Boysen® Permacoat™ Latex: Features

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Boysen Permacoat Latex

DESCRIPTION: Boysen Permacoat Latex Paint is a 100% acrylic latex paint with excellent hiding, durability and dirt pick up resistance! "t #inishes painting $obs in less coats, yet lasts longer than other brands allowing you to sa%e a lot on time, e##ort, worry and money! PRINCIPAL USES: &or interior and exterior such as concrete, stucco, bricks plaster, hollow blocks, drywall sur#aces, and properly primed wood! PRACTICAL COVERAGE: '( )0 s*uare meter + , liters + coat SURFACE DRY: -hirty .)0/ minutes DRY THROUGH: -wo .'/ hours DRY FILM THICKNESS: 1 1!( mils+coat OVERCOATING INTERVAL: 0llow one hour be#ore recoating! THINNING: 1se as supplied! "# necessary, thin with not more than 2 liter o# water per , liter can APPLICATION: paint brush, roller or airless spray! PACKAGING: 16-liter; -liter !"# 1-liter $!"% &'(ite )"l*+ AVAILA,LE COLORS: B301 4hite B30' 5## 4hite B3'1 6ream B3') 7oonlight B3'( Bone "%ory B331 -ile 8ed B390 6hocolate Brown COLORANTS: 1se only Boysen Latex 6olors #or tinting to achie%e pastel shades! -o produce dark shades, use #actory or 7ix and 7atch pre mixed colors! :o not use ;ansa <ellow B 1,== and -oluidine 8ed B1,03 #or exterior applications! I"%tr-$ti)"% SURFACE PREPARATION: PAINTING SCHEDULE: 1%t C)!t: Boysen Permacoat &lat Latex >301 P-tt*: Boysen 7asonry Putty >3)11 .interior use/ Boysen 0crytex 6ast >1311 .exterior use/ ."# / 0r# C)!t: C())%e C)l)r Boysen Permacoat &lat Latex .any desired color/

&or technical reasons connected with color reproduction and paint manu#acturing, these patterns may not exactly match the paint color!

Bone "%ory B 3'(

6hocolate Brown B 390

6ream B 3'1

7oonlight B 3')

5## 4hite B 30'

-ile 8ed B 331

4hite B 301

0shton ?rey B 3)1

Basic Beige B 3(''

6hocolate @iss B 391

7ystery 4inter B 3('

5$ay B 33'

5ld 8edwood B 33,

Pawn Beige B 3''

Pure "%ory B 3('1

Atone Beige B 3('0

-ulle 4hite B 3(01

4inter 7orning B 3(0'

<ellow 4are B 3=1

Boysen Healthy Home Odor-less Antibacterial Latex Paint

Boysen ;ealthy ;ome is a odor less, low B56, premium acrylic, water based interior coating with exclusi%e 7icroban antibacterial protection to gi%e extra de#ense against bacteria such as C! coli and Aalmonella, as well as mildew and #ungus! :CA68"P-"5DE Boysen ;ealthy ;ome dries to a durable satin #inish that makes it ideal #or walls and ceilings in bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, as well as damp and humid areas where an added le%el o# protection against microbes is desired! 7icroban technology is incorporated into the paint at the manu#acturing stage and does not wash or wear o## #or the duration o# the paintFs ser%ice li#e! P8"D6"P0L 1ACAE Boysen ;ealthy ;ome is the ideal choice #or residences, medical #acilities, nursing homes, schools, day care #acilities, and #ood commissaries! &or interior concrete and drywall sur#aces! PRACTICAL COVERAGE: '( )0 s*uare meter + , liters + coat SURFACE DRY: -hirty .)0/ minutes DRY THROUGH: -wo .'/ hours DRY FILM THICKNESS: 1 1!( mils+coat OVERCOATING INTERVAL: 0llow one hour be#ore recoating! THINNING: 1se as supplied! APPLICATION: paint brush, roller or airless spray PACKAGING: , liter cans COLORANTS: 1se only #actory or 7ix and 7atch pre mixed colors! AVAILA,LE COLORS: B3,10 ;ygienic 4hite B3,'0 Light -an B3,)0 6lean Alate B3,,0 Aerene Lake B3,,' &resh 0ir B3,(0 &lora B3,=0 Ahining 5chre B3,30 Bloom B3,3' 8osy G 0lso a%ailable in B3,1( Aemi ?loss ;ygienic 4hite I"%tr-$ti)"% SURFACE PREPARATION: Ne' M!%)"r*: 0llow new masonry to dry 1, to '9 days under normal weather conditions be#ore painting! Aur#aces to be painted should be clean and dry, #ree #rom oil, grease, dust, dirt contaminants, and all loose grit and mortar! -reat new masonry with a solution o# 1 part Boysen 7asonry DeutraliHer >,, diluted in 1= parts water, applying liberally by brush or roller! Let dry o%ernight

be#ore rinsing with water to remo%e white crystals that #orm on the sur#ace! Let dry be#ore painting! 8epaintingE 8emo%e all loose, scaling, #laking and peeling o## paint using Boysen Paint and Barnish 8emo%er >1,1, wire brushing, scraping, or water blasting! Let dry! &or chalking old paint, use Boysen 6halk Blocker >3)0, as primer! "n case o# mildew in#estation, treat with #ungicidal wash solution or bleach solution .1E), laundry bleach to water, respecti%ely/ by swabbing or brushing! -o ensure proper treatment, allow to stand on sur#ace #or o%ernight be#ore washing o## residue! Let dry! PAINTING SCHEDULE: C)"$rete 1%t C)!tE Boysen Permacoat &lat Latex >301 P-tt*: Boysen 7asonry Putty >3)11 ."# / 0r# C)!t: Boysen ;ealthy ;ome Dr*'!ll S-r1!$e% 1%t C)!t: ,)*%e"2 Permacoat &lat Latex >301 P-tt*: ,)*%e"2 ?ypsum Ioint 6ompound >311 ."# / 0r# C)!t: Boysen ;ealthy ;ome C())%e C)l)r &or technical reasons connected with color reproduction and paint manu#acturing, these patterns may not exactly match the paint color!


6lean Alate


&resh 0ir

Light -an


Aerene Lake

Ahining 5chre

;ygienic 4hite

Titan Su er!lex

-itan Auper#lex is a sel# priming #lexible coating that #orms a durable #ilm, which re#lects ultra %iolet light and pre%ents the passage o# water and water %apor, recommended #or both interior and exterior concrete sur#aces! "t cures to an adherent #ilm on properly prepared sur#aces capable o# bridging hairline cracks on %ertical walls! -he smooth nature o# the #ilm minimiHes dirt pick up and ensures long term durability and color retention! USE: Auitable #or the protection and decoration o# concrete sur#aces3 PROPERTIES: 0ppearanceE Cggshell C)4er!5e: 0pprox! 19 '' s*!m! per , liters per coat .depending on sur#ace porosity and method o# application/! Dr*i"5 ti6e: Aur#ace dry in one .1/ hour! 8ecoat a#ter three .)/ hours under normal weather condition! I"%tr-$ti)"% SURFACE PREPARATION: Ne' C)"$rete: 0llow new concrete to cure #or at least #our .,/ weeks! 0ll sur#aces should be sound, clean, dry and #ree #rom loose and #laking material, dust, dirt, oil, e##lorescence, laitance, and other contaminants! -reat with concrete neutraliHer and let dry be#ore dusting o## the #ormed white crystalline deposits! Ol# C)"$rete: 8emo%e loose and #laking material on pre%iously painted sur#aces! Aand old paint in good condition, and then dust o## be#ore repainting! APPLICATION / THINNING: N-67er )1 C)!t%: 0pply at least three .)/ coats o# -itan Auper#lex by brush, roller or airless spray! :ecreasing the number o# coats will reduce the paint per#ormance! Cle!"i"5: 6lean all tools and e*uipment a#ter use with clean water3 T(i""i"5: Brush and rollerE 0 (% water! -he #irst coat may be thinned up to 10% on %ery absorbent sur#aces! Atir well be#ore use! 0irless sprayE 0 10% water! C!-ti)": :o not use when humidity is high as sur#ace condensation .hea%y moisture/, will ad%ersely a##ect the paint per#ormance! C())%e C)l)r &or technical reasons connected with color reproduction and paint manu#acturing, these patterns may not exactly match the paint color!

- (101 Anow 4hite

- (10' Lemon "ce

- (10) "ce 7ist

- (10, 4hite Aand

- (10( ;int o# Banilla

- (10= Clusi%e 4hite

- (103 Dilla Banilla

- (109 6hild o# ;ea%en

- (10J @iara

- (110 Little :o%e

- (111 6otton Ball

- (11' 6asa Blanca

- (11) 6hapel 4all

- (11, Petticoat

- (11( Augar :ust

- (11= Bunny 6ake

- (113 Aphere

- (119 -will

- (11J 4hite ?lo%e

- (1'0 Pumice Atone

- (1'1 Luna 7oon

- (1'' :o%e 4hite

- (1') 7ystic &og

- (1', Bonaire

- (1'( Barely 4hite

- (1'= 4hite @itten

- (1'3 Ahell -int

- (1'9 Iust 0bo%e 4hite

- (1'J 7oon :rop

- (1)0 4hite &ence

- (1)1 Banister 4hite

- (1)' Lady Dicole

- (1)) "talian "ce

- (1), "ce :ream

- ('01 Pu## Pink

- ('0' Aea Pearl

- ('0) -itan Peach

- ('0, 6andy 6ream

- ('0( Aweet Aalmon

- ('0= Ahore 4hite

- ('0J 6risp Biscuit

- (''0 6alm Beige

- ()01 4hipple Blue

- ()0' Datural ?ray

- ()0) 7etal 0sh

- ()0, Beige

- ())0 :o%e ?ray

- ()3) -erracotta

- (,01 -echno Blue

- (,0' Ao#t Lilac

- (,0) 7ystic Blue

- (,0, Baby Blue

- (,0( :istant Blue

- (,0= Polaris Blue

- (,03 :enim Blue

- (,09 &eather Ao#t

- (,0J C%ening Aea

- (,10 &resh 4ater

- (,11 Blue 8oyale

- (,1' 7editerranean Blue

- (,1) :eep Aea

- (,1, Cmpire Biolet

- (,1( Persian Biolet

- ((01 Aour ?reen

- ((0' "cy ?reen

- ((0) 6ool ?reen

- ((0, 0pple green

- ((0( 0*uamarine

- ((0= Aherwood

- ((03 &orest Line

- ((09 ?reen ?rass

- ((0J Aierra ?reen

- ((10 7orning

- ((11 ?reen Lea#

- ((1' Bay%ille

- (=01 Beach




- (=0' 6andlebright

- (=0) "%ory

- (=0, 8ipe 7ango

- (=0( Ahining <ellow

- (=0= Buttered 6orn

- (=03 Aunny :ays

- (301 Ahort Lake

- (30' Bright 6oral

- (30) Baby 6andy

- (30, 0pple Blossom

- (30( Aun ?laHe

- (30= 6oral red

- (303 6ottage 8ed

- (309 6hili Pepper

- (901 7ocha

- (90' Brick :ust

- (90) 6lay Pot

Boysen "uic# $ryin% &namel

:CA68"P-"5DE Boysen Kuick :rying Cnamel is an alkyd type paint that pro%ides great durability while being noted as a #ast drying paint! "t is #ormulated to gi%e a tough, durable, beauti#ul and high build #ilm on wood and metal! "ts superior hiding, combined with an exceptionally high gloss le%el, leads to an excellent, long lasting #inished appearance! PRINCIPAL USES: S-8eri)r 1)r e9teri)r !"# i"teri)r '))# !"# 6et!l %-r1!$e%3 PRACTICAL COVERAGE: .: - .; %<-!re 6eter = liter% =$)!t DRY FILM THICKNESS: 13; 6il%=$)!t SURFACE DRY: Fi4e &;+ ()-r% 6!9i6-6 DRY THROUGH: T') &.+ ()-r% OVERCOATING INTERVAL: All)' ei5(t &>+ ()-r% THINNING: U%e ,)*%e"2 P!i"t T(i""er ?:0 : i1 "e$e%%!r* APPLICATION: ,* 7r-%( )r r)ller PACKAGING: 1= liter .white only/, , liter, 1 liter and L liter can AVAILA,LE COLORSE B=00 4hite B='1 "%ory B=)0 Ail%er ?ray B=)' 7edium ?ray B=,0 8oyal Blue B=,' Aky Blue B=,3 :el#t Blue B=(0 Dile ?reen B=(1 :ark ?reen B=(= Iade ?reen B=(9 Cmerald ?reen B==1 Lemon <ellow B==( 6aterpillar <ellow B=J1 &lat Black B=J0 Black B=9( Aammy Brown .0nalux <ellowish/ B=91 7ahogany B=90 6hocolate Brown B=3= 5range B=3) 7aroon B=31 "nternational 8ed B=30 Bright 8ed B=9) 6aramel Brown

COLORANTS : 1se only Boysen 5il -inting 6olors #or tinting to achie%e pastel shades! -o produce dark shades, use #actory mixed color! :o not use Prussian Blue B ')0,, ;ansa <ellow B ')1J, and Bulletin 8ed B ')1( #or exterior application! I"%tr-$ti)"% SURFACE PREPARATION: @))# - Aur#ace to be painted should be clean and dry, #ree #rom dust, dirt and other #oreign matter! ;ammer all nails deep enough to apply putty! Aand rough wood until smooth, then dust o## be#ore painting! "# repainting, #irst remo%e all blistering, peeling and scaling paint by wire brushing or Boysen Paint and Barnish 8emo%er >1,1! 6lean thoroughly prior to painting! Met!l - 4ipe the sur#ace with rag soaked in paint thinner to remo%e dust, dirt, grease, oil, wax and other #oreign matter! &or new ?!"! sheets, etch the sur#ace by applying 10% Boysen 7etal Ctching Aolution >31 .dilute 1 part o# B 31 to J parts water/! "# repainting, wire brush or scrape rusted metals and apply Boysen 7etal Ctching Aolution >31 to remo%e all rust! Let it stay #or 10 1( minutes! Be sure to wash o## sur#ace thoroughly with water, letting it dry be#ore applying paint! Prime immediately a#ter drying! PAINTING SCHEDULE: @OOD 1st 6oatE Boysen &latwall Cnamel >900 PuttyE Boysen Plasolux ?laHing Putty >)11 'nd M )rd 6oatE Boysen Kuick :ry Cnamel .any desired color/ METAL 1st coatE Boysen 8ed 5xide Primer >)10, Boysen 8ust 5## Primer ?ray >))0, or Boysen Primeguard >,)10 'nd M )rd 6oatE Boysen Kuick :ry Cnamel .any desired color/ C())%e C)l)r &or technical reasons connected with color reproduction and paint manu#acturing, these patterns may not exactly match the paint color!

Bright 8ed =30

6atterpillar <ellow ==(

6hocolate Brown =90

:ark ?reen =(1

:el#t Blue =,3

Cmerald ?reen =(9

"nternational 8ed =31

"%ory ='1

Iade ?reen =(=

Lemon <ellow ==1

7ahogany =91

7aroon =3)

7edium ?ray =)1

Dile ?reen =(0

5range =3=

8oyal Blue =,0

Aammy Brown =9(

Ail%er ?ray =)0

Aky Blue =,'

4hite =00

6aramel Brown =9)

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