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The Reduction to the Army was the main reason Germany was upset

On the 11th November 1918 an Armistice was signed stopping or!d ar One" #hort!y a$ter the Armistice a treaty% the treaty o$ &ersai!!es% was signed on '8th (une 1919" )t was supposed to be a peace sett!ement between Germany and the A!!ied *owers that o$$icia!!y ended the war" +owever Germany $e!t the treaty was un$air and harsh" The treaty was written by the big three, The -nited .ingdom% the -nited #tates o$ America and /rance and Germany had three wee0s to negotiate the terms but on!y minor detai!s were changed" The German anger over the treaty resu!ted in Germany rebe!!ing against the treaty and u!timate!y !ed to or!d ar Two" A$ter the war Germany had !ost a !ot o$ men and spent a !ot o$ money on the mi!itary and weapons" Germany1s on!y a!!y% Austria2+ungary% had co!!apsed and had to pu!! out o$ the war" On the 11th November 1918 the Armistice was signed o$$icia!!y ending the war% a!!owing /rance% The -nited #tates and the -nited .ingdom a!so 0nown as The 3ig Three to begin to estab!ish their aims $or punishing Germany $or apparent!y causing the war" A$ter the treaty2 an agreement between the countries invo!ved that creates peace was signed 2one o$ the terms was the reduction in armies and weapons" 4onscription which is the $orced entry into the army by the government was $orbidden in Germany in an e$$ort to prevent Germany raising an army again to invade areas such as, /rance% est *russia% 45echos!ova0ia% *o!and etc" The Army was !imited to 166%666 men and the navy to 17%666 !eaving Germany with no submarines% and a!though the Rhine!and 8the part o$ Germany that borders /rance9 sti!! be!onged to Germany it was demi!itarised and there$ore must have $e!t very wea0 and vu!nerab!e to attac0 $rom western countries such as /rance" Germany too0 great pride in its armed $orces and must have been upset about the many mi!itary restrictions" Germany $e!t they didn1t have enough men to protect their borders" Germany must have $e!t wea0 and vu!nerab!e to attac0s $rom a!! directions due to their !ac0 o$ men" Germany was so proud that when the 3ritish came to ta0e their ships which was a!so in the terms o$ the Treaty o$ &ersai!!es they san0 the ships to prevent 3ritain $rom ta0ing it" A $ew years be$ore the war Germany was a great superpower o$ the wor!d with a strong economy and strong mi!itary but had now been stripped o$ its sa$ety and that wou!d have hurt the German pub!ic" The reduction o$ the mi!itary was a strength to the treaty because it made Germany wea0er and !ess !i0e!y to invade other countries such as *o!and who had $ina!!y gained $reedom" )t a!!owed countries such as *o!and to be #e!$2determined 8giving peop!e the right to decide which country they wi!! be ru!ed by9" This part o$ the treaty was a!so a wea0ness due to the !ac0 o$ security the very proud Germany $e!t and this upset them because i$ someone or another country tried to attac0 they were wea0" ) be!ieve this is why Germany ob:ected the treaty because they $e!t so wea0 and this sudden change o$ power embarrassed Germany" 3e$ore the ar Germany was a ma:or economic power which traded industria! goods wor!dwide and was a!so the second !argest e;porter wor!dwide a$ter the -nited #tates" Germany was a wor!d !eader !i0e the -nited .ingdom and too0 great pride in their armed $orces" Ta0ing the b!ame angered Germany as they $e!t they weren1t the origina! starters o$ the war" The war had three ma:or !ong term causes inc!uding the competition o$ empires and the disputes over who shou!d have certain countries in A$rica and e!sewhere" These disagreement was a!so contributed to by 3ritain and /rance" #o!e!y b!aming Germany $or the war was a po!itica! move to :usti$y ma0ing Germany pay <="= bi!!ion in reparations and war indemnity which is a sum o$ money that a country is $orced to pay i$ it is de$eated" )$ Germany were to b!ame they wou!d have to pay $or the damage they apparent!y caused" 3oth /rance and 3ritain1s pub!ic were interested in money but a!so 0eeping Germany wea0" >!oyd George 0new that be$ore the war Germany was an economic power and there$ore wou!d be needed $or trade this is why he didn1t want Germany to be too wea0" hether 3ritain and /rance !i0ed it or not Germany was an important trading power wor!dwide" Ta0ing the b!ame made Germany embarrassed and didn1t put them in a good !ight on the wor!dwide stage" Germany was a proud country and this part o$ the treaty was biased and un$air $or Germans" The German pub!ic was obvious!y very annoyed with the treaty and too0 to their media to e;press this" There was a cartoon in the newspaper to show the The 3ig Three who were getting ready to punish Germany using a gui!!otine with /rance in the $ront ready to drop the rope" This German cartoon shows how desperate /rance were $or German b!ood" /rance wou!d have been most happy with this term o$ the treaty% but a!so wanted more money to repair the damage they $e!t Germany had caused" The German government accepting the responsibi!ity o$ paying the reparations shows Germany admitting gui!t" The reduction o$ the mi!itary wasn1t the so!e reason Germany was upset about the treaty and the b!ame p!ayed a ma:or part o$ Germany1s anger" Germany $e!t humi!iated% persecuted and wea0" This was a wea0ness o$ the treaty as it wasn1t a $air outcome as Germany was not the on!y country that caused the war" Another term o$ the treaty that must have upset Germany was the returning o$ A!sace2>orraine to /rance a$ter Germany gained this !and in 18?1" This !and was a victory pri5e $orty years be$ore or!d ar One" Germany was a very proud country whose pride must have been bruised by the !and being returned to /rance" This !oss o$ !and must have reminded Germany that it was wea0 and humi!iated wor!dwide" A!! Germany1s pass successes meant very !itt!e :ust because they had !ost or!d ar One" /rance was great riva! and the co!!ection o$ A!sace2>orraine by /rance was a victory $or them" /rance wou!d have been most happy with this term o$ the Treaty out o$ The 3ig Three" Germany !ost ?'%7660m' o$ its !and to severa! countries not on!y to /rance but a!so to @enmar0% 3e!gium and *o!and" Germany a!so !ost =2? mi!!ion peop!e" Germany was a very patriotic country and many Germans were now being contro!!ed by new governments with no say on what nationa!ity they wanted to be" This part o$ the term the -nited #tates shou!d have been against as they stood $or #e!$2determination" This was a

/redri0a Animashaun

16"1 Ange!a '? #eptember '61A

strength o$ the treaty because it a!!owed the origina! occupiers o$ the !and to have contro! over it again such as /rance gaining bac0 the !and they had !ost" This part o$ the treaty was a!so a wea0ness because it didn1t ta0e into account the peop!e a$$ected and how these Germans wou!d have $e!t about now being @anish% 45ech% /rench or *o!ish" Germany and her peop!e were again humi!iated wor!dwide" Overa!! ) conc!ude that the most upsetting term o$ the treaty to Germany wou!d have been the most humi!iating" As ) a!ready mentioned Germany was a proud country" Germany was a ma:or economic power which traded industria! goods wor!dwide and was the second !argest e;porter wor!dwide a$ter the -nited #tates" Germany had gone $rom being a huge economic power to being stripped o$ peop!e% !and and co!onies e!sewhere" This sudden change in power wou!d have humi!iated Germany and upset them" The /rench must have been the most happy with the treaty" George 4!emenceau had seen his country being invaded twice in his !i$etime by Germany and his peop!e wanted Germany to be as wea0 as possib!e in order to prevent $uture attac0s" /rance their riva! had contro! over them and had now become stronger than them and i$ /rance wanted to they cou!d attac0 and invade Germany through the east" Germany severe!y dis!i0ed /rance and too0 to the media to promote their idea o$ /rance" A common image was the crimp!ed and evi! /renchmen $eeding on the beauti$u! he!p!ess German !ady" This $orm o$ propaganda symbo!ised how Germany $e!t about /rance" )n German eyes /rance was draining them to death" A!though 3ritain wanted Germany to a!so pay $or apparent!y causing the war they wou!dn1t have been direct!y invaded by Germany" 3ritain a!so wanted to preserve the 3ritish Navy1s supremacy creating a reduced and wea0er German navy $or bragging rights" The -nited #tates across the pond $e!t very !itt!e $ear o$ invasion by Germany and their on!y economic riva! had co!!apsed and was under their thumb with this treaty" Germany was so proud they didn1t want anything to be dictated to them especia!!y their very impressive mi!itary" Germany ca!!ed the Treaty o$ &ersai!!es @i0tat% this means dictated peace" Germany was such a pride mi!itary country that restricting their mi!itary made them $ee! wea0 and vu!nerab!e obvious!y upsetting this country who was once a wor!d !eader" This is why ) thin0 the mi!itary restrictions was the main reason Germany was upset" The mi!itary restrictions were humi!iating and degrading" Germany wanted to $ee! big and power$u! and not insigni$icant and there$ore was ready to avenge the humi!iation they $aced by having to $o!!ow the ru!es o$ the Treaty o$ &ersai!!es"

/redri0a Animashaun

16"1 Ange!a '? #eptember '61A

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