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Communication Systems
(1) Solid course in signal processing and fourier analysis
Signal and systems by Haykin po-top-stripe1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0470106735&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=01B1F1H8Z11ZHTK77M2Z

(2) Probability and stochastic processes

You can use the reference Papoulis: Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes and for shorter notes use book by Alberto Leon-Garcia Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering (second edition or above)

(3) Linear algebra course

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning finite or countably-infinite dimensional vector spaces, as well as linear mappings between such spaces. Such an investigation is initially motivated by a system of linear equations in several unknowns. Such equations are naturally represented using the formalism of matrices and vectors. It is important to formulate communication systems in form of matrices and vectors that will ease the analysis and make results more elegant besides that the most of communication systems is considered linear. You may use the following book of Gilbert Strang and you can also use the open course of Strang

Undergraduate communication courses:

(1) Analog communication course
You can use the book Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems - B P Lathi Book

(2) Digital comm. Course

a. Analog to Digital conversion b. Pulse transmission c. Equalization d. Information theory e. Source coding f. Channel coding g. Probability of error calculation h. Matched filters i. Passband Modulation I prefer starting with Fundamentals of Digital communications by Bernard Sklar _rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=auto-no-results-center1&pf_rd_r=7CFB4840CBF74C5390DD&pf_rd_t=301&pf_rd_p=1263465782&pf_rd_i=%C2%93Fundamen tals%20of%20Digital%20communications%C2%94%20by%20Bernard%20Sklar Then reading Communication Systems 4Th Edition Simon Haykin

(3) Communication systems (4) Advanced communication systems

problems and propagation effects spectrum d. Diversity Equalization comm. systems systems-GPS-radars-satellite systems-.) same references of the wireless communication course mentioned using the book communications principles and practice [theodore s rappaport] Channel b. Spread c. OFDM e. f. Advanced (Mobile You can use later plus wireless


2nd/dp/0130422320/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=134269553 2&sr=11&keywords=wireless+communications+principles+and+practice+%5Btheodore+s+ra ppaport%5D

Graduate courses
(1) Estimation and detection course
The Estimation and detection is targeting to extract special parameter from noisy

measurements. If the parameter has continuous range of values it wil l be names estimation, for example estimating the channel gain in specific transmission instant , and if the parameter value is taken from a discrete set it will be named Detection, example for that detecting a logic 1 or 0 from noisy transmission. You can use the reference -Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Volume I - Estimation Theory And for detection you can use the following notes and the reference

(2) Information theory

Information theory involves the quantification of information. Information theory was developed by Claude E. Shannon to find fundamental limits on signal processing operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data. Since its inception it has broadened to find applications in many other areas, including statistical inference, natural language processing, cryptography generally, networks other than communication networks. A key measure of information is known as entropy, which is usually expressed by the average number of bits needed to store or communicate one symbol in a message. Entropy quantifies the uncertainty involved in predicting the value of a random variable. For example, specifying the outcome of a fair coin flip (two equally likely outcomes) provides less information (lower entropy) than specifying the outcome from a roll of a die Two references are great , the traditional is Elements of Information theory by Thomas Cover A more simpler and concept illustration book is Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms by David Mackay keywords=Information+Theory%2C+Inference+and+Learning+Algorithms+by+David+MackayYou can also use the video lectures of MacKay

(3) Solid Digital communication course

For graduate course of digital communications, Digital communications of proakis is a must You can use the MIT open course ware

(4) Solid wireless communication course

Two references are great in this topic The book of Andrea Goldsmith and David Tse book fundamentals of wireless communications ons%C2%94 You can also use the MIT online course

(5) Solid Digital signal processing course

I think using the book of proakis Digital Signal Processing 4th edition is solid start and then Haykin book Adaptive Filter Theory and for quicker reference I prefer reading the notes of Dr.Sultan

(6) Optimization course

Optimization is the selection of a best element (with regard to some criteria) from some set of available alternatives. In the simplest case, an optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real function by systematically choosing input values from within an allowed set and computing the value of the function. The generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics. More generally, optimization includes finding "best available" values of some objective function given a defined domain, including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains. I prefer Steven Boyd open course of Standford And its reference for sure

Advanced research topics

(1) Cognitive radio (2) Cooperative communication (3) Wireless sensor networks
No specific books are known, ju

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