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RWANDA UTILITIES REGULATORY AGENCY P.O BOX 7289 KIGALI, Tel: +2 ! 2 2 8" #2, F$%: +2 ! 2 2 8" #& E'$(l: )*+,,(-e./0/$.*+1./2 We34(5e: 222./0/$.*+1./2









GUIDELINES FOR FIBER OPTIC CABLES UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION ...............................I ISSUED BY............................................................................................................................................ I REGULATORY BOARD ........................................................................................................................ I RWANDA UTILITIES REGULATORY AGENCY (RURA)...................................................................I SERIAL NUMBER 00/RURA/2013..................................................................................................... I DATED THIS 2013.................................................................................................................. I PREAMBLE.......................................................................................................................................... III CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PRO!ISIONS ............................................................................................. 1 ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE 2: SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 1 ARTICLE 3: DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIBER OPTIC NETWOR" ...................................................3

AND CABLES ............................................................................................................ 3 ARTICLE 4: FIBER OPTIC SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................ 3 ARTICLE 5: CABLE SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 3 FOC NETWOR" ENGINEERING RE#UIREMENTS .....................................................$ FOR PERMIT APPLICATION .....................................................................................$ SECTION 1. DESIGN STAGES AND SUBMISSIONS..........................................................................$ ARTICLE 6. PERMIT APPLICANT REQUIREMENT DURING DESIGN STAGE....................................................4 ARTICLE 7. PLAN DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................................. 4 ARTICLE 8. DRILLING SITE INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PERMIT DEMAND...............................5 SECTION2. PERMIT APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................% ARTICLE . SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED........................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 1!. WOR"S NOTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 11. LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 3. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................... & ARTICLE 12. MANHOLES# HANDHOLES INSTALLATION.............................................................................6 ARTICLE 13. ROAD #STREET LABELING................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE 14. CABLE INSTALLATION ALONG ROADWA$.............................................................................7 ARTICLE 15. E%ISTING UTILIT$ DAMAGES.............................................................................................. 8 ARTICLE 16. CLEANING....................................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 17. TRENCHING GUIDANCE..................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 18. TRENCHLESS TECHNIQUES............................................................................................... ARTICLE 1 . TRENCHLESS GUIDANCE .................................................................................................. ARTICLE 2!. CROSSINGS.................................................................................................................... 1! ARTICLE 21. DUCT SHARING ............................................................................................................ 1! ARTICLE 22. SHARING POINT AND SHARED BUILDING CABLING ...........................................................1! CHAPTER $. AS BUILT SITE !ISIT AND REPORTING....................................................................11 ARTICLE 23 AS& BUILT SITE 'ISIT....................................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE 24 FINAL AS&BUILT REPORTING............................................................................................12 ARTICLE 25 ACTI'E PERMITS............................................................................................................. 12 CHAPTER %. FINAL PRO!ISIONS..................................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE 26. ENFORCEMENT NOTICE................................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE 27. COMMENCEMENT............................................................................................................ 13 APPENDI'.......................................................................................................................................... 1$ APPENDI%1. APPLICATION FORM FOR RIGHT&OF )WA$ AUTHORI*ATION#FOC INSTALLATION +TO BE COMPLETED IN DUPLICATE,................................................................................................................. 14 APPENDI%2. RECOMMENDED PARAMETERS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE LIN" LOSSES CALCULATION............16 APPENDI%3. OPTICAL PERFORMANCE FOR STANDARD +ITU&T G652, SINGLE MODE FIBRES..................16 APPENDI%4. OPTICAL PERFORMANCE FOR MULTIMODE FIBRES +ITU&T G651.1,...................................17 APPENDI%5. SUMMAR$ OF 'ALUES RECOMMENDED B$ THESE GUIDELINES ........................................17


T6e Re*0l$5+/7 B+$/) +, 56e R2$8)$ U5(l(5(e4 Re*0l$5+/7 A*e8-7 9RURA:,
Pursuant to the Law n 39/2001 of 13/09/2001establishing an agency for the regulation of certain Public Utilities, particularly in its articles 5 an 13!
"onsi ering the law n ##/2001 of 30/11/2001 go$erning teleco%%unications, especially in its articles #&, #', #9 an 50!

"onsi ering the (inisterial )r er no* +/,"/0# of 0&/0+/200# on re-uests for installation of teleco%%unications facilities an ter%inal e-uip%ent on public an pri$ate property! "onsi ering ./U0/ reco%%en ations on "onstruction, installation an protection of cables an other ele%ents of outsi e plant 1L series2! "onsi ering the nee of 3U34 to ha$e a fra%ewor5 to regulate the teleco%%unications sector, enhance an eploy ser$ices in co%pliance with the %ost a $ance technology to %eet user6s nee s at the %ost suitable prices7 AND AFTER its eliberations in its %eeting of 88888!

;EREBY issues the following gui elines on 9iber )ptic "ables Un ergroun installation



Article 1: Purpose
/hese gui elines on fiber optic cables un ergroun installation ai% at a$oi ing any a%age to e:isting un ergroun infrastructure such as e:isting 9)", sewage or water pipes, electrical cables or other teleco%%unications cables7 /hey also inten to insure that the installation of 9)" is one in accor ance with teleco%%unication stan ar s7

Article 2: Scope
/hese gui elines apply to all 9iber optic infrastructure un ergroun installation an show the %ostly use %aterials specifications for 9)" networ57 /hese gui elines shall apply to any /eleco% )perators an ;er$ice Pro$i ers operating within the territory of the 3epublic of 3wan a7

Article 3: Definitions
.n these gui elines the ter%s hereun er shall ha$e the following %eaning* F(3e/ O<5(- +/ O<5(- F(3e/ %eans the %e iu% an the technology associate with the trans%ission of infor%ation as light pulses along a glass or plastic stran or fiber7 FOC %eans 9iber )ptic "able which %eans a teleco%%unication cable in which one or %ore fiber optic are use as the propagation %e iu% to trans%it large a%ounts of infor%ation at the spee of light! ;$8) 6+le %eans a top opening hole with s%all si<e than %anhole for pulling an splicing cables only! ITU=T %eans .nternational /eleco%%unication Union 0/eleco%%unication ;tan ar i<ation ;ector! >$86+le %eans top opening large an eep hole where a %an can get insi e for installation, %a5ing connections or perfor%ing %aintenance on un ergroun an burie 9)" an other ser$ices inclu ing sewers, telephone, electricity, stor% rains an gas ! Pe/'(5 shall refer to the ocu%ent issue by the 3egulatory 4gency which authori<es the per%it hol er to carry out the acti$ity specifie un er the con itions prescribe in these gui elines! Re*0l$5+/7 B+$/) %eans the boar of in i$i uals responsible for the regulation of public utilities in the 3wan an 3epublic an for the %anage%ent of the 3egulatory 4gency, as efine by the Law!

R(*65 +, 2$7 %eans the right to pass through o$er so%eone=s lan an to ha$e the reasonable use an en>oy%ent of their property as long as it is not inconsistent with the networ5 pro$i er=s use an en>oy%ent of the lan ! RURA shall %ean 3wan a Utilities 3egulatory 4gency as efine by the Law ? 39/2001 of 13 ;epte%ber 2001 establishing an 4gency for the regulation of certain public utilities! TIA %eans /eleco%%unication .n ustry 4ssociation!


Article 4: Fiber Optic specifications

/he following features shoul be ta5en into consi eration while choosing fibre optic an cable 4ll fibre optics %ust %eet the re-uire%ents of ./U0/ 3eco%%en ations7 @ach cable %ust ha$e traceability of the fibre optic bac5 to the original fibre ., nu%ber an test para%eters as pro$i e by the fibre %anufacturer @ach fibre %ust be istinguishable fro% other fibres in the sa%e uct by %eans of colour co ing in5 $isible throughout the esign life of the cable 1as ,efine by /.40 59'&"27 9ibre optics shall ha$e a high le$el of splice co%patibility with fibre optics fro% other %anufacturers7

Perfor%ance specifications for stan ar single %o e 9ibre optic 1./U0/ A7+522 an reco%%en e %ulti%o e 9ibre optics 1./U0/ A7+512 are etaile in 4ppen i:3 an #7

Article 5: Cable Specifications

/he cables %ust be circular in cross section an free fro% pinholes, >oints, repairs an other efects7 (aterials use in the construction of the cable shall not affect the physical or optical properties of the fibres an shall be co%patible with each other7 /he abo$e %entione pro$isions 14rticle# an 4rticle52 co%prise re-uire%ents for the %ostly use %aterials for 9)" networ5 an its specifications7 Bowe$er, it re%ains the networ5 pro$i er responsibility to i entify an procure all the re-uire %aterials for the co%plete 9)" installation wor5

Article 6. Permit applicant re uirement !urin" !esi"n sta"e
a7 4 physical pre0sur$ey of the route for all types of installations for the purpose of establishing the e:act cable routing, ter%ination points, >ointing locations an cutting lengths will be one before the co%%ence%ent of any wor5 or co%%itting any %aterials7 .f a change in route is re-uire for any practical reason, prior appro$al shoul be obtaine fro% the regulatory agency7 b7 )ptical power lin5 loss bu get shall be calculate for any 9)" lin57 Para%eters to be inclu e in calculation of lin5 losses are specifie in appen i:27 c7 /he %a:i%u% length of any optical path between two fibre optic repeaters %ust be calculate separately, an epen s on the total loss in all co%ponents use in the path, inclu ing fibre optic cable, optical connectors, star couplers, an splices7 7 4ll co%ponents such as a itional connectors, star couplers an splices along with cable attenuation, shoul be ta5en into account in calculating the loss7 e7 /he su% of the losses in all co%ponents use in the optical path %ust not e:cee the specifie Power Loss Cu get for the chosen cable type7 f7 /he specifie Power Loss Cu get inclu es the loss of the two ;/Dtype connectors connecting at the two repeater en s, an also inclu es the syste% %argin of 3 C7

Article #. Plan !ocuments

Plan ocu%ent shoul inclu e 17 )ne original co%plete copy of the plans showing the propose wor5, sche ule an proce ures7 Bowe$er an a itional copy will be re-uire if there is a bri ge attach%ent, roa crossing, bo: cul$ert crossing, li%ite access or inter0 istrict in$ol$e 7 27 /he route/ street na%e/ location where the wor5 is to be perfor%e 7 37 "olor highlights to show the e%an e right0of0way 1re 2 an the e:isting cable 1blue27 #7 4 $icinity %ap or rawing showing the routes, total layout an locations of all %anholes that will be inclu e in the per%it, an the surroun ing area of the wor57

57 Legen showing the sy%bols use on the plans an the color0co ing use to %ar5 the plan if %ore than re an blue colors are use 7 +7 4 clearance istance of the %ini%u% $ertical 1while crossing2 an the hori<ontal 1while in parallel2 istance to the nearest affecte utility an /or right0of0way ob>ect7 &7 ;ection $iews* a2 ;hall not inclu e sections that are not rele$ant to the propose wor57 b2 9or any crossing, which %ight create a potential conflict inclu ing but not li%ite to, cable crossings o$er or un er large stor% pipes, cul$erts, electrical lines, water, trans%ission lines an other affecte utilities, an in i$i ual section $iews %ust be sub%itte 7

c2 4ny propose wor5 in the $icinity of a bri ge or bo: cul$ert %ust inclu e a section showing the istance fro% all features of the structure7 '7 Labeling a2 .n icate the length an type of cable propose for installation on each page7 b2 ;how istance of propose cable fro% the roa way7 c2 . entify the propose cable installation %etho on each plan sheet such as han , %achine trenching, or irectional bore7

Article $. Drillin" Site %nformation to &e Submitte! 'it( Permit Deman!

@:hausti$e 5nowle ge of the wor5 site an of the subsoil, right fro% the first esign phases is essential, both to re uce the nu%ber of failures an /or to li%it possible a%age to pre0 e:isting ser$ices or structures7 .nfor%ation re-ueste by 3egulatory 4gency to be sub%itte with installation per%it re-uest is following* D D D D @:isting utilities ocu%entation %a e a$ailable by local authorities an other co%panies7 Site investigation equipments used such as Pipe and cable locators or Aroun Penetrating 3a ar syste%s,777 /he rilling plan acco%panie by obstacles! .nfill %aterials 1rubble, san 27

Secti !2" Pe*)it %++,ic%ti ! c-%*%cte*i#tic#


4n applicant %ust co%ply with the following* a2 4pplicant shoul sub%it fille right of way for% pro$i e in 4ppen i:1 of these regulations7 b2 /he e%an of per%it shoul be acco%panie by the ocu%ents liste in esign stages an sub%issions part7 c2 Per%it application %ust be in the na%e of the fiber optic networ5 pro$i er that is responsible for the installation an %aintenance of the cable an the signature of applicant %ust appear on per%it application7 2 Per%it application shall list the na%e, a ress, phone nu%ber, an e%ergency 2#0 hours phone nu%ber of the contact person for the fiber optic networ5 pro$i er7 ;ub0contractor infor%ation %ay be pro$i e separately7 e2 Per%it application ocu%ents shoul be sub%itte in soft an har copy to the 3egulatory 4gency office7

Article ). Separate Permits *e uire!

Eor5 on the inter0 istrict %ust be sub%itte on separate per%it applications, an e:pecte ate of per%its intersection wor5 is to be eter%ine 7 the

Article 1+. 'or,s -otification

/he list of routes/street na%es/locations where the wor5 is to be con ucte shoul be co%%unicate to other utilities pro$i ers prior per%it re-uest with a copy to the 3egulatory 4gency7 "o%%ents fro% concerne utilities pro$i ers will be pro$i e within 10 ays fro% the ate of the reception of wor5s notification7

Article 11. .imitations

Per%it will be issue for applications on any e:cee ing istance7 .t is prohibite to con uct any wor5 on a itional istance out of per%it scope7


Article 12. /an(oles0 1an!(oles %nstallation
@ach an only each %anhole/ han hole constructor shoul obey the following* a2 (anholes/Ban holes shall be co$ert by a flat li the %anhole/han hole are written7 on which the si<e an the epth of

b2 (anhole/Ban hole li s shall be labele with the networ5 pro$i er na%e7


c2 (anholes/ Ban holes %ust be locate outsi e of si ewal5s an roa ways7 (anholes/Ban holes %ust be locate a %ini%u% of 2 %eters off the e ge of pe estrian way, an 3% fro% the off of the roa way if there is no space reser$e for pe estrian way7 .n case of una$ailability of the re-uire clearance istance ue to the soil or terrain con ition! the re-uest for shorter clearance shall be acco%panie by soil test result appro$e by an engineer in charge of infrastructure fro% concerne institutions where the installation wor5 will be con ucte 7 2 (anholes/Ban holes shall not be locate in the itch line7 e2 4ny 9)" >oint shall be house insi e the %anhole7 f2 /he pulling of the cable shall be han assiste at each (anhole or Ban hole7 /he cable shall not be crushe or force aroun a sharp corner7 ;ufficient slac5 shall be left at each en of the cable to allow proper cable ter%ination7 g2 /he cable shall be %ar5e an labelle at each %anhole an at all entry an en points of the fibre optic cables7 h2 /he area aroun the %anhole shall be co%pacte 7 Upon final acceptance of the con uit/ uct syste% all %anholes shall be free of ebris7

Article 13. *oa! 0Street .abelin"

;urface %ar5ers to in icate the route of the cables shall be plante by the roa si es7 /hese %ar5ings shall be place at inter$als of between 300% to 500%7Fisible tape %ar5ing shall in icate the fiber networ5 pro$i er an cable epth7 .t shall be place along the trenches 30 c% below groun surface7

Article 14. Cable %nstallation alon" *oa!2a3

"able installation along 3oa way shall strictly obser$e the following re-uire%ents* D D D D /he cables shall be lai in ucts burie to epths of not less than '0 c%7 "o%ply with all pro$isions an gui elines establishe by the 3egulatory 4gency an local authorities "o%ply with the pro$i e sche ule an not go beyon three 132 ays7 3eser$e at least the hori<ontal istance of 1 %etre between the e:isting un ergroun utilities an the new cable, an if not possible pro$i e an appropriate uct protection an %a5e infor%e the networ5 pro$i er of e:isting utility fi$e ays before e:ca$ation7 Place the barriers an roa signs re-uire by current laws uring e:ca$ation wor5s7

.f the e:ca$ation %ust re%ain open or the roa will be otherwise obstructe uring the night or un er low0$isibility con itions, roa signs shall be co%ple%ente by lighting e$ices of the color, shape an si<e stipulate by the traffic co e7 /renches shoul be bac5fille to the original state an bac5fill shall be strong enough to support any 5in of stresses7 Put an i entification sign 1%ar5er2 state by these gui elines to illustrate your cable route7


Article 15. 45istin" 6tilit3 Dama"es

.n case of a%ages of any e:isting infrastructure, the applicant shall negotiate the way to restore the a%ages cause in a perio of two wee5s fro% the eclaration of a%ages! if the
negotiations fail, the pro$isions stipulate by article #9 of the Law n ##/2001 will be applie 7

Article 16. Cleanin"

/he following operations shall be carrie out after e:ca$ating the trench* D D D 3e%o$e spoils fro% the si es of the e:ca$ation 1;poil %ust be transporte authori<e isposal sites in accor ance with local authority re-uire%ents72 3e%o$e a >acent pa$ing %aterials which were a%age as a result of e:ca$ation7 9ulfill the cleaning con itions re-uire by local authority7 to

Article 1#. 7renc(in" 8ui!ance

,uring the installation in trench the following shoul be obeye a. 9iber optic cables shall be lai in trenches7 /renches along roa networ5s shall be sufficiently eep to pro$i e appropriate fiber cable protection an shall be place at least 175% away fro% the e ge of pe estrian wal5ways or stor% rainages along pa$e roa s7 .n case of una$ailability of the re-uire clearance istance ue to the soil or terrain con ition! the re-uest for shorter clearance shall be acco%panie by soil test result appro$e by an engineer in charge of infrastructure fro% concerne institutions where the installation wor5 will be con ucte 7 b. .n the absence of pe estrian wal5ways, the cable %ust be locate at a %ini%u% istance of 275 %eters off the roa way7 .n case of una$ailability of the re-uire clearance istance ue to the soil or terrain con ition! the re-uest for shorter clearance shall be acco%panie by soil test result appro$e by an engineer in charge of infrastructure fro% concerne institutions where the installation wor5 will be con ucte

c. 3oa surfaces where cable crossings ha$e been installe shall be restore to its original state in co%pliance with local authorities6 specifications7 d. ?o cable installation will be per%itte in a itch line7 "able installations will be per%itte along the bac5 of the itch line only7 e. Ehere there are cable crossings along roa s, ucting shall be of gal$ani<e steel pipes burie eep enough 11% or %ore2 for protection fro% $ehicular or pe estrian traffic stresses7 ;i%ilar gal$ani<e steel pipe ucts shall be use at bri ge crossings7

Article 1$. 7renc(less 7ec(ni ues

/renchless techni-ues shall be use to re uce en$iron%ental a%age, social costs an pro$i e an econo%ic alternati$e to open0trench %etho s of installation /renchless or no0 ig techni-ue use for long section 9)" installation shoul be i$i e into shorter sections of the wor5 length accor ingly to the characteristics of the %achines an the esign re-uire%ents7 /he trenchless techni-ues after consulting the rele$ant institutions are only allowe by 3egulatory 4gency for roa crossing 9)" installation7 /he installation of optical cables insi e sewer ucts is co%pulsory where$er the ucts are a$ailable7 9or the use of insi e sewer ucts, the sewer assess%ent is %uch nee e an the following infor%ation shall escort the per%it application* 4pplicable sewer pipe ia%eter D Position in the sewer D (aintenance feasibility of the sewer D 3is5 of bloc5age D Upgra ing of the optical networ5 D (a:i%u% nu%ber of cables an fibres D 9le:ibility of the optical networ5 D 4ccess to optical networ5 D "able type )ther techni-ue than the installation of optical cables insi e sewer ucts agree by 3egulatory 4gency for roa crossing is rilling techni-ue which is allowe to be use in absence of constructe ucts7

.n case of i%possible crossing with trenchless techni-ues ue to the soil con ition that a$oi s the use of gui e boring/ irectional rilling %achine! an a itional re-uest for roa crossing by igging acco%panie by soil test result appro$e by an engineer in charge of infrastructure fro% concerne institutions where the installation wor5 is con ucte is re-uire 7

Article 1). 7renc(less 8ui!ance

4ny person con ucting trenchless e:ca$ation shall ta5e all reasonable steps necessary to protect an support un ergroun utility lines7 /hese steps shall inclu e, but are not li%ite to the following* D D D D D /he e:ca$ator shoul $erify that all utility lines in the area are %ar5e 7 /he e:ca$ator shall ensure that bore e-uip%ent sta5es are installe at a safe istance fro% %ar5e utility lines /he e:ca$ator shall ensure that sufficient clearance is %aintaine between the bore path an any un ergroun utility lines uring pullbac57 /he e:ca$ator shall gi$e special consi eration to water, electricity an sewer syste%s within the area that cannot be locate accurately7 /he e:ca$ator shall ensure that the rill hea locating e$ice is functioning properly an within its specification7

Article 2+. Crossin"s

D D D 4ll crossings are to be %a e perpen icular to the roa way7 3oa crossing %achines shoul be use with a epth of not less than 1%7 4ny cables shoul be protecte with appropriate ucts along the whole crossing length7

Article 21. Duct S(arin"

9iber )ptic installation con uctor shall install at least four pipes in or er to use one an reser$e re%aining three for future use of another pro$i er7 /he pay%ent of these reser$e pipes by a new operator will follow the Aui elines for fiber an uct sharing7

Article 22. S(arin" Point an! S(are! &uil!in" Cablin"

/he share buil ing cabling an sharing point for fiber installation in buil ing with %ultiple operators is %an atory in or er to*

3e uce fiber installation an %aintenance costs in the buil ing 3e uce isturbance 1noise, infrastructure wor5s, ust82 for inhabitants 4$oi cabling uplication if %ore than one 9iber to the ho%e 19//B2 operators are in a buil ing

/he ;hare buil ing cabling co%bine with the sharing point shoul support both Point to Point an Point to (ultipoint access networ5 topologies7 /he first applicant to connect a buil ing shoul pro$i e a sharing point that %ight support sharing of four operators in case of nee to share the cable7


Article 23 As9 &uilt Site :isit

4fter co%pletion of each section, after installation co%pletion either by trench or trenchless, the fiber optic networ5 pro$i er shoul prepare a site $isit with local authority an 3U34

elegates in or er to chec5 the e:ca$ate area status before co%%encing the following section an each $isit shoul be acco%panie by its report7 .f the wor5 is co%pose in sections, the per%it of following section shall be gi$en by 3U34 after pre$ious section site $isit report acceptance7

/he site $isit by the 3egulatory 4gency shall consist with confor%ance to the engineering plans, co es, gui elines, an general accuracy7 .t shoul be %a e at the co%pletion of each section inclu ing the last section of installation wor5s7 /he site $isit of the constructe areas shall focus on the following* D 3estoration has been acco%plishe 7 D Per%anent %ar5ers ha$e been installe i%%e iately besi e the cables7 D 3oa bores, if use , are properly co%plete an will not collapse a portion of the roa 7 D ,ebris an trash ha$e been re%o$e fro% the site7 D )ther instructions specific to the installation ha$e been co%plete to the rawing6s specifications an to the relate institutions re-uire%ents7

Article 24 Final As9&uilt *eportin"

/he as0built rawings an ocu%ents shall i entify the actual apparatus units at each structure an other infor%ation such as the structure type an i%ensions, cu%ulati$e istance to each ter%ination point fro% the structure, any groun ing or bon ing etail, etc7 /hese rawings an ocu%ents are typically the construction etail sheets that ha$e been correcte to reflect any changes uring construction7 4s0built rawing shall recor all e$iations, re%o$als an a itions with respect to the original scope7 3eferring to the sche ule pro$i e by an applicant, the 9iber optic networ5 pro$i er shall pro$i e an acco%plish%ent report to the 3egulatory 4gency within 5wor5ing ays an an as0 built ocu%entation containing the following infor%ation not later than 30 wor5ing ays fro% the acco%plish%ent of the installation wor5s* Position of the installe pipes! locations of installe cables! ;oil con itions! ?etwor5 loss lin5 bu get

Article 25 Acti;e Permits



Per%it hol er is re-uire to %aintain accurate recor s of each an e$ery per%it status an eli$er any recor at any ti%e to the 3egulatory 4gency when it is e%an e 7 4ll wor5 being perfor%e on ,istrict right0of0way %ust be with an acti$e per%it7

27 /he right of way per%it $ali ity before wor5s co%%ence%ent is li%ite to 3%onths fro% the ate of per%it eli$ery by the 3egulatory 4gency7 37 /he per%its that are e:pire are not legally $ali 7 #7 .f the per%it hol er esires a re0instate%ent of the per%it, it is his/her responsibility to re-uest the sa%e in writing to the 3egulatory 4gency7 57 Per%it eli$ery by 3egulatory 4gency to the operator shoul be eli$ere within 10 wor5ing ays fro% the ate of reception of re-uire a %inistrati$e ocu%ents7 +7 /he installation pro>ect shoul inspection report7 be consi ere as co%plete after $ali ation of

&7 .n case of unsuccessful installation wor5s, all non0acco%plishe tas5s in icate by site $isit tea% %ust be han le within 10 wor5ing ays7 .t is the responsibility of the applicant to i%%e iately respon to non0acco%plishe ite%s an co%plete those ite%s7 '7 9ailure to co%plete non0acco%plishe ite%s shall be sub>ect to placing a hol on processing new per%it applications7


Article 26. 4nforcement notice
.n case of non co%pliance with these gui elines, the 3egulatory 4gency %ay issue an enforce%ent notice to re%e y the failure within a specific perio of ti%e7

Article 2#. Commencement

/hese gui elines shall co%e into force on the ate of its signature by the 3egulatory Coar 7

KA?IGE E0*e8e 7(e C1A%*P4*SO- OF *2an!a 6tilities *e"ulator3 &oar!

Appendix1. Application form for right-of way authorization/foc installation (To be completed in duplicate
N-./ 01 A223(4-56 777777777777777777777777777 A889/:: 01 011(4/: 777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777....................... 777777777777777777777....................... P;05/ 7777777. F-< 7777777777 E&.-(3 77777777..

C056-46 2/9:05

777777777777777777777 777777777777777..

C056-46 6/3/2;05/ 5=.>/9

P3-55/8 8(:69(46 09 60?5 01 (5:6-33-6(05: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 L04-3(6(/: ?;/9/ A223(4-6(05 109 R(@;6&01&?-A (: 9/B=(9/8: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777 A66-4; 5/6?09C 8(-@9-.+:,: A66-4; 8/:(@5 89-?(5@+:, $/:7.. $/:7.. N077 N077 N077 N077 +T(4C 05/,

A66-4; 6(./ 23-5 109 1(>/9 90330=6: $/:7.. E5430:/ 402A 01 :2/4(1(4-6(05:: $/:7..

N-./ -58 -889/:: 01 4->3/ :=223(/9 -58#09 .-5=1-46=9/9: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777. 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777

P9020:/8 :/9D(4/: -223(4-6(05: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777. D/43-9-6(05 >A 6;/ -223(4-56

I 4/96(1A 6;-6 6;/ (5109.-6(05 290D(8/8 (5 6;(: -223(4-6(05 109. (543=8(5@ 6;/ -66-4;./56: (: 69=/ -58 4099/46.


S(@5-6=9/ -58 :6-.2 01 -223(4-56

D-6/ 01 -223(4-6(05: 777777777

Appendix!. "ecommended parameters to be included in the lin# losses calculation.

L(8@ l+44e4 "able loss 1for stan ar ;(92 ;plice loss 1for stan ar ;(92 "onnectors loss )B 9>$%('0' l+44: 075 C/5% 071 075

Appendix$. %ptical performance for standard (&T'-T ()*! +ingle ,ode -ibres
PARA>ETER 4ttenuation at water pea5 4ttenuation coefficient at 1310 n% 4ttenuation coefficient at 1550 n% )ptical iscontinuities at 1310 an 1550 n%

REAUIRE>ENT G271 C/5% G 075 C/5% G 07# C/5% H 071 C

"hro%atic ispersion between 12'5an 1330 n% "hro%atic ispersion at 1550 "able cutoff wa$elength

G375 ps/n%I5% G 1' ps/n%I 5% G12+0 n%

Appendix.. %ptical /erformance for ,ultimode fibres (&T'-T ()*1.1

PARA>ETER 4ttenuation coefficient at '50 n% 4ttenuation coefficient at 1300 n% )ptical iscontinuities at 1310 an 1550 n% Can wi th ,istance Pro uct at '50 n% Can wi th ,istance Pro uct 1300 n% REAUIRE>ENT G370 C/5% G07& C/5% H 071 C G1+0 (B<75% G500 (B<75%

Appendix*. +ummary of 0alues "ecommended by These (uidelines

N+ 1 2 3 # 5 + & ' I5e' @:ca$ation an bac5filling uration B$l0e G3 ays

@:ca$ation notification to the other utilities J 5 ays before co%%ence%ent operators ,istance of cable fro% the e ge of shoul er (ini%u% istance of the cable fro% the off of roa way 175% 275%etres

.nter$al istance between 9)" an e:isting 1% un ergroun infrastructure /rench epth /rench epth while roa crossing J'0c% J1%eter

Fisible tape along the trenches below 30 c% groun surface7


9 10 11 12 13 1# 15

.nter$al istance between two $isible tape 300% to 500% %ar5er in icating cable route ,istance of (anhole/Ban e ge of shoul er hole fro% the 2%etres 3% G5 wor5ing ays fro% %entione on the sche ule the ate ate

(ini%u% istance of the (anhole/Ban hole fro% the off of roa way 4cco%plish%ent report sub%ission 4s0built ocu%entation report sub%ission 3ight of way per%it eli$ery 3ight of way per%it $ali ity

G30 wor5ing ays fro% the %entione on the sche ule 10 wor5ing ays 3%onths


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