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Unisystem Midnight
To use this conversion you will need a few things: A Classic Unisystem ruleset with magic rules for Lesser Invocations, such as Armageddon, or the freely downloadable Witchcraft. Alternatively All Flesh Must be Eaten/Terra Primate may be used if combined with the Dungeons & Zombies supplement. Support Eden Studios! A copy of the Midnight Second Edition d20 campaign setting supplement. Support Fantasy Flight Games! I recommend using the Combat Maneuvers from Cinematic Unisystem games (such as Angel, Army of Darkness, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) in your Unisystem Midnight games as well, but this is by no means required. It just makes combat cooler. I also recommend the many and varied Midnight supplements by FFG; they rock.

Step 3: Profession, Point Spend, and Purchase

3a) Select one of the Professions. 3b) Select any extra Drawbacks if desired (whether from those listed, or from others appropriate to the character concept), up to the Racial Template's limit on more Drawback points. 3c) Spend the character's remaining Skill, Quality, and Drawback points purchasing and/or improving Skills and Qualities listed within the Profession, gained as part of the Racial Template, or otherwise appropriate to the character concept. 3d) Record the Profession's Starting Wealth, and purchase equipment.

Step 4: Calculate Secondary Attributes

4a) Calculate the character's Life Points, Essence Points, Endurance Points, and Speed taking into account modifying Qualities/Drawbacks.

Character Generation
Characters are constructed with: * 20 Attribute Points 40 Skill Points (7+ points of which are spent on initial Languages) 20 Quality Points + The Gift + Essence Channeling 1 Up to 10 Drawback Points A single, free, Heroic Path worth 10 points Note: The Gift and Essence Channeling 1 Qualities are granted for free because many individuals in the Midnight setting are supposed to be able to easily learn and use magic, and because so many Racial Templates and Heroic Paths feature magical Skills and Qualities.

Racial Templates
Human - Dorn
Base Attributes: Str 2, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 0, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 7, Int 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Northernlands) 1, Hand Weapon (Sword) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Bastard Sword), Hand Weapon (Spear) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Dornish Horse Spear), Language (Erenlander) 5, Language (Norther) 5, Survival (Northernlands) 1 Qualities: Dornish Blood Loyalty (+1 to attack rolls when fighting alongside a group of 5 or more Dorns) - 1 pt., Hard to Kill 1, Resistance (Cold) 2 Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 24 Skill points, 16 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Step 1: Select a Racial Template

1a) Select one of the Racial Templates. 1b) Spend the noted additional Attribute points, adding them to the Template's Base Attribute Scores. The Racial Maximum for all Attributes is 6, unless otherwise noted. 1c) Record the template's Skills, Qualities, and Drawbacks. Remember to record The Gift and Essence Channeling 1 Qualities all characters get for free. 1d) Note the remaining Skill and Quality/Drawback points available for use in other stages.

Human - Erenlander
Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Any one Attribute 7, any one Attribute 5. Skills: Area Knowledge (choice of Northern Erenland, Central Erenland, or Southern Erenland) 1, Craft (choice) 2, Hand Weapon (choice of Sword or Spear) 1, Language (choice) 5, Language (Erenlander) 5, Survival (as Area Knowledge) 1 Qualities: None Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 25 Skill points, 20 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Step 2: Select a Heroic Path

2a) Select one of the Heroic Paths. 2b) Apply and record the Path's Attribute Modifiers, Skills, Qualities, and Drawbacks. Remember that this package is a free bonus; no Skill, Quality, or Drawback points need be added or subtracted. Note: Attribute Modifiers gained from the Heroic Path can increase Attributes beyond the Racial Maximums.


Human - Sarcosan (Plains)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 2, Will 0, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Int 7, Will 5. Skills: Area Knowledge (Southern Erenland) 1, Hand Weapon (Sword) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Cedeku), Hand Weapon (Spear) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Sarcosan Lance), Language (Colonial) 5, Language (Erenlander) 5, Riding (Horse) 2 + Riding Specialty (Mounted Combat), Survival (Southern Erenland) 1 Qualities: Charisma 1, Fast Reaction Time - 2 pts. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 21 Skill points, 17 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Age 1 - 5 pt., Increased Essence Pool 2, Nightvision - 2 pt., Resistance (Magical Influence) 2, Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 20 Skill points, 4 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Elf - Erunsil (Snow Elf)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Dex 7, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Veradeen) 2, Climbing 1 + Climbing Specialty (Trees), Hand Weapon (Bow) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Icewood Longbow), Hand Weapon (Knife) 1, Language (High Elven) 5, Language (Orcish) 1, Language (Patrol Sign) 1, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Survival (Veradeen) 2 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Age 1 - 5 pt., Hard to Kill 1, Increased Essence Pool 1, Nightvision - 2 pt., Resistance (Cold) 2, Resistance (Magical Influence) 2, Two Weapon Style (Paired Snow Elf Fighting Knives) - 2 pt., Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 22 Skill points, 0 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Human - Sarcosan (Urban)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 2, Will 0, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Int 7, Will 5. Skills: Hand Weapon (Sword) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Cedeku), Hand Weapon (Spear) 1, Language (Colonial) 5, Language (Erenlander) 5, Questioning 1, Riding (Horse) 1, Smooth Talk 1, Streetwise 1 Qualities: Charisma 1, Fast Reaction Time - 2 pt. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 23 Skill points, 17 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Elf - Danisil (Jungle Elf)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Dex 7, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Aruun) 3, Climbing 1 + Climbing Specialty (Trees), Hand Weapon (Bow) 1, Hand Weapon (Knife) 1, Herbalism 1, Language (choice) 5, Language (Jungle Mouth) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Lesser Invocation (Communion) 1, Notice 1, Science (Animals) 1, Science (Plants) 1, Stealth 1 + Stealth Specialty (Jungle), Survival (Aruun) 3 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Age 1 - 5 pt., Increased Essence Pool 1, Nightvision - 2 pt., Resistance (Magical Influence) 2, Resistance (Outsider Powers) 1, Two Weapon Style (Paired Sepi) - 2 pt., Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 10 Skill points, 2 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Dwarf - Clan
Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 2, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 13 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Con 7. Skills: Area Knowledge (Kaladrun Mountains - Subterranean) 2, Craft (Mason) 1, Hand Weapon (Axe) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Dwarven Waraxe), Hand Weapon (Hammer) 1, Hand Weapon (Urgrosh) 1, Language (Clan Dialect) 5, Language (Old Dwarven) 5, Survival (Kaladrun Mountains - Subterranean) 2 Qualities: Darkvision - 3 pt., Foebane (Orcs) - 2 pt., Natural Armor 2, Resistance (Poison) 1, Resistance (Magic) 1, Stonecunning (+1 to Per rolls related to stonework) - 1 pt., Stability (+1 on Dex or Str rolls to resist being knocked over) - 1 pt. Drawbacks: Charisma -1, Reduced Essence Pool 1, Slow -2 pt. Remaining Points: 21 Skill points, 9 Quality points, 4 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 6 more Drawback points.

Elf - Miransil (Sea Elf)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Dex 7, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Miraleen) 2, Climbing 1 + Climbing Specialty (Trees), Craft (choice of sea/boat-related) 1, Hand Weapon (Bow) 1, Hand Weapon (Spear) 1, Language (High Elven) 5, Language (Jungle Mouth) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Piloting (Boat) 1, Survival (Miraleen) 2, Swimming 4, Throwing (Net) 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Age 1 - 5 pt., Increased Essence Pool 1, Mighty Lungs - 1 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Resistance (Magical Influence) 2, Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: None Remaining Points: 12 Skill points, 4 Quality points, plus up to 10 Drawback points.

Dwarf - Kurgun
Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 2, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 13 additional Attribute points Racial Maximums: Con 7. Skills: Area Knowledge (Kaladrun Mountains - Surface) 2, Climbing 1, Craft (Mason) 1, Hand Weapon (Axe) 1, Hand Weapon (Hammer) 1, Hand Weapon (Urgrosh) 1, Language (Clan Dialect) 5, Language (Old Dwarven) 5, Survival (Kaladrun Mountains Surface) 2, Thrown (Axe) 1 Qualities: Darkvision - 3 pt., Foebane (Orcs) - 2 pt., Natural Armor 2, Resistance (Poison) 1, Resistance (Magic) 1, Two Weapon Style (Paired Urutuk Hatchets) - 2 pt. Drawbacks: Charisma -1, Reduced Essence Pool 1, Slow -2 pt. Remaining Points: 20 Skill points, 9 Quality points, 4 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 6 more Drawback points.

Elf - Caransil (Wood Elf)

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Dex 7, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Caraheen) 2, Climbing 1 + Climbing Specialty (Trees), Hand Weapon (Bow) 1, Hand Weapon (Sword) 1, Language (High Elven) 5, Language (choice) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Survival (Caraheen) 2

Base Attributes: Str 0, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 15 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Central Erenland) 2, Forgery 2, Hand Weapon (Crossbow) 1, Language (choice) 3, Language (choice) 2, Language (Trader's Tongue) 5, Piloting (Barge) 1, Questioning 2,


Smooth Talking 2, Survival (Central Erenland) 2, Swimming 1, plus choice of Dancing 1, Play Instrument 1, Singing 1, or Storytelling 1 Qualities: Charisma 2, Mighty Lungs - 1 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Resistance (Magic) 1 Drawbacks: Slow -2 pt., Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 16 Skill points, 14 Quality points, 5 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 5 more Drawback points.

Qualities: Charisma 1, Darkvision - 3 pt., Foebane (Orcs) - 2 pt., Natural Armor 1, Resistance (Magic) 1, Resistance (Poison) 1, Stonecunning (+1 to Per rolls related to stonework) - 1 pt. Drawbacks: Slow -2 pt., Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 25 Skill points, 10 Quality points, 5 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 5 more Drawback points.

Dunni - Agrarian (Halfling)

Base Attributes: Str 0, Dex 2, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 5, Dex 7 Skills: Acrobatics 1, Area Knowledge (Central Erenland) 1, Climbing 1, Craft (choice) 1, Hand Weapon (Spear) 1, Herbalism 1, Language (Colonial) 5, Language (Halfling) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Stealth 1, Survival (Central Erenland) 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Good Luck 1, Nerves of Steel - 3 pt., Nightvision - 2 pts., plus choice of Hard to Kill 1 or Increased Essence Pool 1 Drawbacks: Slow -2 pt., Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 19 Skill points, 9 Quality points, 5 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 5 more Drawback points.

Dwarrow - Gnome Raised

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: All 6 Skills: Area Knowledge (Central Erenland) 1, Forgery 1, Hand Weapon (Crossbow) 1, Hand Weapon (Inutek) 1, Language (Clan Dialect) 2, Language (Old Dwarven) 1, Language (Trader's Tongue) 5, Piloting (Barge) 1, Questioning 1, Smooth Talking 1, Survival (Central Erenland) 1, Swimming 1, plus choice of Dancing 1, Play Instrument 1, Singing 1, or Storytelling 1 Qualities: Charisma 1, Darkvision - 3 pt., Mighty Lungs - 1 pt., Natural Armor 1, Resistance (Magic) 1, Resistance (Poison) 1 Drawbacks: Slow -2 pt., Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 22 Skill points, 12 Quality points, 5 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 5 more Drawback points.

Dunni - Nomadic (Halfling)

Base Attributes: Str 0, Dex 2, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 5, Dex 7 Skills: Acrobatics 1, Area Knowledge (Central Erenland) 1, Climbing 1, Hand Weapon (Spear) 1, Language (Colonial) 5, Language (Halfling) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Riding (Wogren) 2, Stealth 1, Survival (Central Erenland) 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Good Luck 1, Nerves of Steel - 3 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt. Drawbacks: Slow -2 pts., Small -3 pts. Special: Choice of Riding Specialty (Mounted Combat) or Increased Essence Pool 1 Remaining Points: 19 Skill points (18 if selected Riding Specialty), 10 Quality points (9 if selected Increased Essence Pool), 5 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 5 more Drawback points.

Base Attributes: Str 2, Dex 1, Con 2, Int 0, Will 1, Per 1; 13 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 7, Con 7, Int 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Kaladrun Mountains) 1, Climbing 1, Hand Weapon (Axe) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (choice of Dwarven Waraxe or Urutuk Hatchet), Language (Clan Dialect) 5, Language (Old Dwarven) 1, Language (Orcish) 1, Survival (Kaladrun Mountains) 1 Qualities: Darkvision - 3 pt., Foebane (Orcs) - 2 pt., Resistance (Magic) 1, Stonecunning (+1 to Per rolls related to stonework) - 1 pt. Drawbacks: Charisma -1, Light Sensitivity -3 pt., Minority -2 pt., Reduced Essence Pool 1 Remaining Points: 28 Skill points, 13 Quality points, 7 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 3 more Drawback points.

Odrendor (Orc)
Base Attributes: Str 3, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 0, Will 1, Per 1; 13 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 8, Int 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Northern Reaches) 1, Hand Weapon (Sword) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Vardatch), Intimidation 2, Language (Black Tongue) 1, Language (Old Dwarven) 1, Language (High Elven) 3, Language (Orcish) 5, Survival (Northern Reaches) 1 Qualities: Darkvision - 3 pt., Fangs (Str x 1 Slash/Stab damage bite) - 1 pt., Foebane (Dwarf) - 2 pt., Friend of Darkness (+1 to attack rolls in conditions of darkness) - 1 pt., Orc Blood Fury (+1 to attack rolls when fighting alongside a group of 10 or more orcs) - 1 pt., Reduced Damage (Cold - Half Damage) - 3 pt., Resistance (Magic) 1 Drawbacks: Charisma -1, Cruel 1, Light Sensitivity -5 pt., Reduced Essence Pool 1 Remaining Points: 24 Skill points, 8 Quality points, 8 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 2 more Drawback points.

Luiniel - Danisil Raised (Elfling)

Base Attributes: Str 0, Dex 3, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 5, Dex 8, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Aruun) 1, Climbing 1, Hand Weapon (Atharak) 1, Hand Weapon (Knife) 1, Herbalism 1, Language (Halfling) 1, Language (High Elven) 3, Language (Jungle Mouth) 5, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Stealth 1, Survival (Aruun) 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pts., Acute Senses (Sight) - 2 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 22 Skill points, 13 Quality points, 3 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 7 more Drawback points.

Luiniel - Halfling Raised (Elfling)

Base Attributes: Str 0, Dex 3, Con 0, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: Str 5, Dex 8, Con 5 Skills: Area Knowledge (Central Erenland) 1, Climbing 1, Hand Weapon (Atharak) 1, Hand Weapon (Spear) 1, Herbalism 1, Language (Erenlander) 5, Language (Halfling) 5, Language (Jungle Mouth) 1, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1, Riding (Wogren) 1, Stealth 1, Survival (Central Erenland) 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing) - 2 pt., Acute Senses (Sight) 2 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Whisper Sense - 1 pt. Drawbacks: Small -3 pt. Remaining Points: 19 Skill points, 13 Quality points, 3 Drawback bonus points, plus up to 7 more Drawback points.

Dwarrow - Dwarf Raised

Base Attributes: Str 1, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 1, Will 1, Per 1; 14 additional Attribute Points Racial Maximums: All 6 Skills: Area Knowledge (Kaladrun Mountains) 1, Climbing 1, Craft (Mason) 1, Hand Weapon (Axe) 1 + Hand Weapon Specialty (Dwarven Waraxe or Urutuk Hatchet), Language (Clan Dialect) 2, Language (Old Dwarven) 1, Language (Trader's Tongue) 5, Survival (Kaladrun Mountains) 1, Throwing (Axe) 1


Heroic Paths
Each Heroic Path provides the Player Character with a free 10point bundle of Attribute, Skills, Qualities, and Drawbacks. A character may only ever possess a single Heroic Path.

Steel - 3 pt., Sense Supernatural (Evil) - 2 pt., Smite Evil (For a cost of 5 Essence points, the character may add a bonus equal to their Willpower to their attack roll against an evil opponent. If the strike hits, the Multiplier of the damage is also increased by 1. Neither benefit operates against non-evil opponents) - 2 pt.

Qualities: Berserk - 3 pt., Claws (D6(3) x Str in Slash/Stab damage) - 3 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Scent Tracking (Double Perception for purposes of tracking by scent like a predator and other olfactory rolls) - 3 pt., Two Weapon Style (Paired Claws) - 2 pt. Drawbacks: Predator's Curse (The character unsettles most animals, who see them as a potential predator or rival. As a result, the character suffers a -3 penalty to all interactions with animals) -3 pts.

Qualities: Healing Touch (The character can spend 1 Essence point and heal a number of Life Points equal to double their Willpower) - 2 pt., Purge Affliction (The character may cure a disease or poison for a cost of 20 Essence points) - 2 pt., Regeneration (The character may restore a lost limb, heal blindness caused by injury, etc. for a cost of 30 Essence points) - 3 pt., Restoration (The character may revive someone who has been dead for no more than 10 minutes by expending 50 Essence points) - 3 pt.

Qualities: Hard to Kill 4, Increased Endurance 3, Natural Armor 2, Regeneration (The character heals a number of Life Points equal to their Con every hour) - 1 pt.

Qualities: Good Luck 10

Skills: Lesser Invocation (Affect the Psyche) 2, Smooth Talking 2 Qualities: Charisma 4

Attributes: Choice +1, Choice +1 Skills: Choice 1, Choice 1, Lesser Invocation (choice) 1 Qualities: Fast Reaction Time - 2 pt., Good Luck 1, Increased Essence Pool 1

Skills: Lesser Invocation (choice) 1 Qualities: Essence Channeling 1 - 2 pt., Increased Essence Pool 3, Frightful Spellcasting (An aura of fear surrounds the Dragonblooded when they cast spells, forcing opponents within a radius in feet equal to the Essence spent on the spell, to make a Difficult Fear Test) - 3 pts.

Attributes: Con +1 Skills: Climbing 2 + Climbing Specialty (Mountains), Hand Weapon 1 (Bow or Crossbow) + Hand Weapon Specialty (Sniping), Lesser Invocation (Elemental Earth) 1, Stealth 1 + Stealth Specialty (Ambush)

Skills: Lesser Invocation (Elemental Earth) 2 Qualities: Darkvision (90 ft.) - 3 pt., Natural Armor 2, Stonecunning (+1 to Per rolls related to stonework) - 1 pt.

Skills: Sciences (Animals) 1, Sciences (Plants) 1, Survival (choice) 1, Lesser Invocation (Communion) 2 Qualities: Naturefriend (The character is granted a measure of respect by animals, intelligent plants, and elementals, gaining a +2 bonus to social interactions with them, and such creatures must make a Simple Willpower Test to attack the character) - 3 pt.

Qualities: Inspiration - 5 pt., Miracle (choice) - 5 pt.

Qualities: Resistance (Undead Powers) 6, Sense Supernatural (Undead) - 2 pt., Touch of the Living (The character's melee attacks tear at the foul, negative energies that fuel the undead, increasing the damage multiplier of such attacks by 1) - 2 pt.

Attributes: Con +1 Skills: Survival (Northernlands) 1 Qualities: Aura of Warmth (The character exudes an aura of warmth that provides allies within 10 ft. the benefits of the Resistance (Cold) 1 Quality) - 2 pt., Battle Cry (The character can bellow a mighty battle cry that grants them a +1 bonus to attack and a level of Hard to Kill for the duration of the combat) - 1 pt., Frost Weapon (The character can spend 2 Essence points to coat their weapon in biting ice for a Turn, the weapon inflicting an extra D6(3) damage if it penetrates the opponent's armor) - 2 pt., Reduced Damage (Cold - Half Damage) - 3 pt.

Skills: Lesser Invocation (Lesser Illusion) 2 Qualities: Good Luck 1, Nightvision - 2 pt., The Sight (The character is attuned to the supernatural, and can visibly see magical energy and the faint residues left by same, including the auras of supernatural beings. Particularly subtle or obfuscated magics may require a Perception + Notice roll to discern) - 3 pt.

Qualities: Hard to Kill 2, Natural Armor (The character has D8(4) points of armor against blunt attacks only) - 2 pt., Resistance (Influence) 1, Resistance (Pain) 5

Attributes: Str +2 Skills: Intimidation 4 Qualities: Hard to Kill 2, Large - 0 pt., Swift - 2 pt.

Attributes: Choice +1, Choice +1 Skills: Choice 2, Choice 2, Choice 2 Qualities: Charisma 2

Qualities: Aura of Valor (All allies within 20 ft. of the Guardian receive a +1 bonus to attack rolls and rolls to resist fear) - 2 pts., Lay on Hands (The character can spend 1 Essence point and heal a number of Life Points equal to their Willpower) - 1 pt., Nerves of

Attributes: Dex +2


Skills: Dodge 2 Qualities: Burst of Speed (Gains 1 extra action in a Turn for a cost of 2 Endurance points) - 2 pt., Fast Reaction Time - 2 pt., Swift - 2 pt.

Qualities: Animal Companion - 3 pt., Nightvision - 2 pt., Scent Tracking (Double Perception for purposes of tracking by scent like a predator and other olfactory rolls) - 3 pt., Shapechange (For a cost of 10 Essence, the character can assume the same form as their Animal Companion, using the animal's physical Attributes, attacks, and other abilities, but retaining their own mental Attributes. Speech and spellcasting are not possible in this form) - 2 pt.

Skills: Swimming 2 Qualities: Breathe Underwater (Can breathe underwater as easily as in air) - 2 pt., Resistance (Pressure) 2, Seakin (The character can speak to aquatic animals) - 2 pt., Swift Swimmer (The character can swim at the full, normal Speed) - 2 pt.

Each Profession is presented as a selection of common Skills, Qualities, and Drawbacks, those elements most often encountered in members of a given Profession. Some broad Professions are also followed with sample Packages for specific roles, providing inspiration or goals to work towards.

Qualities: Futuresight (The character routinely receives cryptic visions of the future, especially events surrounding them, and major events of great good or evil, determined by the GM) - 5 pt., Psychometry (XXXXX) - 5 pt.

Skills: Lesser Invocation (Affect the Psyche) 1, Smooth Talking 4 Qualities: Charisma 2, Gift of Tongues (The character has a basic level of comprehension of any language heard, as if he had 1 free level of Skill in the language in question) - 2 pt.

Common Skills: Brawling, Climbing, Craft (Armorer, Blacksmith, Bowyer, Carpenter, Fletcher, Leatherworker, Weapon Smith), Dodge, Hand Weapon (Any), Intimidation, Language (Any), Notice, Riding (Horse), Running (Any), Shield (Any), Survival (Any), Swimming, Throwing (Any). Common Qualities: Berserk, Fast Reaction Time, Hard to Kill, Increased Endurance, Natural Armor (Blunt only), Resistance (Fatigue, Pain), Situational Awareness, Swift. Common Drawbacks: Adversary, Charisma, Cruel, Reckless.

Qualities: Essence Channeling 2, Increased Essence Pool 2, Metamagic Aura (The character can boost, diminish, or even partially control any spells or rituals cast within 30 ft. of them, regardless of the caster's wishes. They can spend their own Essence points, limited by time and channelling, to fuel a spell, potentially increasing its area of effect, damage, duration, and effect. They can spend their own Essence points to reduce or nullify a spell, each of their points neutralising two of those used to cast and fuel a spell. They can also spend 5 Essence points to subvert a spell, redirecting its effect anywhere else within the spell's range, or making themselves the target of the spell) - 5 pt., Resistance (Magic) 2 Drawbacks: Null (The character cannot learn or use spells or rituals such as Lesser or Greater Invocations, Necromancy, etc.) -3 pt.

Channeler - Charismatic
Common Skills: Craft (Alchemy, Charm Maker, Magical Items), Hand Weapon (Bludgeon, Crossbow, Knife, Sling, Spear, Staff), Herbalism, Humanities (Theology - Spirits), Intimidation, Language (Any), Lesser Invocation (Affect the Psyche, Insight), Magic Bolt, Occult Knowledge (Special), Questioning, Riding (Horse), Rituals (Any), Seduction, Smooth Talking. Common Qualities: Attractiveness, Charisma, Contacts, Essence Channeling, Familiar, Increased Essence Pool. Common Drawbacks: Covetous (Ambitious, Conspicuous, Lecherous), Cowardly, Paranoid, Secret, Showoff.

Shadow Walker
Qualities: Darkvision (120 ft.) - 3 pt., Shadow Veil (The character blends into shadows, gaining a +4 bonus to Stealth rolls in darkened conditions) - 4 pt., Shadow Jumping (By spending 5 Essence points, the character can enter an appropriately sized shadow and exit another within 30 ft.) - 3 pt.

Channeler - Hermetic
Common Skills: Craft (Alchemy, Charm Maker, Magical Items), Hand Weapon (Bludgeon, Crossbow, Knife, Sling, Spear, Staff), Herbalism, Humanities (Any), Language (Any), Lesser Invocation (Consecration, Farsight, Lesser Illusion, Shielding, Soulfire, Symbols of Protection, Warding), Magic Bolt, Myth and Legend, Occult Knowledge (Special), Research/Investigation, Riding (Horse), Rituals (Any), Sciences (Any), Writing (Academic) Common Qualities: Essence Channeling, Familiar, Increased Essence Pool, Photographic Memory. Common Drawbacks: Charisma, Cowardly, Obsession (Magical Research), Paranoid, Secret.

Skills: Hand Weapon Specialty (choice), Hand Weapon Specialty (choice) Qualities: Piercing Blow (The character has a knack for pierce or finding the weak points in armor, a strike ignoring up to 20 points of armor for a cost of 3 Essence) - 3 pt., Two Weapon Style (choice) - 2 pt., Weapon Savant (The character has a knack for using any and all weapons, counting as having 1 level of Skill in all weapons) - 3 pt.

Channeler - Spiritual
Common Skills: Craft (Alchemy, Charm Maker, Magical Items), Hand Weapon (Bludgeon, Crossbow, Knife, Sling, Spear, Staff), Herbalism, Humanities (Theology - Spirits), Language (Any), Lesser Invocation (Communion, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Elemental Water, Spirit Mastery, Symbols of Protection, Warding), Magic Bolt, Myth and Legend, Occult Knowledge (Special), Riding (Horse), Rituals (Any), Sciences (Animals, Plants), Survival (Any), Swimming. Common Qualities: Essence Channeling, Familiar, Increased Essence Pool, Naturefriend (The character is granted a measure of respect by animals and intelligent plants, gaining a +2 bonus to social interactions with them, and such creatures must make a Simple Willpower Test to attack the character) - 2 pt., Spiritfriend

Skills: Lesser Invocation (Spirit Mastery) 1 Qualities: Sense Supernatural (Outsiders) - 2 pt., Friend of the Sundered (The character gains a +4 bonus to all social rolls involving Outsiders) - 2 pt., See Invisible (The character can see invisible characters, spirits, and Outsiders clearly) - 4 pt.

Skills: Science (Tactics) 10


(The character is granted a measure of respect by spirits and Outsiders, gaining a +2 bonus to social interactions with them, and such creatures must make a Simple Willpower Test to attack the character) - 3 pt. Common Drawbacks: Cowardly, Paranoid, Secret.

Common Skills: Acrobatics (Special), Area Knowledge (Any), Climbing, Craft (Any), Dodge*, Escapism, Hand Weapon (Axe, Bludgeon, Flail, Knife, Sling, Staff, Whip), Language (Any), Martial Arts* (Special), Notice, Running (Dash), Smooth Talking, Stealth, Swimming, Throwing (Axe, Knife, Rock). Common Qualities: Contacts, Fast Reaction Time, Hard to Kill*, Nerves of Steel, Situational Awareness, Swift, Two Weapon Style (Martial Arts or Any combination). Common Drawbacks: Adversary, Honorable, Paranoid, Secret.

Common Skills: Brawling, Climbing, Craft (Armorer, Bowyer, Fletcher, Weapon Smith), Dodge, Hand Weapon (Any), Intimidate, Language (Any), Riding (Horse), Sciences (Tactics), Shield* (Any), Stealth, Swimming, Throwing (Any). Common Qualities: Blind-Fighting, Charisma, Fast Reaction Time, Foebane (Any), Hard to Kill, Increased Endurance, Nerves of Steel, Resistance (Fatigue, Pain), Situational Awareness, Two Weapon Style (Any). Common Drawbacks: Adversary, Cruel, Honorable.

Common Skills: Acrobatics (Special), Acting, Area Knowledge (Any), Beautician, Brawling, Cheating, Climbing, Craft (Any), Dancing (Any), Disguise, Dodge, Escapism, Gambling, Haggling, Hand Weapon (Blowpipe, Bludgeon, Bow, Crossbow, Rapier, Knife, Sling, Sword, Whip), Intimidation, Language (Any), Lock Picking, Notice, Pick Pocket, Play Instrument, Questioning, Running (Dash), Sciences (Cryptography), Seduction, Singing, Sleight of Hand, Smooth Talking, Stealth, Streetwise, Surveillance, Swimming, Throwing (Knife), Traps. Common Qualities: Artistic Talent, Attractiveness, Charisma, Contacts, Fast Reaction Time, Good Luck, Multiple Identities, Situational Awareness. Common Drawbacks: Adversary, Clown, Covetous, Cowardly, Cruel, Paranoid, Showoff.

Common Skills: Area Knowledge (Any), Brawling, Climbing, Craft (Blacksmith, Bowyer, Carpenter, Fletcher, Leatherworker), Dodge, Hand Weapon (Any), Herbalism, Language (Any), Notice, Riding (Horse), Running (Any), Sciences (Animals, Plants), Shield (Any), Stealth, Survival (Any), Swimming, Throwing (Any), Tracking, Traps. Common Qualities: Acute Senses, Animal Companion, Fast Reaction Time, Foebane (Any), Hard to Kill, Increased Endurance, Nerves of Steel, Resistance (Fatigue, Pain), Sense Supernatural (Servants of Izrador), Situational Awareness, Swift. Common Drawbacks: Adversary, Charisma, Paranoid.

Unisystem Midnight Skill List

Acrobatics (Special) Acting Area Knowledge (Type) - NEW Type Examples: By Region Beautician Brawling Bureaucracy

Cheating Climbing Craft (Type) Type Examples: Alchemy, Armorer, Baker, Blacksmith, Boat Builder, Bowyer, Brewer, Butcher, Carpenter, Cartographer, Chandler, Charm Maker, Cobbler, Fletcher, Leatherworker, Magical Items, Mason, Potter, Roper, Tailor, Weapon Smith, Weaver Dancing (Type) Type Examples: By Race. Disguise Dodge Engineer (Type) Type Examples: Architecture, Mining, Siege. Escapism Farming (Type) - NEW Type Examples: Barley, Cattle, Chickens, Corn, Fishing, Sheep, Wheat Fine Arts (Type) Type Examples: Drawing, Embroidering, Painting, Sculpting. Gambling Haggling Hand Weapon (Type) Type Examples: Axe, Blowpipe, Bludgeon, Bow, Crossbow, Flail, Rapier, Knife, Lance, Sling, Spear, Special Weapon, Staff, Sword, Whip Herbalism - NEW Humanities (Type) Type Examples: History, Law, Theology - Spirits, Theology The Shadow. Instruction Intimidation Language (Type) Type Examples: Black Tongue 1*, Clan Dialects, Colonial, Courtier 3**, Erenlander, Danisil, Halfling, High Elven 3**, Norther, Old Dwarven, Orcish, (Snow Elf) Patrol Sign 1*, Sylvan, Trader's Tongue. Note: * Max Lang. Level, ** Min Lang. Level Lock Picking (Mechanical) Magic Bolt Martial Arts (Special) Mechanic Myth and Legend (Type) Type Examples: By Race or Region Notice Occult Knowledge (Special) Pick Pocket Piloting (Type) Type Examples: Barge, Sailboat, Warship. Play Instrument (Type) Type Examples: Drum, Flute, Horn, Lute. Questioning Research/Investigation Riding (Type) Type Examples: Cart, Horse, Wogren, Worg. Rituals (Type) Running (Type) Type Examples: Dash, Marathon Sciences (Type) Type Examples: Alchemy, Animals, Astronomy, Cryptography, Plants, Tactics. Seduction Shield (Type) Type Examples: Target, Small, Medium, Large Singing Sleight of Hand Smooth Talking Stealth Storytelling Streetwise


Surveillance Survival (Type) Type Examples: By Region (not Environment) Swimming Throwing (Type) Type Examples: Axe, Knife, Net, Rock, Spear Tracking Trance (Special) Traps Weight Lifting Writing (Type) Type Examples: Academic, Creative, Persuasive

Two Weapon Style - 2 pt. - NEW Whisper Sense - 1 pt. - NEW

Quality Notes
Hard to Kill Characters may take 7 levels of Hard to Kill, 10 if they have extra levels from Heroic Path.

New Qualities
Animal Companion - Variable The character has a loyal and devoted animal companion, a beast that's as much friend as pet. The point cost can be found in appropriate entries in the Monsters section of this document. Berserk - 3 pt. By making a Simple Willpower Test the character can become berserk, gaining a +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Willpower, and three levels of Hard to Kill. The Berserk rage drains 1 extra Endurance Point per Turn (in addition to the loss normally suffered from frenzied activity), and may contain until the berserker collapses, or until they snap out of it with a Difficult Willpower Test. In this bestial fury, however, the character's Int is reduced to 1, they become incapable of interaction beyond savage combat and chasing down foes, and they may need to make a Simple Perception Test to differentiate friend from foe in some situations. Blind-Fighting - 2 pt. Due to superior training, the character suffers no penalties for melee combat in dim light, and only suffers a -3 penalty if blinded or in complete darkness. Darkvision - 3 pts. The character is able to see up to 60 feet in even total darkness, but such vision is black and white. Familiar - 2 pt. The character becomes mystically bonded with a small animal. XXXXX Foebane (Type) - 2 pts. The character is extremely experienced at dealing with, or trained extensively to fight, a certain type of foe, be that orcs, dwarves, elves, the Fell, or anything else. This grants a +1 bonus to defense and attack rolls when facing that opponent. Increased Endurance - 1 pt/lvl The character gains 10 extra Endurance points per level of this Quality. Large - 0 pt. The character is tall, powerful, and hulking, Giantblooded characters typically being half as tall again as normal members of their race. Characters of this size calculate their Life Points with ((Con + Str) x 5) +15, double their Carrying/Lifting capacity, and are capable of wielding Large weapons one-handed, and Huge weapons two-handed. Their size and bulk do present problems, however, as Medium-sized attackers gain a +1 bonus to attack them, they suffer a -2 penalty to Stealth rolls, and they require double the normal amount of provisions to survive. Additionally, armor, clothing and other worn items are double their normal weight and cost, and life can be difficult living in a world too small for you. Most Large characters also take the Swift Quality to represent their increased stride, unless notably slow or lumbering. Mighty Lungs - 1 pt. Due to training and experience the character may hold their breath for 3 minutes (5 with preparation) plus D10(5) x Con seconds.

New Skills
Area Knowledge (Type) This skill represents general knowledge of a given region, its geography, habitations, basic customs, and other elements of common knowledge. Farming (Type) Farming is the skill of raising crops or livestock, including tending them, rearing them, and otherwise caring for them and ensuring a decent harvest, herd, or flock. Each variety of crop or livestock is a different Type of skill, as is fishing. Herbalism Herbalism is used to heal, create poisons, and craft other plantbased salves, oils, and unguents of varied use. It replaces First Aid, Medicine, and Unconventional Medicine. See the Herbalism rules below.

Unisystem Midnight Qualities List

Acute Senses - 2 pt. Age - 5 pt./lvl Ambidextrous - 1 pt. - NEW Animal Companion - variable - NEW Artistic Talent - 3 pt. Attractiveness - 1-5 pt. Berserk - 3 pt. - NEW Blind-Fighting - 2 pt. - NEW Charisma 1-5 pt. Contacts - variable Darkvision - 3 pt. - NEW Essence Channeling - 2 pt./5 - 1 LVL FREE Familiar - 2 pt. - NEW Fast Reaction Time - 2 pt. Foebane (Type) - 2 pt. - NEW Gift - FREE Good Luck - 1 pt./lvl Hard to Kill - 1 pt./lvl Increased Endurance - 1 pt./lvl - NEW Increased Essence Pool - 1 pt./lvl Inspiration - 5 pt. Large - 0 pt. - NEW Mighty Lungs - 1 pt. - NEW Multiple Identities - 2 pt./Identity Natural Armor - 1 pt./lvl - NEW Nerves of Steel - 3 pt. Nexus Sense - 3 pt. - NEW Nightvision - 2 pt. - NEW Photographic Memory - 2 pt. Resistance - 1 pt./lvl Sense Supernatural (Type) - 2 pt. - NEW Situational Awareness - 2 pt. Status - 1 pt./lvl Swift - 2 pt. - NEW


Natural Armor - Variable The character possesses a tough hide that acts like armor. The cost depends on the level of protection provided: D2 (1) - 1 pt., D4 (2) - 2 pts., D6 (3) - 3 pts., D8 (4) - 4 pts., D10 (5) - 5 pts., D12 (6) 6 pts. Armor that is only effective against a specific type of damage such as blunt, or slashing/stab, is only worth half the number of points. Nexus Sense - 3 pt. The character can sense Nexuses, an extremely rare trait value by Izrador and his enemies. When within 5 miles of a nexus, the character can make a Perception + Notice roll to detect it and discern its location. No more than a single party member should possess this Quality, to reflect its rarity. Nightvision - 2 pt. In conditions of dim light, such as starlight, moonlight, and torchlight, the character can see as well as in broad daylight. Total darkness renders the character blind as any other, however. Sense Supernatural (Type) - 2 pt. By concentrating for 1 Turn, making a Simple Perception Test, and spending 1 Essence, the character can determine the direction and relative power, but not details, of a broad type of supernatural entity within 50 ft., such as Undead, Outsiders, supernatural Evil, etc. Swift - 2 pt. The character uses (Con + Dex) x3 to calculate their Speed. Two Weapon Style - 2 pts. The character has trained to use a specific combination of two, one-handed melee weapons in combat. They get one extra Attack or Defense action per Turn when wielding that specific combination of two weapons. Whisper Sense - 1 pt. The character is attuned to the call of the Whispering Wood, and can hear its voice with a successful Simple Willpower + Notice Test. Only rarely can a non-elf or -elfling acquire this Quality.

Slow - 2 pt. - NEW Small - 3 pt. - NEW Status - 1 pt./lvl Talentless - 2 pt. Zealot - 3 pt.

Drawback Notes
Adversary Characters cannot take The Shadow/Izrador as an Adversary; everyone is assumed to be fighting The Shadow anyway.

New Drawbacks
Reduced Essence Pool - 1 pt./lvl The character suffers from a reduced pool of mystical energy. Reduce their Essence Point total by 5 Essence per level Slow - 2 pts. The character uses Con + Dex only to calculate their Speed. Small - 3 pts. The character is small, short in height and low in mass. Characters of this size calculate their Life Points with ((Con + Str) x 3) +5, are harder to hit, penalizing the attacks of Medium opponents by -1, and find it much easier to hide or move quietly, gaining a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls. However, their small frames mean they have to halve their Carrying/Lifting capacities, and they are restricted to using Small Weapons one-handed, and Medium Weapons twohanded. They cannot use Large weapons. Armor, clothing and other worn items made to size are only half their normal weight, but their cost remains the same in most cases due to being less common and more difficult to produce. Most Small characters also take the Slow Drawback to represent their shortened legs.

Unisystem Midnight Magic

Channeled Magic
Channeled magic in Unisystem Midnight uses most of the standard basic rules for Invocations as described in Witchcraft, Armageddon, and the Dungeons & Zombies supplement for All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Casting procedures, Rituals, Using Essence Defensively, Random Essence Effects, and Group Magic all work normally. Channeled magic also uses Places of Power (called Power Nexuses in the Midnight setting), but these are expanded below. Channeled magic does not use the Times of Power, Symbols of Power, Items of Power, Immortality, Crowd Effect, or Intent and Magic elements of Unisystem Invocation. Not all Unisystem Invocations are appropriate to the Midnight setting, as a few simply will not work or go counter to the spirit of the setting:

Unisystem Midnight Drawbacks List

Accursed - variable Addiction - variable Adversary - variable Attractiveness - variable Bad Luck - 1 pt./lvl Charisma - 1-5 pt. Clown - 1 pt. Covetous - 1-3 pt. Cowardly - 1-3 pt. Cruel - 1-3 pt. Delusions - variable Emotional Problems - variable Honorable - 1-3 pt. Impaired Sense - 2 pt. Lazy - 2 pt. Minority - 1-3 pt. Obsession - 2 pt. Paranoid - 2 pt. Physical Disability - variable Reckless - 2 pt. Recurring Nightmares - 1 pt. Reduced Essence Pool - 1 pt./lvl - NEW Secret - variable Showoff - 2 pt.

Appropriate Invocations
Affect the Psyche Blessing Cleansing Communion Consecration Elemental Air Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Elemental Water Farsight Greater Illusion - See Armageddon Insight Lesser Curse Lesser Healing Lesser Illusion Shielding


Soulfire Spirit Mastery Symbols of Protection Tap Emotions - See Armageddon Warding Weather Lordship - See Armageddon

Use of Consecration
The Essence "batteries" created by effective use of the Consecration Invocation are called Talismans, and replace Spell Talismans and their creation in Midnight entirely.

Inappropriate Invocations
Gateway Greater Healing - See Armageddon Soul Projection

Power Nexuses
Power Nexuses provide a source of Essence that can be used in place of an enchanter's own permanent expenditure, provide bonuses to the preparation and creation of certain types of items, and can provide significant amounts of Essence that can be used to cast powerful spells. Small wonder they are so avidly sought. Finding a nexus is no easy task, and short of stumbling into one, requires successful use of the Nexus Sense Quality. Once a nexus is located, it must be attuned to before it can be used. Attuning takes 1 hour per 10 Essence Points a nexus provides when fully replenished (round up), and a successful Willpower + Meditation Task. For every other individual already attuned to the nexus, and for every 50 Essence Points (or fraction thereof) the nexus provides, increase the level of the Outcome necessary. Each nexus uses the following format: Name Spell Energy: The number of Essence Points the nexus provides when fully replenished and untapped. These Essence Points may be used by anyone able to Channel Essence for any Invocation or Necromantic effect. The number available is exactly the same as the amount of Spell Energy a nexus provides as listed on pages 300-306 of the Midnight. Feats Allowed: The types of magical items the nexus best lends itself to the creation of. Rolls to prepare magical items of this type at this nexus gain a +10 bonus to the Craft (Magical Item) Task. The types of items it aids in creating are roughly indicated by the names of the Feats Allowed as listed on pages 300-306 of the Midnight. Affinity: The type of Invocation(s) the nexus provides an Essence Point discount to when they are cast within its bounds. The number after each Invocation/type of magic is the amount by which the nexus reduces Essence Point costs for those types of magics (whether used to cast a spell or enchant an item), e.g. one with Elemental Fire 2 reduces the Essence Point cost of any Elemental Fire Invocation cast within it by 2 points. Recovery: The number of Essence Points the nexus recovers per day. The number of Essence Points a nexus replenishes is exactly the same as the Recovery it is listed with on pages 300-306 of the Midnight. Notes: Any other important rules notes concerning the use of the nexus. Black Ice Falls Affinity: Elemental Water, plants 3 Blindfork Spires Affinity: Electrical effects 1 Blood Tower of the Northern March Affinity: Weapon Enhancement 2 Cave of Bones Affinity: Elemental Fire 2 Note: Extracting fresh sinew requires a successful Survival or Craft (Butcher) Task. Corpsedigger Cypress Affinity: Necromancy 2 Note: If a sentient being is slain on the roots of the tree during the full moon, it provides an amount of extra Essence Points equal to its Life Points/10.

Necromancy is considered a form of channeled magic, albeit one intricately linked with The Shadow and shunned by nearly everyone save Legates and other devotees of Izrador among whom the use of necromancy is all too common. Necromancy operates exactly the same in Unisystem Midnight as it does in Witchcraft, Armageddon, and Dungeons & Zombies, but is not considered something you absolutely are or are not able to do; it can be learned by just about anyone, just like normal channeled magic can.

Creating Magical Items

Creating a magical item is a serious undertaking, exacting a high cost in terms of Essence expenditure, time, and risk, for protracted use of Essence is more likely to attract the attention of a Legate, and magical items themselves can be detected by the chosen of Izrador. Items may be enchanted with Invocations (enabling the item to "cast" said Invocation a number of times per day) or Enhancements (infused with raw Essence that makes the item tougher, more damaging, or otherwise more effective). The maximum number of total Enhancements and/or Invocations that may be added to a magical item is 10, with no more than 5 of each type e.g. a truly powerful item may have +5 in Enhancements and 5 Invocation castings within it, but could not have +10 in Enhancements, or 6 Invocation castings, etc. Each Enhancement grants a +1 bonus to uses of the item (if appropriate). For example, a +1 sword grants its bonus to attack and damage, a +1 lock pick provides its bonus to attempts to pick locks when it is used, a +1 suit of armor adds the +1 to its AV, and so on. Each Invocation added allows that Invocation to be freely cast using the item, once per day, and the same Invocation may be added multiple times. Essence Points permanently expended to create a magical item may only be replaced by purchasing extra levels of the Increased Essence Pool Quality. Use the following procedure to create magical items: 1) The item must be prepared, a process involving appropriate chanting and tracing by finger of mystical symbols on the surface of the item, the permanent expenditure of 5 Essence Points per Invocation and/or Enhancement to be added, and a successful Willpower + Craft (Magical Items) Test with an Outcome equal to the number of Invocations or Enhancements to be added. This process takes 1 hour per 5 Essence Points being spent in preparation. Failure on the Test means the item is not prepared, and the Essence Points are expended, but not permanently so. 2) Should the initial preparation be successful, the item may be enchanted with a mixture of Enhancements and/or Invocations up to the limit set during preparation. Enchanting the item requires the permanent expenditure of 5 Essence Points per Enhancement, or as many Essence Points are as required to cast a given Invocation or Invocations on the item. Because magical items are so demanding in terms of Essence Point cost, its permanent expenditure, and the difficulty inherent in creating items of significant power, appropriate Power Nexuses (see following) are sought for their aid in the crafting of such items.


Beast -17/-12/-7 pt.

The Fang Affinity: Serpent-related magic 2 Forges of the Sirocco Affinity: Shielding, Symbols of Protection, Warding 1 Greenthroat Cavern Affinity: Bows, arrows, and staves 2 Heart of the Wood Affinity: Elf and forest 5 Note: Reaching the center of the nexus requires three Tasks, each against a doubled Attribute of Dexterity, Constitution, and Willpower. The minimum Outcomes required are Adequate (9-10), Good (13-14), and Excellent (17-20), applied as desired to the attributes, e.g. a character may decide to try for the Excellent Outcome with their Dexterity, the Adequate Outcome with their Constitution, and the Good Outcome with their Willpower. Ironmelt Vortex Affinity: Elemental Fire 2 Kedunni Plains Affinity: Illusion (Greater or Lesser), Shielding, Symbols of Protection, Warding 1 Keela's Haven Affinity: Animals, Spirit Mastery 5 Lillywick Pond Affinity: Elemental Air 1, Elemental Fire 1, Necromancy 3 Puresea Island Affinity: Potions 2 The Seadragon Pool Affinity: Elemental Water 2 The Sunstone Cliffs Affinity: Elemental Air 4 Note: Reaching the cave requires three Climbing Tasks, the first with an Adequate (9-10) Outcome, the second with a Decent (11-12) Outcome, and the third with a Good (13-14) Outcome. Failure at any means a fall of 50, 100, or 150 ft. respectively. The howling winds within the cave increase the necessary Outcome of any task involving concentration by 1 level. Windforge Chasm Affinity: Elemental Air 1 May be cunning but is otherwise unintelligent, cannot communicate beyond normal animal means, and may not use tools. Reduce to -12 if able to use crude tools. Reduce to -7 if intelligent but unable to use tools or speak.

Str: 5 Dex: 3 Con: 4 Int: 1 Per: 3 Will: 3 Life Points: 46 ((Str + Con) x 4) +10) Endurance Points: 41 ((Con + Str + Will) x 3) +5) Speed: 24 ((Con + Dex) x 2) +10) Attack Types/Damage: Bite D6(3) x (Str +1) Slash/Stab, Claws D4(2) x Str Slash/Stab Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 1, Language (Halfling) 3, Notice 1, Stealth 1, Survival (Plains of Erenland) 3, Tracking 1 Qualities: Acute Senses (Hearing), Blind-Fighting, Fast Reaction Time, Natural Armor D6 + 1(4), Scent Tracking (Double Perception for purposes of tracking by scent and other olfactory rolls), Spirit Sense (The wogren can detect the presence of spirits and other Outsiders within 100 ft.) Drawbacks: Beast -7 Animal Companion Cost: 4 pt.

Unisystem Midnight Monsters

The following statistic blocks present those monsters mentioned to exist in the Midnight setting. Modifying them is as easy as increasing or decreasing any given attribute/skill by 1 point (or possibly more, such as halving it to represent a young adolescent, for instance). The formulas for determining Life Points, Endurance Points, Speed, and Damage are included, along with the precalculated Life Points, Endurance Points, and Speed for normal/unmodified creatures of that type. The following Drawback is common among many nonhumanoid creatures:



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