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Again, after a sending a busy amount of data within a blast e-mail, its desirable to succinctly summarize its salient

features; the key-topics related to [1]the ongoing effort to understand libs; [2] the latest immigration reform gambit; [3]The Temple Mount is again the site of Arab Rioting; [4] Bullet-Points are of-interest regarding (primarily) statewide issues; [5]Bullet-Points reinforce prior narratives [regarding ideology, the media, and the issues]; and [6]A friend provides input regarding how to handle Putin [in a rather direct fashion, rather than just cutting-off credit cards]. The ongoing intent to understand the [modern] Liberal Mind was dramatized when the pending query was posed [Your choice will be between someone who is pro-life and otherwise fantastic vs. anyone who is 100% pro-choice and otherwise deeply-flawed, due to having supported BHO.]. The alarum was sounded regarding the [predictable] initiative that the House-GOP may soon promulgate regarding the Amnesty-Issue, noting that there will be no opportunity to address an on-point primary-voting query [Your choice will not be between Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8Bucks County) and someone who has a more conservative voting-record (as documented by Heritage Action, per a prior blast), who has not voted to fund ObamaDontCare, and who has committed to oppose amnesty for illegal.]; filing-deadlines for primary-challenges have passed and, thus, he need not fear being primaried [a crusade I abandoned when no one would take-the-plungeINCLUDING (in particular) within the TEA Party Movement]. Now that the BHO/Kerry Peace Process is moribund, it is not unreasonable to anticipate the reinitiation of the Intifada, and there is no more logical site for this to transpire than the Temple-Mount [Your choice will be whether to support necessary preserve-the-peace measures by Israelis, despite anticipated worldwide condemnation of whatever Israel may be forced to do.]. Myriad points regarding current/prior events in Pennsylvania illustrate the chronicity of the issues being debated on the gubernatorial level [Your choice will be whether to support Guzzardi (as soon as his ballot-challenge has been resolved by the Supremes) or the incumbent, taking into account the (yawning) distance between campaign promises in 10 and professional achievement in 14.]. Myriad points regarding multiple (primarily) national concerns (including a few articles that explore both Conservatism and Liberalism) corroborate previously-explored issues [Your choice will be to buy into the principles articulated and documented in these blast e-mails, or whether to attempt to maintain a level of healthy skepticism as to whether being 100% pro-choice should be viewed as the key litmus-test, blinding you from recognizing the rapid degradation of America that BHO is rapidly promulgating.]. An action-plan [which, pointedly, BHO is not pursuing] has been articulated at-length, discussing what might be done to stop Putin from re-establishing the USSR [Your choice will be to support a muscular response to the Ukrainian-Invasion or whether it would be considered to be prudent to channel blindly BHOs ideological pacifism.]. This is a lengthy way of suggesting that it would be optimal for the reader to co-adopt the three-legs of Conservatism [Economic, Overseas, Social] or, at the very least, emphasize Economicmaintain Overseas and refrain from opposing Social. Regarding the need to re-acquire Economic freedom [in all realms, including accessing the optional ability to self-protect], profligate Federal spending must be curtailed [employing Federalism and eschewing Crony-Capitalism]. Regarding the need to re-acquire the ability to Protect Freedom Overseas [against statists in Iran, Russia, and China], draconian pentagon cut-backs must be reversed [including funding of troop-deployment, lest America be reduced to depending upon drones]. Regarding the need to maintain the Judeo-Christian Social Ethic [acknowledging the existence of good/evil], libertarian philosophies must be implemented judiciously.

It may be noted that the more recent blast e-mails have employed both recent/remote hyperlinks; the backlog of not-yet-disseminated hyperlinks is massive [~100 pages for grist related to a variety of topics, ~23 pages related to foreign affairs, ~60 pages for the Middle East related to Israel in particular, ~11 pages of graphics, ~24 pages related to domestic affairs, ~30 pages related to the GOP, and ~28 pages related to ObamaDontCare], but can be mainstreamed when a topical issue arises [e.g., temple-mount]. The goal is to group info that might initially not be recognized as being subject to mutual-enlightenment, yielding maximal support for the concerns being emphasized; this applies just as much to Guzzardi [whose campaign is apparently being maintained @ a nascent level until the Supremes have ruled] as to the Kurdistan initiative [with the Mandatory Holocaust Education concern persisting as unresolved]. It is anticipated that fireworks will emerge whenever such pungent issues are raised, but it is dangerous to deny the dangers afoot; BHO is the CEO of the worlds largest and most powerful organization, and the multifaceted efforts he constantly generates on multiple levels cannot all be tracked effectively.

Overview Listing follow-up hyperlinks [reinforcing previously-detailed concepts] provides a short-hand method to balance the intents to maintain comprehensiveness and to avoid repetitiveness; a stand-alone quote may be accompanied by clarifications to ensure nothing appears to contradict prior conclusions. Tersely updating what is occurring statewide [as we await the Supremes ruling on Guzzardis candidacy], some claim he should be supported to avoid-future-pain, inasmuch as Pennsylvanians are forking-over millions to profitable, free-market companies; also, New reports question AG-Kane's version of 'the sting.' {Regarding Education & Common Core, know that a health-quiz grills 9th graders on support for proenvironmental candidates, that the Florida Senate Passed Textbook Review Legislation, and that BLAME should be directed at CALIFORNIA FOR PROGRESSIVE PRE-K FOR ALL MOVEMENT; regarding other concerns raised by Guzzardi, recall that Bond-pros-cheered-Harrisburg-deal and a Court ruled that Bankrupt San Bernardino is Not Liable for Skipped Pension Payments.} This is why PoliticsPA gave Guzzardi and up-arrow this week: Against all odds, Guzzardi won the petition challenge against him and will be on the Republican ballot for Governor on May 20th, pending an appeal decision from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. His challenge [brought by four regular voters] was waged and funded with the assistance of the Pennsylvania Republican Party. The loss was a hit to the establishment and, now that they appealed the decision, they are throwing even more time, money and attention into Guzzardi. A related concern regarding the Harrisburg-Bailout, the Detroit-situation has again gained primacy [Obama-Michigan-talks-free-up-$100M-aid-Detroit-pension-deal, feds-find-$100m-to-give-detroit, and obama administration finds $100 million for detroit]; this is reminiscent of last years Detroitbankruptcy-loan [BHO announced he will bail-out Detroit with $300 million]. Amazingly, it also seems

business as usual exists [Operation Compliance: Detroit's War on Small Business, detroit-billionairesget-hockey-arena-as-bankrupt-city-suffers, New $444 million hockey arena is still a go in Detroit, Detroit is in ruins, but theyre building a $140 million, three-mile streetcar, and Detroit Gave $2 Billion in Undisclosed Union-Brokered Bonuses]. Here is the view of the Dem-Boston Mayor On Detroit: 'I'd Blow Up The Place, Start All Over.'

Foreign Policy Russia Immediately Flip-Flopped on Eastern Ukraine - Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov announced that an agreement had been reached between Russia, Ukraine and the West to deescalate the situation but, although the agreement called for protesters to leave illegally seized buildings, a Russian ambassador said that any such call would be "betraying" the people of eastern Ukraine. Thats why nothing has changed ['Not Going Anywhere' Say Ukraine Separatists, Eastern Ukraine's Pro-Russian Activists Stand Fast, and Protesters in East Ukraine and Kiev Will Not Honor Geneva Agreement] as the Russkies are settling-in [UKRAINE: RUSSIAN WEAPONS GIVE AWAY PRESENCE OF TROOPS IN EASTERN UKRAINE, NATO Supreme Cmdr: Putin Lying, Russian Troops in East Ukraine, and Unprecedented Statement by Top US Officer: Putin Is Lying, Russian Troops in Eastern Ukraine]. Without BHOs support, an UKRAINIAN OLIGARCH PUT UP REWARD FOR CAPTURE OF PRO-RUSSIAN ATTACKERS IN MARIUPOL. Adopting this posture is consistent with appreciating what's wrong with conservatism (in the minds of some, such as Rand Paul) and how we can fix it; conservatives must be vigilant to protect their movement from becoming identified with the twin heresies of Know-Nothingism and isolationism. BHOs inaction kicks-another-can-down-the-road. {Bottom-line: We've Betrayed PragueAgain.} Islamism continues to flourish [noting these Top 10 Examples of CAIR Extremism], although Iran Finally Paid for Some of Its Terror; meanwhile, Pax Islamica Debuted in Dubai and Terror-Convict Islamists 'Bayed for Blood' as they Squared-Off Against UK Nationalists Outside a London Mosque. And not to be forgotten after the State-Department-Issued-Travel-Warning-to-Nigeria is the latest evidence of BOKO HARAM'S REIGN OF TERROR: AL QAEDA AFFILIATE SLAUGHTERING CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA. Pro-Israel activities of those who are engaging adversaries aggressively included those of ZOA President, Morton Klein {who appeared on MSNBC on April 18 at 11:00 A.M. to discuss the Ukrainian Jewish issue}; arlene kushner {whose pre-Pesach musings during the past fortnight analyzed inter alia Brandeis [praising Ali, and contrasting her rejection with the embrace of Kushner], Kerrys terminal-twitches [a very conflicted man, I would say: he sees the end but cannot admit the failure], Martin Indyks futile rants [trying to calm Assad], and why SW-Jerusalem is constantly termed East Jerusalem [biased media]}; and Pamela Geller {who inter alia depicted the conservative-slippage of NRO}. A summary of what has occurred in the Middle East can be gleaned from a few Israpundit headlines: noting The disappearance of US will, even the Left is recognizing Palestinian Arabs Need More Than Borders; as BB lost a majority for a deal to extend talks with Palestinian Arabs, a Jordanian air strike destroyed Al Qaeda raider force heading for US military base. BHOs lackadaisical public/private support for the forces of freedom in this region continues to stress friends and embolden enemies.

The Kurds are an ongoing victim of this ambivalence [The Kurdish Non-Arab Spring], recalling also my recently-published essay [America Must Recognize Kurdistan]; absence of strong American support serves to perpetuate the war among Kurds which then makes Syrian peace unlikely. Some feel the Kurds are a functioning state although not a legal one, and Iraq is legal state but not a functioning one; regardless, Kurds Now Share Turkeys Longest Border, violence rarely targets the Kurdish city of Irbil, and the Kurdish culture continues to supplant Islamism with celebration of kurdish-jewish links. As we await the onset of a third Intifada, attendees at The Jerusalem Post Conference claim it is time for Israel [as a collective, as a nation] to begin a long-term celebration of her assets. An example, perhaps, of this attitude is the Knessets Proposal for an Aliyah Holiday, superficially comparable to ongoing efforts by Steve Feldman and myself to create a Yom Knisa holiday [that originated when we wrote of Israels 60th Birthday by carefully delineating the continuity of the ancient with the modern]. We are exploring how to mesh these efforts to ensure that the first Aliyah [Joshua 4:19] is recognized to have strong Biblical roots; for this reason, we are reluctant to jump to conclusions publicly regarding the theology of this eventas others seem tempted to dofor it is necessary to protect this idea from being corrupted by first completing Rabbinic/Archaeological consultations [both here and in Israel].

Keystone XL-Pipeline & Climate Change Illustrating why BHO consistently subjugates policy to ideology are damages accrued when even the most obvious decision is affected; KRAUTHAMMER CALLED KEYSTONE XL INDEFINITE DELAY 'A SPIT IN THE EYE TO CANADA,' and the CANADIAN AMBASSADOR TO US SAID 'WE'RE VERY DISAPPOINTED.' BHO wants to delay making a decision until after the mid-term elections, lest he antagonize any supporters. Long-forgotten is the alleged-intent by McCONNELL to ATTACH SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT LIKE KEYSTONE PIPELINE TO DEBT LIMIT. {Presaging discussion infra, note that there is continued-support-for-keystone-xl-pipeline, but enviros-claim-keystonewill-raise-carbon-emissions; also, Dems Power Grab Could Kill Keystone Pipeline.} Earlier this year, with the keystone-xl decision said to be looming, an oil-train-crash-ignited the railversus-pipeline-debate; as a result, an anti-keystone-xl-billionaire-targeted this arkansas-oil-spill-in a new-ad. Guzzardi cautioned: Train wrecks involving natural gas are being invoked as an argument for the pipeline, but [as per the Washington Examiner] pipelines also tend to spill more often than shipments via railnearly three times as many gallons per million ton-miles for the past decade, according to the Association of American Railroads, which cited Department of Transportation statistics." He warned against allowing pre-conceptions and ideologies to prompt presentation of factual information tendentiously, but he also noted the XLs key opponent [Big Business Railroads] is intertwined with Big Government against Liberty, Economic Freedom and The Forgotten Taxpayerinasmuch as Corporatism is a form of Socialism. The following summarizes key-concepts: Capitol Hill debate on the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline will heat up when lawmakers return to Washington after a train carrying crude oil crashed and went ablaze in North Dakota this week. The Casselton, N.D., accident forced about 2,000 residents to leave their homes but left no casualties, unlike a July incident in Quebec that killed 47 people. But those incidents

illustrate ongoing discussions about whether shipping new bounties of North American crude is safer via rail or pipeline. The incident comes as President Obama nears a decision on Keystone, the controversial pipeline that would bring a thick, carbon-intensive crude called oil sands from Alberta to the Gulf Coast. The State Department is currently finishing up a final environmental review -- builder TransCanada Corp. needs a cross-border permit to finish the northern leg -- which will be used to determine whether the pipeline is considered in the national interest. The Department of Transportation's Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued a warning Thursday that the crude from the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana "may be more flammable than traditional heavy crude oil." The agency said it would "expand the scope" of ongoing efforts to properly classify crude coming from region. Lawmakers will look to put fresh pressure on the administration to approve the pipeline in light of the Casselton crash. I think it will help create momentum for more pipelines and faster transition to the new rail cars, said Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., adding that trucks and rail will still be needed even with Keystone. The House Energy and Commerce Committee also plans to dive into the pipeline fray. One of its central energy themes in the new year is expanding and expediting pipeline construction, which has largely failed to keep pace with the rapid United States shale gas and oil boom. "We are continuing to monitor the situation as federal and local investigations continue. Our focus on energy infrastructure will continue in 2014 and we remain committed to ensuring every American has access to affordable energy and our nation's growing supplies are transported safely and efficiently," said Charlotte Baker, a majority spokeswoman for the committee. Much of the attention on Keystone has focused on its climate change impact green groups say it would amount to devastation; industry groups, union organizations and lawmakers that support the pipeline say that's not true, contending oil sands would come to market with or without Keystone. Originally, though, environmental groups attacked the nation's pipeline infrastructure and regulatory culture when pushing against Keystone. They pointed to the 2010 Enbridge pipeline spill in Michigan's Kalamazoo River, which was transporting a dense form of crude and is still being cleaned up, as a warning sign. All told, "significant" onshore pipeline incidents involving hazardous liquids -- which covers crude oil -- accounted for $134 million in property damage in 2012, including three deaths, according to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The highest total was in 2010, the year of the Enbridge spill, which amounted to $1.1 billion worth of property damage.

Pipelines also tend to spill more often than shipments via rail nearly three times as many gallons per million ton-miles for the past decade, according to the Association of American Railroads, which cited Department of Transportation statistics. But the loss of life from pipeline spills pales in comparison to those via rail, even though 99.9977 percent of rail hazardous material shipments reach their final destination without incident, according to the Association of American Railroads. Federal regulators in the U.S. are looking to toughen regulations to improve rail safety on the Department of Transportation 111 model tankers that carry crude. Some early recommendations include, "enhanced tank head and shell puncture resistance systems for 111 tank cars, as well as top fittings protection that exceed current requirements," the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration said. The Casselton accident combined with the July incident in Lac-Mgantic, Quebec, is "likely to add momentum to a U.S. federal regulatory process," said Kevin Book, managing director of consulting group ClearView Energy Partners. "We think it safe to suggest that new rules are coming and the only questions are how strict and how soon?" he said in an email. Hoeven, who has pushed for action on that front, agreed. "I think from a broader perspective we're going to learn from these incidents. But I think everybody recognizes that we need to move as aggressively as we can to these newer, stronger tanker cars and make sure we have the right chemicals and compounds in the right kind of cars," he said. It's an issue that will continue to draw the attention of federal regulators. U.S. crude shipments by rail have jumped to an estimated 400,000 carloads in 2013, up from 9,500 in 2008. Rail shipment has become so ingrained in the oil business model that even Harold Hamm, the billionaire chief of Continental Resources, one of the first petroleum firms to enter the Bakken and Mitt Romney's energy adviser for his 2012 campaign, has called Keystone unnecessary. In a December interview with Reuters, Hamm commented Keystone is not needed "for our Bakken (crude oil). And is it needed for the industry? I dont think so not in the U.S. {Thus, pipeline supporters [Sens. Landrieu & Hoeven] Submitted a Keystone Resolution, claiming the XL Pipeline IS in the National Interest.} BHOs criminal-assault upon the coal-industry [Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket] shifted the debate from Global-cooling [TIME Mag blamed 'polar vortex' on 'global cooling' in 1974] to climate change [with the claim that deniers never publish in legitimate journals]; meanwhile, the Demsplan-to-pressure-tv-networks-into-covering-climate-change as the HUFF-PO FINALLY ADMITTED THE EXISTENCE OF GLOBAL COOLING. Regardless, the war-on-coal-heated-up after the epa issued new-coal-

regs that coal-state-dem-candidates-ripped because, allegedly, these New Rules On Power Plants Will Kill the Coal Industry. In a related-development, EPA-Administrator Gina McCarthy Dodged Environmentalist Coordination Questions about internal e-mails that appeared to show top EPA officials using agency events to help environmentalist groups gather comments on agency rules. {Also, a meteorologist said a ghost of global-warming is closing-coal-plants.} The usual-suspects have emerged, with Coburn ['I am a global warming denier'] pitted against Genocidal Duck Whisperers of the Post-Human Left manifest, for example, by van-jones even claiming the environmental-movement-has-too-many-white-people; indeed, al-gore was sued-by-30,000-scientists-for-global-warming-fraud, recalling that two Years are Left in Rush Limbaugh's Countdown to Al Gore's Doomsday Deadline. {Also, Global-warming-high-priest al-gore closed all alliance-for-climate-protection fieldoffice and laid-off-90-of-staff.} Some scientists claim Global Warming Is A Fraud [citing Three More Pieces Of Evidence and, specifically, 2012-data-allegedly confirming earths cooling-trend; they claim climate-models-wildly-overestimatedglobal-warming because the warming-lull-since-1998 haunts-climate-change-authors. Other scientists propose models that the AP Hyped Claiming Global Warming Involvement in Fiercer Storms and the UK Media Points to Massive Arctic Ice Cap Growth; they also claim that the Antarctic sea ice increase is because of weather, not climate. In any case, a Global warming documentary will premier on fossil fuel funded Al Jazeera, recognizing that enviros want to tax-meat-for-climate-change and that BHO has Spent $7.45B in 3 Years Helping Other Countries Deal With Climate Change. It may be recalled that the global-warming-expedition was launched to-prove-antarcticice-is-melting; it is somewhat ironic that it was trapped-by-ice. After this botched-globalwarming-expedition had finally been rescued-from-polar-ice, it was revealed that the Mainstream Media Omitted Climate Change Mission from Antarctica Ship Rescue; the NY Times Covered-Up Global Warming Angle of Antarctic Rescue Story, and this info was Frozen Out when 98% of Stories Ignored the fact that Ice-bound Ship Was On Global Warming Mission. Although the number of Americans who think global warming is a myth has climbed to 23%, up seven percentage points since April 2013, Sen. Casey claimed Congress_should_consider_raising_gas_tax; in counterdistinction, Australia and the uk-govt-slashed-global-warming-spending-by-41%, Obamas Top Scientist Admitted Green Jobs Promise Was a Myth, and [Too Little, Too Late] CBS's 60 Minutes Took Apart the Green Tech Movement.

Political Issues & Politics Sen. SESSIONS claimed BOEHNER'S 'HELLBENT' AMNESTY PUSH BETRAYS GOP BASE {I agree}, as the Dems/Libs are on-the-move [ZUCKERBERG ATTACKEDS STEVE KING OVER AMNESTY, HILLARY CLINTON IS A 'HUGE SUPPORTER' OF AMNESTY, and Obama To Huddle With American Legion Days After Major Immigration Announcement]. But note that Marco Rubio has conjured a fresh method to backtrack his prior advocacy, claiming Obama and Republicans Have 'Irreconcilable Differences' on Immigration. {A political effort that fizzled: tea-party-announced-boycott-of-mcdonalds-over-its-support-of-amnesty.}

Regarding ObamaDontCare, Jay Carney Defended Obama's 'Lie of the Year' by claiming he thought it was true at the time; as HHS MOVED TO CANCEL MORE INSURANCE PLANS and San Francisco Obamacare Patients were nowhere to Be Found, Ted Cruz claimed the Obamacare Repeal Debate is 'Far from Over' [and a Poll demonstrated Ted Cruz is the Most Popular Politician in Texas]. Regarding the Media, Fox continued to flourish [Chris Wallace Re-Signed with Fox on His 50th Year in Broadcasting and Breitbart News Contributor Jedediah Bila is to Co-Host New Fox News Show] and CNN continued to flounder {A pattern of behaviors have demonstrated why cnn was busted; the hiatus triggered by the lost Malaysian aircraft may explain why Crossfire [with Ratings-A-Bit-of-a-Misfire] is on extended-hiatus; CNN's Crowley wondered aloud Why Would the Out-of-Work Vote Republican?; Media [CNN] Invented Another Phil Robertson Controversy to Boost Dismal Ratings; and CNN Hyped Legal Marijuana In Colorado ['Amazing Experience']}. Also, Michael Savage took-Over Sean Hannity's Radio Time Slot on Cumulus, with alleged-slippage of listenership; the desperation besetting the GOPEstablishment [noting failed trial-balloons for Jeb Bush and Chris Christie] has yielded the claim, c/o the WAPO that ROMNEY 'EMERGING AS ONE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S MOST COVETED STARS.' CNN's Week-Long Campaign for Wendy Davis Backfired when it was revealed that a New Poll Gives Abbott a 2 to 1 Lead over Wendy Davis; that Texas is More Red may be due to the Blue State Exodus. Additional unrest emerged among Dems [Two Dems Accused Party Leaders in CA-33 of Changing Rules to Favor Wealthy Insiders and Jerry Brown now Has to Negotiate with GOP Since Loss of 3 Democrats] and in the lib-media [Huffington Post Slammed 'Corporate Democrats' and Politico's Mike Allen reported that House Dems are Now in 'Triage,' Experiencing a Shrinking Map]; as a result, the White House Strategy emerged: Fabricate Fear and Injustice. {Also, just RELEASED were the Clinton files on media enemies.} Otherwise, the beat goes on regarding the customary Dem-priorities: spending [Illinois Taxpayers to Give $100 Million for Obama Library] regardless of potential-fraud [Man Charged with $45,000 Food Stamp Fraud Bought 1200 Cases of Red Bull]; advocating almost any method to achieve gun-control, [Dem-Sens Warner and Kaine Voted to Submit Gun Rights to UN] despite seemingly-daily evidence that people want to be able to protect themselves [Home Invader was Shot-dead after Crashing into Nearby Home]; and reverse-racism [Students Want Washington & Lee to Free 'Students of Color' from 'Psychological Shackles' and CNN's Don Lemon Mocks the Left's Casual Charges of Racism]. ANTHONY WEINER just expressed INTEREST IN BEING ON TV, recalling his encounter on MSNBC with Lawrence O'Donnell: 'What is wrong with you?' and puns he engendered [ERECTION DAY: Weiner peters out at 7% as voters head to polls].

As LIBS CITE EVERYTHING FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO THE CIVIL WAR TO BASH THE TEA PARTY Movement, it was revealed that a tea-party-tool-kit is available on-line and Amy Kremer Resigned from Tea Party Express.

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