Writing Speeches I. Meaning of Speech

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III. MEANING OF SPEECH Speech is an act of expressing or communicating thoughts, feelings, desires or ideas by articulation of words. Speech refers to a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience. A talk or public address Speech is the vocalized form of human communication PURPOSE OF SPEECH to inform to instruct to entertain to persuade TYPES OF SPEECH 1. INFORMATIVE SPEECH this is a type of speech that provides interesting and useful information to your audience. Some examples of informative speeches:
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A teacher telling students about earthquakes A student talking about her research

2. DEMONSTRATIVE SPEECH this is a type of speech which including a demonstration of how to do the thing youre teaching. Some examples of demonstrative speeches:
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How to bake a cake How to write a speech

3. PERSUASIVE SPEECH a persuasive speech works to convince people to change in some way: the way they think, the way they do something, or to start doing something that they are not currently doing. Some examples of persuasive speeches:
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Improve your health through better eating Television violence is negatively influencing our children

4. ENTERTAINING SPEECH this is a type of speech that provides pleasure and enjoyment that make the audience laugh or identify with anecdotal information. Some examples of entertaining speeches:
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How to buy a condom discreetly Things you wouldnt know without the movies


METHODS OF DELIVERING A SPEECH This refers to ways or styles of presenting a speech

a) PREPARED SPEECH A prepared speech is a speech that is delivered after a careful long preparation. Some example of prepared speech: o Speech delivered either by graduated students or guest of honour during graduation ceremonies o President talks to his subjects in his monthly schedule. b) IMPROMPTU SPEECH An impromptu speech is a speech that is delivered on the spur of the moment, with little or no preparation at all. Some example of impromptu speech: o Chosen to speak suddenly during the wedding ceremonies o Chosen to speak suddenly during burial ceremonies

V. i.


Introduction may contain one paragraph or two. If it contains two paragraphs, the second one will be treated as a connective paragraph. Introductory paragraph in any speech should contain the following; Get the attention and interest of your audience, reveal the topic, establish credibility, say a purpose of a speech and good will, and preview the speech. Example on how to get Attention Honourable guest of honour! Chairperson of this gather! My fellow students! Ladies and gentlemen! etc. Good morning! Good afternoon! How are you? Hi! etc. Example on how to reveal the Topic Honourable distinguished guest, Im here in front of you to talk about importance of speech. Dear students, today I would like to share with you about reasons for our failure in some of the subjects. Example on how to establish credibility and good will Chairperson, in front of you, Im Jason Alex, Im a student of St. Caroli Secondary school and Im studying in form one.

Your Excellency, Majesty, Chairman, Highness, and Secretary, my name is Alexander Twiddy, I come from the Path Society Organisation which is actually a non- profit organisation and it deals with guiding people on accessing their spiritual nature.

Example on how to say your purpose Mr President, the purpose of my speech is to inform your citizens about the importance of waking early. Your highness, actually, the purpose of this speech is to convince you to become a vegetarian. Dear guest of honour, the purpose of my speech is to instruct my fellow students on how to perform better in the incoming examinations. Example on how to make a preview Dear colleagues, my speech is based on the following areas: Meaning of punctuality, advantages of being punctual and tips on how to become punctual. Your Excellency, today I would like to talk about the meaning of Vegetarianism, types of vegetarians, a need of being vegetarian, advantages of being vegetarian and challenges of being a vegetarian.

Preview mostly contains thesis statement (thesis statement refers to one or more sentences that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about) and it is better to write it in its own paragraph as a connective paragraph.
Thesis statement is more frequently appears at or near the end of the first paragraph or two.


MAIN BODY In school essays, main body should contain paragraphs of different points a speaker or a writer wants to convey.

One paragraph is made up by sentences; actually is made up by topic sentence (a sentence that contains a writers or speakers point related to question asked; usually, in school essays, it is advised to be written at the beginning of a paragraph or as the first sentence) and supportive sentences (sentences that support a topic sentence or a point made by a writer or speaker; it contains examples and details that clarify more about the topic sentence) Connective paragraphs (paragraphs that link different portions or paragraphs of the same idea with different ones in the main body or entire essay) are important to make an essay well organised and understood to a reader or hearer. iii. CONCLUSION Conclusion can be made up by Summarizing points in general(summing up) Restating thesis statement Commenting or making opinions Dont introduce new topic or points in conclusion

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