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Project Specification

Bill Payments System

ABC bank (Bank) is a regional bank and has been in existence in southern states of India since 1965. So far Bank has been providing standard banking services to its almost captive customers who have been with the bank for several decades. Bank has been able to retain these customers primarily because of their personalized and timely services. For all these years, ABC bank made minimal investments in its technology platform and various systems. As a result, ABC bank has not been able to offer value added financial services and responsiveness to its customers. Because of the changing banking environment and competition from larger financial institutions, ABC bank has started losing its customers and its profitability is continuously decreasing. In the last board meeting, directors assessed the situation. Board felt that bank has a critical mass of the loyal customers and should the bank be able to provide contemporary services combined with its passion for customer services, it will not only be able to retain its customers, but it will also be able to grow profitably. Board resolved that Bank must undertake an initiative to transform its technology as well as systems, launch new products and services. Board also mandated that Bank must build its new systems based on latest technology platform that matches its profile. Board recommended adoption of technology and standards that allow bank to manage the future changes quickly and efficiently to stay ahead of the competition. As part of this initiative, Bank has decided to deploy several new systems: Online bill payment is one such new system. The key objectives of the System are o Allow customers to set up and pay bills in a simple and fast manner o Ability to set up single payments in advance or schedule automatic payments at predefined frequencies o Ability to receive bills electronically from a growing list of vendors (future enhancement) o Attract new customers by offering the service free of cost o Allow categorization of bills and provide query and reporting capability to customer for tracking category-wise spend System Requirements 1. Customers can sign up for Bill Payer by filling up the online application form. Once the application is submitted, customer can start using Bill Payer right away. 2. Customers can add billers to the service by entering information from their current billing statement sent by the biller. Bill Payer allows set up of payments in advance as well as set up of automatic payments. Currently, automatic payment can be set up for monthly payments only. 3. The payment can be set up using the Pay Bills function. The customer enters the amount and selects the biller to be paid. The dynamic calendar shows the earliest date the payment is expected to arrive. The payment can be scheduled to arrive any time

Project Specification



6. 7.

later by entering a due date up to 12 months in the future by manually typing in a date or choosing a pay date from the dynamic calendar. Categories will be assigned to each biller based on common industry categories, such as "Mortgage", " Utilities", or "Telephone". Members can query payment history for a category and period. Members who have more than one account set up in their Bill Payer account will be prompted to select their "Preferred Account". Members will be prompted to select their "Preferred Account" while signing up and when selecting a funding account during payment set up. Customer can make changes to the payment amount, payment date, and withdrawal account of payments which are in pending status Every day, Customer service manager checks the payments due on that date for all accounts and approves the payments where sufficient balance is available. A check is generated and mailed to the billers address. In case the balance is not sufficient, the transaction is rejected and the customer is informed.

Screen Design 1. Welcome Screen This is the initial screen displayed when the system is launched.

Welcome to Online Bill Payment System

Click here to Login

Project Specification

Processing a) When clicked on the hyperlink, launch the login screen.

Login Section The user is already a customer of the bank and has the Username and Password issued by the bank. These need to be validated before providing access to the Bill Payment modules. The Customer Service Manager of the bank will login with a user id of Admin.

Username * *
Clear Cancel



Validations a) Validate the Username and Password against the Customer table. b) For Banks Customer Service officer, the user name will be Admin. Processing a) If the username = Admin and the password is valid Direct the user to Bill Payment Menu screen

b) If the Username and Password combination is valid, If the customer is not registered for the Bill Payment function Direct the user to Bill Payment Registration screen If the customer is already registered for the Bill Payment function 3

Project Specification

Direct the user to Bill Payment Menu screen c) If Clear is clicked, Refresh the values in Username and Password fields.

d) If Cancel is clicked, return to the Welcome screen. 2. Bill Payment Registration

Existing bank customers can register for bill payment facility. The customer name is retrieved from the database using the login username. A customer can select two preferred accounts for funding the bill payment

Bill Payment Registration

Customer Name :

Venkatesan K

Preferred Account 1


Preferred Account 2


Terms and Conditions

I hereby declare that I have read the terms and conditions completely as mentioned in the Bill Payment Agreement and I unconditionally agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

I Agree


Validations a) Preferred Account 1 and Preferred Account 2 should not be the same. b) Preferred Account 2 should not be entered if Preferred Account 1 is not entered. Processing a) Display Customers accounts (only of Savings and Checking type) in the Preferred 4

Project Specification

Account fields. b) If the user clicks on I Agree Update the Bill_Pay_Registered to Y in the Customer table for the customers ID Update the Bill_Pay_Preferred to Y in the Account table for the preferred accounts selected on the screen Display the Activation screen c) If Cancel is clicked, return to the Login screen.

3. Activation screen

Bill Payment System Activated Successfully Now You can Access This Facility


Processing a) If OK is clicked, direct the user to Bill Payment Menu screen.

Project Specification

4. Bill Payment Menu

Bill Payment Menu

Manage Billers Manage Payments View Payment History Maintain Categories Approve Payments Logoff

Processing a) Maintain Categories and Approve Payments should be visible only to Admin users b) Based on the option selected, direct the user to respective page c) If Logoff is selected, return to the Welcome page.

Project Specification

5. Manage Billers This screen allows the user to add new billers and modify or delete existing billers.

List of Billers
Select Biller Name Address Category




Validations a) For Update, one of the billers displayed on the screen should be selected

Processing a) All the billers defined by the customer are loaded into the screen when it is displayed.

b) If Add is clicked, display the Add New Biller page c) If Update is selected, display the Update Biller page

d) If Back is selected, display the Bill Payment Menu

Project Specification

6. Add a New Biller This screen is used to add a new biller.

Add a New Biller

Biller Name Address City Pin Code Category

* * * * *



Processing a) If Submit is clicked Generate a unique ID for biller Store Biller details in the Biller Table Return to List of Billers screen

b) If Back is selected, display the List of Billers

Project Specification

7. Modify Biller

This screen is used to modify the details of an existing biller.

Modify Biller Information

Biller Name Address City Pin Code Category Status

* * * * * * Active




Validations a) If status is changed from Active to Inactive Check if there are any outstanding payments for the biller in the Payment_Instr table. If Yes, give an error message



If Update is selected, modify the Biller details in the Biller table. Return to List of Billers screen

Project Specification

b) If Back is selected, display the List of Billers screen


8. Manage Payments

Add Payment Add Payment Biller

Modify Payment

Delete Payment




AC No Biller Name Bill Amount Payment Due Date

* * * * Yes




Repeat Payment Monthly? *


a) Add Payment

Validations Payment Due Date should not be a past date Processing Populate the preferred account numbers from the Account table. When the account number is selected, display the current balance. Store the instruction in Payment_Instr table


Project Specification

b) Modify Payment

Validations One of the existing instructions should be selected. Payment Due Date should not be a past date Processing Display the selected instruction details. Populate the preferred account numbers from the Account table. Biller name can not be modified When the account number is selected, display the current balance. Update the instruction in Payment_Instr table


Delete Payment

Processing Delete the instruction from Payment_Instr table


Project Specification

9. View Payment History This screen allows the customer to view the history of payments made during a selected period.

View Payment History

Category From







Validations a) To-date should not be less than From-date


a) If category is not entered, assume all categories. b) From-date should be pre-filled with the first day of current month. To-date should be pre-filled with todays date. c) When Search is clicked, Search the Payment table for the given category, date range and the list of accounts owned by the customer d) When Cancel is clicked 12

Project Specification

Return to the Bill Payment menu

Admin Section
10. Approve Payments This screen is used by the Customer Service Manager of the Bank to approve or reject payments to be processed each day.

Approve Payments Date Account Name Biller Payment Amount Account Balance Approve Yes No Yes No



Processing a) From the payment_Instr table, load all the payment instructions which have a payment date < or = todays date

b) When Submit is clicked, do the following processing for each payment instruction If Approve = Yes, 13

Project Specification

i. Subtract the bill amount from account balance and update the account recod ii. create a record in payment table iii. If recurring_payment = No, delete the payment_instr record iv. If recurring_payment = Yes, update the last processed date to todays date and update the Payment_Due_Date by 1 month If Approve = No, i. Generate an email message to customer ii. Delete payment_instr record

Refresh the list


If Cancel is pressed, direct the user to Bill Payment Menu page.

11. Maintain Categories


Add Category

Modify Category

Maintain Categories
Select Category Code Telecom Utility Description Tele Communication Water Tax

Category Name Description

Submit Cancel



Project Specification

b) Add Category

Validations Category code should not be already existing in Category table Processing Store the Category details in Category table


Modify Category

Validations One of the existing categories should be selected. Processing Display the selected category details. Update the category details in Category table


Project Specification

Database Design

Table Name Field Name Customer_Id Customer_Name username password Bill_Pay_Registered Table Name Field Name Acct_no Customer_Id Ac_type

Customer Field Type Integer Varchar(45) Varchar(45) varchar(10) Char Account Field Type Integer Integer Integer primary key Foreign Key referring to Customer 1 Savings 2 Current 3 FD 4 - Loan Y Yes Blank - No Primary Key

Y Yes, Blank - No

Account_Balance Bill_Pay_Preferred

Decimal Char

Table Name Field Name Biller_id Customer_Id Biller Name address City Pin Category_Code Status

Biller info Field Type Integer(auto increment) Integer Varchar(45) varchar(10) Varchar(40) Varchar(10) Integer Integer primary key Foreign key referencing Customer table

Foreign key referencing Category table 1 Active 2 - Inactive


Project Specification

Table Name
Field Name Payment_Instr_No Ac_no Biller_Id Payment_Due_Date Amount Recurring_Instr Last_Processed_Date Table Name Field Name Payment_No Ac_no Biller_Id Payment_Date Amount Category_Code

Field Type integer Integer Integer Date Decimal Integer Date Payment Field Type integer Integer Integer Date Decimal Integer Primary key; auto generated Foreign key referencing Account table Foreign key referencing Biller table Primary key; auto generated Foreign key referencing Account Foreign key referencing Biller

1 Yes 0 No

Foreign key referencing Category tale

Table Name Field Name Category_Code Category_Desc

Category Field Type Integer Varchar(20) Primary Key


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