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Chapter 5. Score calculation

5.3.2. Simple Java score calculat ion
A simple way to implement your score calculation in Java. Just implement one method of the interf ace SimpleScoreCalculat or: public int erface SimpleScoreCalculat or<Sol ext ends Solut ion> { Score calculat eScore(Sol solut ion);

} For example in n queens: public class NQueensSimpleScoreCalculat or implement s SimpleScoreCalculat or<NQueens> { public SimpleScore calculat eScore(NQueens nQueens) { int n = nQueens.get N(); List <Queen> queenList = nQueens.get QueenList ();

int score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { Queen left Queen = queenList .get (i); Queen right Queen = queenList .get (j); if (left Queen.get Row() != null && right Queen.get Row() != null) { if (left Queen.get RowIndex() == right Queen.get RowIndex()) { score--; } if (left Queen.get AscendingDiagonalIndex() == right Queen.get AscendingDiagonalIndex()) { score--; } if (left Queen.get DescendingDiagonalIndex() == right Queen.get DescendingDiagonalIndex()) { score--; } } } } ret urn SimpleScore.valueOf(score); } } Conf igure it in your solver conf iguration:

<scoreDirect orFact ory> <scoreDenit ionType>...</scoreDenit ionType> <simpleScoreCalculat orClass>org.opt aplanner.examples.nqueens.solver.score.NQueensSimpleScoreCalculat or</simpleScoreCalculat orClass> </scoreDirect orFact ory> Alternatively, build a SimpleScoreCalculat or instance at runtime and set it with the programmatic API:

solverFact ory.get SolverCong().get ScoreDirect orFact oryCong.set SimpleScoreCalculat or(simpleScoreCalculat or);

5.3.5. Invalid score det ect ion

Put the environment Mode in FULL_ASSERT (or FAST_ASSERT ) to detect corruption in the incremental score calculation. For more inf ormation, see the section about environment Mode . However, that will not verif y that your score calculator implements your score constraints as your business actually desires. A piece of incremental score calculator code can be dif f icult to write and to review. Assert its correctness by using a dif f erent implementation (f or example a SimpleScoreCalculat or) to do the assertions triggered by the environment Mode . Just conf igure the dif f erent implementation as a assert ionScoreDirect orFact ory:

<environment Mode>FAST_ASSERT</environment Mode> ... <scoreDirect orFact ory> <scoreDenit ionType>...</scoreDenit ionType> <scoreDrl>/org/opt aplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nQueensScoreRules.drl</scoreDrl> <assert ionScoreDirect orFact ory> <simpleScoreCalculat orClass>org.opt aplanner.examples.nqueens.solver.score.NQueensSimpleScoreCalculat or</simpleScoreCalculat orClass> </assert ionScoreDirect orFact ory> </scoreDirect orFact ory> T his way, the scoreDrl will be validated by the SimpleScoreCalculat or.

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