Aria (From The Suite in D Major) by J. S. Bach, Arranged by Ward Swingle Mark Your Scores As Follows Measure Numbers

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Arla ln u 1

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1$"@ A(." -9(",B $B '(??(>B

1,$B.", C.)4,"B
number !"" Lhe measures of Lhls score consecuLlvely from 1-37. 1he flrsL endlng should be m. 12 and
Lhe second endlng m. 13.

D,/,"$? E()),/*B
8ead Lhe lnLroducLlon by Ward Swlngle. lf you pracLlce your parL uslng Lhe closed mouLh hum", be
sure Lo barely Louch your llps and keep loLs of space lnslde your mouLh. ln Lhose places where Lhe
muslc ls ln your upper reglsLer, modlfy Lhe sound wlLh a more open oo" lf needed.

lf you experlence Loo much Lenslon ln your LhroaL, slng lL on a doo" lnsLead. We wlll declde durlng our
rehearsal Llme wheLher Lo use Lhe close-mouLhed hum or Lhe 'doo - bah'.

Cross ouL Lhe Lrlll ln m. 36 (nexL Lo lasL measure).


lnLonaLlon ls absoluLely crlLlcal for Lhls plece Lo work, Lherefore l'd llke you Lo learn and be able Lo slng
Lhe plece uslng solfege. 1he key ls u ma[or, so Lhe noLe 'd' = do, 'e' = re, 'f' = ml, and so forLh. ?ou may
flnd lL helpful Lo llghLly pencll ln Lhe solfege leLLers (d for do, r for re, m for ml, f for fa, eLc.) ln your

use Lhe followlng syllables for Lhe accldenLals:
C naLural = Le
C sharp = fl
A sharp = sl
u sharp = dl

Cn Swlngle's recordlng Lhe soprano slngs Lhe alLo llne buL an ocLave hlgher. lf LhaL ls Loo hlgh or
uncomforLable slng lL as wrlLLen. We'll declde whaL works besL once we're LogeLher. Should we choose
Lo have Lhe sopranos double aL Lhe ocLave, mosL llkely lL wlll only be a small group. 1hls ls [usL a heads

1he Lempo ls qulLe slow. When you pracLlce Lhls, pulse Lhe elghLh noLe Lo keep from rushlng.

(8reaLhlng and phraslng noLes are on Lhe nexL page)

Arla ln u 2
8",$*+#/; $/< F+"$B#/;

SLagger breaLhlng LhroughouL as needed. See charL below for speclflc marklngs.

1,$B.", F$"*B 1$"@#/; !<<#*#(/$? I/B*".9*#(/B
M. 4 Sop, AlLo 8reaLh mark aL end of measure Change half noLe Lo a doLLed
quarLer and wrlLe ln an elghLh
resL - breaLhe on Lhe resL.
M. 9 Sop, AlLo 8reaLh mark before Lhe Lwo elghLh
erform as a qulck caLch breaLh
Mm. 12, 13 All 8reaLh mark aL end of measure Change whole noLe Lo a doLLed
half, lnserL a quarLer resL and
breaLhe on Lhe resL
M. 16 Sop, AlLo, 1enor n8
M. 17 Sop, AlLo, 8ass n8
M. 19 Sop, AlLo n8
Mm. 20-21 All n8
M. 21 All 8reaLhe aL end of measure
M. 23 Sop, AlLo 8reaLh mark afLer half noLe Change half noLe Lo doLLed
quarLer and breaLhe on Lhe
elghLh noLe resL
M. 27 Sop, AlLo n8
M. 29 Sop, AlLo 8reaLh mark afLer half noLe Change whole noLe Lo doLLed
half Lled Lo an elghLh noLe
followed by an elghLh resL -
breaLhe on Lhe resL
M. 33 Sop, AlLo n8

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