##(5* towin #".$ cm le)7#;(5* # ! #8! Tonne /orry (5* 1 H%y ,attalion - Sdkf2 4(5* towin #$ cm s)7#;(5*, ! ! ! #8! Tonne /orries(5* ?ote 1attalions may be fielded individually. # 1attery of #$ cm could be replaced with #" cm K#;. 9 A2 +erman /an4er or #otorised 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 "* . HQ # # #8! /orry (#* or Sdkf2 !$#8- carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. 5 DW(#* or Sdkf2 !$"8# carryin # ),,, and # .an 0adio . # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5* 1 't ,attalions 5 Sdkf2 ##(-* towin #".$ cm le)7#;(5* # ! #8! Tonne /orry (5* 1 H%y ,attalion - Sdkf2 4(5* towin #$ cm s)7#;(5*, ! !#8! Tonne /orries(5* 1 Armoured ,tn 5 Wespe(-*, ! 7ummel(-*, ! !#8! Tonne /orries(5* ?ote 1attalions may be fielded individually. The Armoured 1attalion was freFuently replaced by a second li ht battalion. 9 A5 +erman Assault +un ,attalion 19"9 to 19 2. HQ # Sdkf2 !$"8- carryin +,, # ,fficer ! .en with radios. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5* " ,atteries ! Stu III A'H(-* 9 A5 +erman Assault +un ,attalion 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # Sdkf2 !$"8- carryin +,, # ,fficer ! .en with radios. ! Stu III )89(#"$mm*, (-*. # Sdkf2 6 Tractor(5* " ,atteries - Stu III ) or 9(5* . 9 AF +erman <e3el0efer Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # # #8! /orry (#* or Sdkf2 !$#8- carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio. # Sdkf2 ##(-* 0ecovery 2 'ig$t ,attalions @ Sdkf2 ##(-* towin #$ cm ?ebelwerfer 5#(-* 1 Hea%y ,attalion @ Sdkf2 ##(-* towin !# cm ?ebelwrfer 5! or !;8-#cm ?ebelwerfer 5#(-* ?ote ?ormally only used as sin le battalions, several bri ades were used in the Ardennes.

10 Hungarian Formations ,ne of 9ermanyBs allies in #65# and from #65! to early #65$. The formations iven here cover the later period, in #65# the army assisted in the invasion of &u oslavia, and supplied a small roup of .echanised +avalry to the 9erman invasion in #65#, withdrawn by ?ovember of that year. In #65! and #65- it supplied one army consistin of - Infantry +orps and the 7un arian #st Armoured Eivision. This force was destroyed, and no further action was undertaken until 3anuary #655. There appears to have been little chan e in or anisation in this period. When 7un ary surrendered in #65$ its forces were reor anised on 0ussian lines, and iven 0ussian eFuipment. Hungarian 57uipment Toldi Turan I Turan II <imrod Erinyi II "9 # (sa3a Eefence #, !" mm A, c% .9, )ast Eefence 5, 54 mm +2ech, c.9, b.9, )ast Eefence 5, 4$mm /!$, c.9, b.9, )ast Eefence 5, tw 5"mm AA, )ast Eefence $, #"$ mm /!#, )ast Eefence #, tu7.9, Wheeld A)D.

10 A Hungarian Infantry Regiment HQ 19 2 to 19 ;. -Bit$ " ,attalions in Infantry8 and 2 In #otorised Rgt. HQ # - Tonne /orry carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios. 1 A*T (ompany 5 7orse Teams(5* or # #8! Tonne /orries towin -.4 cm =ak -@(5* with - +rew. )or .otorised formations replace may -.4 cm with $ cm =ak -;(5* with 5 +rew. 1 #ortar (ompany ! - Tonne /orries(5* carryin ! ;# mm .ortars(5* with - crew. 1 Assault +un (oy - Nyrinli(-* or - Stu III )(-* or 7et2er(-* JIn .otorised 0 ts from #655*. ?ote =ak -; may be used by any formation in #655, and tractors must be used. 10 , Hungarian Infantry or #otorised Infantry ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio, # .an with $"mm .tr, 5 men with rifles. " Infantry (ompanies # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. 1*2 (ompany " .en /.9, $ .en 0ifles. 1*2 (ompany 5 ..9 with - +rew. #otorised ,tn adds $ - Tonne /orries(!*, for the companies, # - Tonne /orry(#* for 7<. 10 ( Hungarian Tan1 Rgt HQ 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # - Tonne /orry carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios. ! 0ecovery Dehicles(-* 10 2 Hungarian Tan1 ,attalion 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # =n2 -;(T* (!* +,, or Turan I (!* +,, or =n2 III 3(!* +,. # Toldi II($* # =n2 -;(T* (5* or Turan I(5*, or =n2 III3(5* # Turan II(5* or =n2 ID )#(5* or =n2 ID7(5*. 2 't Tan1 (ompanies - =an2er -;(t* ($* or Turan I($* or =an2er III3($*. 2 Hea%y Tan1 (oys - Turan II($* or - =an2er ID )#($* or - =an2er ID 7($*. 10 5 Hungarian Armoured AA ,attalion 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # ?imrod (#* +,. " ,atteries ! ?imrod (-*.

10 F Hungarian Artillery Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # - Tonne /orry carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en with radios $ DW(#* carryin ),, and # .an 0adio. # 0ecovery Dehicle(-* 2 'ig$t ,attereis ! 7orse Teams(5* or Tractors(5* towin 4$mm 9uns(5* with 5 crew, or #".$ cm le)7#;(5*, # Wa on(5* or - tonne /orry(5*. 1 #edium ,attery # Tractor(5* towin #".$cm le)7#;(5* or #$ cm s)7#;(5*, # - tonne /orry(5* 1 AA ,attery ! Tractors(-* towin 5" mm 1ofors(-* 1 A*T ,attery ! Tractors(-* towin 4.$ cm =ak 5"(-* with 5 crew Jfrom late #65-*. ?ote Individual batteries may be used, with # ),,, AA and A8T battery may be used on table. 10 + Hungarian Infantry 2i%ision Recce ,attalion. 19 2 to 19 ; HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio, 5 men with rifles, # +asa -6. A8+ar($*. " Infantry (ompanies # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. 10 H Hungarian Armoured 2i%ision Recce ,attalion. 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # - tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an with 0adio, 5 men with rifles. 1 Infantry (ompany # - tonne lorry(!* carryin # .an /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. 1 A*(ar (ompany - +asa -6. A8+ar(5*. 11 Italian Formations. The least well prepared of the major powers in Hurope, the Italians have unfairly become the but of many jokes. .uch of the eFuipment was elderly, particularly the artillery, whilst the tanks tended to be a eneration behind those of their enemies. The bulk of the army fou ht in ?orth Africa and was effectively destroyed by .ay #65-. The corp supplied to the Hastern )ront ceased to e%ist in the counterattack followin Stalin rad. ,nly ! armoured divisions were committed to action, in ?orth Africa, there were some @ more held back in Italy, these could substitute Souma S-$ for the .#-85". Infantry lacked A8T renades. The or anisations shown were retained by )ascists units after #65-, those fi htin on the Allied side used American or anisation, with mostly American eFuipment, althou h some 1ritish weapons were supplied. 11 A Italian Infantry Regiment HQ 19"> to 19 ". -2 or " ,attalions8 only 2 in a ,lac1 &$irt Regiment. HQ +,, - ,fficers, # .an with radio, $ .en. 1 #ortar (ompany - ;# mm .ortars(-* with 5 crew. 1 +un (ompany ! Tractors(5* towin @$mm +annone da @$8#4(5* with 5 +rew or 54mm +annone da 548-! modello -$(5* with - +rew. 11 , Italian ,ersiglerli Regiment HQ 19"> to 19 ". -2 ,attalions 6 (lose &upport ,tn8 see <otes. HQ # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, - ,fficers, # .an with radio, $ .en. 1 #otorcycle (ompany # .an /.9, 4 .en mounted on .otorcycles. 1 (lose &p ,tn HQ # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, - ,fficers, # .an with radio, $ .en. " (ompanies ! Tractors(5* towin 54mm +annone da 548-! modello -$(5* with - +rew. 1 (ompany ! Tractors(5* towin !"mm AA, with - crew. ?ote A If the alternative 1resa lerli +ompanies are used the +lose Support 1tn is deleted. 11 ( Italian Infantry ,attalion 19"> to 19 ". HQ +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, ! .en 5$ mm .ortar, # !"mm AT0 with ! crew. " Infantry (ompanies # .an /.9, ; .en 0ifles. 1 #+ (ompany ! ..9 with - +rew.

11 2 Italian ,ersiglerli ,attalion 19"> to 19 ". HQ # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, ! .en 5$ mm .ortar, # !"mm AT0 with ! crew. " (ompanies # #$cwt(5* carryin # .an /.9, 4 .en rilfes. Or # #$cw(#* carryin # .an /.9 , - .en, # #$cwt(#* carryin ..9 with - +rew. # #$cwt(-* towin !"mm AA(-* with - crew, # #$ cwt(-* towin 5$ mm(-* with 5 crew. If this is used the .9 coy, and +lose Support 1tn may not be, it appeared in #65!. 1 #+ (ompany # #$cwt(-* carryin ! ..9 with - crew. 11 5 Italian Tan1 Regiement 19"> to 19 " -Initially 1 #edium ,tn8 up to 't ,attalions8 later " #edium ,tn. HQ # .##8-6(!* +,, or # .#-85" +, or .#$85!(!* +,. See notes for .edium 1tn # 0ecovery Dehicle(5* 1 AA (ompany ! Tractors(5* towin !"mm AA, with - crew. 11 F Italian #edium Tan1 ,attalion 19"9 to 19 ". HQ # .##8-6($* +,, or .#-85"($* +,, or .#$85!($* +,, # .##8-6($*, or .#-85"($* or .#$85!($*, # +D--8lf )lamethrower(5* " (ompanies - .##8-6($* or .#-85"($* or .#$85!($*. ?ote .##8-6 was used until Eecember #65", .#-85" from Eecember #65" to #65-, and .#$85! in #65-, on Sicily only. 11 + Italian 'ig$t Tan1 ,attalion 19"> to 19 2. HQ # /-8--(5*+,, # /-8--(5*, ! /--8-;(-* " (ompanies - /-8--(5*. ?ote Infantry Eivisions in 0ussia had one of these attached 11 H Italian Armoured 2i%ision (lose &upport ,attalion 19 1 to 19 ". HQ # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio 1 Tan1 (ompany - /@85"(5* 2 A*T (ompanies ! Tractors(5* towin 54mm +annone da 548-! modello -$(5* with - +rew. Or ! Semoventte854.(5* ?ote An Infantry Eivision has # A8T +ompany, with no recce company. 11 I Italian &emo%entte ,attalion 19 1 to 19 ". HQ # Semoventte 4$8#; ,=(!* +, (unarmed vehicle* 2 ,atteries # Semoventte 4$8#;($* 11 : Italian Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 ". -2i%ision $as 2 of t$ese. HQ # #$cwt(-* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. 2 't ,attalions # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. - #$cwt (#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. - Tractors(5* towin 4$mm +annone 4$8!4 modello #!(5*. 1 #edium ,attalion # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. - #$cwt (#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. - Tractors(5* towin #"$ mm Sokda .odel #58#6(5*. 1 or 2 AA ,atteries ! Tractors(5* towin !"mm AA(5* with - +rew. (!nd company applies in ?. Africa* ?ote Individual 1attalions may be fielded. AA companies may be used on table.

11 9 Italian Armoured 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 ". HQ # #$cwt(-* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. 2 't ,attalions # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. - #$cwt (#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. - Tractors(5* towin 4$mm +annone 4$8!4 modello #!(5*. 1 #edium ,attalion # #$cwt(!* carryin +,, # officer, ! .en with radio. - #$cwt (#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. - Tractors(5* towin #"$ mm Sokda .odel #58#6(5*. 't AA ,atteries ! Tractors(5* towin !"mm AA(5* with - +rew. 1 Hea%y AA ,tn ! 6"mm AA mounted on /orries(5* or Semoventte 6"(5*. ?ote Individual 1attalions may be fielded. The 7eavy AA 1tn may be used for A8T fire. /t AA companies may be used on table. 12 :apanese Formations ,f the major powers the 3apanese were the most disor anised. Althou h there were official or anisations for divisions they were most freFuently honoured in the breach. The major portion of the army was committed to mainland +hina and .anchuria, and in #6-6 was iven a rude shock at the hands of the 0ussians. The Western Allies met the more li htly eFuipped, if e%tremely hi h morale forces. ,nly one or two Armoured divisions were formed, and most armour acted as independent companies, or re iments. 12 A :apanese Infantry Regiment HQ 19"G to 19 ;. -Has " ,tns if di%isional8 may $a%e up to G if Independent. HQ # Wa on with radio(#*, +,, # ,fficer, ! .en all on horse back. 1 Regimental +un ,ty # .ounted ),,, # 7orse Team(5* towin 4$mm Type 5#(5* with 5 +rew. 1 #ortar (oy ! ;# or 6" mm .ortars(5* with - +rew, or # #$" mm .ortar(5*, with $ crew. 12 , :apanese Infantry ,attalion 19"G to 19 ;. HQ +,, # ,fficer, 5 .en, # Wa on with 0adio(#*, ! .en with $" mm .tr, # !"mm AT0 with ! crew. " or (ompanies # .an with /.9, 6 .en with rifles. 1 #+ (ompany # ..9 with 5 crew. 1 /latoon # 7orse towed(!* 4" mm I9(!* with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # 7orse towed(!* -4mm Type 65 A8T 9un(!* with ! crew. )rom #65- may replace -4mm with 54mm Type # with - crew. 12 ( :apanese #otorised Regiment HQ19"G to 19 ;. -Has " ,tns. HQ # ##8! Tonne Truck(!* with radio(#*, carryin +,, # ,fficer, ! .en. 1 Regimental +un ,ty # )ield +ar(#* carryin ),,, # .an with radio # ! #8! tonne /orry(5* towin 4$mm Type 5#(5* with 5 +rew. 12 2 :apanese #otorised Infantry ,attalion 19"G to 19 ;. HQ # # #8! Tonne Truck(#* with 0adio carryin +,, # ,fficer, 5 .en, ! .en with $" mm .tr, # !"mm AT0 with ! crew. " (ompanies # ! #8! Tonne /orry(5* carryin # .an with /.9, 6 .en with rifles. 1 #+ (ompany # ! #8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin # ..9 with 5 crew. 1 /latoon # ! #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin 4" mm I9(!* with ! +rew. 1 /latoon # ! #8! Tonne /orry(!* towin -4mm Type 65 A8T 9un(!* with ! crew. )rom #65# may replace -4mm with 54mm Type # with - crew. 12 5 :apanese Tan1 ,rigade HQ 19"G to 19 ;. -(ommands " Tan1 Regiments. HQ # Type 6$ 7A'9,(-* +,, # 0ecovery Tractor(-*

12 F :apanese Armoured 2i%ision Tan1 Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # Type -4 Shi Ka(!* +,, # Type 6$ 7a 9o(5*, # Type 6$ 7a 9o(5*, # Type 64 +hi 7a(5*, or Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto(5*. #edium &7uadrons 5 Type 64 +hi 7a(5*, or Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto(5*. If usin Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto two may be replaced by Type # +hi'7e(5* 1 't &7uadron - Type 6; Ki ?i(5* or Type 6$ 7a 9o(5*. ?ote This unit may be used independantly, for a hypotheical invasion of 3apan the tanks may be Type -, but only @" of these were produced. 12 + :apanese Armoured 2i%ision Recce Regiment. 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # # #8! Tonne Truck(#* with 0adio carryin +,, # ,fficer, 5 .en, 2 't &7uadrons - Type 6; Ki ?i(5* or Type 6$ 7a 9o(5*. 1 #edium &7uadron ! Type 64 +hi 7a($* or Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto($*. 1 A*T &7uadron - # #8! Tonne /orries(5* towin 54 mm Type #(5* with - crew. 12 H :apanese Infantry 2i%ision Tan1 Regiment 19"G to 19 ;. HQ # Type ;6(5* +, or Type 64 +hi 7a(5* +,, ! Type 65(-* or Type 64 Te Ki(-* or Type 6$ 7a 9o(-* 2 #edium &7uadrons 5 Type ;6(5* or Type 64 +hi 7a(5* or Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto(5* 1 't &7uadron - Type 65(-* or Type 64 Te Ke(-* or Type 6$ 7a 9o(-*. ?otes Dehicle dates are A Type ;6 ' to #65-. Type 64 +hi 7a from #6-6 to #655. Type 64 +hi 7a Shinto form #65! to #65$. Type 65 to #655. Type 64 Te Ki from #6-4. Type 6$ 7a 9o from #6-4. The /i ht sFuadron may be used independently. 12 I :apanese 2i%isional A*T Regiment 19"G to 19 ;. -Infantry use Horses8 A only in ($ina. HQ # # #8$ Tonne /orry(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio. Or # Wa on with 0adio, +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, on 7orse back. " ,atteries - # #8! Tonne /orries(5* or 7orse Teams(5* towin -4mm Type 65 with - +rew. )rom #65# may up rade to 54 mm Type # with - crew. 12 : :apanese Infantry 2i%isional Artillery Regiment 19"G to 19 ;. HQ # Wa on with 0adio, +,, - .en, ! ),, all on 7orseback. 2 ,attalions HQ # Wa on with 0adio, +,, ! .en. " ,atteries ! 7orse Teams(-* towin 4$ mm Type -;(-* or #"$ mm Type 6# with 5 +rew. ?ote #"$ mm can only be used in +hina. 1attalions would normally be used independently. 12 9 :apanese Armoured 2i%isional Artillery Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # # #8! Tonne Truck(#* with 0adio carryin +,, # ,fficer, 5 .en, - )ield +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. " ,atteries ! Tractors(-* towin #"$ mm Type 6# with 5 +rew. ?ote # 1attery may be used with #$" mm Type 6@ with $ +rew.

12 ' :apanese (a%alry ,rigade 19"G to 19 ;. HQ # Wa on with 0adio, +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, on 7orse back. 2 Regiments HQ # Wa on with 0adio, +,, # ,fficer, # .an 0adio, on 7orse back. ! .en with $" mm .ortars on 7orseback, # 7orse towed(!* -4 mm Type 65 with - mounted crew. " &7uadrons 2 .en with /.9, ; .en with rifles, on 7orses. 1 #+ &7dn # ..9 with 5 crew on 7orses. 1 AA (ompany # 7orse towed(5* !" mm AA(5* with - .ounted +rew. 1 A*T (ompany - 7orse Teams(5* towin -4mm Type 65(5* with - .ounted +rew. 1 Artillery Regt. # .ounted ),,, ! 7orse Teams(5* towin 4$ mm Type -;(5* with 5 mounted +rew. 1 't Tan1 &7uadron - Type 65(-* or Type 64 Te Ke(-* or Type 6$ 7a 9o(-*. ?ote # 0e iment may be used with an Infantry Eivision as its recce unit. 1" /olis$ Formations. A much more effective army than the #6-6 campai n has iven credit for. It was lar ely an infantry force, with two motorised bri ades, and a lar e cavalry arm. There were also several armoured trains. Eespite rumours to the contrary =olish cavalry did not char e 9erman tanks with lance. Infantry did not have A8T renades, but were well eFuiped with A8T rifles. )rom #65" the =oles in the West followed 1ritish or anisations, and from #65! in the Hast 0ussian ones. /olis$ ?e$iles ) ?ic1ers G tonne Type , T1" and T1& F T/ F T/# F T/I B4 " Eefence #, -pdr(use )rench -4mm /--*, c% m , )ast. Eefence #, b .9 , fast, some with b !"mmA. Eefence #, ! tu.9. )ast Eefence #, -4mm/-;(use =ak -@*, )ast. Eefence !, -4mm/-;(use =ak -@*, )ast. Eefence ", tu.9, Wheeled A)D.

1" A /olis$ Infantry Regiment HQ 19"9. -(ommands " ,attalions. HQ # Wa on carryin radio(!*, +,, # ,fficer, - .en all on 7orseback. 1 /latoon 5 .en with en ineer eFuipment. 1 +un /latoon # 7orse team(!* towin # 4$mm .#6!;(!* with 5 +rew. 1" , /olis$ Infantry ,attalion 19"9. HQ # Wa on carryin radio(#*, .ounted +,, .ounted ,fficer. # .an with AT0, # 7orse towed(-* -4 mm 1oforts A8T(-* with - +rew, # ;# mm .ortar(!* with - +rew. # .an with $" mm .ortar. " Rifle (ompanies # .an with /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. 1 #+ (ompany - ..9 with - +rew. ?ote )or a .otorised 1attalion delete the 1ofors A8T, add # -85 Tonne Truck(5* to the companies, and # -85 tonne Truck(!* to the 7<. 1" ( /olis$ Infantry 2i%ision Recce ,attalion 19"9. HQ # Wa on carryin radio(#*, .ounted +,, .ounted ,fficer 1 (ompany # .an with /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. .ounted on 7orses. 1 (ompany 5 TkS(-*. # .ay be TkS8!"mm. 1" 2 /olis$ #otorised ,rigade HQ 19"9.-(ommands 2 Tan1 ,attalions8 1 #otorised ,attalion. HQ # -85 Tonne Truck with 0adio carryin +, and # ,fficer, # 4 T=.(!* 1 A*T (ompany - -85 Tonne Trucks(-* towin -4 mm 1ofors A8T(-*, with - +rew.

1" 5 /olis$ Tan1 ,attalion 19"9. HQ # T=.(5* +, or 0-$(5*+,, ! T=.(5* or 0-$(5*. # 0ecovery Dehicle(#* " (ompanies - T=.(5* or - 0-$(5*. ?ote ,nly one battalion had 0-$, and these were not used in action. Independent +ompanies e%isted, if Dickers @ Tonne the vehicles are ($*, if 0enault )T they are (5* 1" F /olis$ (a%alry ,rigade HQ 19"9. -(ommands " or (a%alry Regiments8 and 1 Infantry ,attalion. HQ # Wa on carryin radio(!*, +,, # ,fficer, - .en all on 7orseback. # .ounted ),, 1 Horse ,attery - or 5 7orse towed (5* 4$ mm .#6!;(5* with 5 .ounted +rew. 1 (yclist (ompany # .an with /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles mounted on bicycles. ?ote the horse battery must be fielded on table. # .odel may be used per 0e iment used. 1" + /olis$ (a%alry Regiment 19"9. HQ # Wa on carryin radio(!*, +,, # ,fficer, # .an with AT0, # .an with $"mm .tr all on 7orseback. &7uadrons # .an with /.9, 4 .en with 0ifles. .ounted on 7orses. 1 #+ &7uadron - ..9 with - +rew on 7orse back. 1 Troop # 7orse team(-* towin -4 mm 1ofors A8T with - mounted crew. 1" H /olis$ (a%alry ,rigade Recce ,attalion -may also 3e used 0it$ a #ec$anised ,rigade. HQ # -85 Tonne Truck with 0adio(#* carryin +,, # ,fficer, # .an. 1 A*(ar &7uadron - W2 -5(5* 1 (ompany 5 TkS(-*. # .ay be TkS8!"mm. 1" I /olis$ AA ,attery 19"9. ! - tonne /orries(-* towin 5" mm 1ofors AA(-*. 1" : /olis$ Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"9. HQ 1 Wa on with 0adio(!*, .ounted +,, .ounted ,fficer, - .ounted ),,. 2 't ,attalions - 7orse Teams(5* towin 4$ mm .#6!;(5* with 5 crew. # Wa on(!* 1 #edium ,attalion - 7orse Teams(5* towin #"" mm Skoda 7owit2ers(5* with 5 +rew. # Wa on(!* ?ote 7eavy re iments had #"" I #"$ mm uns, or #$" mm 7owit2ers, These were in very short supply and no more than # 1attalion may be used. .otorised units replace the horse tows and Wa ons with /orries. They have only the ! /t battalions, with # #"$ mm 7owit2er added.

1 Russian Formations. The 0ussian army and its disadvanta es and advanta es are by now well known. Some of its limitations are built into the 1ack to 1asics rules, and Ti er for that matter. To recap these here, the 0ussians only trained their infantry to use one small arm, so losin the ability to re'man .9Bs mortars or A8T rifles. .uch of the artillery fired over open si hts rather than usin indirect fire more normal in the other major armies. This caused heavy losses to the uns. The direct fire doctrine was reinforced by the appearance of assault artillery such as the SG'#!!, SG'#$!, and ISG'#$!. 0ussian Infantry carried lar e Fuantities of e%plosive, so have A8T renades at all times. A8T rifles should not be used prior to #65#. 1 A Russian Rifle Regiment HQ 19"> to 19 ;. -Has 28 " or ,attalions8 may $a%e a Tan1 ,tn from 19 ". HQ # ##8! Tonne /orry(!* carryin +,, # +ommissar, # .an with radio. # .ounted ),, 1 +un (ompany ! 7orse Teams(-* towin 4@ mm .#6!4(-* with 5 crew. # Wa on(-* ,r 1 #ortar (ompany ! 7orse Teams(-* towin #!" mm .-; .ortars(-* with 5 +rew. # Wa on (-* 1 A*T (ompany - 7orse Teams (!* towin -4 mm .odel -"(!*, or 54 mm .odel -!(!* with - +rew. In #65- may up rade to 5$ mm .odel #65! or $4 mm .odel #65-. 1 AA /latoon # 7.9(-* on AA .ount with - +rew ?ote )or a .otorised 1ri ade 7< replace 7orse Teams with # #8! Tonne /orries. 1 , Russian Rifle and #otorised ,attalion 19"> to 19 2. HQ # Wa on with a 0adio(#*, +,, # +ommissar, # #5.$ mm AT0 with ! +rew, # .an with $" mm .ortar, # 7orse Team(!* towin -4 mm .#6-"(!* or 5$ mm .#6-!(!* with ! +rew. " Infantry (ompanies # .an /.9, @ .en with 0ifles. 1 #+ (ompany 5 ..9 with - +rew, 1 '#+ (ompany - .en with /.9, - .en with 0ifles. 1 #ortar ,attery ! ;! mm .-; .ortars(-* with 5 crew. ?ote The .9 and /.9 companies are a split of the 1attalion Support company. The /.9 company may be split amon the Infantry +ompanies. )or a .otorised 1attalion replace the 7orse Teams and Wa ons with ##8! Tonne /orries of the same stren th. Add # vehicle to each company, of stren th 5. Increase the stren th of the A8T un and .ortars to 5. This is a full stren th unit, many battalions had lower stren ths of support weapons. )rom #65- delete $" mm .ortar and add another ;! mm .ortar. 1 ( Russian Tan1 ,rigade HQ HQ 2 Recce (ompanies ?ote #65#. 19"> to19 1 -Has " 't or #edium 3attalions8 1 #otorised ,attalion. # T!;(#* +,, ! 1T $84(!*, or # 1T$84(!* +, or # T!@ 1!(!* +,. ! SG @" Tractors(-* # 1A'#"(!* or T-;(!*, - 1A'#"(5* or T-;(5* This formation was officially reor anised in #65", the process was still in train in .edium 1ri ades have T!;81T 7<, /t bri ades either 1T or T!@ 7<.

1 2 Russian #edium Tan1 ,attalion 19"> to 19 1. HQ # T!;(-* +,, # 1T $84(-*, ! T!;(-* " #edium (ompanies 5 T!;(-* 1 'ig$t (ompany 5 1T $84(-*. ?ote T!;Bs may be of any model. 1attalions may be of mi%ed types. 1 5 Russian 'ig$t Tan1 ,attalion 19"> to 19 1. HQ # 1T$84(-* +,, or T!@(5* +,, ! 1T$84(-* or T!@(-*, # 1T 4A(!* (ompanies - or 5 1T$84(-* or T!@(-* ?ote Any model of T!@ may be used. 1attalions have either 1TBs or T!@, if T!@ the 1T 4A is deleted. Infantry Eivisions had a 1attalion of T!@Bs to #65#.

1 F Russian Tan1 (orp Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 1. HQ # ##8! Tonne /orry(#* with 0adio carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. - +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an 0adio. 2 't ,attalions @ Tractors(-* towin 4@mm Nis-(-* with 5 +rew. # $ tonne /orry(5* 1 #edium ,attalion " Tractors(5* towin #!! mm .odel -;(5* with 5 +rew. # $ Tonne /orry(5* ?ote /t battalions may be used on table, and may used for A8T fire. 1 + Russian Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19"> to 19 1. HQ # ##8! Tonne /orry (#*with 0adio carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. $ .ounted ),,. " 't ,attalions 5 7orse Teams(5* towin 4@ mm .odel "!8-"(5* or 4@ mm Nis -(5* with 5 +rew. # Wa on(5* 2 #edium ,attalions 5 7orse Teams(5* towin #!!mm #6#"8-"(5* or .odel -;(5* with 5 +rew # Wa on(5* 1 Hea%y ,attalion 5 7orse Teams(5* towin #$! mm #6#"8-5(5* or .odel #6-4(5* with @ +rew ! Wa ons(5*. ?ote The /t and .edium 1attalions may be used on table. 1 H Russian Infantry 2i%isional Recce ,attalion 19"> to 19 1*2. HQ # ##8! Tonne /orry (#*with 0adio carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. 1 (ompany # ##8! Tonne /orry(5* carryin # .an /.9, @ .en with 0ifles. 1 Armoured (ar (oy # 1A'#"(!* or T-;(!*, - 1A'#"(5* or T-;(5*. ?ote Infantry Eivisions had one of these, many were missin . 1 I Russian Tan1 ,rigade &eptem3er 19 1 to #ay 19 2. -T$is unit counts as a ,attalion unless &#+ ,tn is added. HQ # T-584@A(!*, +,, # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +ommissar, ! .en. # T-584@(A*(!*, # T!@1!(!*. ! SG @" Tractors(!* 2 (ompanies ! T-584@ A or 1(-* 2 (ompanies - T!@ 1!(-* 1 (ompany ! KD #($*. Or 2 (ompanies ! KD #(!*, # model may be replaced by KD II. ?ote If ! companies of KD are used add # KD #(!* to the 7<. T!@ 1! is the official vehicle, 1TBs and any other T!@ could be used. 1 : Russian Tan1 ,rigade :une 19 2 to :uly 19 ". -T$is unit counts as a ,attalion unless &#+ ,tn is added. HQ # T-584@(5* +,, # T@"(!*, or # T4"(!* ! SG @" Tractors(!* " (ompanies - T-584@(-* 1 (ompany - T@"(-* or - T4"(-*. 1 Recce (ompany # .an with /.9, - .en with S.9 on .otorcycles or .8+ +ombinations. ?ote If S.9 battalion uis added the unit is reor anised as follows A 7< T-5 is reduced to !. Add ! 1tn 7<Bs, # of # T-5(!*, # of T@"8T4"(!*, T-5 1tn 7< commands ! T-5 +ompanies, T@"84" 7< # T-5 I # T@"84" +ompany. 1 9 Russian Tan1 ,rigade HQ HQ 1 Recce (ompany ?ote :uly 19 " to #ay 19 ;. # T-584@ or T-58;$(!*, # T-584@(-*, # 1A @5(-* ! SG @" Tractors(-*. # .an with /.9, - .en with S.9 on .otorcycles or .8+ +ombinations. 0ecce company is deleted if the second T-5 at 7< is used.

1 ' Russian #edium Tan1 ,attalion :uly 19 " to #ay 19 ;. HQ # T-584@ )(- or 5* +,. ,r T-58;$(5* +,, or T55(5* +, 2 or " (ompanies - T-584@)(-* or - T-58;$(-* or T558;$(-* ?ote T-584@ battalions may have ! or - +ompanies, if ! +ompanies the 7< tank is stren th -, otherwise Stren th 5. T-58;$ may be used form ?ovember #65-, T55 in .ay #65$. This unit may substitute .5A! and .5A!84@ Shermans. 1 # Russian &#+ ,attalion &eptem3er 19 2 to #ay 19 ;. HQ # ,fficer, # +ommissar, ! .en with A8T 0ifle in 3eep(-*. " &#+ (ompanies @ .en with S.9 I # .an with /.9. In # # #8! tonne lorry(-*. 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne lorry(-* carryin @ men operation ! ..9 1 ,attery - # #8! Tonne lorries (-*each carryin - men with ;! mm .tr 1 /latoon # # #8! Tonne lorry(5* towin 5$ mm or $4 mm A8T(5* with - +rew. ?ote To #65- delete # /orry I .ortar from the mortar battery, up rade the 7< 3eep to a ##8! tonne lorry(#*, and add # .an $" mm .ortar, the A8T un must be 5$ mm. ,ne +ompany may replace its /orry with an A=+(5*, in #65! use 1A'#" A=+, in #65- to #65$ use an .- Scout +ar, in#655 may use .- #8! Track. The unit is attached to AT 0e imens, Tank 1ri ades, 7eavy Tank and 7eavy S= AT or Assault 0e iments. S.9 +ompanies in units attached to Armoured units may ride on one Tank company. 1 < Russian Tan1 (orp Recce HQ 1 Tan1 (ompany 1 Infantry (ompany ,attalion <o%em3er 19 " to #ay 19 ;. # T-584@ or ;$(!* +,, # 1A @51($* # SG @" Tractor(!*. - T-584@(-* or T-58;$(-* - Gniversal +arriers(-* each carryin # .an /.9, - .en with S.9.

1 O Russian Hea%y Tan1 Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # KD #($* +,, or KD ;$($* +, or IS II($* +,, ! SG @" Tactors(!* Tan1 (ompanies ! KD #(!* or ! KD ;$(!*, or ! IS II(!* ?ote KD # to #65-, KD ;$ #65- to #65$, IS II from #655. 1 / Russian &/ A*T Regiment 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # SG 4@($*+, or SG$4($*+, SG 4@i($*+,, or SG ;$($*+, or Su#""($*+,. # SG @" Tractors(!* ,atteries ! SG 4@(!* or SG$4(!*, SG 4@i(!* or SG;$(!*, or SG #""(!*. ?ote SG 4@, and SG 4@I may be used from #65SG $4 may be used from #65-, this is a lend lease .-8$4mm AT. SG ;$ may be used from #655. SG #"" may be used from Eecember #655. SG 4@ and SG 4@i units may not have S.9 battalions. 1atteries may be used independently. 1 Q Russian Hea%y #ec$anised Artillery Regiment 19 " to 19 ;. HQ # SG#$!($*+,, or# ISG#$!($*+,, or # ISG#!!($*+,. ! SG @" Tractors(!* ,atteries ! SG#$!(!*, or ISG#$!(!* or ISG#!!(!* ?ote ISG #!! I #$! may be used from Eecember #65-. 1atteries may be used independently. 1 R Russian #otorised A*T Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. 2 ,attalions - Tractors(5* towin 4@ mm Nis -(5* or $4 mm Nis !(5* with 5 +rew. ?ote 1attalions may be used independently. 1 & Russian Tan1 (orp or Infantry 2i%ision Artillery Regiment 19 2 to 19 ;. HQ # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. - +ars(#* carryin ),,, # .an with 0adio, or - .ounted ),,

2 't ,attalions 1 #edium ,attalion ?ote

- Tractors(5* or 7orse Teams(5* towin 4@ mm Nis - or .odel -6(5*, with 5 +rew # /orry(5* or Wa on(5*. - Tractors(5* or 7orse teams(5* towin #!! mm #6#"8-" or .odel #6-;(5* with $ +rew, # /orry or Wa on. Tractors are compulsory for Tank +orps, and became common in infantry units Independent artillery divisions had very varied composition. .ortars in batteries of ! #!" mm, or #@" mm mortars(-*, with tractors. /i ht 1ri ades had ! 0e iments of - /t battalions as above, these would be motorised. 7owit2er 1ri ades had ! 0e iments of ! .edium 1attalions, with #!! mm 7owit2ers, and # battalion of #$! mm 9un 7owit2ers. 9un 1ri ades could have #!! mm, #$! mm or !"- mm weapons in - battalions.

1 T Russian Roc1et 'aunc$er Regiment :uly 19 1 to 19 ;. HQ # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en. " ,attalions ! 1.'#-(5* or .';(5*. 1 ? Russian (a%alry 2i%ision 19 2 to 19 ;. -Actually a ,rigade si4ed unit. HQ # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en, ! .ounted ),,. 2 #ortar ,atteries ! 7orse Towed(-* #!" mm .ortars(-* with 5 crew. 1 Recce &7uadron @ .en with S.9 I # .an with /.9 mounted on horses. " Regiments HQ # ##8!Tonne /orry with radio(#* carryin +,, +ommissar, ! .en, &7uadrons @ .en with S.9 I # .an with /.9 mounted on horses. 1 ,attery ! Wa ons(-* each carryin ! ;# mm .ortars with - crew. 1 ,attery # 7orse team(5* towin 4@ mm .#6!485- with 5 mounted crew. 1 /latoon # 7orse team(5* towin 5$ mm .od 5!(5* or $4 mm Nis !(5* with - crew. 1 /latoon ! #5.$ mm AT0 with ! +rew mounted on 7orse 1ack. 1 /latoon # 7.9 on AA mount with - mounted crew. 1 Tan1 ,tn HQ # T-584@ )($* +,. (ompanies - T-584@)(-* or - T-58;$(-* or T558;$(-* ?ote It is possible that the +alvary had rifles rather S.9. .ay add a /t Arty 0e t #n #65-. 1; Aircraft. <ame*2esignation Type American = 5" 1 Tomahawk )i hter =5" E Warhawk )8.1omber =5") Warhawk )81omber =-;) /i htnin )81omber =-;3 /i htnin )81omber =$#1 .ustan )81omber =54 E Thunderbolt )81omber =-6 Aircobra )81omber =8) $# E )81omber ) ;5 Thunderjet )81omber ) ;@ Sabre )81omber A!" 7avoc81oston /t 1omber 1!@ .arauder .ed 1omber 1!$ .itchell .ed 1omber A81 !@ Invader .ed 1omber 1rewster 1uffalo )i hter <ame*2esignation Type ,ritis$ 9aldiator II )i hter 7urricane I )i hter 7urricane II + )81omber 7urricane II E A8 Tk Spitfire I )i hter +uns @ .9 @ 7.9 @ 7.9 # !" mm, 5 7.9 # !"mm, 5 7.9 5 7.9 ; 7.9 # -4mm, 5 7.9 @ 7.9 @ 7.9 @ 7.9 - 7.9 or .9 #! 7.9(Turreted* 5 '#! 7.9 @ 7.9 5 7.9 +uns 5 .9 ; .9 5 !" mm ! 5" mm, ! .9 ; .98 ! !"mm 2isposa3le Bpns ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs80ockets. 1ombs 1ombs80ockets 1ombs 1ombs80ockets 1ombs80ockets 1ombs80ockets. 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one 2isposa3le Bpns ?one ?one 1ombs ?one ?one @sed ).Hast, ?.Africa #65#' 5!. ).Hast, ?.Africa, Italy #65#'5$ ).Hast, Italy #65- ' 5$ ?.Africa, ).Hast #65!'55 ?.W. Hurope, Italy, ).Hast #655'5$ Scily, Italy, ?.W Hurope #65- ' 55. All Theatres #65- ' 5$. All Theaters #65-, 0ussia to #65$. Hurope I ).Hast #655'$, Korea. Korea. Korea. Hurope, ?.Africa I ).Hast #65#'5$ Hurope, Africa I )ar Hast #65! '5$ All theatres #65! ' 5$. Korea. ?.W. Hurope, #655 ' 5$, Korea. )inland #6-6 '5-, ).Hast #65# ' !. @sed ?.W Hurope #6-6'5", Africa #65#. ?.W. Hurope I Africa #6-6 ' #65! All theatres #65# '55. ?.Africa #65!'5-, ).Hast #655. ?.W Hurope #6-6 ' 5!.

Spitfire D + Spitfire IL Spitfire LDI H Thyphoon I1 Tempest D .eteor 1attle I 1lenheim ,elgium Gsed (4ec$oslo%a1ia 1 $-5 Areo /.#"" Finnis$ Gsed Frenc$ .S 5"@ E $!" 1loch #$! 10 6@=rote2 @-.## +erman 1f #"6 H 1f #"6 ) 1f #"6 9 .e ##" .e !@! )W #6" A ' )W #6" A' ; )W #6" E'6 3u ;4 1 3u ;4 E 3u ;4 9 7S'#!6 1'# Eo #4 I !#$ 3u ;;, #;;, !;; 7e ### 7s #!-' A Hungarian Gsed

)81omber )i hter )81omber )81omber )i hter )i hter /t 1omber /t 1omber 9ladiator, )i hter /t 1omber 1uffalo, 1lenheim, )i hter )i hter /t 1omber /t 1omber /t 1omber

! !"mm , 5 .9 ! !"mm, 5 .9 ! !" mm, ! .9 5 !" mm 5 !" mm 5 !" mm ! .9 ! .9 7urricane and 5 .9 5 .9 9ladiator, 7urricane, Eo #4, 3u ;;A # !"mm, ! .9 # !"mm 5 .9 ! !"mm 1 ! .9 # !"mm, 5 .9 #" .9

1ombs ?one 1ombs 1ombs80ockets ?one ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1attle. ?one 1ombs .S 5"@, 7awk 4$, =e ! ?one ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs )w #6" A';, 3u';4E

All theatres #65# '5$. All theatres #65! ' 5$ All theatres #65- ' 5$. ?.W Hurope #65! ' 5$. ?.W. Hurope #655 '5$. ?, W. Hurope #655 '5$, Korea. ?. W. Hurope #6-6 to #65#. All Theatres #6-6 to #65-.

+2echoslovakia #6-; to #6-6 +2echoslovakia #6-; to #6-6 )iat 9$", 1f#"6 9, and others. ?.W Hurope #6-6 '5#, Africa #65!. ?.W Hurope #6-6 '5#, Africa #65!. ?.W Hurope #6-6 '5#. ?.W Hurope #6-6 '5#, ?.W Hurope #6-6 '5#, Hurope, Africa I 0ussia #6-6 ' 5!. Hurope, Africa I 0ussia #65" ' 55 Hurope, Africa I 0ussia #65! ' 5$ Hurope, Africa I 0ussia #6-6 ' 55 Hurope I 0ussia #655 ' 5$. Hurope I 0ussia #65! ' 5$ Hurope I 0ussia #65- ' 5$ Hurope I 0ussia #65- ' 5$ Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #6-6 '55 Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #65# ' 5$ Hurope I 0ussia #65- ' 5$ Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #65! ' 5$ Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #6-6 ' 5$ Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #6-6 ' 5$ Hurope, 0ussia I Africa #6-6 ' 5$ Hurope, I 0ussia #6-6 ' 5# 3u';;, Eo !#$.

)i hter # !"mm, 5 .9 )81omber # !" mm, ! .9 )81omber # -"mm, ! !"mm, ! 7.9 )81omber ! !"mm $ .9 )81omber 5 -"mm )i hter 5 !" mm, ! .9 )81omber 5 !" mm. ! 7.9 )81omber ! !"mm ! 7.9 E81omber - .9 E81omber 5 .9 A8T k ! -4 mm, ! .9 A8TK # -" mm, ! 7.9, ! .9 .ed 1omber ; .9 (may have # !" mm* .ed 1omber ! 7.9, 5 .9 .ed 1omber ! !"mm, $ 7.9 E81omber ! .9 +0.5!, 0e !""", 1f #"6 ) I 9,

<ame*2esignation Italian +0. 5! )iat 9$" .+ !"" +1 .+ !"! .+ !"$ 0e !""" 0e !""! 1a @$ :apanese-Army.

Type )81omber )i hter )81omber )i hter )i hter )i hter )81omber /t 1omber

+uns ! 7.9 ! 7.9 ! 7.9 ! 7.9, ! .9 ! !"mm, ! 7.9 ! 7.9, ! .9 ! 7.9, ! .9 ! 7.9, ! .9

2isposa3le Bpns 1ombs ?one 1ombs ?one ?one ?one 1ombs 1ombs

@sed Africa #6-6 to #65Africa I Italy #6-6 to #65Africa I Italy #65! to #65Africa I Italy #65! to #65Africa I Italy #65! to #65Africa I Italy #65# to #65Africa I Italy #65# to #65Africa #6-6 to #65#.

Ki !4 1 Ki 5- 'I Ki 5-'II Ki 55 Ki -" 8 Ki -! Ki 5; Ki $# /olis$ =N/ =.4 =N/ ## + =N/ = !=N/ =.-4 Russian I ' #$I ' #@ .i99 ' &ak ' # /a99 &ak ' 6 /a $)? &ak ' /A'4 Il !'-m Il ! ' -m Su ' ! =e ! Also used

)i hter )i hter )81omber )i hter /81omber .81omber /t 1omber )i hter )i hter /81omber .81omber

! .9 ! 7.9 ! 7.9 5 7.9 ! .9 - .9 ! 7.9, # .9 ! .9 ! .9 - .9 - .9

?one ?one 1ombs ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one ?one 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs80ockets 1ombs80ocket 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs 1ombs ?one 1ombs 1ombs80ockets 1ombs80ockets 1ombs80ockets 1ombs

)ar Hast #6-@ to #65! )ar Hast #6-; to #65! )ar Hast #65! to #65$ )ar Hast #65! to #65$ )ar Hast #6-; to #65! )ar Hast #65" to #655 )ar Hast #65" to #65$ =oland #6-6 =oland #6-6 =oland #6-6 =oland #6-6 0ussia I )ar Hast #6-; to #65# 0ussia I )ar Hast #6-; to #65! 0ussia #65# to #655 0ussia #65# to #650ussia #65# to #650ussia #65- to #65$. 0ussia #65- to #65$ 0ussia #65- to #65$ 0ussia #65$ 0ussia #65# to #65$ 0ussia #655 to #65$. 0ussia #65# to #65!. 0ussia #65# to #65$

)81omber 5 .9 )81omber ! !" mm, ! .9 )81omber # 7.9, ! .9 )81omber # !"mm ! 7.9 )81omber # !"mm, ! 7.9 )81omber # !"mm, # 7.9 )81omber ! !"mm )i hter # !"mm, ! 7.9 )81omber - !"mm /81omber ! !-mm, # 7.9, ! .9 A8Tk ! -4 mm, # 7.9, ! .9 /81omber $ .9 E81omber 5 .9 7urricane II Spitfire D1, =-6, .itchell.

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